In what cases is biorevitalization contraindicated and what are its negative consequences? When will the result be visible? Why do complications occur?

Side effects after biorevitalization are usually associated with a violation of the technique of its implementation. To minimize the likelihood of complications, you need to find a qualified cosmetologist and properly prepare for the procedure.

Ideal procedure

Cosmetologists and their clients often violate the technique of biorevitalization from the very beginning. Thus, a specialist may neglect to conduct a full examination and collect an anamnesis.

At the same time, patients do not inform the cosmetologist regarding chronic diseases and other important factors.

However, the key to a successful procedure is the collection of the maximum amount of information regarding the patient’s health condition.

Even at the stage of preparation for intervention, the doctor should:

  • study the cosmetic history in detail,
  • collect information regarding allergic reactions,
  • find out which drugs were used before,
  • The fact that similar procedures have been carried out in the past is also important.

A qualified cosmetologist cannot treat a single problem of the body or face. He must conduct a comprehensive analysis and prescribe consultations with related specialists.

Errors at the preparatory stage and an incorrect forecast indicate insufficient qualifications of the specialist, which causes a negative or short-term result.

All the pros and cons

Biorevitalization is usually understood as injection or laser therapy, which is carried out to introduce hyaluronic acid under the skin.

Laser technology belongs to the category of non-invasive procedures, which is why it is considered safer. A significant contraindication to such treatment is intolerance to hyaluronic acid.

In addition, there are the following restrictions:

  • pregnancy;
  • breast-feeding;
  • progress of cancer.

Injection biorevitalization is considered an invasive technique that leads to disruption of the integrity of the skin. That is why this procedure has significant contraindications.

Prohibitions for biorevitalization include the following:

  • oncological pathologies;
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • exacerbation of chronic ailments;
  • facial skin diseases;
  • allergic reactions;
  • individual intolerance to the drug;
  • Availability keloid scars;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation.

If a person has simple pathologies that are temporary, they should first be cured, after which the procedure can begin.

Hyaluronic acid leads to stimulation of cells throughout the body. The same applies to cancer cells. With such a diagnosis, biorevitalization will only worsen the patient’s condition.

A similar effect is achieved in the presence of keloid scars. They represent a tumor growth of fibrous connective tissue. The exact reasons for such processes have not yet been established. It is believed that some people have a tendency to develop such problems.

According to scientific research, preparations containing hyaluronic acid do not have a negative effect on the fetus during pregnancy. However, cosmetologists still do not recommend doing the procedure while carrying a baby and breastfeeding.

Nevertheless, pregnancy is considered a special period in a woman’s life and influencing her body is permissible only in extreme cases.

In the presence of autoimmune pathologies, the body produces antibodies to its own cells. This means that the immune system perceives some cells as foreign, and therefore tries to destroy them. The stimulating and activating effect of hyaluronic acid on the body increases the risk of deterioration of the patient’s condition.

In some cases, situations arise when patients do not realize that they have an allergy or intolerance to certain components. In such a situation, it is necessary to perform skin tests.

With this simple manipulation, you can prevent allergic reaction immediate type, the greatest danger of which is death.

You should not do the procedure during menstruation or take anticoagulants during this period, which lead to blood thinning.

Video: Procedure


Indications for biorevitalization include the following:

  • photoaging of the skin as a result of exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  • deterioration of the dermis as a result of smoking;
  • loss of elasticity, increased dryness and thinning of the skin;
  • prevention of premature age-related changes.

Why do complications occur?

Side effects after biorevitalization appear for a reason. A number of factors influence the occurrence of negative consequences.

The main reasons include the following:

  1. First of all, side effects are caused by a violation of technology by a cosmetologist. Most often, the reason lies in the lack of qualifications of the specialist who performs this procedure.
  2. Another important factor is the patient’s own dishonesty. It lies in the fact that a person, knowing about all the contraindications to biorevitalization, does not inform the doctor about it.

Also, patients sometimes hide the fact of using medicines, which are prohibited from being combined with hyaluronic acid.

  1. Often patients violate the recommendations given by the doctor, which also causes complications.
  2. Another factor is too thin and sensitive skin.

How side effects appear after biorevitalization

There are a number side effects and complications that may arise after biorevitalization:

  1. Allergic reactions. They can pose a danger not only to appearance, but also to overall health. In this case, the best method of prevention is strict adherence to the rules of the procedure. The doctor must do allergy tests if this is prescribed in the biorevitalization protocol.

To conduct a session, it is best to choose a proven hyaluronic acid preparation that has the appropriate certificates. It is advisable to give preference to a synthetic product.

  1. Microhematomas. This symptom is a side effect of any invasive technique. The fact is that injections are still a gross intervention in the structure of the skin of the face, neck and décolleté.

In most cases, such complications arise when biorevitalization is performed during menstruation or menopause. Also, you should not perform the procedure if you have rosacea or while using anticoagulants. To minimize the risk of such complications, it is important to quit smoking.

  1. Painful sensations. Injections always provoke discomfort. However, through the use of local anesthesia, it is possible to significantly reduce the level of skin sensitivity. It is important to consider that the use of anesthesia drugs increases the risk of allergic reactions.
  2. Infectious complications. Such processes can be bacterial or viral in nature. The appearance of pustules in the injection area indicates serious violations of asepsis rules by the doctor. Also, such problems may be a consequence of the patient’s failure to comply with the rules of the rehabilitation period.

To prevent such complications, you need to adhere to the protocol and fully inform patients about the rules of skin care. It is important to consider that viral consequences are usually the result of an exacerbation of herpes infection.

  1. The appearance of nodules and changes in skin tone. This symptom is one of the most serious. But if the procedure is performed by an experienced doctor, the risk of these consequences is minimal.

Other side effects depend on the area where the injections are performed. So, there is a risk of the needle getting into the blood vessels. In addition, the doctor may damage the lymphatic vessels located in the neck area.

Biorevitalization of the skin around the eyes is a very dangerous procedure, so it must be carried out with great care.

Photo: Before and after

Prohibitions after rejuvenation

Contraindications after the biorevitalization procedure include the following:

  • you cannot visit the sauna and gym for several days;
  • it is forbidden to go to the solarium for 1.5 weeks;
  • you cannot be in the sun for 4-5 days;
  • it is worth giving up peeling or plastic surgery for a week;
  • you can not use new creams.

What to do if an unwanted result appears

If papules appear after the procedure, you need to take into account that they will disappear on their own in about 3 days.

If 2-3 weeks after the intervention, irregularities will be visible under the skin. They indicate that the gel has entered the surface layer of the skin. In this case, you need to consult a doctor who will prescribe a special drug.

If a hematoma, severe pain, or lymphostasis appears, you should immediately contact a specialist. To reduce the pressure of the injected gel, the doctor prescribes anti-inflammatory therapy and informs about the rules of skin care.

To speed up the recovery process after the procedure, you need to follow some recommendations:

  • use creams and cosmetics with ultraviolet filters;
  • stop using aspirin and other anticoagulants;
  • after 10-14 days, perform deep peeling to prolong the effect of hyaluronic acid.

Biorevitalization is considered a fairly effective anti-aging procedure. However, sometimes it provokes undesirable health effects. To minimize all risks, it is very important to find an experienced doctor.

Biorevitalization is an intradermal injection of hyaluronic acid. Included in the top aesthetic procedures, competing only with botulinum toxin injections. As with any popular procedure, there are many myths around biorevitalization.

Aesthetic medicine specialists, those who started 10–20 years ago, could speak the word “biorevitalization” like a tongue twister or a magic spell. Years passed... Biorevitalization became part of the protocols for preparing the skin for controlled trauma and rehabilitation schemes. Patients have learned not to expect from biorevitalization “skin tightening, wrinkle elimination, double chin elimination” and other mythological miracles that surround this method of intradermal administration of hyaluronic acid and parallel antioxidants in order to prepare the skin, create a hydro reserve and rehabilitate patients.

We collected myths that practitioners encounter during appointments and asked them to comment.

Myth 1. After the biorevitalization procedure, the skin condition may worsen; it is not worth performing it at a young age.

Such questions perplex me at first, then I begin to explain: why more quantity moisture in the skin, the better person looks. Biorevitalization as a method of intradermal injections of hyaluronic acid allows you to restore and normalize metabolic processes in the dermis; for 15 years this method has proven its effectiveness. Biorevitalization is needed for the skin to restore normal cell function and activate the synthesis of endogenous hyaluronic acid. Thus, the procedure can improve the quality of the skin, help cope with sagging and other signs of age-related changes. If a woman in menopause says that the introduction of hyaluronic acid is ineffective, and after the procedure the skin becomes more swollen and dry, then such signs indicate that the patient should be sent to an endocrinologist. Hypothyroidism is common in this age category, and after normalizing the function of the thyroid gland, the injections will be very effective, the skin will not be dry, but moisturized.

One of the frequently asked questions that can be classified as a myth is: “Will it get worse.” Most often this question can be heard from the older generation (after 50 years). In this case, you need to explain everything correctly and in detail. The younger generation very boldly resorts to biorevitalization; many often themselves ask for this procedure to be performed on them. And the question “Am I starting too early” is also more often asked by people over 50 years old.

Myth 2. About prosthetics

Despite the fact that cosmetologists at an appointment, as a rule, always explain in detail not only the indications and contraindications, but also the essence of the biorevitalization procedure, you can often hear from our patients: “I had this procedure done six months ago, all the hyaluronic acid has already dissolved! » Or this: “Of course, I know what this procedure is: there is little hyaluronic acid in the skin, and they will inject enough of it into me to last me a year!” Of course, it is not necessary for the patient, and there is no need to delve into the essence of biochemical reactions, however, to understand the strategy chosen by the doctor, you need to understand the following: biorevitalization is not a replacement, but a stimulating procedure. There is a fundamental difference here. With the help of such a course, tissues will “live” a full biochemical life, just as they did at 20–25 years old. This effect is much more valuable than replacement (prosthetics) of a substance. This is a real prolongation of skin youth, and not a disguise of age. For clarity, I suggest imagining. Imagine that when transplanting, for example, a kidney, you do not need to look for a donor; you have the opportunity to grow your own functioning kidney on the spot. It's a dream! This is a breakthrough in science! This is exactly what a cosmetologist does during biorevitalization, but not yet at the organ level, but at the level of one substance - hyaluronic acid. It creates conditions for its natural production in the skin. It is precisely this miracle, maintaining health, that this procedure is valuable.

Myth 3. Biorevitalization is ineffective after 35 years

I usually answer this question: “What about preparation for laser procedures, resurfacing, radio wave lifting? What about the finely wrinkled type of aging? Of course, biorevitalization is effective. Ineffectiveness can only be considered in a single variant, when the injected drug consists of hyaluronic acid, and the patient does not have a fine-wrinkled type of aging; in this case, after 35 years, the biorevitalizant will rather be a drug containing amino acids and peptides, microelements and vitamins (Mezovarton is now popular ).

Myth 4. It is not worth carrying out the biorevitalization procedure, since it will get worse after stopping the procedures? Getting used to the injections

After a course of procedures, we get a result, the duration of which depends primarily on the patient’s lifestyle, the presence of stressful situations, the frequency of air travel and time zone changes, general health, exacerbation of chronic pathologies, as well as on the resorptive ability of the skin, accompanying and subsequent cosmetic procedures . A new course of revitalization is prescribed after 6–8 months. As you know, you quickly get used to good things, and if the patient leads an “unhealthy” lifestyle, then it may seem to him that the result has come to naught, or even worse - it has become worse than it was.

Myth 5. The biorevitalization procedure can be performed during pregnancy

Any injection procedures during pregnancy and lactation are contraindicated, since no company has ever conducted clinical studies on this category of patients. During this period, the hormonal levels in the body change, the pain threshold and psycho-emotional status decrease, and no one knows how the woman will feel, how the body and the fetus will react.

Myth 6. The higher the concentration of hyaluronic acid, the better the effect.

When choosing a concentration, it should be understood that cells need a physiological concentration; it is this that is optimal for achieving restoration of the physiological environment and normalization of metabolic processes. If you use revitalizant with a higher concentration, then a “stressful” situation occurs for fibroblasts as a result of their active dehydration. But the doctor selects the drug and concentration, taking into account individual characteristics.

Myth 7. The longer the papules stay on the face after the biorevitalization procedure, the better the effect

Incorrect, since hyaluronic acid introduced from the outside is not immediately distributed inside the skin. How quickly the papules disappear and how noticeable they will be depends on the individual characteristics of the patient. The quality of blood supply is of particular importance.

Myth 8. Fear of combining biorevitalization with other correction methods

Most often, doctors do not understand that the depth of the procedure is different, and biorevitalization is an intradermal injection (mesh or papillary layer) depending on the density of the drug. For example, botulinum toxin or a contouring drug is injected deeper, and these procedures can be combined. Doctors, who can be classified as either “apparatus technicians” or “injectionists,” also treat combinations with hardware techniques differently, and such combinations sometimes cause confusion. The situation when a biorevitalizant can improve a hardware technique most often worries doctors. They ask questions and cannot always find the rationale themselves. Although many people use combined methods. It is not always clear when one can use a single preparation of hyaluronic acid, and when a combined one. Doctors do not always understand hydroreserve drugs (hyaluronic acid only) and say that they do not have such a pronounced effect, although with the right approach, such a drug gives a pronounced effect. As for combination drugs, peptides cause fears. On the one hand, this is understandable, since they began to be used in practice not so long ago, on the other hand, when they are used correctly (for treatment, the correct course has been developed), they give a good result. The technique of administering the drug still causes a lot of controversy: is it necessary to administer the drug linearly or is it enough to just papularly treat the required surface. In some cases, doctors argue about whether biorevitalizants can completely replace the administration of stabilized hyaluronic acid. Perhaps it is these moments that give rise to the most myths.

Many women who care for their faces often hear in a cosmetology salon an offer to carry out biorevitalization. The newfangled procedure is loved by the fairer sex because of the positive anti-aging effect, its duration and short rehabilitation period. At the same time, there are also negative reviews, which boil down to the body becoming accustomed to piece collagen, the harmful effects of the substance injected under the skin, and the lack of effect. Let's figure out what biorevitalization is, the consequences of which can be very disastrous.

The essence of the procedure

As we age, our skin begins to produce less and less collagen and elastane, which contribute to skin elasticity. In this regard, wrinkles, sagging and dark spots. She becomes dry and pale, which does not make the woman attractive at all.

Thanks to the introduction of hyaluronic acid, metabolic processes are established at the cellular level. The skin acquires a pleasant peach tint, becomes smooth and well-groomed, and the oval of the face becomes more toned. This effect lasts for a long period - 6 months. According to cosmetologists, you will look 5-10 years younger.

Facial biorevitalization involves the introduction of hyaluronic acid in two ways:

  1. In the form of filler injections that contain not only collagen, but also vitamins necessary for the normal appearance of the skin.
  2. Using a microcurrent, radio frequency or laser device, which promotes the penetration of the active components of the gel applied to the skin into the deep layers of the epidermis.

Cosmetologists advise resorting to the first method, since it provides positive results. If you undergo hyaluronic acid injections, be prepared for a short recovery period. Immediately after the injections, redness, swelling and even the formation of small bruises are possible. But after two days, such symptoms should pass, and you will be able to evaluate the result.

You should know! Hyaluronic acid, extracted from connective tissue mammals, is able to attract water molecules. It is slippery and resembles jelly. Many cosmetologists are convinced that applying the product in the form of a gel to the skin and using hardware are not capable of ensuring deep penetration of the drug. Therefore, only injections are a sure way to prolong youth.

The effectiveness of collagen injections is manifested in:

  • moisturizing the skin and eliminating peeling;
  • smoothing out small facial wrinkles;
  • improving dermal turgor;
  • eliminating age spots and smoothing acne scars;
  • acquiring a uniform healthy color to the skin.

Thus, biorevitalization promotes rejuvenation for 5–10 years. The injected acid lingers under the skin for 6–8 months, less often for a year. When applying the collagen injection therapy procedure every year, you can achieve a cumulative effect - your face will not only not age, but will also become younger.

The following photos before and after biorevitalization will demonstrate the effectiveness of the procedure.

Some women confuse the biorevitalization procedure with mesotherapy. In fact, these are different things. During mesotherapy, hyaluronic acid is not always used (they mostly resort to vitamin cocktails), and the syringe needle is not inserted so deeply. In addition, to achieve an effect comparable to 1–2 biorevitalization procedures, 10 mesotherapy sessions will be required.

It should be remembered that for serious age-related changes biorevitalization will not help. You can eliminate deep wrinkles with Botox injections or the use of gold threads. In any case, consult your cosmetologist.


Unfortunately, biorevitalization has a number of contraindications. It is not advisable to inject hyaluronic acid preparations under the skin:

  • pregnant and nursing mothers;
  • in the presence of dermatological diseases, such as seborrheic dermatitis, inflamed acne, a large number of pimples;
  • during illness or after using antibiotics, when the immune system is severely weakened;
  • for serious liver and kidney diseases;
  • after heart attacks and strokes;
  • if there is a large accumulation of moles, warts and papillomas at the acupuncture sites;
  • in the presence of allergic reactions to individual components of the drug;
  • after nervous shocks and recent stress;
  • those who have a tendency to develop keloid scars;
  • cancer patients and HIV-infected people;
  • people who have been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease, for example, psoriasis.

The biorevitalization procedure is usually performed after 30 years. The fact is that in the body until the age of 25–30, hyaluronic acid is produced independently in the required quantities.

But if, due to certain circumstances, a woman’s skin condition has significantly worsened (peeling, wrinkles, sagging and sagging skin has appeared), then you can sign up for a session earlier than the established limit.

Before the procedure, it is forbidden to drink beer, energy drinks or any other alcohol to avoid intoxication of the body. In addition, it is contraindicated to take drugs that lead to capillary fragility and contribute to changes in blood clotting.

It is also undesirable to drink dietary supplements that contain ginseng or ginko biloba. Do not forget that excessive consumption of tonics containing caffeine can adversely affect the condition of the skin after injection.

It is not recommended to do biorevitalization during menstruation or a few days before it starts. The fact is that during this period a woman experiences a strong release of hormones. How will the body behave? It is very difficult to predict.

Possible side effects

Of course, injecting the drug under the skin violates its integrity. In addition, the body must respond to the spread of a foreign agent. That is why negative consequences immediately after biorevitalization cannot be avoided.

Side effects lasting no more than 72 hours are considered normal. These include:

  • itching at the injection site and the formation of papules;
  • feeling as if your face is on fire;
  • redness of the skin;
  • puffiness, especially in the eye area (bags under the eyes);
  • mild pain;
  • formation of small hematomas.

If these side effects do not go away within the specified period, then you should immediately contact a cosmetologist. It is possible that sterility was not maintained during the procedure, perhaps a low-quality drug was used, and therefore an inflammatory process began to develop. In some cases (extremely rare), hyaluronic acid is incompatible with the skin, provoking an allergic reaction.

Note! The effect of hyaluronic acid on the gestating fetus during pregnancy has not been fully studied. There is an opinion that using the procedure in the first trimester of pregnancy can lead to autism in the unborn baby. In any case, women during pregnancy and during lactation are recommended to refuse biorevitalization, replacing it with a light facial massage and healing moisturizing masks.

Another unpleasant side effect that occurs due to the use of expired or cheap filler is facial asymmetry. File a complaint with your cosmetologist and demand a free correction.

When collagen is injected near blood vessels by an inexperienced specialist, hematomas or, worse, blockage of blood vessels can occur. In this case, you need to undergo restorative therapy using gels and ointments prescribed by a cosmetologist or dermatologist.

Before you sit down in a chair with a beauty specialist, you should have a conversation about contraindications. Feel free to inquire about the diploma medical education and the salon has permission to conduct biorevitalization.

Biorevitalization is not a cheap procedure. The minimum cost of an unexpired drug is 7,000 rubles. The following manufacturers are popular:

  • Ial-System;
  • Viscoderm;
  • Restylane;
  • Jalupro;
  • Surgilift;
  • Skin R;
  • Teosyal Meso;
  • JUVEDERM Hydrate.

Each product has a different consistency of hyaluronic acid. All of them are highly compatible with the female body. The choice of collagen should be trusted to an experienced cosmetologist, who will determine the degree of neglect of the skin. In addition, the specialist will focus on your age and tendency to allergic reactions.

Photos before and after

Rehabilitation period

What should not be done after biorevitalization? This question interests many women who have decided on the papular rejuvenation technique with hyaluronic acid. Negative consequences after biorevitalization can occur not only through the fault of the cosmetologist. Your incorrect actions during the rehabilitation period can cause significant damage to the skin.

  • for the first two days after acupuncture, do not touch your face or even wash your face with water;
  • refuse to visit the sauna, bathhouse and solarium;
  • do not do facial massage, cleansing and other cosmetic procedures for at least two weeks;
  • do not use foundation or powder until the injection wounds heal;
  • Do not remove crusts at injection sites under any circumstances;
  • You can’t play sports for two weeks;
  • avoid prolonged sun exposure in the first week after acupuncture.

Important point! Injecting collagen under the skin can cause an allergic reaction. Since the body receives stress and directs all its forces to fight the foreign agent, an exacerbation of chronic ailments is possible.

In some cases, a cosmetologist may recommend a special massage to promote proper distribution of the drug under the skin. It is possible to carry out microcurrent effects or use special masks and ointments with a calming effect (only as prescribed by a specialist).

Papules inevitably form at the injection sites, and swelling appears over the entire area of ​​the treated area. How quickly will they disappear? After a few days, under normal circumstances, the swelling goes away. How long do papules last after biorevitalization? They go away differently for each person - within 2–7 days. This process depends on the concentration of injected collagen and the individual characteristics of the body.

The following photo shows what papules look like.

Given the possible side effects and the healing time of papules, we recommend that you take a vacation or time off. After the wounds disappear, you will immediately notice an improvement in the condition of the skin. The course of biorevitalization consists of 3–4 procedures with an interval of 2 weeks.

Some cosmetics for washing, in particular alcohol-based soaps and lotions, can injure skin damaged during biorevitalization. Review your diet towards low-calorie foods, which the body will not need to spend too much energy to process. Try to add as little salt to your food as possible. This simple technique will help avoid severe swelling.

Some patients ask whether they can drink alcohol. Cosmetologists strongly recommend that you stop drinking alcoholic beverages in the first 3 days.

Facial skin care after the procedure

What should you apply to your face after biorevitalization? This question interests almost all women who want to minimize side effects and reduce the risk of developing an inflammatory process.

It is not recommended to apply decorative cosmetics to the skin of the face in the first two weeks. It is also undesirable to use your usual creams in the first two days after biorevitalization. The only thing cosmetologists recommend is light cleaning. Wash with regular boiled water. Micellar water is also suitable for these purposes, but only high-quality one. Try to touch your face as little as possible while washing.

How to treat skin after biorevitalization? In the first days, to restore the skin, you should use Bepanten or D-Panthenol ointment, which will help remove swelling and red spots. If there are bruises and bruises on the skin, then purchase Traumeel, heparin or troxevasin ointment.

It is prohibited to apply masks immediately after the procedure.. It is known that the dermis will recover only after a week. After this time, you can begin to carry out your usual care.

As for alginate masks, many cosmetologists, on the contrary, recommend their use. Such a product can improve the condition of the skin, resume its regeneration and eliminate numerous signs of aging.

After just a week, your skin will begin to recover, and its elasticity and uniformity will be noticeable. From this period it is already permitted to use decorative cosmetics, wash with thermal water and even make collagen masks.

Important point! If you want the effect of collagen injections to last longer, always lubricate your skin before going outside in sunny weather protective cream. It is known that exposure to UV rays can destroy hyaluronic acid.

Minimizing the risk of negative consequences

Before the procedure, it is recommended to undergo a medical examination to rule out side effects. 3-4 days before the biorevitalization session, stop smoking and alcohol, put sleeping pills or anticoagulants aside and do not stay in the sun for a long time.

It is best to come to a cosmetologist without makeup; you can do a light peeling at home within a day.

To ensure that there are minimal or no side effects, follow our advice:

  • carefully choose a clinic or beauty salon (it is better to focus not on custom reviews on the Internet, but on word of mouth);
  • ask the administrator of the beauty salon whether the cosmetologist has a medical education diploma, and whether the center has permission to perform the procedure;
  • find out in advance which drug will be used;
  • an ampoule with hyaluronic acid or a syringe along with the liquid must be opened in front of the patient, and your task is reduced to checking the expiration date of the contents.

Always choose a trusted clinic. Although the biorevitalization procedure is considered one of the safest in the beauty industry, if you get into the hands of an amateur cosmetologist you can:

  • develop tissue necrosis or sepsis;
  • ensure blockage of blood vessels and the formation of hematomas;
  • get anaphylactic shock;
  • acquire severe inflammation.

Since the hyaluronic acid needle is driven quite deep, the procedure is very painful. Together with a cosmetologist, you will need to select an anesthetic for pain relief. In a competent clinic, a cosmetologist will definitely ask about your pain threshold. If there is high sensitivity to the stimulus, a stronger anesthesia will be selected.

Thus, biorevitalization is a procedure that is indicated for women aged 30–40 years, when the first signs of aging appear on the skin. Thanks to hyaluronic acid injections, additional moisture is attracted and the skin becomes more elastic. Expression wrinkles disappear, the complexion of the dermis becomes even and peachy.

After the biorevitalization procedure, in order to avoid complications, you should strictly follow the cosmetologist’s recommendations. Papules formed at the injection sites resolve after 2–7 days, depending on the individual characteristics of the body, the degree of sterility of the manipulations and compliance with the rules of care.

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Biorevitalization of the face - what to expect from the procedure?

The procedure for biorevitalization of the face with hyaluronic acid.

Marina Ignatieva

Reading time: 5 minutes


There comes a time in every woman’s life when she wants to hide the mirror away - the skin on her face becomes inelastic, the first wrinkles appear, and the former youthful skin color is lost. Many resort to plastic surgery, although you can get by with a cosmetic procedure known as “Biorevitalization”. What is known about her?

What is biorevitalization - the difference between biorevitalization and mesotherapy, types of biorevitalization.

Those who believe that this cosmetic procedure allows you to get rid of wrinkles are mistaken. No! This technique can restore the skin to its former elasticity, firmness and color characteristic of healthy and young skin. This procedure improves appearance skin, and also slows down aging. What else do you need to know about biorevitalization?

  • This method is based on intradermal injections of natural hyaluronic acid, which restores water balance, thereby creating ideal conditions for cell life. As a result, the properties of the fabric are restored and the external effect is enhanced.

  • This procedure there is a “fast” and a “slow” result. First, the patient sees the smoothing of wrinkles and folds that occurs immediately after the procedure. After 7-14 days, a “slow” result comes when the cells begin to produce their own hyaluronic acid. It is at this moment that the skin begins to “restore” and look more youthful.
  • Many people confuse biorevitalization with mesotherapy, but these procedures are fundamentally different from each other. The mesotherapy preparation contains vitamins and microelements that are poorly produced in the body. Mesotherapy can be performed starting from the age of 25, while biorevitalization is best not done until the age of 35. It should also be said that a course of mesotherapy procedures is carried out once a week, and biorevitalization once a month, which saves money.
  • Exists 2 main types of biorevitalization: injection and laser. Injection is more popular, as girls see the results immediately. The entire procedure lasts an hour, during which time a certain amount of hyaluronic acid is injected into problem areas on the face. During laser biorevitalization, a special gel is applied to the skin, which contains hyaluronic acid, which changes its structure when interacting with the laser.

Indications for biorevitalization – who is biorevitalization suitable for?

The facial biorevitalization procedure can be performed on all women starting from 35-40 years old (it is at this age that the first signs of aging begin to appear on the skin). So, what are the main indications for this procedure?

  • Dry skin. If your skin is dry and dehydrated, then this procedure will be a sip of water for it.
  • Reduced firmness and elasticity.
  • Pigmentation on the skin. If you have a large number of moles or other age spots, the biorevitalization procedure will help eliminate this problem.
  • Restoration of skin condition after various plastic surgeries.
  • If your skin has been damaged by UV rays, then this procedure will help you get rid of all the consequences of long exposure to the sun or solarium.

Contraindications for biorevitalization - possible complications of biorevitalization.

Like any cosmetic procedure, biorevitalization has contraindications. So, under what conditions should you not undergo biorevitalization, and what complications may there be?

Preparations for biorevitalization – which one is right for you?

There are 5 main and most common drugs used for biorevitalization. So, how do they differ and how to choose “your” drug?

  • The 2 most common drugs that are included in the “Gold Standard of Biorevitalization” are drug IAL System and IAL System ACP, produced in Italy. These drugs are distinguished by their safety of use and the absence of side effects. These preparations use 2% ahyaluronic acid, which moisturizes the skin, corrects wrinkles and creates a lifting effect. After a full course of procedures, the result lasts for 4-6 months. Suitable for girls aged 30 and older.
  • Next comes the drug RestylaneVital, consisting of stabilized hyaluronic acid. This drug is suitable for women over 40 years old, as well as for girls with signs of photoaging. If you combine the use of this drug with the introduction of Botox or contour plastic surgery, the effect will be especially noticeable.
  • Skin R– a new drug containing 2% hyaluronic acid, as well as amino acids that affect protein synthesis. This drug has a strong lifting effect on the skin. It can be used by girls from 30 years and older.
  • Meso-Wharton– a unique combination preparation combining 1.56% hyaluronic acid and a large number of additives in order to prolong the effect of biorevitalization. The drug is best used in patients over 40 years of age.

Unknown 16 years ago, the word “biorevitalization” has firmly entered the lexicon of cosmetologists and women who take care of themselves. Now everyone knows how hyaluronic acid acts on problematic or aging skin. The procedure is often called “beauty injections,” attributing fantastic results to them: smoothing wrinkles, saturating the skin with nutrients and moisture, and rejuvenation. What are these magic injections and do they really help you stay young and beautiful for a long time?

Preparations for biorevitalization

Most people are sure that biorevitalization is carried out by injecting only hyaluronic acid preparations under the skin.

However, there are three types of drugs:

  • Injection of hyaluronic acid.
  • Hyaluronic acid preparations in combination with vitamins, peptides, amino acids, salts, etc.
  • Nucleotides that can act on DNA and “repair” it.

The most common injections are the first two types of drugs. Nucleotides are not yet widely used in our country and are quite expensive.

Hyaluronic acid is the basis of the procedure

Hyaluronic acid is the main “building block” in the structure of skin cells. It is she who is able to retain moisture and nutrients. Over the years, the body's natural production of hyaluronic acid decreases significantly, and older age, the lower the indicator of its content in the skin.

The introduction of preparations with hyaluronic acid not only equips cells with moisture and vitamins, but also triggers the skin’s natural ability to restore and regenerate. That is why the effect of the procedure is not immediate, it intensifies every day after the introduction of biorevitalizant and lasts a long time.

Nucleotides act differently:

  • penetrate DNA
  • looking for violations and breaks in the chain,
  • act on damaged areas, restoring the cell.

Types: injection and hardware

Hearing “prick” or “injection”, even the bravest of the weaker half of humanity experience fear. Classic biorevitalization is called injection, i.e. the drug is injected by the doctor with a small syringe with a thin needle.

Science does not stand still, and in addition to the usual injections, scientists have developed another type of drug administration: hardware hyaluronic acid. To do this, they use a special installation with a laser, which, under the guidance of an experienced doctor, is capable of injecting strictly dosed solutions under the skin completely painlessly.

Which is better?

Both methods allow you to achieve high results, namely:

  • completely eliminate fine wrinkles;
  • smooth out large ones;
  • give the skin elasticity and healthy color;
  • saturate the skin with moisture;
  • maintain the effect for a long time.

The main difference between the two methods: biorevitalization using hyaluronic acid, performed manually, can be painful. There is no pain during hardware treatment of the skin.

There are differences in cost: laser technologies are more expensive than conventional injections.

Is it possible to rejuvenate only the face?

This is a delusion - there are no restrictions for biorevitalization. Most often, it is used on the most exposed parts of the body: on the face, neck, chest, arms, applicable. At the request of the client, the procedure can be performed anywhere (legs, abdomen, back).

Is it possible for men?

Sessions of the introduction of biorevitalizants are not contraindicated and male half population. The aging process of their skin occurs in the same way as in women, so the introduction of hyaluronic acid has a positive effect on men, moisturizing the skin and smoothing out wrinkles.

In our country, few men visit cosmetologists, which is due to the Russian mentality. However, as in Europe, more and more more men They strive not only to make good money, but also to look presentable. For such “fashionistas,” biorevitalization opens up unlimited opportunities to be stylish, healthy, and beautiful.

Possible consequences of non-injection and injection biorevitalization

Hyaluronic acid cannot harm the body. In other words, its administration is completely safe. There are a number of few side effects, which pass very quickly.

The consequences of biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid can be as follows:

  • Redness of the facial skin after the procedure. It occurs as a reaction of the skin to an external irritant. It does not require treatment and disappears on its own in 1-2 days.
  • Pallor of the skin at injection sites. It occurs as a reaction of blood vessels and nerve endings to mechanical stress. No treatment is required and disappears on its own in a couple of days.
  • Barely noticeable injection marks. Disappears in 2-3 days. Absent during the laser procedure.
  • Edema, hematomas - extremely rare. The reason is an unqualified procedure and violations of sanitary and hygienic conditions.


The procedure is well tolerated by patients; there are no very strict contraindications. Allergy sufferers need to be careful, because... they have a very sensitive immune system that can react in unpredictable ways to hyaluronic acid and other components of the drug.

The procedure should not be performed on damaged or inflamed areas of the skin, or if there are spider veins and varicose veins veins

Non-injection biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid is not recommended for people with a history of tumors.

Hyaluronic acid cannot harm the body.

Duration of result

The result is permanent. Minimum term, during which the skin looks healthy and young – 3 months. Maximum – up to two years.

Of course, one procedure will not give the long-term desired effect. In addition, the introduction of a large volume of drugs does not increase the visible result. The basis of “beauty injections” is the sequential injection of small doses of hyaluronic acid solution at mandatory intervals. Therefore, a complex of injections is carried out: as a rule, 2-3 sessions with a break between them of about two weeks are enough.

What should you not do after the procedure?

No additional care is required after the session. Let's list what you should not do after facial biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid:

  1. Use cream, apply masks and do makeup - a day after the session.
  2. Take anticoagulant drugs during the first 24 hours.
  3. Use antiseptics and anti-inflammatory ointments and creams for two days.
  4. Drink alcohol and alcohol-containing cocktails for the first 2-3 days.
  5. Swim in the pool, sea, river - two weeks after biorevitalization.
  6. Tan in a solarium for at least two weeks.
  7. Take a steam bath, visit the sauna and SPA - at least 10 days.

The procedure for performing injection biorevitalization can be seen in this video:

Biorevitalization – modern procedure to keep the skin in good shape. It has practically no contraindications and is easily tolerated by patients. Suitable for both men and women. It does not require special preparation, as well as special care after the session.

The laser procedure is completely painless and has the same effect as classic injections. The cost of the injection method is slightly lower than the hardware one.

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