Toxicosis when the earliest stage begins. When does toxicosis begin and how to treat it during early pregnancy? Does toxicosis indicate the sex of the child?

The birth of a baby is an important and long-awaited milestone for every woman. Unfortunately, this wait cannot always be called pleasant, since the process is often complicated by toxicosis.

Toxicosis is a condition of the body caused by the action of toxins. Manifests itself in the form of dyspeptic symptoms (nausea, sometimes dermatosis). Blood pressure may drop. Women suffering from vascular dystonia are especially susceptible to changes in the cardiovascular system. Loss of strength may occur. Toxicosis is often accompanied by tearfulness and sleep disturbance. The reaction to smells and sounds worsens.

How long does it take for toxicosis to appear?

Every woman’s body is unique and individual. Each subsequent pregnancy may proceed differently. Some people do not face the problem of toxicosis at all. And for some, signs appear on the first day of the delay. Sometimes the expectant mother receives the first “bell” in the form of nausea or malaise, without even realizing the true cause of the illness.

Toxicosis appears only in the first trimester of pregnancy

During this period, subject to availability mild degree, toxicosis is considered physiological. If your health does not improve throughout pregnancy, and especially the last trimester, you need to sound the alarm.

What changes in a woman’s body lead to toxicosis:

    The level of gonadotropin, which is responsible for the production of progesterone, increases early stages pregnancy. Synthesis of placental lactogen can also lead to a deterioration in health.

    A certain hormonal imbalance occurs in the body. The level of some hormones increases, the synthesis of others slows down.

    In the first 3 months, the baby does not have a placenta, so all decay products enter the mother’s body, and they are known to be toxins.

    A woman’s immune system can perceive the baby’s cells as a “foreign” organism, which subsequently leads to miscarriage.

How long does toxicosis last?

    After 3 months, the placenta completely completes its formation and begins to fully cope with its responsibilities, and metabolic products do not poison the mother’s blood. This organ plays important hormone-forming, respiratory, endocrine and trophic functions. Their violation can also lead to toxicosis.

    For first three months of pregnancy, the work of the endocrine glands improves, hormonal levels calm down. If this process returns to physiological norm, toxicosis ends. If any of the hormones does not stay at the correct level, the torment of the expectant mother may drag on.

    After the placenta is formed, the mother's T-lymphocytes no longer view the fetus as an enemy. During pregnancy, immunosuppression occurs. After childbirth, it ends and immunity returns to its original levels.

Much depends on the degree of toxicosis:

    A mild degree implies slight discomfort in the first half of the day. Retching rarely ends in vomiting. There are no fainting spells. Taste preferences change. Appetite is reduced. Slight weight loss may occur.

    The average degree is characterized by deterioration of well-being throughout the day. Vomiting can occur up to 7–8 times a day. The pressure drops. An abnormal heart rhythm may occur. Possible weight loss and lack of appetite.

    A severe degree is characterized by repeated vomiting, dermatoses, loss of consciousness, and sudden surges in pressure. The body becomes dehydrated and acetone may appear in the urine. This course of toxicosis requires medical intervention and treatment.

Normally, toxicosis continues until the end of the 3rd, middle of the 4th month. Although this is very individual. Then the body adapts to the changes that have arisen, and the manifestations of toxicosis disappear on their own. The second trimester is the calmest of all.

If after the 13th week of pregnancy nausea, vomiting does not go away, and fainting continues, you should inform your doctor. The fact is that toxicosis can mask a completely unrelated disease. Additional testing may be necessary.

As pregnancy progresses, unpleasant sensations should go away: vomiting to smells, fainting, hypotension. If this does not happen, we can talk about late toxicosis.

Early toxicosis is a physiological process, and late toxicosis is a pathology. Women who have chronic diseases are more susceptible to it. So, when the lumen of blood vessels narrows, fluid is retained in the body, and lymphatic drainage is impaired. Appear.

Pathological toxicosis, or gestosis, is manifested by the following symptoms:

    Accumulation of fluid.

    Increased blood pressure.

    Changes in blood and urine counts.

    Disorders of the cardiovascular system.

    Malfunctions internal organs.

If all or several indicators are present, the pregnant woman is examined and a course of treatment is prescribed, since these conditions can lead to serious complications during pregnancy and become a threat to the life of the child. With inpatient or outpatient treatment and properly selected therapy, it is possible to completely or partially get rid of the manifestations of toxicosis. If toxicosis reaches preeclamptic or eclamptic levels, the question of early termination of pregnancy may arise, since these conditions can threaten not only the life of the baby, but also the mother. Therefore, it is impossible to give one exact answer to the question of how long it takes for toxicosis to subside.

Nature has made sure that pregnancy proceeds as safely and naturally as possible. To achieve this, complex and coordinated mechanisms are set in motion. Toxicosis, with all its uncomfortable manifestations, is one of important factors maintaining pregnancy.

Education: Diploma in Obstetrics and Gynecology received from the Russian State Medical University of the Federal Agency for Healthcare and social development(2010). In 2013, she completed her postgraduate studies at NIMU named after. N.I. Pirogova.

Toxicosis is a common condition of a pregnant woman. Toxicosis during pregnancy is accompanied by nausea and vomiting. This condition occurs due to the fact that the body is poisoned by toxins, harmful substances that are formed in pregnant women during fetal development. Often women, having learned about their situation, begin to expect that nausea will soon begin. They listen to their body, but not everyone knows when it will start.

Nausea is not recommended
Pregnancy Vomiting bad
Nausea rotavirus consultation

Experts note that the unpleasant condition is observed over a certain period of time. Early toxicosis can begin already in the first days of pregnancy or after the fifth or sixth week of pregnancy. Its duration is individual.

When toxicosis begins during pregnancy in the third trimester or in the middle of the second, this is considered late toxicosis. In the second trimester, it can be dangerous for the expectant mother and child.

Worrying in the first trimester

Why poisoning of the body begins during pregnancy still makes many specialists wonder, and this phenomenon has not been fully studied. But, nevertheless, there are some reasons that cause this state of the body.

  1. Changes in a woman's hormonal system. From the very first moment, after fertilization has occurred, everything in the female body begins to transform. The hormonal composition changes - this affects the behavior, health, and well-being of a woman. Irritability, tearfulness, and touchiness may appear. The sense of smell is heightened, which provokes toxicosis in the first trimester. In the first months of pregnancy, the female body accepts the fetus as a foreign object that needs to be gotten rid of. But over time, the hormones stabilize, the body begins to calmly accept the unborn child, and the nausea stops.
  2. Defensive reaction. When a woman denies herself things and products that are familiar to her. A reaction occurs to odors that previously could simply be ignored (the smell of coffee, cigarette smoke, fish, eggs, etc.). They can also be dangerous and contain pathogenic microorganisms. Therefore, nausea and vomiting are symptoms of protection for the expectant mother and fetus.
  3. Infections, diseases. If any diseases have not been completely cured, this can lead to weakening immune system pregnant. And this, in turn, can cause toxicosis in the early stages.
  4. The placenta develops. Vomiting and nausea debilitate the body during the initial stage of pregnancy until about 14 weeks. In the second trimester, it usually stops, and during this same period the placenta completely completes its formation. Many functions to protect the body, including the retention of toxic substances, are the responsibility of the placenta. And at the time of its formation, the body copes with intoxication on its own. Therefore, these processes are interconnected.
  5. Woman's age. Pregnancy that occurs after thirty years of age is considered dangerous. Especially if this is your first pregnancy. Toxicosis develops more severely than usual.
  6. Multiple pregnancy. Since several embryos are developing, all symptoms will be several times stronger. But for a woman who has suffered early toxicosis, there is no threat of miscarriage.

Duration and symptoms of pathology

Each case during pregnancy associated with toxicosis is individual. Much depends on when it starts and when it ends. It is very difficult to name the exact period.

Nausea is the main symptom

Some experience mild signs of nausea, while others feel so bad that they have to go to the hospital. Typically, early toxicosis is observed in the first trimester and by the fourteenth week it stops. In the second trimester (under normal conditions) of pregnancy, there are no signs of nausea. Resumption is possible only in the third trimester and lasts until childbirth. The duration of such an unpleasant condition may depend on the woman’s health.

The most common manifestations of toxicosis are gag reflexes. The frequency of manifestation may vary, depending on the severity of toxicosis. There is an opinion that the more severe toxicosis is during pregnancy, there is a greater likelihood of giving birth to a girl, and, conversely, the less this condition bothers you, then most likely you are expecting a boy.

There are different degrees of toxicosis intensity.

  1. The first degree is the easiest - the urge to vomit can begin up to five times. Vomiting can occur on an empty stomach, after eating, and sometimes accompanied unpleasant odors. The weight can remain the same or no more than three kilograms are lost, that is, approximately 5% of the total body weight. It is easy to get rid of this condition at home.
  2. At the second stage, gag reflexes can occur up to ten times a day. At the same time, salivation increases, the woman becomes lethargic, her general condition worsens, and apathy may be observed. During toxicosis, it goes away with vomit and saliva. a large number of fluids, dehydration occurs, and metabolism is disrupted. During this period of pregnancy, the skin may become dry, pale, and constipation may occur. Weight loss can be up to six kilograms in a few weeks.
  3. In the third stage, the frequency and duration can reach up to twenty-five times per day. Weight loss can reach up to ten kilograms, and your heart rate will increase.

The woman's further actions

Many experts do not consider mild to moderate nausea and vomiting to be a painful condition in women. Often there are no threats to the health of the expectant mother and baby.

But for some symptoms it is still necessary to consult a doctor:

  • severe vomiting more than eight times a day, the danger is that it can lead to severe weight loss;
  • with severe vomiting, less urination occurs, the urine is dark in color, and dizziness appears;
  • severe abdominal pain, colic;
  • when, after eating, she vomits, and so on for twelve hours;
  • lose more than three kilograms in a few weeks.

In order to get rid of severe toxicosis, a pregnant woman is usually offered either hospitalization or treatment at home. When severe dehydration occurs, an IV is installed to restore salts and water in the body.

Ways to relieve symptomsDescription of the method
Eat less in the morningIf you feel a little unwell, you don’t need to get up right away in the morning, lie down for a while, then eat cookies and a handful of nuts. The nausea usually goes away.
Take vitamin B6It reduces the symptoms of toxicosis and is found in chicken eggs and meat (without skin). Legumes and beans are recommended. Eat small meals, but more often after about two to three hours. Don't overeat.
Foods with high energy valueSo called energy tablets. They help to slowly transfer energy to the body, normalize blood circulation, and satisfy appetite. This is usually cereals, rice, corn, oats, bread, cereals, etc.
Drinking regimeDoctors recommend drinking at least two liters per day. The water must be clean, without gas. Drink in small sips, preferably not during meals. You should avoid caffeine and green tea. Ginger tea, pumpkin juice, cranberry juice and prune juice are great for treating toxicosis.
WalksGet outdoors more often. This has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the pregnant woman, and at this time you can distract yourself and communicate with loved ones. Give up bad habits– alcohol, tobacco.
VitaminsTaking vitamins (after consultation with specialists) also normalizes the condition during toxicosis. Pregnant women need to maintain internal balance, since many useful microelements are taken away unborn child, especially in the early stages.

More fruits and vegetables

Absence of usual symptoms

If there is no toxicosis, is this normal or not? This question often arises among women in an interesting position. After all, vomiting and nausea are almost the main signs of pregnancy. And when no similar symptoms are observed, many begin to worry. The main thing is to know that women who are healthy do not have chronic diseases– practically not subject to unpleasant symptoms.

In the absence of other negative symptoms, this condition is quite normal. There is no need to worry or be nervous in advance. When there are no signs of toxicosis during pregnancy, and this issue worries you, you need to consult a specialist in order to reassure yourself.

: Borovikova Olga

gynecologist, ultrasound doctor, geneticist

When the processes of adaptation of the female body to the onset of pregnancy are disrupted, a phenomenon called toxicosis occurs. This phenomenon is quite common. When the fetus develops, toxins and substances enter the woman’s body that provoke poisoning of the mother’s body, as a result of which symptoms of toxicosis appear. In the article we will consider: when toxicosis begins, in what week, when toxicosis passes, you will learn about early toxicosis in the early stages of pregnancy and about late toxicosis.

The main signs of toxicosis include severe nausea, frequent vomiting, and excessive salivation. In addition, toxicosis is manifested by bad mood, depression, weakness, drowsiness, irritability, and sudden weight loss. Sometimes toxicosis can be accompanied by more severe complications in the form of dermatoses, muscle cramps, softening of bones, jaundice and bronchial asthma of pregnant women.

Causes of toxicosis during pregnancy

The true causes of toxicosis during pregnancy during the period of bearing a child in our time remain unexplored. It is impossible to say absolutely precisely about the nature of the occurrence of toxicosis symptoms.

But it is still possible to identify some causes of toxicosis:

  1. Malfunction of the hormonal system. From the first seconds that a woman becomes a future mother, she begins to experience dramatic changes in her hormonal system. Their composition undergoes changes, and accordingly the woman’s well-being and her mood change. Signs appear: irritability, touchiness, tearfulness, nausea during pregnancy, and an increased sense of smell. This is due to the fact that the mother’s body accepts the child as a foreign body. But by the 12th week, the symptoms of toxicosis during pregnancy gradually weaken.
  2. Formation of the placenta. The fact is that when the process of placental development is completed, the placenta takes over all filtering functions harmful substances to myself. In this regard, after 12 weeks the expectant mother’s well-being improves. Until then, the function of the filter is performed by the female body.
  3. The body of the expectant mother triggers a protective reaction. In this case, toxicosis during pregnancy is even useful and biologically necessary. A pregnant woman feels nausea during pregnancy and the urge to vomit when smelling cigarettes, coffee, or alcohol. Thus, the mother and fetus are protected from dangerous and harmful substances
  4. Chronic diseases. This is due to the fact that if the mother’s immunity is weakened by bacterial or viral diseases, this contributes to the appearance of toxicosis
  5. Neuropsychic stress. Dramatic changes occur in the nervous system of a pregnant woman, and the areas of the brain responsible for the sense of smell and the gastrointestinal tract are especially activated. Toxicosis can also be caused by stress, lack of sleep, and irritability of the expectant mother. In addition, many pregnant women psychologically convince themselves that they must have toxicosis, since everyone has it.
  6. Age of the expectant mother. If pregnancy occurs after 30 years of age, and even more so if this is the first pregnancy or there have been many abortions before, then it is much more difficult for a woman to endure toxicosis during pregnancy. Its manifestations are more intense than in younger women.
  7. Genetic factors can also influence the occurrence of toxicosis. If in the previous generation someone suffered from toxicosis, then the risk of its occurrence increases.
  8. Multiple pregnancy gives not only double or triple joy, but also intense manifestations of toxicosis. But it should be borne in mind that if a woman overcomes toxicosis in the early stages of pregnancy, then the risk of miscarriage is practically eliminated, which is very important.

At what stage does toxicosis occur during pregnancy?

By listening to their body and the unusual changes that occur in it, many women try to determine whether pregnancy has occurred or not. But none of them can say with absolute accuracy when toxicosis begins during pregnancy. Doctors usually distinguish two types of toxicosis according to the timing of its appearance: early toxicosis and late toxicosis.

  • Typically, early toxicosis during pregnancy begins from the first days of a missed period and ends by the beginning of the second trimester, that is, approximately 12-13 weeks. Although all cases are individual and there are no specific restrictions and frameworks in this matter.
  • Late toxicosis during pregnancy begins at the beginning of the last third trimester, or even in the middle of the second. Late toxicosis during pregnancy is very dangerous for both mother and child. Modern studies have shown that late toxicosis during pregnancy is a serious disease of the entire body, which is characterized by pathological changes in the functioning of the most important systems and organs. The reason for this is disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system, which provoke problems with the vascular system. As a result, the main symptoms of late toxicosis appear, which are manifested by vascular disorders and circulatory disorders: hypoxia occurs, brain functions change, metabolism, liver and kidney function are disrupted.

Why does toxicosis cause nausea during pregnancy?

The hormone progesterone underlies the appearance of nausea during toxicosis. Hormones such as human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and prolactin also play an important role in the appearance of this unpleasant manifestation of toxicosis. But in all women, toxicosis during pregnancy manifests itself to varying degrees. This is explained by the fact that each woman’s body is individual. The manifestations of nausea increase if a woman had problems with the gastrointestinal tract before pregnancy. Sharp changes in stomach acidity in combination with hormonal fluctuations lead not only to nausea, but even severe vomiting.

Problems in the functioning of the endocrine, nervous and immune systems of a pregnant woman also play an important role in the appearance of nausea during toxicosis. In addition, a genetic factor should not be ruled out. If the mother experienced toxicosis during pregnancy, then most likely the daughter will also suffer from its unpleasant manifestations.

If toxicosis during pregnancy began with symptoms of nausea, then they will soon be joined by vomiting, excessive salivation and heartburn. Usually, all these phenomena disappear before the beginning of the second trimester.

Types of toxicosis during pregnancy

There are the following types of toxicosis: staphylococcal, evening, early toxicosis, late toxicosis, toxicosis before a missed period.

  1. Staphylococcal toxicosis can be activated by enterotoxigenic strains. It appears a few hours after the last meal that turned out to be contaminated. Symptoms of this type of toxicosis are cramping abdominal pain, vomiting and nausea. Neurological disorders, rashes and heat absent. Recovery occurs on its own within 12 hours.
  2. Evening toxicosis may occur as a result of severe overwork, overexertion and insufficient food intake throughout the day. The body is exhausted in the evening, and toxicosis occurs. This type of toxicosis disrupts normal sleep and rest. You can overcome it by walking in the evening and drinking fresh juice from sour fruits and vegetables.
  3. Early toxicosis may appear at 1-14 weeks of pregnancy. Doctors advise to calmly perceive the manifestations of toxicosis. If the condition is quite severe, the attending doctor may prescribe medications that will alleviate the condition of the pregnant woman. But it should be remembered that if you stop taking these drugs, the symptoms of toxicosis will immediately resume. It is better to use funds for this purpose traditional medicine. Moreover, it will not be so dangerous for the baby.
  4. Late toxicosis during pregnancy, which proceeds without complications, it usually does not appear. But there are cases when toxicosis is manifested by severe nausea and vomiting. If unfavorable factors are added, the symptoms of toxicosis increase, and a dangerous condition occurs, called gestosis. It is characterized by swelling, protein in the urine, high blood pressure, and weight gain of 400 grams in one week. In this case, the expectant mother should be immediately hospitalized in a hospital.
  5. Toxicosis before missed period. Sometimes nausea can develop immediately after conception. But this does not mean pregnancy has occurred. Toxicosis can appear within a week after the development of the fertilized egg.

How to get rid of nausea during pregnancy and is it possible?

Nausea during pregnancy brings few pleasant sensations, but it is possible and necessary to fight toxicosis. You should follow simple recommendations to alleviate toxicosis during pregnancy:

  • It is imperative to eat and avoid hunger; it is on an empty stomach that nausea during pregnancy manifests itself to the fullest;
  • You need to have breakfast in bed without getting up. After eating you need to lie down for a while;
  • You need to eat often and in small portions; overeating is strictly prohibited;
  • Dishes prepared by frying should be excluded; smoked, salty and spicy foods should not be consumed;
  • Do not make sudden movements or bend over too much. Such movements may provoke vomiting;
  • You should eat what your body tells you. Typically, pregnant women do not want to eat harmful and toxic foods;
  • You should walk in the fresh air more often and ventilate the room;
  • You should not eat too cold or hot foods;
  • A good remedy for nausea during pregnancy are acidic foods;
  • Bad habits such as smoking and drinking alcohol should be avoided. They are very harmful to the child, and in addition increase the manifestations of toxicosis;

Nausea during pregnancy usually goes away at the beginning of the second trimester. But there are times when nausea reappears at the beginning of the third trimester. Nausea and vomiting at the end of pregnancy are not normal. The child may suffer from nutritional deficiencies and poor circulation. The reason for this is the growth of the uterus and weakening of gastric peristalsis. You should definitely notify your doctor about this. Since the causes of nausea are completely different, and accordingly the treatment should be completely different.

When does toxicosis end during pregnancy?

It is difficult to say exactly when toxicosis ends and how long it lasts. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the woman herself. If we take into account the varieties: early toxicosis and late toxicosis, then early toxicosis during pregnancy, as already mentioned, goes away by the second trimester, that is, at 12-14 weeks of pregnancy, and late toxicosis can appear in the 2-3 trimesters and when it passes This toxicosis will vary depending on the cause of its occurrence.

Vomiting during pregnancy - description and methods of combating vomiting

It is vomiting, which is accompanied by nausea, that are the first signs of toxicosis, which accompanies pregnancy in many cases. It is worth remembering that vomiting usually goes away on its own and there is no need for specialized treatment. But it is vomiting that American scientists consider a very favorable sign during pregnancy. They argue that vomiting that occurs during pregnancy indicates the normal course of the woman’s interesting situation. It is those expectant mothers who have survived the manifestations of toxicosis in the form of nausea and vomiting that in most cases bear the child very safely and the birth takes place without complications. At the same time, women who have no symptoms of toxicosis often experience such a very unpleasant event as a miscarriage.

Pregnancy is very good news for almost every woman. However, with its onset, quite strange things begin to happen to many of them. Pregnant young ladies begin to look with disgust at those products that they previously loved very much. They can be irritated by any smell, even a fairly pleasant one, and being in a stuffy room can cause them to faint. Such an incident is called When it ends and why this condition begins, not every expectant mother knows. Let's figure it out.

Toxicosis - what is it?

If you are stable and not only, you feel general weakness and react inadequately to familiar smells, then most likely you are pregnant. Of course, to confirm this condition, you should visit a doctor or buy a special test, but these signs are quite reliable. The main signs of toxicosis look like this:

  • drowsiness;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • increased salivation;
  • increased irritability;
  • depressed state;
  • persistent weight loss;
  • heightened sense of smell.

Skin itching and various dermatoses may also sometimes appear. The most severe forms lead to osteomalacia, bronchial asthma of pregnancy, tetany and acute yellow hepatic atrophy.

Almost every woman experiencing this condition is very interested in the question of whether toxicosis can end on its own or whether it needs to be treated. Before we talk about methods of exposure and treatment, it is worth taking a closer look at the causes and timing of toxicosis.

When does this feeling happen?

Many women, planning a pregnancy, begin to become interested in all the intricacies of this condition in advance. First of all, of course, they are interested in what month toxicosis ends, but it is more important to be prepared for the onset of poor health.

The deterioration of health in pregnant women can occur early or late. Early toxicosis most often manifests itself at 4-6 weeks of pregnancy, and in special cases and even in the first week of conception. However, doctors do not associate such too early toxicosis with the physiological state of the woman. Most often, the reasons are psychological: the girl is too worried about unprotected sexual intercourse, her blood pressure jumps, and as a result, nervous nausea appears.

True toxicosis most often manifests itself precisely in later women can experience this condition again. In recent months, doctors have more often referred to this condition not as toxicosis, but as gestosis in pregnant women.

It is a mistake to think that if a girl is pregnant, she will definitely feel sick sooner or later. This statement is completely wrong. The absence of toxicosis is the same physiological norm as its presence. There is a significant percentage of women who do not experience any negative feelings at all. Unfortunately, the percentage of lucky women is quite small, so let's talk about when toxicosis of the first and last trimesters begins and ends.

How long to suffer?

In principle, exact dates are quite difficult to determine. Everything here is very individual. Some ladies may experience only slight nausea and dizziness, while others are forced to ask for admission to a hospital. The same picture applies to deadlines. The onset of discomfort usually occurs in the fifth week and ends by the 12-13th.

When toxicosis of the first trimester ends, pregnant women begin a rather pleasant period in terms of well-being. This is such a natural respite that allows you to replenish your strength and feel the joy of future motherhood. But in three months everything can change. Toxicosis in the last stages is most often much more severe, and its consequences are more dangerous for both mother and child.

In addition to all the previously mentioned symptoms, swelling is also added, high blood pressure and painful heartburn. This condition can continue until childbirth, so when toxicosis ends this time, the young mother feels twice as happy: the baby is already with her and all these terrible conditions are behind her.


How and why toxicosis manifests itself is still not known for certain. It is logical to assume that this state is generated hormonal change in the body of the expectant mother, which is simply necessary for the proper development of the fetus. Of course, when toxicosis ends, this is a great relief, but, probably, if the reasons for its occurrence were precisely known, the unpleasant sensations could have been avoided altogether.

Today it has been reliably established that toxicosis most often affects young ladies with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, thyroid gland or liver. Also, smokers, as well as those who work a lot and often experience nervous strain, will most likely have to suffer. Several more factors can be identified that contribute to the manifestation of toxicosis:

  • the presence of chronic diseases of any kind;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • psychological components;
  • very early pregnancy.

The vast majority of doctors consider toxicosis to be a normal condition and advise simply to endure this period.

Of course, if you're just a little more irritable or sleepy all the time, there's nothing dangerous about it. But what if you suffer from uncontrollable, debilitating vomiting or are rapidly losing weight at a time when you should be gaining it?

Consequences of toxicosis

So, we have found out when toxicosis begins in pregnant women and when it ends. Now let's talk about why you shouldn't be patient and wait, but you should definitely tell your doctor about your feelings.

The consequence of severe toxicosis can be liver or kidney damage. Since due to frequent vomiting, electrolyte-water metabolism is disrupted in the body of the expectant mother, toxic pregnant women often experience For the same reason, the woman’s body does not receive the required amount of vitamins and minerals, which is why the development of osteoporosis is likely, and convulsions are often observed. Due to the fragility of bones, fractures become more frequent, even under low loads. Lack of calcium and other minerals also leads to the destruction and loss of hair and teeth.

Toxicosis with twins

Multiple pregnancy most often causes to the expectant mother much more problems and discomfort. This is due to the fact that a woman carrying twins, and even more so triplets, has an even higher concentration of hormones in the blood. Therefore, when toxicosis ends (and this usually happens at 16 weeks), the expectant mother will experience double (or triple) relief. However, there are also exceptions when a woman carrying more than one fetus does not experience any unpleasant sensations at all.

All doctors treat toxicosis differently. Basically, treatment methods are divided into four groups:

  • medicinal;
  • homeopathic;
  • aromatherapy;
  • immunocytotherapy.

The first option is most popular in particularly severe cases. It is worth understanding that everything medications, except, perhaps, vitamin complexes and No-shpa, are toxic and dangerous. But sometimes you can’t do without them. In particularly severe cases, the pregnant woman must be admitted to a hospital and all measures are carried out under the strict supervision of the attending physician. In this article I would like to avoid specific names of drugs used for treatment, because only a doctor can prescribe them. In 99% of cases, drug treatment is quite successful, completely or partially eliminating the symptoms of toxicosis.

The second treatment option is homeopathy. This method is the most harmless for both mother and child, because the drugs are selected individually, taking into account all the features. With this treatment, it is practically eliminated side effects or accidental overdose.

Aromatherapy. Peppermint oil is widely used to treat toxicosis. It is enough to place a handkerchief with a couple of drops of this oil near the bed for several nights in a row - and the painful morning attacks of vomiting will become less severe. It also helps well. If you feel a sharp malaise, drop ginger oil into your palm, rub it and inhale slowly and deeply several times. The nausea will subside.

The most progressive treatment for toxicosis is immunocytotherapy. This is a procedure where a woman is injected with purified lymphocytes from her husband (sexual partner) under the skin on her forearm. The effect most often occurs within a day. Such treatment is carried out only in a hospital setting after a thorough examination of the partner for various infections: HIV, syphilis, hepatitis C and B. It is worth noting that the method is quite dangerous, despite the research carried out, there is still a risk of infecting the mother and/or child with one of these diseases.

In addition to the methods listed, some doctors also use acupuncture, hypnosis and other unconventional methods.

How to relieve symptoms at home

As you already understand, you shouldn’t wait for toxicosis to end; you can and should fight it. First of all, you can try to help yourself:

  • walk and ventilate the premises more often;
  • before getting out of bed in the morning, eat some nuts, brown bread crackers or small cookies;
  • eat reclining or lie down briefly and immediately after eating;
  • exclude fried, salty, fatty and fast food products from the menu;
  • eat more foods containing vitamin B6 - fish, legumes, eggs, avocado, chicken;
  • if you feel nauseous, chew more (cumin seeds, gum, mint leaves), chewing movements have been proven to reduce the urge to vomit;
  • eat every 2 hours, but little by little, snack with a slice of lemon, nuts, dried fruits, etc.;
  • food should be cool or slightly warmed;
  • train yourself to drink a glass of warm alkaline mineral water without carbon every morning;
  • drink often, but little by little, fruit drinks, chamomile tea, rosehip infusion, apple juice with honey and lemon, green tea are suitable;
  • You can use infusions of peppermint, chamomile, sage, calendula, valerian and yarrow; these herbs are good for coping with excessive salivation.

Toxicosis is quite common during pregnancy. But it cannot be argued that it is an obligatory sign of fetal development. Most often, this condition appears as a result of poor nutrition, pathologies of the internal organs of the expectant mother and other unfavorable factors. Therefore, when toxicosis begins, you should not take it for granted, but rather consult a doctor for advice.

When signs of intoxication occur

It is impossible to give a definite answer as to when toxicosis begins. In most cases, it appears at 4-6 weeks of pregnancy. However, its early signs may appear within a few days (5-7) after conception, when a fertilized egg is implanted into the uterine mucosa.

It is also impossible to say exactly how long toxicosis lasts, since everything depends on the individual characteristics of the mother’s body.

But often its symptoms disappear by the end of the first trimester (13-14 weeks). Separately, it is worth highlighting toxicosis in the last 2-3 months of pregnancy, which may indicate the presence of pathology in the woman’s cardiovascular and genitourinary systems. It can threaten not only the health, but also the life of the expectant mother, and also cause the death of the fetus.

Main features

During the period when toxicosis begins, a woman experiences:

  • aversion to certain smells;
  • increased salivation;
  • nausea;
  • vomit varying degrees heaviness;
  • heartburn;
  • drop in blood pressure;
  • increased nervousness;
  • weakness, dizziness, lethargy;
  • sleep disturbance.

Quite rarely, early toxicosis of pregnancy manifests itself in the form of itching and dermatitis.

Particular attention should be paid to such a symptom as vomiting, which has three degrees of severity.

The first degree is characterized by:

  • loss of appetite;
  • nausea that occurs after eating or in response to certain smells;
  • periodic vomiting (up to 5 times a day);
  • loss of body weight (up to three kilograms).

But at the same time, there are no signs of dehydration, disorders of the cardiovascular system, nervous phenomena, there are no sudden surges in pressure, and overall health can be considered satisfactory.

This degree does not require drug intervention, and gradually disappears by 12-14 weeks of pregnancy.

Relief can come from changing your diet, getting enough sleep, rest, walks in the fresh air and positive emotions. enjoy folk remedies During this period, one must be careful, since even a “harmless” herbal tincture can negatively affect the condition of the fetus.

The second degree of severity often occurs within a week after conception and manifests itself:

  • frequent nausea and vomiting (up to 10 times a day), which does not depend on food intake;
  • slight increase in general body temperature;
  • severe weakness and depression;
  • hypotension;
  • increased heart rate up to 100 beats per minute;
  • the appearance of acetone bodies in the urine.

This condition requires medical intervention under the supervision of a physician.

The third degree of severity in some cases can serve as an indication for termination of pregnancy, since it poses a real threat to the life of the mother and, if left untreated, ends in death.

Such early toxicosis is accompanied by:

This degree of severity requires hospitalization and treatment under medical supervision.

Causes of toxicosis

The exact reason why toxicosis occurs after conception has not been established. However, there are a number of factors that can trigger it.

These include:

In cases where toxicosis begins after the seventh month of pregnancy, you should immediately consult a gynecologist. This pathology is called gestosis and occurs in four stages.

Preeclampsia requires drug treatment. Otherwise, the pregnancy ends in the death of the mother.

Abrupt cessation of toxicosis

There are cases when, after the first symptoms of early toxicosis appear, they suddenly stop. This may, although not necessarily, indicate fetal fading. To confirm or exclude this assumption, you should undergo an ultrasound or donate blood for human chorionic gonadotropin.

Treatment measures

If we are talking about early toxicosis in the first weeks of pregnancy, which occurs in a mild form, then the main ways to alleviate the condition are:

  • increasing the amount of vegetables, herbs, fruits, dairy products, cereals, fiber and easily digestible proteins in the diet;
  • fractional meals (at least five times a day);
  • eliminating stress;
  • giving up alcohol and nicotine;
  • frequent exposure to fresh air;
  • available physical exercise(swimming, walking, yoga) that improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

There is a folk effective way against morning sickness in the first weeks of pregnancy. Immediately after sleep, without getting out of bed, you need to eat something. It could be a cracker, a caramel candy, a piece of cheese or a cracker. After 5-10 minutes, you can slowly rise up without making sudden movements or bending. Then you can go about your normal morning routine.

In rare cases, when nausea and vomiting do not go away for a long time, you can take an antiemetic drug. Sometimes a No-shpa tablet helps.

Another method of eliminating nausea is mint candies or tea with the leaves of this plant. But here you should know that consuming mint decoction or tincture in its pure form can cause headaches.

In case of severe manifestations of toxicosis, only a doctor can prescribe treatment.

Throughout the entire period of toxicosis accompanied by vomiting, you must strictly monitor the amount of water consumed in order to prevent blood thickening and additional stress on the heart.


When planning to conceive a child, you need to balance your diet in advance in terms of vitamins and minerals, exclude harmful foods, alcohol, psychotropic substances (coffee, chocolate) and nicotine. You should also undergo a full examination for the presence of chronic infections and pathologies, and if they are detected, take corrective measures.

All these actions will help to avoid or alleviate the manifestations of toxicosis and the course of pregnancy in general.