How to treat keloid scars. Keloid scar. Photos, what it is, treatment, how to get rid of it with folk remedies, laser, ointments. What is a keloid?


Most people in childhood or mature age received cuts, burns, animal bites, and serious abrasions. It happens that noticeable, expressive scars appear at the site of such injuries. Varieties of such defects include keloid-type scars. What is a keloid, what reasons lead to its appearance, does a person with such a scar need treatment? The information collected will give an idea about the scar and how to combat it.

What is a keloid scar?

A keloid type scar is considered to be the result of improperly fused wound edges. When an infection gets into a damaged area of ​​skin or connective tissue grows, clearly visible scars appear at this place various shapes. Best conditions The cause of a keloid scar is the fusion of the edges of skin lesions or a carelessly made postoperative suture.

The difference between a keloid scar and a hypertrophic scar is that the former is much denser and does not protrude above the skin. The photo that is on the website clearly shows that the keloid has the ability to thicken, increasing in size over time. Often, a keloid scar forms on the neck, chest, and shoulders. Less commonly, such a scar is found on the earlobes and other parts of the body.

Reasons for education

Many years of observation of the appearance and development of keloid tissues still do not allow specialists to find out the exact origin of the scars. There are many sources for the “birth” of scar tissue of this kind. Let's consider the most basic factors in the formation of keloids:

  • surgical operations ( C-section, removal of appendicitis, removal of moles);
  • scars from burns often appear;
  • The culprit behind the keloid scar is called BCG vaccination;
  • piercing;
  • infections;
  • animal and insect bites;
  • suppuration of skin lesions;
  • strong tension of the skin around the wound.

Tendency to keloid scars

According to professional doctors, the tendency to develop keloid scarring is observed in patients from 10 to 40 years of age. Children younger age, like older people, almost never suffer from similar problems, so their skin does not suffer from the appearance of keloid-type scars. In adulthood, the skin is most likely to recover; in a child, the skin also quickly regenerates, and people of advanced years often complain about the formation of atrophic scars.

An interesting medical feature: the location of a post-traumatic keloid scar may depend on the race of the person. For example, in people with dark skin This type of scars mainly forms on the lower extremities and abdomen, and in white-skinned patients, scars appear on the chest, face and arms. Such information indicates a possible genetic predisposition.

Treatment methods

Keloid formation is a common problem, so many people are interested in how to remove scars, what is the most reliable method for this? The fact is that a keloid scar takes a long time to develop, over many months. Those who have a keloid on their skin complain of itching, skin tension, and even pain in the area where the scar is located. If there are similar symptoms, then treatment of keloid scars is necessary.

The release of the skin from the keloid scar must be done in a timely manner, otherwise it will increase in size and cause discomfort. Today, therapeutic measures include many techniques:

  • surgical intervention (extreme case);
  • drug treatment (corticosteroid injections, hyaluronic acid, use of special gels, ointments);
  • ethnoscience.

Folk remedies

Scars after burns, operations or bites are sometimes removed using traditional methods:

  • olive oil with propolis or honey plus sea buckthorn oil is used to significantly improve microcirculation;
  • fennel, geranium, chamomile, aloe, St. John's wort, mint (tinctures and infusions, decoctions) are used as compresses and lotions;
  • used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes camphor oil, in which a piece of cloth is moistened and applied to the scar in the form of a compress;
  • to smooth out small keloids, you need to use knotweed, St. John's wort, chamomile, nettle and aloe in equal doses (two tablespoons of the mixture are poured with boiling water, left for a couple of hours, and a lotion is made with a linen napkin);
  • Resorption of healed skin occurs in 2-3 months if a paste prepared from melon seeds is applied to the scar, eggshells and sunflower oil.

Ointment or gel

Healing scars with ointments, gels, and creams takes a lot of time, but it is painless, in the comfort of home. It is advisable to begin treatment of keloid scars on the skin only after consultation with a dermatologist or surgeon, as this will help avoid unpleasant consequences and complications. The doctor will carefully examine the scars and prescribe effective remedy for their disappearance.

Gel and cream medications act on the area of ​​skin with scars so that the keloid begins to shrink, change height, lighten, soften, and as a result the scar simply smoothes out. If such therapy is used on fresh scars(the wound must heal completely), that is, there is a chance to avoid the growth and redness of the keloid formation, it will not look provocative.

Leading positions among medications that fight keloid scars:

  • Scar gel "Contractubex" helps to significantly slow down the formation of keloids, stimulates collagen production and has an anti-inflammatory effect. It has a good effect on the disappearance of small keloid scars (for a more effective result, it is used in combination with ultrasound).
  • Kelofibrase cream makes scar formations soft, supporting the skin water balance fine. It has an anti-inflammatory effect and has a deep effect on keloid-type scars.
  • Zeraderm Ultra is used to reduce scars after surgery. By lubricating scars, a waterproof film is created that protects the skin from exposure to UV rays. The gel is considered one of the most the best means to eliminate facial keloids (does not interfere with the application of cosmetics to the skin).
  • Healing keloid scars with Scarguard cream is no less popular. It compresses scar tissue with a transparent film, smoothing it out.
  • "Dermatix" relieves skin of keloids different types, used to prevent scarring.
  • "Dimexide" is used in compresses and lotions, and in combination with another product. The main task of this drug is to promote deep penetration of the drug into the tissues (more than 2 centimeters of the skin are affected by the treatment).

How to remove scars

Modern medicine can boast different ways combating keloid type scars. Tissues damaged by scars are removed by dermatologists, cosmetologists, and surgeons. The effectiveness of treatment in any case depends on timely seeking qualified help. For complex or old skin scars, there is a laser or scalpel.


Laser removal of keloid scars consists of the following: small capillaries that feed the scar are connected. To combat keloids, argon and carbon lasers and laser dermabrasion techniques are used. In some cases, a course of hormonal therapy is prescribed. This combination is necessary to block relapse (the appearance of new scars).

Laser removal of scars on the face, neck, arms and other parts of the body is carried out under local anesthesia. Depending on the depth, size of the scars, and the type of laser equipment, the keloid formation is removed in one or several approaches. The duration of one session is from 30 minutes to 1.5 hours (the surgeon eliminates 40-80 percent of skin damage). Scar tissue is removed in layers and “polished.” The cost of laser therapy depends on the size of the scar; the average amount is 2000 rubles.

Excision (surgical)

If conservative methods of treating keloids are not successful or the scar is large in size, in such a situation (extremely rarely) surgery is performed. It is recommended to perform intervention no earlier than two years after the appearance of a keloid formation on the skin. How to get rid of scars using excision:

  • Under local anesthesia, a small incision is made with a scalpel inside the keloid.
  • After this, cosmetic intradermal sutures are applied to tighten the edges of the formation. The result is that the skin becomes smooth.
  • After the stitches are removed, the doctor prescribes steroid injections and applies a tight bandage to the area freed from the scar to prevent the keloid from reoccurring.
  • The average price for excision of a keloid formation varies from 3 to 7 thousand rubles.

Video about keloid scar

Keloid scars are not a beauty for either men or women, but getting rid of them varies depending on the location and size. After watching the video, you will find out what the difference is in removing such a scar on one or another part of the body, and whether it will be possible to hide the mark from the operation. Unattractive scars bother people and create a point of concern, so they need to be removed.

Keloid scars at the site of injury can form over many years, gradually changing. Conventionally, keloid scars are usually divided into fresh and old.

Fresh keloid scar- This is a scar that has existed for less than five years. It differs from old keloid scars bright color, glossy surface and active growth. Old scar- pale, wrinkled, soft.

This classification is very important, since the choice of treatment depends on the type of scar. And of course, Keloid treatment should be started as early as possible. The best time is before the scar appears.

And this is not sarcasm. Most often, the tendency to form a keloid scar can be noticed even before it appears. In order to determine whether you have it, look carefully at how small wounds heal: after shaving in men, after piercing the ears in women.

If a thin, light-colored scar forms that does not rise above the skin, you are probably safe. But you still need to monitor the healing of any wound very, very carefully, since there are cases when keloids begin to form, as they say, without warning.

Expert comment:

In order to make the scar as invisible and thin as possible, many preparations have been created, among which gels, ointments and silicone-based patches occupy a special place.

Laser resurfacing of post-acne scars.

What is silicone gel against keloid sutures

Silicone ointments, creams and gels, such as Zeraderm or Dermatix, containing 100% medical grade silicone, play a big role in the treatment of scars, including keloids.

Silicone-based gel or cream prevents overgrowth connective tissue, and at the same time protects scars from external influences, as it creates a thin film on the surface of the scars. In addition, silicone ointment for keloids smoothes and softens the scar, which relieves itching and pain.

In addition to silicone preparations, Hydrocortisone is used to combat keloid scars. Hydrocortisone ointment for hypertrophic and keloid scars suppresses the activity of fibroblasts and collagen formation, which means it does not allow scars to grow.

There are also many combination drugs, such as Contratubeks, Kenalog, Elokom and others. In addition to silicone, they may include other active ingredients: zinc, vitamin E and others necessary to fight scars and quickly heal elements.

Expert opinion

Scar patches

Recently, to combat keloid scars, so-called silicone patches, or plates. They are glued to the surface of the scar, and at the same time provide its protection from mechanical damage and exposure to silicone, which affects the resorption of keloid scars.

As a rule, people who are prone to the appearance of keloid formations need to start applying the patches immediately after the wound has healed and a Dense crust has formed. This is an excellent prevention against the proliferation of connective tissue and the appearance of ugly, rough scars.

However, modern silicone-based preparations can be used not only in case of danger of keloid disease, but also in the healing of any wounds and sutures, so that scarring is easier and the scar is thinner and less noticeable.


How to determine whether a keloid scar is or not

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Preferanskaya Nina Germanovna
Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacology, Educational Department, Institute of Pharmacy and Translational Medicine, First Moscow State Medical University. THEM. Sechenova, Ph.D.

Most often, scars form on the ears, chest, shoulders, back of the neck, less often - on the joints. There are known cases of the development of keloid scars on the face. In children, keloid scars can form at the site of burns on any part of the skin. A keloid can cause not only physical but also psychological discomfort, especially if the scar has formed on the face, arm or any other visible part of the body. The causes of keloid scars have not been established.

There is no pattern between the severity of injury and the severity of keloid scars. They often occur after a third degree burn, or can after minor injuries (an injection or an insect bite). Keloid scars form when the normal tissue healing mechanism, the normal scarring process, is disrupted. The reason may be incorrect alignment of the wound edges, excessive skin tension or individual characteristics immune system body.

With normal scarring of the skin, a softening stage necessarily occurs, the scar turns pale, becomes soft, mobile and painless. In the case of keloid scars, this stage does not occur, and the scar remains dense, rough and inelastic. A keloid scar has a dense consistency, with a smooth shiny surface and reduced elasticity of the fibers, rising above the skin by 5-8 mm. This type of scars is considered the most unaesthetic.

The morphological basis of a keloid is made up of excessively growing immature connective tissue with big amount atypical giant fibroblasts that remain in a functionally active state for a long time. Keloids contain few capillaries, mast cells and plasma cells. Growth occurs over several weeks, sometimes months, after which the size of the keloid does not change until the end of the patient’s life.

It is characteristic that keloid scars almost never ulcerate, but their appearance is accompanied by increased sensitivity in the area of ​​damage, pain, burning and constant itching.

Keloids are divided into young and old. Treatment tactics for these two forms are radically different. Young keloids - with a lifespan of 3 months to 5 years - are characterized by active growth, have a smooth shiny surface and a color from red to cyanotic (bluish). Old keloids - with a lifespan of 5 to 10 years - are characterized by an uneven wrinkled surface, sometimes recession of the central part, and have a paler color with a pinkish tint.

Antikeloid drugs used to prevent the occurrence and treatment (softening and elimination) of keloid, hypertrophic scars.

The drugs are used only externally for the treatment of keloid scars after burns, operations, injuries, wound surfaces, ulcerative-necrotic diseases, for cicatricial deformities of the skin and for the treatment of adhesive disease. Do not use the drugs on open areas of the body, with damaged skin, or apply to infected wounds.

MA No. 12/16 - 1/17 provided information on enzyme preparations (Chymopsin, Longidaza, Collagenase, etc. ) , which are used topically in medical practice to break down fibrin formations and resolve scar contractures. Let's add here a number of drugs containing other effectively active substances.

Contratubeks- a combined drug with proteolytic activity that promotes the resorption of keloid scars. Its action is due to the properties of the components: heparin sodium 50 IU, allantoin 10 mg And liquid onion extract 100 mg. Thanks to Serae bulb extract the drug has a fibrinolytic, anti-inflammatory effect, due to heparin- antithrombotic and keratolytic (dissolution of the upper keratinized layer of scar tissue) effect of the component allantoin. Stimulates cellular regeneration without hyperplasia and inhibits the proliferation of keloid fibroblasts, thereby regulating the natural healing process of wound surfaces without the formation of a rough keloid scar or an ugly scar.

Currently, a long-acting Kontratubeks patch is produced for the treatment of scars. Treatment with it for 3 months (min) prevents the formation of large, rough, uneven scars that have a cosmetically unaesthetic appearance. The application of the patch reduces the itching, burning and tightness that typically occurs during scar formation, while protecting the sensitive surface of the skin from damage. Its use creates an occlusion effect with a soft air microcushion and moderate physiological pressure on the tissue, which prevents transepidermal loss of moisture from scar tissue and creates favorable conditions for the normal restoration of connective tissue fibers.

Kelofibrase(50 g cream, tube) is a drug with anti-scar activity, the main component of which is natural moisture-containing urea, which, in fact, ensures the constancy of fluid balance in scar tissue. Normalizes tissue trophism by improving microcirculation, saturates pathological areas of the dermis with fluid and maintains their water balance. Blood supply and regeneration of scar tissue improves. The drug has an antiproliferative effect, eliminates allergic manifestations, softens the collagen matrix and increases tissue hydration. The drug has a resolving, keratolytic effect. Urea has a moderate bacteriostatic effect and is destructive against fungal microorganisms. The drug contains sodium heparin, which has antithrombotic and anti-inflammatory effects. With this route of heparin administration, its anti-inflammatory effect is significantly superior to its antithrombotic effect. The dextrorotatory natural D-camphor contained in the drug suppresses inflammatory processes in scar tissue and has an analgesic effect. Against the background of local irritation of nerve fibers, it promotes dilatation of capillaries and thereby enhances the trophism of hypertrophied areas of the skin. Camphor also has antiseptic properties. The drug is applied 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment lasts from a month to six months, depending on the size of the damage.

Dermatix(gel 6 g, 15 g, tube) - this is the first line of drugs for the treatment of patients with scars, based on an inert silicone. Silicone is recommended by international experts for its action on scar tissue. The drug acts superficially, without having a systemic effect on the patient’s body, which makes it possible to use it in a wide range of people. A special formula of the drug is used to get rid of scars and scars and to return the skin to a smooth and even appearance. Forming an invisible film, the gel dries very quickly and has a softening and keloidolytic effect on the affected areas. The main mechanism of action of the gel is to maintain the natural balance of skin moisture and reorient collagen fibers, which significantly improves the appearance of scars and allows them to be smoothed out. Under the pressure of the silicone film, collagen and elastic fibers acquire a horizontal orientation, protruding scars are smoothed and softened, itching is eliminated, alleviating the patient’s discomfort.

The drug is used in the treatment of atrophic structures and muscle contractures that interfere with the free mobility of the body and also spoil its aesthetic appearance. It is prescribed to reduce the size of skin scars during their healing, as well as for the prevention and treatment of hypertrophic and keloid scars after surgery, burns, and other injuries. Since the drug does not have a systemic effect on the body, the likelihood of side effects comes down to zero. In very rare cases, redness and a slight burning sensation may occur.

Silicone is also included in other drugs, such as Zeraderm (Zeraderm ultra), produced in tubes of 15 g. The drug "Zeraderm Ultra" belongs to the class of surface-adhesive elastomers, which, in addition to silicone, includes vitamins A, E And coenzyme Q10. The latter has an antioxidant effect, enhances the action of enzymes, stimulates reparative processes in rumen tissue, and participates as a substrate for tissue respiration. The drug has an antipruritic, antiallergic effect. The anti-inflammatory effect is realized by inhibiting the production of biologically active agents.

Scar Aesthetic- the cream contains silicone, onion extract, arnica, chitosan, beta-carotene, shea butter etc. The cream is used to treat burns, injuries, surgeries and stretch marks.

Kelo-Kot(Kelo-Cote UV) - innovative silicone gel (6 g, 15 g) or spray (50 ml, 100 ml), contains polysiloxane- silicone, a type of organic derivative of silicon, and silicone dioxide- the most effective substance, additionally contains an SPF15 filter against UV rays, used in non-invasive techniques in the treatment of scars, burns and cicatrices. The advantage of these forms over conventional silicone pads shows that the latter can cause irritation or infection of the skin; they are inconvenient to fix on the body during motor activity and sleep.

Skarguard— the drug contains silicone and an anti-inflammatory component hydrocortisone, antioxidant - vitamin E, is available in the form of ointment, gel-cream.

Regivasil gel contains silicone, emu oil, vitamin C, squalene and is suitable for removing scars on the body and face.

Madecassol- a dermatoprotective agent of plant origin, the active ingredient of which is a product isolated from a plant Centella asiatica, known for anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and anti-burn properties, stimulates tissue regeneration, inhibits the growth of fibroblasts and stabilizes lysosomal membranes. The drug acts on various stages of collagen synthesis by fibroblasts, increasing its quantity, promoting blood microcirculation and skin regeneration, development elastic fabric and restoration of the collagen structure of the vein wall. The drug clears ulcerative lesions with their subsequent marginal healing and reduces swelling. Apply externally, apply ointment to the affected surface (pre-treated with an antiseptic) 1-2 times a day.

Mederma(gel 20 g, tube) contains allantoin + tsepalin(from Serae onion extract). Allantoin is an active substance that collects and retains moisture in the surface layers of the skin, improves blood circulation, has a regenerative, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and keratolytic effect. Serae onion extract, which has an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect, promotes skin cell renewal and stimulates collagen production. Cepalin has a fibrinolytic effect, promotes the dissolution of blood clots, and also limits the proliferation of scar tissue cells.

The drug is effective in the fight against small cosmetic scars and scars remaining after the removal of tattoos, acne and other skin damage. Used to smooth out scars and scars, it is especially effective against stretch marks formed during pregnancy or rapid weight loss. Significantly improves the appearance of the skin, restores the ability of stretch marks to respond to ultraviolet rays, due to which the skin acquires an even tan and makes stretch marks less noticeable. The drug is used exclusively externally and only on healed areas of the skin. The gel is applied 3-4 times a day to previously cleansed and dried skin and then for 3-5 minutes. rubbed with soft pressing movements into the scar tissue or stretch marks until completely absorbed. The course of application is 3-6 months.

Fermenkol(gel 10 g, 30 g, tube) - enzyme product from collagenases of hydrobionts, which is a complex of collagenolytic proteases with different molecular weights. It has high collagenolytic activity, providing deep hydrolysis of collagen peptide bonds. Hydrolysis of collagen occurs down to individual amino acids. Fermenkol exhibits selective activity against pathological collagen molecules with nodular and vortex folding, characteristic of keloid and hypertrophic scars, and is less active against fibrils of native collagen inherent in healthy tissue. The enzymes included in the composition selectively act only on the molecules of pathological collagen contained in the scar tissue of atrophic and keloid scars, destroying them, resulting in a reduction in the scar. Hydrolysis of collagen and elastin fibers occurs, which break down into individual amino acids. It only acts on scars that are no more than 1-2 years old, when scar tissue formation is still active. Use no earlier than 2-3 weeks after wound granulation. Transdermal delivery of the active substance into the deep layers of the skin is ensured by a unique patented formula that reversibly increases the permeability of the stratum corneum due to the hydration of corneocytes and corneodesmosomes, as well as the epidermis and dermis by swelling and loosening of interstitial collagen and elastin.

The use of electro- and phonophoresis during application makes it possible to increase the delivery of enzymeolytics to deep areas of scarred skin. Applications are applied 2-3 times a day. Course duration is 30-40 days, break 10 days.

Limus(Tambukan mud) is an organomineral colloidal formation of black or dark gray color with an ointment-like consistency from the bottom of the salt lake Tambukan in the Stavropol Territory. The mechanism of action of the product is based on reflex (thermal and mechanical) action and the penetration of biologically active substances through the skin or mucous membrane. In the course of research, it was found that Limus has a wide spectrum of action: analgesic, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, immunocorrective and desensitizing. The drug is good for treating skin scars after chemical and thermal burns and traumatic injuries. Treatment with mud deposits from Lake Tambukan is one of the powerful healing factors of the Caucasian Mineral Waters resort. Treatment with these drugs can be carried out not only at the resort, but also at home in any region.

A keloid scar is the result of an excessive increase in connective tissue that occurs at the site of skin fusion during the postoperative period.

Most doctors agree that the appearance of such scars is caused by a violation of the mechanism of connective tissue structure in the human body and excessive production of collagen.

Violation of the integrity of the skin is fraught with several types of scars:

Keloid scars are
the result of the growth of skin tissue over the surface of a healing wound, in which a tumor-like formation occurs on the skin.

A keloid scar is a smooth formation with a dense structure and evenly defined edges. The growth has a red, bluish or purple tint, which is explained by the growth of small capillaries into the skin. The boundaries of the keloid are located far beyond the edges of the wound itself and differ sharply from the surrounding tissue.

Keloid scars can interfere with movement. This is a particularly common problem when a formation occurs in the area of ​​a joint or facial muscles.

The formation of a keloid scar is accompanied by pain. This may include tingling, burning, itching and occasional pain. The danger of such a growth is the high probability of relapse after treatment and the high ability to constantly grow.

What causes and how do keloid scars form on the body, head, face, ears

Keloid formation begins after the first restoration of the skin due to injury. At the site of a healed wound or cut, small compactions begin to appear, accompanied by discomfort. The seals increase, going beyond the scar, and acquire clear contours.

A keloid scar is finally formed within a period of several weeks to several months. The following factors are identified that increase the likelihood of their occurrence:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • wound infection;
  • unstable hormonal levels;
  • incorrect alignment of the cut edges;
  • strong skin tension in the cut area;
  • pregnancy;
  • insufficient wound care;
  • problems with immunity.

The tumor occurs due to an imbalance in the production of collagen and elastin.

Normally, they are provided by fibroblast cells and lead to wound healing. When the border of the injured skin is violated, collagen fibers grow and cause the appearance of a scar.

Exposed areas of skin are considered the most vulnerable to the development of a keloid scar. This area is the ears, neck, chest, upper back, face and shoulders.

Scars after mole removal

A keloid can form at the site of mole removal as a result of disturbances in the functioning of the body and improper care of the injured area.

The place where the mole was previously located will become dense and a reddish tint will appear. Itching and burning may occur. At the first suspicion, you should contact a specialist.

Scars after rhinoplasty

Keloids after rhinoplasty are often the result of improper skin care. The nasal area is characterized by a tendency to develop inflammation. Having experienced stress from surgery, the skin often changes its type, and the sebaceous glands begin to work more actively.

To prevent scarring, you should follow your doctor’s recommendations and use antiseptics. It is worth noting that the risk of developing a keloid scar during repeated surgery is much higher. This is explained by the fact that the operation is performed on tissues that are initially injured.

Scars after blepharoplasty

Blepharoplasty is used to get rid of fine wrinkles, bags under the eyes and other cosmetic imperfections in the upper and lower eyelids. In this case, a keloid scar is one of the rare negative outcomes, since the procedure is performed with small incisions in the skin.

If you are prone to the appearance of keloids, your doctor will prescribe additional treatment. In this case, applying a special silicone bandage to the injured area will be effective.

Scars after mammoplasty

A keloid scar is one of the possible disorders of skin healing after mammoplasty. Small stitches remain in any case, but during normal healing they become invisible.

To prevent the occurrence of keloid and proper tissue fusion, you should wear a special compression underwear within 6 weeks after surgery.

Scars after biorevitalization

Biorevitalization is considered one of the methods for treating certain types of scars.

Efficiency is achieved by performing biorevitalization in conjunction with laser procedures. Injections accompany tissue healing after laser resurfacing.

As a rejuvenating procedure, biorevitalization is contraindicated for people prone to the formation of keloids, since even a slight violation of tissue integrity, but in large quantities, may cause scarring.

Scars after piercing

The likelihood that skin healing will result in a keloid scar is quite high among piercing enthusiasts. This is due to genetic predisposition and improper care of the puncture site.

The growth of a keloid is also provoked by piercing jewelry, which creates additional tension. In addition, the earring creates friction against the skin, which also negatively affects healing.

If complications occur, it is recommended to remove the jewelry and undergo a course of restorative procedures. The areas most at risk are the nose, eyes and lips.

Scars after acne, pimples

Even an ordinary pimple can cause a keloid scar if there is a predisposition to it. People with dark skin are more likely to face this problem. Acne marks increase in size and become keloids a month after initial healing.

They usually appear in large numbers but are small in size. The diameter of each keloid is on average 4 mm, but can increase over time.

Post-burn scars

As a result of the burn, a keloid scar can form. This is possible if there is a predisposition and the degree of skin damage is severe. Chemical or thermal burn leads to the formation of keloid on any part of the body.

A scar can be recognized a month after the wound has healed, when isolated lumps begin to appear in the burn area. The likelihood of complications is higher if a large area of ​​skin is affected.

How to remove keloid and hypertrophic scars after surgery. Laser removal. Reviews

The following methods are used to treat keloid scars:

To achieve a positive effect, the scar must enter the maturity stage and stop growing. To do this, the affected area is treated with hormonal drugs and ointments, as a result of which the scar loses color and becomes soft. Only ablative resurfacing that acts directly on the scar tissue is allowed.

Laser resurfacing “evaporates” the scar, making it less noticeable.

Patients note a decrease in keloid volume, loss of color and change in structure after the first procedure. During treatment, a tingling and burning sensation is felt, which is normal. If a large area is being treated, anesthesia should be used.

After laser treatment, the scar will require special care. The doctor will indicate the frequency of treatment with a disinfectant and healing cream. Chlorhexidine and Bepanthen are commonly used.

A few days after the procedure, the scar area will become covered with a crust that cannot be removed. Experts disagree about this method of treatment, since the laser can provoke a relapse.

Removal of keloid scars with liquid nitrogen – cryotherapy. Reviews

This treatment method is classified as a conservative type of scar correction. The procedure requires a nebulizer with liquid nitrogen, a cotton swab and an analgesic (if the scar is large).

Before resorting to the procedure, make sure that it is a keloid scar

The advantage of removing the scar with nitrogen is that the risk of wound infection is reduced. Low temperature kills skin microflora, preventing infection. If infection does occur, this can be judged by swelling and the appearance of redness on the scar.

After exposure to nitrogen, a formation appears in the form of a bubble with liquid, which should not be pierced independently. Patients notice improvement appearance skin, change in size and brightness of the keloid. However, the scar does not completely disappear.

To achieve the result, it is necessary to apply liquid nitrogen to the keloid scar for 2-10 minutes with breaks for thawing.

Treatment of keloid scars - drugs, ointments, creams. Photos before and after

Drug treatment is used both as an auxiliary or preparatory therapy before another type of treatment, and as the main method of treatment.

Ointments and creams basically contain collagen of different origins, which creates a film on the surface of the skin. The film prevents moisture loss, moisturizing the surface of the keloid. At the same time, hydration promotes healing and normalization of processes in tissues.


The drug is available in 2 forms:

  • suspension;
  • injection.

It is a hormonal agent.

To reduce the defect, the keloid scar is chipped once a month. This allows you to make it softer and reduce the brightness of the color. Doctors have differing opinions regarding the drug, since hormonal therapy can provoke changes in the body.


The action of the gel is ensured by the following components:

  • allantoin– relieves itching and burning during healing, normalizes pigmentation, softens scars, and also activates blood circulation in the affected tissue;
  • heparin sodium– makes the structure of the scar less dense, saturates the tissue with moisture and has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • cepalin(onion extract) – inhibits the development of fibroblasts, preventing the formation of a scar and its growth.

The gel should be applied 2-3 times a day, massaging the scar from the center to the edges. Treatment period is 3-6 months.

The drug received more positive reviews when treating acne marks. Patients were not able to significantly reduce their keloid size with this gel.


The drug “Lidaza” is based on hyaluronic acid, which fills cells and stimulates decay processes in scar tissue. In this case, there is no effect on the collagen-collagenase system.

Available in the forms of solution for internal use and powder for external use.

Visible positive results The drug is not effective in the treatment of keloid scars.


"Solcoseryl" contains deproteinized dialysate from the blood of calves, which stimulates cell regeneration by supplying glucose and oxygen. The most popular forms of release are ointment and jelly. The concentration of the active substance in the jelly is higher.

When treating the scar 2 times a day for several months, improvements in the appearance of the skin are noted. But this remedy will not completely remove the keloid.


The keloid scar is almost completely removed with the drug "Kenalog". This is a drug that causes tissue atrophy. It is used as a course of injections at intervals of 1 month to six months. The full course of treatment depends on the age of the scar, its area and size.

As a result of using the product, the scar becomes flat and similar in color to the skin.

Patients who used this remedy noted a long-term positive effect.


Among the many remedies for scars, this drug stands out for its effectiveness. Available in the form of a gel and a gel-based bandage (fabric and silicone). It has a superficial effect due to the silicone in the composition, making the keloid scar flat.

This is one of the few products that act on the surface of the skin without changes in the inner layer. Significant minus - high price drug (about 1600 rubles).

The effectiveness of using ointments and creams increases when applied under a compressive bandage for several hours.

How to cure keloid scars at home - treatment with folk remedies

ethnoscience To remove keloid scars, he recommends the following methods:

  • compresses from infusions of chamomile, fennel, St. John's wort;
  • massage with sea ​​buckthorn oil;
  • rubbing fresh honey;
  • lubricating the surface of the keloid with rosemary and tea tree oil. These oils are essential oils, so they should be used in combination with a base oil;
  • compress of crushed cabbage leaves and honey.

The effectiveness of these methods has not been proven. They can be used as an addition to the main therapy in consultation with the doctor.

How to hide a keloid scar - tattoo, permanent makeup

A keloid scar can be hidden with a tattoo or permanent makeup. These methods involve printing a long-term pattern directly onto the problem area of ​​the skin, thereby masking the aesthetic defect.

Tattooing needs to be renewed periodically so that the scar is not noticeable in the future, and tattoos accompany a person for the rest of his life.

What is a keloid scar and how to get rid of it: video

What causes keloid scars and how to combat them - expert recommendations:

What is this, a keloid or hypertrophied scar? Doctor's explanation:

A keloid scar is an unpleasant cosmetic problem, the solution to which lies in comprehensive, competent treatment. Best result achieved by a combination active methods treatment (laser, cryotherapy, physiotherapy) and local effects medicines(ointments, creams and injections).

Scars are formations of connective tissue that occur at the site of damage to body tissue. Scars are a physiological phenomenon, the result of healing of damaged tissue. With a normal healing process, scars on the skin after some time become almost invisible and do not cause any inconvenience to the person.

What are hypertrophic and keloid scars?

With some individual characteristics of the body, there is an excessive growth of connective tissue during the healing process. As a result, hypertrophic or keloid scars occur. A keloid is a dense growth of connective tissue that resembles a tumor.

The main differences between keloid scars and hypertrophic ones:

  1. A keloid scar extends beyond the wound, while a hypertrophic scar only rises above its surface.
  2. A hypertrophic scar does not manifest itself in any way, except for its appearance, while with a keloid, patients often complain of pain, itching in the scar, a feeling of tightness of the skin and paresthesia (impaired sensitivity) in the wound area.
  3. Hypertrophic scars regress over time - they become flattened, become pale, but a keloid scar practically does not change - its color remains purple or bluish, as blood vessels grow into the keloid tissue.
  4. Differences at the microscopic level - in a keloid scar there is 7-8 times more collagen than in a hypertrophic one.

So, you can suspect a keloid scar based on the following signs: a rough, unsightly scar with a color ranging from pale pink to purple-bluish forms at the site of the wound. This scar can pulsate and cause unpleasant sensations - pain, itching, decreased skin sensitivity. A keloid in its shape resembles a tumor and extends to the sides beyond the boundaries of the wound, while greatly rising above its surface.

Causes of keloid scars

These scars can form even with the most minor damage to the skin - abrasions and scratches.

The reasons may be:

  • incorrect alignment of wound edges;
  • infection in the wound followed by suppuration;
  • excessive skin tension when suturing;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • immunodeficiency;
  • hereditary predisposition.

Who is most likely to develop keloid scars?

A tendency to keloid scars is observed in people aged 10-40 years. Old people and children are much less likely to develop keloids. This is explained by the maximum regenerative ability of the skin in adulthood. In children, the skin is more elastic and heals normally, while in older people, atrophic scars most often form.

Scientists have noted the dependence of the localization of keloid scars depending on race. For example, white-skinned people tend to develop keloid scars on the face, upper limbs and chest, while Asians rarely develop keloids on the chest. In black people, keloids form at a higher rate on the legs. These facts suggest a genetic predisposition to the formation of keloid scars.

Treatment of keloid scars

The main rule to follow when treating keloids is to prevent their occurrence.

Patients prone to keloid scars should avoid any cosmetic surgery. During operations performed for life-saving reasons, the patient should inform the surgeon about his predisposition to keloid. In this case, the doctor will avoid excessive skin tension when closing postoperative wounds. It is advisable not to make incisions along the sternum and joint surfaces - in these places the likelihood of a keloid appearing is much higher.

There are several methods for treating keloid scars, grouped into the following groups::

  • medicinal methods(use of corticosteroids and immunomodulators - drugs that affect the formation of collagen in the rumen);
  • surgical methods aimed at excision of excess tissue (excision with a scalpel, laser and cryosurgery);
  • occlusal techniques– use of pressure bandages;
  • physiotherapeutic methods– electrophoresis, magnetic therapy;
  • radiation therapy;
  • correction of keloids using cosmetics.

Let's take a closer look at each of the methods.

Medicines in the treatment of keloid scars

The use of corticosteroids - intraruminal administration of hormonal drugs leads to a decrease in collagen synthesis and reduces the concentration of inflammatory substances. The most commonly used injection is triamcinolone acetate - two or three injections with an interval of 1-2 months. Another option is the use of hormonal ointments. These methods may be accompanied by complications such as scar atrophy, the appearance of telangiectasia (spider veins) and changes in pigmentation.

The use of immunomodulators is the latest treatment method. Interferon injected into the suture line can prevent the recurrence of a keloid scar after its excision.

Enzyme preparations help reduce the keloid by destroying its structural components - hyaluronic acid and collagen. Similar drugs include: Lidaza and Ronidaza. A more modern drug is Longidase, which is a combination of hyaluronidase with polyoxidonium (immunomodulator). The most effective method of administering enzyme preparations is phonophoresis or ultraphonophoresis.

Another drug with a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, which has been used for many years to treat post-burn hypertrophic and keloid scars: “Kontratubeks”.

The resorption of collagen in the scar is facilitated by the drug "Fermenkol".

The effect of using medications is observed 3-4 weeks after the start of their use. The optimal effect develops after 2-3 courses of phonophoresis or after 10-15 application sessions.

Surgical techniques for removing keloid scars

Surgical removal of keloid scars is the least effective way their treatment - relapses are observed in 50-100% of cases. The best option is a combination of excision with the application of occlusive (pressure) dressings. A tight bandage is applied for several days after surgery.

Cryosurgery is the short-term freezing of the scar with liquid nitrogen. In some cases, 2-3 freezing cycles of 20-30 seconds are enough to achieve the desired effect.

Laser therapy – the effect of pulsed laser radiation on scar tissue causes reduction due to collagen contraction. Another effect of the laser is the cauterization of the scar.

Surgical techniques are most effective when combined with postoperative corticosteroids - in this case, the relapse rate is minimal.

Physical methods

Applying tight silicone bandages to the scar leads to its reduction in approximately 20-25% of cases. However, prolonged round-the-clock wearing of these bandages is required - for 6-8 months, which causes severe discomfort.

Radiation therapy

Exposure of the surface of a keloid scar to ionizing radiation (Bucca rays) causes the destruction of collagen fibers, which leads to a decrease in the volume of scar tissue. Up to 6 radiation sessions are prescribed with an interval of 1.5-2 months. This method of treatment is contraindicated for kidney disease, unhealed wounds and skin diseases.

Cosmetic procedures

dermabrasion, peelings are effective only in the treatment of hypertrophic scars - when exposed to such aggressive techniques on a keloid scar, there is a high risk of relapse and even greater growth of the keloid.

You should know that hypertrophic scars should be resurfaced only after they have completely stabilized. Signs of complete stabilization of such scars are their acquisition of normal color (skin color or slightly paler) and a slight decrease in volume.

Chemical peels for hypertrophic scars are carried out in two stages. At the first stage, a silicone cream is used to protect the skin from drying out and help stabilize the scar. At the second stage, the peeling itself is carried out.

What is the most effective method of treating keloid scars?

Undoubtedly, the most effective method is the use of hormonal injections. Small to medium scars can be almost completely removed with corticosteroid ointments. For scars big size It is recommended to use a combination of several methods - excision of the scar followed by the use of occlusive dressings and the introduction of corticosteroids with immunomodulators.