Breech presentation - why the child does not roll over. How to help your baby roll over If the baby does not roll over head first

Yesterday we talked about flipping skills in children. Today we will continue the topic of how to master these skills and what are the reasons that the baby does not roll over. It is not necessary for the baby to specifically start training to stand or sit before five or six months and before he learns to roll over. Best Option will be when each of the new stages in the development of the child will replace the other stage very smoothly and in the right sequences. Of course, sometimes children can "jump" or significantly reduce some of the stages in development, but these stages will still alternate one after another.

Where does it all begin?
More recently, most of the movements were not available to your baby. But then he reached the age of three months, and he began to gradually try to reach for toys. And now the baby is no longer calmly lying in one static position, and the child wants to turn on his side, and tries to roll over from his back to his tummy. But for each child, these moments in development are formed individually. Average. According to developmental norms, children begin to roll over on their sides at the age of four months, and then these skills gradually turn into the skills of rolling from the back to the tummy by about five months. By the end of the fifth month and the beginning of the sixth month, many of the babies can already roll over both in one direction and in the other - from the stomach to the back or from the back to the tummy.

If your supervising pediatrician determines that the development of your crumbs is fully in line with all the norms for age indicators, then do not worry that your child will not learn any skills or miss something. Gradually, the baby will master and acquire all the skills that nature has laid down for him. If, in six months, your baby does not know how to completely roll over and not even a product of doing this, then you need to urgently consult with specialists - a pediatrician or a neurologist. The doctor will additionally and very accurately examine the child, will exclude neurological disorders, and also in parallel with this will advise a number of exercises, as well as massages and many other procedures that will quickly and actively help the baby make up for lost time. If the baby needs your help and some manipulation, it is important to help the child in preparing and performing coups.

These types of exercises can help strengthen the muscles in the back, abdomen, neck muscles and preparing them for active and new movements. They are useful for children from the age of three months. First of all, you need to alternately bend and unbend the baby’s legs, by analogy with the “bicycle” exercise. It is important to give the child his thumbs on his hands to capture them. It is important to spread his arms to the sides, and then bring them together, collecting them in a “piece” on the baby’s chest. Often you need to lay the baby on the tummy, and this can be done from the first month of life, and you need to start from one minute, and gradually increase the time the baby stays on the stomach up to ten minutes. Such an exercise will help strengthen the muscles in the neck, holding the head in a vertical position. You also need to start gymnastics, which is carried out after preliminary massage procedures, the duration in their implementation does not exceed 10-15 minutes. And when the child begins to confidently hold the head, leans on the handles, he becomes more active and curious, you can begin the first exercises to teach him to turn over.

Why won't the baby roll over?
Sometimes parents go to the doctor with complaints that the child cannot produce the necessary skills by reaching the key age. So, in particular, by four months, he simply does not want to roll over. Why can this happen, what are the reasons for this phenomenon? First of all, the main cause of the crumbs can be his overweight. Perhaps your baby's weight exceeds the norm, and all physical exercises are given to him quite hard. Not wanting to trouble himself, he will prefer to just lie quietly and rest as much as possible, instead of toiling and working on his skills and mastering more and more new skills. This is the only reason for which you have to revise the diet of your little one and its feeding norms. Especially often such a phenomenon is faced by those parents whose children are bottle-fed.

Another reason why a baby may not roll over due date may become his prematurity. Children who were born prematurely, especially much earlier, may be far behind in their development from their full-term peers. This is quite normal, because already outside the womb they have to master not only new and established skills, but also actively catch up on those stages that they did not go through in time during fetal development. And there is nothing particularly terrible in this process, over time your premature baby will level out in terms of his physical development and he will quickly catch up with his peers in development.

Another reason why children can roll over badly from back to stomach and vice versa is an underdeveloped muscular system. If the child does not have any existing congenital pathologies, then his insufficient muscular development will be a significant omission of his parents. During the first months of children's lives, especially active emphasis in the development of children will be placed on massages and methods of developing gymnastics. It is these very simple and uncomplicated, but regularly performed exercises that can help in the development of the muscular corset and provide the baby with proper and complete physical development. In no case should you neglect such exercises and activities, otherwise at a certain point the crumbs simply will not have the strength to actively roll over.

Various infectious diseases can become the reasons that the child does not roll over. Infections in children can cause a delay in physical development children. They can significantly provoke calcium and iron deficiencies inside the body, which are necessary for children for their normal growth and development. Sometimes this happens as a result of severe toxicosis of the mother during pregnancy, as well as infections she has suffered, or severe stress. Even banal colds carried by the baby are dangerous, not to mention more serious health problems for the baby.

Also important in the development of the child and the development of their skills are individual characteristics in the development of the baby himself. Some children initially, literally from birth, may have a special character and a bright personality. For example, without mastering the elementary skills of flipping from tummy to back and from back to tummy, they may already try to sit on their own or crawl. All the reasons described above that may interfere with the child in mastering the coups, this is not a reason to calm down and not conduct classes with the child. exercise, do not develop the child. Parents, through exercises and classes, should help him in mastering the coups, as well as subsequent skills.

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At the beginning of pregnancy, the embryo is located in the uterus with its head up, that is, as if “sitting on the priest”. Normally, by a maximum of 36 weeks of gestation, it should roll over. If this does not happen, then they talk about breech presentation. Sometimes the baby rolls over just before birth.

The position of the baby in the uterus, head down, is best for his birth. Since the head is the widest part of the fetus, it is better if it is born first, and then the rest of the body.

Breech presentation itself is not dangerous, but creates additional problems during childbirth. The probability of prolapse of the umbilical cord, leg or handle of the fetus increases, the birth of the head is difficult, which can even get stuck in the birth canal.

Types of breech presentation

  • Gluteal - the legs of the child are bent at the hips and pressed to the body, the knees are straight, the lowest part is the buttocks. Occurs in 65% of cases, most favorable for natural childbirth.
  • Gluteal leg: hips and knees bent, legs crossed. Occurs in 25% of cases.
  • Foot - one or both legs are extended at the thigh. Occurs in 10% of cases.

Childbirth in breech presentation is considered dangerous and risky by obstetricians, so they try to make such mothers. Only under very favorable circumstances can the doctor decide to give birth naturally, but even in this case, the operating room must always be ready.

Why does the child not want to roll over?

Visible causes of breech presentation can be:

  • premature birth up to 36 weeks, since at this time the baby has not often rolled over;
  • , and : often one twin is in the head presentation, and the other in the pelvic;
  • oligohydramnios or polyhydramnios: in the first case, the fetus has too little space to roll over, in the second, on the contrary, there is a lot of space, and it tumbles back and forth;
  • problems with the uterus: fibroids, abnormal structure - prevent the baby from turning head down;
  • stretched and weakened by previous pregnancies uterine muscles;
  • problems and anomalies in a child, such as malformations, Down syndrome, anencephaly, hydrocephalus, etc.

In many cases, in healthy mothers and babies, the cause of breech presentation remains unknown.

Signs of breech presentation

Sometimes experienced and sensitive mothers can determine that the baby has already turned over by his movements in the uterus. The legs begin to rest against the very top of the abdomen, under the ribs and diaphragm, and the hiccups shift down.

An experienced doctor can make a conclusion after examining and probing the abdomen, but in most cases the diagnosis is made only after ultrasound. At the same time, it is important to examine the uteroplacental blood flow with the help and check if there is an entanglement of the umbilical cord.

In some cases it may be necessary amnioscopy- examination of the fetus through a tube inserted into the cervix. This method is not safe, it can lead to damage to the membranes and premature rupture amniotic fluid. Therefore, it is resorted to only in extreme cases, when the health or life of the child may be in danger.

Features of children with breech presentation

These children are at high risk. During childbirth, they more often (but by no means always !!!) suffer from a lack of oxygen ( hypoxia) up to its complete absence ( asphyxia).

Due to the non-standard position in the birth canal, they are more likely to receive a birth injury, and therefore, neurological disorders. Such children are more prone to dysplasia (displacement) and congenital dislocation of the hip joints.

In order to identify possible violations to the maximum early dates, they are recommended to do an ultrasound of the brain, an ultrasound of the hip joints after childbirth and internal organs, as well as the study of cerebral blood flow.

In the first year of life, the child makes a strong leap in development. From a helpless screaming baby with a set of chaotic and indefinite movements, he turns into a skillful baby who walks and communicates. One of the main stages on the way to mastering a child's walking is the skill of turning over. The ability to turn the baby on its side, on the stomach and on the back speaks of the strength of the muscular frame and dexterity.

Babies are not born knowing how to learn to roll over. This skill is formed due to the emergence of a need, for example, to get a rattle, or it is better to consider something. The ability to turn in each baby depends largely on his physical training. There is a set of special exercises, which is one of the ways to quickly teach a child to roll over.

What time does the baby start to roll over?

As mentioned above, the time when the newborn begins to roll over is determined mainly by the strength of his muscular frame. It is believed that the age of 3-4 months is the period when the baby is quite capable of starting to turn on its side. 4-5 months - the time when the child can deftly control his body and begin to roll over on his stomach and back. These limits are relative, and therefore in each specific case the norm will be. So, for example, in the case of tall and large children, the time to turn on the stomach can be pushed back by the age of 5-6 months, since it is more difficult for them to group.

If a child who has reached the age of 6 months cannot independently change his position, then this is a serious reason to think about how you can teach a child to roll over.

Why won't the baby roll over?

Some mothers begin to worry why the child does not roll over, while his little peers have been trying to crawl for a long time. The reasons for this behavior can be:

  1. Neurological disorders which are manifested by uneven muscle tone. This can also cause the child to roll over to one side only. Massage, swimming, special gymnastics for kids will help solve these problems. More serious cases may require the appointment of drugs by a neurologist.
  2. Child's temperature. Choleric children, as well as sanguine children, are extremely curious, and therefore they quickly begin to strive to master the space and become mobile. A child with a calmer nervous system may have contemplative interests and simply be "lazy."
  3. No need. The child does not want to roll over if he does not have a worthy motive for this. So, for example, in a family where mom and dad satisfy the child's desires even before he had time to realize them, it is unlikely that the baby will take the initiative in mastering a new skill.

What to do to make the child roll over?

In order for the child to roll over, it is necessary to do special exercises and massage to strengthen the muscles of the back, abdomen and limbs. Classes with kids on fitball are quite effective and exciting.

To stimulate the baby's desire to roll over, take a different position, it is recommended to lure him with bright and musical toys. "Baits" should be placed in the visibility zone, but at some distance, so that he could not immediately get them, but tried to make an effort for this.

How to teach a baby to roll over?

To teach a child to roll over on his stomach and back, you can use the following exercises:

  1. The child's arms are crossed on his chest and parted to the sides. The motor stereotype obtained during this exercise will help with a rollover from back to stomach, when you need to press one handle to your chest and help yourself roll over with the other.
  2. The left leg is thrown over the right, bringing it to the surface on which the child lies. This movement should encourage the baby to complete the maneuver, roll over onto his stomach. On the other side the same.

Usually, after a child masters the skill of turning on his stomach, after a couple of weeks, he begins to master turning on his back.

Breech presentation refers to the position of the child in the womb with the buttocks or feet down. The doctor can feel this position of the child through lower part uterus. There are two types of pelvic presentation: gluteal and foot.

In the gluteal proposition, the child turns to the entrance to the small pelvis with the buttocks, while his legs are bent at the hip joint and extended along the body. A mixed breech presentation may also occur, in which not only the buttocks, but also the legs are located towards the exit from the uterus.

Foot presentation of the child may be incomplete and complete. With a full breech presentation, both legs of the baby are located at the entrance to the small pelvis. If the presentation is incomplete, then only one leg, unbent at the joints, is located right at the exit from the uterus, and the second, bent at the hip joint, is located above.

Variations in breech presentation depend on the position of the baby in the uterus. If the child turns with bent knees, then a knee breech presentation occurs. Having turned in the uterus across, the child's shoulder is adjacent to the exit from the uterus, creating a brachial presentation.

Causes of breech presentation

The most obvious cause of breech presentation is preterm labor. For up to 36 weeks, the child was not yet ready to be born and therefore.

Also, if future mom expecting not one child, but several, the probability of breech presentation is very high. Often, one of the twins takes the correct head presentation, but the other may turn around.

A large or small amount of amniotic fluid can provoke a foot or breech presentation. When there is not enough water, the baby becomes too crowded in the uterus and cannot roll over. And in the case when there is a lot of water, he simply begins to swim in them and does not have time to take the necessary position in time.

If the woman's body did not have time to recover from previous births, then the muscles of the uterus may not be able to cope with the movements of the child and will not be able to fix it in the desired position. In 80% of breech presentation, it is very difficult for gynecologists to determine its cause. It occurs in only 5 women out of 100.

Why is breech presentation dangerous?

Modern medicine has proven that there is no serious danger in breech presentation. Of course, natural childbirth is a little more difficult, but this has practically no effect on the health of the mother and child.

The most common danger that occurs with a breech presentation is throwing back the baby's arms. But this happens in the case of improper obstetric benefits. Childbirth should take place as naturally as possible so as not to harm the child.

From the age of three months, babies learn to hold their heads on their own, lie on their stomachs, which allows them to fully see the surrounding people and objects. Then the babies begin to roll over from their back to their stomach and back. And if the baby refuses to do it? Why doesn't a baby roll over at 5.5 months?

What can a five month old baby do?

At 5 months, the baby can grab the toy lying next to him. He can do this with one hand, or with both at once. The child has a good grip and fine motor skills more developed than in adults.

From birth, the baby is in constant study of the world around him, in which every object has its place. An object is understandable for a child only when he can touch it and even taste it. If the toy bothers the baby, then he consciously throws it. If the baby is interested in a thing, but he cannot get it, then the baby will squeeze and unclench his fingers, examining it.

At the age of up to a year, children have a delicate hearing, they react sharply to any sound. A five-month-old baby listens with interest to cheerful music and begins to move briskly when it plays.

Many babies make certain sounds at 5 months, such as "on" or "yes". And not just one sound is pronounced, on the contrary, it is repeated for a long time. If others are touched by this, then the baby will hoot animatedly again and again.

More nimble babies at this age can crawl. Baby doesn't want to roll over at 5 months? But after all, each child is individual and there is no identical scheme of development.

Independent coups

Why doesn't a 5 month old baby roll over? In domestic pediatrics, there are norms for children of a certain age. According to these standards, at 4 months, the baby can roll over on his own. But the indicated age is just a convention, because all children develop in different ways. Some, due to prematurity or hyperactivity, are slightly behind or ahead of the average stages of development. Therefore, do not be afraid that a child at 5 months cannot roll over.

It is much easier to roll over from your back to your stomach, but it is not so easy to do it back. Most children master the reverse coup by six months. But there are no exact dates, because some crumbs can turn over even at 3 months, while others only at 6. Therefore, each child is 5 months old. Development, what should be able and at what age are popular questions among young parents.

Conditions for coups baby

Each motor skill is in close contact with the others. During the first year of life, the baby comprehends many elements of motor activity, and it is impossible to achieve success in one by skipping over the other. Subject to important conditions, parents will not have worries about the fact that the child does not roll over at 5.5 months.

  • Development of basic skills. Baby can't hold his head on his own? Is it difficult for him to lie on his stomach? Alas, he will not master the coups long enough. Therefore, it is important to train children's muscles.
  • Accounting for surface quality. It is difficult for a child to roll over on a soft bed or sofa.
  • Interest. It is very important to attract the child's attention with some object or a bright toy. The baby will have an interest, he will want to get to the desired object.
  • Emotions and mood. Good mood- a guarantee of good luck. Coups can be trained when the baby is in a good mood. Interest will not appear in a sleepy, hungry, sick or restless child.
  • Safety. Of course, such a condition is considered irrefutable. Don't forget the safety rules. It is the coups that are the period when the child can get injured. Every movement of the baby must be controlled. It is better to teach a child to roll over on a warm floor.

The child does not roll over - what is the reason?

It rarely happens when a child does not roll over at 5.5 months. But if such a problem exists, then perhaps the whole thing is in the physiological development of the baby. Often it all depends on the work of the muscles, if the child cannot roll over on his own, then the muscular corset is poorly developed. There are several reasons, and they are as follows:

  • hypotonicity of the general type;
  • dystonia of the spinal muscles;
  • underdevelopment of the abdominal muscles.

Additional contributing factors include the following:

  • congenital diseases;
  • infection;
  • anemia;
  • injury;
  • prematurity.

Help from parents

Do you have a 5 month old baby? Development, what the baby should be able to do - the issues discussed above. And now let's talk about how you can help the crumbs master this motor skill. First of all, you need to listen to the following recommendations:

  1. Training requires a flat surface. You should not constantly carry a child in your arms, because muscle training is independent physical activity. Leave the baby for 5-7 minutes just lie down on the bed.
  2. Professional massage, which should be carried out only by a specialist.
  3. An auxiliary warm-up that can be done when changing a diaper (flexion and extension of the legs).
  4. Exercises. It is useful to use an inflatable big ball for gymnastics, on which the child is laid out. The ball with the child lying on the stomach can be slightly rotated to the sides.
  5. Imitation of swimming. While bathing, it is desirable to allow the child to freely move his arms and legs.

Auxiliary exercises

To strengthen the back, neck and abdominal muscles, it is necessary to physically prepare the child from three months. The following exercises are suitable for training:

  1. Alternate flexion and extension of the baby's legs. The exercise is similar to cycling.
  2. Let your baby grab onto your thumbs. Slightly spread his arms to the sides and bring them back.
  3. It is advisable to pull the baby towards you in the same position. After a while, the baby will pull itself up.
  4. It is advisable to regularly lay the baby on the stomach. Uploading can be done as early as a month. This method helps to strengthen the neck and back muscles.

It is better to do gymnastics after a massage. Exercises should not last longer than 15 minutes, especially if the child does not roll over at 5.5 months. After the baby begins to hold his head, will show activity and curiosity, you can start turning over.

If the pediatrician confirms that the child is developing normally and there is no reason for concern, then you can not worry that he does not know how to roll over. All the skills laid down by nature will manifest themselves sooner or later.