How can you cure sore nails? Treatment of fingernails and toenails after gel polish, extensions. Traditional recipes, pharmaceuticals, IBX system. Compresses using kombucha

Our nails are susceptible to many diseases - fungus, infections, brittleness, peeling... How to return them to a healthy and well-groomed appearance? We will tell you what there are nail diseases and how to deal with them.

Major nail diseases

Every woman wants her hands to always be well-groomed. This is a symbol of health and beauty. Due to poor diet, lack of vitamins or infection nails become brittle and layered.

1. Onychomycosis

Onychomycosis is a painful and unpleasant disease caused by a fungal infection. The disease appears as a result of tissue damage by tiny fungal microorganisms, to which toenails are especially sensitive.

So, onychomnycosis is a type of mycosis. It can have different manifestations: for example, you may notice that the edge of the nail has raised, and underneath it there is gray skin. White spots may appear on the nails, which should serve as an alarm signal.

Another possible symptom is a noticeable roughening of the skin folds surrounding the nail. With this disease, nails quickly become brittle and layered.

How to treat onychomycosis?

The main advice is do not try to treat onychomycosis yourself. It is better to consult a doctor so that he can make an accurate diagnosis based on the test results. Treatment will depend on the type of infection affecting the nails.

There are three main types of fungal microorganisms that cause onychomycosis:

  • yeast fungi
  • mold fungi.

If your nails are affected by dermatophytes, you will be prescribed the necessary creams that will soften the nails and help remove the infection. Other types of fungal infections are usually treated with tablets.

You should not self-medicate. However, during the course of treatment prescribed by the doctor, You can prepare several simple natural remedies to relieve inflammation:

  • Add to spoon olive oil 3 drops of tea tree oil. Dip a cotton swab into this mixture and apply to the damaged nail. Repeat this procedure for 20 days. It's very simple! Tea tree oil can be easily purchased at a pharmacy or natural food store.
  • Dip the finger with the infected nail into a container with lemon juice. Treatment will also take 20 days.
  • A glass of apple cider vinegar will also come to the rescue, in which you should soak a finger with a nail damaged by infection. After the procedure, dry your finger thoroughly with a napkin. The course of treatment is 10 days.

2. Ingrown toenail

- This is a very common disease. The scientific name for this nail disease is onychocryptosis. With it, the edge of the nail (most often on thumb legs) grows into the skin, causes pain and provokes infection.

This can happen for many reasons:

  • something heavy fell on my leg
  • you have been walking in tight, uncomfortable shoes for a long time
  • you damaged your nail as a result of any activity
  • the nail is too weak by nature and is often subject to similar problems

How to treat an ingrown toenail?

  • Treatment of ingrown toenails in most cases requires medical intervention. Infection can cause complications.
  • Remember the main rule: It is easier to prevent any disease than to cure it. You should give Special attention prevention of onychocryptosis. For example, pay attention to the shape of your nails. Always cut them straight, not round or oval shape, otherwise the edges of the nail may cut into the skin.
  • There are several home remedies to treat ingrown toenails. It is best to use products that act as natural antibiotics and can relieve inflammation and infection.

For example, place a clove of garlic on the damaged nail, apply a bandage over it, and leave it overnight. It is also helpful to soak the injured finger in onion juice (for about 20 minutes).

Repeat these simple procedures every day for a week and Wipe your fingers well after finishing the procedure each time.

In addition, salt water baths are considered a very effective remedy for this nail disease. It’s easy to prepare: just fill a bowl with water, add 5 tablespoons of sea salt to the water and stir. Take this foot bath for 20 minutes. You will soon notice the result!

3. Peeling nails

Another common problem is flaking, peeling nails.

Thin layers, similar to scales, begin to separate from the nails. Nails look untidy and cling to clothes... And besides, peeling nails are a sign of health problems.

Among the most common diseases, it is worth noting problems with, dehydration, chemical poisoning of the body, poor diet, lack of sleep, anxiety, stress or other problems of the nervous system.

How to treat peeling nails?

It is best not to delay or try to ignore the problem. See a dermatologist as soon as possible. The doctor will prescribe necessary tests and prescribe treatment in accordance with the diagnosis.

If you have nail disease, you can speed up recovery: Include foods high in calcium, vitamins A, B and D in your diet and exclude those that interfere with the absorption of calcium (for example, coffee).

It is also helpful to drink plenty of water and eat fruits and vegetables to prevent peeling nails. Here are some more useful tips:

  • Don't use cheap, poor quality nail polishes. They may contain chemicals that damage nails.
  • Buy special anti-flaking nail enamel at the pharmacy. and cover your nails with it at least 3 times a week.
  • Do not cut or tear off the loose scales, so as not to damage your nails even more.
  • Take note of the simple effective remedy: Soak your fingers in a bowl for 3 minutes. Repeat this procedure at least 2 times a week.
  • To get rid of peeling and moisturize your nails, use olive oil. It's simple and effective natural remedy perfectly nourishes and moisturizes nails.

Peeling nails are unsightly and cause anxiety. It is not recommended to ignore this problem, since without proper treatment and systematic prevention it can lead to serious consequences.

Not easy. There are many hidden reasons for this problem, but by observing certain conditions, this trouble can be avoided.

Causes of splitting nails: external and internal

Nail splitting- a fairly common problem that can arise due to many reasons, including both external and internal.
The following external reasons can be identified:

environmental impact in severe frosts or too hot weather, nails can become dry, which can lead to brittleness and splitting; going outside It is recommended to protect your hands with seasonal gloves;
exposure to household chemicals When working at home or in the garden, you must remember that chemicals have a negative effect on the skin of the hands and nail plate; penetrating the nail structure, they destroy its integrity, which leads to delamination;
water temperature try not to put your hands in cold or cold conditions for a long time hot water , this also negatively affects the condition of the nails; try to keep the temperature slightly above room temperature; It is not recommended to keep your hands in water for a long time - the nail plate softens, and excess moisture has a destructive effect on the integrity of its structure;
excessive passion for extensions this procedure is carried out with slight deformation of the nail surface to ensure maximum adhesion to the artificial plate; penetration of glue into the structure of the nail also adversely affects its condition; It is recommended to alternate extensions with restorative procedures.
nail plate injuries can lead to structure destruction and delamination; If the nail is broken or injured, be sure to trim it with nail scissors, do not bite or break off.
Internal problems can also lead to the problem of nail plate delamination.
weakening of the body due to past illnesses after serious illnesses, pay attention to the condition of your nails- they also weaken, lose healthy color, become brittle and peeling, so when restoring the body, do not forget about the nails (strengthening procedures, they need vitamins).
lack of vitamins and microelements not all and - diagnostics should be carried out in order to find out whether the body has enough vitamins and microelements for the full growth of nails and their healthy condition;
diets If you are keen on diets, remember that by trying to reduce your food intake, you are also reducing the intake of necessary substances into your body; by taking care of your figure, you can harm the condition of your nails; If you notice that your diet has a negative impact on the condition of your nails, it is recommended to either adjust your diet or completely abandon it.

Regardless of the reason for which the nails began to peel, it is necessary to urgently respond to what is happening, otherwise healthy looking it will be difficult to restore.

The separation may go away on its own after some time, but it is better to help the nails with simple and affordable procedures. The main thing is to carry them out not from case to case, but systematically and comprehensively..

Strengthening peeling nails

If your nails begin to peel, be sure to try to find out the possible cause of the disease and eliminate it. To protect your nails, follow these rules:

Protect your hands with gloves whenever you go outside, especially on hot days and low temperatures;

Try not to come into contact with household chemicals unless your hands are protected with gloves;

Be sure to periodically take a course of vitamins that strengthen your nails;

Be attentive to your diet: eat foods containing vitamins A, D;

regularly do procedures that strengthen the nail structure and nourish it; even if there are no visible signs of delamination, do it for prevention;

Apply a cream to your hands every day that will help soften the skin of your hands and cuticles and strengthen your nails.

Treating split nails at home

To strengthen the nail plate, it is not necessary to visit salons and undergo expensive procedures. , to do this, make it a rule to periodically, if the dissection does not require serious treatment, do the following procedures:

Compresses with oils. are able to soften the nail plate and nourish it with essential nutrients. Olive, castor, burdock oil, pine and cedar oils.

They nourish the weakened structure, filling it with necessary substances, and internally strengthen the nail plate. Compresses are best done at night.

Apply a small amount of oil to cotton pads, wrap your nails and place them in cosmetic gloves to prevent the pads from moving. You can keep such compresses all night, and in the morning remove the remaining oils with the same discs and apply your usual hand cream.

Rubbing in oil. If for some reason you are unable to make compresses, you can apply oil to the nail plate several times a day, light massage movements rubbing them into the nail. The convenience of this procedure is that it can be done even at the workplace, since it does not take much time.

Massage. It is recommended to massage your hands during the procedures, especially your fingers in the area of ​​nail growth. This stimulates blood circulation, which leads to normalization of the supply of necessary nutrients to the nail plate.

Sealing nails with wax.. Beeswax, most often used during sealing, contains a huge amount of useful substances that can penetrate the structure of the nail itself and saturate it. By forming a protective layer on the surface of the nail plate, wax makes the nails less permeable, and substances that adversely affect its structure do not penetrate, which helps stop delamination.

Paraffin therapy. An alternative procedure to sealing nails. Immerse your nails in melted and diluted oils for half a minute cosmetic paraffin, you fill the cracks on the surface of the nail, thereby strengthening it.

After 5-7 dives, put cosmetic gloves on your hands and walk around in them for 2-3 hours. Rub the remaining paraffin into the surface of the nail. Paraffin therapy is useful in cold weather when nails are exposed to low temperatures. The procedure warms up the blood vessels, improving blood circulation and stimulating the supply of nutrients.

Nail baths. When nails split, it is not recommended to take baths frequently, since water, penetrating into the structure of the nail, not only nourishes it, but also softens it. But you shouldn’t give up baths at all; it’s better to choose the right ingredients: when nails are splitting, it’s not recommended to take baths with salt, soda or iodine - they can aggressively affect the surface of the nail plate, causing even greater splitting. But oils 1-2 times a month will be useful for treating separation.

When nails split It is not recommended to straighten nails using various scrubs, since they will only destroy the surface of the nail. Do not smooth the surface with polishing files. If the splitting starts from the edge of the nail, it is better to trim it, as if it becomes thin, it will break, which can lead to injury.

Prevention of splitting nails

Splitting nails are easier to prevent than to treat, so regardless of whether your nails are susceptible to this disease or not, make it a rule to periodically, several times a month, carry out procedures that can help strengthen your nails.

Pay attention to nutrition! Delamination is provoked by a lack of vitamins and microelements. Introduce dairy products containing calcium, vegetables, legumes and fruits into your diet. If necessary, take a course of vitamins.
Don't get carried away with extensions. Be sure to take a recovery break during which you will take care of your nails. Beautiful nails– this is not only a delightful manicure, but also a healthy look. And splitting nails does not make them attractive.

Do not bite the burrs, process the edges only with small files. When processing the edges with a nail file, make sure that they remain smooth and do not cling to hair or clothing. Be sure to file down the broken nail, as an uneven edge can cause the fragment to peel off and cause further delamination. When manicuring, try not to injure the nail plate: damage violates the integrity and can lead to delamination.

Remember: Nails need to rest too! Give them a “vacation” several times a year! At this time, try not to paint them with decorative varnish and reduce the length. Pamper your nails with restorative and nourishing treatments. Taking care of your nails every day will definitely affect their appearance and health.

Nails are horny plates located on the back surface of human fingers. They are one of the areas most susceptible to various diseases and injuries, along with the skin and mucous membranes, as they are constantly in contact with an aggressive external environment. Pathological processes can cause violations of the integrity of the nail and the appearance of all kinds of complications. To avoid the development of pathologies, you should promptly pay attention to alarming symptoms and begin treatment.

Onychomycosis is a fungal infection of the nail plate. The disease can spread to one nail or several. In severe cases, the epidermis, epithelial membranes and hair are also affected. Most often, the pathology develops due to the proliferation of dermatophyte fungi in the patient’s body, which feed on keratin.

Attention! In most cases, onychomycosis initially affects the nail plates on the toes, and why does the patient himself transfer the infection to his hands?

Infection most often occurs when the patient visits public places, where the most favorable conditions are created for the reproduction and transmission of the pathogen. The fungus can persist for a long time in warm and humid areas. Cork and wooden surfaces pose a particular epidemic risk, as they have a porous surface. In these microholes, the fungus can exist for several years in a spore state.

Attention! Autoimmune onychomycosis also occurs. With this pathology, pathogens located in the human body, due to severe weakening immune system begin to actively multiply and affect the nail plates.

The disease manifests itself with the following symptoms:

  • feeling of itching and burning of the skin around the nail;
  • deformation of the nail plate, the appearance of depressions, “waves” and creases;
  • change in nail color, appearance of gray, whitish or yellowish spots on the nail;
  • delamination and fragility of the nail plate;
  • peeling of the skin around the nail, the appearance of dry plaques and cracks;
  • formation of weeping papules in the interdigital spaces.

Therapy for onychomycosis includes the following measures:

  1. Treatment of the nail and nail bed with products with an antiseptic effect. It is recommended to select drugs with a fungicidal, that is, antifungal, effect. The most commonly used solution Fukortsin or Castellani. You need to wipe the affected area twice a day.
  2. Keratolytic patches are used to peel off nails affected by fungus: Mycospor, Junlei etc.
  3. Application of special varnish coatings to the nail plate to destroy the pathogen: Irunin, Lotseril.
  4. The use of ointments and gels with fungicidal action. Most drugs also have an analgesic, cooling and antipruritic effect. The most popular are Acyclovir, Mycomax, Terbizil and etc.


Psoriasis – chronic illness non-infectious origin, which in most cases affects the epidermis. This pathology is included in the group of lichens, but is of an autoimmune nature and is not transmitted from person to person. Psoriatic nail lesions are quite rare. In most cases, it manifests itself as a syndrome of psoriasis of the epidermis or joints.

Attention! In rare cases, nail psoriasis develops as an independent disease. In this case, it can be quite difficult to differentiate it from onychomycosis.

Symptomatic manifestations of pathology directly depend on the form of psoriasis. Most often, patients experience the following: manifestations diseases:

  1. Itching and burning of the epidermis around the nail, peeling and the appearance of scales and cracks.
  2. The appearance of an inflamed, hyperemic border around the perimeter of the affected nail bed.
  3. Changes in the structure and color of the nail. The nail plate quickly deteriorates and becomes grayish or yellow-brown in color. When pressed hard, the nail bends or crumbles.
  4. On the surface of the nail plate, grooves, depressions and loose areas of dull yellow color are formed.
  5. Due to the thinning of the nail, capillaries and petechiae - small subcutaneous hemorrhages - can be visible through it.

Damage to the nail plate with psoriasis

Treatment nail psoriasis is usually based on the use of topical agents:

  1. Creams containing steroids. Hormone-containing drugs are aimed directly at eliminating the pathological autoimmune process. In most cases, specialists prescribe Triamcinolone or Prednisolone.
  2. Medicines with vitamin D3. They are necessary to strengthen the nail plate and stop the formation of psoriatic plaques. Used for the treatment of psoriasis Taklonex, Tacalcinol And Daivonex.
  3. Medicines with a dermatotropic effect. They are aimed at reducing the formation of pathological cells and, as a result, reducing the clinical symptoms of the disease or forming remission. For psoriatic nail lesions it is used Dithranol, Dimexide, Anthralin.
  4. Salicylic acid solution. You need to wipe the affected area with this product daily to remove keratinized particles and plaque that have formed on the surface of the nail.

Attention! It is recommended to use products containing corticosteroids for no more than 5-7 days in a row. Only a doctor can prescribe the medication regimen and dosage.

Physiotherapy is also used as part of complex therapy: magnetic wave procedures, phonopheresis, ultraviolet treatment and local baths.

Attention! Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease. To prevent relapse of the pathology, it is necessary to maintain the normal functioning of the immune system.

Onychoschisis is a disorder in which the nail plate is destroyed due to destructive-dystrophic processes. Pathology can develop as an independent process caused by exogenous or endogenous factors, or in the form of a syndrome in various diseases, for example, fungal infection nail

Externally, the disorder manifests itself as fragility and brittleness of the nail plate. During a clinical examination by a specialist, a change in the color and texture of the nail is often noted. Onychoschisis can develop due to the following provoking factors:

  • mechanical damage to the nail;
  • use of low-quality varnishes and means for their removal;
  • deficiency of vitamins and minerals in the patient’s body;
  • autoimmune pathological reactions, including allergies;
  • direct contact with aggressive substances, household chemicals;
  • thermal burn.

To quickly restore the nail plate, the patient is advised to use vitamins of group A. In most cases, it is necessary to take the drug for at least 4-6 months. The patient is also prescribed a course of intramuscular injections vitamins B6-B12.

Various oils are used for local action directly on the damaged nail: sea ​​buckthorn, olive, anise etc. It is also recommended to do every 3-4 days hand baths with gelatin and masks made of natural wax.

If the pathological process has completely affected the nail and the skin around it, then the patient needs to apply antiseptic dressings. Place sterile gauze soaked in a weak solution of potassium permanganate or hydrogen peroxide directly on the nail. The compress is secured on top with a clean bandage. This bandage will prevent infection from getting on the wound surface and prevent the development of complications.

For onychoschisis, it is also carried out physiotherapy. It includes phonophoresis procedures and baths with the addition of essential oils.

Attention! Onychoschisis often develops as a result of a deficiency of nutrients and elements in the patient’s body. To prevent this disease, it is recommended to take a course of vitamins A and E once every 6-12 months.

Video - Diagnosis by nails


Panaritium is an acute inflammatory process, which usually results in the formation of suppuration at the base of the nail. In most cases, pathology occurs against the background of a local infectious process. Panaritium can also form on the palmar surface of the hand, but much more often it affects the nail and the area of ​​skin around it. This is due to the abundance of small wounds, cracks and hangnails. Through such damage to the epidermis, the infection easily enters the body and causes acute inflammation. Pathology extremely rarely occurs in an erased form. There are a huge number of nerve endings located in the periungual area of ​​the finger, which is why the panaritium gives the patient intense pain.

In a typical course, the disease manifests itself with the following symptoms:

  • intense, throbbing pain in the affected area;
  • suppuration, the formation of a strip of pus at the base of the nail;
  • pronounced hyperemia, tension of the skin of the periungual fold;
  • local hyperthermia of the affected area, burning sensation;
  • when the infection spreads - throbbing pain in the hand, acute deterioration in health, fever.

Attention! Panaritium – dangerous disease. The specific anatomy of the finger contributes to the rapid development of the infectious process and damage to deep tissues, including bones and joints. That is why, when pathology appears, you must immediately contact a surgeon.

Panaritium is treated with operational interventions. If necessary, the doctor anesthetizes the affected area, although in most cases the skin around the abscess loses sensitivity. After the panaritium is opened and thoroughly drained. If necessary, after surgery the patient is prescribed antibacterial drugs of both local and general action. Most widely used erythromycin And tetracycline ointment.

If the panaritium is immature, then to stimulate the formation of an abscess the patient is advised to undergo physiotherapy: ultraviolet treatment, heat exposure and darsonvalization of the affected area.

The operation to remove felon is performed on an outpatient basis and lasts about 10-15 minutes. After the procedure, a sterile bandage with an antibacterial agent is applied to the affected area.

Nail damage as a symptom

In some cases, violation of the integrity of the nail plate indicates the development in the body of more extensive and severe pathological processes. In this case, destruction or deformation of the nail is only a sign of an underlying disease that requires urgent attention to a specialist.

Nail breaking. Weak, flaking, thin, dry nails. Treatment. Folk remedies.

Unfortunately, the condition of nails worries many women. I really want to see them beautiful and healthy. But very often it takes a lot of effort to achieve this goal. Brittle and weak nails, thin, flaking and dry nails are a fairly common occurrence. The reason for this may not only be external factors such as prolonged exposure to water, acids and alkalis, but also disruption of the body. Some diseases can be diagnosed by nails. Thus, brittle nails are a sign of impaired metabolism in the body; in addition, nails begin to split if there are problems with the ovaries.

Strengthening brittle and weak nails at home includes, first of all, nourishing them with a special nail oil and using a medicated cuticle cream. When applying oil, special attention should be paid to the area along the contour of the nail. The cuticle care cream is rubbed into the base of the nail using smooth circular movements. The softened cuticle can be carefully pushed back, allowing the nail to breathe. The composition of commercially available ready-made preparations for strengthening nails can be very diverse. To enhance nail growth, liposomes and substances are usually introduced to stimulate the formation of new cells in the growth area of ​​the nail plate. To strengthen and increase resistance to the harmful effects of the external environment, vitamin C, keratin, amino acids, and proteins are included directly in the creams. Creams with such additives should be applied to hands after each contact with water.

Masks and compresses for strengthening thin nails and brittle nails can be prepared independently at home.

Wax-based nourishing cream works well. To prepare it, you need to take and mash a boiled yolk, add a little beeswax to it and put it on water bath When the wax melts, add it little by little Peach oil until the cream thickens. Apply the cream daily at night and wear cotton gloves.

Strengthening nails at home. Nail baths. Folk remedies. Treatment.

Add a few drops of liquid vitamin A and three drops of iodine to warm vegetable oil. Dip your fingers into the bath and hold for 15 minutes. Dry and do not wet for several hours. Do the procedure three times a week.,

Using the same principle, you can make a bath with warm vegetable oil. Iodine can be replaced with lemon juice.,

Mix vegetable oil and apple cider vinegar in equal proportions. The duration of the bath is 15-20 minutes.

It is good to alternate baths with the procedure of immersing your fingers in regular lemon. Then cut the lemon in half and stick your fingertips into it for 10 minutes.

A bath with sea ​​salt. Add tea to warm water. a spoonful of sea salt without aromatic additives. Hold your fingers for 10-15 minutes. This bath can be done every other day, or for prevention - once a week.

You can steam half a glass of elm leaves with boiling water, put it in the refrigerator, dilute with warm water before use and take daily baths.

Mix two tablespoons vegetable oil and half a glass of green tea. Before going to bed, dip your fingers in this mixture for 10-15 minutes.

Take one teaspoon of pine needles or dried chamomile flowers, brew a glass of boiling water, add half a glass of strongly brewed green tea, cool slightly and put your hands in the broth for 20-30 minutes. Herbal decoctions can be prepared for future use, stored in the refrigerator and reheated before use.

Dissolve half a tablespoon of gelatin powder in a glass of boiling water, let it cool and put it in your hands for 10-15 minutes. Take a bath 2-3 times a week. Very good for weak nails.,

Heat a glass of beer and mix with a glass of apple juice. Next, you need to put your hands in the bath and hold for 10 minutes. Rinse with warm water.

Treatment. Strengthening nails at home. Weak, flaky, brittle, thin, dry nails.

To treat weak nails, it is recommended to do following procedure: We don’t do it on our hands trim manicure. Let's dip soft cloth in fine salt and rub it into the nails, repeating the rubbing 3-4 times. At the same time, the salt is absorbed into the nails and helps strengthen them. Then wash off the salt with water. Take nail wax and rub it into your nails again. Wax performs the function of sealing nails. This procedure is especially useful after nail extensions. You need to do it once a week.

Regular massage gives your nails hardness and elasticity. Cuticle massage is performed with a very soft brush soaped with baby soap or glycerin soap. You can do a massage with vitamins. To do this, you need to rub liquid vitamins A or E into the nail plates. It is better to do this before bed.

“Sealing” procedure - to strengthen nails at home.

To strengthen and improve the health of nails, it is useful to perform a “sealing” procedure. This means applying layers of preparations containing vitamins, microelements and nutritional proteins to the nail. The procedure promotes the growth of fragile nails, strengthens them, and protects the nail plates from delamination and drying out. This is usually done in beauty salons. After polishing, a special cream and oil are rubbed into the nail. The injected substances remain in the nail plate for more than two weeks.

If you have problems with thin and brittle nails, you should avoid trimmed manicures. Replace the metal file that injures your nails with a more modern one with a Tiflon coating. Manicure should be done systematically, twice a month. To remove nail polish, use fortified liquids without acetone. Give your nails a break from polish, leaving a gap of 5 (five) days between treatments. Periodically, instead of colored varnish, use colorless medicinal varnishes, the main function of which is to protect nails from the harmful effects of the external environment and strengthen them. The systematic use of medicinal varnishes and enamels makes nails noticeably stronger. They can also be used as a base for decorative manicure. fragile and brittle nails Varnishes containing calcium are especially useful.

Any treatment must begin with taking a special complex of vitamins and minerals intended for hair and nails. These can be Rivolit or Nutricap, as well as food supplements containing silicon, zinc, and sulfur.

P continuation follows:

Strengthening nails at home. -

I believe that hands and especially nails are very important element appearance any woman. And when something bad happens to my nails, I feel insecure and embarrassed once again show them somewhere. And peeling nails are a real disaster. And you can’t get rid of it that easily.

When I discovered this problem, I immediately began to find out the reasons why my nails might begin to peel. And as soon as I started to find out, I was simply horrified. It turns out that there can be a lot of reasons and some of them indicate serious health problems.

Causes of nail splitting

The reasons why nails peel can be divided into two groups: external and internal.


  • Constant contact with detergents and household chemicals.
  • Prolonged contact with water.
  • Some cosmetical tools(including nail polish).
  • Frequently repainting nails and removing polish using acetone-containing liquids.
  • Any injuries or damage to the nail plate (for example, the habit of biting nails).
  • Exposure to cold in winter.


  • Deficiency of vitamins A and E in the body, which contribute to the normal and healthy development of nails.
  • Frequent or prolonged dieting (especially mono diets).
  • Intestinal infection with helminths.
  • Lack of calcium, zinc, silicon and protein in food.
  • Heart disease.
  • Anemia.
  • Diabetes mellitus or thyroid disorders.
  • Long-term inflammatory diseases - tuberculosis, kidney infections, chronic bronchitis.
  • Blood diseases.
  • Metabolic disorders and decreased immunity.
  • Stress and insomnia.

The list is impressive, but that’s not all.

Problems with nails may not only involve splitting; they may also have various stains, scars, and deformations. Based on these changes in the nail plate, one can determine the condition internal organs, as well as the true cause of nail problems .

If the color of the peeling nail the plates acquire a pale or bluish tint , we can say with complete confidence that a person has problems with the cardiovascular system.

If the nail peels off and thickens, and deepened stripes appear on it , then this indicates hidden infectious processes. This, however, also happens after severe infections.

Longitudinal scars on the nail indicate improper and inadequate nutrition.

If nails flake too much Most likely, you have serious problems with your metabolism. Such disturbances in the body should not be left to chance and you should definitely consult a doctor.

If, in addition to nail separation, nails begin to appear White spots , you need to check your blood sugar levels. This may be a predisposition to diabetes mellitus or its initial stage.

Yellow spots peeling nails require a mandatory consultation with a pulmonologist, as this may indicate lung diseases.

The appearance of small nails on peeling nails raised white dots , resembling beads, indicates that a person has a hidden viral infection and requires serious treatment.

If the nail the plate becomes concave , then most often this indicates iron deficiency in the body.

From all this it follows that the problem of peeling nails is quite serious and it is best to start treatment by consulting a doctor .

If you are sure that your nails have started to peel due to:

  • frequent application and change of varnish;
  • or regular and prolonged exposure to water and contact with detergents;
  • We are sure that you do not have chronic or infectious diseases, then I know how to help you.

Treatment of nails with folk remedies

I started treating my nails by donating blood. Having made sure that the test results were satisfactory, I began to look for a way to solve my problem.

There are several ways to cure your nails. You can use special medicinal nail polishes or creams, pencils . A lot of them, different manufacturers and direction. Some strengthen, others create a protective layer, others nourish with essential vitamins and microelements. But I did not buy such a remedy for myself, but decided to turn to traditional medicine for help.

Everything here is absolutely natural and real:

  • So, a bath for hands and nails with sea salt . Salt should be without flavorings and dyes. For 0.5 liters of warm (preferably boiled and slightly cooled) water, take 1 heaped tablespoon of salt. Stir until the salt is completely dissolved and put your hands in this solution for 20 minutes. Then wipe dry and lubricate nourishing cream. The duration of the course of treatment is 10 days. Repeat in a month. To prevent and strengthen nails, it is enough to do such a bath once a week.
  • Another good and personally proven way to restore nails using olive oil . To do this, mix 3 tablespoons of oil with 0.5 teaspoon of lemon juice. Then rub the resulting mixture into the nails and cuticles, immediately put on cotton gloves. It is most convenient to do this before bed. The duration of the course is 7 days in a row, then a 7-day break and again 7 days of procedures. For prevention, once every two weeks is sufficient.
  • Milk bath with gelatin . For a glass of milk, take a teaspoon (without a slide) of gelatin, dissolve and dip your hands in this solution for 15-20 minutes. This product will perfectly strengthen and moisturize your nails. Afterwards, wipe dry and lubricate cuticles and nails with lemon juice. Vitamin C will give your nails smoothness and youth.
  • There is one nail mask that I really like . Take a small amount of blue clay, add a little warm olive oil and 5 drops of iodine. Mix until smooth (the mask should not be too liquid) and apply to the nails, leave for 20 minutes. The course of treatment with this mask is 7 days. If the nails are in very poor condition, you can extend the course to 10-12 days. I adopted this mask and use it regularly for prevention. And I apply it not only to my nails, but all over my hands up to the wrist. The result is amazing. I recommend!
  • Purchase one of the essential oils at the pharmacy: olive, castor, sea buckthorn, sheep or jojoba. Rub a few drops into each nail plate and cuticle every day before bed for 14 days. Very good effect.

A few words in conclusion

I was able to completely restore my nails in about a month and a half. In addition to baths, masks and oils, I also took a multivitamin complex

and took separately vitamin A (coordinate with the doctor).

Well, I took care of my hands, naturally. All household chores related to household chemicals and water were done exclusively with rubber gloves.

For the period of treatment and restoration of nails - no varnish!

  • Follow the rules of manicure: use high-quality tools, cut your nails with special scissors, use a glass or ceramic nail file.
  • Use high-quality varnishes and acetone-free nail polish removers.
  • Take breaks between applying varnish, that is, simply let your nails breathe and rest.
  • Eat more fruits, vegetables and dairy products.
  • Wear gloves in winter time years and use protective creams.
  • Contact with detergents and household chemicals only with rubber gloves.
  • Regularly use nourishing and moisturizing hand creams.