What to do if a pregnant woman is bleeding. The appearance of bloody discharge during pregnancy: what the body of the expectant mother signals. Diagnosis of the cause of bleeding during pregnancy

During a normal pregnancy, a woman's menstruation stops. In some cases, pregnancy may be complicated by bleeding from the genital tract. Blood discharge can be of varying intensity and character - scanty, abundant, spotting, scarlet, brown. In any case, the discharge of blood from a woman’s vagina while expecting a baby is a reason to immediately contact a gynecologist, otherwise the pregnancy may be terminated.

Can you bleed during pregnancy?

Separation of blood from the vagina during pregnancy can occur due to many reasons. reasons, the most common of them are:

  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • implantation bleeding;
  • threat of spontaneous abortion;
  • detachment ovum and its membranes (abortion is in progress);
  • placental abruption;
  • placenta previa;
  • damage to the mucous membrane of the vagina and cervix during gynecological diagnostic procedures or rough sexual intercourse;
  • removal of the mucous protective plug.

If bloody streaks are detected, a woman should consult her gynecologist or go to the nearest maternity ward for examination, then in threatening situations the pregnancy and the life of the child can be saved. Depending on the cause of bleeding, the expectant mother will be prescribed treatment, including:

  • hemostatic drugs;
  • bed rest;
  • sexual and psycho-emotional peace.

Bloody discharge in the early stages of expectant mothers

The appearance of blood in the early stages of pregnancy requires the woman to take immediate action and urgently contact a gynecologist. This is usually a sign that pregnancy has occurred and the embryo has successfully attached to the lining of the uterus. During implantation, damage to the small blood vessels of the endometrium occurs, which is accompanied by a slight release of scarlet blood. Normally, bleeding stops already 2-3 days after implantation, and the discharge should not increase.

Blood on underwear along with cramping pain in the abdomen and lower back may indicate an abortion in progress or spontaneous miscarriage. If you go to the clinic in a timely manner, the bleeding can be stopped and the child’s life saved.

Bleeding in early pregnancy may be due to: insertion of the fertilized egg into the fallopian tube. In this case, in addition to bloody discharge and pain in the lower abdomen, the woman will be bothered by weakness, dizziness, drop in blood pressure, shortness of breath, and increased heart rate. Fallopian tube rupture is a serious complication ectopic pregnancy and if the patient is not provided with emergency medical care, death may occur.

Bloody discharge at 10, 11, 12 weeks

Blood from the vagina at 10, 11, 12 weeks of gestation in most cases is caused by miscarriage or spontaneous abortion. This can happen for various reasons - from chromosomal abnormalities to previous infections, due to taking medicines, abdominal injuries, cervical pathology.

Erosion of the uterine cervix can also bleed, but a doctor can determine the exact cause through an ultrasound and examination of the patient. Examination on the chair is usually abandoned so as not to provoke even more bleeding.

Bloody discharge in the second trimester

Vaginal bleeding in the second trimester is most often caused by abnormal placenta previa- full or marginal. In this case, as the uterus grows, the blood vessels extending from the placenta rupture and blood flows out. Sometimes bleeding can be quite severe, which threatens acute fetal hypoxia and its death. With partial placental abruption, the blood from the genital tract is scarlet in color.

Bloody discharge in the third trimester

The appearance of blood from the vagina in the third trimester of pregnancy is caused by:

  • placental abruption;
  • complete or partial placenta previa;
  • the beginning of labor.

Detachment of a child's place is a serious complication that can lead not only to the death of the child, but also to the death of his mother.

Brown or bloody discharge in expectant mothers after examination by a gynecologist

After examination in a gynecological chair or diagnostic procedures, scarlet or brownish blood may be released from the genitals of a pregnant woman. Most often this is caused damage to cervical erosion or injury to the vaginal mucosa tools. If the bleeding does not increase and the general condition expectant mother remains normal, then there is no cause for concern, but in order not to provoke increased bleeding in the next few days, the patient should refrain from sexual intercourse, lifting weights and taking a hot shower (bath).

One of the most dangerous periods pregnancy are the first and last trimesters. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that these particular periods will be accompanied by a variety of complications, which may include uterine and vaginal bleeding.

Seeing signs of blood on her underwear, every expectant mother begins to worry. It is important to remember that the bleeding that opens is at early stages pregnancy can result in various abnormalities and in this case the woman must urgently seek medical help.

In any case, you need to consult a specialist, since it is necessary to accurately determine the reasons that provoked the appearance of blood, after which measures will be taken to eliminate it.

Blood during pregnancy, what is important to know?

It is believed that minor bleeding during the first trimester of pregnancy is normal. During the first few weeks of pregnancy, bleeding can occur for a variety of reasons. Most often, minor fragments of the uterine wall are rejected, and red or brown bloody discharge will appear on the surface of the underwear. If normal, such bleeding should not be too heavy, however, in some cases, their appearance may be accompanied by not very strong cramps.

Even if such bleeding does not cause alarm and soon disappears on its own, it is necessary to seek help from a gynecologist who monitors the course of pregnancy, since only he can exclude the presence of pathologies and establish the exact cause of this phenomenon.

But, nevertheless, even despite the fact that bleeding during pregnancy can be completely safe, this phenomenon in obstetric practice is considered dangerous. The fact is that potentially opened bleeding can pose a threat not only to proper development the fetus, but also the health of the woman herself.

A few facts about bleeding during pregnancy

At different stages of pregnancy, every fifth woman experiences the phenomenon of bleeding. If you seek help in a timely manner, you can easily avoid a serious threat to your child. With the right approach, there is a chance not only to maintain the pregnancy, but also to give birth to a completely healthy baby.

It is worth considering the fact that the manifestation of bloody discharge from the genital tract during pregnancy can be one of the main signs of the development of a threat, and can also be the main symptom early detachment placenta or If the bleeding was provoked by just such reasons, there is a serious threat not only to the life of the child, but also to the expectant mother, and immediate intervention by an experienced doctor is required.

Today, the number of dangerous causes of bleeding is several times greater than non-dangerous ones. And only a specialist, after conducting a full examination of the pregnant woman, will be able to determine as accurately as possible the cause of the development of such changes.

Therefore, even with the slightest discharge from the genital tract, you need to be examined by your gynecologist. There is a possibility of discharge Brown(in this case the blood has had time to clot) or scarlet (in this case it appears fresh blood).

Quite often in the early stages of pregnancy, bleeding occurs as a result of the development of such an unpleasant disease as. In this case, there is a sharp increase in blood flow to the uterus and bleeding from the cervix may begin.

Also, the opening of bleeding can be provoked not only by the development of erosion, but also by the presence of various harmless tumors directly in the uterus itself or its cervix. This results in bleeding that is not too heavy, and the woman will not experience any discomfort. If a woman has such symptoms, it is possible to remove them, or over time they will disappear on their own. However, it is worth understanding that the procedure for removing such polyps is not capable of harming the unborn baby and the pregnancy proceeds safely.

The dangers of bleeding during pregnancy

In some cases, bleeding from the vagina during pregnancy can cause quite strong feeling anxiety in the expectant mother. The fact is that the manifestation of such bleeding in the early stages can lead to quite serious complications, which include not only ectopic pregnancy, but also the threat of spontaneous miscarriage, as well as the development of dangerous oncological formations.

Such bleeding may indicate that there is varicose veins blood vessels of the external genitalia, the presence of a dangerous infection of the vagina, as well as certain pathologies of the cervix, which can be severe and require immediate medical intervention.

One of the most dangerous complications of vaginal bleeding is the possibility of spontaneous miscarriage. At the very beginning of this condition, bleeding begins, which may be insignificant and not accompanied by any painful sensations; sometimes the girl does not experience any discomfort at all. However, such bleeding can continue for quite a long time, and at the very end sometimes very severe pain appears.

A dangerous condition such as an ectopic pregnancy can also provoke bleeding from the vagina. One of negative consequences The development of an ectopic pregnancy, if it is not diagnosed in time, can lead to rupture of the cervix, and in the most severe cases, a threat to the woman’s life develops.

It is very important to remember that complications of this kind can carry quite a serious danger and there is a need for immediate consultation with an experienced specialist, especially if bleeding is accompanied by even minor discomfort.

The doctor conducts a full examination of the pregnant woman, after which he prescribes and ultrasound examination, taking into account the obtained test data, he will be able to determine the presence of inflammation in the vagina, which as a result led to the onset of bleeding. Taking into account the peculiarities of the course of pregnancy, the doctor will have to convince that there is absolutely no threat of miscarriage.

Causes of bleeding in the first trimester of pregnancy

In approximately 2% of cases, pregnant women, during the first few months, experience bloody spotting, which in its consistency is very similar to menstruation. At the same time, it is considered normal for a few drops of blood to appear on underwear five to seven days after conception has occurred. Quite often, such manifestations accompany the process of implantation of the fertilized egg into the uterus itself.

The uterine pharynx can also provoke the opening of bleeding, the appearance of which is possible as a result of performing active physical exercise or too violent sex, as this leads to severe damage to blood vessels. In this case, the bleeding that occurs will not be too severe, and it may disappear on its own after about a few hours after it starts. Such bleeding, most often, is not accompanied by serious complications and can be completely safe for both the fetus and the woman’s health.

In the early stages of pregnancy, bleeding most often occurs as a result of a tubal or ectopic pregnancy. In this case, the embryo will not attach to the wall of the uterus (its normal development occurs only in this case), but will stop in the fallopian tube itself.

In order to diagnose the development of pregnancy, it is necessary to conduct an additional ultrasound, thanks to which it will be possible to verify the correct attachment of the embryo to the wall of the uterus and the beginning of its development.

The likelihood of developing an ectopic pregnancy increases significantly among the category of women who previously resorted to using an intrauterine device as contraception. The presence of scars or adhesions, which act as an obstacle to the advancement of the embryo itself into the uterus, can also provoke the fixation of the fertilized egg in the fallopian tube.

Most often, with an ectopic pregnancy, cramps occur in the lower abdomen. If a woman does not receive timely medical care, there is a possibility of a pipe rupture. This process can be accompanied by a rather strong burning sensation, and the bleeding itself may also intensify. To eliminate this problem, there is a need for exclusively surgical intervention, since it is not possible to carry an ectopic pregnancy.

If bleeding occurs in the early stages, this may be the first sign of the development of a threatened miscarriage. Most often, this phenomenon is caused by an insufficient amount of progesterone in the female body or if a course of infertility treatment has recently been carried out, which as a result provokes placental abruption.

If quite severe pain begins to appear, having a pulling or cramping nature in the lower abdomen, there is a need for immediate medical care. The fact is that only if you receive correct and timely medical care, there is a chance to maintain the pregnancy.

Causes of bleeding in the third trimester of pregnancy

It is extremely rare for bleeding to occur during the second trimester of pregnancy, but it can occur as a result of a fall or a strong blow. And during the third trimester, bleeding occurs quite often, which causes a rather strong feeling of anxiety in the expectant mother.

The process of placental abruption can be accompanied by the development of hypertonicity of the uterus (the “petrification” of the abdomen occurs), which leads to the appearance of rather unpleasant and severe pain in the lower abdomen, which is cramping in nature. In this case, the woman should be immediately hospitalized, after which C-section, thanks to which there is a chance to save the life of not only the child, but also the woman herself.

Incorrect location of the placenta can also provoke bleeding in the last trimester of pregnancy. In order to determine the presence of this pathology, there is a need for an ultrasound. If there is a very low attachment of the placenta, then the doctor may insist on performing a caesarean section instead of a natural birth.

But at the same time, not all bleeding during pregnancy can be dangerous and indicate the presence of abnormalities or require immediate medical intervention. Not only during the first, but also the last trimester of pregnancy, minor bleeding may be normal and does not lead to serious complications.

In order to avoid serious complications and tragedies (for example, spontaneous miscarriage), if even minor bleeding appears on your underwear, you need to consult your gynecologist, who will be able to accurately determine the cause and will do everything possible to avoid negative consequences.

It is worth considering the fact that solely taking into account the manifestation of external symptoms, it is simply impossible to determine an accurate diagnosis, therefore, to establish the cause that could lead to the opening of bleeding. That is why the onset of bleeding during any period of pregnancy requires mandatory consultation with a specialist.

Over the course of 9 months, a woman may constantly encounter various kinds of difficulties and pathologies. Some manage to carry their baby to term without any problems, while others are at constant risk of losing the child. One of the main reasons is vaginal bleeding during pregnancy. In this article we will figure out why blood may bleed during pregnancy. different dates. In addition, we will tell you what can be done in such cases to maintain the pregnancy.

In the first weeks of pregnancy, there is a high probability of bleeding, and it is especially dangerous at this stage, because the risk of losing the baby is 20%. Discharges can be of different types:

  • they may be spotting;
  • abundant;
  • take the form of clots.

The causes of bleeding during early pregnancy include the following pathologies:

  1. Implantation bleeding is, in fact, not a pathology, it is a common phenomenon, which is manifested by the appearance of several droplets of blood on underwear due to the fact that the fertilized egg has successfully attached to the wall of the uterus. Some girls confuse this type of bleeding with the onset of menstruation, although there is no pain that usually occurs in the lower abdomen.
  2. The most common cause of bleeding in the first weeks of pregnancy is the threat of miscarriage. In this case, blood is released abundantly, and this whole process is accompanied by cramping pain in the lower abdomen. This may occur due to an infection that enters the uterus through the external genitalia or after sexual intercourse. The embryo remains in the walls of the uterus, but whether the pregnancy can continue to develop or not can only be determined by a qualified doctor.
  3. Miscarriage is the most common reason for bleeding in the first trimester of pregnancy. If a miscarriage does occur, the bleeding gradually ends and the pain subsides. Only a doctor can determine a miscarriage using an ultrasound.
  4. An incomplete miscarriage is a condition when there is no longer a chance to save the pregnancy. Tissue and blood clots come out of the uterus, while the cervix is ​​open. To ensure that the woman’s life is not in danger in this case, the gynecologist performs curettage of the uterine cavity.
  5. Frozen pregnancy - in this case, there may be no blood in the early stages of pregnancy, the woman’s breasts simply stop hurting, and toxicosis goes away. Bleeding occurs when the uterus rejects the fetus because it is not developing. In this case, as a rule, doctors still perform curettage.
  6. An ectopic pregnancy is another reason why blood begins to leak from a woman’s genitals during pregnancy. As a rule, with this pathology the discharge is insignificant, because bleeding occurs mainly in abdominal cavity. A woman feels cutting pain in the ovarian area. They are so strong that the pregnant woman is in shock. In this case, it is impossible to do without surgical intervention.
  7. Hydatidiform mole is a cause of bleeding that occurs if pregnancy develops incorrectly - the embryo does not develop, tissue grows instead. Doctors cannot explain why this happens. He does not pose any danger to the woman's life.

Why does bleeding occur during late pregnancy?

If blood comes out of the vagina during pregnancy, starting from the 13th week, this only indicates the presence of some serious problem that urgently needs to be treated immediately. Most often, we are talking about an emergency situation when medical assistance cannot be avoided. We propose to understand in more detail why blood may bleed during pregnancy in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters:

  1. Incorrect placenta previa in the uterus - when the placenta is located very close to the uterine os, due to which the muscle layer cannot hold the placenta. As a result, small separations of the placenta begin to occur. A woman notices that she is bleeding during pregnancy, but she does not feel pain. It happens that there is no bleeding at all (during pregnancy, it can only be smeared with blood during placental abruption), because blood accumulates between the placenta itself and the uterine wall.
  2. If the placenta is completely exfoliated long before birth, although most often it is partially exfoliated, this is no less dangerous for the life of the child and mother. This is a very dangerous and rare phenomenon that can occur in 1 in 200 women who are expecting a baby. In this case, dark blood clots come out of the vagina during pregnancy, and this whole unpleasant process is accompanied by cramping pain in the lower abdomen.
  3. If the umbilical cord or the vessels of the fetal membranes are torn, then streaks of blood appear in the woman’s vaginal discharge during pregnancy. In this case, the baby may die, and doctors most often resort to emergency delivery to save the baby’s life.

How to stop bleeding during pregnancy?

  1. Before a pregnant woman discharges scarlet blood from the vagina, she usually feels a sharp pain in the lower abdomen. At this moment, you need to be near the bed or any other piece of furniture in order to lie down.
  2. Then you should definitely call ambulance. Ask someone nearby to put a cushion under your feet and give you 2 tablets of drotaverine and valerian to drink.
  3. In addition, before the ambulance arrives, you need to place a heating pad with ice wrapped in a cloth on your stomach.
  4. Do not under any circumstances think about douching or washing yourself. It is important for your doctor to see what type of discharge you have in order to determine why the bleeding started.
  5. Place a pad on your underwear, but do not use a tampon.
  6. Do not try to stop the bleeding yourself with hormonal drugs.
  7. When the doctor arrives, he will most likely offer you hospitalization, which it is better not to refuse. You definitely need to go to the maternity hospital to be under the supervision of doctors for some time.

Prevention of bleeding during pregnancy

To avoid bleeding during pregnancy, a woman should take care of her health long before its onset. Of course, there is a 100% guarantee that you will be able to prevent negative impacts external factors for the development of the embryo, no one will give you, especially since most often problems arise against the background of genetic abnormalities of the fetus, from which no one is immune.

However, you still need to take precautions. These include:

  1. Pregnancy planning. You must treat any infections you have before you decide to become pregnant. Because of them, miscarriages often occur and various defects develop in the child.
  2. You must live in a calm psychological environment. Avoid any stress or depression, because all this has an extremely negative impact on a woman’s hormonal background, which determines the favorable course of pregnancy and the health of the child.
  3. Be in the fresh air as often as possible, take a walk, be happy, because this is very important for the emotional component of your health and the normal development of the child, if pregnancy has already occurred.
  4. Don't drink unfiltered water. If heavy metals or radionuclides enter your body during pregnancy, then all this can have a very negative impact on the health of the child.
  5. Do health-improving exercises so that you do not experience gestosis during pregnancy and other problems.
  6. Refuse any bad habits. Because of them, not only bleeding may occur, but the embryo will also develop incorrectly.
  7. Do not take medications that your doctor does not prescribe for you. Taking any medications must be agreed with a gynecologist.

May your pregnancy not be burdened with complications! We wish you an easy birth and a happy meeting with your long-awaited baby!

Video: “Blood during pregnancy”