A parable about attitude towards parents. Parables for children and parents. Feelings somehow argued. Who is stronger

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Short wise parables about children and parents: from Omar Khayyam and the eastern sages

Parents and children

The snake mother gave instructions to her daughter:

— Daughter, in life you need to learn to stand firmly on your feet, to walk straight through life open paths and don’t grovel before anyone.

“Okay, mom,” answered the daughter. - Show me how to do it.

Exemplary mother
In a village near Calcutta (Kolkata) lived a mother and son. In order to give her son an education, the mother endured many hardships. But at the same time she inspired him: “My dear, do not consider worldly education the most important. Many people master a variety of sciences, but remain fools who do not understand who they are. Learning does not save a person from base habits. It only plunges him into the abyss of contradictions, not giving him wisdom and perfection. Why dedicate your life to studying something that will one day disappear? You need to comprehend what saves you from death. Only spiritual knowledge leads to immortality. Worldly knowledge is short-lived. It is necessary only to earn bread. You need to strive for it only for the sake of an independent life, while limiting your desires. Therefore, my son, while receiving a worldly education, do not forget about the spiritual quest.”

The young man completed his studies and entered a modest position. One day there was a festival in the city folk art. The village women gathered for the festival, dressed in their finest saris and jewelry. The boy's mother also went to the celebration in her old, mended sari. It was painful for my son to look at her, and he said: “Mom, you have absolutely nothing to wear, you don’t have a single piece of jewelry. This makes me very sad. Please tell me what kind of jewelry you would like to have?”

The woman replied, “Son, now is not the time to talk about this. I'll tell you another time."

Thanks to his diligence and diligence, the young man received a promotion. He again asked his mother what kind of jewelry she liked. “Now I could buy them for you,” he said. The mother replied that she dreams of three decorations, but she will tell what they are later.

Over the years, the son took a high position in the service and in society. He turned to his mother again: “Mom, I have money. Please tell me what decorations you like. I’ll buy them for you right away.” The mother replied: “Dear son! I'm not old enough to wear jewelry anymore. But I have an interest in some jewelry, and I’m ready to tell you about it.” Pulling her son close to her, she continued: “It saddens me very much that children from our village have to go to school many miles away. The first decoration I dream of is Primary School in our village. Secondly, residents are deprived of even the simplest medical care. I spend sleepless nights worrying about them. If you build at least a small hospital in our village, that would be the second decoration I dream of.”

And you can make the third decoration for me yourself. Your fame may increase in the future. They will ask you: “Who is your mother? - and you will call my name. Conduct yourself in such a way as to preserve your mother's good name. Share with others the useful knowledge you have gained. Don't chase wealth. The servant of Mammon does not strive for God. He who seeks God does not desire wealth. If you follow these tips, this will be the third decoration for me.”

My angel's name
The day before his birth, the child asked God:

“I don’t know why I’m going into this world.” What should I do?

God replied:

- I will give you an angel who will always be by your side. He will explain everything to you.

- But how can I understand him, because I don’t know his language?

- The angel will teach you his language. He will protect you from all troubles.

- How and when should I return to you?

- Your angel will tell you everything.

- What is the name of my angel?

“It doesn’t matter what his name is, he has many names.” You will call him "Mom."

Father's instructions
One wealthy man had an only son. Before his death, the father called his son and told him:

- I will give you three pieces of advice that you must follow throughout your life: never say hello first; eat sweets every evening; put it on every morning new shoes.

After some time, the father died, the son began to carry out his father’s wills: he was never the first to say hello; I ate sweets every evening; I put on new shoes every morning. But a strange thing happened: they stopped talking to him in the village, and money was spent on sweets and shoes. Then he came to his mother and said:

- Mom, was my father really my enemy, why did he give me such an order?

To which the mother replied:

“Father forbade me to interfere in your actions until you ask me yourself.” The first instruction is never to say hello first, which means get up before everyone else and work in the field, and people passing by will greet you first. The second command - eat sweets every evening - means that after working all day in the field, in the evening any food will be sweet. The third commandment - put on new shoes every morning - means that the man himself takes care of his clothes and shoes. A man will never go to bed until he has cleaned his clothes and in the morning they seem new to him.

From the next morning the young man did everything his mother told him. After some time he became rich, married the most beautiful girl and he passed this order on to his children.

One day, in a village square where young people often gather, a playful squabble broke out between two friends, which, as sometimes happens even between the closest friends, escalated into a real brawl. And since they were known bullies among their peers, no one even dared to intervene, fearing to turn all their anger on themselves. However, the guys themselves did not even think about calming down, and therefore things soon began to take a very serious turn when one of them managed to knock the second one to the ground and began to choke him. At this point the youth were seriously frightened and nevertheless began to separate the fighters. But this turned out to be not at all an easy task. Then one of the separators, deciding that the “unexpected appearance” of one of the respected people of the village could instantly sober up the bully who had lost control of himself, shouted loudly:

- Elder Arakel is coming to us!

However, the winner did not even turn an ear to this exclamation. Then one of the guys shouted out the name of the elder - Anwar’s grandfather. But again there was no result. Several other equally respected names were named. It was all in vain - it was not possible to separate the fighters. And suddenly one of the guys had the idea to name the brother of the one who was losing in the fight - a harmless village simpleton known to everyone. Quite unexpectedly, the man who was strangling let go of his opponent, quickly jumped to his feet and, looking around in fear, asked:

- Where is he?!

After some time, when everyone had calmed down a little, the miraculously saved guy was perplexed, turning to his offender:

- Listen, your anger was so strong that you did not react in any way to the “appearance” of many respected people who could even beat you if you disobeyed them. And you were seriously scared only of my brother, who, as everyone knows, would never hurt even a fly!

- Eh, brother, that's it dear people first they would begin to find out what the reason for our quarrel was, and as soon as your own brother would break my head without further ado.

Parable about wealth
One day the father of a rich family decided to take his little son to the village, to the farm to show his son how poor people can be. They spent the day and night on the farm of a very poor family. When they returned home, the father asked his son:

— How did you like the trip?

- It was wonderful, dad!

—Have you seen how poor people can be? - asked the father.

- And what did you learn from this?

The son replied:

“I saw that we have a dog in the house, and they have four dogs.” We have a swimming pool in the middle of the garden, and they have a cove that you can’t see the edge of. We illuminate our garden with lamps, and the stars shine for them.

We have a garden in our backyard, and they have a whole horizon.

The father was speechless after this son's answer.

- Thank you, dad, for showing me how rich these people are!!!

Earned by your own labor
One merchant gave his son one Abbasi (Persian silver coin) every day and said:

- Take it, son, take care and try to save money.

The son threw this money into the water. The father found out about this, but said nothing. The son did nothing, did not work, ate and drank at his father’s house.

One day a merchant said to his relatives:

- If my son comes to you and asks for money, don’t give it.

Then he called his son and addressed him with the words:

“Go earn the money yourself, bring it, and I’ll see what it’s like that you’ve earned.”

The son went to his relatives and began to ask for money, but they refused him. Then he was forced to take a job as a laborer. All day the son stirred the lime with his bare feet and, having received one abbasi, brought this money to his father. Father said:

- Well, son, now go and throw the money you earned into the water.

The son replied:

- Father, how can I throw them away? Don't you know what torment I suffered because of them? My toes still burn from the lime. No, I won’t be able to throw them away, my hand won’t rise.

The father replied:

“How many times have I given you one abbasi, and you took it away and calmly threw it into the water?” Did you think that this money came to me for free, without difficulty? That’s it, son, until you work, you won’t know the value of work.

Daughters are like sons
One bai had three daughters and no sons.

Bai suffered:

- A daughter is not a son. A donkey is not a vehicle. Goat meat is not meat. “Tea is not food,” he said.

The daughters grew up, got married and left their father's house. Bai and his old woman were left alone. One year there was a terrible jut (natural disaster), and all the bai’s cattle, unable to withstand the hungry winter, died. Completely left without a livelihood, the bai went to his daughters. His daughters, after consulting, decided to help their father in whatever way they could. No matter which of them he came to, his daughters and sons-in-law were first fed meat, given tea, then given a hundred sheep, a dozen cows and horses, and escorted home with honor.

Bai, returning home, said: “A daughter is like a son, if she doesn’t forget her father, goat meat is tasty if it’s fatty enough, a donkey is good transport if the road is successful, tea is pleasant to drink if your soul is light.”

So the bai thanked the Almighty for sending him daughters.

Mount Obasute
There was a custom in the old days: as soon as old people turned sixty years old, they were left to die in the distant mountains. This is what the prince ordered: there is no need to feed extra mouths.

The old people greeted each other when they met:

- How time flies! It’s time for me to go to Mount Obasute this year.

- Is that so? So, let's go together, and I have to go.

But this is what happened one day at dawn.

Two brothers took turns carrying their old parent along a steep mountain path. The older brother is dragging a heavy load on his back and from time to time he hears some kind of crash behind him.

He looked around and asked:

-What is our father doing?

“Yes, he’s playing around with nothing,” answered the younger brother. — Breaks branches and throws them on the road.

- Father, why are you breaking branches? Right, for notes? Do you want to run away when we go home?

The old man answered like this:

“In the distant mountains I will mark the path with branches.”

- Why, for whom?

- For the sake of my beloved children who are leaving me.

And then, in silence, he continued to break branches and throw them onto the path.

Obasute hides in the very depths of the mountains. The brothers arrived there in the evening, to tell the truth, with a light heart, but it was hard on their backs.

They sat the father under a large tree and began to discuss which road to choose.

- Going back the same way is boring.

- It’s true, we won’t see anything new...

- Why think for a long time? Let's go down the mountain wherever we look. Let's go to the village anyway.

And so they did. But the unfamiliar path started winding, went down and went down, and suddenly began to go up. And it was already night. The howling of wolves and the hooting of owls could be heard all around... The brothers were brave at first, and then they were completely scared.

“Let’s quickly return to where we left our father and find the right path.” “He left notes along the way,” the younger brother pleaded.

The brothers realized for the first time how much their father loved them and how much he cared for them.

- Father! Father! - they began to shout at the top of their voices and ran back.

The moon rose and illuminated the dark bowl. They see an old man sitting motionless under a tree. The brothers sank to the ground next to him and took a breath.

- What happened to you, my children?

- Well, we wanted to go back along a different road. But we are lost. We ask you to come back with us and show us the right path.

The father pointed his finger down the path:

- Follow it, I threw branches along the road. And I'll stay here.

- No, no, don't say that. Let us take you home. Come what may, we will never leave you again! - the brothers began to beg.

- Unreasonable words! Whether you like it or not, you must leave me in the mountains: there is a strict princely decree for this. Those who disobey will face severe punishment.

But the brothers understood how their parents’ hearts loved them, and stood firm on their position. They carried their father against his will.

At home, the brothers hastened to dig a deep basement under the floor and hid their father there. Every day they brought food to their father and talked with him.

So it went more than a year. Suddenly, on behalf of the prince, a decree was announced: “I order you to make a rope from the ashes, if such a craftsman can be found.” The people in the princely domains were completely exhausted, they tried this and that, but to no avail: no one could make a rope from the ashes. The brothers told their old father about this.

- But it’s a simple matter. Soak the straw in salt water and twist it into a rope, and when it dries, burn it on fire,” the old man advised.

The brothers did as he said, and indeed, they made a rope from the ashes.

The prince praised the brothers, but gave them a new task:

- If you are so cunning, thread the thread through a large sea shell, so that it goes through all the curls inside.

The brothers were saddened and hurried to their father for advice.

“That’s how it is,” the father thought about it, and after thinking about it, he said to his sons: “Bring an ant, and you bring a long thread and a handful of rice.”

The sons brought what they were told. The old man tied a thread to the ant and let it into the depths of the twisted shell, drilling a hole at the top. Then he turned the open side of the sink towards the light and poured in some rice. The ant soon crawled out to the bait, and on the way, he pulled the thread through all the curls.

The prince was very pleased:

“I wanted to know how smart the people in my domain are.” Now my soul is calm. But tell me, did you figure it out yourself, or did someone else teach you?

The brothers told everything without hiding.

- Truly old people are a storehouse of wisdom! - the prince exclaimed and immediately gave a decree so that from now on the old people would not be left in the mountains to die. And he gave rich gifts to his brothers.

Since then, the brothers, without hiding, without any fear, kept their father in the house and took care of him.

One old man was dying. He called his son and told him:

“Now I must tell you my secret, for my death is already near.” Always remember two things - they are the reason I became successful. First, whenever you promise something, keep your word. Whatever it takes, be honest and keep your promise. That was my principle, that's what I based everything I did, and that's why I was successful. And secondly, never promise anything to anyone.

Good afternoon, my dear friends!

Today I invite you to get acquainted with parables that tell about the importance of correct adults, about the influence of parents on our success in life.

One man turned to the sage with the following words:

“Tell me, wisest one, what should I do with my parents. Because of old age, their minds have become completely meager - they either cry or mutter. Maybe send them to a charitable institution? I can’t bear all this anymore.”

The sage shook his head:

“It’s difficult for you, brother, it’s difficult. True, when you were lying in the cradle, you were also not very smart - day and night you did not give rest to your parents with loud crying and whimpering. How much affection and patience and love they showed towards you as you grew up. They were ready to part with their lives rather than with you.”

The plot of this parable, which tells that relationships with parents are the scenario of your old age, was borrowed by L.N. Tolstoy from the fairy tale “The Old Grandfather and Granddaughters,” owned by the Brothers Grimm.

Old age always comes unexpectedly. Here is this once healthy and strong man turned into a decrepit old man: half-blind eyes, weak hearing, hands trembling from powerlessness. Of all his relatives, he only had a son and daughter-in-law and a small grandson. He gladly accepted the invitation to move into their big house. However, the joy did not last long. Countless reproaches and caustic words were thrown at him every day for any reason. The awkward old man constantly dropped something, spilled it, broke it, food fell out of his mouth.

The son and daughter-in-law looked at this with disgust and began to sit him in the corner behind the stove during meals, and the food was served on an old saucer. But the old man’s hands were shaking so much from weakness and fear of causing another inconvenience that one day they could not even hold the old saucer.

The young housewife cursed for a long time, and the old man only sighed and brushed away uninvited tears. The son, in order not to spend money on dishes, made a wooden bowl for the old man.

Time passed quickly, the old man faded more and more, not so much from old age, but from the dislike of his loved ones, spiritual anguish. Now it's time to go on stage and little grandson, which one day changed everything. He spent a long time and silently making something in his room from a piece of wood. When his parents asked what he was doing, they answered: “I make wooden cups, when I grow up, mom and dad will eat from them.”

The shocked parents only at that moment realized their cruelty towards their father. As the parable tells, the old man spent the rest of his days in love and care from his relatives.

A parable about the influence of relationships with parents on personal life.

One young man could not choose a life partner. He was catastrophically unlucky in love. The girls were all “wrong”: some were stupid, others were grumpy, others were simply ugly. He was tired of searching for the one who would be his ideal, and he turned to the wise old man for advice.

He listened young man carefully and said: “Great is your trouble. But please tell me, how do you feel about your mother?”

The young man was very surprised: “What does my mother have to do with it?” “I love her, of course, but she only causes irritation with eternal complaints and requests, some kind of annoying concern, stupid questions.”

The elder was silent for a long time, and then said:

“I will reveal to you today the most important and important secret love. Happiness walks across our land and everyone has it, only it is hidden deep in the heart. Prosperity in love sprouts from a seed planted by the very important person in life - Mom. Your attitude towards your mother will affect your relationships with all women. After all, mom is your first love, your first hug, your first image loving woman. From love and respect for your mother will grow your understanding, love and respect for other women. And then one day you will meet someone who will answer you with a gentle smile and conquer you with wisdom. You will understand the truth. Our attitude towards our family is the measure of our happiness.”

The young man warmly thanked the elder and set off on his way back. Behind him, instead of words of farewell, they said: “Don’t forget! For your life, look for a girl who will treat your father with love and respect.”

With neighbors they open only to a kind heart.

The sage said:

“She said: “Why did you bring me this? Isn’t a mirror enough for you?”



Parable about parents and children

One day a man came to the sage.
- You wise! Help me! I feel bad. My daughter doesn't understand me. She doesn't hear me. She doesn't talk to me. Why does she need a head, ears, tongue then? She's cruel. Why does she need a heart?
The sage said:
- When you return home, paint her portrait, take it to your daughter and silently give it to her.
The next day, an angry man burst into the sage and exclaimed:
- Why did you advise me to do this yesterday? stupid move!? Was bad. And it got even worse! She returned the drawing to me, full of indignation!
- What did she tell you? - asked the sage.
“She said: “Why did you bring me this? Isn’t a mirror enough for you?”

Your son, when he is 5 years old, is your master; when he is 10 - your slave; when he is 15 - your double; but then it’s one of two things: either a friend or an enemy, depending on your upbringing.

A. Hasdaim

Children never obeyed adults, but they always imitated them correctly.

D. Baldwin

We do not make laws for our children, all we can do for them is to give them a valuable example.

T. Macaulay

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Parable about parents and children

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