Timati's 3 year old daughter's birthday. Indigo baby: how our four-year-old daughter Timati captivated us. Who does the girl live with?

About the talents of five-year-old children Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin, and today this section has been continued. This time we will talk about another child from a star family - charming Alisa, daughter of Timati and Alena Shishkova, who by the age of four can not only read, count and solve complex logic problems, but also masterfully stands on a surfboard, does the splits and flies in a wind tunnel. And this, believe me, is not all!

Secret birth

Baby Alice was born on March 9, 2014 in one of the hospitals in Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic), and this news came as a surprise to many fans of rapper Timati. The girl’s mother was 26-year-old model Alena Shishkova (at that time she was 22 years old). The first time after giving birth, the model, along with Alisa, Timati (who, according to rumors, will soon return for the second time) and his mother Simone, lived in the Dominican Republic - it is for this reason that the baby got used to the hot climate, sun and ocean from childhood.

Some time after Alice was born, Timati and Alena decided to separate, but remained on excellent terms. Since then, the girl began to spend most of her time with her grandmother - due to their busyness, her parents considered this the best solution. Actually, this is how Simone began to maintain her Instagram, in which she actively talks with love and tenderness about each new achievement of Alice.

Earlier development

From the early childhood parents and Simone are involved in the girl’s development, Special attention focusing on the formation of visual, tactile and auditory memory. Tutors in mathematics, Russian and English language, logic and other subjects, so at four years old, Alice knows no less (and maybe even more!) than many first-graders.

Simone is convinced that studying in early age should be pure pleasure and not hard labor, so Alice’s classes take place exclusively in game form- so the girl does not lose interest in what is happening.

For these purposes, the baby’s grandmother hired a super teacher: she uses various educational games with pictures, sounds, and images that not only help teach the child something new, but also develop her imagination. In order not to interrupt the educational process, teacher Elena Kulikova often accompanies Alice even when traveling around the world.

By the way, judging by the short videos with the girl on Simone’s page, this approach really pays off - you can listen to the stories told by Alice over and over again, marveling at how funny, naive (and sometimes even very adult) she thinks and...

In a healthy body healthy mind

Alice's parents pay attention not only to her mental and mental health, but also physical development. For example, they began teaching a girl to swim almost from infancy. Some parents will say: “Oh, horror! At such a tender age, you can’t even breathe on a child!” But Simone adheres to a different point of view, thanks to which now Alice is not at all afraid of water, boldly conquers the waves without armbands and dives masterfully.

By the way, with water in a girl symbolically born under the sign of Pisces, in general special relationship. About a year ago, at the encouragement of her father, she started surfing. One of the videos in which Alice skillfully holds herself on the board inspired us to create this material. By the way, it seems to us that the girl can already give a head start to many novice surfers and inspire them to ride a board with her example.

Drama club, photo club...

Swimming is not the only hobby of the four-year-old baby. Her daily busy schedule also includes ballet lessons in a choreographic studio, where teachers from the Bolshoi Theater teach, classes in a drama club, flying in a wind tunnel, classes in a gymnastics center, as well as other types of physical activity.

Moreover, at such a young age, Alisa is not capricious and works out very diligently: judging by the videos on Instagram, the girl regularly improves her stretching together with the teachers and can already easily do a cross split and perform several not so challenging exercises. simple exercises at the ballet barre.

By the way, Simone herself is convinced that the girl does not have innate ballet abilities. At the same time, Timati’s mother believes that this is not a reason to forget about ballet forever and stop visiting the studio.

She likes to study, and I like that she listens to good classical music, learns to conquer herself and already enjoys watching ballet, and I watch her growth with interest.

- says Simone.

And if in ballet lessons Alice rather overcomes herself, then in wind tunnel flying lessons she feels like a fish in water! According to Simone’s own observations, the girl very quickly grasped the basics of this skill and learned to fly very high (for comparison, even an adult, as a rule, is very difficult to learn such flights right away). The girl’s grandmother is convinced that these lessons best teach her to control her own body and treat it correctly.

Lady from diapers

From childhood, her mother and grandmother instilled in Alice a love of beauty and taught her to take care of herself. For example, a girl loves to organize fashion shows, try on fluffy dresses and various accessories, and then show off in front of the mirror. In addition, Alisa is a frequent guest at the beauty salon, which is run by her mother Alena Shishkova. There, the girl gets a haircut from time to time, as well as a manicure and pedicure.

At the same time, they don’t want to raise the girl to be a white-handed girl. In addition to loving self-care, she is also instilled with the habit of doing typical women's responsibilities around the house. For example, Alice already knows how to properly hang things after washing, iron them, tries to cook her first meals, and also knows about the need to clean up after herself and put things in order in the apartment.

kind soul

Alice is growing up to be a very good-natured girl. This can be seen in her reverent attitude towards animals. The daughter of a Russian rapper not only dotes on the Jack Russell terrier Chuck, who lives in their family, but also adores our other little brothers. Thanks to the fact that from early childhood Alice grew up next to a four-legged friend, she is not at all afraid of animals and is always very willing to make contact with them.

Instagram photo

First of all, I would like to say that it is always difficult to worsen your financial situation. From a million to 5000 thousand, from 70 to 35. Always. And, oh horror, the braid won’t like it.
I read the comments. And a question has arisen.
There is a theoretical possibility of moving in with my mother in a two-room apartment. It's not that far. And theoretically, on weekdays at home we only have dinner and spend the night. But it will still be a brain drain. And she will take 15 thousand for us. Is it worth it? Even if you decide to move in with her for a year. The amount during this time will accumulate 150-200 thousand... But the child can not be deprived of classes... Is it worth it - I don’t know


Just Marina 69

I’ll say right away that I’m not bragging, but doubting. For the prose competition, my daughter chose The Metamorphosis of F. Kafka. I offered her Bulgakov, but it turns out they take it in the 10th grade, Heart of a Dog. My brain is exploding. I read a lot at school, within the curriculum and outside, but I simply didn’t read Kafka and Nietzsche. Maybe I should look for something else? We need something special from the classics. So that the intensity of feelings makes an impression.



DD! Let's share our thoughts on the topic of how to bury.
Understanding that the path of man is not eternal and sooner or later this question will affect us (although most likely, alas, it did).
The question gnaws at me: if a person has not voiced his desire, then what to choose. Location Russia.
I may be mistaken, for some reason I got the impression that cremation is easier to organize. And it will be possible to “bury” the urn with the ashes next to the classic burial (the place in the cemetery has been purchased).
Perhaps you can tell me if you have encountered it.
Thank you! Health to everyone!



Good afternoon. Boy 10 and a half years old. Not a teenager yet. Two days ago I felt a lump on my nipple that hurts when pressed. Yesterday I showed it to a friend’s pediatrician, he laughed and said that it was a teenage thing. There is no need to worry. But the child panics, cries that it is a tumor, that the doctor made a mistake. I calm it down as best I can, but it’s already making me nervous. I didn’t go to training in the morning, I didn’t go out to see my friend. He constantly touches and watches videos on YouTube about children with cancer. My husband wanted to take him ice skating, but he refused. I don't even know what to do. It seems a little early for teenage troubles.


blumen garten

Virgos, good afternoon. The situation is as follows - now we live with my husband and two children of different sexes in a four-room apartment, where everyone has personal space if necessary. But we have to move to another city, where there will only be enough for three rubles, and that’s not “real”. Two rooms and a kitchen combined with a living room. How can you accommodate everyone wisely? The children have a room and we are in the common passage? On a folding sofa) I can hardly imagine it... In real life, we have a closed door in the room, which they knock on before entering. I’ll have to live without doors and change my habits) I don’t see a rational solution



What should you do if your doctor on a general forum (not a medical one, not a closed specialized group) tells the details of your diagnosis and treatment, while directly pointing to you - whose case this is. Dental problem, maxillofacial. The fact is that three years ago I turned to this doctor, the treatment lasted 1.5 months, there was no effect, the appointments became shorter and shorter, the attitude towards you as a patient was incomprehensible - I eventually went to another doctor. The treatment was still unsuccessful and I decided to remove the tooth. And this doctor is now telling how he supposedly successfully treated me, what the effect was - but I decided to leave him and this is the logical result of such “betrayal”, and if I had stayed with him everything would have been wonderful.

The doctor knows that I sit on this forum, knows my nickname (during treatment they corresponded with each other based on the results of my well-being) and still, periodically, when the opportunity arises, he retells this story in his interpretation and in every possible way makes me look like a fool, who is his, such good doctor, changed it to a worse option. To be honest, I’m tired of this constant poking and announcement of my medical diagnoses publicly, even if I decided to change the doctor - this is my right and my health. The doc does not respond to my comments. After all, there is medical ethics and the rule of non-disclosure of diagnoses. What can be done in my case, how to stop this?

Yes, this doctor is the owner and director of the clinic, so complaining to the medical institution is not an option, he is his own boss at the clinic.


The well-known Star Factory graduate, hip-hop artist Timati, became a father in 2014. Daughter Timati was born on March 9. The birth of a girl completely turned his life upside down. Miss Russia finalist Alena Shishkova gave birth to a daughter, Timati. During childbirth, the future father did not leave his wife for a minute. Timati's fans were shocked by this news. Alice is what the parents named their daughter.

After some time, Shishkova left Timati for everyone famous football player Anton Shunin, but despite this, the affair with the athlete did not last long and they separated. After Shunin, Alena began communicating with actor Andrei Chadov.

On this moment On the Internet you can see a huge number of joint photographs of Timati and Alena. For the sake of the common daughter Timati and him ex-wife support a good relationship through thick and thin. Some fans who follow the lives of the stars even suggest that they have a secret romance.

Daughter Timati - photo

Now Timati’s daughter is 4 years old. All free time happy father tries to spend time next to his beloved daughter. Timati's daughter's mother also tries to pay as much attention and care as possible.

It is difficult for parents from show business to hide any facts from their lives, because they are constantly pursued by the paparazzi. But photographs of little Alice appeared on the Internet only when she was 2 years old. Shishkova and Timati maintain friendly relations. For example, when my daughter turned 2 years old, they celebrated it together in the Dominican Republic.

Photos of Timati and his daughter occupy 80% of his page on in social networks. Alice's gifts are not like everyone else's. For example, on her last birthday, the musician gave her a real car, decorated balloons. Timati's daughter was born blonde, although throughout her pregnancy, her parents expected a brunette. But facial expressions and brown eyes were passed down through the paternal side.

In one of his posts on Instagram, Timati and his daughter posted joint photos. Indeed, if you compare, the similarities are obvious! Alice also took after her father in style. Timati’s daughter’s favorite toys are cars, and her favorite style of clothing is a cap and jeans.

She can easily wear a dress and sneakers, because Alice’s mom is a model and her dad is a rapper. But fans believe that the daughter of Shishkova and Timati is a born star! And most importantly, at just 3 years old, Timati’s daughter and his daughter are already appearing on stage together! But who does rapper Timati’s daughter live with now? This question worries many fans.

Now Alice lives with her grandmother in the Dominican Republic. Parents try to spend every free minute with their beloved daughter, flying in during their free time from filming. Grandmother, in turn, tries to make future star a real business girl! According to her, cleaning and cooking skills should be instilled from childhood.

Simone, Alice's grandmother, believes that no matter what the girl's parents are, she cannot be raised as a princess. It is necessary to develop personality from birth. Fans of the famous hip-hop artist have no choice but to wait. Wait to see what else little Alice will surprise.

The rapper's mother said that Alice treated her dad poorly. According to Simona Yunusova, the girl threw a huge tantrum because of the unpurchased gift, after which she told Timati bitterly: “I don’t love you anymore.” However, the conflict was resolved thanks to the child himself, who was the first to reconcile.

Timati with his daughter Alisa
​Photo: Instagram

Timati’s mother, Simona Yunusova, became known as the most popular “insta-grandmother” on the Internet. The woman openly shares details from the life of her granddaughter Alice and details of her upbringing. Timati’s daughter is now three, and many Internet users have heard about her character from the very first year of her life, when Simona Yakovlevna began publishing posts about her. The girl’s character was considered ideal, and her behavior seemed exemplary. However, the other day Alisa Yunusova’s grandmother decided to frank story that happened to them.

“From the pictures on Instagram, it may seem to you that everything in our life is smooth and beautiful, but this is not so. Last night Alice treated her dad badly. I explained everything to her clearly and offered to apologize, Alice said she would think about it. Our girl’s character is rebellious and strong, and admitting her guilt is always very difficult. She chose to pretend that nothing had happened,” the rapper’s mother began the story.

It turned out that the three-year-old girl had a strong quarrel with Timati when he did not buy her the desired decoration. “We came to the store for the promised bracelets and... They didn’t buy them for her! In fact, of course, they bought it, but she didn’t see it. This was the first “blow,” added Simona Yakovlevna.

The star grandmother hastened to explain to her granddaughter exactly why this happened, and that now Alice needs to apologize to her dad for bad behavior. However, the little heiress Timati was adamant and did not want to agree to reconciliation.

“We got into the car to go to dinner, and that’s when the hysterics began. Alice kept repeating that she no longer loved dad, that everyone around her was bad, and she had no intention of apologizing. The offer to calm down and not spoil everyone's holiday was rejected. Then dad firmly said that he would stop the car and Alice would not go to the restaurant. This was the second “blow,” Yunusova Sr. continued.

Further more. The girl and her grandmother were sent home to “rethink” her behavior. According to Simona Yakovlevna, throughout the trip Alisa was thinking about how good it must be in the restaurant now, and how bored she would be at home. It seems that these thoughts became the decisive factor for the child.

“The hysteria continued in my arms for another forty minutes, but gradually the child calmed down. Suddenly Alice said that she wanted to record a message to dad. I didn't say a word, it was hers own awareness! You should have seen how immediately after that her face brightened up! Of course, my heart hurt at night, but that’s a completely different story,” the star’s parent finished the heartbreaking story.

But that's not all. On the same day, Anastasia Reshetova, Timati’s current lover, left Instagram. Netizens immediately connected this with the possible cause of the conflict between Timati and his daughter - it seems that Alice simply does not like her father’s new chosen one, and this is how the girl expressed her protest. Reshetova’s page has not yet been restored, and followers are wondering how long this can continue. In the meantime, Internet subscribers have come to the conclusion that the conflict in the Yunusov family has not been resolved, and new details will soon appear.

Alisa Yunusova is only five years old, but the blond girl can already boast of treasures that many of her peers do not have. And yet, the girl’s main wealth is the love and care of her loved ones. For the sake of the baby, Timati was able to maintain a warm relationship with her mother, Alena Shishkova, despite the fact that the model was accused of cheating on the rapper with football player Anton Shunin.

The day before, the parents arranged a grand celebration for their daughter, organizing her birthday in an old mansion on Volkhonka. The historical building, located opposite the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, of course, cannot boast of the same luxury as the Pushkin Museum, where little Alice celebrated her fourth birthday. But renting this banquet hall also cost the artist a pretty penny - Timati paid 40 thousand rubles for every hour.

As StarHit found out, the minimum rental time for a room with an area of ​​225 square meters is six hours. The price includes lighting and sound equipment. If the holiday takes place on weekdays, between 7 am and 10 pm with a minimum buffet, then the price will be reduced by one and a half times. The mansion does not provide its own catering, but you can hire a contractor - you don’t have to pay for it.

The banquet hall is designed for 140 people, and yesterday it was filled almost to capacity. Not only her relatives, but also friends of the famous father came to congratulate the rapper’s daughter on her fifth birthday. Thus, the appearance of Philip Kirkorov, with whom Timati once had a difficult relationship, was a pleasant surprise. However, the artists still managed to bury the hatchet, and now the “king” of the stage gladly not only attends his colleague’s parties, but also helps him with organizing celebrations.

Thus, Kirkorov’s holiday agency was responsible for the event, based on the fairy tale “Alice in Wonderland.” Such a children's party from metropolitan agencies costs about three million rubles: hall decoration, photo zone, sweets, animators, dancers, host and the main table decoration - a multi-tiered cake.

Timati's signature burgers were also a special gift for the guests.

The birthday girl was swimming in increased attention relatives since the morning. Alena Shishkova decorated her daughter's room with balloons, creating festive atmosphere and the corresponding mood, and grandmother Simona dedicated it to her granddaughter touching post on a social network.

“I never imagined that I could love someone as much as I love my children,” she said. - Thank you to my granddaughter’s parents for giving me such happiness. Thank you for your unconditional trust, I really appreciate it. I don’t know if all grandchildren are loved equally, but you become attached to the ones you help raise. I watched how this girl moved in her mother’s belly, I cried when her first cry was heard, I was the first after my dad to take her in my arms and I still haven’t let go.”

Timati, unlike the girl’s grandmother, was a man of few words. “So far my main achievement in life. Happy fifth birthday,” the rapper said.

Fans drew attention to the absence of Anastasia Reshetova at the celebration, suspecting the couple of discord. “I did not attend this event for certain reasons, of my own free will,” the model justified herself. - This is absolutely normal. You can spend some time alone once a year. So the issue is closed."