What to do in case of a burn: step-by-step instructions. What to do in case of burns of various forms and degrees Ointment for burns, fistulas, non-healing wounds based on spruce resin

How to provide first aid for a burn at home.

Burn is damage to human body tissue due to external influences.
1st degree burn- redness of the skin, slight swelling is possible.
2nd degree burn- the appearance of blisters filled with liquid on the skin. they may not appear immediately.
3rd degree burn– necrosis of the skin, it becomes dark in color.
4th degree burn- damage not only to the skin. but also deeper tissues.

What is the first aid for any burn at home?

What to do first when you get burned?
First, the damaging factor must be removed. A person usually does this instinctively, but if he loses consciousness from painful shock, those around him should help with this.
First aid for 1st and 2nd degree burns can be provided at home. In more complex cases, the patient must be hospitalized.

Burns can be thermal, chemical, or electrical.

First aid for chemical burns.

The first thing to do is wash the chemical off the surface of your skin.
First aid for alkali burns.
If the damaging factor is alkali, then it must be washed off with a weak solution of acetic acid to neutralize it.
First aid for acid burns.
If a person is burned by acid, then the burned area should be washed with soap or soda solution.

First aid for burns with boiling water.

If a person has received a thermal burn, i.e. if you are burned by an iron, boiling water, steam, boiling hot oil or fat, you need to cool the damaged area - keep the burned area under running water cold water for several minutes so that the destructive effect of heat stops. For severe injuries of 3-4 degrees, apply cold lotions.
Then, to relieve pain and minimize skin damage, apply to the skin medications or folk remedies.

Effective folk remedies for first aid for burns with boiling water.

Most often in folk medicine as first aid for a burn with boiling water, the following are used: grated raw potatoes, raw eggs, soda, toothpaste. The effectiveness of these products is evidenced by numerous positive reviews from readers of the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH”. Reviews of the treatment of burns with these means are presented in separate articles.

If you burn yourself with boiling water, salt will provide first aid.

The best first aid for a minor burn with boiling water at home is to immediately place the burned area under a cold water tap and hold for 6-8 minutes. Then quickly add salt. True, it bakes a lot, you have to endure it. But after 20 minutes everything goes away. The remedy is very strange - how can you rub salt on a wound? But it is very effective, as evidenced by numerous reader reviews. (Advice from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2005, No. 18, p. 8).
How to use salt and soda, and how they work, can be read in the article "Salt and soda for burns"

Egg as first aid for thermal burns.

There is a folk remedy: lightly beat a fresh egg and apply to the damaged area of ​​the skin. Apply raw eggs to the burn frequently, not allowing it to dry until the pain stops. Only after this can the damaged area be washed. The pain goes away quickly, and the skin remains free of blisters and wounds. (Recipe from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2013, No. 23, p. 32).
If there is no time to sit and lubricate the burn, a raw egg is poured onto a small towel and the towel is tied to the damaged skin. The pain and burning go away immediately. (Recipe from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2007, No. 10, p. 30).

Numerous examples indicate the effectiveness of this remedy, if you apply it right away, reviews can be read in the article "Burn Eggs"

If you burn yourself with boiling water, goose fat will help.

This is a very effective spice remedy for burns. It is enough to anoint the burn with a thin layer of goose fat, and after a few minutes the pain subsides, and traces of damage gradually disappear.
Example The child was severely burned by freshly cooked soup. The parents quickly washed off the remaining soup with cold water, took goose fat out of the freezer and lubricated the damaged skin. The skin was very hot, so the frozen fat melted quickly when lubricated. Every three hours, the fat was carefully wiped off with a napkin and fresh fat was applied. Two days later there was no trace left of the burn.
It’s easy to prepare goose fat for burns at home: You need to boil a piece of fatty goose. Cool the broth in the refrigerator. Collect congealed fat from the surface of the broth, put it in a jar and put it in the freezer, and cook soup from the broth. (Recipe from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2013, No. 12, p. 31).

Starch and grated potatoes for skin burns.

Review of the treatment of burns from boiling water with grated potatoes.

What to do if you are burned by boiling water? You need to quickly cool your hand under running cold water, grate well-washed raw potatoes along with the peel and apply to the burnt skin. After 30 minutes, change the compress. This potato compress relieves burning and pain, without redness or blisters after a burn. The compress is applied 3-4 times in a row every 30 minutes (or as the compress warms up); for mild skin damage, once is enough. Grated potatoes can be used several times, once used, cool in the freezer. (Recipe from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2012, No. 11, p. 31; 2011, No. 6, p. 39).

What else can you apply to a burn to quickly restore the skin?
Folk remedies as first aid for thermal burns.

Toothpaste for burns.

What should you do if you burn yourself with boiling water, but there are no pharmaceutical ointments or products at hand that can be used to provide first aid for a burn: potatoes, soda, goose fat, starch? When traveling or at home, you can apply a thick layer of toothpaste to the burn. Preferably mint. After 2-3 minutes the pain will go away, and after 2-3 hours the paste will dry out and a white crust will form, after washing it off you will not find any blisters or redness underneath. (Recipe from the newspaper “Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle” 2010, No. 2, p. 31, 2008, No. 5, p. 31-320, Healthy Lifestyle 2004, No. 20, p. 25).

Zinc ointment will relieve blisters from boiling water burns.

If you burn yourself with boiling water, you should immediately lubricate the burned area with zinc ointment, then the pain quickly subsides and blisters do not form - this has been tested several times. (Recipe from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2014, No. 24, p. 33).

First aid for an adult with a steam burn. Review.

The man was caught in a stream of steam and burned his entire back. I had fresh pork bile on hand. The back was cured quickly and without consequences. (Recipe from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2003, No. 7, p. 27).

Review of the treatment of burns from boiling water with cold water.

Cold water is the most effective and accessible remedy for thermal burns at home. All you need to do is immediately place the burned part of the body under a stream of cold water. If a child is burned while wearing clothes, then undress him directly under running water - and the clothes will not stick and there will be no wound. Only help in case of a burn should be provided as quickly as possible. If the area is burned in such a way that it cannot be exposed to running water, then apply wet napkins or snow to the body.
The woman was severely burned by boiling water. She immediately put her burnt hand in a bucket of water, and the pain disappeared. I pulled my hand out - it hurt. I kept it like this for 15 minutes until the pain went away completely. Then she bandaged her hand and went to work. When I took off the bandage in the evening, there were no traces left. Cold water relieves the heat and the burn does not develop. (Review from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2006, No. 11, p. 8-9.)

First aid for burns from boiling water is lime water.

What to do if you burn yourself with boiling water or steam: take a few pebbles of lime (for whitewashing), extinguish them with water and let them settle. Strain the settled water through 3-4 layers of gauze and add the same volume of vegetable oil. Shake the mixture well until foam forms. Use this foam to lubricate the burn using a sterile feather. No need to tie. The lime dries, the oil softens. Therefore, blisters from the burn will not appear, and the wound will heal quickly. It is advisable to always store lime water in the refrigerator in case of an emergency; all you have to do is add oil and stir quickly. (Recipe from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2008, No. 18 p. 30).

First aid for thermal burns.

Apply bile to the thermal burn.

Natural bile is a unique remedy for burns. If you get burned, just lubricate the damaged area with pork, beef or medical bile - the skin is restored before your eyes.

Damage from boiling water, steam, hot water, hot kitchen utensils are a common household injury. In a fifth of cases, children suffer - it’s boiling on the table Electric kettle, the child pulls the cord and knocks it over. What to do in case of burns, what first aid to provide? Timely actions will help avoid long-term treatment.

Types of burns

First degree. Redness of the skin, sometimes swelling, small blisters - this happens if you are exposed to the sun too much.

Second degree. The lesion forms large, clear blisters.

Third degree. The skin becomes dead, penetrates into the muscle and nerve tissues, and blisters with cloudy contents appear. Skin grafts are usually required.

Fourth degree. The skin is charred, the thermal effect reaches the bones.

At home, care is provided for 1st and 2nd degree burns. In all other cases, contact a specialized burn center, trauma or intensive care unit of a hospital as quickly as possible.

For 1st and 2nd degree burns, the affected area is first assessed. It can be easily identified by the palm, the area of ​​which is approximately one percent of the area of ​​the entire skin. If the burn is the size of your palm or larger, be sure to consult a doctor, especially when the skin peels off.

First aid is required, calling an ambulance even for a 1st or 2nd degree burn. If after a day or two swelling appears, redness increases, and the temperature rises, to prevent infection, you should also consult a doctor.

If the area of ​​thermal damage is 10-15% of the skin or more, a burn disease is diagnosed.

First aid for burns at home

Remove wet, hot clothing as soon as possible, as boiling water continues to burn. Act especially quickly in case of synthetic fabric. Cut clothing before it sticks to the skin.

Remove clothes carefully to avoid blisters. It is forbidden to pierce them, so as not to introduce an infection into the wound.

Place the scalded area under cold water or in a container with cold water. Coolness relieves pain and slows down the spread of the burn. To reduce swelling, hold the burned area up.

When providing first aid, you can also use sheets and towels moistened with cold water for cooling.

After 15-20 minutes, dry the burn area and cover with a loose sterile bandage.

Wipe the first degree lesion with cologne and vodka. You should not use brilliant green - if you have to see a doctor, it will be more difficult for him to determine the degree of thermal damage.

Do not apply oil or fat to the burned area - the film prevents heat transfer.

Pharmacy remedies for burns

In case of a 1st or 2nd degree burn with boiling water, first aid is provided with Panthenol, Olazol, and smeared with Solcoseryl ointment.

"Panthenol" is used to treat skin damage - thermal burns, including sunburn, as well as abrasions.

"Olazol" anesthetizes, inhibits the growth and reproduction of microorganisms, improves and accelerates healing.

Gel or ointment “Solcoseryl” is used to help after burns with boiling water, treatment of thermal injuries, as well as after sunburn.

The most convenient remedies for burns are in aerosol packaging.

Anti-burn gel wipes cool, anesthetize and localize the lesion, destroy microbes, and are easy to remove when replacing.

When providing first aid, it is forbidden to cover a burn with an adhesive plaster - it will be painful to peel it off later.

For pain relief, take Analgin.

If the skin peels off, treat the area with a non-alcoholic antiseptic solution and cover the wound with a sterile bandage or gel pad.

What to do if you have a burn

Potassium permangantsovka:

  • Dissolve in water until pale pink.

Apply a bandage to the burn and periodically moisten it with the prepared solution. Replace the gauze once a day.

Grated raw potatoes helps with scalding with boiling water:

  • Place the paste, apply it to the affected area, and secure with a bandage.

Replace as soon as the mixture warms up.

Potato starch treats a burn:

  • Sprinkle the scalded area with a thick layer, cover with cotton wool, and bandage loosely.

Fresh cabbage leaf provides first aid for thermal burns:

  • Attach the sheet to the affected area.

After a few minutes, the pain disappears or is significantly reduced, and after another half hour it completely disappears. Cabbage leaf is effective for bruises and sprains.

Aloe vera helps heal burns.

  • Cut the skin off the leaf and place it on the affected area for 12 hours.
  • Grind the leaf into a paste, apply to the affected area, and secure with a sterile bandage.

Folk remedies for burns

Timely and correct treatment does not leave a mark on the skin and heals quickly.

Propolis and St. John's wort to get rid of burns:

  1. Cool 20g in the freezer, grate, pour a glass of medical alcohol.
  2. Leave for 10 days, stir every day, and strain when finished.
  3. Pour 500 ml of unrefined sunflower oil into 4 tbsp. perforated flowers.
  4. Leave in the sun for 14 days, stirring once a day.
  5. Mix with prepared propolis tincture.

Apply the product to gauze, secure it to the wound with a bandage, change the bandage every 4 hours.

Onion for the treatment of burns:

  • Finely chop the onion, mix with 20 blooming flowers.
  • Pour a glass of unrefined sunflower oil.
  • Boil over low heat for 20 minutes, strain.

Lubricate the thermal wound as often as possible. Store burn ointment in a cool, dark place.

Modified: 07/26/2019


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It is important to know: what you can and cannot do for burns

Whatever the causes of a burn, this injury is always very painful and unpleasant, and with severe burns, painful shock and death can occur.

Burns from boiling water or steam

This common type of burn can easily occur in the kitchen while preparing coffee or tea. First of all, in this case, you need to place the affected hand or other part of the body under the tap and turn on the water, then cover the affected area with a damp bandage.

If there is only redness, it is enough to lubricate the arm or leg with a special pharmaceutical gel for burns, apply a spray - any cooling agent with anesthesia.

It is forbidden. The first thing that comes to mind when you get a burn is to lubricate the affected area with cream or ointment. You shouldn't do this. There is no need to smear the skin with sour cream or butter - this can only cause an infection. If the burn is severe, do not pierce the blisters or apply ice or snow.

Rinse with vinegar or citric acid It is possible if the lye is to blame. Then you need to cover the wound with a sterile bandage.

It is forbidden. Compresses will not help in this case and are generally contraindicated if you do not want to worsen the situation.

If you notice burning and pain on the skin after being in the sun for a long time, you should apply a wet, cold bandage to the affected areas, and it is recommended to take a cold shower or a bath of cool water.

Burn gels from the pharmacy also help - they reduce redness and relieve itching.

It is forbidden. Forget about cooling the affected area with ice - this can cause skin necrosis or, at a minimum, contribute to the formation of scars at the burn site.

Do not use soap, rub the skin with a washcloth, or use a scrub - this will further injure the skin. Alcohol (will dry out the skin even more), Vaseline, fatty creams and ointments (they will clog pores) are also prohibited.

You should also temporarily exclude coffee, tea and alcohol from your diet - they contribute to dehydration. If you have sunburn, you can only be outside wearing covered clothing.

Burn shock occurs during the first time after receiving deep burns. This is a life-threatening condition. With it, patients complain of severe pain, their nervous system is very irritated, the blood thickens, its volume decreases, the pressure decreases, and tissue may die at the site of the burn. It occurs with a significant burn - if 30% of the body is burned in adults and 5-10% in children. If the burns are deep, shock occurs when 10% of the adult's body is affected. The shock lasts up to two days, if the situation is serious - three days. Burn shock is the onset of burn disease and can lead to death.

There are four stages of burn shock. At first, the victim is characterized by nervous, excited behavior, is capable of inappropriate actions, and complains of thirst and nausea.

At the second stage, the patient is conscious, but already inhibited. His skin is dry and cold. Possible fever, nausea, thirst.

If the victim survives, the second stage of burn disease develops - poisoning of the body with toxins.

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What not to do in case of burns: mistakes when providing first aid


There is an opinion that a thermal burn must certainly be lubricated with sunflower, sea buckthorn or olive oil. Doctors are unanimous in their opinion that this action does not cure burns and does not alleviate the condition. As a result, a fatty film forms on the damaged area, which aggravates the healing process. Therefore, refrain from treating the wound with any oil. This also applies to dairy products: kefir, sour cream, fermented baked milk, as well as animal fats.


Whatever medicinal properties Regardless of the medicinal plant, their use in case of a burn is unacceptable. Doctors do not recommend trusting traditional methods for severe skin lesions. If the skin is damaged by an acid or alkali, then exposure to an alcohol tincture or decoction may increase the area of ​​damage.


In the first minutes after a burn occurs, the use of ointments and creams is unreasonable. If fat is present in the composition of these medicines, then the effect is identical to that of oils: the wound is covered with a layer of fat that does not allow air to pass through. As a result, the burn takes longer to heal or weeping areas appear.


Doctors warn that using alcohol on an open wound leads to severe damage to damaged tissue. Refrain from treating the burn with alcohol-containing solutions, vodka, and even hydrogen peroxide. These manipulations are carried out with open wounds, cuts, but not with burns.


After a burn, blisters filled with ichor often form on the damaged area. To avoid infection and aggravation of the situation, do not pierce them under any circumstances. After some time, this bubble will gradually decrease.


Try not to trust traditional methods when treating burns. Some people, when burned by a hot object, begin to sprinkle the wound with soda, starch, flour, talc, baby powder or other powders. Doctors do not recommend using these remedies in first aid and consider them ineffective.


First of all, try to stop contact with the hot object that caused the burn. Then place the damaged area under a tap or in a bowl of cold water. The duration of the cooling process is at least 15 minutes. This will help stop the process of tissue destruction. Then apply a damp bandage to the sore spot and provide rest to the victim. After a couple of days, when the wound begins to gradually heal, you can use essential oils tea tree or calendula. These products will prevent the formation of scars and scars.
If you find that the damage is large or takes on a blue tint, seek medical help immediately.

Remember that following safety precautions will prevent burns and keep you healthy.

When burned by boiling water at home, the most important thing is a quick reaction to the situation. It is the ability to adequately react and provide proper first aid after a skin burn with boiling water that subsequently determines how deep the burn lesion will be and to what area it will spread.

In most cases, such burns proceed favorably and do not cause severe consequences. In mild cases, they go away on their own within a couple of days.

What to do if you are burned by boiling water?

If the burn is minor, you need to focus on the general condition of the victim. If a person scalded by boiling water is able to adequately perceive what is happening, the first thing to do is to cool the burn surface with cool water.

Keep the burn area under water for ten to twenty minutes. By this action you will prevent the spread of the wound surface and alleviate the condition of the victim. Third and fourth degree burns are serious injuries, so medical attention is needed immediately.

What can't you do?

There is no need to pierce or cut through the resulting blisters, as this may lead to infection in the damaged skin tissue.

Do not sprinkle starch on burned areas or lubricate them. vegetable oil and cauterize with alcohol, iodine and other tanning substances, as their effect slows down the healing process and increases pain.

If the burns are too deep, you should not try to clean the wound yourself from fragments of clothing or other contaminants.

First aid for burns with boiling water

First aid measures for burns from boiling water should be truly urgent. The timeliness of their provision will determine the severity of the process and its consequences. No need to panic, no matter who this trouble happens to.

Only a clear sequence of actions can help in the fight against severe complications. It consists of the following events:

  1. Immediately remove clothing that has come into contact with boiling water to prevent it from sticking to the skin and to avoid the burning sensation it produces.
  2. Place the area of ​​skin with a burn under a stream of cool tap water or in a container of water. This will relieve pain and prevent the burn from spreading.
  3. It is advisable to treat the burn site. If it is not in your home medicine cabinet, then you should go to the pharmacy and buy it.
  4. If it is not possible to complete the previous point, then you should bandage the resulting wound with a sterile bandage. As a last resort, use another material, just be sure to iron it with a hot iron.
  5. For large or deep burns accompanied by severe pain, painkillers are indicated.

After providing first aid, it is necessary to assess the degree of skin damage, this will allow you to understand how to treat a burn with boiling water at home, and select special ointments and other remedies for blisters.

Assessing the degree of burn

Official medicine divides boiling water burns into 4 degrees. Let's look at each of them:

  1. A first-degree burn is characterized by slight redness and swelling at the site of the injury, and small blisters may sometimes form.
  2. A 2nd degree burn is also characterized by redness and swelling; this is also a superficial burn lesion, but in the second degree, blisters almost always form and a thin scab forms.
  3. A 3rd degree burn is characterized by a deep lesion that can reach the muscles, a scab is always present, and the blisters burst immediately.
  4. A 4th degree burn reaches the bone, the superficial tissues and skin undergo necrosis. With such a burn, charring and blackening of body tissues can be diagnosed.

So, if the burn is degree 1 or 2, you can get by with treatment at home. But the extent of the burn should be no more than 1% of the body area (approximately no more than the area of ​​the victim’s palm).

If the hand, foot, face, or genital organs are affected, even with first and second degree burns, it is better to consult a doctor, since scarring of these parts of the body may cause problems. If the degree of burn is higher, you must call " ambulance", the faster the better.

Ointment for boiling water burns with blisters

Medicines prevent burns from spreading deeply into the layers of the skin, relieve swelling and pain. Among the drugs and ointments that have proven themselves for burns with boiling water are:

  1. – perfectly forms and restores damaged mucous membranes and skin, and also has metabolic and regenerative effects on damaged tissues. It relieves pain and burning sensation very well.
  2. One of the modern ointments for burns with boiling water is Sulfargin. It contains silver ions and copes well with wounds of various types, quickly and painlessly.
  3. – applied by applying ointment to a gauze bandage, and only then directly to the burn. This dressing should be changed every 20 hours - during this time the swelling from the burn site will noticeably go away and purulent masses (if any) will be removed.
  4. Specialized centers have been using them for more than 30 years. This spray contains an antiseptic and anesthesin and helps to quickly cope with the consequences of a burn injury.

These products are intended for the treatment of 1st and 2nd degree burns. For severe burns, treatment is carried out exclusively by a doctor. He does:

  • anesthesia;
  • antiseptic treatment of the skin around the burn area;
  • removal of dead epithelium and remnants of clothing;
  • trimming bubbles large sizes to empty them and accelerate wound healing;
  • applying a bandage with bactericidal ointment, which should be changed every 2-3 days until complete
  • healing (this can be done at home).

For severe burns, anti-shock therapy is carried out, and, if necessary, surgical treatment, which includes excision of necrotic areas, closure of the skin defect and plastic surgery.

How to treat a burn with boiling water at home

Expensive medications are not suitable for everyone. In such cases, good folk remedies for burns with boiling water will come in handy.

  1. Aloe lotion: take a few aloe leaves, chop them and squeeze out the juice. Moisten gauze or bandage and apply to the burn area. You can use the plant without squeezing the juice - simply by cutting the leaf lengthwise and applying it to the wound.
  2. Necessary beat a chicken egg, and apply to the affected area. At first there will be a burning sensation, after a minute it will become easier. The method is valued because even if the burn is severe, there are no wounds or blisters after its use.
  3. Carrot juice. You need to finely grate the carrots or grind them in a blender. Place the mixture on gauze pad and apply to the damaged area. The compress needs to be changed every 2 hours. The carrots will release juice. It is very important that it hits the burned area.
  4. Sulfur and propolis. Mix 100 grams of butter, unrefined vegetable oil, rendered pork fat (interior), beeswax and another 10 grams of propolis, put on low heat. Wrap the sulfur in gauze and put it in the brew. After 15 minutes, remove from heat and strain. Apply to the burn four times a day.
  5. Plantain. Freshly picked leaves are what help treat burnt skin areas. Before using the leaves, they must be washed with boiling water and cooled.
  6. Brew tea (black or green) and then cool it. Apply the cold brew to the burn site and bandage it with a gauze bandage soaked in the brew. Do this compress 7-8 times a day.

Treatment at home traditional methods are carried out only for first-degree burns, since self-treatment of more serious skin lesions is fraught with complications that will lead to an unsightly scar.

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A burn is damage to body tissue resulting from exposure to high temperature. In addition to thermal, burns can also be electrical, chemical and radiation.

Thermal or heat burns are the most common, especially in the younger age group - in young children, the vast majority of burns occur as a result of scalding with boiling water.

There are several classifications of burns; in our country, the A.A. classification is accepted. Vishnevsky, dividing damage into degrees depending on the depth of tissue damage. Knowing the classification allows you to quickly navigate the situation and not make mistakes when providing first aid. So, according to Vishnevsky, there are 4 degrees of burns:

  1. Stage of erythema, or redness;
  2. Bubble stage;
  3. Stage of skin necrosis;
  4. The stage of necrosis of the skin and underlying tissues (fatty tissue, muscles, tendons, and sometimes bones), also called the charring stage.

The first two stages are referred to as mild degree, third and fourth - to severe burns, or deep burns. This division is arbitrary, since it does not take into account the area of ​​the lesion and special anatomical zones (these include the face, eyes, groin area, joints), however, it gives an idea of ​​the severity of the lesion and what first aid measures should be taken.

First aid for mild burns

Mild burns do not require hospitalization; as a rule, home treatment is sufficient, but only if first aid was provided correctly.

So, with such lesions, after the cessation of exposure to the traumatic factor, it is necessary:

  1. Remove clothing from the burn area, if any. At the same time, it is unacceptable to pull off clothes, because... you can damage the skin even more (if necessary, the fabric should be cut);
  2. Place the burned area under running cold water for 10-20 minutes or apply a cold compress. It is unacceptable to use ice to cool the skin, because... tissue frostbite may be added to the burn;
  3. Treat the affected area with an antiseptic. You can use anti-burn agents; it is allowed to treat the burned surface with alcohol. You cannot use iodine, a solution of potassium permanganate, as well as oil, fatty ointments and creams - anything that interferes with air exchange;
  4. Apply a loose sterile bandage to the damaged area of ​​skin, but do not use cotton wool, because its fibers are quite difficult to remove from the wound surface;
  5. If the pain is intense, give the victim an anesthetic. You can use Paracetamol, Aspirin (it is not advisable to give it to children), Nimesil, Nurofen, etc.

As a rule, these first aid measures for mild burns are quite sufficient. Such injuries heal within 10-14 days; the main task in their treatment is to prevent additional injury to the affected area and infection.

First aid for severe burns

In the case of thermal injuries of III and IV degrees, as well as II degree burns affecting large areas of skin or anatomically significant areas, care is provided in a hospital, so it is necessary to call the victim an ambulance as soon as possible. While waiting for the doctor to arrive and after eliminating the damaging factor, first aid measures for severe burns are as follows:

  1. You need to make sure that there are no areas of smoldering clothing left. There is no need to remove scraps of clothing from damaged skin;
  2. Cover the burned surface with a sterile, or at least clean, loose bandage if possible;
  3. For deep injuries, do not immerse the injured area of ​​the body under water, and do not use ice. Instead, wet the bandage with cold water;
  4. Give the victim warm tea or warm salted alkaline water (to prepare it, mix 1-2 g of baking soda and 3 g of salt in 1 liter of water);
  5. Place the victim so that the burned part of the body is above the level of the heart.

In this case, you should not use topical medications, even such as Panthenol; wound treatment will be done in the hospital.

First aid for electrical burns

First aid for an electrical burn consists of isolating the victim from the damaging agent, after which it is necessary to check for a pulse and breathing. If they are absent, it is necessary to begin resuscitation measures - closed cardiac massage, mouth-to-mouth or mouth-to-nose breathing. You should call an ambulance as soon as possible, continuing resuscitation measures until the pulse and breathing stabilize or until a doctor arrives.

Superficial skin damage caused by an electrical burn is treated in the same way as a thermal burn.

First aid for chemical burns

A chemical burn is caused by exposure of the skin or mucous membrane to acids, alkalis and other caustic substances. Despite the fact that the damaging agents may be different, first aid for burns of this type begins the same: the damaged area must be placed under running water for 10-20 minutes. This is true for all chemical burns, with the exception of burns with quicklime and sulfuric acid.

After rinsing with water, the burn site is treated with a weak alkali solution, such as soda (1 teaspoon per glass of water) or a soap solution (it is advisable to use laundry soap, without additives). Sulfuric acid burns should be treated with a slightly alkaline solution, without first rinsing with water.

After washing, alkaline burns are treated with a weakly acidic solution - a solution of vinegar or citric acid is suitable.

Burns caused by quicklime are treated immediately with oil or fat - and this is the only case when fatty ointments are used in first aid for burns.

It should be borne in mind that burns from alkalis are more dangerous, since they do not create a clear boundary between the damaged area and healthy tissue. This is the so-called liquefaction necrosis, which tends to spread even after the end of exposure to the damaging agent.