DIY balloon for a children's room. How to make a balloon with your own hands, basket Balloon for flying drawings

How to make a balloon with your own hands?

Flying in a hot air balloon is an exciting activity with which you can diversify your weekends or holidays. There are companies that provide balloons for rent, so it is best to use their services. If you are interested in the process of making a balloon in theory, or you want to make a miniature balloon, then our article will reveal to you all the intricacies of this process.

Let's consider the manufacturing process of each element of the balloon separately.

How to make a hot air balloon dome with your own hands

The balloon dome is best made from durable nylon materials (polyester or polyamide). So that the fabric does not allow air to pass through, on the outside of it need to be coated with polyurethane or silicone. The dome is sewn together from segments, the number and dimensions of which depend on the size of the balloon. In this table on the website you can find the sizes of segments for diameters from 1 to 3 meters. To make a ball of larger diameter, calculate proportionally the size and quantity of the corresponding segment.

The base of the dome - the inflation hole - must be protected with a tape made of heat-resistant fabric. At the top of the dome it is necessary to provide a parachute valve through which heated air will be released to lower the ball. For greater strength of the dome, you can sew ribbons vertically and horizontally. At the top the tapes are attached to the parachute valve ring, and at the bottom to the suspension ropes.

Balloon basket

The basket is made from wooden wicker, and its bottom is best made from sea plywood, which tolerates moisture well. The frame for the basket can be stainless steel cables that attach the basket to the dome. It is best to wrap these cables in leather covers to protect them from damage.

Balloon burner

This is the most important part of the balloon to choose from special attention. These burners use liquefied propane as fuel. They are made of stainless steel with special protective covers.

Assembling the balloon

The most difficult thing is to make a mechanism for opening the parachute valve, however, in specialized sports clubs, for example,, you can find recommendations on the design of this mechanism. The assembly sequence is as follows:

  1. We attach the steel cables to the lower rim of the dome and the basket using bolts.
  2. The burner is mounted on a rigid frame above the basket.
  3. The cords for controlling the parachute valve are attached to the cables.
  4. Inside the basket there are containers for storing cards, a fire extinguisher and provisions.

Children's creativity craft - DIY balloon

Games are an integral component for the normal development of a child. It is not necessary to buy a ball or dolls, because children even consider spending time together with their parents as a game. They are just at that age when fantasies and dreams are an integral part of their lives. Try making some crafts with your child. In this article you will learn how to make a papier-mâché balloon. The child will receive a sea of ​​emotions and impressions from this process, and then will be able to play independently with the finished craft.

For children's crafts you will need:

- balloon;
- hand cream;
— a box of tea bags;
colored paper;
- scissors;
- PVA glue;
- newspapers;
- glue brush;
- container with water;
- gouache paints;
- paint brush;
- wire or thread.

Stages of work on a balloon craft:

1. Take a newspaper or any paper, just not thick. We tear it into pieces, which we then soak in a container of water.
2. Take a balloon of any color. Inflate it and lubricate it with hand cream.

3. Place our moistened pieces of newspaper on the layer of cream. We do this without glue and over the entire surface of the ball so that there are no gaps. We leave only a small area at the tail of the ball unpasted.
4. Now coat the entire ball with glue and lay out the next layer of paper. So we repeat this process 3 or 4 times.
5. Let the ball dry, preferably near a heat source. This will take approximately two hours.
6. While the drying process is underway, let's start making the balloon basket. To do this, take a tea box, cut off its lid and cover the entire surface with colored paper. If desired, the inside of the box can also be sealed or painted over.

7. When our ball is completely dry (all layers of paper should be thick), prime it with a mixture of gouache and glue. Let the child choose what color the ball will be.
8. After this, carefully pierce the ball. From the inside it will come unstuck from the newspapers.
9. The balloon can be decorated like a real balloon - with colored stripes or left plain.
10. Now we attach the basket to the ball.

Such a creative craft can be hung from a chandelier or on a cornice in a nursery, and if it’s warm and there are trees in the yard, you can make a whole parade of balloons of all kinds of colors and sizes. Believe me, even the neighbors will not remain indifferent.

I’ll tell you how I made a “balloon” decoration from a simple balloon, a basket-box and threads. Suitable for a wedding with a corresponding theme, a travel theme like ours, as well as for any other that does not contradict the concept.

Perfect Nice picture looks like that:

Let's try to recreate something similar, but with our own hands.

I initially planned to place the resulting balloons on the table, and this determined some of the design elements. It is also good to hang such balloons, as in the photo above.

So, in general we need

Balloon (preferably plain, classic or now fashionable round shape);
- a stick-holder for the ball (sold in holiday stores, as well as in toy stores, in the same place where the balloons themselves are sold);
- tip for the ball holder (you need two of them, on both ends of the stick);
- a basket of suitable size and shape (if available) wicker basket- great, I didn’t have any, and I’ll tell you how I got out of it);
- jute, linen or cotton twine (for tying the basket);
- smooth, but not too thin threads for weaving a mesh onto a ball (I took cotton threads for knitting);
- a small ring for the base of the mesh (optional, it’s just more convenient with it);
- glue;

and, if the resulting composition will be used together with floristry, like mine, then you will also need:
- a cup that fits tightly into the main basket (if the basket is made of water-permeable material, like mine, if the basket is plastic, an additional cup is not needed);
- floral sponge (in a glass);
- the actual flowers.

Get to work!

The first thing I did was find suitable baskets. Ideally, these should have been wicker baskets, but very miniature, and without a hint of a handle. I only found peat pots. They look like this:

Trim the pot a little at the top if it is too big. Then we coat it with glue (not entirely, but only at the very bottom and at the end at the top). Wrap the pot tightly from bottom to top with twine.

Then we place inside a jar of suitable size (in my case it’s a yogurt jar), and a balloon holder stick with tips on both ends. If you use a floral sponge, the lower tip may not be useful, because... the holder will simply stick into the sponge, and thereby be securely fastened. To be sure, you can fasten everything with glue.

Inflate the balloon and secure it to the top tip. The result is the following:

In general, it already looks like it. Now it’s the turn of the most important thing - the threads connecting the ball itself and the basket. Can be used satin ribbons, like here:

You can use thick threads arranged in the same pattern (I tried it with the same twine, I’ll show you this option). However, the network looks best, like in a real hot air balloon. Scheme simple weaving The mesh for the balloon is shown in the picture:

I used 8 threads and a fairly large mesh size. As it turned out, it is better to use 16 threads (or even 32), and make the cell size a little smaller. I'll show you what happened. A little later I plan to edit the MK when an improved version appears.

We unwind the threads, 4 segments (or better, I repeat, 8 segments) of the same length, a little more than a couple of meters. We take a small ring for jewelry and tie all the threads on it exactly in the center:

To make the cells the same size, we use a piece of cardboard, which we tie and remove later (this idea was spotted on a fishing forum). It’s good if you initially start weaving on the ball itself, so that someone holds the ring in the center. It is quite inconvenient to weave such a net on your knee on your own:

After the second row, I moved the grid onto the ball, and continued, increasing the cell size, without any additional ones. devices.

As you can see from the photographs, the ball expands quite quickly, and you need to significantly increase the size of the mesh cells, otherwise they will be irregular in shape, too wide. Increasing the number of threads will just solve this problem. In general, when the net is already lying on the ball being tied, its shape is developed by itself.

We continue weaving, soon reaching the widest part of the ball or going just a little beyond it. From this moment we release the threads down freely, towards the basket itself.

Cut the threads to the required length and secure them to the edges of the basket inside (I haven't done this yet). You can use glue, hooks, holes in the basket - whatever is more convenient.

You can leave the balloons as is. In this case, you need to be especially careful with the upper edges of the basket (in this case, a ready-made wicker one will come in very handy), with its interior, as well as with the places where the threads are attached. Since all this will be in plain sight. I propose to place flowers in the basket, thereby solving a number of problems:
- the whole composition looks more elegant;
- in one bottle we have both thematic and floral design, without overloading the space;
- the edges and the inside can be as crooked as you like 😀, since all these flaws will not be visible under the head of flowers.

Actually, we stick it into a floral sponge suitable flowers and greenery, forming a composition. For training, I used flowers that grew under the window (simply branches of cherry blossoms and a few unknown flowers growing in a flower bed).

I show two options, described with a network, as well as with coarse twine.

I present my own master class - a balloon with a basket with your own hands. This composition will be a wonderful decoration for a room, or you can give it to someone as a souvenir. I will tell you step by step how to make it, and give you some ideas for designing such a craft from available materials. We will need any flowers from corrugated paper, artificial greenery, ribbon, penoplex, wire, decor and simple balloon. You will find many of my MKs on this site.

How to make a balloon from threads?

1. Inflate the balloon.

2. Prepare a solution for threads: take 50 ml of water and dilute 3 teaspoons of sugar in it, add PVA glue - the more, the better.

3. And we begin to wrap our ball with threads over the entire area in a chaotic manner.

We cut out a blank of this shape from penoplex.

We tie it with a thin ribbon and make a bow.

In three places, using wire, we connect a ball of glued threads and a foam basket. We decorate with flowers and greenery.

Our decorative balloon with a basket is ready!

Sky and Chinese lanterns (hum loy or hum fey) are very popular in Asian countries. They are launched there during the holidays. For example, in Thailand there is a festival of lights, which is accompanied by the mass launch of sky lanterns. Recently, such balls have become increasingly popular in our country. Let's try to make a sky lantern with our own hands.

After many experiments, I finally found the simplest and fastest circuit to make.

To make a homemade sky lantern we will need:

1. Garbage bags 30l. (it’s better not to take more because the polyethylene in them is thicker and heavier) After many experiments, I finally found the simplest and fastest circuit to manufacture. To make a homemade sky lantern we will need:

2. Stationery tape

3. Aluminum wire 0.5mm

4. Tablet candle (you only need a jar)

5. Dry fuel tablet

The ball itself is glued together from several packages. From two to three. it all depends on the air temperature. In winter, even one will fly into the frost. In the summer, in the evening - at least two. To connect two packages, one needs to be cut along the soldering line and inserted into one another. Then seal the seam with tape.

The burner holder is made of aluminum wire. To do this, take two pieces of 40 centimeters each and twist them around the candle.

At the ends of the wire we make clips for the package.

We divide the bag into four corners and screw each corner onto clamps. All. Our homemade sky lantern is ready.

We use dry fuel as fuel. Break the dry fuel tablet into four parts. It may happen that the ball does not take off immediately, due to the fact that dry fuel is quite heavy. You'll have to wait until it burns out a little. To launch, straighten the ball and hang it. Light the fuel and put it in a jar.

It is worth mentioning about security measures. This thing is quite a fire hazard. Therefore, launches should be carried out away from trees and buildings. Definitely in calm weather. By the way, the slightest breath of breeze and the package will immediately melt or burn out.

The process of construction and launch on video:

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