Sportsbox personal life Andrey Yeshchenko. Lyosha Samsonov started an affair with the ex-wife of a famous football player. Why didn't you manage it? Speed ​​exceeded

Andrey Eshchenko is a football player (his wife, photo of the athlete and his biography will be presented below), playing for the Moscow club Lokomotiv and the Russian national team. Worked a lot abroad. Tattoo lover.

Childhood and family

Andrey Eshchenko was born in Irkutsk in 1984. At the age of nine, the boy was left an orphan. His parents died in a fire. The apartment of the Yeshchenko family was completely burned down.

Andrei was raised by his grandmother’s sister, who worked as a secretary at a factory. She took custody of the boy. To prevent the hero of this article from loitering on the street, the woman sent him to a boarding school. He spent five days there, and on weekends he came to his grandmother's house. According to Eshchenko’s recollections, it was not easy at the boarding school. Of course, they didn’t touch the kids there, but the teenagers got it pretty bad. You had to be able to stand up for yourself.

At first, Andrei was fond of basketball. The boy has been involved in this sport since he was seven years old. Then a friend advised him to enroll in the football section. At the age of ten, Yeshchenko came to the sports school of the local Zenit. Andrey's first coach was Evgeniy Lensky. When Eshchenko grew up, he was invited to the Zvezda team. The athlete played for this team for more than a year.

Carier start

At Zvezda, Andrei Eshchenko showed himself to be a purposeful and resilient football player. The Khimki coach noticed him and invited him to his team. The young man quickly fit in new team and took the field in almost every match.

Soon Khimki was able to break into the Russian Cup. In the game against CSKA, the coach gave Andrey the command to neutralize forward Vagner Love. Yeshchenko coped with the task 100%. The formidable Brazilian was never able to approach the Khimki goal, although in the end the army team, who had more experience, won.

Transfer to Dynamo

The talented athlete played for Khimki for about a year. As it turned out, Dynamo Kyiv scouts had already taken note of him a long time ago. “Dnepr”, “Arsenal”, Moscow “Dynamo” - these are the teams from which Andrei Eshchenko also received an offer.

The footballer eventually chose Kyiv, although no one guaranteed him a spot in the main squad. Unfortunately, this is what happened. Andrey was not included in the main team. The athlete played eleven matches for Dynamo and scored only one goal. After that, he was leased to Dnepr and then to Arsenal.

Return to Russia

When Andrei Eshchenko became a free agent, he returned back to his homeland. The young man immediately signed a contract with Volga Nizhny Novgorod. The footballer played twelve matches for this team.

In 2012, Eshchenko bought out Lokomotiv Moscow. In the new team, Andrei showed himself with the best side. Soon the athlete was invited to the national team. In September 2012, his debut match took place. Russian football players went against the Israeli team.

Transfer to Anzhi

Back in the spring of 2012, it became known that Andrei Yeshchenko would soon play for a new team. The football player was sold to Anzhi Makhachkala. This event was accompanied by a loud scandal. The fact is that by the time he transferred to the new team, Yeshchenko was the leading player of Lokomotiv, but the club received only one million euros for him. This is exactly the amount announced by FC President Olga Smorodskaya. For such a “deal” this is extremely small money. Andrey signed a contract for three years.

Yeshchenko almost immediately joined the Anzhi star team, becoming a right midfielder. At the same time, the athlete participated in all qualifying matches of the Russian team.

In March 2013, Andrei received a very serious injury and was out of the game for a long time. After a cruciate ligament rupture, the football player was treated and recovered for almost six months. Upon returning, Yeshchenko immediately went to the game with Tottenham. This happened in October 2013. The athlete appeared on the field at the beginning of the second half, replacing Serder Serderov.

Andrei Eshchenko, whose biography was presented above, did not take part in the qualifying games of the national team due to injury. When the athlete recovered, he was again sent an invitation. At the end of 2013, the hero of this article came on as a substitute in the second half of a friendly match against the Serbian national team.


Tattoos are what Andrei Eshchenko likes to give himself. The football player is a frequent guest of the corresponding salons. The athlete's tattoos are associated with the teams for which he played. So, there are now eight stars on Andrey’s right bicep. The latter appeared when the footballer moved to Anzhi. Yeshchenko has been thinking about making another one for a long time big star, symbolizing the Russian national team.

Andrey loves games, wrestling and attacks. But vacations and training camps are boring and uninteresting for an athlete. At this time, the football player practically does not lie on the sofa, but tries to occupy himself with something.

Personal life

Yeshchenko is married. The athlete's wife's name is Maria. Before the wedding, the young people dated for quite a long period of time, and the celebration itself took place in 2006. In 2013, the couple had a daughter, Alice.

Andrei Eshchenko’s wife experienced her husband’s betrayal two years ago. Those around the couple were amazed, because the 32-year-old Dynamo Moscow defender and his wife Maria doted on each other. The lovers dated for several years before getting married in 2006.

In October 2013, their daughter Alisa was born. And a year later, the athlete unexpectedly cheated on his chosen one. A photograph of a football player and the girl he was interested in appeared in in social networks and made a lot of noise. According to online sources, Yeshchenko is still happily married. StarHit found out how the scandalous story actually ended.

“Our relationship ended a month and a half after he left for Krasnodar to play for Kuban. He left Alice and me in Moscow, explaining that it would be difficult for an eight-month-old child to endure the hot southern sun. And besides, supposedly the contract could end at the end of autumn,” Maria Yeshchenko tells StarHit. “Andrey flew away in July, and in August I first noticed alarming changes in his behavior during our telephone conversations. When he came home again, I couldn’t stand it and went into his phone. Probably to make sure that it was all my imagination and to calm down.”

But the woman’s fears were confirmed. Soon Maria managed to find out the truth, but this story took an unexpected turn. Yeshchenko contacted the woman who stole her loved one and tried to find out what really connected them.

“I couldn’t resist, I called her. She did not hide anything, she told everything as it is. After hanging up the phone, I realized that I didn’t know what to do next with this information, how to live with it. After all, I loved Andrei very much, he was a dear person to me, and I never even thought that we could part. Shortly before this, we were planning a second child, but here was such a betrayal,” Maria recalls. – Andrey was furious. “It’s all your fault, there was nothing to rummage around and look for, and now I need to think whether I want to be with you or not, since you already know everything,” he told me when I confessed everything. The next day he left. And I stayed. Wait".

Maria clutched at hope like a drowning man clutches at a straw. For a long time she expected the situation to change - her beloved would come to his senses and return to the family. But day after day it became more and more difficult. Most of all, according to the former lover of the famous football player, she was afraid for her daughter. The woman realized that one day the baby would want to know why she and her dad weren’t together.

“It was incredibly painful. Before, I couldn’t even imagine that such pain existed. And the worst thing is that I couldn’t even imagine when it would end and how I would cope with it. It was hell. The sun that was shining seemed black, admits the athlete’s ex-wife. – Sometimes we called each other. He said that he no longer communicates with that woman. He offered to go on vacation in December with our friends so that we could improve our relationship. I believed. Many said: “Forget him! Take care of the child! Where is your pride! Yes, that's probably what we should have done. But I valued our family. I couldn’t imagine that my Aliska would grow up without her dad. She herself grew up in single-parent family, so I know what it is. I thought: “What will I tell her when she asks about her father?” These thoughts were killing me."

The woman spent more than a month waiting for her husband to come to his senses and return to the family.

“Everything changed on October 31st, Halloween. That day, I accidentally came across a photo of Andrey in my Instagram feed. With her. With their faces painted for the holiday. The second blow was stronger than the first, and I did not survive it,” says Maria. - “All this time he was deceiving me! There is no more hope!” was spinning in my head. And I decided to take a desperate step - I wrote about that woman in my microblog. Now I regret it, because I had no right to touch my personal life. But then I was literally in a state of passion from resentment and anger. I was ready to forgive him for his betrayal, I was waiting for him, and he... I wanted people to simply take pity on me, to advise me on what to do next. I didn't know how to deal with this on my own. Yes, now I’m ashamed, but I didn’t see any other way.”

Soon Maria managed to pull herself together and soberly assess the situation. In a relationship with ex-husband the final point was reached.

“Now I understand that she is not to blame. Only the man is to blame for betrayal. And women – they simply fight for their happiness by any means necessary. And does not matter, married man or not,” Maria claims, “Subsequently, Andrei also published his message on the Internet, saying that he could not forgive me for betraying me, so he had long wanted to break up with me. Yes, there was betrayal! At the very beginning of our relationship. I left him after two years life together. There were reasons for this. Probably, at that moment it was my pride that leapt up, which I lacked the last time. But four months later I returned. I realized that I simply couldn’t live without him. Love turned out to be stronger than pride. “If you love a person, then you can put up with some shortcomings,” I reasoned. He accepted me. We lived together for six years, then decided to have a child. And so... Eight months after this, he suddenly remembered that he had long dreamed of breaking up with me. Where is the logic? Perhaps his feelings passed and I just didn’t notice. Moreover, during pregnancy, like any woman, I was more focused on myself, on the baby. So maybe it’s partly my fault.”

Despite the betrayal of her beloved man, Maria was able to maintain friendly relations with her daughter’s father.

“He still comes and spends a lot of time with her, which is very important to me. Thanks to his support, we do not need anything. Not every man behaves as honorably as he does after a divorce,” said Maria.

Found new love. For a long time, the athlete hid his scandalous divorce from Maria, who gave birth to his daughter Alice. The football player’s ex-wife was the first to talk about problems in the family.

Andrey finally separated from his wife 2 years ago. The athlete’s friends were amazed, because it seemed that an idyll reigned in the Yeshchenko family. It turned out that the 32-year-old football player had an affair and tried to hide his new relationship from his wife. Having learned about the betrayal, Maria tried to restore the relationship for the sake of the child, but the attempt to return her husband to the family was unsuccessful.

Football player Andrey Eshchenko
Photo: "KP"

Before the wedding, Maria and Andrey dated for several years. The wedding took place in 2006. After 7 years, the couple had a daughter, Alice. The football player began cheating on his wife when the child was less than a year old. Yeshchenko went to Krasnodar to play for Kuban, and left his wife and daughter at home. He insisted that Maria should not move from Moscow and complained about the hot climate being unsuitable for a small child. According to Andrey, the contract could end in the fall, so he saw no point in changing his place of residence.

By the end of the summer, Maria noticed changes in her husband’s behavior. Intuition told the girl that she had a rival. During Andrey's next visit home, his wife checked his phone. Suspicions were confirmed. To finally be convinced that she was right, she called the football player’s mistress. Yeshchenko’s new passion did not lie and hide the affair. “I realized that I don’t know what to do next... We were planning a second child shortly before,” Maria admitted in an interview with StarHit.

When the girl told her husband about her telephone conversation with her mistress, the football player did not make excuses. Andrei was indignant at his wife’s action and said that he was now thinking about divorce: “There was nothing to rummage around and look for, but now I need to think about whether I want to be with you.” The next day the athlete left. After much thought, Maria decided to try to save the marriage. She was raised in a single-parent family and did not want the same future for her daughter.

Andrey Eshchenko with ex-wife Maria and daughter
Photo: Instagram

During rare telephone conversations, Yeshchenko claimed that he no longer had relationships on the side. This gave the wife hope for reconciliation. The couple began planning a joint winter vacation, but suddenly, on her Instagram feed, Maria came across a recent photo of her husband with the same homewrecker. The girl could not forgive the second betrayal. In a fit of anger, she committed a desperate act - she shared her painful situation on her microblog. Today, the football player’s ex-wife regrets her actions.

Over time, Maria soberly assessed the situation and put an end to the relationship. She does not blame the footballer’s mistress for anything, but cannot forgive her ex-husband, who soon after the separation told an absurd story online: “He stated that he could not forgive me for cheating on me, so he had long wanted to break up with me.” According to Maria, the betrayal happened at the very beginning of the relationship. After what happened, Andrei forgave her, they lived together for 6 years and had a child.

The athlete left his wife two years ago after cheating. For a long time, Yeshchenko’s wife hoped that they would be able to maintain their relationship, but he soon found new love. StarHit was the first to learn about what the football player’s ex-girlfriend experienced and what it led to.

Andrei Eshchenko’s wife experienced her husband’s betrayal two years ago. Those around the couple were amazed, because the 32-year-old Dynamo Moscow defender and his wife Maria doted on each other. The lovers dated for several years before getting married in 2006.

In October 2013, their daughter Alisa was born. And a year later, the athlete unexpectedly cheated on his chosen one. A photo of a football player and the girl he was interested in appeared on social networks and caused a lot of noise. According to online sources, Yeshchenko is still happily married. StarHit found out how the scandalous story actually ended.

“Our relationship ended a month and a half after he left for Krasnodar to play for Kuban. He left Alice and me in Moscow, explaining that it would be difficult for an eight-month-old child to endure the hot southern sun. And besides, supposedly the contract could end at the end of autumn,” Maria Yeshchenko tells StarHit. “Andrey flew away in July, and in August I first noticed alarming changes in his behavior during our telephone conversations. When he came home again, I couldn’t stand it and went into his phone. Probably to make sure that it was all my imagination and to calm down.”

The couple used to be very happy
// Photo: Social networks

But the woman’s fears were confirmed. Soon Maria managed to find out the truth, but this story took an unexpected turn. Yeshchenko contacted the woman who stole her loved one and tried to find out what really connected them.

“I couldn’t resist, I called her. She did not hide anything, she told everything as it is. After hanging up the phone, I realized that I didn’t know what to do next with this information, how to live with it. After all, I loved Andrei very much, he was a dear person to me, and I never even thought that we could part. Shortly before this, we were planning a second child, but here was such a betrayal,” Maria recalls. – Andrey was furious. “It’s all your fault, there was nothing to rummage around and look for, and now I need to think whether I want to be with you or not, since you already know everything,” he told me when I confessed everything. The next day he left. And I stayed. Wait".

Maria clutched at hope like a drowning man clutches at a straw. For a long time she waited for the situation to change - for her beloved to come to his senses and return to the family. But day after day it became more and more difficult. Most of all, according to the former lover of the famous football player, she was afraid for her daughter. The woman realized that one day the baby would want to know why she and her dad weren’t together.

“It was incredibly painful. Before, I couldn’t even imagine that such pain existed. And the worst thing is that I couldn’t even imagine when it would end and how I would cope with it. It was hell. The sun that was shining seemed black, admits the athlete’s ex-wife. – Sometimes we called each other. He said that he no longer communicates with that woman. He offered to go on vacation in December with our friends so that we could improve our relationship. I believed. Many said: “Forget him! Take care of the child! Where is your pride! Yes, that's probably what we should have done. But I valued our family. I couldn’t imagine that my Aliska would grow up without her dad. I myself grew up in a single-parent family, so I know what it is. I thought: “What will I tell her when she asks about her father?” These thoughts were killing me."

Maria was afraid that her daughter, growing up, would wonder why her dad wasn’t around
// Photo: Social networks

The woman spent more than a month waiting for her husband to come to his senses and return to the family.

“Everything changed on October 31st, Halloween. That day, I accidentally came across a photo of Andrey in my Instagram feed. With her. With their faces painted for the holiday. The second blow was stronger than the first, and I did not survive it,” says Maria. - “All this time he was deceiving me! There is no more hope!” was spinning in my head. And I decided to take a desperate step - I wrote about that woman in my microblog. Now I regret it, because I had no right to touch my personal life. But then I was literally in a state of passion from resentment and anger. I was ready to forgive him for his betrayal, I was waiting for him, and he... I wanted people to simply take pity on me, to advise me on what to do next. I didn't know how to deal with this on my own. Yes, now I’m ashamed, but I didn’t see any other way.”

Maria admitted that she had difficulty surviving the betrayal
// Photo: Social networks

Soon Maria managed to pull herself together and soberly assess the situation. The final point was reached in the relationship with my ex-husband. Now Maria is happy in her new relationship.

“Now I understand that she is not to blame. Only the man is to blame for betrayal. And women – they simply fight for their happiness by any means necessary. And it doesn’t matter whether the man is married or not,” says Maria. “Subsequently, Andrei also published his message on the Internet, saying that he could not forgive me for cheating on me, so he had long wanted to break up with me. Yes, there was betrayal! At the very beginning of our relationship. I left him after two years of marriage. There were reasons for this. Probably, at that moment it was my pride that leapt up, which I lacked the last time. But four months later I returned. I realized that I simply couldn’t live without him. Love turned out to be stronger than pride. “If you love a person, then you can put up with some shortcomings,” I reasoned. He accepted me. We lived together for six years, then decided to have a child. And so... Eight months after this, he suddenly remembered that he had long dreamed of breaking up with me. Where is the logic? Perhaps his feelings passed and I just didn’t notice. Moreover, during pregnancy, like any woman, I was more focused on myself, on the baby. So maybe it’s partly my fault.”

Now Maria is happy in her new relationship
// Photo: Social networks

Despite the betrayal of her beloved man, Maria was able to maintain friendly relations with her daughter’s father. First of all, for the sake of the child.

“He still comes and spends a lot of time with her, which is very important to me. Thanks to his support, we do not need anything. Not every man behaves as honorably as he does after a divorce,” said Maria.

Andrei Eshchenko’s wife experienced her husband’s betrayal two years ago. Those around the couple were amazed, because the 32-year-old Dynamo Moscow defender and his wife Maria doted on each other. The lovers dated for several years before getting married in 2006.

In October 2013, their daughter Alisa was born. And a year later, the athlete unexpectedly cheated on his chosen one. A photo of a football player and the girl he was interested in appeared on social networks and caused a lot of noise. According to online sources, Yeshchenko is still happily married. StarHit found out how the scandalous story actually ended.

“Our relationship ended a month and a half after he left for Krasnodar to play for Kuban. He left Alice and me in Moscow, explaining that it would be difficult for an eight-month-old child to endure the hot southern sun. And besides, supposedly the contract could end at the end of autumn,” Maria Yeshchenko tells StarHit. - Andrey flew away in July, and in August I first noticed alarming changes in his behavior during our telephone conversations. When he came home again, I couldn’t stand it and went into his phone. Probably to make sure that it was all my imagination and to calm down.”

But the woman’s fears were confirmed. Soon Maria managed to find out the truth, but this story took an unexpected turn. Yeshchenko contacted the woman who stole her loved one and tried to find out what really connected them.

“I couldn’t resist, I called her. She did not hide anything, she told everything as it is. After hanging up the phone, I realized that I didn’t know what to do next with this information, how to live with it. After all, I loved Andrei very much, he was a dear person to me, and I never even thought that we could part. Shortly before this, we were planning a second child, but here there was such a betrayal,” Maria recalls. - Andrey was furious. “It’s all your fault, there was nothing to rummage around and look for, and now I need to think whether I want to be with you or not, since you already know everything,” he told me when I confessed everything. The next day he left. And I stayed. Wait".

Maria clutched at hope like a drowning man clutches at a straw. For a long time she waited for the situation to change - for her beloved to come to his senses and return to the family. But day after day it became more and more difficult. Most of all, according to the former lover of the famous football player, she was afraid for her daughter. The woman realized that one day the baby would want to know why she and her dad weren’t together.

“It was incredibly painful. Before, I couldn’t even imagine that such pain existed. And the worst thing is that I couldn’t even imagine when it would end and how I would cope with it. It was hell. The sun that was shining seemed black, admits the athlete’s ex-wife. - Sometimes we called each other. He said that he no longer communicates with that woman. He offered to go on vacation in December with our friends so that we could improve our relationship. I believed. Many said: “Forget him! Take care of the child! Where is your pride! Yes, that's probably what we should have done. But I valued our family. I couldn’t imagine that my Aliska would grow up without her dad. I myself grew up in a single-parent family, so I know what it is. I thought: “What will I tell her when she asks about her father?” These thoughts were killing me."

The woman spent more than a month waiting for her husband to come to his senses and return to the family.

“Everything changed on October 31st, Halloween. That day, I accidentally came across a photo of Andrey in my Instagram feed. With her. With their faces painted for the holiday. The second blow was stronger than the first, and I did not survive it,” says Maria. - “All this time he was deceiving me! There is no more hope!” was spinning in my head. And I decided to take a desperate step - I wrote about that woman in my microblog. Now I regret it, because I had no right to touch my personal life. But then I was literally in a state of passion from resentment and anger. I was ready to forgive him for his betrayal, I was waiting for him, and he... I wanted people to simply take pity on me, to advise me on what to do next. I didn't know how to deal with this on my own. Yes, now I’m ashamed, but I didn’t see any other way.”

Soon Maria managed to pull herself together and soberly assess the situation. The final point was reached in the relationship with my ex-husband. Now Maria is happy in her new relationship.

“Now I understand that she is not to blame. Only the man is to blame for betrayal. And women - they simply fight for their happiness by any means. And it doesn’t matter whether the man is married or not,” says Maria. “Subsequently, Andrei also published his message on the Internet, saying that he could not forgive me for cheating, so he had long wanted to break up with me. Yes, there was betrayal! At the very beginning of our relationship. I left him after two years of marriage. There were reasons for this. Probably, at that moment it was my pride that leapt up, which I lacked the last time. But four months later I returned. I realized that I simply couldn’t live without him. Love turned out to be stronger than pride. “If you love a person, then you can put up with some shortcomings,” I reasoned. He accepted me. We lived together for six years, then decided to have a child. And so... Eight months after this, he suddenly remembered that he had long dreamed of breaking up with me. Where is the logic? Perhaps his feelings passed and I just didn’t notice. Moreover, during pregnancy, like any woman, I was more focused on myself, on the baby. So maybe it’s partly my fault.”

Despite the betrayal of her beloved man, Maria was able to maintain friendly relations with her daughter’s father. First of all, for the sake of the child.

“He still comes and spends a lot of time with her, which is very important to me. Thanks to his support, we do not need anything. Not every man behaves as honorably as he does after a divorce,” said Maria.