Sample menu for a week according to the Kremlin diet. Simple Kremlin diet. How not to gain weight after the Kremlin diet

The sensational Kremlin diet is one of the most controversial modern weight loss methods. On the one hand, nutritionists call it dangerous and harshly criticize it due to the imbalance of the menu. On the other hand, the effectiveness of the system is literally legendary. They say that even high-ranking government officials and pop stars use it. What exactly is this weight loss program? About this - in our material. A complete table of the Kremlin diet, printable version, has also been prepared here.

This diet immediately had an unusual trail in Russia. Information about a certain new super-effective method of losing weight quickly spread by word of mouth. However, for a long time no one really knew what the essence of the diet was. Such mystery has given rise to a lot of versions about the origin of the miraculous method of body correction.

Mystery diet for the elite

It was rumored that this nutritional scheme was a secret program of overseas scientists, which was developed specifically to keep American astronauts in good shape. Further, if you believe the rumors, by hook or by crook, officials from the Russian government managed to get hold of this nutrition plan. The diet was rewritten only for “our own people,” so at first only people close to the authorities could try the new technique. Hence the name - the Kremlin diet.

But you can’t hide a pig in a poke: a secret method of weight loss for a select few has nevertheless gone to the masses. And a detailed plan for the Kremlin’s diet was eventually published in one of the Russian newspapers.

What actually turned out to be the secret technique? The Kremlin way of losing weight is a type of low-carbohydrate diet, when flour, pasta, rice and other high-carbohydrate cereals, sugar, desserts and sweet fruits are removed from the diet. Potatoes, carrots and beets are not allowed. Any legumes and sweet dairy products are prohibited.

The emphasis in the diet is on meat, fish, cheese, low-carb vegetables, eggs. Interestingly, alcohol is allowed. But unsweetened varieties and besides beer. And another unexpected twist: you can have sausages and hot dogs. Many call the Kremlin weight loss an analogue of the popular dietary nutrition system of the American cardiologist Robert Atkins.

The essence of the Kremlin diet is simple: without receiving carbohydrates from food, the body, in search of energy sources, uses internal reserves and processes fat accumulation. Basically, the diet is followed for a month. The average “plumb line” of the first week is 5 kg. In all four weeks you can lose up to 15 kg.

Need to count carbs

The results of the Kremlin diet, of course, depend on the diligence of the person losing weight and the initial weight parameters. Let us note that, depending on the circumstances, the duration of the Kremlin can be reduced to two weeks or, conversely, increased to two months.

This technique has its own “zest”. If people who are losing weight are usually told to count calories, then here you need to keep track of the carbohydrates consumed. For convenience, special tables of carbohydrate content in individual products and ready-made meals have been compiled.

The most dangerous substance for the figure is designated as “cu.” - conventional carbohydrate units. One c.u. equals one gram of carbohydrates per 100 g of product. The total amount of food units eaten per day is summed up into points. For example, in sweet yogurt there is 8.5 USD, in Borodino bread - 40 USD, and in chicken meat - 0 USD.

How much can you eat “cu” to lose weight?

To lose weight, you need not only to remove all prohibited foods from your diet, but also to control the carbohydrate content in other foods. What should be the value of your diet?

  • For intensive weight loss. To start the processes of fat breakdown and adjust the body to the new rules of nutrition, you can eat no more than 20 “points” per day. It is recommended to follow this diet for the first 14 days of the diet.
  • For weight loss without stress. At 40 “points” per day, the weight loss process continues, but with less stress on the body. This number of points must be eaten in the second and third weeks of the Kremlin.
  • To consolidate the result. If the desired weight is reached, then you can maintain your shape by eating according to the principle: 60 c.u. per day.
  • For weight gain. Form building occurs when a person eats over 60 “points” per day.

Reviews of the Kremlin diet indicate that the results are visible even with a gentle approach to reducing the value of food. So, if your menu for 10 days is based on the consumption of 40 USD. day, then it’s quite possible to get rid of six kilos of “ballast”.

3 more rules of the Kremlin diet

The Kremlin weight loss method, in addition to the main condition of calculating carbohydrate points, requires compliance with some more rules.

  1. Eliminate sugar. This product, according to the Kremlin, is even more dangerous than bread. A standard piece of refined sugar exceeds the permissible total daily value. At the same time, hunger will only intensify. Salt and other spices are acceptable, but it is better to keep their quantity to a minimum.
  2. Establish a drinking regime. People who are losing weight need a lot of fluids. The standard recommendation to drink at least two liters of clean, still water per day also works here. Tea and coffee are also available. But fruit juices and sweet soda are prohibited.
  3. Do not abuse. The diet does not limit those losing weight to low protein dishes. But you can’t go overboard with steaks, cheeses and seafood. If the body was not particularly pampered with such delicacies before the diet, then now it will not work in favor of a beautiful figure. Excess protein provokes nitrogen accumulation. A reasonable approach should also be taken when drinking alcoholic beverages. The green light is given to a few sips of dry red wine, not a bottle of cognac.

The Kremlin diet does not insist on fractional meals. In conditions where all foods need to be weighed and their value calculated, it is difficult to organize five or six meals. Therefore, the best option is to divide the daily norm. for three “tables”. Using this method, a late dinner is acceptable.

Kremlin tables: print and count points

Despite carbohydrate restrictions, the menu of the Kremlin diet is still varied. Therefore, sitting on the Kremlin is quite feasible. And, by the way, it’s inexpensive. The diet is basically comparable to the usual diet of a losing weight family, and the recipes for the Kremlin diet are quite standard. Like scrambled eggs or borscht.

But what really irritates many people is the need to weigh or measure the amount of food. After all, the Kremlin tables display the contents of currency units. per 100 g of product. Calculations of the amount of carbohydrates in popular foods and dishes can be found below.

Table - Carbohydrate value of individual products according to the Kremlin diet. The calculation is based on the amount of carbohydrates in 100 g of product

This is the full version of the Kremlin diet tables, which is suitable for printing. It is convenient to work with the printed version if you highlight the least carbohydrate food items in a separate color. Then you can quickly navigate and correctly formulate your menu for a month of weight loss.

How to create a menu: an example of a weekly Kremlin diet

The Kremlin diet menu for one week is compiled day by day by the person losing weight, who has all the low-carb meal options at his disposal. Before cooking, check your food supplies with the Kremlin tables.

To avoid starvation, choose the most nutritious foods with the lowest c.u. Below is an example of the Kremlin diet menu for a week for the stage of intensive weight loss, when the daily amount of carbohydrates should be around 20 USD.



  • Scrambled eggs from three eggs - 1.5 c.u.
  • Lettuce leaves with pickles, 100 g - 2 c.u.
  • Coffee - 0 USD


  • 250 g of meat solyanka - 3.75 USD
  • 150 g of boiled fish - 0.u.
  • 100 g of zucchini stewed in sour cream - 6 c.u.
  • Tea - 0 USD


  • 250 g of boiled chicken - 0.u.
  • 100 g seaweed - 1 c.u.
  • 100 g low-fat kefir - 4 c.u.

Total: 18.25 USD



  • Two boiled eggs - 1 c.u.
  • Coffee - 0 USD


  • 200 g of borscht without potatoes - 8 c.u.
  • 100 g of fresh cucumbers - 3 c.u.
  • Tea - 0 USD


  • 150 g of boiled fish - 0.u.
  • 200 g of stewed champignons - 0.2 c.u.
  • Tea - 0 USD

Total: 19.5 USD



  • Beefsteak - 0 USD
  • Two boiled eggs - 1 c.u.
  • 15 g walnuts - 2 c.u.
  • Coffee - 0 USD


  • 150 g of meat okroshka on kefir - 6 c.u.
  • 150 g of salad of tomatoes, cucumbers and stewed champignons - 6 USD
  • Tea - 0 USD


  • 200 g of fried fish - 0.u.
  • Two boiled eggs - 1 c.u.
  • 100 g of dietary cottage cheese - 3.3 USD
  • Tea - 0 USD

Total: 19.3 USD



  • Two boiled eggs - 1 c.u.
  • 200 g milk sausages - 1 c.u.
  • 100 g of Hercules porridge - 10 c.u.
  • Coffee - 0 USD


  • 250 g chicken broth with meat - 0.u.
  • 200 g of boiled chicken liver - 3 c.u.
  • 100 g of fresh tomatoes - 4 c.u.
  • Tea - 0 USD


  • 200 g of boiled fish - 0.u.
  • Two boiled eggs - 1 c.u.
  • Tea - 0 USD

Total: 20 USD



  • 200 g of fried fish - 0.u.
  • 100 g low-fat cottage cheese with 50 g raspberries - 7.3 c.u.
  • Coffee - 0 USD


  • 250 g of mushroom solyanka - 3.75 USD
  • Tea - 0 USD


  • 200 g of boiled squid with sour cream - 9.5 USD
  • Tea - 0 USD

Total: 20.55 USD



  • Scrambled eggs from one egg - 0.5 USD
  • 100 g of cervelat - 0.2 c.u.
  • 50 g of fresh apple puree - 4.75 USD
  • Coffee - 0 USD


  • 200 g of kharcho soup with meat - 11 USD
  • 150 g of boiled tongue - 0.u.
  • 50 g of cheese - 0.75 USD
  • Tea - 0 USD


  • 150 g of boiled fish - 0.u.
  • 100 g low-fat cottage cheese - 3.3 c.u.
  • Tea - 0 USD

Total: 20.5 USD



  • 100 g of beef sausages - 1.5 USD
  • 100 g of Russian cheese - 0.u.
  • Coffee - 0 USD


  • 200 g pickle - 12 c.u.
  • 150 g shish kebab - 0 USD
  • 100 g of fresh tomatoes - 4 c.u.
  • Tea - 0 USD


  • 200 g of fried fish - 0.u.
  • 75 g of salad of tomatoes, cucumbers and stewed champignons - 3 c.u.
  • Tea - 0 USD

Total: 20.5 USD

About the risks: problems with immunity, mood and sleep

The Kremlin diet has both supporters and opponents. It is impossible, for example, to deny the positive feedback from celebrities about this technique. Thus, according to the principles of the Kremlin, American singer Madonna, British actress Catherine Zeta-Jones, and American screen star Jennifer Aniston adjusted their weight.

But doctors do not share enthusiasm for low-carbohydrate diets, especially long-term ones. And they talk about the other side of the coin. What harm can Kremlevka cause to your health?

  • Malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract. Natural digestive processes may be disrupted. High risk of constipation and problems with gas removal. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract affect the condition of the skin and hair. Sleep disturbances are recorded.
  • . The Kremlin diet menu is rich in cholesterol, which can cause deterioration in the condition of blood vessels and the heart.
  • Weakening of the immune system. By limiting the amount of vegetables and fruits, we reduce the amount of vitamins that are necessary for the normal functioning of the immune system.
  • The condition of a “heavy” head. Lack of sweet foods affects brain activity. There is a feeling of inhibition. In addition, sweets are needed to produce the happiness hormone. Therefore, without receiving them, those losing weight are often in a depressed mood.

There are, however, nutritionists who share the Kremlin’s weight loss strategy. Such doctors say that consuming small amounts of carbohydrates is a natural norm for the human body, which has been disrupted by progress. So, our ancestors ate mainly the meat of animals and birds, and ate seafood. And carbohydrates were “scooped” in modest amounts from berries and plants. Milk, bread, flour products - all this appeared on the table later, and it is quite possible to do without it.

Now you have at your disposal a complete table of ready-made meals for the Kremlin diet, as well as information about the possible results of such weight loss and potential risks. This method works, but is not very convenient and may be unsafe. Therefore, before starting Kremlevka, you should definitely consult a doctor. The diet is strictly contraindicated for pregnant and nursing mothers, as well as for those with cardiovascular diseases and problems with the stomach and kidneys. Even physically healthy people can practice such a dietary marathon no more than once a year.

Low-carbohydrate diet menu for 7 days: table, recipes and pitfalls for quick weight loss 12453 Atkins diet: description and detailed menu for 14 days show more

The Kremlin diet has been known for many years, and a sufficient number of people have lost weight with its help. But initially this method of losing weight was classified and used only by American astronauts and pilots to keep themselves in perfect physical shape. And only after the diet was published and gained a large army of fans.

The diet got its name because representatives of the Moscow city administration decided to try it on themselves and then confirmed its effectiveness. Yuri Luzhkov was one of the first to experience this method of losing weight and confirmed the positive talk about the diet.

The weight loss system has gained such popularity due to the fact that it is not so difficult to adhere to. In short, this method of losing weight involves reducing your carbohydrate intake. And you don’t have to limit yourself to protein foods. You can eat fish, meat or poultry.

Basic principles

The main advantage of the diet is that you can eat a large number of foods that are allowed, and they very effectively remove the feeling of hunger. The effect of the diet begins at the moment when someone losing weight sharply reduces the amount of carbohydrates in their diet. As the usual norm decreases, the body begins to expend energy from fat reserves, which is present in the body.

When you start using the diet, you should initially consume no more than 20 grams of carbohydrates per day. To calculate this amount, you need to use a special table. After 2 weeks, you can expand your diet and consume 40 grams of carbohydrates per day. When the diet ends, you need to exit it correctly in order to maintain good physical shape. After this, you need to consume no more than 60 grams of carbohydrates per day every day. Only if you adhere to a proper and healthy diet and after completing the weight loss course, you can maintain the results obtained for a long time.

Unlimited food portions, no need to go hungry. This will certainly please a large number of people losing weight. But it is still necessary to observe moderation in everything. If you consume several kilograms of permitted foods, then weight loss, of course, will not occur. Don't overeat. It is better to eat small portions of those foods that are allowed.

Products and points

If hunger begins to torment you greatly, you can start eating food a little earlier than planned. But you should not try to stretch the stomach walls. It is also necessary to remember that food intake must be limited 3-4 hours before bedtime. . Eating at night is a bad habit. This is only allowed for athletes who are building muscle mass. The average person shouldn't do this.

Be sure to exclude from your diet the following foods:

  • potato;
  • bread;
  • flour dishes;
  • sweets;
  • sugar.

It is better to wean yourself and not sweeten your food. It is advisable to drink tea without sugar and various sweets. If this seems like an impossible task, then first you need to use sweeteners, and then I try to completely eliminate all sweets from my diet.

Possible every day use without fear the following products:

  • fish;
  • meat;
  • eggs;
  • vegetables.

And all other products that contain low carbohydrate content are also allowed. If you want to eat sausages, frankfurters and sausages, you will have to buy these products of the highest quality, but they are very expensive. Cheap sausages contain a lot of chemicals and dyes, which is why they need to be discarded.

If you want to gain muscle mass during a diet, then you need to consume more than 60 grams of carbohydrates per day. But it is better not to use a weight gain program while undergoing a weight loss course. After all, diets are intended for a different purpose.

To correctly create a menu for yourself for the week, you need use a special points table, which will indicate the amount of carbohydrates in 100 g of product. Such a table is simply necessary in order to calculate everything correctly and not disrupt the diet.

If you are using this diet for weight loss, then you should not consume more than 30-40 points (grams) of carbohydrates per day. To maintain the same weight, you need to consume 50-60 points per day. To gain weight consume 60 points per day.

The points table will be given below. You need to check your food daily to ensure you are eating properly.

Least points have:

  • fish;
  • seafood;
  • meat;
  • mushrooms;
  • vegetables;
  • dairy products.

All this shows that the diet is not as strict as it might seem. If you follow all the rules and keep track of your points when eating, you can very soon get rid of the hated kilograms, and foods that allow for a varied menu will not let you go hungry at all. This means that diet is not torture for a person.

Some seasonings also have a low number of points, and therefore they can be added to foods so that the food does not turn out bland and tasteless.

Those with the most points have flour products, nuts and sweets. All this must be abandoned without fail.

Nutritional Features

The menu for each day must be compiled using a special table, where carbohydrates are displayed in points. Below will be a list of basic products, the calorie count of which is expressed in the form of points. One gram of carbohydrates is equal to one conventional unit. If you decide to use this diet for weight loss, then you need to strictly adhere to this table and remember the points of the most used products. This makes it easier to prepare food without being distracted by searching for products in a list with conventional units.

Using a list will also be useful in that you can immediately find out which products you need to give up.

Products of the Kremlin diet with points:

  • Beef - 0;
  • pork - 0;
  • fish - 0;
  • chicken - 0;
  • cheese - 0;
  • vegetable oil - 0;
  • tea - 0;
  • salt - 0;
  • eggs - 1;
  • butter - 1;
  • coffee - 1;
  • sausage - 2;
  • cucumbers - 3;
  • cottage cheese - 3;
  • kefir - 4;
  • tomatoes - 4;
  • carrots - 5;
  • milk - 5;
  • cabbage - 5;
  • onion - 8;
  • orange - 8;
  • beets - 9;
  • apples - 10;
  • pears - 10;
  • potatoes - 16;
  • bananas - 21;
  • beans - 47;
  • wheat bread - 48;
  • buckwheat - 56;
  • sweets - 59;
  • corn - 60;
  • rice - 60;
  • millet - 67;
  • pasta - 68;
  • cookies - 69;
  • flour - 71;
  • sugar - 100.

These are just the most common products, and full table Kremlin diet with all food components can be easily found on the Internet.

Stages of the Kremlin diet

Compliance with the diet system is divided into several time periods:

Possible mistakes

Very often people make the same mistake when following a diet. They eat very little, but often. To effectively lose weight using this system, you need to eat two to three times a day. in full portions, and between meals you need to make several snacks. Such rules for eating food will contribute to normal digestion and saturation of the body with energy.

Menu for the week

Below is a sample menu for the week, which can be used exactly as indicated in the article or modified slightly, but in compliance with the necessary requirements. To create the right diet, you need to study the above table and check it daily to eat only those foods that contain low amounts of carbohydrates.

The menu is not too strict If you are losing weight, you can sometimes use, for example, olive oil, which is prohibited in most diets.

To more effectively get rid of extra pounds and achieve a slim figure and attractiveness, you should never deviate from your diet.

Kremlin diet menu for the week:


  1. At breakfast you need to eat 100 g of cheese, as well as scrambled eggs, consisting of 4 eggs.
  2. For lunch, you need to prepare a squid salad, add 100 grams of olives, as well as 150 grams of pike perch fillet.
  3. In the afternoon you can snack on an apple. For dinner you need to eat one tomato, boil 200 g of chicken, and eat 200 g of unsweetened yogurt.

The total number of points is 38.


Thus, we gain 22 points per day.


  1. After waking up boil two eggs and eat 100 grams of cheese.
  2. Dinner. We prepare 100 g of vegetable salad, as well as 100 g of shish kebab.
  3. For an afternoon snack we eat 10 black olives.
  4. Dinner. One tomato, 200 g of boiled fish and 200 g of unsweetened yoghurt.

A total of 24 points.


The total number of points is 32.


  1. In the morning after waking up we eat 200 g low-fat cottage cheese.
  2. For lunch we prepare a tomato salad, as well as pork loin, which is fried with an egg.
  3. For an afternoon snack we eat 30 grams of peanuts.
  4. For dinner you can drink 200 grams of dry red wine, eat 100 grams of cheese and 200 grams of boiled fish. You also need to prepare 200 g of lettuce and drink 200 grams of yogurt.

In total we get 29 points.


The total is 32 points.


  1. After waking up we eat 4 premium sausages and 100 grams of squash caviar.
  2. For lunch we prepare 200 grams of green leaf salad and 200 grams of grilled chicken.
  3. For an afternoon snack there will be 30 grams of walnuts.
  4. For dinner we prepare 100 grams of tomatoes and 200 grams of boiled meat, and you also need to drink 200 grams of yogurt.

We get 33 points.

Such a weight loss system is most likely not suitable for people who are actively involved in sports, since physical activity should be moderate rather than constant and heavy. You can only engage in light sports, which will have a positive effect on a person’s appearance, as well as improve health, metabolism will return to normal, and digestive problems will be eliminated. You can find many other recipe options on the Internet, where there will be detailed descriptions, photos and everything you need to simplify the cooking process.


Absolutely every diet has its own contraindications, which need to know in advance just before use.

  1. If you have chronic diseases of the stomach, kidneys, heart, blood vessels, diabetes mellitus and other serious diseases, you should first consult your doctor. He will help you create a menu taking into account the individual characteristics of your body.
  2. Under no circumstances should the diet be used by pregnant or breastfeeding women.

In other cases there are no more restrictions. You just need to approach your diet wisely and not go to extremes. You can't force your body. It is necessary to remember that it is most effective to lose excess weight in slow steps. This will not lead to a deterioration in the functioning of the body, and the weight will not return after finishing the diet.

The famous protein diet is called “Kremlin”. It has many adherents, as well as negative reviews, so it is important to understand how such a diet helps.

The basic principle of such a dietary menu is minimal consumption of carbohydrates and replacing them with protein foods. This helps many people maintain an ideal figure and lose a significant amount of kilograms.

The essence of the Kremlin diet

This method of losing weight is also called the “diet of Kremlin residents” or “Kremlinka”. It is impossible to name the exact author of this food system and say for sure whether it refers to Soviet party leaders.

The idea itself is rather similar to the R. Atkins diet or the diet of American astronauts. It allows you to lose 3-5 kg ​​in a week, and in a month some people manage to lose 10-15 kg.

As a result of a sharp decrease in the consumption of carbohydrate-containing foods, organs and tissues begin to break down fat deposits, turning them into energy. The menu includes a variety of meat dishes, and they do not interfere with active weight loss.

Features of dieting

During the Kremlin, it is important to follow certain principles:

  1. Some alcoholic drinks are allowed. You can drink vodka, a little brandy and red wine in moderate doses. After drinking alcohol, your appetite usually increases, so it is important to observe moderation.
  2. The diet is not limited to just a few dishes. Protein foods and meat are not limited, especially in the first stages of the diet menu.
  3. Internal fat accumulations begin to gradually break down, since the body receives little carbohydrates, from which energy was previously produced. Organs begin to look for their own reserves.
  4. Physical activity helps you lose weight faster. This principle is identical for many diets. For those losing weight, it is better to walk more, ride a bike, swim in the sea during the season or in the pool, do gymnastics or exercises at home. This is especially important if you have a sedentary job.
  5. You cannot eat food uncontrollably. A portion of protein food (eggs, fish, meat) should not take up the entire plate. It is enough to eat as much as fits in the palm of your hand.

Body volumes begin to noticeably decrease already in the first week of the Kremlin diet. The effectiveness decreases slightly over time, but with long-term adherence there is still progress.

The benefits and harms of the Kremlin diet

This nutritional system for obesity has its advantages, but sometimes it can cause irreparable harm to the body. Among its advantages it is important to note:

  • varied diet;
  • cleansing the gastrointestinal tract from toxins;
  • effective and safe weight loss;
  • improving the condition of the skin;
  • there is no need to starve.

Among the disadvantages there are contraindications due to the state of the body. The Kremlin's nutritional system is harmful to those who suffer from chronic kidney disease, diabetes, gastritis, peptic ulcers, and cardiovascular pathologies. It cannot be observed during lactation and pregnancy.

Carbohydrate-free nutrition according to the Kremlin system helps not only to lose weight, but also to improve the health of the body. Blood pressure and bad cholesterol levels are reduced, organs and tissues are cleansed of toxins, but the main thing is the reflection in the mirror, which pleases and brings pleasure.

If for some reason “Kremlevka” is contraindicated for you, then Elena Malysheva’s diet may be suitable

Stages and rules of losing weight

Several time periods can be distinguished in the Kremlin diet:

  1. First 2 weeks. Consume no more than 20 grams of carbohydrates per day.
  2. For the next 4-6 weeks, consume 5 grams of carbohydrates per day, but not more than 40 per week.
  3. At the 3rd stage, another 10 grams per week are added, but not more than 60 grams.
  4. At the last stage, it is important to save the result. Eat regular food, but limit your intake of carbohydrate foods.

The menu initially includes meat and fish dishes, boiled eggs and cheese.

It is important to exclude potatoes, sweets, pasta, fruits, starchy vegetables, sugar, baked goods and cereals, and from drinks - beer, sparkling wines, sweet soda and coffee.

Kremlin diet: points

One gram of carbohydrates in this diet is equal to 1 point. This level cannot be exceeded by more than 40 per day. Only with this indicator is active weight loss possible.

Up to 60 points – the weight will be stable and grows at 60 points. In accordance with the volume of carbohydrates during the day, you can choose a suitable diet for yourself, but do not exceed it.

Kremlin diet: table by food

The convenience of the selected table is that each product has its own score (per 100 grams of product):

  • wheat bread – 50;
  • milk – 5;
  • potatoes – 16;
  • cottage cheese – 15;
  • yogurt or kefir – 3;
  • sour cream – 4;
  • wheat cereal – 66;
  • buckwheat – 65;
  • beer – 12;
  • pasta – 69;
  • egg (1 pc.) – 0.5;
  • boiled meat (chicken) – 0;
  • sausages – 1.5-2;
  • shrimp, any fish – 0;
  • mussels – 5;
  • cabbage, eggplant, pepper – 5;
  • carrots – 7;
  • avocado, cucumbers – 3;
  • radishes – 4;
  • pears, apples – 10;
  • melon, watermelon – 9;
  • onions – 5;
  • kiwi, plum – 10;
  • tea – 0;
  • walnuts – 12;
  • chocolate – 50-54;
  • sugar – 100;
  • honey – 75;
  • cookies – 75.

To begin with, you should try the diet for 10 days. You can create a set menu from the above products and stick to it.

It is important to eat at least 3 times a day, and if necessary, then have light snacks so that acute attacks of hunger do not occur.

What to cook daily

Dried fruits, jam and sweets are contraindicated with this diet. They are rich in glucose and quickly broken down carbohydrates. The lowest carbohydrate sweet products are ice cream (33 points) and applesauce (12 points).

Among vegetables, Kremlevka does not favor legumes, potatoes and melons, which contain a lot of carbohydrates. The minimum requirement is for lettuce, any type of cabbage, fresh greens, and green beans.

During the diet, you are allowed to eat sausage - boiled, smoked, boiled sausages and frankfurters. They include only 2.5 points per 100 grams. Among dairy products, it is not advisable to eat glazed cheeses and heavy cream, as well as sweet condensed milk.

Sour cream, homemade cheese, hard milk cheese, and butter are allowed. Offal, fish and meat delicacies are suitable as base products.

They can be served dried, boiled and even fried. Canned vegetables, fish in tomato and canned meat are allowed.

The maximum amount of carbohydrates includes cereals and bread made from different flours. In the points table they have the maximum indicators. Wheat bread has the greatest value - rye bread has the least value. Followers of the diet eat boldly:

  • entrecote;
  • beef;
  • chicken;
  • lamb;
  • steak;
  • pork

They are prepared in different ways - stewed, boiled, fried, grilled, and vegetables are added. Among the hot first courses, you can prepare chicken and meat broths, cabbage soup with sorrel, stews with sauerkraut and solyanka, okroshka, milk soups with pumpkin, rice, and pasta are also suitable.

Do not overuse tomato, pea, or mushroom soup.

The most difficult thing for beginners is to survive on a protein diet for the first week.
It is recommended to take vitamin supplements and drink more plain clean water:

Monday (19.5 points)

In the morning: chicken egg, boiled sausages, tea.

Lunch: chicken lean broth, unsweetened tea, salad with mushrooms and vegetables.

Afternoon snack: Low-fat cottage cheese.

In the evening: lettuce, baked fish, low-fat kefir.

Tuesday (21.5 points)

In the morning: A couple of pieces of hard cheese, scrambled eggs, black tea.

Lunch: mushrooms with sour cream, pickle, tea.

Afternoon snack: milk.

In the evening: seaweed, baked fish, unsweetened tea.

Wednesday (20.5 points)

In the morning: cottage cheese seasoned with sour cream, a decoction of medicinal herbs.

Lunch: salted mushrooms, meat soup, unsweetened tea.

Afternoon snack: yogurt or some cottage cheese.

In the evening: sausages with white cabbage, tea.

Thursday (20 points)

In the morning: Sausage with steam omelette, tea without sugar.

Lunch: pork chop, side dish, unsweetened tea.

Afternoon snack: a piece of low-fat cheese.

In the evening: chicken liver, boiled broccoli, unsweetened tea.

Friday (19.5 points)

In the morning: boiled egg, lean cottage cheese, ham.

Lunch: salad with cabbage (sauerkraut or fresh), borscht, tea.

Afternoon snack: fruit.

In the evening: cucumber salad, shrimp.

Saturday (20.5 points)

In the morning: tea and scrambled eggs with fresh tomatoes.

Lunch: green salad, steak, fresh cucumber, unsweetened tea.

Afternoon snack: tomato juice.

In the evening: a couple of boiled sausages, zucchini, tea.

Sunday (20 points)

In the morning: egg, squash caviar, unsweetened tea, boiled sausage.

Lunch: sour cream with mushrooms, fresh broth, tea.

Afternoon snack: whole milk.

In the evening: green salad, boiled breast, compote.

You can put mint in your tea at night, and you can also prepare dishes with olives, garlic and homemade mayonnaise. Take nuts or dried fruits as a snack, but in small quantities.

Recipes for losing weight and following the Kremlin diet

Low carb salad with vegetables and meat

Pork is fried in small pieces in olive oil. Chop zucchini and tomatoes into small pieces and tear green salad leaves. Place pork on top of vegetables. The dressing is a mixture of black pepper, balsamic, low-fat broth, olive oil and mustard.

Beans with garlic

The beans are soaked overnight in plain water. Then it is boiled. The garlic is fried and bacon is added. Season the dish with different spices to taste.

Garlic and onion are fried in oil. Then add plain flour (50 g). Pour in fresh chicken broth and a glass of milk. Then add a mixture of grated cheeses (Adyghe, Russian, Parmesan). Beat the finished dish with a blender and serve with finely chopped onion.

Table with suitable dishes

On average, each dish allowed on the Kremlin menu has its own points:

  • cabbage soup - 2;
  • meat soup-kharcho – 5.5;
  • rice soup – 6;
  • bean soup – 7;
  • soup with mushrooms and barley – 6.5;
  • milk rice soup – 7.5;
  • noodle soup – 6;
  • Solyanka (meat, mushroom) – 1.5;
  • borscht – 4.

The Kremlin's dietary regime does not include calorie counting. It is best to adhere to the table of dishes, which indicates the amount of carbohydrates in them per 100 grams. Within the limits of points allowed per day, it can be used to easily create a weekly or monthly menu.


“Kremlevka” is not allowed during lactation, while expecting a baby, or when:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • pathologies of blood vessels and heart;
  • renal failure;
  • anemia.

In other cases, the diet, with the right routine, shows excellent results, allowing you to lose weight and improve your health, without losing muscle volume, since it is rich in proteins and vitamins.

The opinion of specialists and doctors about the Kremlin diet

Doctors and experienced nutritionists in Russia and abroad consider the Kremlin diet healthy, easy and reasonable. This is a healthy way to get rid of obesity, which rarely leads to breakdowns, since the menu is quite extensive.

Low-carbohydrate nutrition reduces cholesterol, which causes blood clots and strokes, but the main thing is to maintain the achieved result for a long time by exercising and further limiting the consumption of carbohydrate foods, especially bread and sweets.

Common mistakes

Many people try to reduce their carbohydrate intake as much as possible, but this cannot be done. It is better to stick to your meal schedule and the number of points allowed per day. In case of an acute attack of hunger, you can eat a piece of cheese or some nuts.

Do not overload the digestive tract with large amounts of meat. Such protein dishes are combined with salad and vegetables. Visiting the fitness room and doing independent exercise at home is encouraged.

To obtain objective results, it is necessary to measure your weight at the same time of day and with a minimum amount of clothing. Weight may not come off in the first week. It's worth waiting further.

Basic rules of the Kremlin diet

There are several options for how the “Kremlevka” dietary nutrition system appeared and why it is called that. The author of the method is still unknown; many experts claim that the diet is based on the Atkins weight loss system. One of the versions about the appearance of the name is that the delicacies included in the list of permitted products (caviar, hard cheese, sausage and seafood) were available only to the party elite, so the food system began to be called the Kremlin.

Others argue that the technique began to be called that way because of the increased interest of the population in everything related to the lifestyle of party members, that is, it was a kind of marketing ploy.

The diet in question is considered low-carbohydrate; it is imperative to consume large amounts of protein foods. However, you cannot eat this food in unlimited quantities; the optimal daily portion of meat should not exceed the palm of the person losing weight.

Each product is endowed with a value determined by carbohydrate units or, in other words, points. If you do not exceed the daily norm of units during a specific period of weight loss, you can quickly get rid of extra pounds.

Full table of points for the Kremlin

The complete table of the Kremlin diet helps with calculations, in which you can find almost every product and its “cost”.

Products Points Products Points
Fresh fruits and dried fruits
Apricot 9 Dried apricots 51
A pineapple 11,5 Lemon 3
Orange 8 Mandarin 8
Banana 21 Persimmon 13
Figs 11 Apple 9,5
Eggplant 4,5 Radish 3,5
Zucchini 4,5 Salad leaves 2
Potato 16 Beet 9
Corn 20 Asparagus 3
Bulb onions 9 Beans 3
Carrot 7 Cauliflower 4
Tomato 4 Sorrel 3
First meal
Borsch 4 Vegetable soup 16
Pea soup 20 Soup kharcho 5,5
Chicken bouillon 0 Bean soup 7
Solyanka 1,5 Cabbage soup 2
Brynza 0,5 Ice cream popsicle 20
Yogurt 3.2% 3,5 Sour cream 15% 3,6
Kefir 4 Cheese 0,5-2
Butter 1 Dutch cheese 0
Milk 4,8 Cottage cheese 3
Meat, poultry and fish
Steak 1,5 Fish 0
Boiled sausage 0 Pork sausages 2
Turkey 0 Pork chop 0
Doctor's sausage 1,5 Cervelat 0,2
Smoked sausage 0,5 Milk sausages 1,5
Cutlets 13 Shashlik 0
Chicken breast 0 Schnitzel 9
Chicken liver 1,5 Chicken egg 0,5
Side dishes
Buckwheat 62 Rice porridge crumbly 25
Egg noodles 68 Braised cabbage 9
Pasta 20 Barley porridge 66
Second courses
Pancakes 32 Boiled dumplings 13
Vareniki 16 Vegetable stew 10
Stuffed cabbage rolls 7 Curd cheesecakes 18
Roast 10 Meatballs with rice 14
Bagels 58 Doctor's bread 46
Armenian lavash 56 Wheat bread 50
Butter buns 51 Rye bread 34
Nuts and sweets
Peanut 15 Lollipops 70
Apple jam 66 Sugar cookies 74
Regular waffles 65 Sponge cake 63
Walnuts 12 Halva 55
Cashew 25 Chocolate 50
Watermelon 9 Currant 7,5
Raspberries 8 Dried rose hips 21,5
Dry white wine 1 Mineral water 0
Pear compote 18 Tomato juice 3,5
Coffee 0 Tea 0
Pickles, mushrooms and seafood
Porcini mushrooms 1 Table mayonnaise 3
Sauerkraut 5 Pickles 2
Crab sticks 15 Sea kale 1
Shrimps 0,5 Olives 5

The maximum numbers are observed for such items as sweets, jam and dried fruit. Milk and its derivatives, sausages, and hard cheeses have moderate indicators. You can eat fish with different pulps, meat and offal with virtually no danger.

Principles of weight loss according to the system under consideration:

  • Active weight loss occurs if you score no more than 20 points at the initial stage.
  • The kilograms go away if in subsequent periods the diet consists of 40 units.
  • Stability in weight is observed with daily consumption of foods that are generally rated at less than 60 points.
  • If the number exceeds 60, the person begins to gain weight.

It is worth noting that in addition to counting points, you should play sports, but in moderation. This could be walking, swimming in the pool several times a week, cycling, etc. If a person is accustomed to intense exercise, then you can add another + 10-15 units to the established norm.

Kremlin diet - menu options according to points table

In total, the method involves 4 stages of weight loss with different daily points.

First stage

The initial phase of the nutritional system in question usually lasts no more than 14 days. The daily rate of units should not exceed 20 points.

On average, during this period it is possible to get rid of 5 kg, but everything depends on the individual characteristics of the body. Some people manage to lose almost 10 kg, while others find it difficult to get rid of even 2 kg. In the latter case, the stage can be extended if your health allows.

Second phase

At the second stage, it is allowed to introduce berries, some fruits, seeds and nuts. You definitely need to control your weight: if the results are satisfactory, you are allowed to add 5 points per week. The duration of the phase depends on whether the person losing weight is satisfied with the result achieved (usually 2 weeks). If the kilograms do not go away, or the weight begins to grow again, you should return to the beginning, that is, stage 1.

Third stage

Stage 3 needs to be extended for at least 2 months to consolidate the results obtained. The average number of units per day is 60, but it is worth conducting an individual analysis: is there any harm to the figure with such an amount of carbohydrates eaten.

Fourth stage

At the final stage, you can gradually return to your previous gastronomic habits, but within reason. The stage is designed to maintain weight.

A simple menu of the Kremlin diet for a week

For many women, the first week of the Kremlin diet is the most difficult. These 7 days of protein nutrition will show whether the system is effective in a particular case. Recommended number of points per day = 20.

List of prohibited products at this stage:

  • coffee,
  • flour,
  • vegetables containing starch,
  • alcoholic drinks,
  • fruits,
  • everything is sweet.

1 day:

  • In the morning - a piece of cheese, a hot drink, 1 egg, 2 sausages.
  • At lunchtime - salad with mushrooms and any vegetables, chicken broth, green tea.
  • After lunch - no more than 220 g of cottage cheese with 0% fat content.
  • In the evening - a glass of kefir, lettuce leaves, grilled salmon or trout.

The total number of points is 19.5.

Day 2:

  • After sleep - rosehip decoction, cottage cheese with 0% fat content + a few tablespoons of sour cream.
  • Lunch option – tea, pickled mushrooms, kharcho soup.
  • Afternoon snack – a glass of natural yoghurt.
  • Dinner option – 2 sausages + stewed cabbage.

On this day, the menu includes 20.5 carbohydrate units.

Day 3:

  • After waking up - 2 slices of hard cheese, fried eggs, black or green tea.
  • At lunchtime - any tea, mushrooms stewed in sour cream, pickle soup.
  • An afternoon snack option is a glass of low-fat milk.
  • In the evening - salad with seaweed + any boiled fish.

Points per day – 21.5.

Day 4:

  • Morning menu - omelet with sausage and hard cheese, black tea.
  • For lunch - herbal broth, pork chop, noodles.
  • After lunch - a few pieces of hard cheese.
  • In the evening - any tea, chicken liver stewed with sour cream, steamed broccoli.

Number of units per day – 20.

Day 5:

  • Breakfast option - tea, fried eggs with tomato slices.
  • For lunch - lettuce leaves, a hot drink, 1 cucumber and a pork chop.
  • After lunch – natural tomato juice.
  • Dinner option - 2 milk sausages, fried squash or zucchini.

Day 5 diet points = 20.5.

Day 6:

  • After sleep - 2 pieces of ham, 1 egg, no more than 120 g of cottage cheese with 0% fat content.
  • At lunchtime - a hot drink, sauerkraut, a plate of borscht.
  • Afternoon snack – 1 small avocado.
  • In the evening - salad with tomato and cucumber, 200 g of shrimp.

Carbohydrate units of the diet – 19.5.

Day 7:

  • Breakfast – 1 sausage and 1 egg, herbal infusion, squash caviar.
  • Lunch time - hot drink, mushrooms with sour cream, meat-based broth.
  • An afternoon snack option is a glass of fresh milk.
  • For dinner – lettuce leaves + fried or baked breast.

The final day of the week – 20 points.

Kremlin diet for 10 days for the second stage

During this period, you can gradually include foods with low carbohydrate content in the menu. These can be nuts, seeds and berries. The best option is to increase carbohydrates every 7 days by 5 units.

The duration of this stage is about 14 days. At the end of the test, the diet should include foods that total no more than 40 points.

It is important to monitor your weight: if it increases, you must return to the very first stage of weight loss of the Kremlin diet. A sample menu for 10 days is given below.

Day 1:

  • Breakfast - any tea, salad with cauliflower, 2 sausages (7 points).
  • Lunch – barbecue, coffee, salad with mushrooms and vegetables, chicken broth soup (5 units).
  • Afternoon snack – no more than 200 g of cottage cheese without sugar (6).
  • Dinner – tea, seaweed salad, 150 g shrimp (4).

Day 2:

  • After sleep – tea + 2 sausages + fried eggplants (7 units).
  • Lunch time - a bowl of vegetable soup, pork chop, cabbage salad (11).
  • After lunch – 10 olives + coffee (2).
  • In the evening – a glass of kefir + 1 tomato + boiled fish (8).

Day 3:

  • For breakfast – any tea + omelet of 3 eggs with grated cheese (3 points).
  • For lunch - tomato and carrot salad, cabbage soup, grilled chicken (10).
  • After lunch – 25 g of peanuts + a glass of any dry wine (5).
  • In the evening - 3 pieces of cheese, lettuce, boiled any fish with red or white flesh (4).

Day 4:

  • After waking up - a few slices of ham, any hot drink, 2 fried eggs, a piece of cheese (5 points).
  • Lunch option – sorrel cabbage soup, salad with any vegetables and mushrooms, steak (8).
  • Afternoon snack – no more than 120 g of cheese + green tea (2).
  • Dinner option – a glass of tea, boiled breast, 1 medium tomato (6).

Day 5:

  • Breakfast option – 3 sausages, a hot drink, no more than 120 g of zucchini caviar (11 units).
  • At lunchtime - cucumber salad, boiled liver, hot drink, about 180 g of breast (9).
  • Afternoon snack option – 1 tomato + 1 small avocado (6).
  • Before going to bed - a glass of kefir and any boiled meat (4).

Day 6:

  • Breakfast option – 2 stuffed eggs with champignons + coffee + 120 g of dietary cottage cheese (5 units).
  • For lunch - lamb kebab, chicken broth, salad with beets and butter (6).
  • After lunch - roasted peanuts, about 40 g (100 g 15 units), any tea (6).
  • In the evening – fried breast, hot drink, boiled cauliflower (5).

Day 7:

  • After sleep - any kind of tea, a piece of cheese, 2 slices of ham, scrambled eggs from 3 eggs (2 units).
  • Lunch option – salad with beets and cabbage, fried chicken fillet, fish soup (16).
  • Afternoon snack – one tangerine (8).
  • Before going to bed - a glass of kefir, lettuce, boiled fish with red flesh (6).

Day 8, 9, 10

The menu of the Kremlin diet on day 8 is similar to the very first. On the 9th day of following the nutritional system in question, you should follow the diet of the second day. The final day - you need to eat according to the menu for 3 days.

Recipes for the Kremlin diet in its final stages

The final stages are the longest period of the diet. On average, it lasts from 1.5 to 3 months. It is recommended to increase the amount of carbohydrate foods consumed from 40 units (at the beginning of the stage) to 60 (at the end). These numbers are enough to prevent you from gaining extra pounds.

All meat and fish dishes can be eaten with a vegetable side dish. Products such as vermicelli, cereals and potatoes cannot be added to hot dishes, only to the first ones. You still can’t indulge in fat-containing foods and all the sweets. Here are several recipe options for this period.

Roast Turkey with Cheese (2 units)

You will need: 1 protein, 70 g of hard cheese, 230 g of poultry. The turkey is cut into cubes, each of which needs to be dipped in protein and sprinkled with cheese. Fry in a small amount of oil until browned, sprinkle with remaining cheese before serving.

Liver pate (4 units)

Ingredients: any greens, 1 onion, about 200 g of liver, 20 g of unsalted butter, favorite spices, a little salt. The liver is stewed with herbs and chopped onions until cooked. The mixture is crushed in a blender, food processor or meat grinder. Everything is thoroughly mixed, spices and salt are added.

Pros and cons of the Kremlin food system

The Kremlin diet, with a varied menu designed for 1 week or more, has a number of advantages and disadvantages.

The “advantages” include the following:

  • varied diet;
  • noticeable weight loss;
  • lack of debilitating feelings of hunger;
  • getting rid of skin imperfections associated with carbohydrate consumption.

The disadvantages of losing weight include a strict restriction in the consumption of all sweets and the presence of a fairly large list of contraindications.

The main ones:

  • period of lactation and childbearing;
  • peptic ulcers of the digestive system;
  • renal pathologies;
  • disruption of the proper functioning of the intestines;
  • any forms of diabetes.


Often women who have chosen a new food system are faced with the problem of what can be eaten and what is strictly prohibited. Some questions related to the diet in question will help you avoid making mistakes and lose excess weight faster.

Kremlin diet - how many days can you lose weight in?

The first successes can be seen after the first week. If you control your diet, after 3-4 weeks the scales will show the desired figure - as a rule, this is minus 15 kg.

How many points can you eat per day?

First of all, it depends on how much weight the person who is losing weight wants to lose. To actively lose extra pounds you need to eat less than 40 points. Accordingly, fat will be lost more slowly if the number of carbohydrate units is more than 40.

How much can you lose in a week on the Kremlin diet?

Is it possible to use a sweetener on the Kremlin diet?

Sugar substitutes are only allowed if absolutely necessary. You need to make sure that they do not contain lactose, sucrose and fructose. Aspartame is not recommended as a supplement.

Kremlin diet - is it possible to have salt and pickles?

Unlike sugar, salt is allowed in this weight loss method, but within reasonable limits. In addition, it is permissible to eat pickled mushrooms, cucumbers, etc. It is advisable to include these products from the second stage.

Is it possible to eat seeds and bran?

At the initial stage of weight loss, it is not recommended to eat seeds; later they can be gradually included in your diet. Bran is acceptable, since this product does not negatively affect the total daily calorie content.

Is sauerkraut allowed on Kremlevka?

Sauerkraut is rich in useful substances, including fiber and vitamins C. In addition, it has very few points, that is, carbohydrates. The product is recommended for use during this diet.

Stages of the diet and what foods you can eat

The basic principle of Kremlevka is nutrition with a strict restriction of foods high in carbohydrates. Why do people lose weight following this diet? To understand this point, it is necessary to consider some of the physiological and chemical processes that occur in a person when eating food. After eating food, some time passes and it begins to be absorbed by our body. For this process to proceed normally, it must involve carbohydrates, which help break down fats and proteins.

What happens if there are not enough of them in food? With a lack of carbohydrates, proteins and fats do not break down, but they are simply removed from our body. In this case, the body does not receive calories from low-carb foods for vital functions, so it is forced to use up its fat deposits. Hence the conclusion: the less carbohydrates we eat, the faster we lose weight.

A diet based on the above principle will help you remove up to 6 kg of excess weight in 8 days. And by adhering to this nutrition system for 1-1.5 months, you can actually lose 8-15 kg. When compiling a menu, you must use a special calculation system in conventional units. To lose weight, you need to eat no more than 40 USD per day, and to maintain weight at the same level, no more than 60 USD. In the Kremlin diet, 1 USD = 1 g of carbohydrates.

The Kremlin diet is a diet that contains minimal carbohydrates. But high-calorie foods with a high content of protein and fat are present in abundance in the diet of someone losing weight according to this system. This ensures that when following this diet, a person will feel comfortable and not feel hungry. This means that losing weight will be easy and stress-free. You can eat according to this system at any time of the day, but overeating at night is not recommended. What products are allowed to be used to create the menu for this diet?

Fish, meat, eggs, mushrooms, cheese are the basis of food in the Kremlin. The menu can include dishes from pork, poultry, beef, seafood, and different types of fish. It is recommended to eat meat in such a way as not to combine it in one meal with carbohydrate foods (potatoes, cereals, bread). Cottage cheese, nuts, vegetable oil, milk, sour cream, mayonnaise, vegetables (cabbage, lettuce, zucchini, daikon) that contain few carbohydrates, dry wines, whiskey, vodka, unsweetened tea - all this is allowed to eat and drink while following this diet .

You can eat hard cheeses and sausages (preferably without dyes or chemical additives). What can't you eat during the Kremlin diet? The main rule is not to include foods rich in carbohydrates in your diet. This means that fruits, berries, vegetables rich in carbohydrates, pasta, spaghetti, sweets, baked goods, beer, sugary drinks, wines and other foods that contain a lot of sugar should not be included in the menu of those losing weight at the Kremlin.

The Kremlin diet consists of 4 stages:

  1. The initial stage of the diet lasts 14 days. At this time, the daily diet is compiled so that the amount of carbohydrates in it is no more than 20 c.u. To do this, exclude flour, fruits, sweets, and starchy vegetables from the menu. But meat, eggs, fish, cheese, and butter are allowed. During this period, losing weight on the Kremlin diet, some can lose 10 kg, while others can lose 1.5 kg.
  2. From this time on, additional carbohydrates are gradually added to the diet. They add 5 USD per week. The maximum daily dose of carbohydrates that you can afford at this stage is 40 USD. It is important to eat in moderation, not to overeat or starve. In this case, you need to control your weight using scales. If the weight starts to increase, then you need to return to the daily carbohydrate allowance of 20 USD. and repeat the first step. And when you have almost achieved the desired result (another 2 kg remains to be removed), then proceed to stage 3.
  3. It is recommended to follow this diet period for 2-3 months until you completely lose excess weight. The amount of carbohydrates is increased by 10 USD per week. It is advisable to extend this process over a long period of time, because this will help you achieve weight loss faster. At this stage, you should understand what the ideal daily dose of carbohydrates is for you to maintain your desired weight. It is worth considering that for most people the maximum daily dose is 60 USD.
  4. Stick to your daily carbohydrate intake at all times. However, sometimes you have the right to eat a cake or other high-carbohydrate dish. The main thing is not to return to old habits.

Sample menu of the Kremlin diet for 10 days

While losing weight on the Kremlin diet, you will not feel a debilitating feeling of hunger, because your diet will be filled with high-calorie dishes with a minimal carbohydrate content. This ensures that the process of losing excess weight will occur without stress and nervous tension. If you follow this nutrition system, you need to drink up to 2 liters of water. The Kremlin diet menu for 10 days, which is presented below, will help you quickly lose weight.

Diet day

4 sausages (3), cauliflower salad (5), green or black unsweetened tea (0)

a plate of soup with onions and herbs in chicken broth (250 g) (5), shish kebab (lamb) (0), vegetable salad with mushrooms (6), coffee (0)

200 g unsweetened cottage cheese (6)

shrimp (2), 200 g fried sea/river fish (0), tea (0)

omelette made from 4 eggs, cheese (3), tea

a bowl of celery soup (250 g) (8), carrot salad (7), escalope (0), a glass of dry wine

peanuts up to 30 g (5 c.u.)

boiled sea/river fish (0), lettuce (4), glass of dry wine (2), cheese (1),

fried eggplants (5), 3 sausages (0), unsweetened tea (0)

vegetable soup up to 250 g (6), salad with chopped cabbage (5), pork chop (0), unsweetened coffee (0)

10 pieces olives (2)

Boiled sea/river fish (0), tomato (6), up to 200 ml kefir (6)

fried eggs (2 eggs + chopped ham) (1), hard cheese (1), tea/coffee

150 g salad with mushrooms (champignons) and vegetables, (6), soup with celery 250 g (8), beefsteak (0), tea

cheese about 200 g

small 1 tomato (6), boiled chicken (0), tea

cottage cheese 150 grams (5), 2 pcs. boiled eggs stuffed with fried mushrooms (1), tea

beetroot salad with vegetable oil (7), chicken broth (5), lula kebab (lamb) (0), tea

roasted peanuts 30 g (5)

100 cauliflower (boiled) (5), fried chicken breast (0), tea

100 g freshly prepared zucchini/store-bought caviar (8), 4 sausages (3), tea

200 g boiled chicken (0), boiled liver (6), cucumber salad (3), tea

avocado 1 pc. (5)

tomato (6), 200 g boiled meat, (0), 200 g kefir (10)

fried eggs (eggs + ham) (1), hard cheese (1), green/black tea

fish soup with any fish (5), 250 g of chicken fried in a pan (5), beetroot and cabbage salad (6)


boiled sea fish (0), salad dressing (2), kefir 1 tbsp.

food is the same as the menu for day 1

food is the same as the menu for 2 days

food is the same as the 3 days menu

How to use the Kremlin points table

To correctly create a menu for the Kremlin diet, it is convenient to use a table with data on the carbohydrate content of different products. Having such information, it is easy to choose food for the day that would be nutritious and contain the required amount of carbohydrates. The table below shows the carbohydrate content per 100 g of product.

Full table of points for ready meals

The list below will help you navigate and see which products are completely unsuitable for the Kremlin diet menu for the first week. For example, sweets cannot be eaten because they contain more than 20 c.u. White bread contains 48 cu per 100 g, so it is not recommended at the first stage. There are only 2 c.u. in cheeses. in 100 g, in an egg - 0.5 cu, so these products are more suitable for the diet of those losing weight. But yogurt, which contains 16 c.u. in 100 g, it is better not to choose it on the menu for period 1, but sometimes it is appropriate to include it in the diet in periods 3 and 4 of the diet.

Recipes for every day

The low-carb foods you select from the table make it easy to create nutritious and delicious meals. By consuming them, you can lose weight without discomfort or hunger. Try to make your menu varied. You should not give up vegetables completely, because this will have a negative impact on your health. Below are recipes for dishes that are great for eating while following the Kremlin diet.

Creole soup

To prepare meat soup you will need the following ingredients: 200 g chicken, 25 g rice, 40 g onion, 20 g bell pepper, 1 tomato, salt, ground black pepper, celery, 50 g butter, herbs. Trim the poultry meat from the bones, on which to cook the broth. Fry chicken pieces with bell peppers and onions. Then add the prepared broth to the meat and cook until tender. Add cooked rice, chopped tomato and herbs.


To prepare this simple, tasty dish, take 4 egg whites, ½ glass of milk, 30 g of cheese, a little butter, salt, tomato, and herbs. Beat the whites with milk with a mixer or fork. Add some salt. Grease a baking dish with butter and pour the whipped mixture onto it. Place tomato slices, herbs and grated cheese on top. Bake in the oven or microwave. In reviews, those who have lost weight on the Kremlin diet say that this dish is perfect for breakfast.

Find out how to lose weight with a 3 month diet.

Greetings my dear readers! I recently talked about what results can be achieved on the Kremlin diet. The effectiveness of such nutrition depends on the correct choice of menu. This is what I want to talk about. So, the Kremlin diet menu for 10 days, as well as food tables. By the way, they are available for download.

In addition to eating the right foods, it is important to follow the steps of the diet. There are four of them and each has its own duration. If you follow all the recommendations, you will be pleased with the results for many years. The essence of this diet is not just to lose weight, but to reconsider your entire diet. But let's talk about everything in order.

It is designed for at least 10 days, and preferably 14 days. This is the most difficult period, as the body learns to get energy not from carbohydrates. It’s especially difficult for those with a sweet tooth. If you were interested in this diet, you saw that products are rated with points. These are conventional units. Let’s say on the menu you can see “sweet yoghurt” - 8.5 USD. It's not the price. And the amount of carbohydrates per 100 grams. Those. 8.5 USD correspond to 8.5 g. carbohydrates.

At the first stage of the Kremlin diet, you cannot consume more than 20 USD per day. Those. the total amount of carbohydrates eaten should be 20 grams.

In this case, the body will begin to burn fat to obtain the missing carbohydrates. This is how he will replenish his energy reserves.

At this stage, your blood sugar levels will initially drop. It's important to restrain yourself. Because insulin surges lead to the desire to eat chocolate or cake. Those with a sweet tooth will experience a loss of strength, weakness, and possibly drowsiness.

Sometimes in the first days there is even dizziness. Those who had a sweet tooth and breathed evenly before the diet usually tolerate the first stage more easily. Within a few days, glucose levels return to normal.

Don't forget about water. At all stages drink at least 2 liters per day. Coffee, tea, decoctions - without sugar. Mineral water is allowed, but without gas. Carbonated drinks whet your appetite.

What you should not eat at this stage under any pretext:

sweets and pure sugar; berries and fruits are excluded; bakery products, pasta; seeds and nuts; most vegetables (these are legumes, sweet vegetables and those containing starch); cheeses, butter; milk, kefir, yoghurts; any cereals; mayonnaise, as well as any sauces, ketchups, etc.; alcoholic drinks.

You can eat meat, chicken, turkey, fish, and eggs. At the same time, still make sure that the daily carbohydrate intake does not exceed 20 USD. Vegetables you can eat are cucumbers, sweet peppers, and radishes. As well as celery leaves and stalks, any greens such as parsley, dill. You can also use leaf lettuce. Mushrooms are not excluded.

During the induction stage, you can lose from 1.5 to 10 kg. Everything is individual and depends on the initial weight, as well as diet

If in the first two weeks you have lost the lion's share of kg. You can move on to the second stage. If you don’t even have half, the first stage can be extended for another week or two.

At this stage, it is allowed to add another 5 USD in the first week. After a week, add another 5 USD. and so it is possible up to 40 USD. The main thing is to watch your weight.

You can eat everything that was in the first stage. Because the first stage menu is still priority. Plus you can diversify the menu a little. Sweet vegetables are allowed in small quantities: carrots, red bell peppers, tomatoes. Dairy products – choose low-fat and unsweetened ones. Soups, stews, and salads are allowed. Vegetables can be combined with meat, etc.

If you can do without cheeses, avoid them for now. If you really want it, no more than 40 g per day. Again, keep an eye on the scores.

Never skip meals. The break between them should not be more than 4-5 hours. You can’t starve, you’ll make it worse because you’ll slow down your metabolism. You can eat more carbohydrates in the first half of the day. It's better to leave less for dinner.

How long does this period last? Until you have just a couple of kilos left to lose. Only in this case can you move on to the third type of diet.

Stage 3 helps you get rid of the last extra pounds. It will also help you get used to your new diet. In fact, you will have to stick to the menu of this period for the rest of your life. Every week you can add 10 USD. Getting rid of the remaining couple of kg will be very slow. But the weight must come down.

You must determine how many carbohydrates you can consume per day. At the same time, you should not gain weight. Everyone has their own threshold. It depends on metabolism, physical activity, and hormonal levels. As a rule, this value is in the range of 60-100 USD.

You can add potatoes (and other vegetables that contain starch) + sweet fruits + cereals and legumes to the permitted products of the first and second stages.

This diet allows you to slowly reach your desired weight. Familiar products are returning. Now you know how to eat right. Is there any weight left to maintain???? This means it’s time for stage 4.

This stage involves maintaining weight. You are required to stick to the right amount of carbohydrates for you. The most important thing is not to break down and start eating wrong again. Remember that store-bought juice and soda are high in carbohydrates. Give preference to freshly squeezed juices and plain water. And also mineral without gas. Potatoes and flour - we indulge on holidays.

Cereals should also not dominate the diet. If you have a sweet tooth and you really want to exceed your daily carbohydrate intake, go in for sports. If you are actively engaged, you can allow yourself an extra piece of dark chocolate.

I have prepared a very convenient score board for you. It will be useful to you when going through all the stages. The number of points is indicated per 100 g of product. Also pay attention to the packaging of the products you buy. I recommend purchasing a kitchen scale. You can use them to weigh portions. This way you will be sure that you have eaten the right amount of carbohydrates.

I tried to collect as complete a table of points as possible. It turned out to be huge. So it’s better to download it and print it if necessary. According to reviews from those who were on the Kremlin diet, this is very convenient. You leave one sign at home, you can print one and take it with you. If you always have it at hand, you can quickly figure out how much and what you can eat????

The diet is designed for 14 days. You can use it for 10 days or a week. Since the dishes are simple and suitable for ordinary people who don’t really want to bother with cooking. As for the size of the dishes, weigh them on a scale based on the points. You usually get more vegetables, a small piece of meat.

And in order not to gain extra pounds after a diet, I recommend a fat-burning nutrition program from Lana Shi. She offers interesting recipes for dishes that help you lose weight. At the same time, the diet is quite varied. You won't be bored with losing weight with her. Lana shows by her own example what results can be achieved.

In the second and subsequent stages, cooking is no longer so difficult. Because you can gradually add familiar products to the menu. But at the first stage you need to try to cook for 20 USD. per day. At the same time, it should be nourishing and tasty. I have selected interesting recipes for you. They will allow you not to go beyond what is permitted. At the same time, you definitely won’t be hungry.

In the first couple of weeks of the diet, flour is excluded. But who said you can’t make a pancake without it? Take 1 egg. It contains only 0.39 USD. And in 100 g of eggs there is only 0.7 c.u. Whisk it until foamy, add a couple of tablespoons of water. Whisk thoroughly again. Add salt and pepper, don’t get too carried away. Because spices stimulate appetite. Pour into a hot frying pan and fry like regular pancakes.

Since vegetables are prohibited in the first weeks, unsweetened pepper can be added to the soup. Champignons are also not prohibited. For the soup we will need mushrooms - 100 g, peppers - 60 g, chicken fillet - 250 g. And also a little parsley and dill. Mushrooms, peppers and chicken should be cut into cubes and lightly fried. Then boil in 1 liter of water. When the soup is almost ready, add the herbs. You will get a light vegetable soup 0.51 USD. per 100 gr. If you eat only chicken broth with fillet, it’s 0.e.

Beat one egg with a tablespoon of water. Add 1 finely chopped champignon and a couple of pieces of raw smoked sausage. Crumble parsley or dill on top. Maybe spinach. If you make it with parsley it will be 2.13 USD. for the whole dish. If with spinach – 1.3 c.u.

For this soup, take half a kilo of minced meat. Grind it in a meat grinder with two onions. Add a couple of tablespoons of butter. A couple of eggs, as well as salt and pepper to taste. Make meatballs and boil in salted water. Place on a plate, add broth and sprinkle with herbs. For 100 g of such a dish, only 2.2 USD.

This recipe is suitable for the second stage of the diet. When you start to gradually introduce dairy products. You will need 150 g of fillet and 50 ml of 1% kefir. Cut the fillet, salt and pepper. You can sprinkle with parsley and dill. Pour in 50 ml of kefir and 50 ml of water. Leave in the refrigerator for 3 hours. Then put the whole mixture on a hot frying pan and simmer for 15 minutes. It turns out to be 2.6 c.u. for 100 g and very tasty????

Take 200 g of 8% cottage cheese, mix with cinnamon to taste. Add a little vanilla and half a teaspoon of cocoa. Bake at 180 degrees for 20 minutes. 2.2 USD per 100 g.

You can use fillets so you don't have to pick through the fish to remove the bones. The fish must be boiled, then passed through a meat grinder with onions and garlic. To keep the cutlets in shape, you need to add one raw egg. Form into cutlets and fry with minimal addition of oil. For 100 grams - 2.8 USD

Lettuce is allowed in the third and fourth stages. For 4 servings you will need to boil 5 eggs. Take one can of canned fish. 50 g frozen butter. 150-200 g of Russian cheese. You also need homemade mayonnaise without sugar. Grate the ingredients in layers on a coarse grater. Simply mash the fish with a fork.

Place in the following order: white - butter - yolk - cheese - fish

Lubricate each layer with mayonnaise. You shouldn’t get carried away, but the salad will be dry if you don’t add it at all. Do not lubricate the top layer. Per 100 g comes out to 2.4 cu. e.

I hope my recipes will help diversify your menu. As you can see, this diet cannot be called hungry. As a result, you will be able to consume any food. The only limitation for you will be the amount of carbohydrates. But you can live with this. For the holiday, you can drink soda and eat a piece of cake. And in order not to put on kilograms, you will have to go in for sports????

The higher your physical activity, the more often you can treat yourself to sweets. What would it be like without him? Just try to give preference to meat and vegetables. Cereals, fruits, and flour should make up ¼ of your diet. Then your weight will be normal and your mood will be normal too. Be healthy and see you again. Don't forget to subscribe for updates. Bye bye.

Sincerely, Olga Sologub

An effective system of protein monoration for weight loss, the “Kremlin” diet, with its appearance, caused a lot of discussion. The source of the idea was the diet of American astronauts, and the author was Robert Atkins. The principle of losing weight is based on reducing the carbohydrates contained in the diet to almost zero. In the daily menu, you need to count not calories, but the amount of carbohydrates. This weight loss system has helped many people lose weight, but it is not suitable for everyone. What is the essence of this idea, and for whom can it be effective?

The principle of the Kremlin nutrition system is to exclude carbohydrates from food. We will tell you a description of its rules and the whole truth about it in our review.

Where to start for a person who decides to try to lose weight on the Kremlin? Check out the table that contains the basics of this diet. To determine what you can eat on a no-carb diet, look at the carbohydrate content of the food and choose those foods that have the least amount of them. The main diet will consist of meat products and meat, fish, cheese. For the first 2 weeks, the amount of carbohydrates is limited to 20 grams, then they can be gradually increased to 40. The rules prohibit sugar, sweets, and bread products. In addition, you should not eat any cereals or potatoes.

The effectiveness of the Kremlin diet for weight loss is about 10 kilograms in 14 days. Of course, it all depends on the condition of the body losing weight. Although the caloric content of dishes is not limited, you need to eat in moderation, not forgetting about physical activity. Then the result will be most effective.

Many people are interested in the question: is the Kremlin diet harmful? Like any power system, it has its pros and cons.

effective weight loss; skin problems associated with carbohydrate consumption go away; no need to starve, you can eat to your fill; varied diet.

the presence of contraindications for health reasons; it is difficult for sweet lovers to comply with restrictions.

The Kremlin diet can only cause harm to people with the following diseases:

chronic kidney diseases; cardiovascular diseases; diabetes; gastritis; stomach and duodenal ulcers; intestinal problems; pregnancy and breastfeeding.

The consequences of a carbohydrate-free diet for a healthy person are only positive: excess weight goes away, the skin clears, and the level of “bad” cholesterol decreases. Try eating protein foods for a week first, then, having achieved a positive result in losing weight and listening to your health condition, extend the protein menu for another week. Continue this way for a month and you will achieve positive and sustainable weight loss results!

Compliance with the Dr. Atkins nutritional system is divided into the following time periods:

Stage 1 of the diet lasts 2 weeks, and the total amount of carbohydrates that can be consumed per day is 20 grams; the duration of stage 2 depends on the rate of weight loss (usually from 4 to 6 weeks). At this stage, you can add 5 grams of carbohydrates per week until you reach 40, and if the weight continues to decrease, then you can move on to the next stage of weight loss; at stage 3, 10 grams are added per week. The total amount of carbohydrates in food daily should not exceed 60 grams; stage 4 is aimed at maintaining the achieved weight loss result and involves eating regular food while maintaining a limit on carbohydrate intake.

The first stage of the diet is especially difficult and important. During this period, the body adapts to expend energy obtained not from food, but from the existing reserve of fat deposits. By following all the restrictions, you can lose up to 10 kg in 14 days. The first stage menu consists of proteins and fats: fish, meat, cheese, eggs. At the first stage of the diet, alcohol, coffee, sugar and sweets, fruits, nuts, and potatoes are excluded from the menu.

Recipes for the first stage should contain a minimum amount of carbohydrates. For example, a meat salad with vegetables contains about 4 grams. To prepare it you need to take the following ingredients:

100 gr. pork; tomato; zucchini; 50 gr. leaf lettuce.

Season the chopped pork with salt and fry in olive oil. Chop the tomatoes, zucchini, tear the lettuce leaves and mix. Place the cooked meat on top. Season with a mixture of olive oil, black pepper, mustard, broth and balsamic vinegar.

Using a table that shows the amount of carbohydrates in products, a rating is compiled by points, that is, the product is given exactly as many points as the number of grams of carbohydrates it contains.

When creating a diet for weight loss, proceed from the number of points contained in each food product, in accordance with the points table. It is detailed enough to create a diet for any period.

Bread products
pita 56
Rye bread" 34
bagels 68
bread "Borodino" 40
bun 58
wheat bread 50
glazed cheese 32
curd 15
cream 4
cheese 2
milk 5
kefir or natural yogurt 3
low fat cottage cheese 1,5
mayonnaise 4
yogurt with fillings 8,5
sour cream 4
butter 1,5
Porridge, pasta, legumes
pasta 69
buckwheat 65
rice 71
pearl barley 66
split peas 50
Wheat groats 66
beans (white and red) 46
semolina 67
oatmeal 49
Poultry meat, eggs
egg 1 pc. 0,5
chicken (boiled fillet) 0
liver 1,5
Meat, sausages
salo 0
boiled meat 0
liver 0
boiled sausage (smoked) 1,5 (2)
sausages (sausages) 1,5 (2)
Fish, seafood
mussels 5
caviar 0
any fish 0
shrimps 0
sea ​​kale 1
squid 4
Fresh vegetables and herbs
tomatoes, zucchini 4
cucumbers, avocado 3
cabbage, bell pepper, eggplant 5
parsley, dill 8
beet 9
pumpkin 4
potato 16
onion 9
carrot 7
garlic 5
radish 4
cilantro 8
green onions 3,5
lettuce leaves 2
boletus, chanterelles, russula 1,5
boletus, saffron milk caps, honey mushrooms 0,5
Champignon 0,1
salted mushrooms 1,5
dried mushrooms 13
Fruits, berries
watermelon melon 9
oranges 7
a pineapple 11
apples, pears 10
bananas 21
lemon 3
peach 9
prunes 57
plum, kiwi 10
persimmon 13
raisin 68
dried apricots 57
currants, raspberries, blueberries 8
cherry compote 24
Apple juice 7,5
Orange juice 12
tea 0
grape juice 14
apple compote 19
beer 12
tomato juice 3,5
coffee 0
dry wine 1
strong drinks (vodka, cognac, whiskey) 0
Nuts, spices
spices 0,1
cashew 25
walnuts 12
Pine nuts 10
almond 11
sunflower seeds 18
pistachio nuts 15
peanut 15
cinnamon 0,5
hazelnut 15
vanilla 1
ginger 0,8
mustard 0,5
ground pepper 0,5
sugar 100
honey 75
chocolate candies 51
dark chocolate 50
milk chocolate 54
paste 80
marmalade 76
waffles 65
cookie 75

To understand whether such a diet is right for you, it is advisable to try to stay on it for 10 days. Remember your weight before you start losing weight and weigh yourself after 10 days of no-carb eating. If you easily endured it and the result of losing weight is obvious, continue in the same spirit. When creating a menu for 10 days, use a table with points and recipes for ready-made dishes.

First, create a menu for the week. Select ingredients with fewer points from the table and cook according to your favorite recipes.

When choosing recipes, exclude dishes made from potatoes, all types of cereals and some vegetables that are high in carbohydrates. For example, a recipe for beef with mushrooms includes the following ingredients:

beef (200 g); 50 g of fresh oyster mushrooms and 50 g of any canned mushrooms; 100 g of asparagus; beef broth; cream; cognac.

Boil asparagus in salted water. Chop the mushrooms and fry in butter. Lightly fry the beef in butter and remove from the pan. Pour 50 g of broth, cognac, cream into the remaining butter, sprinkle with spices and boil lightly. Serve the meat with mushrooms and asparagus with the resulting sauce.

On every day

The Kremlin's recipe for weight loss is quite simple: eliminate prohibited foods and consume permitted ones. You don't even need to limit yourself to the size of your portions, but you shouldn't overeat either. While following dietary restrictions, start doing sports or fitness.

The process of losing weight on the Kremlin diet is quite intense, so without regular physical activity, your skin may lose its elasticity and your muscles may become flabby!

Don't forget to drink up to two liters of clean still water daily. Once you start following the Kremlin system for losing weight, create a sample menu based on the daily number of points. Use the points table for popular dishes or experiment with new recipes.

cutlets 9
dumplings 13
chicken broth 0
squash caviar 8
pea soup with meat 20
vegetable soup 16
noodles 6
cabbage soup 12
mushroom soup 15
borsch 4
pickle 6
meat broth 0
lecho 18
canned corn 14
roast 10
stewed liver 8
pilaf 18
kharcho 5,5
meatballs 14
cabbage rolls 8
mushrooms with sour cream 3
stewed cabbage 5
the vinaigrette 8
mashed potatoes 16
fried potatoes 24
vegetable stew 10
vareniki 16
pasta casserole 15
syrniki 18
pancakes, pancakes 32
vegetable pepper 11
canned fish 0
seaweed 4
canned beans 15
olives 6
ice cream 24
quiche 62

Since the list of permitted products is quite large, it is possible to create a wide variety of diets for every taste. Recipes for every day.

Chicken salad “Fantasy” (4 b/100 g): you will need 200 g. canned pineapple, 350 gr. Chinese cabbage, 200 gr. chicken fillet, mayonnaise, green onions. Cut the boiled chicken fillet into cubes, add shredded cabbage, diced pineapple and green onions. Mix everything with mayonnaise. Multi-colored salad (4.5 b/100 g): you will need 200 g for a group. potatoes, 0.5 kg boiled beef, 200 gr. cucumbers, 1 red bell pepper, 1 yellow bell pepper. Cut the vegetables into equal pieces. Chop the raw beef and fry in a deep frying pan in vegetable oil. Add potatoes and continue to cook for 5 minutes. Add chopped cucumbers and fry for another 2 minutes, stirring thoroughly. Remove the pan from the heat, add chopped peppers and mayonnaise. Liver pate (4 b/100 g). Fry the onions, add beef or chicken liver (200 g) and fry in a frying pan until cooked. Grind the fried liver in a blender, adding butter, herbs and spices.

The first seven days on a protein diet are the most difficult. They will show you if this system is right for you. In the first week, your daily diet should be no more than 20 points. The list of what you eat for the first week should not include sweets, alcohol and coffee. Drink enough water and take a complex of vitamins.

Example of a weekly menu.

Monday (score 19.5). For breakfast - two sausages, one boiled egg, cheese, tea. For lunch - chicken broth, salad with vegetables and mushrooms, tea. Snack – 200 g low-fat cottage cheese. For dinner - fried salmon, lettuce, kefir. Tuesday (21.5). Breakfast – two scrambled eggs, a couple of pieces of cheese, tea. For lunch - pickle soup, mushrooms in sour cream, tea. Snack – a glass of milk. For dinner - boiled fish, seaweed salad, tea. Wednesday (20.5). Breakfast – low-fat cottage cheese with sour cream, rosehip infusion. Lunch – kharcho, salted mushrooms, tea. Snack – yogurt. Dinner – stewed cabbage with sausages, tea. Thursday (20). Omelette with cheese and sausage, tea. Lunch – noodles, pork chop, tea. Snack – cheese. Dinner - boiled broccoli, chicken liver in sour cream, tea. Friday (19.5). Breakfast – low-fat cottage cheese 100 g, egg, ham. For lunch - borscht, sauerkraut salad, tea. Snack – avocado. Dinner – shrimp, cucumber and tomato salad. Saturday (20.5). Breakfast – scrambled eggs with tomatoes, tea. Lunch – steak, cucumber, lettuce, tea. Snack – tomato juice. Dinner – fried zucchini, 2 sausages, tea. Sunday (20). Breakfast – squash caviar, egg, sausage, tea. Lunch – meat broth, mushrooms in sour cream, tea. Snack – milk. Dinner – fried chicken breast, lettuce, tea.

Low carb recipes for the first week.

Meat in cheese and sour cream sauce (1 point/100 g). Take 200 g of veal, 50 ml of sour cream, 50 g of hard cheese, salt and pepper. Fry the meat until crust appears, add sour cream, grated cheese and spices. Simmer the meat with gravy until cooked (about 20 minutes). Chicken kebab (2.5/100 gr.). 500 g chicken fillet, 200 g mushrooms (champignons), mayonnaise, ketchup, spices. Mix ketchup, mayonnaise, salt and spices and marinate diced chicken and mushrooms in this sauce. After half an hour, string the mushrooms and chicken onto skewers and bake in the oven on a grill rack. Cabbage soup in chicken broth (2.6/10 g). Take 300 g of chicken fillet, onion, carrots, tomato, 200 g of sauerkraut. Boil chicken broth. Cut the boiled chicken fillet into cubes. Sauté carrots and onions cut into strips, add chopped tomato, a little broth and simmer. Add the fried vegetables, chopped chicken and sauerkraut to the broth and simmer until the cabbage is soft. Spices and salt to taste.

You want to spend the evening out, and in a public eating place you are afraid to indulge in dessert. Keep in mind that in some cities there are already restaurants that offer their customers a carb-free menu. For example, the Kremlin Diet restaurant (St. Petersburg).

In the first week you should lose three to five kilograms in weight. Once you have achieved positive results, continue to follow the daily 20 grams diet using the table. Diversify your diet with new dishes.

Example of a daily menu:

for breakfast, an omelette with onions and mushrooms, tea without sugar; for lunch, grilled chicken fillet, fresh cucumbers, tea; for an afternoon snack - olives; for dinner, seafood salad, tea with mint.

The value of this menu will be 19 grams.

Or this option:

scrambled eggs with sausages, tea for breakfast; for lunch, pork chop, fresh cabbage salad, tea; snack - 30 g cashews; for dinner, fried eggplants with mayonnaise and garlic, low-fat kefir.

The first 14 days constitute the introductory period. At this time, the most stringent food restrictions are established.

The diet menu for 14 days excludes sugar, pastries, sweets, potatoes, carrots, nuts, fruits, juices (except tomato), alcohol and coffee. To create a diet, the following are welcome: all types of meat, fish, poultry and seafood, eggs, cheeses, cucumbers, green salad, tea and, of course, water. When buying sausages in a store, pay attention to their composition. Manufacturers often replace meat with other components, and these may contain carbohydrates.

After two weeks of a protein diet, if the desired result in weight loss is achieved, move on to the next period, gradually increasing the carbohydrate content in food. Ideally, during this period you will lose up to 10 kg.

A month on protein nutrition includes the menu of the first and second stages. During the two-week introductory period, you are limited to 20 grams of carbohydrates daily. The second two - go to the second period of weight loss, gradually increasing the number of points in food. It can only be increased if weight loss occurs. If during the first 2 weeks you allowed yourself to make mistakes in nutrition and did not achieve the desired result, then return to the daily limit of the first period.

In accordance with the table of permitted products, at the second stage you can expand your diet with cream, processed cheese, and fruits.

For snacks throughout the month, include grilled cheese, a variety of nuts, olives, seeds and avocados. Eating protein and fat for a month can inevitably lead to constipation, so be sure to include more vegetables and bran in your diet.

The list of foods that can be consumed on the Kremlin diet is quite diverse. Allowed foods are all low in carbohydrates: fish, meat, poultry, eggs, cheese, some vegetables. But what to do with our favorite foods?

For example, it is forbidden to eat desserts, because they contain such an amount of carbohydrates that is equal to your daily requirement. That is why at the first stage it is strictly forbidden to use them. In the second and third, when you gradually begin to increase the number of points consumed per day, you can indulge in a low-carb dessert, such as strawberries in cream.

Take 100 g of washed strawberries and 50 g of cream, a tablespoon of sugar, and a little liqueur. Mix liqueur with sugar and pour over berries. Place in the refrigerator for 10 minutes. This dessert contains 16 points.

Cravings for sweets, especially at first, can be satisfied with the help of sweeteners, which are sold in any supermarket. They do not contain sugar, but there is much controversy about their safety. Therefore, it is recommended to use them only at the beginning, as a transition from sugar to its absence.

As for alcohol, it is allowed by the Kremlin diet. Dry red and white wine that does not contain sugar is allowed, as well as strong alcoholic drinks - whiskey, vodka, cognac, gin. Different beers have different points, but overall the beers are not recommended. If you do happen to drink beer, read the label carefully and choose the type of beer that contains the fewest carbohydrates. And remember that alcohol stimulates your appetite and can push you to deviate from your restrictions. That is why in the first two weeks of the Kremlin diet, alcohol is completely prohibited.

Cutlets, like any meat, are welcome in the diet. They can be not only meat, but also fish or chicken. However, when choosing a cooking recipe, pay attention that the minced meat does not include bread, rice and vegetables.

Sushi is a very popular dish in our country, and many people can no longer imagine their life without it. However, rice is one of the highest carbohydrate ingredients in sushi. The solution for lovers of Japanese cuisine is to eat sashimi, miso soup or other rice-free dishes offered by Japanese restaurants.

Buckwheat, like rice, should be excluded from your diet. If you really love buckwheat, then a buckwheat mono-ration for weight loss is better for you.

But mushrooms, with the exception of dried ones, are welcome on the Kremlin menu. They can be fried or eaten salted. As a vegetable, you can eat cabbage, both raw and stewed. For example, you can cook stewed cabbage with mushrooms.

Sauerkraut has the fewest points; in addition, it is rich in vitamin C and contains fiber, which is so necessary for everyone following a protein diet.

But the favorite dishes of traditional Russian cooking - cheesecakes and pancakes - will have to be completely excluded due to the huge amount of sugar and flour they contain.

The Kremlin food system allows milk, but in small quantities, since it does not have zero carbohydrate value.

As for fruits, they have high carbohydrate value. Therefore, at the first stage they are prohibited. Only at subsequent stages can you allow yourself to introduce a small amount of fruit into your diet.

Only low-carbohydrate vegetables are allowed (zucchini, eggplant, radishes, tomatoes, cucumbers). They can be eaten raw or prepared into salads for your diet.

For example, make a Greek salad. Mix lettuce, pitted olives, bell pepper, tomato and low-fat cream cheese. Season with olive oil and spices.

For the last stages of the “kremlin”, the popular “Mimosa” salad is also suitable (since it contains potatoes, it is not recommended to eat it for the first 14 days). Take a can of canned fish, a head of onion, a couple of boiled potatoes, 3 hard-boiled eggs, and boiled carrots. Finely grate all ingredients into separate containers. Place the salad in the following layers: fish, onions, mayonnaise, whites, potatoes, mayonnaise, carrots, mayonnaise, yolks.

Since the protein diet still limits the variety of food consumed, it is recommended to take vitamins during the Kremlin diet, especially at the first, most stringent stage.

Since “Kremlevka” is a fairly long-term nutritional system for weight loss, those losing weight always have many questions. The most popular of them:

1. What to do if you gain weight on the Kremlin diet? Sometimes a situation arises when, at the first stage, the weight began to decrease, and when moving to the second stage, you discovered that the weight stands still. First, check all the prepared foods you buy at the store for hidden carbohydrates. First of all, pay attention to sausage, sausages, cottage cheese, yogurt.

2. What to do if you don’t lose weight at all on a diet? Eliminate the most high-calorie foods from your protein diet, such as nuts, butter, and lard. You may be taking in too many calories and burning too few. To be more effective, add exercise to your lifestyle.

3. Why doesn’t the weight come off on a diet if all the rules and restrictions are followed? If you strictly follow all the rules and the weight does not decrease, consult your doctor. You may have a thyroid disorder that can affect your weight.

4. How much can you lose on a diet? Each organism is individual. Some give up everything after the first week because they cannot deny themselves sweets. However, most healthy people tolerate this nutrition system well and get effective results. In a month of eating according to the system, you can lose from 10 to 30 kg.

By following a protein diet, you can lose from one and a half to five kilograms in a week. It all depends on your initial weight and how much sugar you had in your previous diet. In a month you can lose up to 15 kilograms. Don't forget to weigh yourself and record your body measurements before and after the diet. If you can strictly follow the recommendations of a carbohydrate-free diet, the results will pleasantly surprise you.

Irina Aleksandrovna Onishchuk, 32 years old

After the birth of my child, I gained 30 kilograms. With a weight of 90 kg, playing sports was out of the question... Fasting was also out of the question. But I discovered the “Kremlin” and in 2 months I regained the weight I had before pregnancy! I lost almost 25 kg without starving or stress. Of course, when I realized that the weight was coming off, I had to sign up for a fitness class to keep my body in shape. But I didn't regret it. Now I look in the mirror and admire myself every day!

Igor Nikolaevich Belov, nutritionist

I can say from my own experience that the Kremlin nutrition system is very effective in promoting weight loss. It is especially effective for people who are overweight to lose weight. I often take patients and accompany them through the process of losing weight on the Kremlin diet. The result is obvious, everyone without exception loses weight.

Mikhail Valentinovich Shishkin, general practitioner

I do not recommend a protein mono-diet for people with kidney disease, atherosclerosis, and stomach diseases. This nutritional system is also contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women, as well as adolescents. When going on any diet, do not forget to consult your doctor so as not to cause irreparable harm to your body.

  • Category:

In the Kremlin diet, a person sharply reduces the amount of carbohydrates consumed.

What kind of diet is this?

According to the rules of this diet, each product has its own price, indicated in conventional units (cu) or points. 1 USD or point is equal to 1 g of carbohydrates contained in food. That is, in Kremlin you need to count the number of points consumed per day, and in Atkins you need to count the number of carbohydrates in grams, which is practically the same thing.

Like Atkins, the Kremlin consists of 4 stages:

  • Induction phase– helps the body switch from burning carbohydrates to burning fats. This stage lasts two weeks (fourteen days). A person is allowed to consume up to 20 points per day.
  • Active weight loss phase– the second stage of the Kremlin diet, during which a person is allowed to increase the carbohydrate content in the diet to 40 points.
  • Transition phase– a person moves to this stage when he has 3-5 kg ​​of excess weight left to lose. It consists of further increasing the carbohydrate content in the daily diet.
  • Maintenance phase– The goal of this stage is to maintain a stable weight for the rest of your life.

During the entire period of completing the first stage of the course, namely - fourteen days, no more, the body does not receive a sufficient amount of carbohydrates, which is necessary for its normal functioning.

Therefore, there is an increased processing of fat reserves accumulated in the body, it enters a state of ketosis. At the same time, the glucose level in the blood decreases quite quickly.

To replenish it, the body is forced to take emergency measures; this is how followers explain the intensive processing of accumulated lipids.

A person in ketosis gets their energy from ketones, small carbohydrate molecules that are formed when fats are broken down.

When the body is in a state of ketosis (the breakdown of fats), a person feels less hungry, so he eats less.

However, ketosis can cause various undesirable consequences - for example, bad breath in the exhaled air, constipation.

As a result of these changes, the body switches from burning carbohydrates to burning fats.

Thus, accumulated adipose tissue becomes the main source of energy, which leads to weight loss.

You can take a closer look at what happens when you eat carbohydrate-rich foods.

Sugar from carbohydrates quickly enters the bloodstream. To keep its concentration in the blood at a stable level, the body produces insulin. The action of insulin causes excess sugar to be stored in the liver and muscles as glycogen.

When a certain level of glycogen in these organs is reached, insulin promotes the conversion of sugar into fats.

Dr. Atkins' current theory is that if the body continues to produce too much insulin in response to excess blood sugar, it may become less sensitive to the hormone's effects.

As a result of this insulin resistance, metabolic disorders and diabetes mellitus may develop.

However, the body in a state of ketosis burns excess fat and - according to Dr. Atkins' theory - gradually returns to normal metabolic function. According to the same theory, although such a diet may increase blood cholesterol and triglycerides in some people, their levels decrease rapidly with weight loss.

Counting conventional units

The calculation of conventional units (points) must be done every day.

Example . One conventional unit is equal to one gram of carbohydrates in 100 grams of any food product. We have different products, the amount of carbohydrates in which we know.

We count points, setting a goal to lose extra pounds, we eat just enough so as not to exceed the number of conventional units (points).

General issues

Kremlevska is one of the popular low-carb diets.

All consumed products have individual conventional units (points), indicated in a special table.

If this is followed throughout the course, their consumption is calculated.

Who developed the Kremlin diet?

Upon closer examination of the principles, you will notice that it is an almost complete copy of Atkins, which was developed by the American cardiologist Robert Atkins.

For the first time, publicly available information appeared in the books “The Kremlin Diet” by Evgeny Chernykh and “The Kremlin Diet in Details” by Vilena Gurova, much later than the information about Atkins. That is, despite all the desire for originality, Kremlin is one of the clones of the low-carb Atkins diet.

Promises and theory

It promises not only weight loss without fasting through a low-carb diet, but also improved heart health and memory, as well as other benefits for the body.

It is based on the theory that obese people eat too many carbohydrates. The human body uses fats and carbohydrates to produce energy, but carbohydrates are burned first. By sharply reducing carbohydrate intake and increasing the intake of fats and proteins, a person naturally loses weight due to more efficient burning of accumulated fat tissue.

Which famous people followed it?

First of all, there is Robert Atkins. But he was not a loner. Today we know the detailed tables of nutritionists such as Agotson and Jan Kwasniewski.

The name of the diet suggests that, according to legend, the “Kremlin elders”, the party elite of the Brezhnev era, were fond of it. But let us also point out the American astronauts, for whom the composition of the products plays an important role due to their long stay in weightlessness. Many innovations introduced for scientific and pragmatic purposes in the development of near-Earth orbit then became the property of all mankind.

This also applies to special nutrition. Yuri Luzhkov, and even his secretaries, were fond of the “Kremlin” nutritional method. Many Hollywood actors have undergone a targeted reduction in carbohydrate levels in the body. Until now, world-famous musicians and artists are fond of it, which is considered expensive and prestigious. This is what the followers say.

Basic principles

The Kremlin diet (sometimes in common parlance - Kremlevka) is a type of protein diet. Like other protein diets, it is based on the principle: a lot of protein, and no carbohydrates. This means that protein foods (meat, fish, eggs, hard cheese) can be taken with virtually no restrictions, in any quantity and at any time.

Table salt, marinades, fried foods, and even... fatty foods are allowed here. But it’s still worth knowing when to stop. Large volumes of any food, incl. and protein, stretch the stomach chamber and irritate the baroreceptors on its mucosa.

Subsequently, impulses from baroreceptors send hunger signals to the brain.

According to the developers of the diet, excess weight with an increase in the amount of adipose tissue is not formed due to meat consumption. And even common fatty foods (lard, sausages, butter) do not play a major role in the growth of body weight.

The main culprit of obesity is carbohydrates..

These compounds are transformed into fats during biochemical reactions. In addition, in response to the presence of glucose in the blood plasma, the pancreas secretes insulin.

The faster your glucose level rises, the more insulin is produced. This hormone promotes the transition of glucose from blood plasma into cells. At the same time, it indirectly causes obesity through other physiological processes. From all this it follows that the easier carbohydrates are digested, the more they contribute to obesity.

And if we assume such a situation that a piece of lard and a piece of sugar enter our gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract) at the same time, then the body will first begin to synthesize fat from sugar, and only then from lard. This hypothetical situation can be developed further.

Let's say we ate a piece of meat. Meat protein, like any other, consists of amino acids. In order for meat to be absorbed in the body, the protein must be broken down into amino acids. These amino acids are absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract, after which human-specific proteins are synthesized from them.

All these processes of decay, absorption and subsequent synthesis are accompanied by increased energy consumption. The body receives this energy from the breakdown of adipose tissue. After all, fats or triglycerides, designed to provide thermal protection, are high-energy compounds.

As a result, it turns out that we take protein foods, the assimilation of which is accompanied by the breakdown of fat. And if this fat is not replenished by taking carbohydrates, then you can achieve weight loss.

A significant disadvantage of protein foods

The breakdown of protein compounds produces a large amount of toxic nitrogenous waste and under-oxidized metabolic products.

It is necessary to ensure the removal of these substances through the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, such a diet must be accompanied by an adequate water load. Water dissolves toxins and promotes their elimination through the kidneys.

Vegetables as a source of fiber should also be present in the diet. Fiber is not absorbed in the intestines. This is a natural sorbent that “pulls” all intestinal toxins and, along with them, is removed from the intestines.

All these provisions can be grouped into four principles:

  1. Protein products predominate in the diet
  2. The amount of carbohydrates is kept to a minimum
  3. Vegetables are not only desirable, but also required.
  4. The daily amount of fluid consumed should be at least 1.5 -2 liters.

Kremlevka looks favorably against the background of many other weight loss diets. Apart from carbohydrates, there are no strict dietary restrictions, much less hunger.

On the contrary, you don’t have to feel embarrassed about your favorite meat dishes, without worrying at all that they will add up to extra pounds.

All this is somehow unusual for our traditional idea of ​​weight loss. It is therefore not surprising that questions arise about various aspects related to diet

Indications and contraindications

Indications for the course are overweight in the absence of serious pathologies of the body.

Any nutritional system may not suit everyone. For the Kremlin, there are a number of restrictions regarding groups of people who are prohibited from a low-carbohydrate diet for health reasons.

  • pregnant women;
  • nursing mothers;
  • Athletes and people involved in heavy physical labor require carbohydrates to maintain their physical capabilities.
  • People with liver and kidney disease in whom excess production of uric acid, nitrogen products and ketones can worsen their condition.
  • patients with diseases of the urinary system, including urolithiasis;
  • those suffering from chronic pathologies of the cardiovascular system (congenital and acquired defects of the heart muscle, diseases of the blood vessels, etc.);
  • children and adolescents (age – up to 21 years);
  • patients in the postoperative period;
  • people who have suffered any serious illness;
  • those suffering from chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (chronic gastritis and colitis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, liver pathologies);
  • suffering from endocrine diseases, including diabetes of any type;
  • prone to depressive disorders and having episodes of depression, neuroses and any problems of a psycho-emotional nature in the past;
  • those suffering from any form of gout (joint pathologies in which urates, that is, uric acid salts, are deposited in the joints);
  • people engaged in heavy physical and/or mental labor;
  • patients with mental retardation;
  • emotionally labile people;
  • those who do not often consume meat before this period and prefer mainly plant-based foods;
  • people with a history of nutritional disorders (long-term consumption of unbalanced foods before going on a diet, abuse of high-carbohydrate foods, excessively fatty and protein-rich foods for a long period of time);
  • people who are prone to regular overeating;
  • suffering from vitamin deficiency confirmed by a doctor.

One of the main contraindications to which we draw your attention:

You should not “try” to lose weight with the help of Kremlin if there is internal uncertainty, fear or doubt about a positive result

Basic mistakes

The main mistakes when following the Kremlin diet

  1. Refusal from the usual regime (breakfast, second breakfast, lunch, dinner). It is still necessary to adhere to the usual rhythm of nutrition. Only in this case will the metabolism be optimal.
  2. Refusal of berries and fruits. You can and should eat fresh fruits and berries that contain a large amount of fiber (grapefruits, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, kiwi, peaches).
  3. Refusal of fats. When you refuse fats in your diet, your weight will increase, not decrease. The Kremlin's dietary pattern suggests increasing daily fat intake by using monounsaturated oils in the diet (for example: olive oil, canola oil, walnut oil, grape oil, cedar oil).
  4. Snacks. Snacks are allowed, but not in the form of crackers and cookies, much less sweets, but boiled eggs, cheese, sausage, vegetables, yogurt, etc.
  5. Meals at a party “like everyone else.” It requires strict adherence in any setting.
  6. Sugar substitutes. Various sweeteners are not prohibited, but when consuming them, some experience weight gain and uncontrollable cravings for sweets. The body is often unable to fully absorb the substitute.
  7. Calorage. A common myth is that weight loss is explained by a decrease in daily caloric intake. We remind you that fat burning in the case of the Kremlin nutrition system does not occur due to a decrease in calories, but is determined by the level of insulin in the blood. To be successful, you must strictly adhere to all recommendations and consume balanced foods, then you can maintain an effective metabolism and constant insulin levels.
  8. Consumption of low-calorie industrial foods. Such products are actually high in calories but low in nutritional quality and low in carbohydrates. The introduction of these products into the daily menu does not change existing taste habits, and therefore will not contribute to weight loss.
  9. Fanatical exercise. The active phase involves those physical activities and sports that bring joy and are not a difficult task.
  10. Increasing protein intake compared to carbohydrates. Skewing in any direction is dangerous. A large amount of meat is a direct path to the appearance of serious pathologies. The daily diet should be as varied as possible and use healthy carbohydrates.

Features of compliance and articles in the media

Numerous articles in the media and the Internet are sometimes filled with false information. Those who get acquainted with the materials get an unreliable impression of the Kremlin diet.

For example, people are sure that all carbohydrates will now be banned, they will have to eat only meat, fatty meat, butter and sour cream, and also exclude fresh vegetables, fruits and berries.

Doctors warn:

Check all sources of information, especially on the Internet.

The low-carbohydrate diet, which includes the Kremlin diet, just like other nutrition systems, pays attention to the principles of healthy eating recognized throughout the world, so say its supporters.

Followers also emphasize that reducing the amount of carbohydrates in the daily diet, and not completely abandoning them, promotes, in the absence of contraindications and proper application of recommendations, active weight loss without negative consequences for the body and improved overall health in general.

Kremlevskaya does not imply a complete rejection of carbohydrates!

Peculiarity – restriction of consumption carbohydrates, but there is confusion here, since every nutritionist who practices a low-carbohydrate diet, including the Kremlin diet, is guided by his own ideas about the acceptable amount of carbohydrates in the daily menu.

The opinion of our experts. Based on many years of observations and practice, we can conclude:

A healthy level of sugar consumption, which at the same time “works”, is a completely individual indicator.

The amount of carbohydrates consumed in a low-carb diet can only be determined experimentally.

For example: one person can get by with 60 grams of carbohydrates per day and will notice weight loss, another will gain weight with 50 points, and a third can safely consume 120 grams of carbohydrates.

After the stage of the course during which weight is actively lost, it is allowed increase your daily carbohydrate intake.

During this period, the daily menu includes:

  • vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • natural milk products;
  • whole foods cereals.

Completely excluded:

  • sugar;
  • sugar-containing products;
  • white flour products.

Attention! Many experts believe that low-carbohydrate diets are dangerous to health.

The Kremlin diet, a ticket to the next world

Let us note that the official recommendation of some nutritionists states that the range within the amount of carbohydrates of 45-65% of total calories per day is supposedly safe. It is noted that it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the organism.

Opinion of our experts. A diet that is characterized by a large amount of protein promotes weight loss, but at the same time the excretory load on the body increases.

The consequence is the development of cholelithiasis and urolithiasis, arterial hypertension, osteoporosis, angina pectoris, etc.

Kremlevsk. Exposure

The Kremlin diet is a commercial project, according to many experts. At first, the new type of nutrition was surrounded by a certain aura of mystery and was attributed to American astronauts. What the power system was was supposedly a secret. Rumors and speculation were published in the media. When interest was heated up to the desired level, the menu was made public.

The following argument was given as an important argument:

With her help, representatives of the Moscow city administration and a number of high-ranking government officials, including Yuri Luzhkov, his press secretary at that time Sergei Tsoi, State Duma Chairman Boris Gryzlov and Minister of Internal Affairs Rashid Nurgaliev, put their health in order. A journalist from the popular publication Komsomolskaya Pravda allegedly also tried the miracle method on himself and managed to make public the “secret” menu and lists.

Stages of the Kremlin diet on the path to weight loss

What is the power system?

The Kremlin food system consists of four stages, each of which has its own characteristics.

How is the first stage going?

The first stage, lasting fourteen days. Reduce carbohydrate intake by up to 20 points daily.

The induction phase is the strictest part, during which carbohydrate intake is most limited. Supporters are allowed to consume up to 20 carb points per day. The goal of this phase is to start the weight loss process, which is achieved by:

  • Switching the body to burning fat.
  • Stabilization of blood glucose levels.
  • Getting rid of cravings for carbohydrate foods - sweets and starchy foods.

This stage lasts approximately 14 days, after which results should already be visible. To achieve these results you need to follow the following rules:

  • It is necessary to regularly eat 4-5 times a day.
  • You can freely consume protein foods (fish, poultry, seafood, eggs) and natural fats (butter, cold-pressed vegetable oils).
  • The diet should not contain more than 20 g (points) of carbohydrates per day.
  • Avoid eating fruits, bread, pasta, starchy vegetables, nuts, legumes and other foods containing a combination of proteins and carbohydrates.
  • When purchasing products in a store, you need to carefully study their composition and pay special attention to their carbohydrate content.
  • You should not drink drinks containing caffeine. Because it can lower blood glucose levels.
  • It is necessary to drink enough water, which is necessary to prevent constipation and remove fat breakdown products.
  • When visiting restaurants, you need to order food without gravy, dressings and sauces, which often contain flour, starch and sugar.

Eliminate completely:

  • All fruits.
  • Flour products.
  • Porridge.
  • Starchy vegetables (potatoes, corn).
  • Any sweets.

Use without restriction:

  • Fish.
  • Meat.
  • Eggs.
  • Oil.


The first stage gives a loss in some cases of up to 10 kg.

The results of each stage depend on many factors, the main one of which is the characteristics of the individual’s body. If you lose weight slowly during the first stage, you can extend its period.

Meat has zero points according to the system, so you are allowed to eat a lot of it. The concept of “a lot” is relative, because you can (but don’t need to) eat two kg of meat in one sitting.

There is no need to torture yourself with hunger; you want to, which means you can eat at a later time. Comfort for the body is the main rule. Try to monitor the size of your portions; after a while, the need for large quantities of food will disappear. The body adapts.

Second phase

When moving to the second stage, people who follow it adapt their diet to their own tastes. First of all, a person must determine what target weight they should achieve.

In the stage of active weight loss, the variety of food needs to be gradually expanded, and the carbohydrate content can be increased by 5 g per week up to 40 g. Therefore, a person is allowed to more or less diversify the foods he eats. At this time, intensive fat burning continues in the body.

Gradually expanding the diet and increasing the content of carbohydrates, a person following the Kremlin diet must determine the amount of carbohydrates in food that does not lead to stopping weight loss.

Brief The essence of the second phase is the gradual and careful introduction of vegetables first, and after a while:

  • Yagod.
  • Seed.
  • Orekhov.

No more than 5 points are added weekly.


  • Constant weight control.
  • Maintain intervals between meals (no longer than six 6 hours).
  • Control the amount of food consumed and avoid overeating.

Attention! If you gain weight at this time, you should return to the first stage.

During the second phase, the following rules must be observed:

  • The basis of the diet remains proteins and fats contained in fish, meat, seafood and eggs.
  • You can increase the amount of carbohydrates in your food by 5 g per week.
  • You can introduce carbohydrate foods of one type at a time into your diet.
  • If carbohydrate foods lead to weight gain or appetite, or cravings for carbohydrates, you should immediately stop taking them.
  • You need to be in the second stage until you have to reduce your weight by 2.5-5 kg ​​to your target body weight. (For example, a person’s weight is 130, and he wants to lose weight to 80. At the first stage, he loses about 5 kg in two weeks, at the second stage he sits until he reaches 85 (5 kg to the goal). Then, we move on to the third phase .)

In the second stage, the following products are allowed to be added to the diet:

  • Vegetables: spinach, bell peppers, broccoli, cauliflower, onions, zucchini, tomatoes, asparagus.
  • Dairy products: cream cheese, mozzarella, cottage cheese, ricotta cheese, heavy cream.
  • Nuts and seeds: walnuts, almonds, sunflower seeds, peanuts, cashews.
  • Fruits and berries: blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, cantaloupe.

But when adding these products, you should remember that it is necessary to calculate the carbohydrate content in them and not exceed their daily amount.

Third stage

Third , getting rid of last extra pounds within 2-3 months. You should move on to the third stage when you have 2.5-5 kg ​​left to lose before reaching your target weight.

During the transition phase, the range of foods consumed is further expanded; a person is allowed to increase the carbohydrate content in the diet by 10 g (points) per week.

You need to continue doing this until he stops losing weight - this is how the critical level of carbohydrates for maintaining weight is determined.

During this stage, body weight decreases very slowly, so it can take up to 3 months.

Important! The effect of the diet is greater and more stable if it is “stretched” over time. You are allowed to add 10 points weekly.

At the third stage of weight loss, there is all the necessary information for analysis, experience has been gained, so the person conducting it is able to decide the issue of daily, safe consumption of carbohydrates for himself.


During this period, most stop at consuming 60 grams of carbohydrates.

Transition phase rules:

  • The carbohydrate content in the daily diet can be increased by 10 g once a week.
  • New products are introduced one at a time.
  • If a new product leads to an increase in weight and appetite, or the appearance of edema, you should stop using it.
  • If you gain weight after another increase in carbohydrate content in your diet, you need to return to the previous level of their consumption.
  • The diet should have enough fats and proteins.

At this stage, the diet continues to include nuts and seeds, starchy vegetables (carrots, beets, green peas, potatoes), legumes (lentils, chickpeas, beans), fruits (apples, cherries, peaches, grapes, grapefruit, kiwi, watermelon, bananas) , plums, mangoes), cereals (brown rice, oatmeal, corn or barley porridge) and whole grain bread.

Fourth maintenance stage

Once the target weight is reached, the person needs to enter the maintenance phase. Proponents of this eating style argue that this stage should last a lifetime.

The essence of this stage is that you cannot exceed the critical level of carbohydrate consumption to maintain weight, which was determined in the third stage of the diet.

Fourth , return stage.

Most dangerous period regarding the risk of regaining lost weight. You shouldn’t deny yourself candy and cake if you want, but this is more the exception than the rule.

Proponents of this eating style argue that this stage should last a lifetime. The essence of this stage is that you cannot exceed the critical level of carbohydrate consumption to maintain weight, which was determined in the third stage.

How long can you observe the Kremlin rule?

If failures occur at the first stage, your health and mood worsen, and the weight does not go away, you should not continue the experiment.

Just as noted above, the fourth stage of the low-carb Kremlin diet, aimed at maintaining normal weight, lasts for the rest of your life. If a person, after losing weight, stops limiting the consumption of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, then his weight will begin to increase rapidly.

Is it possible to increase the amount of carbohydrates consumed if necessary or desired?

The essence of the Kremlin diet comes down to limiting the amount of carbohydrates in the diet. Therefore, increasing them is not recommended, as this may negatively affect the final result. If the diet is disrupted, it is necessary to go through the induction stage again (first stage).

However, common sense should never be neglected. If a person, due to a sharp restriction of carbohydrate intake, shows signs of a decrease in blood glucose below normal, then he should stop this diet and consult a doctor. These signs include:

  • Increased sweating.
  • Restlessness, nervousness or irritability.
  • Confusion of thoughts.
  • Fast heartbeat.
  • Dizziness.
  • Hunger and nausea.
  • Drowsiness.
  • Tingling or numbness in the lips or tongue.
  • Headache.
  • Weakness or fatigue.
  • Coordination problems.
  • Nightmares.
  • Cramps.
  • Loss of consciousness.

People with . Any diet - and especially the Kremlin diet - must be accompanied by appropriate adjustments in diabetes treatment, which can only be done by a doctor.

There are also reports in the scientific literature that long-term adherence to a low-carbohydrate diet can lead to the development of complications, which include heart disease, liver and kidney disease, cancer and osteoporosis.

Is it easy to count points?

At first it seems that everything is very simple.

Example. The menu (approximate) for 40 conventional units consists of:

  • From stewed eggplants (13 points – 200 grams).
  • Salad (tomatoes and cucumbers, 5 points – 150 grams).
  • Fresh apple (10 points).
  • Glasses of kefir (8 points).

The lack of other products is made up for with a large amount of pork or beef.


You need to go everywhere with a table and a calculator. At home this is still possible, but at the workplace?

What do supporters suggest?

Almost completely switch to meat and fish, while completely losing sight of the need to switch to a 60-point diet, and maintain the 40-point diet for quite a long time.

Dual effect:

Losing weight, but deteriorating health.

Is it possible to increase points if necessary, but then return to the previous regime?

In the process of going through all the stages, this is not only possible, but also necessary to do. Correction is carried out based on the state of the body and well-being. Actions that cause discomfort are not allowed!

Menu for the week

The main emphasis is protein and plant foods, which can be consumed in unlimited quantities. Those who have a strong need for sweets are allowed to replace sugar with natural honey (no more than one tablespoon per day).

What must be present in the daily, weekly, monthly diet?

Essential vital vitamins and nutrients.

The diet at any time should consist of:

  • From fish;
  • meat;
  • cheese;
  • oils

Sample menu for the week

(1 cu or point of the Kremlin diet is equal to 1 gram of carbohydrates):



fried eggs from 2 eggs with ham – 1 c.u.

cheese, 100 g – 1 unit. units

coffee or tea without sugar – 0 conventional units. units


vegetable salad with champignons 150 g – 6 units. units

beefsteak – 0 arb. units

tea without sugar – 0 conventional units units

Afternoon snack:

walnuts, 50 g – 6 conventional units. units


boiled chicken, 200 g – 0 arb. units

medium tomato – 6 conventional units. units

Total: 28 conventional units



cottage cheese, 150 g – 5 conventional units. units

2 boiled eggs stuffed with mushrooms – 1 standard. units

tea without sugar – 0 conventional units units


vegetable salad with oil, 100 g – 4 units. units

cabbage soup with meat and sour cream, 250 g – 6 conventional units. units

kebab, 100 g – 0 arb. units

tea, coffee without sugar - 0 conventional units. units

Afternoon snack:

cheese, 200 g – 2 units. units


boiled cauliflower, 100 g – 5 conventional units. units

fried chicken breast – 0 arb. units

tea without sugar - 0 conventional units units

Total: 23 conventional units



3 boiled sausages – 0 conventional units. units

fried eggplants, 100 g -5 arb. units

tea without sugar – 0 conventional units units


cabbage salad with butter, 100 g – 5 units. units

processed cheese soup with vegetables, 250 g – 6 conventional units. units

lean pork chop, 100 g – 0 arb. units

coffee without sugar – 0 arb. units

Afternoon snack:

10 black olives – 2 conventional units. units


medium tomato – 6 conventional units. units

a glass of kefir – 6 conventional units. units

Total: 36 conventional units



cauliflower salad, 100 g – 5 units. units

tea without sugar – 0 conventional units units


vegetable salad with champignons, 150g – 6 units. units

chicken broth, 250 g (piece of chicken, greens, onion) – 5 conventional units. units

lamb kebab, 100 g – 0 arb. units

coffee without sugar – 0 arb. units

Afternoon snack:

cheese, 200 g – 2 units. units


fried fish, 200 g – 0 arb. units

tea without sugar – 0 conventional units units

Total: 25 conventional units



omelet of 4 eggs with grated cheese – 3 conventional units. units

tea without sugar – 0 conventional units units


grated carrot salad, 100 g – 7 units. units

celery soup, 250 g – 8 conventional units. units

escalope – 0 arb. units

Afternoon snack:

peanuts 30 g – 5 conventional units. units


dry red wine, 200 g – 2 conventional units. units

cheese, 100 g – 1 unit. units

boiled fish, 200 g – 0 arb. units

leaf lettuce, 200 g – 4 units. units

Total: 30 conventional units



cheese, 100 g – 1 unit. units

fried eggs from 2 eggs with ham – 1 unit. units

green tea without sugar – 0 conventional units. units


cabbage and beet salad with sunflower oil 100 g – 6 conventional units. units

ear, 250 g – 5 conventional units. units

fried chicken, 250 g – 5 conventional units. units

Afternoon snack:

pumpkin seeds, 50 g – 6 units. units


leaf lettuce, 100 g – 2 units. units

boiled fish, 200 g – 0 arb. units

Total: 31 conventional units



4 boiled sausages – 3 conventional units. units

squash caviar, 100 g – 8 conventional units. units


salad with cucumbers, 100 g – 3 conventional units. units

meat solyanka, 250 g – 5 conventional units. units

grilled chicken, 200 g - 0 arb. units

tea without sugar – 0 conventional units units

Afternoon snack: walnuts, 30 g – 4 conventional units. units

Dinner: medium tomato – 6 conventional units. units

boiled meat, 200 g – 0 arb. units

a glass of unsweetened kefir – 10 conventional units. units Total: 31 conventional units


The complete Kremlin table of products in conventional units per 100 g (1 c.u. is equal to 1 g of carbohydrates):

The most important thing is the points. We present you a table with points for the most common products:

Products Points
(conventional units)
Products Points
(conventional units)


Wheat 50 Cream crackers 66
Rye 34 Rye flatbreads 43
Borodinsky 40 Wheat flour premium 68
Rizhsky 51 Wheat flour first grade 67
Armenian lavash 56 Seeded rye flour 64
Diabetic 38 Corn flour 70
Grain bread 43 Soy flour 16
Butter buns 51 Potato starch 79
Bagels 58 Corn starch 85
Drying 68 Pasta 69
Sweet straw 69 Egg noodles 68


Buckwheat 62 Millet 66
Buckwheat (done) 65 Barley 66
Manna 67 Rice 71
Oatmeal 49 Peas 50
"Hercules" 50 Beans 46
Pearl barley 66


Beef, veal 0 Beef sausages 1,5
Lamb, pork 0 Pork sausages 2
Geese, ducks 0 Milk sausages 1,5
Rabbit 0 Sausages 0
Chicken 0 Doctor's sausage 1,5
Meat in breadcrumbs 5 Korean 0
Meat with flour sauce 6 Salo 0
Heart 0 Pork tongue, beef tongue 0
Beef liver 0 Pork feet 0
Chicken liver 1,5 Eggs in any form (piece) 0,5
Steak 0


Fresh, frozen fish (river, sea) 0 Oysters 7
Boiled fish 0 Squid 4
Fish in breadcrumbs 12 Lobsters 1
Smoked fish 0 Shrimps 0
Crabs 2 Black caviar 0
Fish in tomato 6 Red caviar 0
Mussels 5 Sea kale 1


Pasteurized milk 4,7 Kefir, curdled milk 3,2
Baked milk 4,7 Yogurt without sugar 3,5
Cream 4 Sweet yoghurt 8,5
Sour cream 3 Cheese of different varieties 0,5 – 2
Fat cottage cheese 2,8 Butter 1,3
Low-fat cottage cheese 1,8 Margarine 1
Diet cottage cheese 1 Table mayonnaise 2,6
Sweet curd mass 15 Vegetable oil 0
Glazed cheese curds 32


Watermelon 9 Leek 6,5
Eggplant 5 Bulb onions 9
Beans 8 Green onion 3,5
Swede 7 Parsley (greens) 8
Green peas 12 Parsley (root) 10,5
Melon 9 Radish 4
Cauliflower 5 Radish 6,5
White cabbage 5 Turnip 5
Kohlrabi cabbage 8 Leaf lettuce 2
Red cabbage 5 Beet 9
Green beans 3 Celery (root) 6
Carrot 7 Celery (greens) 2
Pumpkin 4 Asparagus 3
Zucchini 4 Horseradish 7,5
Daikon (Chinese radish) 1 Cheremsha 6
Tomatoes 4 Garlic 5
Sweet green pepper 5 Potato 16
Sweet red pepper 5 Spinach 2
Fresh cucumber 3 Sorrel 3


White 1 Dried boletus 14
White dried 7,5 Fresh boletuses 1
Fresh milk mushrooms 1 Dried boletuses 13
Fresh chanterelles 1,5 Saffron milk caps 0,5
Fresh boletus 0,5 Morels 0,2
Fresh honey mushrooms 0,5 Russula 1,5
boletus 1,5 Champignon 0,1

SOUPS (per 500 g)

Chicken and meat broth 0 Goulash soup 12
Tomato soup 17 Mushroom soup 15
Vegetable soup 16 Green cabbage soup 12
Pea soup 20


Fish 0 Squash Cavier 8,5
Green pea 6,5 Eggplant caviar 5
Beans 2,5 Beet caviar 2
Corn 14,5 Salad with seaweed 4
Olives 5 Pepper stuffed with vegetables 11
Tomatoes 4 Tomato paste 19
cucumbers 3


Granulated sugar, refined sugar 99 Milk chocolate 54
Honey 75 Bitter chocolate 50
Paste 80 Chocolate with nuts 48
Halva 55 Chocolate candies 51
Sponge cake 50 Fudge candies 83
Almond cake 45 Marmalade 76
Cream cake 62 Caramel with filling 92
Butter cookies 75 Condensed milk 56
Custard gingerbread 77 Apple jam 66
Fruit waffles 80 Strawberry jam 71
Regular waffles 65 Raspberry jam 71
Fruit ice cream 25 Jam 68
Ice cream popsicle 20 Diabetic jam 3
Ice cream 22 Apple jam 65
Lollipops 70 Diabetic jam 9


Apricot 9 Peach 9,5
Quince 8 Nectarine 13
Cherry plum 6,5 Rowan 8,5
A pineapple 11,5 Rowan chokeberry 11
Orange 8 Plum 9,5
Banana 21 Dates 68
Cherry 10 Persimmon 13
Pomegranate 11 Cherries 10,5
Grapefruit 6,5 Apples 9,5
Pear 9,5 Raisin 66
Figs 11 Dried apricots 55
Kiwi 10 Prunes 58
Dogwood 9 Dried pear 49
Lemon 3 Dried apples 45
Mandarin 8 Dried apricots 53


Cowberry 8 Cloudberry 6
Grape 15 Sea ​​buckthorn 5
Blueberry 7 White currant 8
Blackberry 4,5 Red currants 7,5
Strawberry 6,5 Black currant 7,5
Cranberry 4 Blueberry 8
Gooseberry 9 Fresh rosehip 10
Raspberries 8 Dried rose hips 21,5


Walnuts 12 Cashew 25
Cedar 10 Coconut 20
Peanut 15 Sesame seeds 20
Hazelnut 15 Pumpkin seeds 12
Almond 11 Sunflower seeds 18
Pistachios 15


Mineral water 0 Plum juice with pulp 11
Tea, coffee without sugar 0 Cherry juice 11,5
Apple juice 7,5 Apricot juice 14
Orange juice 12 Carrot juice 6
Grape juice 14 Apricot compote 21
Tomato juice 3,5 Grape compote 19
Grapefruit juice 8 Cherry compote 24
Tangerine juice 9 Pear compote 18
Pomegranate juice 14 Apple compote 19
Plum juice 16 Compote with xylitol 6


Dry red wine 1 Vodka 0
Dry white wine 1 Cognac, brandy 0
Beer 250 g 12 Rum 0
Liqueur 60 g 18 Tequila 0
Whiskey 0


Cinnamon (1 teaspoon) 0,5 Horseradish (1 tbsp) 0,4
Ground chili pepper (1 teaspoon) 0,5 Ketchup (1 tbsp) 4
Vinegar (1 tbsp) 2,3 Soy sauce (1 tbsp) 1
Apple cider vinegar (1 tbsp) 1 BBQ sauce (1 tbsp) 1,8
White wine vinegar (1 tbsp) 1,5 Sweet and sour sauce
Red wine vinegar (1 tbsp) 0 (1/4 cup) 15
Mustard (1 tbsp) 0,5 Tomato sauce (1/4 cup) 3,5
Cranberry sauce (1 tbsp) 6,5 Tartar sauce (1 tbsp) 0,5
Capers (1 tbsp) 0,4 Meat gravy (broth based, 1/4 cup) 3
Ginger root (1 tbsp) 0,8 Spicy herbs (1 tbsp) 0,1

Complete table of ready meals

When preparing dishes, it is better to avoid potatoes and flour...

Find out the amount of c.u. A ready-made dish is a little more complicated than an individual product, since every housewife and cook probably uses their own proven recipes in cooking. Therefore, the Kremlin table shows the average indicators of the number of units. per 100 grams for various dishes.

In order to accurately evaluate the dishes you are preparing, it is best to purchase a kitchen scale; by the way, the thing is even very useful in the kitchen, and knowing the composition of the dish, you can easily calculate the amount. contained in it.

Apparently an explanation should be given to the table for porridges:

  • crumbly porridge - for a glass of barley, millet, buckwheat, rice you need 1.5-2.5 glasses of water or milk;
  • viscous porridge – buckwheat -3, millet – 3.5, rice – 4 cups;
  • liquid porridge - millet, pearl barley - 4.5, rice - 5.5, oatmeal, semolina, rolled oatmeal - 6 glasses of water or milk.

Table of products in conventional units per 100 g (1 unit equals 1 g of carbohydrates):

Product name cu/100g

First meal

Borsch 4,0
Borscht made from fresh cabbage and potatoes 5,5
Ukrainian borscht 6,5
chicken broth 0,0
Meat broth 0,0
Meat okroshka with kvass 6,0
Meat okroshka with kefir 4,0
Homemade rassolnik 6,0
Cold beetroot soup 6,0
Meat solyanka 1,5
Solyanka mushroom 1,5
Pea soup 5,0
Fresh fruit soup 12,0
Potato soup 8,0
Potato soup with barley 6,5
Noodle soup 6,0
Milk soup with cabbage 7,0
Milk soup with pasta 8,0
Milk soup with rice 7,5
Milk soup with pumpkin and semolina 5,5
Pearl barley soup with mushrooms 6,5
Carrot soup 4,5
Millet soup with meat 6,5
Millet soup with prunes 8,0
Rice soup 6,0
Celery soup 3,0
Bean soup 7,0
Kharcho soup with meat 5,5
Sorrel cabbage soup 2,0
Fresh cabbage soup 2,0
Sauerkraut cabbage soup 2,0

Meat dishes

Beef azu 10,0
Entrecote 0,0
Lamb, beef, pork, chicken – fried 0,0
Lamb, beef, pork, chicken - boiled 0,0
Lamb, beef, pork, chicken – stewed 3,5
Beef Stroganoff 6,0
Steam balls 9,0
Rice balls 18,0
Steak 0,0
Chopped beefsteak 0,0
Beefsteak with egg 0,5
Pancakes with meat 16,0
Stuffed cabbage rolls with meat and rice 8,0
“Hedgehogs” with rice 15,0
Homemade roast 10,0
Chopped zrazy 13,0
Zucchini stuffed with meat and rice 10,0
Cutlets chops 9,0
Chopped cutlets 13,0
Boiled brains 0,0
Brains fried in egg 4,0
Roast meat 10,0
Liver pancakes 10,0
Boiled dumplings 13,0
Fried dumplings 14,0
Peppers stuffed with meat and rice 10,0
Liver Stroganoff style 8,0
Pies with meat and onions 35,0
Pilaf 18,0
Roasting 4,0
Kidneys in Russian 11,0
Stewed kidneys 5,0
Stew 8,0
Pies with meat and onions 36,0
Rump steak 8,5
Meatloaf 8,0
Fish – boiled, fried, smoked, salted, dried 0,0
Fish fried in egg 6,0
Meatballs with rice 14,0
Shashlik 0,0
Schnitzel chop 9,0
Escalope 0,0
Boiled tongue 0,0

Vegetable dishes

Fried eggplants 5,0
The vinaigrette 8,0
Vegetable cabbage rolls 7,5
Boiled peas 20,0
Potato pancakes 19,0
Potato zrazy 20,0
Cabbage casserole 13,5
Squash Cavier 7,5
Beet caviar 12,0
Boiled zucchini 4,0
Zucchini stewed in sour cream 6,0
Fried cabbage 5,0
Sauerkraut 5,0
Boiled cabbage 5,0
Stewed cabbage 9,0
Boiled potatoes 16,0
Potatoes stewed with mushrooms 13,0
Potatoes baked in sour cream sauce 14,0
Mashed potatoes 15,0
Potatoes, fried in pieces 24,0
Deep fried potatoes 30,0
Cabbage cutlets 15,0
Potato cutlets 22,0
Carrot cutlets 19,0
Beetroot cutlets 24,0
Boiled carrots 6,5
Pumpkin fritters 19,0
Carrot pudding 14,0
Carrot puree 8,0
Radish with oil 6,5
Beetroot with cheese and garlic 7,0
Stewed beets 10,0
Beets stewed with apples 10,5
Carrot soufflé 11,0
Boiled pumpkin 4,0
Vegetable stew 10,0
Cabbage schnitzel 11,5


Hercules liquid 10,0
Buckwheat viscous 14,0
Buckwheat crumbly 30,0
Semolina viscous 16,0
Oatmeal liquid 11,0
Viscous pearl barley 16,0
Millet viscous 16,0
Millet crumbly 26,0
Rice sticky 17,0
Rice fluffy 25,0
Barley viscous 16,0
Barley crumbly 23,0
Pumpkin porridge 15,5
Semolina cutlets 20,0
Buckwheat krupenik 21,0

Other dishes

Pancakes 32,0
Vareniki 16,0
Dumplings “lazy” 14,0
Galushki 20,0
Mushrooms fried in sour cream 3,0
Cottage cheese casserole 14,0
Rice casserole 20,0
Mushroom caviar 6,5
Lapshevnik with cottage cheese 20,0
Boiled pasta 20,0
Pasta baked with egg 15,0
Pancakes 32,0
Rice pudding 32,0
Curd cheesecakes 18,0

Weight loss formula. Why carbohydrates?

This technique is based on strict control over the intake of carbohydrates into the body, therefore an indexing system, points (points) or conventional units expressing the amount of carbohydrates in 100 grams was invented for food products.

Weight loss

Required amount of food 40 points per day.

Maintaining weight at a certain level – 60 points.

Carbohydrate counting

Look in a standard cookbook or find the information you need on diet advertising sites.

Why did the authors choose carbohydrate aversion as a weight loss formula?

The idea is not new and was taken from nutritionists - the founders of a set of basic rules for the correct attitude towards healthy food choices. But there is a caveat - they recognized sucrose, fructose, lactose, glucose and galactose as dangerous to the body. We are talking about the most accessible form of energy for people.

Disadvantage of the approach

Greater physical activity is required to burn up carbohydrates, which tend to form fats, just in case.

Have you ever wondered why all nutritionists prohibit “indulging” in confectionery, sweets, fast food and baked goods made from white flour, and limit carbohydrate intake?

But “carbohydrates” are also found in vegetables and fruits - the so-called non-free sugars:

  • pectin;
  • starch;
  • polysaccharides.

These are healthy and necessary carbohydrates for humans.

They take care of mechanisms such as:

  • Brain functions.
  • Muscle activity.
  • Uninterrupted bowel function.
  • High-quality absorption of nutrients.
  • Prevention of premature wear and tear of the body.

Therefore, we deservedly call the above carbohydrates healthy.

Traditional dietetics offers its patients suffering from excess weight the use of vegetables, fruits, grains, unpolished cereals, coarse bread and beans.

Many nutrition experts directly and unequivocally accuse the authors of low-carb nutrition of ignorance of the subject and inability to predict the behavior of carbohydrates when they are limited.

Judge for yourself:

40-60 points is an inevitable and strict exclusion from the menu of any sweets, pasta and cereals, and almost all fruits.

What's left?

Low carb foods only:

  • green onions;
  • cabbage;
  • radishes, lettuce, spinach;
  • cucumbers

Then what is there?

Basically - all types of meat, fish, poultry, smoked meats and sausages.

These products are considered affordable by indexation - from 0 to 2 points.

Complications from Kremlevsky

At its core, any diet that is aimed at reducing calories or limiting any foods is already fasting, only milder.

Fasting and special The nutritional course used to eliminate excess fat tissue is a mistake.

  1. Attempts to influence lipid cells are the primary factor in the division of these cells.
  2. A person is not able to independently regulate food consumption, since daily accurate calculation of the calorie content of dishes is doomed to failure.
  3. It is impossible to determine the full range of vital nutrients.
  4. There are a lot of inaccuracies in the description, so its vitamin and mineral composition cannot be analyzed. World science says that Kremlewska is similar to the famous Atkins diet and the methods of the Polish nutritionist Jan Kwasniewski.

Similarities in the aspect of insufficient intake of basic and vital vitamins into the body. “Komsomolskaya Pravda” and other publications, which willingly picked up the new trend, write about the need for additional intake of dietary supplements and vitamins during the diet.

The amount of vitamins for each person is difficult to determine, and taking large doses in tablet form is harmful to health. Dr. Atkins in his clinic prescribed giant (!) doses of synthetic vitamins and dietary supplements to patients, many of which are not approved for use (“kava-kava”, for example, a toxic product).

  1. The diet can cause: cholelithiasis and urolithiasis, angina pectoris, atherosclerosis, nephritis, diabetes mellitus, gout (the latter is more common in men).
  2. The body will not receive enough: microelements, beta-carotene, vit. E and C, vit. group B, etc.
  3. The body's reaction: decreased immunity, the appearance of many “failures”, including frequent acute respiratory viral infections, constipation, acne, poor condition of the skin, nails and hair, changes in the walls of blood vessels, reproductive disorders.

Conclusion: the Kremlin diet can only be used (cautiously) by a 100% healthy person. The question is - are there many of them?

How not to harm yourself when stopping Kremlevsky?

Staying on a diet for months is difficult and even impossible. Active weight loss under strict requirements requires preparation and strength to switch to a normal nutritional rhythm.

The Kremlin diet is a complex mechanism. They must be used carefully. Digesting proteins increases the level of ketone bodies, causing intoxication and harm to health.

Poisoning can be easily identified by the taste and smell of acetone from the mouth. Characteristic symptoms should serve as a basis for immediately stopping the “fasting”. Do not get carried away with meat and fish, increasing the amount of cholesterol!

How not to gain weight after the Kremlin diet?

People undertake most things without thinking through it. Today the Kremlin diet, tomorrow something else. And you need to lose weight according to the rules, very strict canons. “Sprinters” will not win in this marathon.

If you decide to lose weight quickly, you may succeed, but not for long. You will lose to conventional chemistry. And if you make losing weight your goal in life, then other scenarios will appear.

Prepare yourself for the path, then you will not need blows to all life attitudes. You will avoid the “pendulum” effect – weight fluctuations. With low costs you will achieve the maximum.

Limit your diet wisely! Even a minimal decrease in indicators will produce results in the future.

The Golden Ratio for Smart Weight Losers

The low-calorie menu is insidious - most people quickly gain weight again after it.

You have begun a dangerous period - the difficult and tough Kremlin has ended. You are afraid that the achieved result will be lost.


The body selects “keys” to any method of eating, redistributing energy costs, reducing metabolism and body temperature, which is reflected in the form of lethargy, drowsiness and reluctance to move.

Immediately after the hunger strike ends, an active mode of fat accumulation begins. The body, like a good master, strives to be ready for new “shocks”.

What to do?

Pull yourself together, don’t worry and follow the following guidelines:

  • Learn to count calories. It is difficult to comply with the transition regime without seeing clear and dry numbers in front of you.
  • Don't limit yourself to time - strategy always wins over tactics.
  • Forget about fasting. It will give you nothing except steal energy from muscle mass.
  • Monitor the transition period from the diet to normal eating. Here you need a lot of patience and vigilance.
  • Deceive the body with the volume of food. Eat foods with a high percentage of water and fiber.
  • The main load is lunch. During the daytime, you need to consume most of your daily calories.
  • During meals - only eating. Conversations, TV shows, and reading distract and increase tolerance to fatty foods. You will eat more while talking than alone in silence.
  • Ready-made meals with calculated calories are a good way to control your diet.
  • Review your main life priorities.
  • Be vigilant. Don't relax, get involved in the transitional lighter period of nutrition. Do not suddenly give up fasting days, but reduce their number if they are not strictly observed. Habitual physical activity must be continued to burn additional fat.
  • Strategy and practice. Follow the step-by-step strategy. Introduce no more than one or two new foods per day into your diet.

The body must get used to it - now there will be enough food. Try it with vegetables, fruits, herbs, cheese, cottage cheese, and low-fat milk. The caloric norm for two weeks is up to 2000 kcal.

  • Prudence and moderation. Eat about 500 grams at a time. Use a dessert plate for 300 grams of food. Eat often, but in small portions, chewing your food thoroughly.
  • Positive perception. Believe in yourself. Don't give up at the finish line. Don’t reproach yourself when, unable to bear it, you add another piece to the plate. Better be vigilant next time.

The correct mindset for losing weight is the first victory and a lasting foundation for transforming your body to meet specific goals.

Think about it - why do you need a diet? What do you want from her? Will you be happier? What kind of nutrition do you need? If the desire to have a slim body, like in a fashion magazine, is associated with life priorities, you will not achieve anything.

We give advice - learn to look at the world positively, love yourself as you are, try to give your body everything it needs, improve it wisely and from a medical, not a commercial point of view. The trinity of spirit, soul and body is the key to success in everything.

Leptin hormone and diet

We draw your attention to the latest research by American scientists on weight recovery and excess weight gain after dieting. We are talking about a drop in leptin levels in the blood with weight loss.

The hormone is produced in fatty tissues and controls appetite, but no one knows how this process occurs. Leptin, administered artificially through injections, helped volunteers maintain their weight at the required level.

The creation of a new drug for weight regulation through leptin is a matter of time. This is a chance for thousands of people who have no other opportunity to cope with such a task.

Kremlin diet. What does modern science say? Ronald Krauss (USA)

The Kremlin for weight loss or diet for astronauts was created as a direction of a specific nature. It was a colossal and lengthy work of nutritionists, psychologists and physiologists. But is the fruit of their efforts applicable to the entire part of humanity?

No diet is universal!

The main question – whether the Kremlevka is harmful to health – has not yet been clearly resolved. Even dietary variations in blood pressure and triglyceride levels are not fully understood. Ronald Krauss, a scientist from the USA, recently took up the solution to this problem.

As a comparison, he took three weight loss practices:

  • A common diet high in carbohydrates.
  • Limiting fats.
  • Limiting carbohydrates.

For the experiment, men were selected and divided into four subgroups (with different intakes of carbohydrates and saturated fats). The scientific team wanted to study changes in blood levels of lipids and triglycerides. Initially, the entire group underwent a single dietary course, and then was distributed to test individual methods with a gradual reduction in calories in three stages.


Men in two subgroups who consumed 26% carbohydrates lost body weight in any situation, even with a high calorie diet.

They showed improvement in their indicators:

  • triglycerides;
  • cholesterol;
  • apolipoprotein B;
  • cholesterol, which is not related to weight loss.

There was, but not to the same extent, weight loss in the high-carbohydrate group. Men who consumed 39% carbohydrates had all indicators in the average range.

Scientists' opinions on low-carb diets

When Robert Atkins began promoting his low-carbohydrate diet, the President of the American College of Nutrition said in 1973: “Of all the strange diets that have been proposed in the last 50 years, this is the most dangerous for people.”

The chief physician of the state of Maryland (USA) in 1974, when asked what was wrong with the Atkins diet, replied: “What is wrong ... with an overdose of sleeping pills? You are putting your body at risk. Although you can reduce your weight with this diet, you will do so at the risk of your health and even your life.”

The chairman of the Harvard University nutrition department told the Senate in 1973: “The Atkins diet is nonsense. Any book that recommends unlimited consumption of meat, butter and eggs is, in my opinion, dangerous. Author. Whoever proposes this is guilty of a crime."

The chairman of the American Medical Association's Food and Nutrition Council told the same Senate meeting why the Atkins diet should be officially condemned:

"A thorough scientific evaluation of the Atkins Diet was conducted by several scientists and it became clear that it poses serious health risks."

Warnings from doctors and scientists continue to sound to this day. Former US Surgeon General Everett Koop wrote in 2003: "The Atkins diet is unhealthy and can be dangerous."

The world's largest organization of food and nutrition experts has called the Atkins diet "terrible."

Spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association "The Atkins diet and similar diets—any diet that encourages eating bacon, cream and butter while avoiding apples in the name of weight loss—is a nutritionist's nightmare."

The American Dietetic Association has been warning Americans about the dangers of the Atkins diet for 40 years.

The National Academy of Sciences, the most prestigious scientific body in the United States, agrees with the American Dietetic Association on the Atkins diet. The American Cancer Society, the Cleveland and Johns Hopkins clinics, the American Kidney Foundation, the American College of Sports Medicine, and the National Institutes of Health have the same opinion.

In fact, there appears to be no major government or non-profit medical, food, or scientific organization in the world that endorses low-carb diets.

In 2004, a scientific review concluded that the Atkins diet "contradicts all current evidence-based dietary recommendations."

All these scientific findings can be safely transferred to the Kremlin diet, which is one of the varieties of the Atkins diet.

In 2003, the Food Standards Agency (Greater Britain) issued a statement warning the public about the health risks of low-carb diets, including the Atkins diet and the Kremlin diet. This statement indicates that they are linked to heart disease, cancer and even obesity.

“Eliminating flour products—or any other food group—can be harmful to your health because you may miss out on a number of nutrients,” the statement reads.

“This type of diet is also unrealistic because it cannot be followed for very long.”

It also said: “High-fat diets are also linked to obesity, which is increasing in incidence in Great Britain.

People who are obese are more likely to develop diseases such as certain types of cancer.

"Low-carbohydrate diets are high in fat, which may increase your risk of coronary heart disease."

Thus, it is safe to say that most scientists, doctors and health organizations believe that low-carb, unbalanced diets do not provide any benefit to the body. besides weight loss. Moreover, they are accompanied by significant risks to human health.

In order to reduce weight, it is better to follow a balanced diet with plenty of vegetables and fruits (DASH diet) and reduced calories, and also increase physical activity. Perhaps the weight loss will not be so rapid, but there will be no harm to health.


  • The low-carbohydrate diet resulted in improvements in cholesterol and triglyceride levels without weight loss.
  • With weight loss, the low-carb groups improved further (slightly), and the high-carb groups partially caught up, but not in every way.
  • The same trend applies to LDL particle size.
  • The “medium carbohydrate” group produced average results.
  • The caloric intake to maintain the required weight in the low-carbohydrate group was sufficient - the men continued to lose weight.

The last point is very important in understanding the high effectiveness of the Kremlin diet. With its help, you can reduce fat mass without reducing calorie content in a special diet

How to reduce risks?

When following the Kremlin diet for weight loss, be prudent. Choose the golden mean, do not overuse any product. Keep a close eye on your health indicators. Suspicious symptoms are a reason to immediately contact a nutritionist.

At-risk groups:

  • Women during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Minor children.
  • People with problems with the kidneys and urinary tract.
  • Patients with hepatitis, diabetes, gastritis.
  • People with any mental disorders.

Note. Long-term reduction in carbohydrate levels is undesirable. Diet time limits are your protection.

What symptoms indicate the need to stop the diet?

Mental factors:

  • absent-mindedness;
  • irritability;
  • drowsiness.

Physiological aspect:

  • Disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system.
  • Lack of progress in weight loss.
  • Pain in the heart area.
  • Bad breath (acetone).

Stop dieting wisely! Introduce cereals, nuts, and fruits into your diet. Get your blood tested and consult your doctor.

What vitamins should be added to the diet?

The Kremlin diet, especially in the induction phase, is poor in vegetables and fruits, which are the main sources of vitamins and minerals. Therefore, if it is observed, people are advised to additionally take them in the form of dietary supplements.

But be careful when taking vitamins and consult your doctor separately for each one. The role of the individual factor is important here.

Try adding low-carb fruits and vegetables to your diet:


  • apricots,
  • avacado,
  • strawberry,
  • peaches,
  • red grapefruit,
  • watermelon,
  • cantaloupe (cantaloupe),
  • rhubarb,
  • blueberry.


  • zucchini,
  • cauliflower,
  • Swiss chard,
  • mushrooms,
  • celery,
  • Cherry tomatoes.

Monitor the dietary process by weighing and monitoring symptoms. Any negative sign is a reason for another consultation with a nutritionist and stopping the diet.

The most commonly used multivitamins contain a complex of various vitamins and minerals, including:

  • Vitamin A.
  • Vitamin C.
  • Vitamin D.
  • Vitamin K
  • Vitamin B1.
  • Vitamin B2.
  • Vitamin B6.
  • Vitamin B12.
  • Biotin.
  • Folic acid.
  • Pantothenic acid.
  • Biotin.
  • Calcium.
  • Phosphorus.
  • Potassium.
  • Magnesium.
  • Zinc.
  • Selenium.
  • Manganese.
  • Copper.
  • Chromium.
  • Inositol.
  • Quercetin.

Vitamin complex:

  • Complivit (tablet per day).
  • Nicomed (do not use if you have kidney pathologies).
  • Iodine active.
  • Sea salt (cook only with it).
  • Vitamins A, E.
  • Aerovit.
  • Multivitamins.
  • Beauty Vitrum.

People on the Kremlin diet are also recommended to take dietary supplements with essential fatty acids, which are necessary for healthy skin, hair and nails, and are also beneficial for the health of the cardiovascular system. If constipation is present, fiber supplements are prescribed.

Interestingly, Robert Atkins founded a company that produces various dietary supplements. He promotes their use while following the Atkins diet.

Note! A long course leads to a deterioration in the appearance of the skin, since the body and skin cannot normally exist on practically the same proteins. The result is a dull face, the appearance of wrinkles.

If losing weight is difficult to achieve, you need to remove restrictions and switch to at least 60 conventional units, adding a variety of salads, fresh vegetables, berries and fruits to your diet. Measures are necessary to return the gastrointestinal tract to its usual functions and saturate the skin with vitamins.