Effective masks for narrowing pores: professional and homemade. How to tighten pores on your face at home? Protein face mask tightening pores

Clogged pores not only look unsightly and make the complexion dull, but are also the main factor provoking the development of inflammatory phenomena. Available funds for cleansing pores, regularly used in home care behind the face, will effectively eliminate blackheads, prevent the appearance of acne and restore skin purity, freshness and radiance.


Effective pore cleaning at home

The main condition for the proper functioning of cells, their regeneration and the absence of peeling and irritation is their saturation with oxygen; these processes are fully ensured by regular cleansing of the skin. Enlarged pores most often bother owners of oily skin, and the main reason for their appearance is incorrectly selected or not regularly used cosmetics.

To effectively clean the pores on your face at home, it is important to properly create a skin care program, because using only a soap solution and an alcohol-containing toner is not enough. Basic facial care should include four stages: cleansing, toning, moisturizing, nourishing and protecting. Deep cleaning and narrowing of pores can be achieved using special masks, which are preceded by steaming procedures.

The composition of a cleanser for daily use should include components that provide an additional drying and astringent effect. Such components can be aloe, chamomile extract or lemon. You need to wash your face with this product twice a day. The final stage of facial cleansing is toning. Contains toners for oily and problem skin a component such as zinc oxide must be present. Then, after all manipulations, a moisturizer is applied that matches your skin type.

For deep cleaning It’s time to choose a homemade mask for yourself and do it twice a week. The “correct” mask will free pores from dirt (blackheads), toxins and accumulation of sebaceous secretions, narrow them, and improve appearance. Additional ingredients of the mask will saturate the skin with the necessary microelements and improve blood flow.

Once every 10 days, the facial skin needs to be freed from dead skin particles, for which exfoliating procedures must be carried out. These can be both professional and home peelings.

The main stages of cleaning pores

To achieve a positive effect, pore cleaning must be done in a certain sequence:

1. Steaming the face.

After removing makeup, it is necessary to soften the skin of the face and open the pores; hot herbal compresses or steam baths. Soak in a hot herbal decoction terry towel, squeeze lightly and apply to face. As it cools, wet the towel again. Keep for a total of 5 minutes, for dry skin 3 minutes is enough. Or breathe over the hot steam of a herbal infusion or decoction (chamomile, calendula, sage, St. John's wort). You can add 2 drops of your favorite essential oil to the infusion. This procedure is contraindicated for spider veins (rosacea), any skin diseases and high sensitivity of the facial skin.

2. Removing contaminants.

Masks or scrubs are suitable for this. homemade. They should be done twice a week for oily and combination skin and once a week for dry and normal skin. After the procedure, it is recommended to wash your face with cool water and pat your face dry with a towel using gentle movements.

You can also use ready-made factory formulations as scrubs, just remember to select them according to your skin type. For the dry type, soft-based products are suitable that do not injure or dry it out even more. For oily facial skin, you can use formulations with harsher abrasive particles.

3. Narrowing of pores.

A weak solution of hydrogen peroxide, aloe juice or lemon juice, green tea good to use instead of a pore-tightening toner. Pore-tightening masks also have a good effect.

4. Moisturize.

The final stage is intensive hydration faces. Fatty oil It is not recommended to use a cream with a high nutritional effect to avoid clogging of enlarged pores.

Before using any composition, it is necessary to test the skin for intolerance and allergic reactions.

Video: Clean pores yourself and get rid of blackheads.

Homemade Deep Cleanser Recipes

Salt scrub for deep cleaning of pores.

Salt (can be sugar, ground coffee) – 1 tsp.
Makeup remover and anti-pollution milk (or heavy cream) – 1 tsp.

Add salt to the milk and stir thoroughly. Take the resulting product and apply it with light massaging movements to a previously steamed and moisturized face, avoiding the area around the eyes and lips. During application Special attention should be given to the T-zone (nose, forehead, chin). Leave this scrub on your face for another minute and rinse with water at room temperature. To avoid skin trauma and the spread of infection, the product should not be used if there are acne or other inflammatory phenomena on the face.

Milk mask with gelatin for deep cleansing of pores.

Gelatin – 1 tbsp. l.
Milk – 1 tbsp. l.

Mix the ingredients in a ceramic bowl and microwave on high for 10 seconds. Allow the finished mixture to cool slightly to a warm state, and then apply the mixture using an unnecessary makeup brush onto a previously cleaned and steamed face, paying special attention to clogged pores in the T-zone. Keep it on your face for 15 minutes. During this time it will harden and turn into a dense film. It must be removed starting from the wings of the nose. All existing dirt, even deep plugs and black spots, will remain on it. A mask with gelatin can be made differently by adding protein. Heat the milk-gelatin mixture in a water bath until the gelatin is completely dissolved. Add the egg whites to the warm mixture and stir thoroughly. The application process is the same.

Oatmeal mask for deep cleansing of pores.

Oatmeal – 1 tbsp. l.
Milk for dry skin or warm water for oily skin – 2 tbsp. l.

Pour the flakes with a liquid suitable for your skin type and wait until they swell. Apply the mixture with light massaging movements onto a clean face, leave for five minutes and rinse with warm water. In addition to effectively cleansing pores, the mask nourishes and softens the skin, improves complexion.

Cucumber oil mask to cleanse pores.

Fresh cucumber – ½ vegetable.
Olive oil – 1 tbsp. l.
Sour milk – 1 tbsp. l.

Chop the cucumber on a fine grater and squeeze out the juice. Add butter and milk to the resulting cucumber mass. Apply the mask to a clean face and leave for 20 minutes. It is better to wash off the product with cool water.

Protein-lemon mask for cleaning pores.

Fresh chicken egg white – 1 pc.
Lemon juice – 2 tbsp. l.
Tea tree oil – 2-3 drops.

Beat the egg white thoroughly until foam forms, and then add lemon juice and the essential ingredient. Stir the mixture thoroughly and apply to a clean face, paying attention to clogged pores in the area of ​​the nose, forehead and chin. After 15 minutes, rinse the mask with cool water and wipe with anti-inflammatory lotion.

Yeast mask to tighten pores on the face.

Raw yeast – 1 tsp.
Hydrogen peroxide (3%) – 1 tsp.
Milk -1 tsp.

Mix the ingredients until the yeast is completely dissolved. Apply the composition immediately after cleansing with a mask and leave for 15 minutes, then wash with water at room temperature.

How to save the result

  1. Avoid using cosmetics that contain mineral oil, as it clogs pores and causes them to become dirty.
  2. Limit the use of oily, heavy creams; it is better to give preference to intense moisturizers.
  3. Instead of the usual foundation take a fluid with a light base.

By following all the recommendations, your face will acquire a healthy appearance, and your pores will become perfectly clean. If, after a month of regular care and use of deep cleansing masks, your pores are still clogged, consult a cosmetologist. You may need help from other specialists, since cosmetic imperfections on the face can be one of the consequences of improper functioning of the endocrine glands and many other disorders in the body.

Enlarged pores are one of the widespread problems among those with normal or oily skin types. But in addition to the unaesthetic appearance, this problem can cause inflammation of the pores, and, consequently, the appearance of acne and blackheads. For the most part, skin condition depends on genetics, which is impossible to argue with. But it can be improved with proper care and healthy image life.

Causes of enlarged pores

Most often, oily facial skin suffers from this defect, mainly the T-zone (forehead, wings of the nose and chin), and a little less often - the cheeks. The fact is that pores are designed to remove sebum from the body, and if too much of it is produced and the skin tone is weakened, they quickly increase in size. Wide pores are easily clogged with dirt, sebum accumulates in their trunks, comedones, inflamed pimples, etc. appear.

There are essentially two main reasons why this can happen - genetics and age.

There are many more provoking factors:

  • presence of bad habits;
  • use of cosmetics of inadequate quality;
  • hormonal changes in the body;
  • unhealthy lifestyle and constant stress;
  • impaired metabolism;
  • insufficient skin care.

Skin care rules

Most causes can be dealt with quickly, but careful skin care is still necessary. Therefore, for the epidermis with enlarged pores, there are its own rules for complete care. The main condition for good care of such skin is to prevent inflammation. Therefore, as preventive measures The following manipulations are used:

  • regular cleansing and use of non-traumatic peeling every other day;
  • complete make-up removal every evening;
  • Use warm or cool water to wash your face; do not steam such skin;
  • Ice cubes that can be used to wipe your face can be an excellent help for tightening pores;
  • To improve skin quality, you should also use cosmetics with zinc.

The use of pigment-constricting masks

For high-quality skin care with enlarged pores, it is important not only to choose the right composition of the product, but also to follow the recommendations without fail. Otherwise, instead of a positive and desired result, you may end up with problems with the skin:

Masks for narrowing pores

Enlarged pores require special care to avoid worsening the problem. And home remedies are an excellent alternative to salon treatments.

There are many home-made pigment-reducing masks that will help reduce the oiliness of the epidermis, get rid of acne and improve the quality of the skin.

Pore-tightening face masks can be made from a variety of commonly available and healthy ingredients to suit every taste.

Egg white

Chicken egg white is an excellent element for creating a pore-tightening mask at home. This ingredient not only reduces the main problem, but also improves general form epidermis and even promotes smoothing facial wrinkles. There are several options for using egg whites..


One of the most used ingredients in cosmetology is clay. It can smooth out wrinkles, eliminate blackheads and pimples.

A clay mask for tightening pores does not require any complex manipulations. You should take 40 grams of powder, mix with warm water until creamy and combine with a couple of drops of fennel oil and half a teaspoon of glycerin. Leave the mask on your face for 15 minutes.

If you mix blue clay, a tablespoon of honey and cucumber juice, you will get an excellent mask that tightens pores and gives the skin a pleasant matte finish.

Fruit masks

You can also use fruit to prepare a pigment mask at home. There are many recipes, so choose suitable option it won't be difficult:

Oat based

Oatmeal is a versatile ingredient. Products based on them have excellent nutritional properties, smooth out wrinkles, tighten pores and remove oily shine.

Thus, there are many skincare masks for tightening enlarged pores at home. All that remains is to choose the main ingredient to your liking.

Many people with oily skin face the problem of enlarged pores. It is because of them that most girls suffer from acne and pimples. But there is a solution - this is a mask that tightens the pores of the face.

Reasons for enlarged pores

Factors that contribute to the expansion of pores include: hormonal change in the body, unbalanced diet, not proper care skin care, heredity and the negative effects of sunlight.

With age, pores become increasingly larger and unsightly.

This occurs due to the skin's natural aging and excessive oil production.

Therefore, in the future, it is almost impossible to ignore this problem.

For your information! A mask for narrowing facial pores will instantly visually transform your face. It will give the skin healthy looking, smoothness and tenderness, smooth out small wrinkles and remove unevenness.

How to apply the mask correctly?

  • Before applying any mask to clean pores, you must first steam the skin over a steam bath.
  • There is no need to use a scrub or gel. Double cleansing can cause a lot of damage to your skin.
  • Before using the mask, to avoid allergies, test it on your wrist or elbow.
  • You should not keep the product on for more than 10-15 minutes; aggressive effects on skin cells will not bring positive results.
  • Masks for cleansing pores are washed off with warm water, slightly acidified with lemon juice.
  • To ensure an uninterrupted supply of oxygen, masks are made once every 10 days.

Masks for narrowing pores - homemade recipes

Recipe one

Fill in hot water(100 ml.) linden flowers (1 tbsp.). Heat the mixture over low heat until the linden is well infused and a thick consistency forms.

Mash the mixture to a thick paste. Apply a warm mask on your face in a thick layer. After 15 minutes, remove with a cotton pad or dry cloth.

Wash your face with cool water. Normal or dry skin should additionally be lubricated with a rich cream.

Recipe two

Mash the sliced ​​orange with a wooden spoon until smooth. Add egg white to the fruit and apply the mixture to the face, neck and décolleté (15 minutes is enough).

Cover your face with soft gauze pad, and after the time has passed, wash it off boiled water. Apply to face nutritious cream. The mask will refresh oily skin well and tighten pores.

In the same way, you can mix mashed strawberries with protein. However, in such a mask it is necessary to add starch (1 teaspoon) and vegetable oil(1 tsp.).

Keep the mixture for 15 minutes, wash off initially with warm water, and then rinse with cool water.

You can make a mask with protein and cranberry juice (0.5 teaspoon). The mask is applied in three layers, every 4 minutes. Wash off with freshly brewed green tea.

Recipe three

Mix salt, honey, warm milk and potato starch in equal proportions (1 teaspoon each). Apply the mixture to your face in several layers.

After 20 minutes, rinse off the mixture with warm and then cool water. This mask will help brighten and smooth the skin.

Recipe four

Grind oatmeal (2 teaspoons) using a coffee grinder. Blend the lemon zest to a powder.

Beat the white of one chicken egg and add to it lemon juice(1 teaspoon), lemon zest powder and flakes. Apply the mixture for 15 minutes.

Soak a cloth in warm water and remove the mask. Wash your face with cold water.

Recipe five

Take a tablespoon of herbs (elderflower, linden blossom, chamomile) and pour boiling water (200 grams). Boil the mixture for 10 minutes, and then strain through a fine strainer.

Add liquid honey (0.5 teaspoon) and oatmeal (enough to form a homogeneous paste) to the lukewarm broth. Apply the mixture in a thick layer to the skin.

After 15 minutes, rinse with warm water and then rinse with cool water.

Pore ​​cleansing mask - homemade recipes

Activated carbon mask

To prepare the mask you will need: milk (1 teaspoon), gelatin (0.5 teaspoon) and activated charcoal (half a tablet).

Grind the coal well and add gelatin to it. After this, add milk to the bulk materials and heat in a water bath until the components are completely dissolved (you can use a microwave instead of a water bath (heat the mask for 10 seconds)).

When the mixture has cooled a little, it is applied to previously steamed facial skin or to problem areas: nose, chin, forehead.

To do this, use a hard brush, and the mask itself is driven into the pores for better penetration. Another layer is applied on top.

When the mask is completely dry (approximately 15 minutes), remove it with a sharp movement. It is not recommended to make expressive facial expressions during the mask, otherwise the mask will not harden well.

At the end of the procedure, apply a little moisturizer.

Egg mask

Apply the beaten egg white to the skin using a whisk. Next, carefully glue the pieces of napkin so that they completely cover your face. Apply the white foam to the top again.

Try not to apply napkins and masks to your eyebrows. When the mixture is dry, carefully and slowly remove it.

Rinse off the remaining protein mask with warm water and apply the yolk, and when it dries, wash your face with warm water and gel.

Know! Yolks will very well moisturize the skin after cleansing, making it velvety and soft.

Mask with fruit and lactic acids on corn flour for deep skin cleansing

Thoroughly rub natural liquid honey (1.5 teaspoon) with the juice of half a lemon. Add natural yogurt to the ingredients (use 2 tablespoons, no dyes or additives).

Thicken the mask slightly with corn flour (1 tbsp.). This mask is applied to previously steamed and clean facial skin. The procedure is applied for 20 minutes.

After this, lightly massage the skin and wash off the mask with warm water.

Remember! Properly prepared DIY masks for porous facial skin will make your face pleasant to the touch and tender, and the admiring glances of others and nice compliments will become the best gift for your diligence.

Many girls with skin normal type and located towards oiliness, there is a problem such as wide pores. This significantly spoils the appearance, but in addition, this condition often leads to acne and pimples. But there is still a solution - special masks that narrow the pores on the face.

Causes of occurrence

Pores are ducts from which sebaceous oil is secreted to protect the skin from dehydration. Pore ​​enlargement occurs due to disruption of sebum production. The skin in this condition looks unkempt and dirty. It becomes a suitable environment for the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria, as a result of which rashes appear.

There are many different reasons why the pores on the face become clogged and enlarged, but here are some of the most common:

  1. Changes in hormonal levels. Excessive sebum production occurs in teenagers or adulthood.
  2. Incorrect care of the dermis. Using cosmetics that are unsuitable for your skin type, irregular cleansing, low-quality cosmetics. This also includes the consumption of harmful foods and harmful addictions, in particular smoking.
  3. Excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation, including solariums. UV radiation is extremely harmful to the skin, collagen fibers are destroyed, the dermis does not have time to renew itself, and the pores become enlarged.

Therefore, the problem can be prevented by taking care of regular skin care and following the principles healthy eating. It is also important to protect your face with cream with UV filters when going outside in the summer.

What are the options

Cosmetologists recommend several effective ways to combat enlarged pores. First of all, you need to periodically carry out the peeling procedure. After such manipulations, the upper layer of the epidermis is cleaned, the surface is leveled and the cells are restored. At home, various masks and scrubs help to cope with enlarged pores on the face.

Steam treatments also help to effectively cleanse and tighten pores. Once every 7-10 days, steam your face for a few minutes, then use a mask. The procedure will open clogged pores, remove impurities and get rid of excess fat. There are many recipes for masks for home use that help narrow pores. They cleanse the dermis, eliminate sebaceous shine, dry and renew cells.

The best homemade recipes

It’s not enough to know what to use to make products that tighten the pores on your face at home. It is important to apply the chosen recipe correctly. You must be careful when mixing the mask and adhere to the specified proportions. It is also important not to overexpose the mixture on the face, since improper manipulation, instead of narrowing the pores, can damage the skin and cause allergic itching or rash.

It is not advisable to use masks to narrow pores often, maximum 2-3 times a week. Before use, be sure to cleanse the skin and apply the mixture from bottom to top. The product is washed off with warm water, after which the skin should be moisturized with a special cream.

To care for oily skin with signs of age, alginate masks or products containing seaweed are needed. These components are characterized by antioxidant properties, help remove fluid waste, tighten pores and restore the natural complexion. In addition, the results from using such masks are cumulative, that is, regular use guarantees a lasting effect.

For whitening and slimming

Clay masks are ideal for reducing pores on your face at home. Such mixtures gently cleanse clogged skin, normalize complexion, and give it a fresh, healthy and well-groomed appearance.

A simple recipe using white clay: dilute kaolin (1 tbsp) with water until sour cream thickens, add lemon juice (1 tsp). Apply the product in a thick layer and wait until it dries completely. Then rinse carefully. This recipe is suitable for normal, oily and combination skin.

Pore ​​tightening products often contain natural ingredients such as herbal teas, clays, or fruit acids. Therefore, when preparing homemade masks, you should focus on these substances.

For tightening and tightening

Gelatin with honey are two ingredients to create a film mask that will cleanse the face of impurities, and also moisturize and nourish the skin, making it taut and elastic. To prepare the mask, you need honey (2 tsp), gelatin (2 tsp), glycerin and water, 4 tsp each. First, the gelatin is diluted with water, when the mixture has infused a little, you need to bring it to a homogeneous consistency in a water bath. Afterwards, the remaining components are added, and the mask is applied to the face in layers. The dried mass is removed after 25 minutes using a cotton swab soaked in cool water.

For cleaning and closing

And again the recipe homemade mask for the face, tightening pores, which contains clay. It is preferable to use blue clay; you need one tablespoon of powder. And also milk or cream (1 tbsp), honey (1 tsp), lemon juice (if your skin is oily).

To prepare, the clay is kneaded so that there are no lumps in it. Milk or cream is heated and added warm to the clay. Everything is thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Before adding honey, melt it in a water bath or in the microwave; if it is liquid, then there is no need to heat it. This ingredient is combined with a solution of clay and cream. The final stage is adding juice from a quarter of a lemon (girls with dry and normal skin skip this step). Everything is mixed again and the mask is ready for use.

The mixture should be applied to the skin in a thick layer, leaving only the area around the eyes and lips exposed. You need to keep the clay in the mixture until it dries out, as a rule, this will take 10-15 minutes. Afterwards the mask is washed off. This recipe helps narrow and cleanse pores; it is recommended to use it twice a week if your skin is oily and once a week if it is dry and normal.

If you have oily skin, then cleansing with regular cleansers is not enough. Classic clay masks of any color (but more often white or blue) help cleanse pores, normalize the secretion of sebaceous fat and eliminate existing inflammation. Also, regular use of a clay mask prevents the appearance of new acne due to its drying effect.

Comprehensive care

Honey is often found in recipes for masks to tighten pores; this component is universal and is suitable for any skin type, unless you are allergic to it. The honey mixture will provide a good cleansing effect, but it is worth remembering some recommendations to follow when applying it.

The simplest recipe honey mask from pores:

  • slightly warmed honey is applied to the face with patting movements strictly along the massage lines;
  • then continue patting with your fingers until the honey turns white and your hands begin to stick to it.

The entire massage procedure generally lasts 20-25 minutes. A massage with warm honey effectively cleanses the skin, draws out dirt from the pores and helps to narrow them. It is advisable to conduct a course of 10 procedures every other day.

For oily skin

An egg white mask works well to tighten pores and cleanse the skin from inflammation and acne. To prepare, you need to cool two whites, then beat them into a foam and add a spoonful of lemon juice to the egg mixture. Apply the product to the face in an even layer for 15 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

Moisturizing and tone

Oatmeal is a versatile ingredient for preparing home remedies that cleanse and tighten pores. In addition to these properties, an oatmeal mask provides nutrition and hydration to the skin, helps eliminate oily shine and copes with minor wrinkles.

The mixture is prepared according to the following recipe:

  • spoon of cereal;
  • apple cider vinegar (1 tbsp);
  • a little honey.

The oatmeal must first be crushed, add vinegar to the powder and mix until smooth. Honey is poured into the mixture in liquid form, so it needs to be melted in the microwave, but it is better in a water bath, since this will preserve all its beneficial properties. Everything is thoroughly mixed and applied to the face for 25 minutes.

The effect will be visible immediately after washing; the skin seems to come to life, becoming elastic, soft and toned. This effect of the product is explained by the use of ingredients with high tonic and nutritional properties.

Honey-oat mixture and vinegar can be used for any skin type, but more often this recipe is recommended for care in adulthood.

Oily skin needs hydration no less than dry skin, and at any time of the year, including summer. Most women make the same mistake, believing that in the summer they only need to dry the dermis, when it especially needs an additional mask or cream. Sufficient saturation with moisture will reduce the secretion of skin secretions, since its main task is to prevent dehydration. For other ways to tighten pores at home, watch the video:


Enlarged pores are a common problem, regardless of the characteristics of the skin. Lack of quality cleansing leads to the formation of acne, blackheads and inflammation. Home remedies for tightening pores are effective in dealing with this problem. But before applying useful mixtures, you need to thoroughly cleanse the skin with a scrub, hold your face over the steam or make a hot compress. Only then can you begin the procedure of applying the mask.

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Enlarged pores are a common problem that affects people with oily, normal and combination skin types. It looks unattractive, adds shine to the face, and leads to the appearance of acne and pimples. Pores are small openings in the dermis that play a major role in oxygen respiration. Thanks to the porous structure, sebaceous and sweat secretions seep through them, moisturize and protect the top layer. Wide pores stand out quite clearly on the forehead, chin, nose, and cheeks.

This factor leads to rapid contamination of pores, provoking inflammatory processes and the occurrence of acne. Masks for contraction can be purchased in pharmacies or made independently at home. This will solve the problem and help improve the condition of the skin, making it healthy. To tidy up your face, reduce oiliness, get rid of acne, comedones, blackheads and inflammation, there is a wide variety of pigment tightening products. The fight against such problems should be solved as early as possible so as not to aggravate the situation and not bring the disease to an acute form. To do this, you should regularly cleanse the dermis and moisturize it. This must be done 2-3 times a week.

Causes of enlarged pores

Skin prone to oiliness and inflammation suffers from this defect. If the pores cannot cope with large secretions of the sebaceous glands, they quickly enlarge and become clogged with fat and dirt. This provokes the appearance of inflammatory rashes and acne. There are two main reasons for enlarged pores - age and a genetic predisposition to the problem.

There are additional provoking factors:

  • bad habits;
  • hormonal changes in the body;
  • use of low quality cosmetics;
  • improper facial skin care;
  • violation of metabolic processes;
  • stressful situations.

Proper care of the dermis will help prevent the appearance of enlarged pores: cleansing, moisturizing, nourishing and softening. Soft scrubs and tightening masks normalize sebum secretions.

Skin care rules

Taking care of the dermis with enlarged pores is difficult. Positive result can provide cleansing scrubs and masks from natural products: cosmetic clay, aloe extracts, eggs, starch, fruits, vegetables and citrus fruits. The main factor of proper care is to prevent the occurrence of inflammatory processes. Preventive measures will help with this:

  • regular gentle cleansing, use peeling every 2-3 days;
  • thorough make-up removal every evening;
  • washing only with warm or cool mineral water;
  • using ice cubes to wipe your face;
  • the use of cosmetic mixtures with zinc.

Squeezing pimples or blackheads at home is not allowed. Mechanical procedures are recommended to be carried out in beauty salons.

The use of pig-constricting masks

To narrow enlarged pores, you need to choose the right product, know how to apply it, and follow safety precautions. In addition, it is not recommended to keep the mixture on your face for longer than the time specified in the instructions, and also to carefully study the composition, pay attention to the expiration date and storage conditions.

  1. Recommendations for using masks:
  2. Use no more than 3 times a week.
  3. Apply the mixture only to the cleansed dermis, lubricating the face from bottom to top.
  4. Maintain no more than the time specified in the instructions.
  5. Rinse with warm water or a decoction of medicinal herbs.
  6. Provide hydration and nutrition with suitable means.

Carry out the procedure in a horizontal position with complete relaxation.


  • For enlarged pores, you should purchase masks, tinctures and ointments with the following ingredients:
  • salicylic acid - to combat the increased activity of the sebaceous glands;
  • plant extracts - for healing wounds and fighting inflammatory rashes;
  • essential oils – to relieve irritation and inflammation;
  • seaweed - to narrow pores and protect the dermis from germs and bacteria;
  • acids – for exfoliation, removal of dead epithelial cells;
  • vitamins – for deep nutrition of tissue cells.

Masks containing lactic, glycolic or salicylic acid are not used on a regular basis.


Enlarged pores give the face an unaesthetic appearance, become easily dirty, and lead to the appearance of blackheads and pimples. Cleansing products will help clear them and narrow them. To solve the problem, masks with the following effects are recommended:

  • regulation of the sebaceous glands;
  • deep hydration of the dermis;
  • cleansing and narrowing the porous structure;
  • elimination of oily shine and blackheads;
  • relieving inflammation and pain;
  • improvement of the tone and shade of the dermis.

Try it best recipes homemade masks collected.

Rating of the best

To narrow pores, it is recommended to choose products with a low alcohol content that can enrich the epidermis with moisture, vitamins and nutrients. Pay attention to the advantages and disadvantages of the product. Correctly determine your skin type and the optimal composition of the mixture to solve skin problems. Try also hydrogel masks for moisturizing, described in.

Dr.Konorka`s Cooling to tighten pores

The Estonian brand Doctor Konopka offers a cooling mask to tighten pores, moisturize and cleanse. White clay, essential oils of rosemary, chamomile, marshmallow, witch hazel and organic menthol extract will improve skin condition and absorb excess oil.

The product has bactericidal and antiseptic properties, tightens the dermis, improves the functioning of blood vessels, tones and softens. The mask has a pleasant aroma and light texture, spreads evenly over the face and does not run down. Disadvantages: temporary effect. It is also worth trying grape mask recipes.

Garnier Steaming SkinActive Volcano Mask

Garnier's facial skin care product has absorbent properties due to volcanic particles. SkinActive Volcano mask with natural clay deeply cleanses pores and dries out rashes. The mixture has an anti-inflammatory effect, can prevent the appearance of enlarged pores and get rid of impurities. Red brick color mask with a pleasant aroma and thick consistency. Conveniently spreads onto the skin, does not run off, and is easily washed off. Cons: does not cleanse pores well, weak warming effect.

The Israeli company Gigi Lotus Beauty recommends the Astrigent mask for all skin types, including pigmented ones, starting from 25 years. The product has a therapeutic and rejuvenating effect. Kaolin, green tea extract and AHA acids will deeply nourish cells, moisturize and tighten pores. The mixture can normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, tighten pores and absorb excess sebum. Lemon acid The composition will remove pigment spots and the effects of post-acne, and dry out acne. The GIGI mask will give your skin freshness, a feeling of cleanliness and comfort. It has a light green color and thick texture. Disadvantages: does not dry well, high price. You can also try to eliminate pigmentation.

Biobeauty Biomask No. 6 “Narrowing of pores, tightening”

The Russian manufacturer of the Bio beauty brand offers a “pore narrowing and tightening” mask for problematic, age-related, aging and dry dermis. Has an immediate visible effect and improves the condition of the epidermis. Natural zeolite with silver and copper ions, kaolin, Dead Sea salt, St. John's wort, chamomile and yarrow nourish the deep layers of the dermis with vitamins, moisturize and soften.

The product cleanses and narrows pores, tightens turgor, starts the process of regeneration and healing, and has a cumulative effect. Must be prepared immediately before application. Cons: very drying, weak tightening effect. All have amazing cleansing properties.

Caudalie Cleansing (MASQUE PURIFIANT) The French cosmetic brand Kadali offers a PURIFIANT cleansing mask for oily and combination dermis. Essential oils

Lavender, cypress and sage cleanse pores, remove oily shine, and make the face clean and fresh. Kaolin, flaxseed, chamomile extract and zinc can absorb, cleanse, soothe and regenerate metabolic processes. It has a pleasant aroma, is easy to apply and washes off without problems. Fights inflammatory processes, reduces the visibility of blackheads, dries out acne, evens out the tone of the dermis. Cons: small volume, poor cleansing.

CHRISTINA (Christina) porcelain mask astringent Israeli cosmetics “Christina” recommends the Porcelain porcelain mask for oily and problematic dermis with enlarged pores and acne., marine collagen, triclosan, kaolin, sulfur, zinc oxide and mimosa extract normalize the secretion of the sebaceous glands and pH balance. They have the ability to tone and refresh, and have anti-inflammatory properties. The product soothes pain, lightens age spots, and makes the face smooth as porcelain. It has a pigment-constricting and antiseptic effect. Disadvantages: small volume, poorly washed off, poor cleansing, high price. Try making a mask with oatmeal for cleansing according to recipes collected from.

Face mask (comfort zone) Active purity mask

The Italian brand “Comfort Zone” recommends the “Active Purity” mask for oily and combination skin. A mixture of green and white clay with natural garcinia extract, as well as polyhydroxy acids and algae help fight acne and its consequences. They have antibacterial and antioxidant effects. Removes oily shine, inflammation, cleanses, supports water balance

. The product has a pleasant aroma and light texture. Disadvantages: high cost. It is also worth trying detox masks collected in.

Eisenberg Masgue purifiant cleansing face mask The Italian cosmetics company Eisenberg offers a purifiant cleansing mask for oily and combination dermis. Kaolin, green clay

, camphor, montmorillonite and rice powder cleanse the deep layers of tissue, remove excess sebum and toxic substances. The product dries out acne and rashes, tightens pores, gives freshness and makes the skin smooth and elastic. It has a soft texture and a pleasant smell, easy to apply. Cons: does not narrow well, high price.

To prevent the mixture from drying out and dehydration of the dermis, during the procedure you should spray your face with thermal water from a spray bottle.

Pharmacy products You can use it to tighten pores pharmaceuticals containing glycolic and salicylic acid. Before purchasing, you need to familiarize yourself with the characteristics of the mixture, composition and customer reviews. less often called.

allergic reactions

Tincture of calendula The liquid is able to eliminate excess sebum, cleanse enlarged pores, and fight acne and acne. Reduces the visibility of age spots, dries and prevents acne.

Helps with the healing of cuts and wounds. Alcohol tincture has regenerating properties and normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Disadvantages: the product is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to calendula; it greatly dries out the dry type of dermis. Cost 40 ml from 15 rubles.

The natural origin of the product will help cope with swelling, bruising and redness. It has an absorbent effect and fights hematomas of various natures. Cleanses, tightens pores, eliminates blackheads.

It has the ability to tighten facial muscles, eliminate scars, scars and acne spots. Regenerates the process of collagen and elastin production, reduces stretch marks, whitens pigmentation. Disadvantages: may cause allergic reactions and hyperemia of the dermis in the areas of application. Price from 50 rubles.


To choose a natural cosmetic product, you need to know about the properties of each type. Clay is able to cope with enlarged pores, clean them and narrow them. Removes toxins and free radicals, improves blood circulation, regenerates metabolic processes. The product helps fight age-related changes, age spots, pimples and blackheads. It has a lifting effect, gives the dermis freshness, elasticity and a healthy appearance. Has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. Cons: When it dries out, it draws moisture from tissue cells. Cost 60 g from 40 rubles. Properties are determined by the type of main product.



  1. Enlarged pores are typical for oily, combination and normal skin types.
  2. They may appear on the cheeks, nose, forehead and chin.
  3. Masks for cleaning and narrowing the porous structure of the dermis will help combat the problem.
  4. The main reasons for the appearance of enlarged pores are genetic inheritance and age.
  5. Masks for tightening and cleansing are selected according to skin type, composition and characteristics of the product. Many have the necessary properties.
  6. Mixtures have contraindications.