An evening of entertainment with children from the preparatory group. Scenario. Psychological entertainment in the preparatory group “Holiday named after Holidays and entertainment preparatory group

Target: to form in children a positive acceptance of proper names, friendly relationships in the group, a reflexive component in assessing their own and the team’s success and failures.


  • consolidate children's knowledge about their full names;
  • develop the ability to work in a team;
  • create a friendly atmosphere in the group.

Equipment and materials: 4 sets of counting sticks, sheets of whatman paper with images of balls, colored pencils, balls, tape recorder, beans, sweet treats for all participants.

Progress of the event.

Psychologist: hello guys, before we start our entertainment, I invite you to guess the theme of the upcoming event. And so listen carefully:

We weren't there - it was
We won't be there - it will be,
No one has seen it from anyone,
And everyone has it.

Both mom has it and dad has it,
My daughter has it, my granddaughter has it,
To get to know him
You have to say it out loud.

Children: Name.

Psychologist: correct name. A name plays a big role in people's lives. There is not a single person who does not have a name. What are names? Names are special words. You can't do without a name. People value their names and carry the name throughout their lives. A person can be deprived of all wealth, all rights, but he cannot be deprived of his name.
Why do you think people came up with names?

Children: to know whether it is a boy or a girl, a man or a woman, to distinguish one person from another.

Psychologist: and now, dear teams, I ask you to take your places, and the captains will introduce you to us. Jury presentation.

And so, we begin.

1 task

Ball game "I know five names"

Psychologist: Dear captains, please name 4 players who will take part in the game “I Know Five Names”

The team that calls large quantity names gets a chip.

2 task

“Call yourself an adult

Psychologist: each team member must quickly state his/her full name. The team with fewer mistakes gets a chip.

3 task

"Who is faster"

Psychologist: Dear captains, to participate in the third task, please nominate four participants. In front of the children are 4 written names and a set of counting sticks; at a signal, the children begin to lay out these names from the sticks, the team that completes the task faster receives a chip.

4 task

Outdoor game “Collect beans”

Participants are divided into 2 teams. All the beans are poured out onto the floor, there are transparent jars on two chairs, one with a red ribbon, the other with a green ribbon, each team has its own jar. Children are invited to run to the beans one by one and use plastic cups collect and pour it into a jar. Five minutes are allotted for this; the team that collects the largest volume of beans receives a chip.

5 task

"Fold down your name"

In front of the children are written words from the first letters of these words, they need to make a name, the captains are asked to choose 4 team members to complete the task. The first team to complete the task correctly receives a chip.

Task 6

Game "Tenderness"

Teams take turns standing in a circle, holding hands and affectionately calling each other by name (Tanyusha, Olenka, Vanechka, etc.), the team that copes most successfully receives a chip.

Summing up, awarding the winners.


“Photography of names in color”

Balloons are depicted on a large format sheet. Children choose the color of their name and shade the image. Collective portraits of the celebration participants are hung in the group room.

List of used literature:

— Kashigina E.A. “Holidays in kindergarten, games and entertainment. Issue 1. Development Academy 2006

— Meremyanina O. R. “Development of social skills of children 5-7 years old: cognitive - play activities / author. - comp. O. R. Meremyanina.- Volgograd: Teacher, 2012.-142 p.

educational psychologist MBDOU No. 40,

Nizhny Novgorod, Russia.

Summary of an evening of entertainment with children of the preparatory group “Visiting the Master Pencil.”

Description of work. I bring to your attention a summary of the evening of entertainment with the children of the preparatory group “Visiting the Master Pencil”. This material will be useful for teachers of the preparatory group.
Target. To support children's interest in fine arts.
- introduce the history of the creation of the pencil;
- consolidate knowledge about primary and derivative colors, warm and cold, the order of colors in the spectrum.
-develop fantasy and imagination.
- imagination and fantasy in children.
Integration of educational areas.
"Social and communicative development", " Cognitive development"," Artistic and aesthetic development ".

Material and equipment.

Master Pencil costume: pencil nose, beret, bow, cape, palette. Cardboard image of pencils. Colored cards for each child (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple). Image of a rainbow, screen.
For the game “Artists - Dreamers”: sheets of paper with an image geometric shapes(oval, square, triangle, circle, rectangle).
For the “Smart Pencil” scene: a silhouette of a pencil (any color), a mouse, an easel, a sheet of Whatman paper, charcoal or a marker. For the game “Merry Artists”: two dark blindfolds, two markers, two sheets of paper.
Gifts for children (paints, albums).
Musical recordings: to accompany games (rain music, music for the appearance of Master Pencil).
Decor. The group is decorated with images of colored pencils and bright butterflies.

Progress of entertainment.

magic wand
I have it, friends!
With this stick
I can build
Tower, house, and plane,
And a huge ship.
Master Pencil enters to the music and greets the children.
Master Pencil. My great-great-great-great-grandfather represented a silver or even gold stick. They used to draw with these sticks for a very long time. And then in England they made graphite rods (shows a pencil), and in another country, France, scientists came up with wooden “Clothing” for pencils. And so the factories started working, putting writing sticks in wooden shirts. Nowadays many different pencils are made in the world. There are pencils - giants up to three meters high and pencils - midgets a little more than one centimeter. There are pencils with erasers and pencils that can be sharpened without a knife. There are pencils for sleepyheads: at the end there is a bell attached, with its ringing it prevents you from dozing off while writing.
I have many friends. Want to know what color they are? Guess the riddles and the answers will appear. (Approaches the screen.)
Hello, hello pencil!
Our favorite pencil!
You start drawing strawberries.
It’s a pity that you can’t pick strawberries in your notebook.
So the cherries are filled with ripe juice,
Both viburnum and rowan are all...(red).
(A pencil appears on the screen - an image on cardboard.)
And this pencil
Loves the sun, loves the beach (yellow)
(A yellow pencil appears).
Where are you, where are you, pencil?
Why won't you give us an answer?
From a multi-colored box
Rolled away unnoticed.
How should I draw the sky?

Why should I disturb the sea? (Blue.)
(A blue pencil appears.)
Master Pencil. You guessed the riddles and saw the answers. And now the game begins. I would like to paint, but I don’t know where the paints are?
Children. We are here. (Take out colored cards).
Master Pencil.
I'll take three basic colors,
These colors are not simple,
All others are made of them.
Where are these main colors? (Children with cards red, yellow, of blue color run up to Master Pencil.)
If red with yellow next to it -
The sun is shining, dear.
Children will draw oranges and tangerines!
(On the screen, between the red and yellow pencil, orange appears. Children compare the color they found with it.)
If yellow and blue become friends,
Will it be possible to get new paint? (children find the right color. A green pencil appears on the screen.)
Red and blue have become friends!
It turned out to be a different color -
Eggplants or plums.
Guess what color?
(Children show a card - the answer. A purple pencil appears on the screen.)
Warm colors joined hands together,
They bowed, smiled,
They circled and separated.
(Children perform the so-called movements to the music.)
Cold colors joined hands together,
They bowed, smiled,
They circled and separated.
(Children sit down.)
Do you want to hear a conversation between colored pencils? Then, listen. (Rain music sounds.)
Educator. Sometimes, to the sound of rain, it seems to us that things can talk. And our pencils too. Do you hear what the red pencil says?
Red. I am poppy, I am fire.
Educator. An orange voice follows him.
Orange. I'm an orange.
Educator. Yellow is not silent either.
Yellow. I am the sun.
Educator. And the green rustles.
Green. I forest.
Educator. The blue one hums quietly...
Blue. I am the sky, the sky. Sky.
Educator. Blue is ringing...
Blue. I'm a bell.
Educator. And the purple one whispers...
Violet. I'm a violet.
The rain stops.
And for a minute he grew into the ground
Multi-colored miracle bridge.
The miracle master made
The bridge is high without railings.
What kind of multi-colored bridge is this? (Rainbow.)
An image of a rainbow appears above the pencils.
And we hear the voices of colored pencils again.
Red. Look - the rainbow is me!
Orange. And I!
(The others say: “Me too”)
Educator. Everyone is happy! In the rainbow there is a poppy, an orange, the sun, a forest, a bell, and a violet. Admire and name the colors (children name the colors of the spectrum in order in chorus). Divide into two teams of seven people. Imagine that our group is the sky, and while the music is playing you are colorful droplets. As soon as the music ends, the droplets immediately turn into a rainbow. Whose team will line up the fastest in order of the colors of the rainbow? (Children line up to the music of rain, taking cards - paints.)
The colors are terribly tired today:
They painted a rainbow in the sky.
We worked for a long time on the rainbow of colors,
The rainbow came out as beautiful as in a fairy tale.
Master Pencil.
But if you took it in your hands
Pencil for boredom
He can hardly draw
A lopsided, boring house.
All the flowers will be yours
In this picture
Wither away from boredom
Smell like gray summer...
Don't pick it up
Pencil for boredom!
Educator. But our children, dear Master Pencil, love to draw and never
They don’t pick up a pencil out of boredom.
(Children sing the song “Children love to draw”)
Educator. While the music is playing, try to turn a circle, a square,
triangle, oval into any object. The first one to “disenchant” the figure will show his drawing to the Pencil Master. (The game “Artists – Dreamers” is played.)
Master Pencil(looks at the drawings). Absolutely right, this is all I wanted to draw: balloon, clown face, tomato, house, etc. Well done!
And now I want to see what kind of artists you are. Who can draw my portrait blindfolded while music plays?
Game "Merry Artists".
Children draw and then give portraits to Master Pencil.
Master Pencil.
...Flowers, cars, dancing, fairy tales -
Let's draw everything! If only there were colors
Yes, a sheet of paper is on the table,
Yes, peace in the family and on Earth!
As a farewell, he gives the children paints and albums, and as a token of gratitude they sing the song “In the World of Colors and Melodies.”

Entertainment for children of the preparatory group “Our friend is kindness”

Target: to form in children an idea of ​​kindness as an important human quality, to clarify ideas about the concepts of “good”, “evil”, “benevolence”, and to cultivate a benevolent attitude towards others. Encourage your child to do good deeds. Create a festive mood.
Material: a flower of seven petals and a center; didactic game“Find your mitten.”; a big heart with small hearts that are then attached to the big one; big beautiful scarf for Game; sun emblems.
Guys, let's stand in a circle, hold hands, close our eyes and convey, through our palms, the warmth that lives in our hearts. Let's wish each other Have a good day. Let's smile. Guys, let's play the game “you and I are one family”
You and I are one family -
It's us and you and me
Touch the nose of the neighbor on the right
Touch the nose of the neighbor on the left
You and I are one family
It's us and you and me
Give your hand to the neighbor on your right
Give your hand to the neighbor on your left
You and I are one family -
It's us and you and me
Hug the neighbor on the right
Hug the neighbor on the left
You and I are one family
It's us and you and me
Educator(Children sit on chairs)
Poem on the topic “Good deeds in kindergarten”
Is it easier to be good or evil?
It's probably easier for the evil ones.
Being kind means giving
Your warmth to others.
To be kind means to understand
Both loved ones and strangers.
And sometimes there is no joy in caring for others.
Of course, it is more difficult for good,
And yet - look:
How many friends he has!
And there is always only one evil person... (L. Polyakova)
Educator.– Guys, what do you think “goodness” and “kindness” mean? (Children answer)
You know, good comes in different forms. One good thing is treasures: books, paintings, toys, jewelry. Such goodness can be seen and even touched with your hands. Another good thing you can hear is music, sincere poetry, gentle words. But there is such good that every person should have: you, and I, and your parents. What kind of good do you think this is?

(Children answer)
Educator. Every person should have a kind heart, a kind soul, be able to speak kind words, help everyone, feel sorry for and save those who are in trouble. And, of course, the most important thing is to love.
The song “Kindness” is performed by children.
Educator. And now we will go to the land of Good. Want to? (Children answer)
What should a resident of this country be like?
Children: Kind, caring, friendly, helping everyone.
Educator. Well done, guys! You said everything correctly.
Eat good game,
It's called "Friends".
Look at me
Repeat the movements after me.
(The logo rhythm game “Friends” is played 2 times.
I'm not afraid of anything with a friend (spread your arms from your chest to the sides)
Neither the darkness, (cover your eyes with your palms)
Not a wolf, (show the wolf's mouth with your hands)
No blizzard, (simultaneous circular movements with hands)
Not a spider, (use your fingers to depict running spiders)
And not a dog, (show the dog with your palms)
Not a bully boy, (put fingers to nose - “Pinocchio”)
Together with a friend I am stronger, (hands up to shoulders)
Together with my friend, I am bolder, (hands forward to shoulders)
We will protect each other, (hug yourself with your arms)
And we will conquer all fears! (throw your arms down to your sides)
Educator. Get ready, friends! It's time to travel! Let's start our journey with a smile. Let's all smile and good mood let's hit the road. And we will go by train, and the sun will shine for us all the way. (The children get on the makeshift train and ride off.)
There is a letter on the floor.
Educator. Guys, look, there is a piece of paper. There's something written here. Now I will read to you: “Hello, guys! We learned that you are going to the Land of Good, which means that you are all kind. We're in trouble. A strong wind came and tore all the petals off the flowers. Please help me collect them. »
Educator. Well, guys, can we help? (Children answer) - Petals, guys, are not simple, but magical. You need to say first kind word, and then put the petal. (Children take turns saying the words: thank you, please, goodbye, hello, Good morning etc).
Educator. Well done boys! Residents of the Tsvetochnaya station are very glad that you helped them and say “Thank you.” It's time for us to hit the road! In places! Go!
(There is a letter on the floor)
Educator. Guys, look, there's a letter again! Let's see what's there? (He reads and says that the inhabitants of this station were bewitched by an evil witch. They went for a walk and got lost. So that they can find their way home, you and I must perform a dance.
The dance “Dolls” is performed
In places! Go!
Educator. Look who's meeting us? This is the Fairy of Good.
Fairy. Hello guys! I like you all so much. My assistants have already told me about your good deeds. But I myself want to make sure that you are dexterous and skillful.
Here is your first task: “Find your mitten.” (Children are given one paper mitten on which geometric shapes are depicted. The remaining mittens are laid out on the floor. Children must find a pair for their mitten.)
Fairy. Well done guys, you did a great job.
Second task: “Hearts”. They are magical. You need to answer the question and glue the small heart onto the big one. (Children answer the questions:
- What words do they say when meeting? (Whoever answered correctly sticks it)
- What will you say if you accidentally push someone?
- Who should give up their seat in transport?
- How do you ask a friend for a toy?
- The girl is crying. How will you calm her down?
- What do you say if you got help?
- You have one apple, and your friend asks you to treat him. What will you do?
Fairy. Well done, guys! All questions were answered correctly. It turned out to be a big, kind heart.
And the third task will show me whether you are attentive or not.
The game "Magic Scarf" is played.
Fun, lively music sounds. Children move freely around the hall, performing various dance movements. Suddenly the music stops playing. Children squat and cover their eyes with their palms. Fairy straightening large scarf, goes around the children and covers one of them with a scarf.
Fairy. Once! Two! Three!
Who was hiding inside?
Don't yawn! Don't yawn!
Answer quickly!
(Children say the name of the child hidden under the scarf. If they guess correctly, then they raise the scarf.) The game is repeated three times.
Fairy. You guys are great, you tried your best. We completed all my tasks, and now I see that you are really kind, brave, skillful, attentive, and caring.
Educator. Thank you very much Fairy. Come visit us at kindergarten, we will be very glad to see you. And we guys will promise the fairy that we will always be kind, polite, caring. Goodbye Fairy, see you soon.
Educator. Well, it's time for us to return to kindergarten. Our journey has now ended. You guys liked it. As a sign of kindness and respect, I want to give you suns so that you can look at them and smile.
Photos from entertainment

Galina Gavrilova
An evening of mathematical fun at preparatory group"Cruise"

Evening of entertainment« Cruise» V preparatory group.

Prepared and conducted by teacher Gavrilova Galina Mikhailovna

MBDOU kindergarten p. Issa

Target: In the process of working with entertaining tasks , games, puzzles develop children’s mental activity, ingenuity, qualities such as resourcefulness, independence, speed, dexterity, habit of labor effort - mental, physical. Create conditions for creativity.

Progress of entertainment:

Children enter the hall and sit on benches shaped like the bow of a ship. The presenter, dressed in a captain's uniform, enters to the music.

Captain: Hello guys! How big you have become and we are seeing you off on your big voyage - to school. I came today to see what you have become attentive, resourceful, smart. We will organize competitions on the deck of the ship.

"Choose the right course"

We need to steer the ship in the right direction. Take him past icebergs and high cliffs. I propose to choose two sailors who will show us the correct course.

So, our ship is on the high seas. The course was chosen correctly. And we continue our competition for attentive and smart children.

A didactic game is being played "Name the neighbors"

The children stand in a circle and the captain throws them a ball. The catcher must name the neighbors of the number named by the captain.

The tasks are a joke.

* Five apples grew on the pear, but only two on the tree.

How many apples have grown? (answer: none, Apples don’t grow on these trees.)

* What will happen to a white scarf if it is dropped into the Black Sea? (It will become wet.)

* How many nuts are there in an empty glass? (Not at all. The glass is empty.)

* In February, three daisies and two roses bloomed in our yard.

How many flowers are there in the yard? (Not at all. Flowers don’t grow in February.)

* There are three daisies and two tulips in the vase.

How many daisies are there in the vase? (Three daisies).

* What kind of dishes is it impossible to eat anything from? (From empty.)

* Eight dog paws are visible from under the gate. How many dogs are there outside the gate?

Two dogs.)

* What is heavier, a kilogram of cotton wool or a kilogram of stones?

(Weight is the same.)

Mom cut the chocolate bar into three parts.

How many cuts did she make? (Two cuts.)

* How to bring water in a sieve? (Freezing her.)

* The long-awaited January has arrived. First one apple tree bloomed, and then three more plum trees.

How many trees bloomed? (Trees don't bloom in winter)

* 9 steamships sailed at sea. Two ships landed at the pier.

How many ships are there at sea? (nine ships)

* The animal has two right legs and two left legs, two front and two back.

How many legs does an animal have? (Four)

Captain: Well, you completed the task. Now let's take a break and play an outdoor game.

Outdoor game:"Third wheel"

Preparation. Players in pairs sit behind each other's heads in a circle. The distance between pairs is 1-2 m. Two are appointed driving: one running away, another catching up.

Description of the game. At the sound of a sound signal, the runner tries to get as far away from the catcher as possible and then suddenly stands in front of one of the pairs, the back player, who is quickly running away. The game will be more interesting if this back player becomes catching up and can "salt" another until he stands in front of a couple.

Rules. 1. While running, players do not have the right to touch other players with their hands or other parts of the body. 2. The back of the pair cannot start before the runner gets up in front. 3. The runner must not run inside the circle, otherwise he becomes a catcher.

Captain: Well done! Now tell me, what geometric shapes do you know? All my figures are mixed up. Help me sort them out envelopes: each envelope has its own figure.

Didactic game "Choose a figure"

Captain: Well done! You know, you know the names of geometric figures, you know how to understand them, and you will probably help me and my ship designer solve another unusual problem. My assistant and I decided to come up with a new submarine. But we don’t know what to do.

Didactic game: "Find the missing figure"

Well done! I'm adding you all to my team!

(The captain looks through binoculars)

Our ship is approaching land. During this time, I became convinced that you are resourceful, smart, dexterous children. I am confident that you will do well in school. But it's time for us to say goodbye. To remember our meeting, I will give you souvenirs. (Gives the children shells)

Publications on the topic:

Summary of the integrated lesson “Sea voyage” in the preparatory group Abstract open class"Cruise" Senior group Goal: Development of creative imagination. Activation of children's vocabulary, expansion.

Objectives: 1. Summarize the knowledge acquired during the year: consolidate counting and order of numbers (up to 10 and back, consolidate the composition of numbers, consolidate.

Summary of educational activities for speech development “Sea voyage” in the preparatory speech therapy group Goal: Development of coherent speech in children. Objectives: Correctional and educational: 1. Activation and updating of the dictionary on the topic “Inhabitants of the seas.

Evening of entertainment for Mother's Day in the second junior group “My dear mother” Municipal budget preschool educational institution“Razdolnensky kindergarten No. 5 “Fairy Tale” Evening of entertainment “Dear Mom.

Competitions between intermediate groups preschool age, dedicated to the holiday February 23 “Young Defender of the Motherland” For secondary preschool groups.

Goal: To develop communicative, social and moral qualities in children. Formation of artistic skills in children through use.

Goal: popularization of outdoor games among preschoolers.


  1. To develop interest in outdoor games in older preschool children.
  2. Introduce children to cooperative games with parents.
  3. To develop in children coordination of movements, speed of reaction, dexterity, ingenuity, and the ability to act in a team.
  4. Be able to organize your favorite outdoor game in the yard with other children.

Preliminary work:

  • Introducing children to outdoor games during physical education classes;
  • Learning counting rhymes and drawing lots;
  • Making attributes for outdoor games.


Buffoon, children, teacher, parents, music director.

Decoration of the hall: children’s drawings on the central wall "My favorite outdoor game" , silhouettes of children playing, diagrams of yard games for the older generation.

Progress of entertainment

In the corridor in front of the hall, a buffoon greets guests.


Hello, kids, girls and boys.
Thank you for not passing by, you came to see me for the holiday.
Come in, don’t be shy, make yourself comfortable!
How nice are you all:

Katyushka-Katyushka (Yana, Dashutka) golden-haired girl,
And Vanyushka is a great guy and Arseny (Dima)- daring man.
I’m glad to see everyone today, it’s time to open the holiday!


Wait, buffoon, he invited us to a holiday
And he didn’t explain at all what kind of holiday would be here,
The guests are waiting for an explanation.
Buffoon: Our holiday is not simple - it is cheerful, mischievous!

Outdoor games and entertainment.
Educator: Is there really such a holiday?
Skomorokh: It happens.
Friends! I open the door to the country of Igralia!

And dads have been there, and moms have all been there, believe me!
Both grandparents will give you the answer,
There is no better country in the world than Igralia!

* Dear parents, hurry up
Put off everything until tomorrow.
We'll play together today!
You are ready?

Then we count fingers:
One two three four five-
Let's all start playing!

Your mothers and fathers loved to play this game as children: in the yard, during school breaks, and at a party.

This is a Russian folk game "Golden Gate" .

Parents stand in a circle, hold hands and raise them, forming "gates" . The rest of the players pass through the gate in a line. The drivers say the words:

The Golden Gate does not always allow entry:

The first time is forgiven, the second time is forbidden,

And we won’t miss you the third time!

"Gates" close on last word and they catch the one who was passing through them at that moment. The caught player stands in a circle, the game continues until there are 2 - 3 players left.

Buffoon: Well played! Our guests have relaxed a little, let's play an outdoor game with them

Introduced us to this game...????????????????????????

We have made it more difficult; you need to carry the bag on your head to the leader and not drop it; whoever does not keep the bag on his head returns to the starting line of the game. (The game is played first with children, then with parents)

The baby raccoon was introduced to the game "The Dragon" or "Tail of the Dragon" two families at once...:????????????????????????????????????

"Head" the dragon must reach "tail" and touch it. As soon as "head" grabbed "tail" , she becomes "tail" .

Buffoon: What games did your grandparents not play? For accuracy, strength, speed, agility. I invite you, dear guests and guys, to play the game "Hot potato" , the Farzona family put a card with this game in Petya’s bunny’s pocket:

Children stand in a circle and throw the ball to each other. Those who did not manage to catch sit in the center of the circle. Those sitting in the center can catch the ball without standing up to their full height.

With very interesting game "I'm a worm - a worm - a worm" Maxim Trunov's family introduced the guys.

Children stand in a circle, the driver is in the center of the circle and moves in a circle, pronouncing the words:

I'm a worm, a worm, a worm!
I'm crawling, crawling, crawling!
Do you want to be my tail? (approaches the child)
And you can’t refuse!

The child answers: "Want!" and crawls under his feet, continuing the game together, etc.

Educator: When I was still a little girl, we loved to play funny blind man's buff.

Skomorokh: And not only you, Yulia Viktorovna, liked this active game. The family of Seryozha Kulemin continues to free time play a game "Blind Man's Bluff" :

To one of the players - "blind man's buff" , blindfold him, take him to the middle of the hall and make him turn around several times, then ask:

Cat, cat, what are you standing on?

In a kneading bowl.

What's in the kneader?

Catch the mice, not us.

After these words, the participants in the game dodge, and "blind man's buff" catches them. Whoever he caught becomes "blind man's buff" .

Buffoon: What games did our guests play as children? Let's ask them.

Child interviews parents (does interview).

Buffoon: And now: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, I want to "Classics" Learn to play. Guests are invited, they explain the game, and all the children play it.

Prepare different types of classics (from hoops, squares, circle - divided into sectors), cue ball according to the number of children.

Educator: Dear guests! Thank you for participating in our holiday. Always be pure in heart and do not forget that you yourself were once children.

Let the girls and boys
All the naughty kids
Today they will say loudly, loudly,
Long live the game! (pronounced in unison)

The children leave the hall to the music.

Presenter: -

Dear children, parents, guests! Today we have an unusual activity. We will conduct this lesson with parents. Let's greet each other:

Physical education

Formation into a circle.

Let's get acquainted.

2. Game "Let's get acquainted" . (The instructor throws the ball to the children and parents with the words: “Hurry up, what’s your name, tell me...” The one who catches the ball says his name).

  • physical and psychological leisure for children of the preparatory group with the involvement of parents “Favorite outdoor games of children and their parents” .

The teacher prepared and spent leisure time physical culture Zubatova O. V., teacher - psychologist Teslenko Yu. V.

Goal: Strengthening children's health through outdoor games.

Objectives: To develop skills and abilities to act in a team of peers.

  • Develop motor activity children; enrich children's motor experience.
  • Foster feelings of camaraderie, mutual assistance, and discipline.
  • Involving parents in joint activities with children.

A survey was conducted among children and parents "My favorite outdoor game" , which showed how different outdoor games were in the childhood of parents and their children. Popular games among parents were "Hide and Seek" , "Cossacks-robbers" , "Rubber" , "Jumping" (jump rope)» , "Dodgeball" etc. Survey of children "Your favorite outdoor game" showed that popular games among children now are different types moving types with running, jumping, "Traps" and etc.

During leisure time, outdoor games and fun were held:

  • p/n "Rubber"

Presenter - Guys, today I invite you to take part in a holiday dedicated to outdoor folk games.

Sounds like music from the movie "The Adventures of Pinocchio" , Alice the fox and Basilio the cat appear, arguing about something.

Alice - You think wrong, I will drive.

Basilio - No, you’re saying the wrong words, you don’t know the counting rhymes at all.

Alice - Now let me count and find out who will drive.

Host - Hello, friends, what are you arguing about?

Basilio - We wanted to play a game and we can’t agree on who will drive.

Host - It’s very simple, you just need to know the counting rhymes. Let me help you:

The peas were rolling on the dish,

You drive, but I won't.

Alice: Wow, how great! Do you also know the counting rhymes?

Presenter: of course, and our children always count only according to popular calculations. You ask them, they will help you.

Presenter: Our children very often use counting rhymes in games and know a lot of folk outdoor games. Do you know?

Alice and Basilio: Yes, "Bear" , "Geese" , "Chicken" , "Barrel" , "Blindfolds"

The host corrects the guests. "By the Bear in the Forest" , "Swan geese" , "Chicken - Corydalis" , "Blind Man's Bluff"

Back massage "Rain" . (Parents giving massage to children).

Poems of Movement

The rain runs on the roof -
Bom! Bom! Bom! Patting palms on the back from top to bottom
Along the cheerful ringing roof -
Bom! Bom! Bom! They tap their fingers.

At home, sit at home -
Bom! Bom! Bom! Lightly tap with fists
Don't go anywhere -
Bom! Bom! Bom! Rub with the ribs of the palms (sawing)

Read, play
Bom! Bom! Bom! Place your palms on your shoulders and knead his shoulders with your fingers.
And if I leave, then go for a walk...
Bom! Bom! Bom! Stroke your back with gentle movements of your palms.

/And "Jumping"

  • p/n "Dodgeball"
  • p/n "Trap with a Hat"
  • p/n "Trap, take the tape"
  • p/n "Mousetrap"
  • Entertainment "Parachute"
  • Entertainment "Don't drop it"
  • p/n "Do not snooze"
  • Relaxation game "The Fox and the Hares"
  • Breathing exercise "Pump"

Parents were given the opportunity to remember the games of their childhood and play them with their children. Children and parents received a lot of emotions and impressions. Great mood all participants of the event had.