Depression during pregnancy is a condition that requires increased attention. Depressive conditions in pregnant women Depression during pregnancy first

Waiting for a baby is usually associated with feelings of joy and delight. Therefore, many women are completely discouraged when, contrary to expectations, they experience sadness and melancholy. Depression during pregnancy is quite common. Although it makes this difficult period in the life of an expectant mother even more difficult, we hasten to reassure you - depression can be successfully fought. There are many ways to help cope with this problem. You can choose the one that's right for you or try a combination of all of these tips. Whatever you choose, it's best to take action now.


Part 1

Changing your daily routine

    Plan and organize your day. Don't let depression affect your schedule. When this happens, you begin to avoid work and socializing with people, and it becomes increasingly difficult for you to get out of this vicious circle. Plan and organize your daily schedule. Try to fill your day with useful and productive activity and complete tasks that will inspire you. Stay active and energetic - this is The best way cope with depression

    • Everyday activities help too. Every person wants to feel calm and know what will happen in the future, and everyday activities help achieve this feeling. Create rules for yourself that you can rely on and be sure that these events will happen, whether it's lunch with friends, yoga class, cooking dinner or an evening bath. You will know what events will happen at certain times, so your brain will feel calmer.
  1. Make time for things that bring you joy. When you're planning a busy day, be sure to set aside time for your favorite activities. This will increase your activity and lift your mood. Don't feel guilty about watching your favorite movie again. Now more than ever, you deserve to take the time to be happy.

    • If you find yourself feeling guilty about that salon pedicure or the hour you spent in the bath, remind yourself that being a mom is a hard, 24-hour job. Then you will no longer have time for yourself. That's why now you do all these nice things for yourself while you have the opportunity.
  2. Incorporate regular exercise into your day. Like bright lights, exercise and sex release two hormones - dopamine and endorphins - that promote feelings of joy. These hormones are responsible for emotions such as happiness, energy, and an optimistic outlook on the future. That is why it is important that sports exercises are always in your life, and especially during pregnancy. Of course, you don't need to exhaust yourself with hard training. Pilates, yoga and other similar activities are very good for pregnant women.

    • In addition to helping your body produce “happy hormones” and fight depression, exercise can help you stay in good physical shape. It is very common for pregnant women to experience depression because their body is changing and they no longer feel attractive. Exercising, even simple ones, can help you feel lean and strong, which can reduce feelings of depression.
    • However, before incorporating regular exercise into your daily routine, discuss it with your doctor, who can recommend exercises that are right for you.
  3. Rest is the most important thing for you now. Pregnancy is a very stressful period of life, with a lot of excitement and anxiety. This makes you depressed, especially if you think you are supposed to be happy but don't really feel that way. What two things do you think will help you deal with stress? Meditation and naps.

    • Meditation will help lower cortisol levels in your body, which will reduce stress levels, help you sleep better and feel much happier. If you don’t have the opportunity to go to a cafe with your friends, spend free time for meditation. Fifteen minutes of meditation exercises are enough and you will feel the difference.
    • Daytime naps, on the other hand, help you feel calmer and more energetic. The main thing is to sleep no more than an hour so that napping during the day does not disrupt your normal sleep pattern.
  4. Attend a psychological support group. Many women suffer from depression during pregnancy; this is a fairly common occurrence. Most women you know have either experienced the same feelings themselves or know someone who has suffered from a similar problem. Of course, it is important that your friends and family support you, but at the same time, communication psychological group with women who have had similar experiences themselves will let you know that you are not alone.

    • Ask friends, family, colleagues and even your doctor about centers and organizations where you can get psychological help. The antenatal clinic may offer you to participate in their special program, or recommend women's organizations that offer this kind of help. If you are currently working with a psychotherapist, he can tell you where such groups are held. In addition, you can search for information on the Internet.

    Part 2

    Take control of your emotions
      • Depression during pregnancy is often caused by relationship problems, worries about the future and anxiety associated with the arrival of a long-awaited baby. It's also a well-known fact that, due to changing hormone levels, pregnant women often take things too seriously. Of course, the support of loved ones is important for a person at any period of life, but it is especially necessary during pregnancy.
    1. Be honest about how you feel. It is very important to know that there are people you can rely on. However, it is even more important to be able to accept their help yourself. Very often, depression makes you feel lonely. Asking for help when you really need it will help you feel better.

      • Carrying a child causes many changes in your body, and sometimes you feel that no one can understand you, that you are scared and that you are completely alone in this world. That's why support loving people is a key factor that helps you cope with depression. When you ask for the help you need, your loved one will come to the rescue and the feeling of despair will leave you. The support of your mother, sister, cousin or friend can also provide invaluable help.
      • Even if you don’t feel much support from your loved ones right now, it’s still very important to explain to them that you need it. Keep in mind that people cannot read minds, so you need to tell them what is happening to you and what help you need.
    2. Try to forgive and forget more often. Often during depression we cannot forgive ourselves or others even for minor mistakes. Sometimes we are cruel to ourselves and others for no reason. Try to accept things with an open heart. No one is perfect, and constantly thinking about unpleasant things does no one any good. When you forget and forgive, you feel better.

      • Often pregnant women themselves believe that they are capricious and irritated for no reason. They think that in the eyes of others they look like capricious whiners, and they suffer because they cannot cope with the effects of hormones. We assure you that people around you are well aware of the causes of mood swings in pregnant women, so don’t blame yourself. And others too!
    3. Try to understand which negative thoughts are the source of the problem. Deep-seated negative thoughts (also known as automatic negative thoughts) often escape our awareness. This is critical because these are the thoughts that often cause depression. Try to identify what these thoughts are and learn to change them to positive ones.

      • If you find yourself thinking, “There is nothing good in my life,” stop for a moment. After this, tell yourself: “No, this is not true! Although now I am going through a difficult period, there are still many pleasant and joyful events in my life.”
      • Try to avoid excessive demands and obligations. Don't demand too much from yourself, your loved ones, and your environment. This will make your life a little easier.
    4. Make a set of cards to help you solve the problem. Make a set of small cards with uplifting sayings written on them. Here are some useful ideas:

      • You can make cards from colored paper, cardboard or any other material you like. Cut the sheets of paper into small cards and write on each one a positive and compelling statement that will help you cope with negative emotions. For example: “I have always been able to cope with troubles, I will cope with them this time too!”
      • Signal cards can be placed in different places in the apartment. Any time you start to feel depressed or have bad thoughts, these cards will help you stop. They are very useful when you need to stop or reduce the flow of negative thoughts.
      • Make a schedule of the things you plan to do during the day. Write it on A4 sheet or make it up from separate cards. Post your schedule on your closet or somewhere else. Throughout the day, mark the things you have already done. This is very helpful in your fight against depression. This schedule clearly shows you how much progress you have made and gives you additional motivation for further action.
    5. Don't forget that you need to live in the present. If you live in memories, constantly reliving unpleasant events that happened in the past, then it is difficult for you to focus on the events of today. Rejoice at all the good things that are in your life now, pay more attention to everything that makes you happy, live here and now. Soon you will bring new life into this world!

      • There is no need to be carried away by thoughts into the future. Constantly worrying about how it will all end and what kind of mother you can become will not lead to anything good. The fact that you care means you care - and that's the first step. Try to focus on what you can improve now, which will in turn improve your future.

    Part 3

    Changing your sleep pattern
    1. Change your sleep pattern, create a detailed schedule. One of the most common symptoms of depression is sleep disturbance - a person sleeps either too little or too much. A good dream is one of important factors mental health, when sleep patterns are disrupted, it causes mood changes and often leads to depression. To avoid these negative consequences, develop a sleep routine.

      • Start by determining how many hours of sleep you need—some people need to sleep longer than usual. However, if you are concerned about depression during pregnancy, it is usually recommended to sleep at least 9 hours at night, as well as take naps twice a day (each nap should be about an hour).
    2. Set a specific time for going to bed and waking up in the morning, and stick to that schedule. In order for your sleep schedule to be beneficial, you need to learn to go to bed and wake up at a certain time in the morning. If you stick to your schedule, your body will get used to going to bed at a certain time, and you'll fall asleep faster.

      • Of course, this will require some effort on your part. If you decide to go to bed at 10 pm, you should stick to this rule on the weekends. Of course, there are exceptions to any rule, and sometimes you may want to go to bed later (or sleep longer in the morning), but in general, try to stick to your routine.
    3. Try to strictly adhere to your sleep schedule. Of course, at first it will be a little difficult, and you may find yourself lying in bed and tossing from side to side, trying to fall asleep. However, a few days will pass, your body will get used to the new schedule, and you will fall asleep almost as soon as your head touches the pillow.

      • Depression can also affect your sleep. It is very difficult in this case to determine what is the cause and what is the effect. In order to avoid this pitfall, normalize your sleep and feel better, try to convince yourself that the idea of ​​​​a sleep schedule is worthwhile, and stick to it. A calm environment and a stable daily routine are yours best helpers in the fight against depression.
    4. If you don't get enough sleep at night, sleep during the day. Proper sleep is very important if you suffer from depression during pregnancy because sleep allows your brain to fully rest and recover. Since the brain is the organ that controls emotions, and therefore depression, depriving the brain of the required amount of sleep causes great harm to the body. If you've been tossing and turning all night, try to make up for the lack of sleep during the day.

      • If you decide to sleep during the day, then two hour-long sleep breaks will be enough to make up for the lack of sleep at night. However, you should pay attention to the fact that daytime sleep does not prevent you from falling asleep on time in the evening, and the next morning you wake up at your usual time.

    Part 4

    Treating depression with psychotherapy
    1. Cognitive behavioral therapy can help you change the way you think. Cognitive behavioral therapy is a type of psychotherapy that has positive effects on conditions such as depression. However, if we are talking about pregnancy, then such psychotherapy will benefit you, even if you do not suffer from depression. Therapy will help you better understand and accept your new condition and can prepare you for the new joy of a baby in your life.

      • This psychological approach is based on the theory that our thoughts influence our actions, and thus negative thoughts lead to wrong actions.
      • However, this therapy does not just declare “Think positively!”, it is much deeper. Cognitive behavioral therapy examines your habitual way of thinking and helps you develop an optimistic type of thinking.
      • Negative thoughts, such as “Why does this always happen to me?” lead you to expect only troubles from life and behave accordingly. The goal of cognitive behavioral therapy is to change negative thoughts into positive and more realistic ones, for example: “Yes, this is a difficult situation, but instead of giving up, what can I do to feel happy?”
    2. Psychotherapy can help you prepare for the birth of your baby. Cognitive behavioral therapy can be very helpful in helping you prepare for the arrival of your baby. This event, no matter how joyful it may be, brings a lot of excitement and worries into a woman’s life, and can in itself be a cause of depression. In this case, a therapist will help you learn to see what's behind your anxious thoughts, such as, “I'm afraid I won't be a good mother,” and transform them into healthier thoughts, such as, “Everyone makes mistakes, and I "I could probably be wrong about some things about my baby too. But he will be fine because I will do everything in my power to be a good mother."

      • As we've already mentioned, depression during pregnancy is often caused by problems in relationships or an inability to understand and accept a new state of affairs. Cognitive behavioral therapy is very helpful in this case because it allows you to understand the underlying causes of problems and helps you find a way to change things.
    3. Try light therapy. It's relative new way combat depression, but its effectiveness has been proven and it is absolutely safe for pregnant and breastfeeding women. This method is especially useful in winter or any other time when your condition does not allow you to spend long periods of time outdoors.

      • Typically, light therapy refers to prolonged exposure to very bright light. Usually, special lamps are used for this (the ordinary lamp we use at home is not enough) with a brightness of 10,000 lux, under which a person remains for 30-40 minutes.
      • This therapy is based on an amazing quality of the human body - when we are in very bright light, the body begins to produce hormones that cause a feeling of happiness and even euphoria.
    4. Alternatively, spend more time outdoors. If possible, you can choose the natural way - spend more time in the sun, and in general, in nature. Scientists explain this phenomenon by the fact that people are adapted to live in daylight and are influenced by solar heat. For this reason, the human brain is designed to seek out conditions in which the body is exposed to light longer. In order for a person to be exposed to the sun more, the body has evolved so that we feel joy when we see sunlight. Constant fatigue and lack of energy

    5. Tearfulness
    6. Weak attachment to the unborn baby
    7. Lack of joy
    8. Irritability
    9. Thoughts of suicide
    10. Feeling of self-worth
  5. Identify risk factors. There are factors that increase the risk of depression, and if you pay attention to them in time, you can avoid depression. These factors include:

    • Dysfunctional thinking and inability to cope with everyday stressors
    • Problems with family relationships
    • Difficult and stressful life events
    • Physical, sexual or emotional abuse experienced in the past.
    • Past miscarriages or stillbirths.
    • Stress associated with childbirth.
    • Predisposition to depression or anxiety.
      • If these factors were present before pregnancy, then there is a high probability that the pregnant woman will experience depression and will need the help of a psychologist to cope with the problem.
  6. Know that you are not alone. Depression during pregnancy can be very severe and unbearable. Most women expect to be filled with happiness and delight throughout their entire pregnancy, but unfortunately, this rarely happens. Remember that this is a challenging time for both your body and your mind, and the best way to cope is to seek help and support if you feel overwhelmed by depressive thoughts.

  • Your doctor can advise a good psychologist, who practices cognitive behavioral therapy.
  • If you are experiencing a bout of depression, try to let your loved ones know as soon as possible that you need them around. Tell us what you are thinking and feeling now. Sometimes, to feel better, it is enough to have someone nearby who will listen to the story of what is bothering you.

Depression in pregnant women is a mental disorder that occurs in most women during pregnancy and is characterized by severe anxiety, moral fatigue and depression for a long time. What methods of treatment and prevention of this disease exist can be found in this article.


This condition does not occur in all pregnant women. Often the cause of this disorder is the presence of a depressive illness before pregnancy, as well as the discontinuation of medications prescribed by a psychotherapist.

The onset of depression often occurs when pregnancy was not part of the expectant mother's plans. Experts also advise paying attention to diagnosing this condition in close relatives, since depressive disorder may be associated with a hereditary factor.

Other causes of depression include various financial problems, stressful situations, unsuccessful pregnancies at various stages, severe course (toxicosis, complications).

And sometimes such a condition can occur in a woman expecting a child without any reason. But it should be noted that any stress and negative emotions can provoke this disorder in a pregnant woman.

Signs of Depression

Experts identify several signs that characterize the above condition:

  • sleep disorder;
  • disinterest in the outside world;
  • causeless remorse;
  • loss of appetite;
  • fatigue;
  • difficulty concentrating;
  • feeling of restlessness;
  • easy excitability;
  • slow reaction;
  • frequent migraines;
  • suicidal thoughts.

Often, most pregnant women experience sudden mood swings from joy to apathy. However, a distinctive feature of a depressive state is prolonged exposure to negative emotions and thoughts, which can significantly worsen over time.

In some cases, independently diagnosing depression in a woman expecting a child is quite difficult, since some signs may characterize the normal behavior of pregnant women or various physiological ailments, for example, disorders of the thyroid gland. Therefore, if there are any signs of depression, it is necessary, first of all, to consult a specialist to rule out other health problems.

Features of prenatal depression in different periods of pregnancy

Depression can have different causes and signs at each stage of expecting a child. The woman comes to the realization that her life will change dramatically, and, as a result, the expectant mother may experience fear, tension and anxiety, which, with a prolonged impact on the psyche, can provoke depression.

Early a restructuring of the body’s functioning occurs, and this period is characterized by changes in a woman’s behavior, such as irritability, excessive emotionality, and depression. This behavior is typical for most expectant mothers. You should be wary when a pregnant woman begins to talk about the meaninglessness of her life, and she develops suicidal tendencies. Most often, in the first trimester, depression occurs against the background of moral unpreparedness for the birth of a child.

In the second trimester The development of a depressive state is facilitated by natural changes in a woman’s body, lack of sleep, and lack of support from loved ones. Experts note that it is at this stage of the gestational period that the risk of prenatal depression is higher, since the physical and emotional state in the second trimester are more closely related.

In the third trimester Due to physical and moral fatigue, negative thoughts may arise, the woman feels ugly and clumsy. Due to natural changes in the body, a pregnant woman has to almost completely change her lifestyle, which, in turn, is a factor in the onset of depression.

What are the dangers of prenatal depression?

Depression during pregnancy not only has an extremely bad effect on a woman’s well-being, but also negatively affects the development of the fetus, especially early stages.

Experts say that newborns whose mothers were depressed in the first months of pregnancy may be born with low weight and developmental delays, as well as have problems sleeping.

Also, if a woman experiences strong negative emotions for a long time, the risk of spontaneous pathological termination of pregnancy increases, complications during this period, as well as a significant deterioration in the well-being of the expectant mother.

How to treat depression in a pregnant woman?

To correct this disorder, you need to seek help from a psychotherapist. Often, first of all, the specialist prescribes therapy sessions in which he finds out the cause of the depressive state, and also, together with the patient, looks for ways to eliminate the negative factor. In some cases, joint therapy with the father of the unborn child is necessary, since this approach to treatment gives faster and more positive results.

Drug treatment is prescribed only if there is no positive effect from treatment with psychotherapy, since most drugs have a negative effect varying degrees on fetal development. Often, tricyclic antidepressants (Amitriptyline, Melipramine) and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (Fluoxetine, Cipramil) are used for therapy.

The need to use the above drugs, as well as the dosage, can only be prescribed by the attending physician.

Therapy with these medications, provided all the doctor’s recommendations are followed, does not provoke serious deviations in the development of the child. However, in some cases, a newborn may experience rapid heartbeat, disruption of the respiratory system, and digestive problems.

Electroconvulsive therapy can also be used to treat depression in women during pregnancy. The essence of the method is the use of electrical discharges that block the effect of the stress hormone on the body. According to research, this method of treatment does not have a negative effect on both the expectant mother and the development of the fetus.

A lack of vitamins can lead to depression in a pregnant woman, so a properly balanced diet and selected supplements will also help normalize the condition.

Folk recipes

Additionally, you can use various recipes from traditional medicine, however, you must first consult with specialists who will select the most effective and, most importantly, harmless means:

  1. Chinese lemongrass. This remedy helps improve mood and has sedative properties. To prepare, you need to take 10 g of dried berries of this plant and chop thoroughly. Next, they should be poured with a glass of boiling water and left for 20 minutes. Can be consumed instead of tea with the addition of honey or sugar.
  2. Passionflower. This product has a slight calming effect and can be combined with medicines. 1 teaspoon of the above plant must be poured with an incomplete glass of water and left for 15-20 minutes. Next, you should drink this infusion throughout the day.
  1. Carrot juice. This vegetable not only helps reduce anxiety and despondency, but also has a beneficial effect on the digestive system and improves the elasticity of the skin. During pregnancy, you need to drink a glass of fresh carrots every two days, add 100 g of raw carrots to your food or eat as a snack.
  2. Aromatherapy. Carrying out such procedures will help to significantly improve the emotional state of a pregnant woman. The only contraindication to aromatherapy may be the presence of severe toxicosis, in which various odors of oils can worsen the condition of the pregnant woman.

For the above procedure, you only need to select natural oils. Tangerine (improves mood), petitgrain (relieves stress), Ylang-ylang (calms the nervous system), lavender (eliminates insomnia) are perfect.

You can use a special lamp to fill your home with the scent you like, or add a few drops to a spray bottle. Another way is to use aromatic pillows, which are easy to prepare yourself or purchase in special stores. They can be placed in a closet with clothes or placed in a room.

  1. Massage. For a massage that not only improves mood, but also helps get rid of fatigue and pain, it should be used as a base olive oil, adding 1-2 drops of aromatic to it.
  2. Bath . To take a bath, the oil must be dissolved in a small amount of milk and only then added to the water.

Regularly performing such procedures helps relieve stress and speed up the healing process.

How to cure and prevent depression yourself?

There are several tips that will help not only prevent, but also get rid of depression that has already set in:

  1. In some cases, the appearance of a depressive state is preceded by a lack of light. Women expecting a child should walk more often in sunny weather, avoid dark streets at night, and also take care of good lighting in their home.
  2. Psychologists recommend limiting the presence dark tones in clothes during pregnancy, since such a wardrobe leads to depression. If you don’t want to give up dark tones, you can simply add bright accessories. The same rule applies to the decor in the apartment - a few bright decorations in the room can significantly improve your mood.
  3. If there are no contraindications, it is advisable to move a lot. You can sign up for special yoga courses for pregnant women, go to short trip. Even just daily walks in the fresh air will help cope with depression.
  4. Psychologists recommend that during pregnancy you tune yourself to positive thinking and enjoy your position. You can think about the design of a room for your unborn child, buy several items of clothing or furniture.
  5. It is necessary to block negative thoughts, since they are the main factor in the development of depression. If you are overcome by unpleasant thoughts or memories, you need to learn to distract yourself.
  6. As you know, delicious food helps improve your mood. Therefore, if there are no contraindications, you can eat more bananas, seafood, and oatmeal. Chocolate also helps improve your mood.
  7. It is necessary to limit the flow of negative information. Therefore, it is advisable to avoid frequent viewing of various films and TV series with heavy plots and unhappy endings, as well as news, which often show episodes that aggravate bad things. mental condition pregnant.
  8. The most important thing in the fight against depression is an optimistic outlook on the world. Therefore, you need to try to find the positive in all the little things. In this mindset it is much easier to overcome the above condition.

Depression during pregnancy (video)

In this video, the psychotherapist talks about the main causes of depression during pregnancy, as well as methods to combat this disorder.

With proper treatment, prenatal depression in women responds well to treatment and often does not cause relapses. However, the lack of timely help, as well as support from loved ones in case of depression, can lead to a complicated pregnancy, fetal development disorders and severe suicidal tendencies.

A dangerous mixture - pregnancy and depression. What to do with obsessive thoughts and raging hormones, who to turn to, how to fight and what to expect? Many people will be interested in these questions, and for good reason. After all, depression in pregnant women can have serious consequences and affect not only the mother, but also the child in the future.

Depression and pregnancy are a pretty dangerous mix

Not for every woman the fact of future motherhood is absolute happiness. Individuals who are naturally moody and sensitive to stress are susceptible to a disorder called pregnancy depression or prenatal depression.

Depression is a mental disorder in which there is a loss of interest in life, a negative or indifferent attitude towards oneself and the world around oneself, and sudden mood swings.

There are three types of causes of depression in pregnant women:


  • Lack of joy hormones in the body and hormonal imbalance in general;
  • Constant and severe toxicosis;
  • Chemical and physiological changes within the body;
  • Genetic predisposition;
  • Current health problems of the expectant mother;
  • Increased fatigue.


  • Problems in the family, of a domestic nature;
  • Lack of support and approval from relatives and the future father;
  • Financial instability;
  • Strong emotional distress (due to loss) loved one, work, etc.);
  • Unsuccessful pregnancy or childbirth in the past;
  • Unplanned voluntary or forced conception, as a result of which a woman’s life radically changes.

Domestic problems may well be the cause of depression


  • External changes in a woman's body.

Depression in pregnant women has certain symptoms, namely:

  • A pessimistic attitude or depression prevails for two weeks;
  • Loss of interest and indifference to favorite activities and things;
  • Sleep disorders;
  • Constant fatigue;
  • Excessive appetite or lack thereof;
  • Thoughts about suicide;
  • Absent-mindedness;
  • Psychomotor agitation or, conversely, retardation.

Depression can be diagnosed only after passing special tests, questionnaires and talking with a doctor. During the first conversation, the psychotherapist determines the level of depression using the Hamilton, Beck and Anxiety Scales. If the data obtained is insufficient, a blood test is performed to determine genetic predisposition by identifying special genetic markers.

Depression in an expectant mother during pregnancy greatly affects her unborn child.. Disturbances in embryonic and post-embryonic development may occur, but the most common consequences are:

  • Stillbirth of a child;
  • Death of a child shortly after birth;
  • Neurological disorders;
  • Cerebral palsy (cerebral palsy);
  • ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) and other mental and behavioral disorders;
  • Premature birth;
  • The child is underweight;
  • Respiratory system disorders;
  • Depression in a child.

Depression causes the body to increase production of the stress hormone cortisol. This can lead to adrenal dysfunction and a host of resulting illnesses. Even if a woman is indifferent to her own health, she must take care of the nascent life within herself. And delay in this situation is tantamount to deliberate sabotage.

If we talk about the official diagnosis, then according to the International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision, this disease is called recurrent depressive disorder.

Depression during different periods of pregnancy

  • First trimester.

The first three months of pregnancy are called the “denial period.” The expectant mother still leads her usual lifestyle without feeling significant changes (especially if there is no toxicosis). For some women, refusal bad habits or strenuous exercise is a difficult test. This may be the reason for the development of depression during early pregnancy.

During pregnancy, the body is completely rebuilt, so emotional instability for a woman in this position is normal. It is also normal for new fears and worries to arise. Emotional sensitivity and mood swings are the result of hormonal changes. But if a pregnant woman talks for a long time about death or the frailty of existence, and is convinced that things will only get worse, she should consult a doctor.

Depression in the first trimester is dangerous because such an emotional state can affect the child. Such children suffer from sleep disorders, lag behind their peers in development and are underweight.

  • Second trimester.

During the second third of pregnancy, a woman begins to be visited by thoughts about the future with the child, about responsibility and the fact that with the birth of the child, her life will no longer belong to her. This period is also called the “search for lost objects” due to the fact that the expectant mother is trying to find a replacement for old, lost habits.

Depression during this period may occur due to:

  • Financial problems;
  • Insomnia;
  • Changes in hormonal levels;
  • Family problems;
  • A woman’s worries about physical changes (weight gain, back pain, frequent urination, toxicosis, pain in the chest area).

At this time, a woman’s emotional state directly depends on her physical one.

  • Third trimester.

Depression during pregnancy later most likely to develop. The most difficult time not only for the expectant mother, but also for loved ones falls in the last three months. The woman panics at the thought that childbirth is coming soon; she is increasingly dissatisfied with her own body and she does not intend to listen to those around her. At such times, expectant mothers seek solitude. However, this condition does not always develop into depression.

Don't forget that depression can negatively affect your baby.

In the last months before the birth of a child, all pregnant women lose self-control. There is no peace from the bleak prospects of caring for your own child and the realization of how much effort and time it will take. The woman feels pitiful and helpless due to the physical changes taking place. Alarming symptoms for diagnosing depressive disorder are becoming more and more common.


First of all, a woman in this position needs support from close people, so that she is listened to and heard. Most often, depression develops in expectant mothers if they are often criticized in the family and are left to their own devices most of the time.

In order to avoid getting into the risk zone, you need to:

  • Healthy sleep;
  • Complete nutrition, including vitamins, plant fiber, fish, meat;
  • Don't overwork yourself;
  • A constant flow of positive emotions;
  • Walks in the open air;
  • Communication with other pregnant women;
  • Possibility to stop working for a certain period of time;
  • Moderate physical activity.

It is important to understand that mood swings and a pessimistic attitude at some moments are absolutely normal, and all thoughts about a difficult future are somewhat exaggerated.

How to cope with depression during pregnancy

Depression cannot be cured on your own. But everyone can and should engage in its prevention - do what you love, do not focus on negative thoughts and do not deny yourself communication with loved ones. Taking psychotropic and similar medications without consulting a doctor can only worsen the situation.

Emotional disturbances in a pregnant woman are fraught with disorders of higher mental functions in the child - memory, speech, thinking, perception. Having conducted studies in which 2-week-old children participated, scientists from Singapore stated that depression during pregnancy affects the development of the brain - the speed of impulse transmission through neurons decreases, and pathology of brain structures decreases.

Due to emotional disturbances in the expectant mother, the child’s higher mental functions may also be impaired

There are two main ways to get rid of depression during pregnancy:

  • Medication;

It is necessary to realize that there are no ideal medications; they all have contraindications and side effects. So doctors approach the selection of medications for the expectant mother with the utmost responsibility. In such cases, psychiatrists or psychotherapists together with gynecologists write prescriptions.

Antidepressants are prescribed in cases where:

  • The woman had a depressive disorder before conception, and after that her condition worsened;
  • The course of the disease is asymptomatic;
  • There is a frequent return to depression after apparent recovery;
  • It is difficult to achieve improvement in the patient's condition.

For treatment, reuptake inhibitors of the hormones of happiness - norepinephrine and serotonin - are most often used. But when taking them, there is a risk of developing heart disease, craniosynostosis and umbilical hernia in a child, since modern antidepressants tend to penetrate the placenta through the blood into the fetus. For the mother, this can be fraught with gastrointestinal disorders, dysfunction of the central nervous system, frequent urination, allergic reactions and problems with the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

In some cases, it is necessary to enhance the effect of antidepressants, and for this the doctor prescribes lithium salts, clonazepam, etc. Stop taking medications at the moment when the depression ends and there is no risk of an exacerbation or its return.

  • Psychotherapeutic;

Hypnosis or individual and group therapy are used to treat mild to moderate depression.

The most common psychotherapy for treating depression in pregnancy is Aaron Beck's cognitive-behavioral therapy. The point of the approach is to show the patient the real state of affairs. A woman in this position has an incorrect understanding of many things related to her and the child, and perceives the words of those around her - even the closest people - in a negative way. The doctor's task is to make her see how things really are. This therapy is very successful and as a result the patient finally begins to objectively understand herself.

The last trimester of pregnancy is the most difficult time not only for the expectant mother, but also for immediate relatives. In this case, the doctor resorts to interpersonal or interpersonal psychotherapy. At receptions, the expectations of future parents are discussed and their social roles and assistance is provided, if necessary, in adjusting to a new niche in the family. The goal of this therapy is to get rid of all kinds of disorders using rational positive thinking.

  • Electroconvulsive therapy;

The essence of the method is to suppress the production of the stress hormone cortisol using convulsions caused by a discharge of electricity. It is prescribed only in cases of severe depression and is a safer method of treatment than antidepressants, although the benefits for the health and life of the fetus are enormous in this case as well. Side effects of this technique include increased uterine tone, high blood pressure, rapid pulse and short-term amnesia.

  • Acupuncture;
  • Physical exercise;

At mild degree severity of depression, exercise in acceptable quantities can significantly improve the patient’s well-being. However, self-study at home is ineffective in achieving desired result it is necessary to attend special classes in yoga, swimming, Pilates or aerobics.

  • Herbal antidepressants.

On this moment the most common herbal remedy for depression is St. John's wort. It is not compatible with other antidepressants, and can greatly harm the body if a pregnant woman has an individual intolerance. The effect of St. John's wort on the fetus and mother has not been fully studied by science, so when using it as a medicine, it is necessary to be aware of the risk that the patient is taking.

An experienced psychotherapist can help you cope with depression.

The safest method of treatment at the moment is psychotherapy. There are many side effects from medications and all sorts of exogenous influences on the body of the expectant mother. If the main reason for the occurrence of such a severe depressive state lies in a person’s thoughts, and not in his physical condition, then effective way There will be a conversation to improve his well-being.

The birth of a new life is a joyful event for every woman, but pregnancy often becomes a difficult emotional test for the expectant mother. During this period, a woman may experience uncertainty, anxiety and fear of childbirth. Experts explain this condition as a consequence of hormonal imbalance, which is considered normal during pregnancy. If we consider that social problems can be added to physiological symptoms, then depression during pregnancy can take a threatening form not only for the mother, but also for the baby.

Emotional depression and instability of the psychological background are most noticeable from the outside. Therefore, depression in the early stages of pregnancy or prenatal depression in pregnant women can be diagnosed by close relatives and gynecologists.

Cause of mental disorder

Pregnancy is a physiological process during which, in the absence of complications, a woman’s hormonal background changes, protecting the expectant mother and fetus from unwanted stress and negative phenomena. However, not all pregnancies are the same.

Women with a heightened sense of responsibility even before the onset of childbirth begin to escalate the situation, filling their thoughts with unnecessary fears. Suspiciousness and excessive sensitivity can provoke the formation in the subconscious of self-doubt and correctness. decision taken. Pathological condition, identified in the first trimester, can be projected for the entire period of gestation. Depression before childbirth is the most common mental disorder that brings a lot of trouble. to the expectant mother.

Prenatal depression is a serious pathological mental disorder that requires timely diagnosis and treatment. The clinical picture of such a disease can be quite varied. Some women simply feel a slight apathy towards everything, others experience periodic panic attacks and unreasonable fear.

Depression in pregnant women occurs regardless of the patient's age. Complex family relationships and difficult life situations significantly complicate the task of doctors, therefore, when deciding what to do and how to cope with depression during pregnancy, an individual approach is required.

Which women are at risk?

When analyzing the most common cases of depression during pregnancy and accompanying life factors, we can identify certain groups of women who are most predisposed to this disorder:

  • A woman's hereditary predisposition to mental disorders. In such patients, the risk of depression during pregnancy in the first and third trimester is most likely.
  • Difficult family relationships, in particular with the child’s father. The emotional background of the expectant mother can be disturbed by the man’s insufficient attention to current events. As you know, it is much easier to cope with any difficulties together.
  • Negative experiences from a previous miscarriage, numerous miscarriages and induced births can also cause depression during pregnancy. The fear that events may repeat makes a woman nervous throughout the entire period of gestation.
  • Prenatal depression in pregnant women can be triggered by long-term treatment for infertility, as well as the presence of pathological diseases in the patient internal organs. Anxiety that illnesses may interfere with the normal development of the baby gradually develops into a constant panic fear, which does not allow you to switch to positive emotions. In this state, a woman, instead of deciding how to help herself get rid of negativity, on the contrary, aggravates the situation. As a result, depression before childbirth takes a severe form.
  • Changes in the structure of the brain, which provoke emotional disturbances in all trimesters of pregnancy, can be the result of bad habits of the mother (smoking, alcohol addiction, intoxication with harmful chemicals).

Symptoms of the disease

Pregnancy and depression are a fairly common phrase. Anxiety about the health of the child and the upcoming birth are accompanied by various clinical symptoms:

  • causeless irritation for any reason;
  • lack of emotional arousal;
  • feeling of self-doubt and low self-esteem;
  • constant drowsiness;
  • reluctance to leave the living space;
  • increased feeling of hunger;
  • feeling of constant negativity;
  • refusal to attend antenatal clinic.

Severe depression during pregnancy can lead a woman to suicidal thoughts. However, most often such thoughts remain unrealized.

Depression in the first trimester

A mental disorder that appears during early pregnancy most often becomes a consequence of physiological changes in the body. New sensations early toxicosis, various restrictions force the expectant mother to experience a whole range of feelings.

The first trimester is the most difficult period. A woman is forced to give up some of her favorite activities and bad habits. Often a woman begins to reproach the child’s father for inattention to herself. All these events form a negative attitude in the subconscious, despite the fact that the pregnancy proceeds without complications.

Mild psycho-emotional instability from a medical point of view is considered an indirect symptom of the conception that has occurred. Therefore, the main task of doctors is to correctly diagnose the problem. It is quite difficult to predict what consequences may occur due to a depressive state, however disturbance of the emotional background can negatively affect the baby’s nervous system. A fetus gestated in a state of constant stress does not gain weight well.

Mental disorder in the second trimester

In the second trimester, the woman is fully aware of her situation. During this period, thoughts about dramatic life changes begin to arise in your head. The expectant mother begins to worry about the temporary cessation of work activities and looks for new daily activities. Provided that a pregnant woman was able to independently plan her daily routine, find a suitable hobby and distract herself from negative thoughts, depression in the second trimester can go unnoticed.

However, it is not always possible to get rid of depression on your own. Physiological symptoms of the second trimester cause a woman to experience daily negative emotions. Visible changes in figure, frequent urination, back pain, and breast tenderness cause constant discomfort, as a result of which the expectant mother begins to think about possible complications.

Depression in the third trimester

Depression during late pregnancy is considered the most likely occurrence. This time becomes the most difficult for the expectant mother. The woman begins to be overcome by anxious thoughts about the approaching birth, she increasingly seeks solitude, becomes taciturn and secretive. Since it is quite difficult to deal with depression during pregnancy on your own, during this period a woman may need the help of a qualified psychologist.

Depression on last weeks pregnancy can take an acute form. A maximally enlarged belly prevents a pregnant woman from fully resting or relaxing. All thoughts of the expectant mother are directed towards the upcoming birth. Often the negative attitude is aggravated by the fact that everyone around is constantly asking when the baby will finally be born.

Psychologists say that the stressful state transmitted to the baby through the placenta in the 3rd trimester can take hold in his subconscious and subsequently have a negative impact on the psyche of the growing child. Children who have experienced stress in the womb develop more slowly and lag significantly behind their peers.

If alarming symptoms are detected, a pregnant woman needs to urgently seek help, since the calmer the expectant mother feels, the easier the birth of the baby will be. In addition, a woman will need a lot of strength during the postpartum period.

Disease prevention

In order to prevent a depressive state from overshadowing the happiest and most exciting period of a woman’s life, it is necessary to take timely preventive measures. First of all, a woman needs the support of close relatives. Having become pregnant, the expectant mother feels the need for constant communication. It is very important for her that the event that happened has a positive assessment.

In addition, to prevent depression, certain rules must be followed:

  • do not engage in excessive physical activity;
  • eat well;
  • often walk in the fresh air;
  • maintain a daily routine;
  • communicate with pregnant women;
  • try to receive only positive emotions;
  • take care of your appearance;
  • engage in favorite activities;
  • Visit your doctor in a timely manner.

It is worth noting that minor mood swings, temporary pessimism, and moodiness are an absolutely normal state for a pregnant woman. Such emotional manifestations help the expectant mother relieve stress and get into a positive mood.

The question of how to go to the toilet with a tampon worries many. It is worth considering the advantages and disadvantages of this personal hygiene product, as well as the features of visiting the bathroom during menstruation.

Is it possible to relieve yourself with a tampon?

Tampons are used during menstruation for comfort and protection of underwear. Unlike pads, they do not interfere with active movement and exercise. The hygiene product is placed inside the vagina to absorb blood. In this case, the tampon does not cover the urethra and anus.

How to go to the toilet with a tampon without getting it wet

The reproductive system is separated from the excretory system. Urine and natural bowel movements do not reach the tampon inside the vagina. Only menstrual discharge remains on it. Rare exceptions occur in the presence of defects in the structure of the genitourinary system. In other cases, the tampon does not interfere with going to the toilet and there is no need to take it out.

How to properly go to the bathroom during menstruation

To avoid discomfort and not harm your health, you need to adhere to the rules of hygiene:

  • If during urination the tampon still gets wet, it means that it was inserted incorrectly. It needs to be changed. If this is not done, microbes will begin to multiply on it. Possible toxic shock.
  • There is no need to specially take out a tampon. But if the tampon falls out, it cannot be inserted back. Bacteria remain on it, which can cause inflammation of the genital organs.
  • Before and after visiting the bathroom, you should wash your hands thoroughly. Contamination on the palms is an accumulation of harmful microbes.
  • If there is heavy discharge, the tampon is changed once every 3 hours. If your periods are scanty, you can wear one product for up to 8 hours.
  • Replacing a tampon is accompanied by microtraumas of the vaginal mucosa. Invisible wounds appear where bacteria enter. Therefore, frequent unreasonable replacement is unnecessary and even harmful to women’s health.
  • To find out how full the tampon is, you need to lightly pull the thread. If it slides out easily, it's time to replace it. Resistance indicates that the tampon is not completely saturated, which means it is too early to change it.

How to write without getting the thread wet

For easy removal, tampons are equipped with a strong thread. She must stay outside. Under no circumstances should the thread be inserted into the vagina. When visiting the toilet, it is wrapped in a napkin or paper to protect it from contamination. Before urination, the thread is pulled back and held with your hand. When going “big”, on the contrary, they lift it from the front. It is important to keep the thread dry and clean so that dirt, moisture and germs do not penetrate further into the tampon. To prevent bacteria from entering the genital tract along with stool particles, toilet paper wipe from front to back.

When should a girl not use tampons?

It is not advisable to insert tampons if you have:

  • inflammatory processes in the genital tract;
  • allergic reaction to product components;
  • symptoms of severe intoxication;
  • deviations in the structure of the genital organs.

Discomfort when visiting the toilet indicates improper insertion of the tampon. The same thing happens when a hygiene product interferes with walking or sitting. In such a situation, it is better to pull it out and temporarily replace it with a gasket. An incorrectly positioned product irritates and damages the mucous membrane, which must be allowed to recover. Other reasons include:

  • inappropriate tampon size;
  • drying of the vaginal mucosa;
  • chronic and acute gynecological diseases.

If the use of tampons consistently causes pain and discomfort, you should consult a gynecologist for examination. The doctor will identify the cause of the discomfort and prescribe treatment.