Kremlin diet menu for a month. Prohibited foods for a month. To prepare such a shish kebab, take

Every person who has ever fought against excess body weight or continues to fight it throughout his life, maintaining his weight within the normal range by hook or by crook, has heard about such a popular nutrition system for the purpose of losing weight as the Kremlin diet. She left no one indifferent: neither doctors, nor those losing weight themselves, nor nutritionists. Many doctors and nutritionists believe that the diet menu is too rich in protein and animal fats, and following it can cause problems with the kidneys and pancreas. Despite this, they recognize the fact that it is still possible to lose weight using the 20-point Kremlin diet recipes, which are used in the first stage of following this system.

Contraindications to the use of the Kremlin diet

The Kremlin diet owes its high popularity to the ability to consume almost all meat products in unlimited quantities. So lovers of fish, dairy products and eggs who are fighting for a slim figure will definitely appreciate this diet.

It will be difficult for those with a sweet tooth to sustain eating according to the recipes of the Kremlin diet for 20 points. They will experience some discomfort, since they will have to say goodbye to sweet and starchy foods for the entire period of the diet. For those who find this condition completely impossible, it is better to choose a different diet.

In addition to personal preferences and desires, before you start using it for weight loss, you need to take into account the menu of the Kremlin diet for 20 years, you need to take into account the state of your health. Therefore, you must undergo a medical examination and obtain a doctor’s permission to follow the Kremlin diet.

But even without consulting a specialist, a clear contraindication is:

  • pregnancy and lactation – severe restriction of the amount of carbohydrates supplied with food can cause disruption of the development of the fetus and the infant fed with breast milk;
  • the presence of any chronic diseases - special techniques have been developed for such people to normalize weight, which only a doctor can recommend;
  • recent surgery or serious illness - any diet is very stressful, especially for an organism weakened by illness or surgery;
  • a history of nervous disorders or being in a state of depression - any dietary restrictions can significantly aggravate the condition.

Using the Kremlin diet menu for 20 points to normalize weight is possible only in the absence of the conditions and diseases listed above.

How to create a Kremlin diet menu

This nutrition system for weight loss cannot be called a diet of one day, week or month; it does not promise a person losing weight a plumb weight of 20 kg per week of following it. However, the Kremlin diet allows you to achieve sustainable results.

All products consumed during the diet are assigned a certain number of points equal to the amount of carbohydrates they contain per 100 g of product. While on the Kremlin diet, you can eat anything, the most important thing is that the total number of points does not exceed the norm, which in the first stage of the diet is 20. The duration of this stage is 14 days, after which weight loss can reach 10 kg, depending on the initial weight and characteristics of the body.

Also, the menu of the Kremlin diet can be compiled for a longer period, subject to its basic principles. This will turn out to be a kind of version of the Kremlin diet for short-term weight loss of a small amount of kilograms. In this case, the norm of points cannot be less than 20, but it is not advisable to exceed the mark of 30 points. A detailed table of the Kremlin diet will help you easily create your menu.

The menu of the Kremlin diet for 20 points at the first stage of weight loss cannot include fruits, any sweets, starchy vegetables and flour products. To make weight loss effective and as easy as possible, experts recommend creating a nutrition plan literally day by day and strictly sticking to it. First you need to write down all the products that you like most, exclude the prohibited ones from them, and then calculate the “value” in points according to the table from the table. After this, you can begin to compile your individual diet.

Kremlin diet for 20 points: menu for the week

When composing your individual menu for the Kremlin diet for 20 points for the week, it is important to take into account that the diet must be at least four meals a day, i.e., breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner must be present. It would be nice to squeeze in a second breakfast (snack) between breakfast and lunch.

It is most convenient to consider the menu of the Kremlin diet for 20 years in the table below:

breakfast (points)

lunch (points)

afternoon snack (points)

dinner (points)

total points

omelet with pickled cucumbers, herbal tea (2.5)

celery soup 250 g (7), steamed ham (0), salad with tomatoes and olives 150 g (6)

walnuts 35 g (4);

pork chop (0), salad with seaweed 120-150 g (1.2)

low-fat cottage cheese 200 g, tea without sugar (3.6)

cream soup with processed cheese and mushrooms 250 g (6)

walnuts 35 g (4)

baked fish (0), steamed cauliflower 150 g (7)

fried eggs with cheese, coffee or tea (2)

mushroom solyanka 250 g (4.5), salad with celery and herbs 200 g (6)

walnuts 35 g. (4)

steamed turkey fillet (0), cucumbers, fresh tomatoes 100 g (3)

sausages with cheese 2 pcs., coffee or tea without sugar (4)

chicken broth with fillet pieces 250 g (0), mushrooms in sour cream sauce 150 g (6)

walnuts 45 g (4.5)

low-fat low-fat cottage cheese 250 g (5)

boiled eggs 2 pcs., coffee or tea without sugar (2.8)

meat solyanka without potatoes 250 g (3.7), fresh herb salad with vegetable oil 200 g (4)

roasted peanuts 30 g (5)

steamed chicken fillet 200 g (0), vegetable salad (greens, tomatoes, cucumbers) 150 g (4)

omelette with boiled sausages, coffee without sugar (1)

fried chicken 200 g, (0), carrot and herb cream soup (9)

walnuts 35 g (4)

steak, mixed vegetables 150 g (6)

Knowing the amount of c.u. contained in a particular dish, you can swap meals throughout the week, creating a varied menu for yourself.

Recipes for the Kremlin diet for 20 points: salad and stew

In order for weight loss to proceed at a normal pace and not cause emotional discomfort, experts recommend making your menu as varied as the diet rules allow. To do this, you need to use proven and carefully calculated recipes.

One of the easiest to prepare is a recipe for salad with ham and mushrooms.

To prepare it you will need to take 200 g of the following ingredients:

  • ham;
  • champignons;
  • pickled cucumbers.

You will also need mayonnaise, vegetable oil for frying, one onion and three boiled eggs.

All ingredients are cut into small cubes, champignons and onions are sautéed in vegetable oil.

All components are mixed, salted, peppered and seasoned with mayonnaise.

Another very popular and easy to prepare dish is meat stew with vegetables.

To prepare it you will need:

  • 400 g pork,
  • 60 g onion;
  • 10 g garlic;
  • 650 g white cabbage;
  • 50 g carrots;
  • 500 ml. water;
  • 50 g mayonnaise.

The meat is cut into pieces, onion into rings, carrots and garlic into slices.

All ingredients are laid out on a baking sheet.

Mayonnaise is mixed with water, half of the resulting mixture is poured into the components on a baking sheet, and everything is placed in a preheated oven for 10 minutes.

Meanwhile, finely chop the cabbage, after 10 minutes add it to the meat and vegetables on a baking sheet, add the rest of the water and bake in the oven over medium heat for 40 minutes.

Even more on the topic

Greetings my dear readers! I recently talked about... The effectiveness of such nutrition depends on the correct choice of menu. This is what I want to talk about. So, the Kremlin diet menu for 10 days, as well as food tables. By the way, they are available for download.

In addition to eating the right foods, it is important to follow the steps of the diet. There are four of them and each has its own duration. If you follow all the recommendations, you will be pleased with the results for many years. The essence of this diet is not just to lose weight, but to reconsider your entire diet. But let's talk about everything in order.

It is designed for at least 10 days, and preferably 14 days. This is the most difficult period, as the body learns to get energy not from carbohydrates. It’s especially difficult for those with a sweet tooth. If you were interested in this diet, you saw that products are rated with points. These are conventional units. Let’s say on the menu you can see “sweet yoghurt” - 8.5 USD. It's not the price. And the amount of carbohydrates per 100 grams. Those. 8.5 USD correspond to 8.5 g. carbohydrates.

At the first stage of the Kremlin diet, you cannot consume more than 20 USD per day. Those. the total amount of carbohydrates eaten should be 20 grams.

In this case, the body will begin to burn fat to obtain the missing carbohydrates. This is how he will replenish his energy reserves.

At this stage, your blood sugar levels will initially drop. It's important to restrain yourself. Because insulin surges lead to the desire to eat chocolate or cake. Those with a sweet tooth will experience a loss of strength, weakness, and possibly drowsiness.

Sometimes in the first days there is even dizziness. Those who had a sweet tooth and breathed evenly before the diet usually tolerate the first stage more easily. Within a few days, glucose levels return to normal.

Don't forget about water. At all stages drink at least 2 liters per day. Coffee, tea, decoctions - without sugar. Mineral water is allowed, but without gas. Carbonated drinks whet your appetite.

Absolutely forbidden to eat

What you should not eat at this stage under any pretext:

  • sweets and pure sugar;
  • berries and fruits are excluded;
  • bakery products, pasta;
  • seeds and nuts;
  • most vegetables (these are legumes, sweet vegetables and those containing starch);
  • cheeses, butter;
  • milk, kefir, yoghurts;
  • any cereals;
  • mayonnaise, as well as any sauces, ketchups, etc.;
  • alcoholic drinks.

Permitted products in the first stage

You can eat meat, chicken, turkey, fish, and eggs. At the same time, still make sure that the daily carbohydrate intake does not exceed 20 USD. Vegetables you can eat are cucumbers, sweet peppers, and radishes. As well as celery leaves and stalks, any greens such as parsley, dill. You can also use leaf lettuce. Mushrooms are not excluded.

During the induction stage, you can lose from 1.5 to 10 kg. Everything is individual and depends on the initial weight, as well as diet

Kremlin diet– this is a restriction on the consumption of foods high in carbohydrates for effective weight loss. The diet originated from the menu for astronauts.

The point of this system is to reduce the consumption of carbohydrate-containing products:

  • first couple of weeks You can consume no more than 20 g of carbohydrates per day;
  • next month You need to gradually increase your carbohydrate intake by five units per week. Thus, it turns out that a person losing weight will eat 25 g first, 30 g the next week, etc. but without crossing the limit of 40 g;
  • eating more than forty grams of carbohydrates is allowed third stage dietary nutrition. Now you need to add 10 g weekly (and reach the 60 g mark), of course, provided that you steadily lose extra pounds;
  • Further You should eat according to the numbers from the third point and monitor the condition of your body.

The first days of the diet are the most limited in carbohydrate intake; it is necessary get acquainted with the products, which can be used to prepare dietary dishes.

What to eat at the first stage of the Kremlin diet?

From dairy productsV can be used freely:

low-fat cottage cheese (2-3.3), sour cream (3.1 -3.9), milk (4.7-4.9), mayonnaise (2.6), kefir (3.2), cream (3. 2-4.5), cheese (0-2.5), butter (1.3). In parentheses it is indicated how many carbohydrate points are contained in 100g of the product.

At the first stage, bread should definitely not be consumed.

Boiled chicken meat (breast) You can eat it, it contains no carbohydrates. One poultry egg provides half a carbohydrate point. Bird liver also contains one and a half points worth of carbohydrates.

The most enjoyable part of Kremlevka is that you are allowed to eat meat. There are no carbohydrates at all in boiled meat, lard, or animal liver. Liver sausage has 5 points, boiled sausage has 1.5 points.

Fish You can eat anything, just like caviar and shrimp. From the category of fish products, carbohydrates are found in mussels (5), seaweed (1), crayfish (1) and shrimp (5).

Avoid cereals and pasta!

Vegetables and greens:

turnip (6), zucchini (4.5), carrots (6.9), cucumber (3), bell pepper (5.5), radish (3.5), garlic (5), tomato (4), beets (9), sorrel (3), green onions (3.5), spinach (1.9), dill (6), parsley (8), celery (2.1), onions (9), broccoli (6.6), asparagus (3.2). Potatoes are not allowed at the first stage of the diet.


saffron milk caps (2.7), honey mushrooms (2.8), boletus (1.7), champignons (1); russula (1.5); salted mushrooms (1.5); Dried mushrooms are not allowed.

From fruits and berries at the beginning of the diet you can eat:

orange (7), watermelon (6), honey melon (7.5), lemon (3), peach (8.8), strawberry (5), apple or pear (10), grapefruit (5), currant (8 ), raspberries (5), blueberries (8).

Dried fruits are NOT allowed.

Have a drink During the day you can:

tea and coffee, even in liters, because... they are carb-free. Apple juice (7.5), tomato juice (3.5), dry wine (1). Highly alcoholic drinks do not contain carbohydrates, but it is not recommended to drink them, even with or without a diet.

Nuts: Almonds and walnuts each contain five carbohydrate points.

Avoid sweets, including jam.

To make it easier to navigate the variety of products, experts have compiled a complete table of products, what is allowed, what is not, and what is allowed to be consumed only occasionally (indicating the points contained in them):

Kremlin diet - table - full printable version

Stage 1 of the Kremlin diet - induction

drink at least 2 liters per day

Absolutely forbidden to eat

  • sweets and pure sugar;
  • berries and fruits are excluded;
  • bakery products, pasta;
  • seeds and nuts;
  • most vegetables (these are legumes, sweet vegetables and those containing starch);
  • cheeses, butter;
  • milk, kefir, yoghurts;
  • any cereals;
  • mayonnaise, as well as any sauces, ketchups, etc.;
  • alcoholic drinks.

Permitted products in the first stage

Stage 2 - weight loss

Stage 3 – adjusting carbohydrate intake

This diet allows you to slowly reach your desired weight. Familiar products are returning. Now you know how to eat right. All that’s left is to maintain the weight :) This means it’s time for stage 4.

Stage 4 - saving results

Complete and detailed table of Kremlin diet points

I tried to collect as complete a table of points as possible. It turned out to be huge. So it’s better to download it and print it if necessary. According to reviews from those who were on the Kremlin diet, this is very convenient. You leave one sign at home, and you can carry one with you. If you always have it at hand, you can quickly figure out how much and what you can eat :)

Sample menu for every day

Recipes worth 20 points

Egg pancakes

Chicken soup with champignons


Light soup with meatballs

Chicken stewed in kefir

This recipe is suitable for the second stage of the diet. When you start to gradually introduce dairy products. You will need 150 g of fillet and 50 ml of 1% kefir. Cut the fillet, salt and pepper. You can sprinkle with parsley and dill. Pour in 50 ml of kefir and 50 ml of water. Leave in the refrigerator for 3 hours. Then put the whole mixture on a hot frying pan and simmer for 15 minutes. It turns out to be 2.6 c.u. for 100 g and very tasty :)

Cheese casserole

Boiled fish cutlets

Salad “Tenderness”

I hope my recipes will help diversify your menu. As you can see, this diet cannot be called hungry. As a result, you will be able to consume any food. The only limitation for you will be the amount of carbohydrates. But you can live with this. For the holiday, you can drink soda and eat a piece of cake. And in order not to put on kilograms, you will have to go in for sports :)

Sincerely, Olga Sologub

Greetings my dear readers! I recently talked about what results can be achieved on the Kremlin diet. The effectiveness of such nutrition depends on the correct choice of menu. This is what I want to talk about. So, the Kremlin diet menu for 10 days, as well as food tables. By the way, they are available for download.

In addition to eating the right foods, it is important to follow the steps of the diet. There are four of them and each has its own duration. If you follow all the recommendations, you will be pleased with the results for many years. The essence of this diet is not just to lose weight, but to reconsider your entire diet. But let's talk about everything in order.

It is designed for at least 10 days, and preferably 14 days. This is the most difficult period, as the body learns to get energy not from carbohydrates. It’s especially difficult for those with a sweet tooth. If you were interested in this diet, you saw that products are rated with points. These are conventional units. Let’s say on the menu you can see “sweet yoghurt” - 8.5 USD. It's not the price. And the amount of carbohydrates per 100 grams. Those. 8.5 USD correspond to 8.5 g. carbohydrates.

At the first stage of the Kremlin diet, you cannot consume more than 20 USD per day. Those. the total amount of carbohydrates eaten should be 20 grams.

In this case, the body will begin to burn fat to obtain the missing carbohydrates. This is how he will replenish his energy reserves.

At this stage, your blood sugar levels will initially drop. It's important to restrain yourself. Because insulin surges lead to the desire to eat chocolate or cake. Those with a sweet tooth will experience a loss of strength, weakness, and possibly drowsiness.

Sometimes in the first days there is even dizziness. Those who had a sweet tooth and breathed evenly before the diet usually tolerate the first stage more easily. Within a few days, glucose levels return to normal.

Don't forget about water. At all stages drink at least 2 liters per day. Coffee, tea, decoctions - without sugar. Mineral water is allowed, but without gas. Carbonated drinks whet your appetite.

What you should not eat at this stage under any pretext:

sweets and pure sugar; berries and fruits are excluded; bakery products, pasta; seeds and nuts; most vegetables (these are legumes, sweet vegetables and those containing starch); cheeses, butter; milk, kefir, yoghurts; any cereals; mayonnaise, as well as any sauces, ketchups, etc.; alcoholic drinks.

You can eat meat, chicken, turkey, fish, and eggs. At the same time, still make sure that the daily carbohydrate intake does not exceed 20 USD. Vegetables you can eat are cucumbers, sweet peppers, and radishes. As well as celery leaves and stalks, any greens such as parsley, dill. You can also use leaf lettuce. Mushrooms are not excluded.

During the induction stage, you can lose from 1.5 to 10 kg. Everything is individual and depends on the initial weight, as well as diet

If in the first two weeks you have lost the lion's share of kg. You can move on to the second stage. If you don’t even have half, the first stage can be extended for another week or two.

At this stage, it is allowed to add another 5 USD in the first week. After a week, add another 5 USD. and so it is possible up to 40 USD. The main thing is to watch your weight.

You can eat everything that was in the first stage. Because the first stage menu is still priority. Plus you can diversify the menu a little. Sweet vegetables are allowed in small quantities: carrots, red bell peppers, tomatoes. Dairy products – choose low-fat and unsweetened ones. Soups, stews, and salads are allowed. Vegetables can be combined with meat, etc.

If you can do without cheeses, avoid them for now. If you really want it, no more than 40 g per day. Again, keep an eye on the scores.

Never skip meals. The break between them should not be more than 4-5 hours. You can’t starve, you’ll make it worse because you’ll slow down your metabolism. You can eat more carbohydrates in the first half of the day. It's better to leave less for dinner.

How long does this period last? Until you have just a couple of kilos left to lose. Only in this case can you move on to the third type of diet.

Stage 3 helps you get rid of the last extra pounds. It will also help you get used to your new diet. In fact, you will have to stick to the menu of this period for the rest of your life. Every week you can add 10 USD. Getting rid of the remaining couple of kg will be very slow. But the weight must come down.

You must determine how many carbohydrates you can consume per day. At the same time, you should not gain weight. Everyone has their own threshold. It depends on metabolism, physical activity, and hormonal levels. As a rule, this value is in the range of 60-100 USD.

You can add potatoes (and other vegetables that contain starch) + sweet fruits + cereals and legumes to the permitted products of the first and second stages.

This diet allows you to slowly reach your desired weight. Familiar products are returning. Now you know how to eat right. Is there any weight left to maintain???? This means it’s time for stage 4.

This stage involves maintaining weight. You are required to stick to the right amount of carbohydrates for you. The most important thing is not to break down and start eating wrong again. Remember that store-bought juice and soda are high in carbohydrates. Give preference to freshly squeezed juices and plain water. And also mineral without gas. Potatoes and flour - we indulge on holidays.

Cereals should also not dominate the diet. If you have a sweet tooth and you really want to exceed your daily carbohydrate intake, go in for sports. If you are actively engaged, you can allow yourself an extra piece of dark chocolate.

I have prepared a very convenient score board for you. It will be useful to you when going through all the stages. The number of points is indicated per 100 g of product. Also pay attention to the packaging of the products you buy. I recommend purchasing a kitchen scale. You can use them to weigh portions. This way you will be sure that you have eaten the right amount of carbohydrates.

I tried to collect as complete a table of points as possible. It turned out to be huge. So it’s better to download it and print it if necessary. According to reviews from those who were on the Kremlin diet, this is very convenient. You leave one sign at home, and you can carry one with you. If you always have it at hand, you can quickly figure out how much and what you can eat????

The diet is designed for 14 days. You can use it for 10 days or a week. Since the dishes are simple and suitable for ordinary people who don’t really want to bother with cooking. As for the size of the dishes, weigh them on a scale based on the points. You usually get more vegetables, a small piece of meat.

And in order not to gain extra pounds after a diet, I recommend a fat-burning nutrition program from Lana Shi. She offers interesting recipes for dishes that help you lose weight. At the same time, the diet is quite varied. You won't be bored with losing weight with her. Lana shows by her own example what results can be achieved.

In the second and subsequent stages, cooking is no longer so difficult. Because you can gradually add familiar products to the menu. But at the first stage you need to try to cook for 20 USD. per day. At the same time, it should be nourishing and tasty. I have selected interesting recipes for you. They will allow you not to go beyond what is permitted. At the same time, you definitely won’t be hungry.

In the first couple of weeks of the diet, flour is excluded. But who said you can’t make a pancake without it? Take 1 egg. It contains only 0.39 USD. And in 100 g of eggs there is only 0.7 c.u. Whisk it until foamy, add a couple of tablespoons of water. Whisk thoroughly again. Add salt and pepper, don’t get too carried away. Because spices stimulate appetite. Pour into a hot frying pan and fry like regular pancakes.

Since vegetables are prohibited in the first weeks, unsweetened pepper can be added to the soup. Champignons are also not prohibited. For the soup we will need mushrooms - 100 g, peppers - 60 g, chicken fillet - 250 g. And also a little parsley and dill. Mushrooms, peppers and chicken should be cut into cubes and lightly fried. Then boil in 1 liter of water. When the soup is almost ready, add the herbs. You will get a light vegetable soup 0.51 USD. per 100 gr. If you eat only chicken broth with fillet, it’s 0.e.

Beat one egg with a tablespoon of water. Add 1 finely chopped champignon and a couple of pieces of raw smoked sausage. Crumble parsley or dill on top. Maybe spinach. If you make it with parsley it will be 2.13 USD. for the whole dish. If with spinach – 1.3 c.u.

For this soup, take half a kilo of minced meat. Grind it in a meat grinder with two onions. Add a couple of tablespoons of butter. A couple of eggs, as well as salt and pepper to taste. Make meatballs and boil in salted water. Place on a plate, add broth and sprinkle with herbs. For 100 g of such a dish, only 2.2 USD.

This recipe is suitable for the second stage of the diet. When you start to gradually introduce dairy products. You will need 150 g of fillet and 50 ml of 1% kefir. Cut the fillet, salt and pepper. You can sprinkle with parsley and dill. Pour in 50 ml of kefir and 50 ml of water. Leave in the refrigerator for 3 hours. Then put the whole mixture on a hot frying pan and simmer for 15 minutes. It turns out to be 2.6 c.u. for 100 g and very tasty????

Take 200 g of 8% cottage cheese, mix with cinnamon to taste. Add a little vanilla and half a teaspoon of cocoa. Bake at 180 degrees for 20 minutes. 2.2 USD per 100 g.

You can use fillets so you don't have to pick through the fish to remove the bones. The fish must be boiled, then passed through a meat grinder with onions and garlic. To keep the cutlets in shape, you need to add one raw egg. Form into cutlets and fry with minimal addition of oil. For 100 grams - 2.8 USD

Lettuce is allowed in the third and fourth stages. For 4 servings you will need to boil 5 eggs. Take one can of canned fish. 50 g frozen butter. 150-200 g of Russian cheese. You also need homemade mayonnaise without sugar. Grate the ingredients in layers on a coarse grater. Simply mash the fish with a fork.

Place in the following order: white - butter - yolk - cheese - fish

Lubricate each layer with mayonnaise. You shouldn’t get carried away, but the salad will be dry if you don’t add it at all. Do not lubricate the top layer. Per 100 g comes out to 2.4 cu. e.

I hope my recipes will help diversify your menu. As you can see, this diet cannot be called hungry. As a result, you will be able to consume any food. The only limitation for you will be the amount of carbohydrates. But you can live with this. For the holiday, you can drink soda and eat a piece of cake. And in order not to put on kilograms, you will have to go in for sports????

The higher your physical activity, the more often you can treat yourself to sweets. What would it be like without him? Just try to give preference to meat and vegetables. Cereals, fruits, and flour should make up ¼ of your diet. Then your weight will be normal and your mood will be normal too. Be healthy and see you again. Don't forget to subscribe for updates. Bye bye.

Sincerely, Olga Sologub

An effective system of protein monoration for weight loss, the “Kremlin” diet, with its appearance, caused a lot of discussion. The source of the idea was the diet of American astronauts, and the author was Robert Atkins. The principle of losing weight is based on reducing the carbohydrates contained in the diet to almost zero. In the daily menu, you need to count not calories, but the amount of carbohydrates. This weight loss system has helped many people lose weight, but it is not suitable for everyone. What is the essence of this idea, and for whom can it be effective?

The principle of the Kremlin nutrition system is to exclude carbohydrates from food. We will tell you a description of its rules and the whole truth about it in our review.

Where to start for a person who decides to try to lose weight on the Kremlin? Check out the table that contains the basics of this diet. To determine what you can eat on a no-carb diet, look at the carbohydrate content of the food and choose those foods that have the least amount of them. The main diet will consist of meat products and meat, fish, cheese. For the first 2 weeks, the amount of carbohydrates is limited to 20 grams, then they can be gradually increased to 40. The rules prohibit sugar, sweets, and bread products. In addition, you should not eat any cereals or potatoes.

The effectiveness of the Kremlin diet for weight loss is about 10 kilograms in 14 days. Of course, it all depends on the condition of the body losing weight. Although the caloric content of dishes is not limited, you need to eat in moderation, not forgetting about physical activity. Then the result will be most effective.

Many people are interested in the question: is the Kremlin diet harmful? Like any power system, it has its pros and cons.

effective weight loss; skin problems associated with carbohydrate consumption go away; no need to starve, you can eat to your fill; varied diet.

the presence of contraindications for health reasons; it is difficult for sweet lovers to comply with restrictions.

The Kremlin diet can only cause harm to people with the following diseases:

chronic kidney diseases; cardiovascular diseases; diabetes; gastritis; stomach and duodenal ulcers; intestinal problems; pregnancy and breastfeeding.

The consequences of a carbohydrate-free diet for a healthy person are only positive: excess weight goes away, the skin clears, and the level of “bad” cholesterol decreases. Try eating protein foods for a week first, then, having achieved a positive result in losing weight and listening to your health condition, extend the protein menu for another week. Continue this way for a month and you will achieve positive and sustainable weight loss results!

Compliance with the Dr. Atkins nutritional system is divided into the following time periods:

Stage 1 of the diet lasts 2 weeks, and the total amount of carbohydrates that can be consumed per day is 20 grams; the duration of stage 2 depends on the rate of weight loss (usually from 4 to 6 weeks). At this stage, you can add 5 grams of carbohydrates per week until you reach 40, and if the weight continues to decrease, then you can move on to the next stage of weight loss; at stage 3, 10 grams are added per week. The total amount of carbohydrates in food daily should not exceed 60 grams; stage 4 is aimed at maintaining the achieved weight loss result and involves eating regular food while maintaining a limit on carbohydrate intake.

The first stage of the diet is especially difficult and important. During this period, the body adapts to expend energy obtained not from food, but from the existing reserve of fat deposits. By following all the restrictions, you can lose up to 10 kg in 14 days. The first stage menu consists of proteins and fats: fish, meat, cheese, eggs. At the first stage of the diet, alcohol, coffee, sugar and sweets, fruits, nuts, and potatoes are excluded from the menu.

Recipes for the first stage should contain a minimum amount of carbohydrates. For example, a meat salad with vegetables contains about 4 grams. To prepare it you need to take the following ingredients:

100 gr. pork; tomato; zucchini; 50 gr. leaf lettuce.

Season the chopped pork with salt and fry in olive oil. Chop the tomatoes, zucchini, tear the lettuce leaves and mix. Place the cooked meat on top. Season with a mixture of olive oil, black pepper, mustard, broth and balsamic vinegar.

Using a table that shows the amount of carbohydrates in products, a rating is compiled by points, that is, the product is given exactly as many points as the number of grams of carbohydrates it contains.

When creating a diet for weight loss, proceed from the number of points contained in each food product, in accordance with the points table. It is detailed enough to create a diet for any period.

Bread products
pita 56
Rye bread" 34
bagels 68
bread "Borodino" 40
bun 58
wheat bread 50
glazed cheese 32
curd 15
cream 4
cheese 2
milk 5
kefir or natural yogurt 3
low fat cottage cheese 1,5
mayonnaise 4
yogurt with fillings 8,5
sour cream 4
butter 1,5
Porridge, pasta, legumes
pasta 69
buckwheat 65
rice 71
pearl barley 66
split peas 50
Wheat groats 66
beans (white and red) 46
semolina 67
oatmeal 49
Poultry meat, eggs
egg 1 pc. 0,5
chicken (boiled fillet) 0
liver 1,5
Meat, sausages
salo 0
boiled meat 0
liver 0
boiled sausage (smoked) 1,5 (2)
sausages (sausages) 1,5 (2)
Fish, seafood
mussels 5
caviar 0
any fish 0
shrimps 0
sea ​​kale 1
squid 4
Fresh vegetables and herbs
tomatoes, zucchini 4
cucumbers, avocado 3
cabbage, bell pepper, eggplant 5
parsley, dill 8
beet 9
pumpkin 4
potato 16
onion 9
carrot 7
garlic 5
radish 4
cilantro 8
green onions 3,5
lettuce leaves 2
boletus, chanterelles, russula 1,5
boletus, saffron milk caps, honey mushrooms 0,5
Champignon 0,1
salted mushrooms 1,5
dried mushrooms 13
Fruits, berries
watermelon melon 9
oranges 7
a pineapple 11
apples, pears 10
bananas 21
lemon 3
peach 9
prunes 57
plum, kiwi 10
persimmon 13
raisin 68
dried apricots 57
currants, raspberries, blueberries 8
cherry compote 24
Apple juice 7,5
Orange juice 12
tea 0
grape juice 14
apple compote 19
beer 12
tomato juice 3,5
coffee 0
dry wine 1
strong drinks (vodka, cognac, whiskey) 0
Nuts, spices
spices 0,1
cashew 25
walnuts 12
Pine nuts 10
almond 11
sunflower seeds 18
pistachio nuts 15
peanut 15
cinnamon 0,5
hazelnut 15
vanilla 1
ginger 0,8
mustard 0,5
ground pepper 0,5
sugar 100
honey 75
chocolate candies 51
dark chocolate 50
milk chocolate 54
paste 80
marmalade 76
waffles 65
cookie 75

To understand whether such a diet is right for you, it is advisable to try to stay on it for 10 days. Remember your weight before you start losing weight and weigh yourself after 10 days of no-carb eating. If you easily endured it and the result of losing weight is obvious, continue in the same spirit. When creating a menu for 10 days, use a table with points and recipes for ready-made dishes.

First, create a menu for the week. Select ingredients with fewer points from the table and cook according to your favorite recipes.

When choosing recipes, exclude dishes made from potatoes, all types of cereals and some vegetables that are high in carbohydrates. For example, a recipe for beef with mushrooms includes the following ingredients:

beef (200 g); 50 g of fresh oyster mushrooms and 50 g of any canned mushrooms; 100 g of asparagus; beef broth; cream; cognac.

Boil asparagus in salted water. Chop the mushrooms and fry in butter. Lightly fry the beef in butter and remove from the pan. Pour 50 g of broth, cognac, cream into the remaining butter, sprinkle with spices and boil lightly. Serve the meat with mushrooms and asparagus with the resulting sauce.

On every day

The Kremlin's recipe for weight loss is quite simple: eliminate prohibited foods and consume permitted ones. You don't even need to limit yourself to the size of your portions, but you shouldn't overeat either. While following dietary restrictions, start doing sports or fitness.

The process of losing weight on the Kremlin diet is quite intense, so without regular physical activity, your skin may lose its elasticity and your muscles may become flabby!

Don't forget to drink up to two liters of clean still water daily. Once you start following the Kremlin system for losing weight, create a sample menu based on the daily number of points. Use the points table for popular dishes or experiment with new recipes.

cutlets 9
dumplings 13
chicken broth 0
squash caviar 8
pea soup with meat 20
vegetable soup 16
noodles 6
cabbage soup 12
mushroom soup 15
borsch 4
pickle 6
meat broth 0
lecho 18
canned corn 14
roast 10
stewed liver 8
pilaf 18
kharcho 5,5
meatballs 14
cabbage rolls 8
mushrooms with sour cream 3
stewed cabbage 5
the vinaigrette 8
mashed potatoes 16
fried potatoes 24
vegetable stew 10
vareniki 16
pasta casserole 15
syrniki 18
pancakes, pancakes 32
vegetable pepper 11
canned fish 0
seaweed 4
canned beans 15
olives 6
ice cream 24
quiche 62

Since the list of permitted products is quite large, it is possible to create a wide variety of diets for every taste. Recipes for every day.

Chicken salad “Fantasy” (4 b/100 g): you will need 200 g. canned pineapple, 350 gr. Chinese cabbage, 200 gr. chicken fillet, mayonnaise, green onions. Cut the boiled chicken fillet into cubes, add shredded cabbage, diced pineapple and green onions. Mix everything with mayonnaise. Multi-colored salad (4.5 b/100 g): you will need 200 g for a group. potatoes, 0.5 kg boiled beef, 200 gr. cucumbers, 1 red bell pepper, 1 yellow bell pepper. Cut the vegetables into equal pieces. Chop the raw beef and fry in a deep frying pan in vegetable oil. Add potatoes and continue to cook for 5 minutes. Add chopped cucumbers and fry for another 2 minutes, stirring thoroughly. Remove the pan from the heat, add chopped peppers and mayonnaise. Liver pate (4 b/100 g). Fry the onions, add beef or chicken liver (200 g) and fry in a frying pan until cooked. Grind the fried liver in a blender, adding butter, herbs and spices.

The first seven days on a protein diet are the most difficult. They will show you if this system is right for you. In the first week, your daily diet should be no more than 20 points. The list of what you eat for the first week should not include sweets, alcohol and coffee. Drink enough water and take a complex of vitamins.

Example of a weekly menu.

Monday (score 19.5). For breakfast - two sausages, one boiled egg, cheese, tea. For lunch - chicken broth, salad with vegetables and mushrooms, tea. Snack – 200 g low-fat cottage cheese. For dinner - fried salmon, lettuce, kefir. Tuesday (21.5). Breakfast – two scrambled eggs, a couple of pieces of cheese, tea. For lunch - pickle soup, mushrooms in sour cream, tea. Snack – a glass of milk. For dinner - boiled fish, seaweed salad, tea. Wednesday (20.5). Breakfast – low-fat cottage cheese with sour cream, rosehip infusion. Lunch – kharcho, salted mushrooms, tea. Snack – yogurt. Dinner – stewed cabbage with sausages, tea. Thursday (20). Omelette with cheese and sausage, tea. Lunch – noodles, pork chop, tea. Snack – cheese. Dinner - boiled broccoli, chicken liver in sour cream, tea. Friday (19.5). Breakfast – low-fat cottage cheese 100 g, egg, ham. For lunch - borscht, sauerkraut salad, tea. Snack – avocado. Dinner – shrimp, cucumber and tomato salad. Saturday (20.5). Breakfast – scrambled eggs with tomatoes, tea. Lunch – steak, cucumber, lettuce, tea. Snack – tomato juice. Dinner – fried zucchini, 2 sausages, tea. Sunday (20). Breakfast – squash caviar, egg, sausage, tea. Lunch – meat broth, mushrooms in sour cream, tea. Snack – milk. Dinner – fried chicken breast, lettuce, tea.

Low carb recipes for the first week.

Meat in cheese and sour cream sauce (1 point/100 g). Take 200 g of veal, 50 ml of sour cream, 50 g of hard cheese, salt and pepper. Fry the meat until crust appears, add sour cream, grated cheese and spices. Simmer the meat with gravy until cooked (about 20 minutes). Chicken kebab (2.5/100 gr.). 500 g chicken fillet, 200 g mushrooms (champignons), mayonnaise, ketchup, spices. Mix ketchup, mayonnaise, salt and spices and marinate diced chicken and mushrooms in this sauce. After half an hour, string the mushrooms and chicken onto skewers and bake in the oven on a grill rack. Cabbage soup in chicken broth (2.6/10 g). Take 300 g of chicken fillet, onion, carrots, tomato, 200 g of sauerkraut. Boil chicken broth. Cut the boiled chicken fillet into cubes. Sauté carrots and onions cut into strips, add chopped tomato, a little broth and simmer. Add the fried vegetables, chopped chicken and sauerkraut to the broth and simmer until the cabbage is soft. Spices and salt to taste.

You want to spend the evening out, and in a public eating place you are afraid to indulge in dessert. Keep in mind that in some cities there are already restaurants that offer their customers a carb-free menu. For example, the Kremlin Diet restaurant (St. Petersburg).

In the first week you should lose three to five kilograms in weight. Once you have achieved positive results, continue to follow the daily 20 grams diet using the table. Diversify your diet with new dishes.

Example of a daily menu:

for breakfast, an omelette with onions and mushrooms, tea without sugar; for lunch, grilled chicken fillet, fresh cucumbers, tea; for an afternoon snack - olives; for dinner, seafood salad, tea with mint.

The value of this menu will be 19 grams.

Or this option:

scrambled eggs with sausages, tea for breakfast; for lunch, pork chop, fresh cabbage salad, tea; snack - 30 g cashews; for dinner, fried eggplants with mayonnaise and garlic, low-fat kefir.

The first 14 days constitute the introductory period. At this time, the most stringent food restrictions are established.

The diet menu for 14 days excludes sugar, pastries, sweets, potatoes, carrots, nuts, fruits, juices (except tomato), alcohol and coffee. To create a diet, the following are welcome: all types of meat, fish, poultry and seafood, eggs, cheeses, cucumbers, green salad, tea and, of course, water. When buying sausages in a store, pay attention to their composition. Manufacturers often replace meat with other components, and these may contain carbohydrates.

After two weeks of a protein diet, if the desired result in weight loss is achieved, move on to the next period, gradually increasing the carbohydrate content in food. Ideally, during this period you will lose up to 10 kg.

A month on protein nutrition includes the menu of the first and second stages. During the two-week introductory period, you are limited to 20 grams of carbohydrates daily. The second two - go to the second period of weight loss, gradually increasing the number of points in food. It can only be increased if weight loss occurs. If during the first 2 weeks you allowed yourself to make mistakes in nutrition and did not achieve the desired result, then return to the daily limit of the first period.

In accordance with the table of permitted products, at the second stage you can expand your diet with cream, processed cheese, and fruits.

For snacks throughout the month, include grilled cheese, a variety of nuts, olives, seeds and avocados. Eating protein and fat for a month can inevitably lead to constipation, so be sure to include more vegetables and bran in your diet.

The list of foods that can be consumed on the Kremlin diet is quite diverse. Allowed foods are all low in carbohydrates: fish, meat, poultry, eggs, cheese, some vegetables. But what to do with our favorite foods?

For example, it is forbidden to eat desserts, because they contain such an amount of carbohydrates that is equal to your daily requirement. That is why at the first stage it is strictly forbidden to use them. In the second and third, when you gradually begin to increase the number of points consumed per day, you can indulge in a low-carb dessert, such as strawberries in cream.

Take 100 g of washed strawberries and 50 g of cream, a tablespoon of sugar, and a little liqueur. Mix liqueur with sugar and pour over berries. Place in the refrigerator for 10 minutes. This dessert contains 16 points.

Cravings for sweets, especially at first, can be satisfied with the help of sweeteners, which are sold in any supermarket. They do not contain sugar, but there is much controversy about their safety. Therefore, it is recommended to use them only at the beginning, as a transition from sugar to its absence.

As for alcohol, it is allowed by the Kremlin diet. Dry red and white wine that does not contain sugar is allowed, as well as strong alcoholic drinks - whiskey, vodka, cognac, gin. Different beers have different points, but overall the beers are not recommended. If you do happen to drink beer, read the label carefully and choose the type of beer that contains the fewest carbohydrates. And remember that alcohol stimulates your appetite and can push you to deviate from your restrictions. That is why in the first two weeks of the Kremlin diet, alcohol is completely prohibited.

Cutlets, like any meat, are welcome in the diet. They can be not only meat, but also fish or chicken. However, when choosing a cooking recipe, pay attention that the minced meat does not include bread, rice and vegetables.

Sushi is a very popular dish in our country, and many people can no longer imagine their life without it. However, rice is one of the highest carbohydrate ingredients in sushi. The solution for lovers of Japanese cuisine is to eat sashimi, miso soup or other rice-free dishes offered by Japanese restaurants.

Buckwheat, like rice, should be excluded from your diet. If you really love buckwheat, then a buckwheat mono-ration for weight loss is better for you.

But mushrooms, with the exception of dried ones, are welcome on the Kremlin menu. They can be fried or eaten salted. As a vegetable, you can eat cabbage, both raw and stewed. For example, you can cook stewed cabbage with mushrooms.

Sauerkraut has the fewest points; in addition, it is rich in vitamin C and contains fiber, which is so necessary for everyone following a protein diet.

But the favorite dishes of traditional Russian cooking - cheesecakes and pancakes - will have to be completely excluded due to the huge amount of sugar and flour they contain.

The Kremlin food system allows milk, but in small quantities, since it does not have zero carbohydrate value.

As for fruits, they have high carbohydrate value. Therefore, at the first stage they are prohibited. Only at subsequent stages can you allow yourself to introduce a small amount of fruit into your diet.

Only low-carbohydrate vegetables are allowed (zucchini, eggplant, radishes, tomatoes, cucumbers). They can be eaten raw or prepared into salads for your diet.

For example, make a Greek salad. Mix lettuce, pitted olives, bell pepper, tomato and low-fat cream cheese. Season with olive oil and spices.

For the last stages of the “kremlin”, the popular “Mimosa” salad is also suitable (since it contains potatoes, it is not recommended to eat it for the first 14 days). Take a can of canned fish, a head of onion, a couple of boiled potatoes, 3 hard-boiled eggs, and boiled carrots. Finely grate all ingredients into separate containers. Place the salad in the following layers: fish, onions, mayonnaise, whites, potatoes, mayonnaise, carrots, mayonnaise, yolks.

Since the protein diet still limits the variety of food consumed, it is recommended to take vitamins during the Kremlin diet, especially at the first, most stringent stage.

Since “Kremlevka” is a fairly long-term nutritional system for weight loss, those losing weight always have many questions. The most popular of them:

1. What to do if you gain weight on the Kremlin diet? Sometimes a situation arises when, at the first stage, the weight began to decrease, and when moving to the second stage, you discovered that the weight stands still. First, check all the prepared foods you buy at the store for hidden carbohydrates. First of all, pay attention to sausage, sausages, cottage cheese, yogurt.

2. What to do if you don’t lose weight at all on a diet? Eliminate the most high-calorie foods from your protein diet, such as nuts, butter, and lard. You may be taking in too many calories and burning too few. To be more effective, add exercise to your lifestyle.

3. Why doesn’t the weight come off on a diet if all the rules and restrictions are followed? If you strictly follow all the rules and the weight does not decrease, consult your doctor. You may have a thyroid disorder that can affect your weight.

4. How much can you lose on a diet? Each organism is individual. Some give up everything after the first week because they cannot deny themselves sweets. However, most healthy people tolerate this nutrition system well and get effective results. In a month of eating according to the system, you can lose from 10 to 30 kg.

By following a protein diet, you can lose from one and a half to five kilograms in a week. It all depends on your initial weight and how much sugar you had in your previous diet. In a month you can lose up to 15 kilograms. Don't forget to weigh yourself and record your body measurements before and after the diet. If you can strictly follow the recommendations of a carbohydrate-free diet, the results will pleasantly surprise you.

Irina Aleksandrovna Onishchuk, 32 years old

After the birth of my child, I gained 30 kilograms. With a weight of 90 kg, playing sports was out of the question... Fasting was also out of the question. But I discovered the “Kremlin” and in 2 months I regained the weight I had before pregnancy! I lost almost 25 kg without starving or stress. Of course, when I realized that the weight was coming off, I had to sign up for a fitness class to keep my body in shape. But I didn't regret it. Now I look in the mirror and admire myself every day!

Igor Nikolaevich Belov, nutritionist

I can say from my own experience that the Kremlin nutrition system is very effective in promoting weight loss. It is especially effective for people who are overweight to lose weight. I often take patients and accompany them through the process of losing weight on the Kremlin diet. The result is obvious, everyone without exception loses weight.

Mikhail Valentinovich Shishkin, general practitioner

I do not recommend a protein mono-diet for people with kidney disease, atherosclerosis, and stomach diseases. This nutritional system is also contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women, as well as adolescents. When going on any diet, do not forget to consult your doctor so as not to cause irreparable harm to your body.

In the article we discuss the Kremlin diet. We talk about its main stages, indications and contraindications. By following our recommendations, you will learn how to properly create a menu for weight loss.

Kremlin diet

The Kremlin diet is a weight loss technique that allows you to lose five to six kg in eight days and up to fifteen kg in 30-45 days.

The essence of the diet is to reduce carbohydrate intake. The body begins to use fat deposits and convert them into energy.

In the process of losing weight, you are allowed to consume meat products in any quantity, and this does not interfere with the elimination of excess weight.

Complete table of foods with points and calories

The table below shows in points the amount of carbohydrates present in the products. Each product is awarded points based on the number of grams of carbohydrates it contains.

Plan your diet based on the number of food points.

Products, 100 gr. Points Products, 100 gr. Points
Bread Cereals
Wheat 50 Buckwheat 62
Borodinsky 40 Buckwheat (done) 65
Rizhsky 51 "Hercules" 50
Rye 34 Manna 67
Diabetic 38 Oatmeal 49
Armenian lavash 56 Millet 66
Grain 43 Pearl barley 66
Butter buns 51 Rice 71
Drying 68 Barley 66
Bagels 58 Split peas 50
Sweet straw 69 Beans 46
Rye flatbreads 43 Soups (500 gr.)
Creamy crackers 66 Chicken and meat broth
Wheat flour 1st grade 67 Vegetable soup 16
Wheat flour premium 68 Tomato soup 17
Sifted rye flour 64 Pea soup 20
Corn flour 70 Mushroom soup 15
Soy flour 16 Green cabbage soup 12
Potato starch 79 Goulash 12
Corn starch 85 Seafood, fish
Egg noodles 68 Fresh/frozen river or sea fish
Pasta 69 Boiled fish
Meat, poultry Smoked fish
Veal, beef Crabs 2
Pork, lamb Fish in breadcrumbs 12
Rabbit Fish in tomato 6
Geese, ducks Oysters 7
Chicken Mussels 5
Meat with flour sauce 6 Lobster 1
Meat in breadcrumbs 5 Squid 4
Chicken liver 1,5 Shrimps
Beef liver Red caviar
Heart Black caviar
Steak Sea kale 1
Milk sausages 1,5 Milk
Pork sausages 2 Pasteurized milk 4,7
Beef sausages 1,5 Baked milk 4,7
Sausages Sour cream 3
“Doctor’s” sausage 1,5 Cream 4
Salo Low-fat cottage cheese 1,8
Korean Fat cottage cheese 2,8
Beef tongue, pork tongue Diet cottage cheese 1
Pork feet Sweet curd mass 15
One egg of any kind 0,5 Kefir, curdled milk 3,2
Alcohol Glazed cheese curds 32
Dry red wine 1 Sweet yogurt 8,5
Dry white wine 1 Yogurt without sugar 3,5
Liqueur 60 gr. 18 Different types of cheese 0,5-2
Beer 250 gr. 12 Butter 1,3
Vodka Margarine 1
Whiskey Vegetable oil
Brandy, cognac Table mayonnaise 2,6
Tequila Mushrooms
Rum White 1
Vegetables Dried whites 7,5
Watermelon 9 Fresh milk mushrooms 1
Eggplant 5 Fresh chanterelles 1,5
Swede 7 Fresh boletus 0,5
Beans 5 Fresh honey mushrooms 0,5
Green peas 12 boletus 1,5
Cauliflower 5 Dried boletus 14
Melon 9 Fresh boletus 1
White cabbage 5 Dried boletus 13
Kohlrabi cabbage 8 Saffron milk caps 0,5
Red cabbage 5 Morels 0,2
Green beans 3 Champignon 0,1
Carrot 7 Russula 1,5
Zucchini 4 Canned food
Pumpkin 4 Green pea 6,5
Chinese radish (daikon) 1 Fish
Tomatoes 4 Corn 14,5
Red bell pepper 5 Beans 2,5
Green bell pepper 5 Tomatoes 4
Radish 4 Olives 5
Fresh cucumber 3 cucumbers 3
Parsley (root) 10,5 Squash caviar 8,5
Parsley (greens) 8 Eggplant caviar 5
Bulb onions 9 Beet caviar 2
Leek 6,5 Pepper stuffed with vegetables 11
Green onions 3,5 Tomato paste 19
Radish 6,5 Salad with seaweed 4
Turnip 5 Sweets
Leaf salad 2 Granulated sugar, refined sugar 99
Beet 9 Paste 80
Celery root 6 Honey 75
Celery (greens) 2 Halva 55
Horseradish 7,5 Almond cake 45
Asparagus 3 Sponge cake 50
Garlic 5 Cream cake 62
Cheremsha 6 Custard gingerbread 77
Potato 16 Butter cookies 75
Sorrel 3 Regular waffles 65
Spinach 2 Fruit waffles 80
Fruits Fruit icecream 25
Quince 8 Ice cream popsicle 20
Apricot 9 Ice cream 22
A pineapple 11,5 Lollipops 70
Cherry plum 6,5 Milk chocolate 54
Orange 8 bitter chocolate 50
Cherry 10 Chocolate with nuts 48
Banana 21 Chocolate candies 51
Pomegranate 11 Fudge candies 83
Pear 9,5 Caramel with filling 92
Grapefruit 6,5 Marmalade 76
Kiwi 10 Condensed milk 56
Figs 11 Apple jam 66
Lemon 3 Strawberry jam 71
Dogwood 9 Raspberry jam 71
Peach 9,5 Jam 68
Mandarin 8 Apple jam 65
Nectarine 13 Diabetic jam 3
Chokeberry 11 Diabetic jam 9
Rowan 8,5 Berries
Plum 9,5 Grape 15
Persimmon 13 Cowberry 8
Dates 68 Blackberry 4,5
Cherries 10,5 Blueberry 7
Apples 9,5 Cranberry 4
Dried apricots 55 Strawberry 6,5
Raisin 66 Raspberries 8
Prunes 58 Gooseberry 9
Dried pear 49 Cloudberry 6
Dried apples 45 Blueberry 8
Dried apricots 53 Sea ​​buckthorn 5
Nuts White currant 8
Cedar 10 Red Ribes 7,5
Peanut 15 Black currant 7,5
Walnuts 12 Fresh rosehip 10
Almond 11 Dried rose hips 21,5
Hazelnut 15 Beverages
Cashew 25 Mineral water
Pistachios 15 Coffee, tea without sugar
Coconut 20 Apple juice 7,5
Pumpkin seeds 12 Orange juice 12
Sesame seeds 20 Grape juice 14
Sunflower seeds 18 Tomato juice 3,5
Spices, seasonings Grapefruit juice 8
Cinnamon (1 tsp) 0,5 Tangerine juice 9
Chili pepper (ground, 1 tsp) 0,5 Plum juice 16
Apple cider vinegar (1 tbsp) 1 Pomegranate juice 14
Vinegar (1 tbsp) 2,3 Plum juice with pulp 11
White wine vinegar (1 tbsp) 1,5 Cherry juice 11,5
Red wine vinegar (1 tbsp) Apricot juice 14
Mustard (1 tbsp) 0,5 carrot juice 6
Capers (1 tbsp) 0,4 Apricot compote 21
Cranberry sauce (1 tbsp) 6,5 Grape compote 19
Ginger root (1 tbsp) 0,8 Cherry compote 24
Ketchup (1 tbsp) 4 Pear compote 18
Horseradish (1 tbsp) 0,4 Apple compote 19
Soy sauce (1 tbsp) 1 Compote with xylitol 6
Sweet and sour sauce (50 gr.) 15 Tartar sauce (1 tbsp) 0,5
BBQ sauce (1 tbsp) 1,8 Spicy herbs (1 tbsp) 0,1
Tomato sauce (50 gr.) 3,5 Meat gravy (base - broth, 50 g.) 3

Main stages

The main stages of the Kremlin diet:

  1. The first - its duration is 14 days, while the total amount of carbohydrates consumed per day should not exceed twenty grams.
  2. Secondly, its duration depends on the rate of weight loss, on average 1-1.5 months. During this time, add five grams of carbohydrates per week until the total reaches 40. If after this the weight continues to decrease, move on to the next stage.
  3. Third - during it, add ten grams of carbohydrates per week. The total amount of carbohydrates consumed per day is no more than 60.
  4. Fourth, during it it is important to maintain the resulting weight loss results. Start eating regular foods and try to stick to limited carbohydrate intake.

The most difficult stage of this method of losing weight is the first. During it, the body gets used to a new diet, learns to expend energy acquired not from food, but from fat deposits.

The first stage menu includes fish, meat products, eggs and cheese. Eliminate alcohol-containing drinks, coffee, granulated sugar, potatoes, flour products, nuts, and fruits from your diet.

Kremlin diet menu for 10 days

Important diet rules:

  • before going on a diet, make sure there are no serious diseases;
  • drink at least 2 liters of water and drinks indicated in the table per day;
  • do not eat later than 6 pm.

Menu for 10 days:

  1. First- for breakfast a mug of coffee, processed cheese and milk sausages. For lunch, unsweetened tea, fried carp, seafood salad. For dinner, kefir, one grapefruit and grilled chicken.
  2. Second- after waking up, cottage cheese with zero fat content, a mug of tea and hard-boiled eggs. For lunch, a glass of juice, cherry tomato salad and roasted duck. Afternoon snack - walnuts, for dinner a mug of tea, cabbage salad, duck meat.
  3. Third- after waking up, a mug of tea, cheese and scrambled eggs. For lunch, sliced ​​cucumber, Kalmyk tea and lula kebab. Kiwi for an afternoon snack, tomatoes for dinner, a glass of fermented milk drink and rabbit meat.
  4. Fourth- for breakfast a mug of tea, cabbage salad and boiled sausages. For lunch, mushroom salad, fried lamb, a glass of juice. Grapefruit for afternoon snack, fried fish for dinner, lettuce and a mug of coffee.
  5. Fifth- after waking up, a glass of milk and cottage cheese with zero fat content. For lunch, tomatoes and cucumber, a mug of tea and fried meat. An orange in the afternoon, and in the evening cheese, vegetable salad, white wine, fried carp and kefir.
  6. Sixth- immediately after waking up, one slice of sausage, a mug of coffee and scrambled eggs. For lunch, wine, any seafood and freshly cooked roast beef. For an afternoon snack, one tangerine, and for dinner, tomatoes, a glass of milk, and fried rabbit meat.
  7. Seventh- sausages and eggplant caviar for breakfast, boiled pike perch for lunch, a mug of coffee and lettuce. Peanuts in the afternoon, and in the evening a glass of kefir, boiled beef and fresh white cabbage.
  8. Eighth- after waking up, unsweetened tea or coffee, boiled sausage and scrambled eggs. For lunch, squid salad, unsweetened tea, pike perch cooked in breadcrumbs. An orange in the afternoon, yogurt in the evening, baked chicken breast, lightly salted cucumber.
  9. Ninth- for breakfast, unsweetened tea, 2 boiled eggs, cottage cheese. For lunch, mushroom salad, fried pork, unsweetened coffee. An apple in the afternoon, and for dinner boiled chicken and cabbage, a mug of tea.
  10. Tenth- for breakfast, a mug of unsweetened tea, two boiled eggs, cheese. For lunch, sliced ​​tomatoes and cucumbers, a mug of unsweetened tea or coffee, fried salmon. In the afternoon only olives, in the evening 2 tomatoes, boiled fish, natural yogurt.

Result: up to ten kg.

For ordinary people

This menu is designed for seven days, the amount of carbohydrates allowed is 40 points.


  • breakfast - 0.1 kg of cheese, unsweetened coffee, 2 eggs;
  • lunch - 0.2 kg of chicken meat, 0.2 kg of cucumber salad, tomato juice;
  • snack - 0.2 kg of cheese;
  • dinner - 0.15 kg of low-fat cottage cheese and a little sour cream.


  • breakfast - tea without granulated sugar, 2 boiled eggs, one sausage;
  • lunch - mushroom soup, 0.1 kg of tomato salad, unsweetened tea;
  • afternoon snack - pumpkin puree;
  • dinner - 0.12 kg low-fat cottage cheese, sour cream.


  • breakfast - unsweetened tea and two-egg omelette;
  • lunch - fried fish, cabbage salad with herbs;
  • snack - apple;
  • dinner - 0.15 kg of shashlik, unsweetened tea, 2 tomato salad.


  • breakfast - sour cream with cottage cheese, two pieces of sausage;
  • lunch - chicken broth, unsweetened tea, zucchini, 1 egg;
  • snack - tomato or seaweed salad;
  • dinner - meat cooked in sauce in the oven, white wine.


  • breakfast - coffee without granulated sugar, boiled egg and fish;
  • lunch - 0.2 kg of shrimp, tea without sugar, bell pepper with vegetables, meat;
  • afternoon snack - vegetable salad;
  • dinner - meat baked in the oven with tomatoes, tea, bell pepper.


  • breakfast - unsweetened tea, boiled sausage and two eggs;
  • lunch - vegetable soup, a mug of tea, 0.2 kg of pork baked in the oven;
  • afternoon snack - 0.1 kg of cottage cheese with zero fat content;
  • dinner - salad of mussels, boiled shrimp, oysters.


  • breakfast - 220 ml low-fat milk, two pieces of sausage, omelette;
  • lunch - broth prepared with chicken meat, 0.1 kg of chicken liver, green tea;
  • afternoon snack - natural yogurt;
  • dinner - a glass of wine, vegetable salad, grilled chicken.

Result: up to five kg.

Kremlin diet reviews

Below you will find reviews of those who have lost weight, doctors and photographs of people who followed the Kremlin diet.

The Kremlin diet has long been positioned as one of the most effective for losing weight and normalizing metabolism in the human body. Those who have tried this method on themselves consider the results amazing - minus 15 kilograms per month. A table with points for each product will help you create your own diet.

A slender lady is beautiful at any age. Women have always taken care of their appearance and knew all the tricks of this process. Therefore, the weak half of humanity understands how to properly organize the diet in order to achieve one or another result. Currently, so many diets have been developed that it is very difficult to choose the best among them. At the same time, the abundance of products in stores is simply amazing. Now everything depends only on a person’s desire to lose weight and his willpower.

Overweight people most often do not know how to control the amount of food consumed and the number of times it is taken. The consequences of obesity are not long in coming. Fat deposits negatively affect the functioning of human organs and their appearance. Although the fat layer is obligatory in the human body, its amount and percentage of muscle mass should be normal.

Therefore, start working on yourself today so as not to contact doctors about an unexpected set of diseases. First of all, systematize and review the quality of your diet.

Facts and Features

Of all the variety of nutrition systems, the Kremlin diet stands out. Its results within 30 days are known to many, and reviews from doctors agree on one thing - it really works 100%. Several years ago, columnist for the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper Evgeny Chernykh decided to test for himself the veracity of the reviews of those who went through the Kremlin diet. The results showed that after 30 days he lost 15 kg.

In his book, Evgeniy Chernykh describes the weight loss results of the powerful and ordinary people. For example, he talks about the ex-mayor of Moscow Yuri Luzhkov, who diligently followed the Kremlin diet and also lost about 15 kg. Evgeniy Chernykh proves in every possible way that this diet is a very real remedy that can be used by people from any segment of society to restore normal weight and improve their own health.

According to the law of any weight loss system, the more obese a person is, the more intensely the excess weight is lost. The developers do not promise sky-high heights and uncertain results. Everything is within reason. In addition, the lost kilograms will now not return soon or will not return at all.

A prerequisite for using the Kremlin diet is exercise. In the process of getting rid of fat, a person’s skin loses its former turgor and elasticity, so it can sag with unsightly folds and wrinkles. To tighten your skin and gain a toned body as a result of self-experimentation, you need sports.

This diet will allow you to lose up to 6 kg. in a week (7 days), and in a month (30 days) you can lose up to 15 kg.

The history of the creation of the Kremlin diet

The original name of this nutrition system was the “American Astronaut Diet.” Until recently, surrounded by an aura of mystery, today it is available to everyone. The most mystical rumors about this type of weight loss circulated among the people. Many believed that even special ingredients, products and amazing recipes from overseas potions were used to apply this method.

However, everything secret becomes reality. And today the Kremlin diet for a month is the most famous in Russia. The results of the diet discussed and photos of people losing weight on the forums are direct proof of this.

Basic principles and postulates of the diet

The Kremlin diet is based on the principle of sharply limiting the consumption of fast carbohydrates. This allows the body to actively use up fat reserves that have already accumulated there. For this reason, weight loss occurs. At the same time, the diet menu contains a large amount of meat. It also promotes weight loss. The Kremlin food system belongs to the group.

In the first week, the amount of carbohydrates consumed should not be more than 20 g in 24 hours. Then this figure is increased to 40 g. The full table of points will help you find those products from which you will need to create a daily menu of ready-made dishes.

Permitted and prohibited products

During the Kremlin diet, the following foods and dishes made from them are prohibited:

  • potatoes (in any form);
  • flour and all flour products;
  • sweets - absolutely everything;
  • sugar and sweeteners in the form of honey and jam;
  • rice - round, long, wild, brown, etc.

The main rule that this diet promotes is the complete absence of sweet foods!

On the diet menu must be present the following products, recipes and dishes:

  • fish of any kind (river and sea);
  • hard cheeses;
  • meat products and any meat (without fat);
  • low carb vegetables.
  • It is advisable not to consume sausages, sausages and sausages allowed on the menu at all. Most modern ready-to-eat sausage products do not comply with GOST standards. Moreover, their composition does not contain as much meat as stated on the packaging. Typically, most of these products are made using soy and starch. If you do not make sausages at home using your own recipes, it is better to give them up during the diet. The forums are full of debate on this issue. But nutritionists insist on their point - it is undesirable to eat sausages and sausages!
  • If you think that you can eat tons of legal meat and cheese, you are wrong! To really benefit from the diet, you need to adhere to some restrictions.
  • In addition, it is necessary to establish strict eating and rest times. The scoring that the table contains should be done at the end of the day after dinner (should end 4 hours before going to bed).
  • If you decide to seek the help of a nutritionist and “go on” the Kremlin diet according to his recommendations, then you will definitely be given an approximate diet, recipes and menu for the upcoming period.
  • You can do it on your own. The main thing is to count points and not gain more than 40 points per day (in the first week - more than 20 points).
  • Since these days you need to eat a lot of meat and fish products, try to invent tasty and varied dishes so that you don’t quickly get tired of them. Combinations of meat and fish with vegetables are more suitable for this. Look for information on the Internet on forums, they post a huge number of recipes for delicious dishes for the Kremlin diet.

The Kremlin diet, whose monthly menu is quite strict, assumes that the person following it has no health contraindications. It is better to undergo a preliminary examination and be sure that you will not harm your health than to end up in a hospital bed after a month’s course. The forums mention cases where people suffering from various chronic diseases brought themselves to the hospital ward.

Stages of the Kremlin diet

Stage 1

  • This stage lasts at least 2 weeks. In the first period of the diet, it is recommended to reduce daily carbohydrate intake to 20 cu. e. (standard units).
  • At this time, you need to “lean” on meat and fish, cottage cheese and eggs, butter and cheese.
  • Weight loss during this stage can range from 1.5 to 10 kg.
  • If your health worsens, it is recommended to stop the diet.

Stage 2

  • During this period, it is necessary to consolidate the results of the first stage.
  • Consumption e. products can be increased by 10 per week (up to 40-50).
  • You can add nuts, fruits, berries, vegetables, and seeds to your diet.
  • When you stop losing weight or gaining it, you need to return to 20 c.u. e. per day.

Stage 3

  • The duration of the third period is 2-3 months.
  • Number of e. can be increased by 10 every week (the average recommended number of units at this stage is 60).
  • If you gain weight, gradually reduce the daily number of units.

Stage 4

The final period is a slow “exit” from the diet. Familiar products are gradually introduced into the menu, but with mandatory monitoring of your weight. If you “snap” and indulge in fatty and sweet foods, the lost kilograms and sentiments will return very quickly!

Approximate menu for 1 week

Here's an example for a week. Kremlin diet - menu for 20 USD. i.e. per day (from 20 to 35 c.u. = units):

Breakfast Fried egg of two eggs with ham, fried in butter (1 unit), 100 g of cheese (1 unit), tea or a cup of coffee without sweeteners (0 unit).
Dinner 250 g vegetable soup (8 units), 200 g fried porcini mushrooms (2 units), tea (0 units).
Afternoon snack 100 g raspberries, currants or blueberries (8 units).
Dinner 200 g boiled chicken (0 units) and 100 g seaweed (1 unit).
TOTAL 21 units
Breakfast 200 g low-fat cottage cheese (4 units), tea (0 units).
Dinner 250 g chicken broth (0 units), 100 g cucumber salad with butter (4 units), chicken chop (0 units).
Afternoon snack Carrot juice - 150 g (9 units).
Dinner Fried chicken breast (0 units) and tomato (4 units), tea (0 units).
TOTAL 21 units
Breakfast Boiled milk sausages - 2 pcs. (3 units), 100 g. squash caviar (8 units), coffee (0 units).
Dinner 250 g mushroom soup (8 units), 100 g cabbage salad with butter (5 units), pork chop (0 units), tea (0 units).
Afternoon snack A piece of cheese up to 200 g (2 units).
Dinner 100 g salad with celery, radish and cucumber, seasoned with vegetable oil and lemon juice (6 units), 200 g boiled fish (0 unit).
TOTAL 32 units
Breakfast 150 g yogurt without sugar (5 units), 2 soft-boiled eggs (1 unit), tea (0 units).
Dinner 250 g of meat broth (6 units), a piece of boiled meat (5 units), 100 g of eggplant caviar (5 units), coffee (0 units).
Afternoon snack 200 g kefir (6 units).
Dinner Watercress - 200 g (4 units), 2 boiled beef sausages (3 units), tea (0 units).
TOTAL 35 units
5 / fri
Breakfast Scrambled eggs with cheese (2 units), coffee (0 units).
Dinner Grated carrots with butter - 100 g (7 units), 250 g celery soup (8 units), 150 g boiled beef liver (0 units).
Afternoon snack 50 g walnuts (6 units).
Dinner 200 g dry red wine (2 units), boiled shrimp - 200 g (6 units).
TOTAL 31 units
Breakfast 100 g of cheese (1 unit), scrambled eggs from 2 eggs with ham (1 unit), tea (0 unit).
Dinner 250 g green cabbage soup (6 units), 100 g beet salad with butter (6 units), oven-baked chicken - 200 g (0 unit).
Afternoon snack 1 small orange (10 units).
Dinner Watercress - 100 g (2 units), 200 g boiled fish (0 units).
TOTAL 26 units
Breakfast Boiled or baked pumpkin - 150 g (6 units), coffee (0 units).
Dinner Goulash soup - 250 g (6 units), 150 g cucumber and tomato salad (4 units), tea (0 units).
Afternoon snack Kefir 1% - 200 g (6 units).
Dinner 200 g boiled cauliflower (10 units), boiled or steamed meat - 200 g (0 units).
TOTAL 32 units

The Kremlin diet has its own characteristics. The main indication for the use of this drug is obesity and diseases that develop against its background. Accordingly, the patient is recommended to reduce the consumption of carbohydrate-containing foods. Contraindications for this diet include the following:

  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • renal failure and chronic diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • age category up to 18 years.

It is worth focusing attention on those who are susceptible to kidney diseases and still decided to “go on” the Kremlin diet. Doing this is strictly prohibited! The menu, which is developed for this diet, provides for a minimum consumption of fat and a maximum amount of protein food. This menu is contraindicated for people suffering from kidney diseases.

Rules for following the Kremlin diet for 30 days

This diet allows you to regulate the amount of protein and carbohydrates consumed. Change and combine the products listed in the table, come up with new dishes. There are several specific features that everyone should know:

  • The consumption of sugar in any of its forms is strictly prohibited. All recipes from products included in the diet completely exclude sweets. Reviews from nutritionists agree on this aspect - sugar is not a food that is beneficial for the body.
  • It is worth paying attention to the table, which shows the points for 100 g of sugar - 99 USD. e. Thus, if you eat 40 grams, then you can’t eat anything else at all in a day. That is why the Kremlin diet is considered the most difficult for those with a sweet tooth. They have to make a difficult choice - give up a piece of sweets and eat a whole chicken, or follow their desires and go hungry all day afterwards.
  • Another important aspect of diet is fluid. It is the consumption of large amounts of clean water without gas that gives the body a normal salt balance and reduces the load on the organs. At the same time, it removes toxins and waste from the body. Every day you should drink at least 2 liters of water.
  • Reviews from those who have lost weight say that a common occurrence with the Kremlin diet is bowel problems (constipation). This problem can be avoided if you add regular bran to your diet. 1 tbsp will be enough. l.

Possible mistakes of losing weight

  1. People whose eating habits were disrupted before the diet make the same mistake during the course. The menu provides three generous meals a day with one or two snacks. This is how you can improve the digestive process and give the body energy for normal functioning.
  2. During the diet, do not remove fats from the menu. As they advise on the forums, if you are planning a party at which you are afraid to “break loose” and eat something that is not allowed, try to “kill the worm” before going out. Then the feeling of hunger will not torment you, and you will be able to withstand this test.
  3. Most people, when going on a diet, exercise themselves to the point of exhaustion. A little physical activity or evening walks in the park will be enough. Sports can activate metabolic processes in the body, and it is not necessary to include bran in the diet.
  4. Another important nuance is that exiting the diet is carried out in stages. Otherwise, the lost weight will come back with the supplement. Fortunately, those who have gone through all stages of the Kremlin diet remain devoted to this menu and continue to eat properly. The long period for which the nutritional system is provided allows you to get used to the diet. According to reviews on the forums, this is the most reliable and correct solution.

For the Kremlin diet, make a menu in advance. Then you won't have to endlessly count points and calories.

Full table of Kremlin diet points

Products Points
(cu) per 100 g.
Products Points
(cu) per 100 g.
Pasteurized milk 4.7 Kefir 3.2
Raw milk 4.8 Ryazhenka 4.1
Baked milk 4.7 Unsweetened yogurt 3.5
Cream 20% 3 Sweet yoghurt 8.5
Sour cream 3 Cheese 0.5 - 2
Fat cottage cheese 2.8 Margarine 1
Skim cheese 1.8 Butter 1.3
Sweet curd mass 15 Mayonnaise 2.6
Glazed cheese 32 Vegetable oil 0
Ice cream 20 Condensed milk 56
Fresh and frozen fish 0 Squid 4
Boiled fish 0 Shrimps 0
Crabs 2 Lobster 1
Smoked fish 1.2 Oysters 7
Fish in oil 6 Black caviar 0
Fish in tomato 6 Red caviar 0
Sprats in oil 0.4 Mussels 5
Beef, veal 0 Beef sausages 1.5
Pork 0 Pork sausages 2
Duck 0 Milk sausages 1.5
Rabbit meat 0 Liver pate 2.5
Mutton 5 Doctor's sausage 1.5
Chicken 0 Korean 0
Veal 0 Salo 0
Pork, beef, chicken heart 0 Beef tongue, pork tongue 0
Beef liver 0 Steak 0
Chicken liver 1.5 Egg (1 pc.) 0.5
Buckwheat 68 Millet 69
Barley 72 Beans 54
Manna 73 Rice 71
Oatmeal 65 Peas 53
Pearl barley 73 Wheat 71
Wheat bread 50 Sweet crackers 69
Borodino bread 42 Rye flatbread 45
Rye bread 42 Armenian lavash 56
Grain bread 45 Wheat flour 70
Diabetic bread 38 Corn flour 71
Sugar cookies 74 Rye flour 67
Butter bun 55 Potato starch 79
Bagels 69 Corn starch 85
Vanilla dryers 71 Pasta 75
Sweet straw 69 Egg noodles 68
Sugar 99 bitter chocolate 50
Honey 75 Milk chocolate 54.5
Paste 80 Iris 82
Sunflower halva 54 Chocolate candies 51
Tahini halva 51 Caramel 95
Marshmallow 78.5 Marmalade 76
Cream cake 62 Waffles with filling 81
Butter cookies 75 Jam 72
Gingerbread 77 Jam 68
Applesauce 20 Apple jam 65
Eggplant 5 Leek 6.5
Radish 4 Onion 9
Radish 6.5 Green onions 3.5
Cauliflower 5 Parsley 8
Green beans 3 Green pea 12
White cabbage 5 Beet 9
Kohlrabi cabbage 8 Lettuce leaves 2
Sauerkraut 4.5 Celery root 6
Bell pepper 7.2 Carrot 7
Pumpkin 4 Zucchini 4
Tomatoes 4 Garlic 5
Dill 7.5 Potato 16
Asparagus 4.4 Spinach 2
Fresh cucumber 3 Sorrel 3
Sweet corn 40.4 Fresh champignons 1
Fresh porcini mushrooms 3.4 Dried porcini mushrooms 27.5
A pineapple 11.5 Peach 9.5
Apricot 9 Quince 8
Raspberries 8 Nectarine 13
Orange 8 Cherries 10.5
Persimmon 13 Plum 9.5
Banana 21 Cherry 10
Kiwi 10 Grapefruit 6.5
Pomegranate 11 Pear 9.5
Lemon 3 Apple 9.5
Grape 15 Red currants 7.5
Strawberry 6.5 Black currant 7.5
Gooseberry 9 Cranberry 4
SOUPS (for 500 g)
Tomato 17 Chicken and meat broth 0
Green cabbage soup 12 Pea 20
Vegetable 16 Mushroom 15
Salad with seaweed 4 Eggplant caviar 5
Green pea 6.5 Squash caviar 8.5
Corn 14.5 Beans 2.5
Pickles 3 Olives 5
Salted tomatoes 4 Tomato paste 19
Gretsky 12 Dried apricots 67.5
Cashew 25 Prunes 65.6
Cedar 10 Raisin 72.2
Peanut 15 Dried apricots 68.5
Coconut 20 Dates 72
Sesame 20 Dried apples 68
Pistachios 15 Dry rosehip 60
Almond 11 Pumpkin seeds 12
Hazelnut 15 Sunflower seeds 18
Water (mineral) 0 Lemonade 9
Unsweetened tea 0 Sugar free coffee 0
Apple juice 7.5 Plum compote 18
Carrot juice 6 Cherry compote 24
Tomato juice 3.5 Grape juice 14
Orange juice 12 Grape compote 19
Grapefruit juice 8 Apricot compote 21
Bread kvass 8.3 Pear compote 18
Pomegranate juice 14 Apple compote 19
Plum juice 16 Compote with xylitol 6
Dry red wine 1 Cognac 1.5
Dry white wine 1 Vodka 0
Dessert wine 16 Beer 8.3
Semi-dry champagne 5 Rum 0
Pouring 30 Tincture 0.9
Liquor 45 Tequila 0
Punch 39 Whiskey 0

The Kremlin diet is a method of weight correction based on limiting consumption. This technique originated from the protein nutrition program developed by American cardiologist Robert Atkins in 1972. The main difference between the above-mentioned diets is the carbohydrate counting system.

“Look good and, at the same time, feel great” is the main credo of any modern woman of the 21st century. Questions of how to achieve optimal shape, have a slim figure and control your taste preferences have interested the fairer sex at all times. It’s no wonder that today there are more than 500 methods for correcting body weight.

To get rid of extra pounds, you first need to regulate your diet. According to low-carbohydrate nutrition systems, each product has its own price, expressed in conventional units. Depending on the number of points consumed per day, a protein-fat diet allows you to quickly lose/gain weight and maintain the achieved result.

At the first stage of weight loss according to the “Kremlin” method, the permissible amount of carbohydrates eaten per day is 40 USD, according to the Atkins method – 20 USD. At the same time, the cardiologist focuses on the development and maintenance of ketosis, which is absolutely unsafe for human health. The Kremlin program, unlike the Atkins diet, excludes the achievement of this state.

Currently, the most effective methods of losing weight are,. Among the wide variety of low-calorie food systems, it is difficult to single out one that is approved by nutritionists. The exception is the popular Kremlin protein diet. By adhering to a low-carbohydrate diet, your weight will drop by 3-4 kg in 7 days, 8-9 kg in two weeks, and 12-15 kg in a month.

The greater your body weight, the more intensely the extra pounds are lost.

Let us consider in detail the stages of weight loss, a sample menu (“meat” and “vegetarian”) for 10 days, 2 weeks, a month, frequently asked questions, calculation of conventional units (points, points), where to start, rules and instructions for the method, contraindications, what This is a complete table of the Kremlin diet, acceptable and prohibited foods, the benefits and harms of a carbohydrate-free diet, recipes for ready-made meals, a table for the week.

History and essence of the technique

The light diet of American astronauts or “Kremlevka” has several versions of its appearance. According to one of them, it acquired its name from astronauts, for whom a special weight loss system was developed. Other sources claim that the best Kremlin diet was invented back in Soviet times by the country's leading nutritionists only for high-ranking officials.

For a long time, the technique was under an aura of unprecedented mystery, since the recipe, rules and advice on how to lose weight were not disclosed to anyone for more than 20 years. After publicity, the protein weight loss system began to enjoy wide popularity among all segments of the population.

The principle of the Kremlin diet is based on a sharp limitation of the intake of carbohydrates; as a result, to compensate for the energy deficit necessary for human life, the body begins to consume internal reserves located in fat deposits. Due to this, a gradual decrease in body weight occurs.

Evgeny Chernykh, a journalist for the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper, experienced the simple menu of the “American cosmonauts” and published a book that provides a detailed description of the diet (the Kremlin diet by day of the week), the secrets of the methodology, and a table of ready-made dishes.

The no-carbohydrate weight loss program differs from most diets (for example, Dean Ornish, Ali Gadzhiev, cranberry, apple, cucumber) in that it “allows” the consumption of “forbidden” foods. According to this method, protein products (low-fat cottage cheese, cheese up to 17%, eggs, fish, lean meat) can be consumed in any quantity. At the same time, sweets, fruits, vegetables, store-bought and freshly squeezed concentrated juices (except for tomato), rice, and potatoes should be excluded from the daily menu.

The Kremlin carbohydrate-free diet is designed to correct body weight without compromising health. For those who want to lose excess weight, the daily diet should be 20-40 USD, to gain kilograms - exceed 60 USD, and to maintain the achieved effect - equal to 60 USD.

You can determine the number of points (1 cu = 1g of carbohydrates/100g) in raw foods individually and in the finished dish as a whole using the Kremlin diet table, on the basis of which the menu of this nutrition system is built. In addition, the online recipe analyzer will help simplify scoring.

The most common mistake that slows down the process of achieving the desired result is violation of weight correction conditions (spontaneous increase or decrease in diet points).

The main conditions of the modified Atkins diet:

  • control the amount of carbohydrates eaten per day;
  • do not sweeten anything;
  • lead an active lifestyle.

Lack of physical activity in the process of losing weight leads to changes in the condition of the skin - its sagging. Regular exercise will help prevent the development of such an unpleasant phenomenon and tone the body muscles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The primary advantage of the Kremlin diet is its high efficiency (minus 4-5% of body weight in 7 days, 6-8% in 1 month).

Advantages of the technique

Despite the undeniable advantages, this weight loss program has its drawbacks.

Cons of the Kremlin diet

  1. Formation of toxic substances - ketone bodies. A lack of carbohydrates in the daily menu causes the body to use fat deposits to produce energy. However, a lack of organic compounds in the diet provokes incomplete combustion of fat, which leads to the formation of toxic metabolic products, so-called ketone bodies. Excess of these substances causes a life-threatening condition - ketosis. Carcinogenic elements, damaging the myelin sheaths of internal organs (kidneys, liver, brain), cause acute poisoning of the body. However, this condition is often asymptomatic, in a hidden form. Therefore, the consequences of the resulting intoxication may appear only after 3 to 6 months.
  2. Deficiency in the daily diet of dietary fiber. The Kremlin diet for weight loss involves limiting the intake of plant foods that contain. For this reason, the intestines cannot fully perform the evacuation function; putrefactive processes gradually develop in the organ. This phenomenon underlies the development of dysbiosis.
  3. Deficiency in the menu of calcium, beta-carotene, bioflavonoids and B vitamins. Poor consumption of vegetables and fruits provokes the development of the following conditions: fragility of bones, teeth, nails, caries, decreased immunity, the appearance of spurs on the heels, formation of congestion around the mouth, nosebleeds.
  4. Increased load on the body's urinary system. Excessive consumption of protein foods leads to congestion in the kidneys and gall bladder. As a result, urate and oxolate stones form in the organs. Considering the fact that animal fats and cholesterol enter the body together with meat products, harmful deposits gradually accumulate in the vessels, which can subsequently cause blockage.

Having studied the pros and cons of Kremlin, we will begin to identify the side effects of the technique.


When switching to a protein-fat diet, in addition to the table of dishes with prohibited and acceptable foods, according to the amount of food units, it is important to take into account the state of your own health.


  1. Chronic diseases of the urinary organs - pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, impaired renal function. Due to the fact that the Kremlin diet provides an excessive amount of protein into the body, the affected organs are not able to quickly remove processed waste products. Therefore, uric acid is formed from purine bases found in meat foods. An excess of this substance in the body leads to the development of gout and the formation of urate stones in the kidneys.
  2. Heart diseases - angina pectoris, coronary artery disease, hypertension. Excess cholesterol entering the body with products of animal origin is often the cause of the development of vascular atherosclerosis and fatty liver hepatosis. Therefore, if you have these ailments, you should refrain from following a protein-fat diet.
  3. Diseases of the digestive organs - ulcers, gastritis, metabolic syndrome, intestinal dysbiosis, constipation.
  4. Menopause. The absence of fermented milk products in the daily menu leads to calcium deficiency. This condition is especially dangerous for women aged 60 years during the period of hormonal changes in the body, since the risk of developing osteoporosis during menopause increases 3 times.
  5. Periods of pregnancy and lactation.
  6. Diabetes. The presence of this disease does not exclude the possibility of using this diet. However, in this case, it is important to strictly adhere to the e.u. table, and lose weight under the supervision of an experienced endocrinologist. In addition, it is important to understand that for patients with pancreatic pathology, a low carbohydrate diet often has negative consequences - the development of hypoglycemia or diabetic nephropathy.

Following the “Kremlevka” for more than 1 month causes a deficiency of basic nutrients (, C, A, omega 3, calcium, selenium, copper, zinc), and as a result, metabolic disorders. You can compensate for mineral deficiency by including dietary supplements and multivitamin complexes in your daily diet.

Doctors' opinion

Reviews of the Kremlin diet from nutritionists and those losing weight contribute to the formation of an objective assessment of this nutrition system. At the same time, many people wonder: how much can you lose if you strictly follow it? Reviews and results of those who have lost weight indicate that the maximum weight loss per week is 5 kg.

The protein diet is appreciated by world stars of show business (Madonna, Boris Moiseev, Jennifer Aniston). At the same time, Catherine Zethe-Jones, having excluded baked goods and sweets from her diet, managed to lose 19 kg in 3 months. However, doctors' reviews are not as clear as the opinions of celebrities.

Nutritionist Ruslana Piskoppel has substantiated in her works that a low-carbohydrate menu often provokes a breakdown, in which the lost weight returns again. The nutritionist, together with Professor V.A. Dedali (member of the International Association of Micronutrition of the USA), as a result of the research, came to the conclusion that excessive consumption of animal protein leads to the formation of uric acid salts. As a result, Piskoppel believes that such a diet is harmful to the body.

In contrast to Ruslana’s negative conclusion, the medical practice of nutritionist Alexey Kovalkov, and numerous reviews of people who have lost weight, state the opposite - about the high effectiveness of this weight correction system. In his video, the doctor explains how the Kremlin diet works, how many points per day you can eat and what you cannot eat in order to achieve the result (minus 2 kg in 3 days).

Vilena Gurova, editor of the publications “Russian Medical Journal” and “Da Signa”, was convinced from her own experience of the effectiveness of the “Kremlin”. After completing a week-long weight loss course, she lost 3 kg and described dietary recipes for soups (cabbage, mushroom) from allowed carbohydrate-free ingredients, which allow you to diversify the diet of those losing weight. The daily portion of first courses is 250 ml.

Based on the information collected, Vilena published the book “The Kremlin Diet in Gurov’s Details,” which contains a complete table of caloric content of foods and recipes for dishes with points.

Perhaps one of the most active fans of a protein diet is fitness trainer and former Russian bodybuilding champion Vladimir Molodov. He is also a sports nutrition specialist. Therefore, it is not surprising that the “Kremlin diet from Vladimir Molodov” is widely popular among many athletes today.

For lovers of printed publications, a book by nutritionist Anna Vishnevskaya is available for sale. This publication contains a table of points for the Kremlin diet, recipes with points for fish and meat dishes, and a list of products allowed for consumption. In addition, the book describes in detail the method of cleansing the body to maintain the achieved result.

Considering reviews of people losing weight, the most popular dishes for the Kremlin diet are:

  • beef with cheese in sour cream (1.1 c.u.);
  • shrimp soup “tom yum” (16.2 USD);
  • salads: cucumber (1.6 USD), cabbage-carrot (17.7 USD), squid (5 USD).

Beef with cheese in sour cream sauce, cooking principle

For 4 servings you will need the following ingredients:

  • 800 g veal tenderloin;
  • 100 ml;
  • 100 g hard cheese;
  • spices.

First of all, you need to cut the meat into small pieces and fry for 40 minutes in a frying pan or “simmer” in a slow cooker. After this, the veal is poured with sour cream and sprinkled with pre-grated cheese. Then the dish is simmered until cooked for 20 minutes over low heat.

Fundamental rules of the method

The key to success in losing or gaining weight is strict adherence to the nutritional system, daily scoring, and regular exercise.

The basics of the Kremlin diet, the whole truth about it

  1. Eliminate sugar from your diet, since 100g. of this product 99 USD make up carbohydrates. While, at the first stage of the “Kremlevka”, the daily menu is designed for 20 points, the maximum is 40 USD, which is 2-5 times less than the content of organic substances in 150g. sweets.
  2. Maintain water-salt balance. The daily dose of water consumed is 2 liters. It is recommended to drink fortified teas - ginger, rosehip, hawthorn infusion.
  3. Control the amount of food you eat. Eliminate fatty, salty, spicy foods from your daily menu. It is important to remember that the Kremlin diet and alcohol are absolutely incompatible concepts. When losing weight, you should adhere to a healthy lifestyle and prohibition.
  4. You can't overeat. Despite the fact that the carbohydrate table allows the consumption of foods with low levels of sugar, their abuse leads to undesirable consequences, namely, stretching of the stomach, slowing down the digestion process and weight gain.
  5. Increase the consumption of unsweetened fruits (grapefruit, orange, apples, pineapple, pear, kiwi, tangerines), greens (spinach, parsley, celery, sorrel, dill), vegetables (cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes), low-fat fish (cod, river perch, bream, pike, flounder), lean meats (turkey, chicken, rabbit, veal).
  6. Control your scores. Create a daily diet, while ready-made meals must be checked for the amount of c.u. before consumption. To do this, you should use a specially developed system - the Kremlin diet table.
    The main condition for losing weight is not to exceed the amount of carbohydrates eaten per day.
  7. Take vitamin complexes to replenish mineral deficiencies in the body.
  8. Assess your own capabilities. Before starting to practice the 14 and 30-day methods, it is advisable to first create a Kremlin diet menu for the first week and go through this cycle. After the established period, in the absence of negative reactions from the body, you can safely proceed to a full course of weight loss, designed for 14 days.

Often two weeks on the Kremlin diet are accompanied by intestinal disturbances and constipation. This problem can be eliminated by introducing 20g into the daily diet. oat or wheat bran.

The above secrets of the Kremlin diet will help you get rid of excess body weight in a matter of days.

Product table with glasses

To make it easier to prepare your daily diet, a special points table has been developed. The points in it indicate the amount of carbohydrates contained in 100g of the ingredient.

Complete table of products of the Kremlin diet
Products Points (points)
Bread, flour products
Armenian lavash 57
Sweet straw 70
Wheat bread 50
Diabetic loaf 38
Borodino bread 40
Butter pastries 51
Rye bread 34
Grain bread 45
Drying 68
Bagels 58
Sweet crackers 67
Wheat flour c. With. 68
Wheat flour 1 s. 67
Corn flour 71
Peeled rye flour 64
Soy flour 17
Corn starch 89
Potato starch 76
Egg noodles 69
Pasta 69
Oatmeal 49
Buckwheat 61
Manna 67
Pearl barley 66
Pea 50
Barley 70
Rice 71
Bean 46
Millet 66
Meat, poultry
Lamb, pork 0
Beef, rabbit 0
Geese, ducks, turkeys, chicken 0
Cutlets 7
Meat fried in breadcrumbs 5
Heart 0
Meat with sour cream sauce 8
Chicken liver, navels 1,5
Beef by-products 0
Steak 0
Pork sausages 2
Sausage (pork, chicken, beef) 0
Beef and pork sausages 1,5
Sausages 1,5
Korean 0
Beef tongue, pork tongue 0
Salo 0
Pork feet 0
Eggs (pcs.) 0,5
Seafood, fish
Squid 4
Shrimps 0
Boiled fish (sea, river) 0
Crabs, crayfish 2
Fish fried in breadcrumbs 12
Mussels 6
Fish baked in tomato 6
Oysters 7
Lobster 1
Black caviar 0
Dry seaweed 1
Red caviar 0
Smoked and dried fish 0
Dairy/fermented milk products
Low-fat cottage cheese (0 – 1.5%) 1,5
Glazed cheese curds 33
Fat cottage cheese (2 – 9%) 2,8
Milk 4,7
Sour cream 3
Cream 4
Curd mass purchased 15
Kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt 4
Homemade yogurt (no sugar) 3,6
Hard cheese 0,5 – 2
Store-bought sweet yoghurt 8,5
Margarine 3
Curd cheesecakes 18
Butter 1,4
Vegetable oil (any) 0
Table mayonnaise 1,5 – 3
Eggplant 6,5
Swede 7
Watermelon 9
Legumes 8
Green peas 12
Turnip 5
Fresh green beans 3
Kohlrabi cabbage 7,5
Carrot 7
Zucchini 4
Chinese radish (daikon) 1
Pumpkin 4
Carrot 7
Sweet pepper (green, red) 5
cucumbers 3
Garlic 5
Leek 6,5
Asparagus salad 3
Bulb onions 8,7
Onion (greens) 3,5
Parsley root 10,5
Radish 4
Radish (root) 6,5
Lettuce, basil 2
Cabbage (white, cauliflower) 5
Braised cabbage 4,7
Celery, arugula (greens) 2
Horseradish 7,6
Celery (root) 5,9
Beet 9
Boiled potatoes 16
Cheremsha 6
Tomatoes 4
Sorrel 3
Spinach 2
Parsley, cilantro (greens) 8
Milk mushrooms 1
White (boiled, stewed) 1
boletus 1,5
White dried 8
Honey mushrooms (boiled, stewed) 0,5
Butter 0,5
Chanterelles (boiled, stewed) 1,6
Boletus 1
Sublimated boletus mushrooms 14
Dried boletuses 13
Champignon 0,5
Morels 0,3
Russula 1,6
Saffron milk caps 0,4
Soups/first courses (per 500 g)
Meat and chicken broth 0
Meat solyanka 1,6
Pea soup 21
Green borscht 2
Mushroom soup 16
Vegetable soup 17
Classic borscht 6,5
Tomato soup 18
Goulash soup 13
Canned food
Green peas 6,5
Fish in oil 0
Olives 5
Fish in tomato 5,5
Sprats in oil 0
Red beans 12,4
Tomato puree 12
Corn 14,6
Eggplant caviar 4,9
Tomatoes 4
Green beans 2,6
Zucchini caviar 8,4
Sea kale (salad) 4
Pepper 11
Beetroot lecho 2
cucumbers 3
Tomato paste 19,1
Sponge cake 52
Brewing cake 62
Halva 56
Paste 80
Granulated sugar, refined sugar 99,5
Shortbread cookies 75
Fruit waffles 82
Honey 75
Gingerbread 77
Regular waffles 66
Lollipops 70
Fruit ice cream 26
Creamy ice cream 22
Ice cream popsicle 21
Milk chocolate 55
Sweets - fudge 90
Sweetener fructose 50
Bitter chocolate 51
Caramel candies 92
Marmalade 76
Chocolate candies 52
Condensed milk 57
Strawberry, raspberry jam 71
Pear jam 66
Apple jam 70
Diabetic jam 9
Apricot jam 68
Cherry jam (no sugar) 3
Quince 9
Orange 8
Apricot 9
Cherry plum 6,5
A pineapple 12
Banana 22
Cherry 10
Grapefruit 7
Pomegranate 11
Pear 9
Dogwood 9
Kiwi 10
Mandarin 8
Lemon 3
Fresh figs 11
Peach 10
Sea ​​buckthorn 8,5
Nectarine 13
Rowan chokeberry 12
Dates 68
Plum 10
Cherries 11
Persimmon 13
Apples 9 – 11
Dried pear 50
Prunes 58
Raisin 66
Dried apricots 53
Dried apples 46
Dried apricots 55
Strawberry 7
Blueberry 7
Cowberry 8
Blackberry 5
Grape 15
Gooseberry 9
Cranberry 4
Sea ​​buckthorn 5
Cloudberry 6
Raspberries 8
Red and black currants 7,3 – 7,5
Fresh rosehip 9,5
Blueberry 8
White currant, eshta 8
Dried rose hips 21,5
Pumpkin seeds 13
Sesame seeds 21
Walnuts 12
Peanut 15
Cedar 10
Hazelnut 15
Pistachios 15
Almond 11
Sunflower seeds 17,5
Cashew 25
Poppy 15
Tea, coffee, herbal infusions 0
Mineral table water 0
Orange juice 10,5
Apple nectar 8
Tomato juice with pulp 3,5
Grapefruit nectar 8
Grape juice 13,5
Plum puree 16
Pomegranate fruit drink 14
Tangerine juice 8
Normalized plum juice 11
Apricot juice 14
Cherry fruit drink 12
Carrot juice with pulp 6
Grape compote 20
Peach compote 15
Cherry compote 23
Apple compote 20
Compote with xylitol 6
Pear compote 17,8
Beer 200 ml 12
Whiskey 0
Rum 0
Liqueur 50 ml 18
Tequila 0
Brandy, cognac 0
Vodka 0
Dry wine (white, red) 1
Champagne 1
Dessert wines 20
Gin and tonic 7
Martini 14-16
Spices, seasonings
Gelatin 0.7
Vinegar 9% (1 tbsp.) 2,5
Table salt 0
White wine vinegar (1 tsp) 0,5
Natural apple cider vinegar 1
Red wine vinegar (1 tsp) 0
Ground pepper (1 tbsp.) 1,5
Wheat bran (100 gr.) 33,5
Ground cinnamon (1 tsp) 0,5
Mustard powder (1 tbsp.) 0,5
Ginger root (1 tbsp.) 0,8
Adjika (1 tsp) 2
Homemade ketchup (1 tbsp.) 5
Horseradish sauce (1 tbsp.) 0,5
Kebab marinade (1 tsp) 0,5
Soy sauce (1 tbsp.) 1
Roasted tomatoes (4 tbsp) 3,5
Meat sauce (4 tbsp.) 3

The table of the Kremlin diet in products will help you properly balance your daily diet and control the amount of food. in the created dishes. However, in the process of losing weight, it is important to understand that you should not eat foods with a high glycemic index.

What you can eat during the day directly depends on your goals and objectives: to gain weight, you should give preference to foods with a high content of e.g. – from 20 points, for losing extra pounds – from low to 8 points.


The carbohydrate-free method of losing weight involves a gradual reduction in body weight.

There are four stages of the “Kremlevka”, which differ in duration, menu, list of permitted and prohibited products.

The effectiveness of losing excess pounds or gaining weight depends on the accuracy of following its rules.

All about the Kremlin diet

Stage No. 1 – “Induction phase”

As a rule, the duration of this stage is 14 days. During the first period, the body adapts to the new diet, and the process of burning fat begins (transition to lipolysis mode). The beginning of weight loss is to reduce the consumption of organic substances containing hydroxyl and carbonyl groups to 20 USD. per day, complete exclusion from the diet of starchy vegetables (corn, beets, potatoes), confectionery, baked goods, fruits, alcoholic and caffeine-containing drinks. First stage menu: fats (olive oil, sour cream), proteins (eggs, cheeses, shrimp, crayfish , oysters, poultry, veal, cod, hake, pollock, perch), green vegetables (radish, radish, sorrel, cucumbers, rosemary, parsley, lettuce, olives) can be eaten in any quantity. 3-4 meals a day are preferable. Considering the fact that the first stage of the Kremlin diet is the most difficult to tolerate, you need to diversify your diet as much as possible by preparing dishes from permitted products. Weight loss during this period depends on the number of excess kilograms, individual characteristics of the body and ranges from 2 to 10 kg. Acceptable recipes for the first stage of weight loss and their detailed description (spinach with mushrooms, fish and cheese salad, broccoli soup, stuffed boiled pork, cheese- crab balls, eggplant medallions, zucchini rolls with mozzarella, salmon in orange sauce) are presented online.

Stage No. 2 – “Active weight loss”

The main task of this period is to find the daily norm of carbohydrates, which does not interfere with weight loss. At the second stage, the “Kremlin Diet” program involves the gradual introduction of carbohydrate foods (melon, raspberries, strawberries, lemon, tomato juice, pumpkin seeds, sunflowers, etc.) into the daily diet. walnuts, cashews, peanuts, asparagus, cauliflower, red sweet pepper, tomato, onion, spinach) – no more than 5 USD per week. If adding points to the menu led to a slowdown in weight loss, you need to reduce the norm of organic substances to 3 cu. in 7 days. Stage 2 of the “Kremlin” depends on the speed of weight loss and continues until 2-4 kg remains to the target.

Stage No. 3 – “Expansion of the diet”

During this period, it is important to gradually introduce foods high in carbohydrates - 10 c.u. per week (cereals, starchy vegetables, nuts, legumes, fruits). It is extremely important to add one new ingredient per day to monitor the body's reaction. If after the introduction of carbohydrate foods the weight does not go away, but on the contrary, it increases, they should be immediately excluded from the menu. At the third stage, it is important to develop a nutrition system that allows you to maintain the acquired shape and improve the result by 2-4 kg. For most people losing weight, the optimal amount of carbohydrates during this period is 60 USD. per day. “Dangerous” foods that can lead to the return of lost pounds include: pine nuts, sweet and white potatoes, beets, carrots, rice, barley, bread, almonds, pumpkin, sunflower seeds, lentils, beans, grapes, banana , watermelon, strawberry, mango. Therefore, you need to enter these ingredients into the daily menu extremely carefully - one per day in moderate quantities (up to 100g - cereals, vegetables, up to 40g - seeds, up to 80g - fruits). On average, a light carbohydrate diet at the third stage lasts 2-3 months.

Stage No. 4 – “Lifelong Diet”

After achieving the desired shape, it is important to focus all your efforts on maintaining the result. The Kremlin Atkins diet involves following a low-carbohydrate diet throughout your life. At the fourth stage, it is important to give preference to those that provide the greatest benefit. These include: sprouted grains, dried fruits, vegetables, dairy and whole grain products, seeds, berries. To maintain the achieved result, you need to count the number of carbohydrate points daily and make sure that as a result of the introduction of permitted products, body weight does not begin to increase. Positive dynamics of weight gain of more than 3 kg indicates the need to return to the previous stages of eliminating extra pounds.

Throughout the entire period of losing weight, it is important to pay special attention to sports, which tone flabby muscles, increase energy levels, improve well-being, speed up metabolism, strengthen ligaments, and stimulate intestinal function. In addition, moderate physical activity is an excellent way to boost immunity and improve mood, which is especially important during the period of changing your usual diet to a low-carbohydrate one.

Frequently asked questions at the first stage

Is it possible to drink coffee during the Kremlin?

Not advisable, it is better to give preference to green tea without sugar.

How much can you lose while following a low-carb diet?

The Kremlin diet will get rid of 2-4 kg for a week, 10 days – 5-6 kg, 14 days – 8-9 kg, a month – up to 15 kg.

Why is the first week accompanied by attacks of hunger, dizziness, and loss of energy? What to do?

The Kremlin diet at the first stage is a test for the body, since it is during this period that it adapts to a low-carbohydrate diet. Therefore, at the beginning of the weight loss process, you need to rest more and walk in the fresh air.

Why doesn't the Kremlin diet help? How to achieve the desired result?

Often among representatives of the fair half of humanity one can find exclamations: “I’m not losing weight on the Kremlin diet, what should I do?” First of all, you shouldn’t panic, it’s important to analyze your diet, because in 90% of cases, the weight loss process is slowed down by mistakes (exceeding the maximum permissible number of points per day, completely eliminating fats from the diet, intense exercise, eating prohibited foods).

To eliminate negative phenomena from the body, it is enough to adhere to the fundamental rules of the technique.

“Meat” nutrition program for 10 days

Perhaps the most common question among those losing weight is: how much weight can you lose on the Kremlin diet. There is no definite answer to this, since the result depends on the characteristics of each person’s body. On average, weight loss per week is 6-9% of total body weight.

Let us consider in detail the menu for 10 days.

The main products during this period are boiled meat, lean fish, and non-starchy vegetables.

Kremlin diet by day

Day No. 1, 22 USD

  • breakfast – cheese – 100g, scrambled eggs with ham, green tea without sugar;
  • lunch – vegetable salad (tomatoes, onions, bell peppers) – 150g, celery soup – 250g, boiled turkey fillet – 150g;
  • dinner – steak – 150g, tomato – 1 pc.

Day No. 2, 21 USD

  • breakfast – low-fat cottage cheese – 150g, boiled eggs – 2 pcs., ginger tea;
  • lunch – boiled squid – 100g, cabbage soup – 250g, cucumber salad with sour cream – 150g;
  • dinner – steamed chicken fillet – 100g, stewed cauliflower – 120g, rose hip decoction.

Day No. 3, 34 USD

  • breakfast – fried eggplants – 100g, coffee without sugar, chicken sausages – 3pcs;
  • lunch – rabbit chop – 1 piece, vegetable soup – 250g, cabbage salad – 100g, – 1 tsp;
  • dinner – steamed hake fillet – 150g, red bell pepper – 1 pc., low-fat kefir.

Day No. 4, 23.00.

  • breakfast – vegetable stew – 200g, sausages – 2 pcs, coffee;
  • lunch – turkey cutlet – 1 piece, chicken broth – 250g, salad of mushrooms, herbs, onions, tomatoes;
  • dinner – lettuce leaves – 100g, fried hake or boiled shrimp – 200g, green tea.

Day No. 5, 25 USD

  • breakfast – two-egg omelette, cheese – 100g, coffee;
  • lunch – beef steak – 200g, celery soup – 200g, cabbage salad with herbs – 100g;
  • dinner – salad of greens and cucumbers – 200g, steamed bream – 200g, kefir.

Day No. 6, 25 USD

  • breakfast – cheese – 100g, scrambled eggs, unsweetened tea;
  • lunch – fish soup – 250g, stewed zucchini – 100g, cucumber – 1 piece, fried chicken – 200g;
  • dinner – boiled flounder – 200g, salad of sorrel, celery, spinach – 100g, kefir 0%.

Day No. 7, 27 USD

  • breakfast – chicken sausages – 4 pcs., zucchini caviar – 100g;
  • lunch – baked chicken – 200g, meat solyanka – 200g, fortified tea, cucumber salad – 100g;
  • dinner – boiled veal – 200g, tomato – 1 pc., low-fat kefir.

Day No. 8, 30 USD

  • breakfast – scrambled eggs with ham or cottage cheese – 100g, coffee, cheese – 50g;
  • lunch – stewed cauliflower with mushrooms – 100g, beef broth – 200g, cheese – 50g, cabbage salad – 100g;
  • dinner – steak – 100g, cheese 9% – 50g, cucumber – 1 pc.

Day No. 9, 36 USD

  • breakfast – omelet, cheese – 50g, unsweetened coffee;
  • lunch – boiled liver – 100g, steamed chicken – 200g, cabbage salad – 100g;
  • dinner – turkey stew with tomatoes – 200g, lettuce – 50g, kefir 0%.

Day No. 10, 34 USD

  • breakfast - fried eggs of two eggs, boiled porcini mushrooms - 50g, unsweetened tea;
  • lunch – cabbage-beetroot salad – 100g, fish soup – 200g, fried chicken – 200g, tangerine – 1 piece;
  • dinner – cucumber – 1 piece, boiled perch fillet – 200g, low-fat kefir.

The Kremlin diet for 10 days “allows” the consumption of walnuts, peanuts, pumpkin seeds - 70 g, dried fruits (prunes, dried apricots) - 100 g as snacks throughout the day. and grapefruit, apple, orange - 1 pc. During the day, it is important to combine low-calorie ingredients with high-calorie ones, replace animal fats with vegetable ones, sweets with dried fruits, and for breakfast and dinner there are vegetable salads and protein products.

The Kremlin diet for 10 days is an effective way to combat 5-6 extra pounds. If the excess weight is 8 kg, the duration of the low-carbohydrate diet should be extended to two weeks, if 15 kg - to four.

Let us consider in detail the menu for a month and for 14 days.

“Vegetarian” program for 2 weeks

Considering the wide popularity of the food system, which excludes the consumption of animal products, let’s consider one of the variations of “Kremlevka”, adapted for vegetarianism.

For those starting to lose weight, the number of points eaten per day should be 40 USD, and subsequently this figure can be gradually reduced to 20 USD.

Kremlin diet for 7 days, menu for every day

Day No. 1

  • breakfast – boiled cauliflower – 150g, green tea + 1 tsp. Sahara;
  • lunch – vegetarian soup prepared with smoked mackerel (60g) and beans (200g), freshly squeezed – 200ml;
  • afternoon snack – grapefruit – 1 pc.;
  • dinner – green tea without added sugar, boiled shrimp – 120g, boiled cabbage – 150g.

Day No. 2

  • breakfast – stewed porcini mushrooms with zucchini – 150g, ginger tea;
  • lunch – sauerkraut – 100g, boiled flounder fillet – 150g, green tea;
  • afternoon snack – carrot juice – 200ml;
  • dinner – cucumber – 1 pc., boiled porcini mushrooms – 120g (without adding spices, salt), carrot juice – 200ml.

Day No. 3

  • breakfast – rosehip decoction, apple – 1 pc.;
  • lunch – sauerkraut – 70g, buckwheat porridge – 100g, green tea with 1 tsp added. sugar, boiled porcini mushrooms – 70g;
  • afternoon snack – ginger tea;
  • dinner – cucumber – 1 pc.

Day No. 4

  • breakfast – hawthorn infusion + 1 tsp. honey, sauerkraut – 150g;
  • lunch – boiled rice – 60g, steamed squid – 200g, green tea;
  • afternoon snack – boiled shrimp – 3 pcs;
  • dinner – green peas – 100g, boiled perch fillet – 100g, apple – 1 pc.

Day No. 5

  • breakfast – green tea; boiled shrimp – 150g, stewed cabbage – 100g;
  • lunch – mushroom puree soup – 250g;
  • afternoon snack – grapefruit – 1 pc.;
  • dinner – green tea, honey – 1 tsp, boiled porcini mushrooms – 120g.

Day No. 6

  • breakfast – freshly squeezed orange juice – 200ml;
  • lunch – vegetable soup based on carrots, zucchini, cabbage, peas – 200g, ginger tea;
  • afternoon snack – apple – 1 pc or peeled pine nuts – 40g;
  • dinner – sauerkraut or boiled porcini mushroom – 100g, herbal tea.

Day No. 7

  • breakfast – lingonberries – 50g. or tangerine – 1 pc., black tea, 1 tsp. Sahara;
  • lunch – zucchini cream soup – 150g, boiled cauliflower – 80g;
  • afternoon snack – apple – 1 pc. or carrot juice – 200ml;
  • dinner – sauerkraut – 150g, 1 tsp. honey, boiled shrimp - 100g, green tea.

After 7 days of the diet, the weight loss will be 3-5 kg; to lose 8-9 kg, the above menu for a week must be repeated again.

How long can you stay on the Kremlin vegetarian diet?

Due to the lack of animal products in the “plant” diet, in the process of following a vegetable diet, the body will not receive vital enzymes and minerals. Therefore, taking into account the reviews of doctors, it is not recommended to follow this method of losing weight, without harming your health, for more than two weeks.

The 30-day nutritional diet is a complete version of the low-carb weight loss program. It existed back in Soviet times.

The essence of this Kremlin diet: for the first 14 days, follow the menu for 20 USD, from the third week increase the consumption of carbohydrates to 25 points, from the fourth - to 30.

If, during the expansion of the diet, the process of losing weight has slowed down, but the weight remains stable, you need to reduce the number of points consumed per day (example: 1-14 days - 20 USD, 15-21 - 23 USD, 21-28 - 28 USD .), and also exclude forbidden foods (cereals, starchy vegetables, bread, confectionery, carbonated drinks).

The Kremlin diet menu for a month consists of the same products that are included in the “meat” and “vegetarian” nutrition programs.

Instead of sugar, it is better to give preference to low-calorie sweeteners (stevia, isomalt, fructose), dried fruits.

So, the Kremlin diet for 2 weeks is an effective solution to problems you’ve already eaten. The key conditions of this technique: daily counting of carbohydrates eaten, do not sweeten anything, do not overeat, drink 2 liters per day, follow the diet, without making changes to the daily diet.

We are waiting for your photos before and after losing weight using the low-carb method!