A pregnant woman has a stomach ache at 32-33 weeks. Required research. Analyzes

I’m 34 weeks - for 5 days now I’ve been experiencing sharp tightening in my lower back and lower abdomen, like during menstruation, my breasts (nipples) hurt, and I’m dizzy. And the lower back aches because the stomach is already large, it pulls forward, and the muscles must somehow cope with this. And the last common problem, when pregnancy reaches 33 weeks, is pulling in the lower abdomen. Also, often, expectant mothers complain that when the 33rd week of pregnancy has arrived, the lower back is pulled. Follow some rules and your lower back pain will decrease. At the thirty-third week of pregnancy, pain will appear in the hypochondrium: the baby is pushing against her legs with all her might, but they are already quite strong and can cause pain to the mother.

My lower back doesn’t ache, but the contractions are stronger than when they first started. On the same day, my husband and I had a PPA. After 3 days, the lower abdomen began to pull again, the ovaries pulled periodically, my chest became full and it hurt. Very often, when the 33rd week of pregnancy arrives, the stomach feels tight. This is due to the same contractions of the uterus. To understand how severe the pain is, you need to lie down and relax as much as possible.

Considering all the reasons described, aching pain in the lower back at the end of pregnancy is not of a threatening nature. A normal phenomenon during pregnancy at thirty-three weeks is stuffy ears, a protruding navel, and numbness in the limbs. There are a lot of reasons that cause aching pain, and it can be extremely problematic to figure out the reasons that caused them on your own. Excruciating pain in the lower back is sometimes a manifestation of urolithiasis. Aching pain can also signal an inflammatory process or infection, which is also dangerous for both the child and the woman’s life.

If you see blood on your underwear and experience pain in the rectal area, you may be talking about inflammation of hemorrhoids or anal fissures. Mainly, we are talking about bloody traces - red, brown, scarlet (unless their source is the anus, which can be observed with hemorrhoids). Watery yellowish discharge indicates discharge amniotic fluid. Even the slightest leakage should alert you.

If the mucus plug (and especially the water) has come away, then there can be no talk of sex: the path to the baby is open, including for various microbes and infections.

For example, severe pain in the symphysis pubis is pathological in nature and indicates symphysitis (excessive divergence of the articular surfaces of the pubic bones with the development of the inflammatory process).

Thanks to this, the uterus increasingly comes into tone, and the cervix becomes soft, well extensible, it softens throughout.

At 33 weeks pregnancy is underway active preparation of the female body for childbirth, so aching pain may appear in the pubic and pelvic area: the bones diverge, opening the way for the child. In addition, nagging pain can be a sign of premature labor, and if it does not go away, then it is better to go to the maternity hospital yourself in order to be under the supervision of doctors if labor suddenly begins. Childbirth at the 33rd week of pregnancy is called premature, since the baby is not yet fully ready for an independent existence outside the mother’s body.

The only thing that children born at 33 weeks are not able to cope with is maintaining a constant body temperature on their own, because the development of subcutaneous tissue is still insufficient. All pain that occurs during this period will most likely go away immediately after delivery and does not pose any danger to the health of the woman and child.

However, in some cases, childbirth at 33 weeks of pregnancy will be inevitable for medical reasons. You need to control your weight throughout pregnancy, and especially in the later stages, because there is a possibility of developing preeclampsia.

But what is most important now: already at 33 weeks he will be able to breathe on his own, and this greatly facilitates nursing a premature baby and preserves his health. She may be upset by pain, which is a normal manifestation of pregnancy, she worries about her child, and his birth is just around the corner.

The development of the pulmonary system continues, and full maturation will only occur before childbirth, but if suddenly there is a need, the work of the lungs will begin now.

Moreover, doctors advise not to lie on your back at this time, as the pain will not go away, but on your left side. You shouldn’t walk very much or for a long time, there’s no benefit to it. When the 33rd week of pregnancy has arrived and your stomach feels tight, you should not self-medicate, because not only the woman’s health is at stake, but also the life of her child. But there is very little space in the stomach and your baby doesn’t move around as much anymore, so if he decides to close himself, it will be difficult to see the floor. Very often I felt a little tug in my stomach. Then it turned out that these were training contractions and I gave birth very quickly. Previously, pregnancy went much better, it was easier to walk, but at 33 weeks unpleasant pain appears when walking, everything starts to hurt and greatly upsets the woman. But don't be upset if premature birth will occur precisely at this time, since your baby will already be able to breathe on his own.

To somehow reduce the pain, you need to change your body position to make both you and your baby more comfortable. Tomorrow morning I’ll call an ambulance and go to bed - I can’t do this anymore. But today is Sunday and there is no point in going there now. And one more thing - my stomach became lower, like before childbirth. Sex at 33 weeks should certainly bring only pleasure to the expectant mother. If this is not so, then dad will have to be patient.

The occurrence of nagging pain in the lower abdomen is a common occurrence during pregnancy. If it appears just before childbirth or is in the nature of training contractions, then there is no need to worry too much, but you need to quickly pack your bags for the maternity hospital and prepare to meet your baby.

And if such phenomena are observed in the first or second trimester, then they cannot be discounted, and it is necessary to consult a doctor. Today we will try to highlight the main reasons why the lower abdomen feels tight during pregnancy, and what to do in this situation.

Pathologies that cause pulling sensations in the lower abdomen

If a pregnant woman’s lower abdomen periodically pulls, this may indicate illness. internal organs. If you notice one of the following reasons, you should definitely seek medical help.

So, the stomach may hurt during pregnancy due to:

  • Problems with the gastrointestinal tract - frequent constipation, chronic dysbacteriosis or helminthic infestation may occur;
  • Inflammation of appendicitis or acute pancreatitis;
  • The presence of disturbances in the functioning of the genitourinary system - diseases of the kidneys, bladder, ovaries, uterus;
  • Possible development ectopic pregnancy;
  • There is a threat of miscarriage or the onset of premature labor;
  • The beginning of the process of placental abruption before the start of labor.

There is no reason to urgently consult a doctor if:

  • During pregnancy, the pulling in the lower abdomen is not constant, but the sensations are temporary. As a rule, they stop if you lie down and relax;
  • The pain is dull and drawing in nature, there are no sharp or cramping sensations;
  • Apart from a pulling sensation, there are no associated symptoms of gastrointestinal upset or bleeding;
  • After taking no-shpa or using suppositories with papaverine, the sensations change in intensity and disappear completely after a while;
  • There is no increasing intensity of pain, it can be easily tolerated;
  • The lower abdomen feels tight, but there is no pain in the anus or difficulty urinating;
  • There is no sharp decrease in blood pressure, increase in heart rate and urge to vomit.

The above pains do not pose a danger to the unborn baby, but once again It’s worth calling your doctor to be on the safe side and reassure yourself.

Pulling in the lower abdomen in the early stages

If pain in the lower abdomen is observed in the initial period of pregnancy, then they should be the object of special attention and a reason to seek medical help. If the lower abdomen actively pulls at 27-26 weeks of pregnancy, this may indicate the possibility of a miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy.

There is a risk of miscarriage if:

  • Pain in the lower abdomen is accompanied by unpleasant sensations in the lumbar region and intensifies with physical activity;
  • There is a bloody type discharge;
  • There is general malaise, weakness and dizziness.

Symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy include

Transition from sharp and dull pain in the lower abdomen to sharp and stabbing pain.

Added nausea, general weakness, lack of appetite, and vomiting may occur.

Blood pressure drops sharply, a woman may faint, the pulse increases greatly, and the skin becomes noticeably pale.

There are strong ones bloody issues, which increase even more during the period of fallopian tube rupture.

All of the above symptoms are cause for IMMEDIATE consultation with a doctor for treatment. emergency care, as they are quite dangerous to health.

The occurrence of pulling sensations in the 3rd trimester

If the stomach pulls down during late pregnancy, then it is necessary to establish the cause of the pulling pain as quickly as possible and take appropriate measures. It is simply necessary to consult a doctor at this stage in order to avoid dangerous situations.

Medical attention is necessary, regardless of whether the symptoms are short-term or long-term. At 30-32 weeks, heaviness in the lower abdomen can be caused by normal bloating or heartburn. In this case, treatment is quite simple to prescribe by making minor adjustments to the diet.

Also, pulling sensations in a pregnant woman in the later stages may appear due to the intensive growth of the fetus. This is due to overstretching of muscle ligaments that are not ready for rapid changes. These sensations are especially noticeable if the baby is expected to be large. They are also accompanied by sudden pain that can occur when sneezing or coughing.

Gentle physical exercises that can help strengthen muscles and develop the necessary flexibility can help in this situation. You can attend group yoga classes, Pilates, use a fitball, or devote time to swimming in the pool.

If nagging pains become frequent companions of a pregnant woman at 32-34 weeks, and the stomach noticeably hardens for a while, this may indicate a threat of premature labor.

It is especially worth sounding the alarm if bloody spotting appears. It is necessary to urgently consult a doctor and possibly go to the hospital for support, since at this stage of pregnancy there is a great danger for the unborn baby. It is too early for him to be born due to his unformed pulmonary system.

If the pain radiates sharply down the abdomen and is cramping in nature, then in late pregnancy this may indicate the onset of placental abruption. This can happen due to injury, a sharp increase in blood pressure or severe physical stress, and is also fraught with fetal hypoxia, since the baby will not receive oxygen.

As a rule, pain is accompanied by bleeding; the pregnant woman must be urgently hospitalized and treated C-section to save the child.

Thus, there are quite a lot of reasons for the appearance of nagging pain in pregnant women, and it is impossible to say unequivocally whether they are dangerous or not. The duration of pregnancy and general physical state future mother.

Therefore, it is necessary to listen to your body with special attention and, at the slightest deviation that arouses suspicion, seek the advice of a doctor. Since timely medical care in most cases helps to maintain the health of both mother and child.

Be healthy and think positively!

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Any woman at the beginning of pregnancy listens sensitively to her feelings and changes in the body. Many are alarmed by these changes, because before this there were no taste preferences, increased sensitivity to smells and other unfamiliar senses? Of particular concern are nagging pains in the groin, lower back or lower abdomen, which appear at 3-4 weeks and very often accompany pregnancy. In what cases should you treat this normally, and when is it better to sound the alarm?

Physiological causes of nagging abdominal pain during pregnancy

Pain in the lower abdomen can occur for two main reasons:

  • Reasons that are related to the development and condition of the fetus. This may be a threatened condition (miscarriage or premature birth), which requires special attention and medical care.
  • Reasons that do not affect the situation and development of the child. These reasons are purely physiological and should not worry expectant mothers.

Agree, this division is very arbitrary, and a woman (if she is not a doctor) would rather panic when she experiences pain than understand the reasons, but in vain. It is not difficult to understand this if a woman knows her gestational age and is under outpatient supervision of a doctor. In any case, if the pain is not cramping in nature, and there is no discharge from the vagina, it is not necessary to sound the alarm and call a doctor.

Why is it important for a woman to know the duration of her pregnancy when her lower abdomen feels tight?

The fact is that the entire period of bearing a baby (39-40 weeks) is divided into three trimesters, and the appearance of pain in each of them can be a signal of both physiological changes and pathology. Let's start with the norm, since in most cases it is physiology that is “to blame” for the appearance of discomfort and pain.

Causes of pain in the lower abdomen that do not require medical attention, since they can be classified as physiological:

  • Increase in size, circulating blood volume and weight of the uterus.
  • Increased tension in the uterine ligaments, which support the uterus in a suspended state in the pelvis.
  • Increased physical activity, which causes tension in the abdominal muscles and uterine ligaments.
  • Poor bowel movements, flatulence and bloating.
  • Stressful situations, nervous system disorders.

All these reasons for the appearance of abdominal distension during pregnancy are understandable and easily eliminated, because it is easy to limit physical activity and improve bowel function. But there are other, more important reasons for lower abdominal pain and abdominal pain. You need to know about them so as not to harm the unborn baby and yourself.

What pathology can cause nagging abdominal pain during pregnancy?

Pain can come either from the growing uterus or be a consequence of diseases of other organs. All the reasons described below are a reason to contact a therapist or gynecologist, as well as appropriate medical care and treatment. These include:

  • Pulls in the lower abdomen if there are problems with the gastrointestinal tract (chronic constipation, dysbacteriosis, helminthic infestation).
  • Appendicitis or pancreatitis (acute or chronic).
  • Pulling in the lower abdomen if there are chronic inflammatory conditions of the genitourinary system (diseases of the ureters, bladder, urethra, vagina, ovaries and uterus).
  • Ectopic pregnancy (at 3-5 weeks).
  • Phenomena of threatened miscarriage or premature birth.
  • Placental abruption before the due date.

How to distinguish causes that do not require intervention from others?

To do this, you need to listen to the nature of the pain, and also carefully monitor other signs that may indicate the need to see a doctor. So, let's go in order:

  • Pain in the lower abdomen is not permanent, but temporary, and gradually subsides if you take a horizontal position and rest.
  • The nature of the pain is nagging or dull, but not sharp and cramping.
  • Apart from pain, there are no other symptoms from the stomach and intestines (stool upset, loss of appetite, vomiting, nausea).
  • There is no discharge from the vagina (ichor, blood, brownish mucus, etc.).
  • The lower abdomen feels tight, but after taking 1-2 tablets of no-shpa or rectal suppositories with papaverine, the pain subsides and becomes less intense.
  • The pain does not increase and does not become unbearable.
  • Over time, pain in the anus, in the lumbar region and when urinating (acute cystitis) does not occur.
  • In addition to pain, no urge to have a bowel movement, fainting, decreased blood pressure and increased heart rate (symptoms of tubal or ovarian rupture during ectopic pregnancy).

If you are already under the supervision of a doctor, it is enough to contact him as planned and determine the cause of the pain. If you have not done this yet, you need to register as quickly as possible, get tested and seek advice, because the above reasons can worsen the condition of the mother and unborn child.

Pain in early and late pregnancy - what to do?

In the early stages of pregnancy (up to 24–26 weeks), the most dangerous obstetric causes are the threat of miscarriage and ectopic location ovum. It is equally important for a woman to save the child and prevent complications from an ectopic pregnancy, so the symptoms of each of these dangerous conditions are described below. So, the symptoms of a threatened miscarriage include:

  • Nagging and constant pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, which intensifies with movement and physical activity.
  • Spotting or bloody discharge.
  • General malaise, weakness, dizziness.

Symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy include:

  • Constant dull or sharp pain in the lower abdomen and back, which becomes sharp and stabbing when a pipe ruptures.
  • Nausea, weakness, sometimes vomiting, loss of appetite and other signs of pregnancy.
  • Weak and rapid pulse, sharp drop in blood pressure, fainting, pale skin (if a pipe ruptures).
  • Bloody discharge of varying intensity, intensifying with a crack or rupture of the fallopian tube.

All these signs serve as a signal to contact a specialist and provide emergency medical care.

What to do if the lower abdomen feels tight in the late stages of pregnancy?

If your stomach feels tight during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester, then it is best not to hesitate, but to immediately contact a specialist and determine the cause of the pain.

This must be done even if the pain is temporary and short-term, since the reasons may relate to both the development of the fetus and the woman herself. Let's look at them in more detail:

  1. Normally, after 30 weeks, the body begins to gradually prepare for future childbirth. At this time, the active production of the hormone progesterone occurs, which has a relaxing effect on smooth muscles. But smooth muscle fibers are not only found in the uterus; they make up the gallbladder, intestinal walls and other organs. A decrease in the activity of the gallbladder causes symptoms of digestive disorders, therefore, from 30–32 weeks, pregnant women often complain of heaviness in the abdomen, belching, heartburn, and bloating. To establish this process, it is enough to reconsider your diet, into which it is better to introduce foods rich in coarse fiber, raw vegetables and fruits.
  2. Intensive fetal growth last weeks pregnancy causes overstretching of the uterine ligaments. As a result, the lower abdomen pulls, and sudden pain occurs when coughing or sneezing. The further pregnancy develops, the more intense the sensation that overstrain is created in the lower abdomen. To eliminate this cause, it is useful for a pregnant woman to start attending classes that include special exercises. These include yoga, water aerobics, and Pilates. This helps not only to relieve pain in the lower abdomen, but also to strengthen other muscles and make childbirth easier.
  3. If there is a pulling in the lower abdomen at 37–38 weeks, most likely these are harbingers of labor. At this time, it is important to observe the intensity and frequency of nagging pain, as well as the nature of the discharge. Typically, precursors of labor can be present for 7–10 days, which is the norm. If the pain does not intensify and the discharge is normal, you need to calm down and wait for labor to begin.
  4. If the lower abdomen feels tight for a long period of time, and the abdomen itself becomes hard to the touch, then a threat of premature birth can be assumed. The appearance of bloody or spotting discharge can aggravate this condition. Premature birth at 32–34 weeks is especially dangerous for the fetus, because at this time the baby’s pulmonary system has not yet formed. If the pain intensifies and discharge appears, you need to urgently go to the hospital to maintain the pregnancy!
  5. Acute and cramping pain in the lower abdomen in the later stages can be a signal of the onset of placental abruption. Most often, the causes of this condition are injuries, sudden overexertion during physical activity, or increased blood pressure. A rupture of a vessel inside the uterus can cause not only pain and deterioration of the woman’s condition, but also fetal hypoxia. As a rule, such women also begin to experience external bleeding from the vagina, which is the reason for hospitalization and urgent surgical intervention (cesarean section).

As you can see, there are many reasons why the lower abdomen feels tight during pregnancy, especially in the later stages. If a woman listens carefully to the nature of the pain, she will not only be able to easily determine the cause, but also, if complications arise, contact a specialist in time.

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32 weeks pregnant

The real preparation for the release begins. By the end of the 32-33rd week of pregnancy, the baby is in a position in which he will move towards this world. It would be very good if it were a cephalic presentation.

Fetus at 32 weeks of gestation: movements, development, weight and size

The fetal immune system has already started working. This week, the baby’s own antibodies are actively being formed, which will serve as his protection in the first time after birth.

The nervous system is already working at full capacity. The baby experiences pain, emotions, and his mood may change. He sees, hears, tastes and needs your attention.

Bones continue to grow and strengthen, but the baby's skull remains flexible to facilitate movement through the birth canal.

The skin becomes smoother, arms and legs become rounder, and cheeks appear on the face. By birth he will be a small hamster, and probably with a hairstyle on his head, although this is not at all necessary.

At 32 weeks of pregnancy, it reaches 42.5 cm in length and weighs over 1700 g. There is less and less room for movement, because the baby is actively growing, and you can already very clearly feel its kicks, especially sharp and indignant ones.

Sharp kicks can also provoke a baby into sudden kicks. loud sounds, and excessively bright light - the baby now sees and hears everything well, reacting to external stimuli. Excessive activity of the fetus can be caused by both a lack of oxygen and the mother’s uncomfortable position for him.

To track whether your baby is doing well, listen to him and track his movements. Normally, the baby makes about 4-6 noticeable movements within an hour. Of course, when he is awake, he has already developed an individual sleep and activity schedule.

Future mom

The expectant mother begins to slowly get tired of pregnancy. Due to the displacement of internal organs, you may experience many inconveniences and discomfort. Recommendations for eliminating or reducing them remain the same: minimize salt intake, eat small portions, do not wear tight clothes and shoes, learn to walk, sit and lie correctly. Empty your bladder on time. If you notice that incontinence occurs when coughing or laughing, do not worry - this is a completely physiological phenomenon for your age.

Pain at 32 weeks of pregnancy

Pain in the back, lower back, and spine are considered normal for this period, arising due to increased body weight, and therefore the load on them, and a shift in the center of gravity due to a growing belly. However, understanding the “normality” of such pain does not make it any easier for my mother; it is not surprising that she wonders about the possibility of eliminating these unpleasant symptoms. The rules in this case are simple: weight control, regular back relief, wearing a prenatal bandage, night sleep on hard mattresses, correct posture, use physical exercise aimed at strengthening the back muscles.

Again, increased weight and increased load are associated with pain, a feeling of heaviness and an “evening” burning sensation in the legs. You can help your legs avoid pain by periodically giving them a rest - do not stand on your feet for a long time, sit down on a chair, do not cross your legs, refuse to wear heels. By the way, it would be nice to have a special stand in the house that you will place under your feet when sitting down. Also, place a cushion or several pillows under your feet when going to bed at night or just lying down to rest during the day - such measures will help improve blood circulation.

You will have to put up with pain in the hypochondrium for now: sharp, unexpectedly arising in the area chest pain is a consequence of the child’s excessive activity. While playing, he already knows how to dig very painfully under mommy’s ribs and rest his hands on them.

Continue to monitor the quality of food consumed and stool: poor nutrition leads to the development of constipation, and then to hemorrhoids, which can also bring with it many unpleasant “painful” minutes.

Read also: Pulls in the stomach at the beginning of pregnancy

Belly at 32 weeks of pregnancy: tugs, hurts

Braxton-Higgins contractions become common by the 32nd week of pregnancy. Remember that such contractions are not painful and irregular; with their help, the uterus “warms up” before the upcoming birth. Monitor the intensity of contractions: if they suddenly become painful, repeat with a certain periodicity, regardless of whether there is rupture of amniotic fluid, call an ambulance: perhaps the baby has decided to show himself to the world ahead of schedule. Do not be alarmed if you suddenly feel a stabbing, pulling pain , but not in the center and not in the lower abdomen, but rather on the sides. The occurrence of such pain is associated with softening and stretching of the ligaments holding the uterus; pain in this case occurs suddenly and in certain situations: while coughing or sneezing, when getting up from a chair, or changing body position.

It’s worse if the pain is localized in the lower abdomen, the stomach feels like it’s pulling and hurts, and the pain becomes spasmodic. If watery, liquid discharge appears against the background of pain, we are talking about the onset of early labor. If the pain is accompanied by bloody discharge, placental abruption occurs. Please note that a severe and dangerous complication - placental abruption - does not necessarily have bleeding as one of the symptoms. So, bleeding during placental abruption can also be internal; in this case, no bleeding is observed, but the abdominal pain is very severe.

Discharge at 32 weeks of pregnancy

Don't forget to pay attention to character vaginal discharge— some changes may indicate an unfavorable course of pregnancy and become a reason for an immediate response to the situation.

This is considered to be bloody discharge from the genital tract - a symptom of placental abruption or placental previa. If the appearance of blood is caused by placental abruption, the pregnant woman, in addition, also feels pain in the abdomen. Placenta previa is not accompanied by pain in the abdominal area, but this does not make it any less dangerous. If blood appears, even in small quantities, immediately call an ambulance: bleeding at any second can threaten the health and life of both the child and the mother.

It is imperative to call an ambulance if amniotic fluid ruptures. It is impossible to miss this event - the rupture of amniotic fluid is accompanied by discharge large quantity watery, yellowish liquid. And it indicates the start of the process of premature birth, which can no longer be stopped if the waters have flowed out. By the way, keep in mind that amniotic fluid may leak in small portions, wetting your panties only a little more than usual. But, even if you have the slightest suspicion about leakage of amniotic fluid, it is better not to delay going to the doctor: damage to the membranes inevitably leads to intrauterine damage to the fetus.

As before, go to a specialist for additional examination It is also necessary when colored, unpleasant-smelling discharge appears. Green, yellow, earthy-gray, purulent discharge, discharge that is foamy, curdled or mixed with flakes is a sure sign of an intensified genital tract infection. It is imperative to treat an infectious disease, no matter what causes it, otherwise the infection may well spread to the baby.


If you are disciplined in registering, then, most likely, it is at the 32nd week of pregnancy that the third planned ultrasonography. This important assessment method will tell the doctor a lot about whether the pregnancy is proceeding normally, whether there are any threats to the baby, what is his current state of health and development.

In addition to the “standard” measurements of the baby’s growth and development, the doctor will determine its presentation. Normally, by the 32nd week the baby is in a cephalic presentation, which is the most physiological position for childbirth. If for some reason the baby is in a different position in the uterus, the specialist will advise the mother on appropriate movements that can help the baby “turn over”.

Also, by measuring the height and weight of the fetus, the doctor will be able to make an assumption with what weight and what size the baby will come to birth. These indicators often become decisive in the matter of choosing the most suitable option delivery: if the weight is significantly higher than normal, a caesarean section may be considered.

But, perhaps, the main task of ultrasound at 32 weeks is to assess the condition of the placenta. Thus, ultrasound examination makes it possible to diagnose fetoplacental insufficiency, if any. Placental insufficiency is a complication of pregnancy, which, if ignored, results in intrauterine growth retardation. Having identified placental dysfunction in time, it can be corrected using specialized medical treatment. And thus avoid negative consequences dysfunction of the placenta.

Especially for beremennost.net - Elena Kichak

Mom, all my organs and systems are formed,

and I’m almost ready to be born.

Are you ready?

Now your baby plays a leading role, so if he wants to be born, you will not be able to change anything. But do not be upset if premature birth occurs at this time, since your baby will already be able to breathe on his own. At eight months, your baby is already quite mature, but he is still developing in your womb. Now, the baby's appearance is almost the same as it will be at birth.

Fetal development

Your baby is already quite impressive in size and weighs about two kilograms. And the height with such a weight should be at least 44 cm. The parts of the body are already quite proportional. The central nervous system is at the final stage of formation. Your child is able to dream in two phases, just like an adult. During the REM stage of sleep, the baby's pupils are in motion.

The baby's heart is almost perfect; between the atria there is only a small hole that closes with the first breath. Endocrine and immune system are finishing their formation. The fetus already has a fairly well developed sense of smell. The kidneys are already able to filter the blood and separate metabolic waste products. Your baby takes from you everything he needs for active growth.

The baby's muscle mass strengthens, and the kicks in the mother's tummy become stronger and more confident. The child periodically rests his elbows or legs on his mother’s ribs, which causes painful sensations. To somehow reduce the pain, you need to change your body position to make both you and your baby more comfortable.

The number of vellus hairs that previously covered the baby’s body decreases, and the hair on the head becomes thicker. Some babies are born with virtually no hair on their heads, but subsequently they grow back very quickly.

Woman at this stage

The uterus rises 13 cm above the level of the navel. Due to the fact that it puts pressure on surrounding organs, the number of urinations increases significantly. The amniotic fluid has already reached its maximum volume. Placental hormones activate milk production.

The development of gestosis at this stage can harm the health of not only the woman, but also the fetus. Do not relieve any symptoms without the prior recommendation of a doctor, as high blood pressure in a pregnant woman can be life-saving for the fetus.


At the thirty-third week of pregnancy, you may still be bothered by such unpleasant symptoms as lower back pain, shortness of breath, and frequent urination. Plus, all these symptoms may be accompanied by pain in the pelvic area due to the expansion of the pelvic floor, as well as pain in the hypochondrium due to the increased size of the uterus and its pressure.

Pain in the legs intensifies, especially in evening hours. Carpal tunnel syndrome can affect the hands, or more specifically the wrists, during this period. But most often this syndrome occurs in women whose specific work involves regularly spending time at the computer. This syndrome manifests itself in the form of tingling, numbness in the fingers and wrist.

The pelvic bones are now gradually expanding and moving apart, which also causes discomfort in the form of aching pain. Along with pain in the pelvic joint, you may also feel some discomfort in the pubic bone area, but the pain should not be severe. If there is severe pain in the pubic bone and changes in gait, the doctor may diagnose symphysitis.

All pain that occurs during this period will most likely go away immediately after delivery and does not pose any danger to the health of the woman and child.

Abdomen at 33 weeks of pregnancy: pain

The abdomen at the 33rd week of pregnancy, during its normal course, should not bother you. should be painless and familiar to you at this time. Nagging pain in the lower abdomen should not bother you if it does not appear regularly and does not last for a long time.

With placental abruption, abdominal pain may also occur against the background of bloody discharge. But bleeding can also be internal. In any case, placental abruption is enough serious complication pregnancy, which can lead to the death of the fetus and serious condition of the mother. If the symptoms of placental abruption are severe, it is necessary to carry out immediate delivery to save the life of the child. Only with minor detachment is a conservative solution possible.


Normally, a pregnant woman at this stage should have light or light milky discharge with a subtle smell of sour milk.

Green, yellow, purulent, curdled or foamy discharge indicates the development of a genital tract infection. Such discharge, as a rule, changes not only the color and consistency, but also the smell; as a rule, it is sharp and unpleasant. In addition, the inflammatory process is accompanied by burning and itching in the genital area. Any sexually transmitted infection without appropriate treatment can lead to intrauterine infection and cause fetal development retardation.

Bloody discharge at the 33rd week of pregnancy can be caused by placenta previa or abruption of the correctly positioned placenta, and this condition poses a huge danger to the further development of the fetus and the normal course of pregnancy. Therefore, even with the slightest spotting brown discharge, you must immediately call an ambulance.

Watery, yellowish discharge indicates the discharge of amniotic fluid. Even the slightest leakage should alert you. You need to know that amniotic fluid can leak in small portions if the membranes are damaged, which, without proper measures, can lead to intrauterine infection of the fetus. If the amniotic fluid suddenly ruptures, delivery can no longer be prevented.


The third planned ultrasound examination is carried out at more early, but if the study was not carried out for some reason, it can be done now.

In addition, ultrasound can be performed to clarify previously obtained data.

During an ultrasound, a specialist will conduct an objective assessment of the condition of the fetus, placenta and umbilical cord. The length of the umbilical cord should be equal to the length of the child, and consist of three vessels: one artery and two veins. In addition, during the study, the specialist assesses the degree of development of the internal organs of the fetus and their functionality. Particular attention should be paid to cardiac activity. It is also very important to consider the location of the baby in the uterus and determine whether there is any entanglement in the umbilical cord.

In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to the uterus, its size, standing height, and wall thickness. The quantity and quality of amniotic fluid and the location of the placenta must be normal.

Many parents already know the sex of their child by this time, but if for some reason they have not yet found out, then this can be done right now.

After an ultrasound, the doctor, judging by the data, can make some adjustments and change the expected date of birth. It is normal for the date to change slightly as new information is added.

Due to the fact that your baby’s sense of smell is already quite well developed, try not to use strong-smelling substances in everyday life, eat only healthy foods and drink natural drinks. Find an opportunity to surround yourself with the cleanest air possible.

As before, it is necessary to relieve the back and spine, wear comfortable shoes, and a prenatal bandage, if there are no contraindications.

Every evening, massage your feet and take cool baths to help relieve tension.

To avoid carpal tunnel syndrome, take periodic breaks from work and massage your hands. Only after your doctor's permission can you resort to using special braces that help reduce discomfort.

Prepare psychologically for the upcoming birth, set yourself up for the positive, read educational literature.

Listen to your internal state and to the baby - he will definitely help you.

33 week pregnancy video

How do you feel at 33 weeks of pregnancy? How do you feel?

The baby is already absolutely becoming the main one in your tandem. And if for some reason they start, it will be because something is not good for him, and not for you. And if the baby is born at 33 weeks, he will be able to breathe on his own. The baby has already matured enough and continues to grow and improve.

Fetus at 33 weeks of gestation: movements, development, weight and size

The size of your belly is rapidly increasing. Now he weighs about 2 kilograms and has stretched up to 44 cm. There is less and less space in the tummy, and, starting from the 33rd week of pregnancy, it is almost impossible to roll over there. But the baby is so strong that mom feels the kicks in the ribs too well. Be patient, it will start to go down soon.

In the meantime, you can especially “vividly” from time to time feel how the baby knows how to “walk” along the ribs, periodically resting his legs on them or pounding the ribs from the inside. To relieve pain, try to find a comfortable position - perhaps the baby is simply uncomfortable. You can also resort to performing the “evil and good cat” exercise: when the back first arches and then bends. By the way, this exercise is very useful for the spine, and therefore is also included in the set of exercises for pregnant women.

Meanwhile, the maturation process continues. The work of the main systems of the body - the central nervous, endocrine, immune - is already well established. The alveoli are mature, the heart and blood vessels are growing and strengthening, as well as muscle mass, and the brain is developing.

The baby's appearance is as close to perfect as possible - the proportions of body parts are equalized, lanugo begins to disappear.

The baby has a well-developed sense of smell. Try not to use strong-smelling substances, eat and drink only healthy foods, and surround yourself with the cleanest possible air.

As for the intensity of the baby’s movements, keep in mind: it is different for each child, because each one also has his own disposition and temperament. In general, the number of movements should remain at the level of last month. Doctors call the generally accepted norm at least 10 movements within 2 hours. At the same time, every tangible movement of the baby is taken into account - pushes, kicks, blows, movements of the whole body. If after 2 hours you do not feel these same 10 movements, you feel a significantly smaller number of them, it is better to go for a consultation with a doctor.

Future mom

Monitor your health and weight gain. You need to try to prevent the development, because in this case it becomes bad for both: both mother and fetus. Don’t rush to fight it yourself high blood pressure. If you observe this sign in yourself, tell your doctor, since increased blood pressure during gestosis is a protective mechanism: this condition of yours becomes life-saving for the fetus.

Discharge at 33 weeks of pregnancy

Do not stop monitoring any changes in discharge at 33 weeks of pregnancy. At this time, their character remains the same: the discharge is normally moderate, homogeneous, light or light milky in color, with a slight smell of sour milk.

The appearance of green, yellow, purulent discharge, curdled discharge or mixed with flakes is a sign indicating the development of an infectious disease of the genital tract. For a genital infection, the discharge often changes not only the color, but also the smell - it begins to smell sharp and unpleasant. In addition, a noticeable inflammatory process cannot be excluded, causing significant discomfort: burning and itching, swelling of the genital organs. It is necessary to diagnose the pathogen and resort to adequate treatment in case of infection, otherwise there is a high risk of intrauterine infection of the fetus.

An extremely negative symptom is the appearance of spotting at 33 weeks. The appearance of blood is usually associated with placental previa or placental abruption, both conditions pose a high risk for the further development of the fetus and normal course pregnancy. Therefore, even with a slight separation of blood, in the presence of spotting brown discharge, regardless of whether there is abdominal pain or not, you should immediately call an ambulance.

You should also seek medical attention if fluid appears. watery discharge. A larger than usual amount of discharge, and even liquid discharge, may indicate leakage of amniotic fluid. Remember that damage to the membranes, which is associated with the release of amniotic fluid, is not always accompanied by a one-time and simultaneous outpouring of amniotic fluid. Thus, amniotic fluid can leak in small portions; women who have encountered this phenomenon talk about a constantly haunting feeling of increased humidity in the perineal area. Even at the slightest sign of leakage, you should contact your doctor as soon as possible: if the membranes rupture, the infection can penetrate to the fetus within the first 24 hours.

Pain at 33 weeks of pregnancy

Of course, shortness of breath, swelling, discomfort, frequent urination, and leucorrhoea may still persist. Moreover, at the 33rd week of pregnancy, new symptoms may well appear: the navel will stretch or protrude, you will begin to feel discomfort in the pelvic area due to the expansion of the pelvic floor, as well as pain in the hypochondrium due to the pressure of the uterus (it rises at a level of 13 cm above navel), the line from the navel to the pubis will darken even more.

But, probably, the most “popular” problem among pregnant women at 33 weeks is the problem of pain in the back - in the sacrum, spine, lower back. Such pain is the result of an increasingly increasing load due to increased weight and a shift in the usual center of gravity. Prevention of back pain will include correct posture, regular “unloading” of the back and spine, and wearing a prenatal bandage, if the doctor has approved it.

A greater load than usual is now placed on the legs; the pain in the legs and the feeling of heaviness become especially noticeable in the evening. To reduce painful symptoms, make it a rule to massage your feet every evening and take cool baths that will help cool your feet and relieve itching and tension. To reduce the risk of leg cramps, eat properly by consuming calcium-containing foods and rest your legs from time to time throughout the day by raising your legs to an elevated position from a lying position.

In addition to the legs, the arms, or more precisely, the wrists, affected by the syndrome of the same name, carpal tunnel syndrome, may also suffer during this period. It is more common among women whose work involves regular use of the wrist: this applies, for example, to women working at a computer. Symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome include pain or tingling, numbness in the fingers and wrist. Simple tricks can help you deal with them: you just need to take breaks from work from time to time, stretch and massage your wrists. If necessary and with the consent of the doctor, you can resort to wearing special braces to reduce discomfort.

It is quite possible that by this time the pinching, aching pain of the pelvic joint will make itself felt. A pregnant woman’s body is constantly changing, the pelvic bones are now beginning to slowly soften and move apart, preparing the baby for the most comfortable journey possible. new world. For the same reason, the pubis may also ache; however, make sure that the pain in the pubis is not noticeably severe. If the pubic bone hurts very much, so that it is sometimes difficult for a woman to move, and her gait becomes like a “duck’s” - most likely, you will be diagnosed with symphysitis.

Keep in mind that any pain that occurs during this period of pregnancy is often temporary and, by and large, not dangerous. After giving birth, everything will go away on its own, just as it appeared. The main thing is not to forget about all the recommendations you received earlier.

Belly at 33 weeks of pregnancy: tugs, hurts

If the pregnancy is going well, then your stomach should not hurt. Therefore, if you have abdominal pain of any kind, it is better to once again tell your doctor in detail about the symptoms: in any case, it is always better to be safe than to suffer later from the fact that you did not react in time.

You've probably already gotten used to training painless stretching contractions. But be prepared for the fact that from the 33rd week onwards, somewhat painful contractions of the uterus may also be observed - nagging pain in the lower abdomen as a harbinger of labor may already appear now. There is no reason to worry if the contractions are not prolonged, do not increase or become more frequent, and are not accompanied by pronounced pain.

Much more dangerous symptom there is abdominal pain associated with premature placental abruption. Signs of placental abruption may vary in different cases, but are always, to one degree or another, accompanied by a feeling of abdominal pain. More often, with placental abruption, bloody discharge of varying intensity also occurs, but bleeding can also be internal, not visible from the outside. The fact that abdominal pain is associated specifically with the pathology of the placenta can also be suggested by others. associated symptoms? Soreness of the uterus, pain in the lumbar region. Although, again, these signs may or may not appear in each individual case.

Be that as it may, it is necessary to respond immediately to placental abruption: this complication of pregnancy without specialized intervention may well lead to the death of the child and the serious condition of the mother. Severe symptoms of placental abruption require rapid, albeit premature, delivery. For minor partial detachment, conservative treatment is possible at the discretion of the doctor.


If for some reason the third planned ultrasound was not performed earlier, the doctor may send the woman for an ultrasound examination now. In addition, ultrasound may be needed to clarify some previously obtained data and parameters.

An ultrasound at 33 weeks of pregnancy allows you to assess the degree of development of the baby, its size, structure and functionality of internal organs. The sonographer will also pay attention to the baby’s cardiac performance indicators and evaluate his motor activity. The location of the baby in the uterus will also be confirmed, and it will be determined whether there is any entanglement in the umbilical cord.

The doctor will also evaluate the condition of the uterus: its size and standing height, the thickness of the walls, the condition of the cervix. Important information There will also be information about the quality and quantity of amniotic fluid, where and how the placenta is attached and positioned.

Most parents already know by 33 weeks whether a boy or a girl is now growing and gaining strength in their mother’s tummy. If you still haven’t found out the gender of your child, you have the opportunity to consider it now. True, if the baby agrees to turn “correctly”.

After performing an ultrasound and collecting all the data, the doctor may slightly adjust the expected date of birth. This is normal - after each diagnosis, as new information becomes available, the date may change slightly.

The closer you get to giving birth, the more you will be consumed by thoughts about your unborn child. Almost all pregnant women have “thematic” dreams, often disturbing and unpleasant. Don’t take everything to heart: these are your worries about childbirth and expectations of a new addition to the family, which is absolutely normal.

In the last weeks of pregnancy, it is especially important to have a positive attitude. You must be psychologically prepared for childbirth and the upcoming changes. Read the relevant literature, look for support from your husband and family, and don’t listen to the horror stories of your all-knowing friends: childbirth is a process very carefully thought out by nature, down to the smallest detail. Listen to your baby - he will help you. There's still quite a bit left!

Especially for- Elena Kichak

Already 33 weeks pregnant! The baby has taken a permanent position, his weight is increasing, the formation of all organs and systems continues, and their improvement. It is becoming more and more difficult for the baby to move, there is less and less freedom of action, so the mother notices that activity is becoming somewhat lower. The baby sleeps longer, and at this stage he begins to have dreams! During REM sleep, active movements of the eyeballs occur. Expectant mothers also note that pregnancy 33, 34 weeks is the time when they have vivid dreams.

A specific skin pattern appears on the baby’s fingers. The layer of fatty tissue increases, thermoregulation improves. Organs and systems are already so well formed that childbirth at 33 weeks of pregnancy is not so dangerous - the chances of a baby from this period are much higher.

At 33 weeks of pregnancy, the baby’s weight approaches two kilograms and his height is 43 centimeters.

33 weeks pregnant: how many months? This is already eight months plus one week. By this gestational age, the baby's body is quite mature. Then the final maturation of the nervous, respiratory and other systems occurs.

What's happening?

The most significant changes are now occurring in the baby’s respiratory system. There is an active formation of surfactant - a substance that provides the possibility of independent breathing and expansion of the lungs during the first breath. The bronchoalveolar system is already fully formed. Due to such changes, a baby born at seven months usually already breathes on his own.

Pregnancy of 32, 33 weeks is accompanied by an increase in the subcutaneous fat layer, and the baby looks more well-fed, like a newborn.

At this stage, the baby has already taken its final position in the uterus - the most physiological is cephalic presentation, when the baby is positioned upside down, and it is the head that will be the first to pass through the birth canal. At 33 weeks of pregnancy breech presentation still subject to change.

The fruit and its development

The nervous system and sensory organs are also actively developing. The baby sees well, distinguishes the voices of mom and dad very clearly, and has a certain daily routine. The baby responds very well to music that he likes, and now is the time to play pleasant melodies for him, or even better, to sing songs that will lull him to sleep after birth. Psychologists recommend reading to your baby, and the more, the better. The sound of a mother's voice is the most pleasant thing a baby hears.

The last trimester of pregnancy is characterized by improvement of the child's motor activity. His movements become more coordinated and not so chaotic. The muscles also become stronger, and the mother feels that the strength of her movements increases. The size of the heart and the thickness of the vascular wall gradually increase. The endocrine system is actively being formed. The baby is already developing its own immunity.

Photo of the baby, ultrasound

Belly at 33 weeks pregnant

An enlarged belly causes anxiety to the mother and can cause discomfort in the area of ​​the costal arch and pelvis. The uterus at 33 weeks of pregnancy is 33 centimeters above the womb and 13 centimeters above the navel. During this period, the mother’s normal weight increased by 12.5 kilograms. The uterus pressing on the bladder causes frequent urination. There is no way to cope with these phenomena, you just need to be patient a little longer, because there is very little left before the birth.

The fundus of the uterus is very high, and this is in most cases accompanied by heartburn and shortness of breath. You can alleviate your condition somewhat by adjusting your diet. Try to eat often, in small portions. Be sure to include fiber-rich foods in your diet to improve digestion. This will help cope with constipation, which often accompanies pregnancy. It's nice to know that heartburn and shortness of breath will very soon decrease - the uterus will drop slightly lower before childbirth.

Fetal movements at 33 weeks

If you read the forum about the 33rd week of pregnancy, you will notice that all expectant mothers note a slight decrease in the baby’s activity. And this is not without reason: the baby is increasingly cramped in the uterus, it is increasingly difficult to perform active movements, and it is much more pleasant to simply kick the mother with his heel. A time of constant changes of position, incredibly high activity in the past. It’s also time for the baby to gain strength before giving birth.

Mom's feelings

The third trimester of pregnancy is perhaps the most difficult for expectant mothers. The workload is very high, and despite the incredible joy of waiting to meet your baby, the physical sensations are not always pleasant. But by following some tips, you can significantly alleviate your condition.

  • Often at this time, aching pain in the back is bothersome. This is due not only to a shift in the center of gravity, large size abdomen, but also with preparing the body for childbirth. Under the influence of hormones, bone joints soften to facilitate the passage of the baby through the birth canal. And now this is the cause of discomfort. Try to normalize your daily routine: rest more often in a comfortable position. Usually at 33 weeks, every mother knows in what position the pain decreases. Do strengthening exercises for your back muscles.
  • The baby's activity has already become somewhat lower, but the force of impacts with heels and elbows has increased significantly. You probably already understand the baby well and know when activity is higher. Often this may be due to the fact that the baby is hungry. If you have ruled out all the reasons, but activity is still high, just rest, relax, stroke your tummy, talk to your baby, sing a song to him. This will surely calm him down.
  • Often mothers notice the appearance of leg cramps. Typically, such phenomena begin in the second trimester; they are associated with an imbalance in the content of calcium and magnesium. The best way to combat muscle spasms is to use preparations with microelements. The doctor will help you choose the best one. If you experience leg cramps on your own, you can do the following: pull your foot towards you by the toes so that the calf muscles stretch. Ask your spouse to help you - he can do the same exercise, combining it with an intense massage of the lower leg muscles. This usually relieves the spasm quickly. Warm foot baths also help.
  • In the last stages of pregnancy, the mother should Special attention devote to nutrition. You need to create a diet taking into account the prevention of allergies in the baby, as well as the prevention of excess weight mom. The most powerful sources of calories are carbohydrate foods and fats. Despite the strong desire to finally pamper yourself, you should completely exclude candies and other sweets, and significantly limit baked goods and pasta. Now the quality of the food consumed is very important, because the baby takes all the nutrients. You need vegetables, fruits (with limited allergens), meat, fish, dairy products.

Sex at 33 weeks pregnant

Intimate relationships are an integral part married life, and during the normal course of pregnancy, the process of intercourse itself does not pose any threat to the baby. Of course, you should avoid positions that put pressure on your stomach. The optimal poses are those in which the spouse is behind. Sudden movements should be avoided. You also need to know that sperm has the ability to soften the cervix and stimulate labor. Therefore, in the last stages it is advisable to use a condom.

A woman should carefully monitor what kind of discharge she has at 33 weeks of pregnancy. Watery, copious discharge often indicates leakage of amniotic fluid, and this is a reason to immediately consult a doctor. The same applies to the appearance of blood in the discharge.

In the last stages, a woman should be especially attentive to pain. It is quite acceptable at 33 weeks of pregnancy, when the stomach is tight. Such short periodic sensations are associated with training contractions. However, if it bothers you too much, if the pain intensifies, do not hesitate to visit a doctor.

The increasing load on the skeletal system leads to frequent pain in the back and legs. The load is associated not only with an increase in the baby’s weight and the amount of amniotic fluid, but also directly with an increase in the mother’s weight. Late dates Pregnancies require strict adherence to an activity regimen. It is strictly forbidden to lie down all day, even if your stomach is already very large. Only physical activity will support and strengthen the muscular frame, and this is very important for the normal course of childbirth.

Many mothers note that in most cases, pain in the lumbar region decreases in the knee-elbow position. Why not take advantage of this? Just stand on all fours for a few minutes and you will immediately feel your back relaxing. This position also helps reduce pain in the hypochondrium, because at this stage the fundus of the uterus is high, the baby often rests against the costal arch, hitting the nerve plexuses.

Be sure to wear a bandage. Its role is to support the abdomen, due to which pain in the pelvis and lower back is significantly reduced, in addition, muscles are less stretched, and you will recover faster after childbirth.

Required research. Analyzes

In addition to standard studies, an ultrasound is usually performed at 33 weeks of pregnancy. This is a screening study that allows you to exclude the presence of pathology of the placenta, intrauterine growth retardation, and it is also necessary to diagnose polyhydramnios in a timely manner. At the 33rd week of pregnancy, a functional diagnostics doctor evaluates all the dimensions of the fetus, its position, size (fetometry at the 33rd week of pregnancy), the condition of the placenta and other parameters.

Useful video

Questions - answers

Yesterday I did an ultrasound and received the following conclusion: 33 weeks of pregnancy, entwined with the umbilical cord. What to do about it?

The tactics of labor management during umbilical cord entanglement are determined by the doctor individually for each situation. In some cases, a caesarean section is required.

I'm 33 weeks pregnant with twins. I often feel training contractions, but in recent days they seem stronger to me. What does it mean?

Pregnancy with twins is different in that birth usually occurs earlier than the fortieth week. And pain at 33 weeks of pregnancy may already indicate the imminent onset of labor. You should consult the doctor who will deliver the baby.

Why does my stomach feel tight at 33 weeks of pregnancy?

Most often, pulling sensations in the abdomen at this stage are associated with training contractions (Braxton-Hicks contractions). The reason may also be tone. The stomach does not hurt too much, but rather a feeling of tension. If the pain is severe, you should definitely go to the doctor.

I was diagnosed with oligohydramnios at 33 weeks pregnant. Is it dangerous?

Amniotic fluid is of great importance: it creates an optimal environment around the baby, protects against injury, helps the baby move, protects the umbilical cord, and promotes dilation of the cervix during childbirth. Oligohydramnios is dangerous because the baby is in an uncomfortable position, spinal deformity can develop, as well as the formation of adhesions that can wrap around the umbilical cord and fetus, interfering with normal development. With oligohydramnios, labor may be weak. The most important parameter is the amount of water, because a slight decrease in it may well be the norm.