What is a carat? How to convert gold carats to grams Carat measure of weight name required

You don't need to be a jeweler with years of experience to learn how to determine the carat value of a diamond. General knowledge about the measures is enough to find out how many carats are in any present that you purchased, if you suddenly have doubts about the integrity of the seller. And the diamond carat table will tell you what a diamond looks like if its weight is accurately determined to be 1 carat, and the sizes of diamonds of the corresponding weight.

What is a carat and what does it mean in a diamond?

Not everyone knows what carats are, although their definition itself is not that complicated. This is a measure of weight that has a very clear relationship with a unit more familiar to the average person - grams. 1 carat of a diamond, like any other precious stone, will be equal to 0.2 grams, or 200 milligrams. On labels and documentation, the carat value of diamonds is usually indicated by dividing the unit into 1000 parts. So, if you see a value of 2,000, then you have a 2-carat diamond.

Why this particular unit of measurement, why are stones not measured in grams?

The fact is that in the old days, or rather in the Middle Ages, there was only one way to accurately measure a small precious stone. For this purpose, we used the seeds of the acacia Ceratonia siliqua. Therefore, the word “carat” has taken root in their relation. They are unique in that they have almost the same mass - 0.2 grams. However, it fluctuated slightly around this figure, and subsequently the value of this unit differed slightly in different countries. And only in 1907, in Paris, the first international definition of how many grams in a carat was approved - 0.2.

In fact, the mass of minerals in jewelry is measured in grams too. But usually this unit is used for less expensive stones that are not precious. So, about malachite weighing 5 carats, they will rather say that it weighs 1 gram. But no self-respecting jeweler would dare to describe a diamond, for example, 3 carats as “0.6 grams”. This is how it happened with these masters of their craft.

Cost of gemstones depending on weight

Of course, the more a sample weighs, the more it costs. This is one of the main criteria for evaluating it, along with cleanliness.

If we talk about such a mineral as, then according to the number of carats it is divided into 4 groups:

  • diamond chips(up to 0.010);
  • small(up to 0.029);
  • average(from 0.030 to 0.990);
  • large(over 1,000).

The price increases (or decreases) greatly depending on the group, but, of course, within the same category the cost of copies can vary significantly. Moreover, the price of each unit of mass in especially large diamonds, for example, 9 carats, is much higher than in small ones (less than 0.5 carats). In this they differ, for example, from gold, where the cost of one gram in a kilogram is the same as that of an individual gram.

Large diamonds (more than one carat) are one of the safest investments in the world. Such an investment has many advantages - a diamond, say, 3 carats can be quickly sold, it is easy to store and over time it will not depreciate or lose its properties.

With diamonds of smaller or larger sizes the situation is different. Small specimens are not particularly in demand, as they are common, but they can also have their value. In addition, experts predict that in the next 20-30 years they will dry up and this mineral will increase in price.

As for large stones, if you come across a particularly large diamond, 10 carats or so, keep in mind that it will be difficult to sell. After all, it costs a lot, and the demand for such things is not so great. But still, it can become an excellent “savings book” for the future.

How can you determine how much a diamond weighs if you know the size in mm?

In order to find out the carat value of diamonds, you need a table. The weight of a precious crystal of the same diameter may differ depending on the cut. But the standard round cut is most often used, and it is this that is usually indicated in the tables. It is more convenient to use this method than using scales in cases where the sample cannot or is difficult to remove from the frame.

The size is determined using a special ruler, which indicates not only millimeters, but also their fractions. After all, not every specimen is 3 mm wide; more often we are talking about much smaller options. Therefore, there are rulers where the division price is not equal to one millimeter, but to a tenth of it.

If you follow the table, you will see that the size of a 1 carat diamond, if it is round cut, is 6.4 mm. A particularly large 5 carat example will have a diameter of 11 mm. But minerals of such dimensions are rather rare. Diamonds of five tenths (5.1 mm) or three tenths (4.3-4.4 mm) of a carat are a little more common, but they are also rare and quite large. But those that are less than two millimeters in diameter are already classified as small (up to 0.029).

Below you can see the table of the ratios of diameter and weight of round cut diamonds:

Diameter in mm Carat weight
4,1 0,25
5,1 0,5
6,4 1
8,2 2
9,4 3
10,4 4
11 5
14 10
16 15

Carat table for square-cut minerals (“Asscher”, “princess”):

If you need to not only measure the mass, but also, we recommend that you contact a jeweler. The fact is that the cost is affected not only by the dimensions and weight, but also by the cut, the quality of the mineral itself, its color and purity. Only a trusted specialist can name the real price.

Is its carat. However, many are accustomed to considering not only this indicator when calculating the cost. The same 1 carat diamond can have different shapes and sizes of stone. So, for example, the terms “large” or “small” do not carry a semantic load, because weight and high cost are determined by weight, grams, carats, diameter and mass. Linear dimensions are more often used to determine length and width, so a separate value was introduced for the stone - mass fraction and size range relative to shape.

What is a carat?

Jewelry making is interesting and complex, and not many people understand that a beautiful shiny stone is a labor-intensive job. And this area has its own special terminology. Why is the weight of a stone not determined, but its carat calculated? This is a unit of measurement for jewelry that accounts for one-fifth of the total weight of the stone. Let's say that a 1-carat diamond weighs 0.2 grams, and 1 gram of a precious stone weighs 5 carats. The name of the measurement comes from the seeds of the carob tree. In the research classification, Ceratonia Siliqua (Ceratonia pod) even in the era of the Roman Empire served as a tool for establishing the mass of any small object.

Thus, they began to use hundredths to establish the exact size - a diamond with a mass of 40 hundredths. This means that the carat will be 0.40 of the gemstone's percentage of the entire item. Nowadays, electronic analytical balances are used to determine the exact size. They allow measurements and measurements down to thousandths of a carat. Only this method is applicable to stones that have not been processed by a jeweler. It turns out that in the “gold” business there is a more accurate technology for working with such values.

Calculation symbols

For convenient work with the weight and weight of diamonds, we introduced values ​​for the carat - it is 1 ct. This is a calculus abbreviation that is equal to 0.2 grams. There is a scale of 100 units, which provides appropriate divisions of grams to obtain whole carat numbers. To measure the technology, “high precision” is used, which is equal to 0.01 ct. The number is determined relative, but for a cut and faceted diamond, a different formula is used to take into account the shape and type of stone.

The most popular round stone cut will be counted as a constant and the formula will display the values: height x diameter x 0.0061. The last number varies depending on the shape of the product. Sometimes, instead of diameter, approximate length and width data are set (if the stone is not round). Let's say a heart cut would have the height the exact same number as the width, and the latter value would be adjusted to 0.0059. Thus, for the “marquise” the proportion of data will be 2:1 - size x length x height x 0.058. As you can see, the formulas can be changed and supplemented if it makes sense to enter linear measurement data.

Value Share Calculation

To establish the weight, the jeweler uses linear technologies and calculation methods. The formula is used: M(Kr-57) = D 2 x H x 0.0061 + correction. The D-value will represent the diameter of the stone, and the H will represent its height. Therefore, speaking of mathematical deductions, linear measurements are also found in this art. For example, a 1 carat diamond needs to be measured to obtain diameter and height data. If its shape is round, then you need to make corrections to the initial data and those that will be received later. The type of cut is also important:

  • Girdle thickness.
  • Cult size.
  • Primary processing.
  • Major losses.

In practice, the correction can be up to 17% after visual inspection of the jewelry. The buyer should understand that a 1-carat diamond ring will have approximate calculation data, since the error of calculation methods also introduces adjustments and adjustments of up to 9-10%.

Calculation of stone diameter and conclusion of size range

Only for round stones there is a simplified method for calculating carat and weight. This can be done by setting the diameter. Despite the high margin of error, the values ​​​​established for diamonds of different shapes are easy to read. Below is a table showing the size of a 1 carat diamond relative to its shape.

The table of diamond carats by shape, weight and size is presented in an easy-to-read form for ordinary users. Those who are far from the methodology and essence of the calculation can use the given values ​​when choosing jewelry as a gift, for example, if you want to purchase earrings with 1-carat diamonds. It is also worth noting that much depends on the type and type of gemstone.

Change in mass relative to diameter

If we talk about the round shape, then it can also affect the periodic accuracy indicators. For example, a 1 carat diamond can have different diameters, and the lobes often influence these convexity and density measurements. Below is another table with diamond weights and diameter values:

Please note that the typical unit value for carats has a different relative weight than what is quoted in the jewelry store. Such a stone has additional tenths, and the usual weight changes - a diamond of 0.1 carats will be more profitable in price than one that has a weight of 1.01 carats. The diameter is 2 times larger, and the price is hundreds of times higher. Therefore, you should not immediately buy a carat stone, its value is still a hundredth higher, but it is better to take a closer look at those types that are accurate in size. For example, a 1 carat diamond, the photo of which is given below.

Weight and transfer price of stone

Naturally, weight affects the cost of a diamond. The trend sets a proportional increase in price while simultaneously increasing the carat value. But you need to take into account the linear size. In the first table, you can see that all types and shapes of diamonds are different, as are their corresponding technical information. In connection with such adjustments, the concept of “transition mass” was introduced. It is necessary to establish “jumps” in relation to the price of jewelry.

Stones of the following sizes have transitional masses:

  • 0.30 carat stone.
  • Jewelry weighing 1 carat.
  • One and a half carats of stone.
  • 2-3 carats diamond.

These are the most popular sizes, so the demand for them is higher, as evidenced by the variable price. No one will change the price of jewelry with a 15-carat diamond, since it is a luxury product.

Cost of stones

You can name the relative cost of stones depending on the brand of the store that sells them. For example, at 0.99 carats the price will be equal to $17,000, and at 1 carat it will be already $29,100. That is, the transitional size of a diamond affects the cost, which can increase by 70% immediately from an increase in weight of 0.01 carats.

The peculiarity of weighting is also taken into account - this means that the diamond weighs more than it appears visually. Such stones are called pulled stones. It was said above that the cost is also affected by the density of the stone, and this is exactly what we are talking about here. For example, the diameter of a 1 carat diamond is 6.5 mm according to the table. Its weight corresponds to the parameters, but its diameter is much smaller, taking into account the correct cut - only 6.3 mm. This is a violation of the proportions of the standards, and such stones are sold at a discount.

This leads to the conclusion that the cost is more influenced not by mass, but by diameter, and its correspondence to other dimensions. In terms of beauty, the stone loses in price compared to stones of regular shape. And instead of tens of thousands of dollars, they will pay about 8000-9000 dollars for it. This is approximately 500,000 per 1 carat of diamond (price in rubles).

Weight difference

It is worth knowing that a stone of 0.8 carats will be more expensive than two stones of the same quality of 0.4 carats. Naturally, because large diamonds are very rare, and the reason lies in the analogy of the final weight. There are weight values ​​and total weight of the stone; they are displayed like this: t.c.w or ctw and ct. The total weight is indicated in jewelry stores as an average number, and the specific weight is indicated for each individual piece.

For example, a product has several stones, which means the total weight will be 2 t.c.w. The stones weigh 1 ct individually and the other two weigh 0.5 ct. The total weight may also vary depending on the color, clarity and cut of the item.

Mass fraction of stones and their price

There are diamonds that weigh less than 0.01 carats. When taking into account the error during weighing, the diameter cannot be calculated. They are recognized as crumbs. The remaining stones are divided into:

  • Small, weighing up to 0.299 carats.
  • Medium ones weighing from 0.3 to 0.99 carats.
  • Large - from 1 carat and above.

Pricing for large stones takes into account clarity and color more than diameter. Stones that are identical in all respects, but different in color, can differ in value by tens of thousands of dollars. For small stones, clarity characteristics are not taken into account, since they are invisible and do not affect the appearance.

Any appraisal examination is carried out according to the “Tavernier rule”, and weight comes first. Next, the squares of the mass in each carat are considered, and the entire value is multiplied by the base price per 1 ct.

A diamond is a good gift. Both givers and recipients know this. It is unlikely that you will find a woman who will react indifferently to a precious crystal given to her. Understanding how many grams are in 1 carat will be interesting not only to those who have already become the happy owner of an exquisite gift, but also to those who are just preparing to receive it or, conversely, give it as a gift.

For example:

  • if the diameter of the stone is 6.5 mm, then its weight will be exactly 1 carat;
  • if the diameter of the gemstone is 8.2 mm, then its weight is 2 carats;
  • A diamond weighs 3 carats if its diameter is 9.4 mm.

Weight standards

In ancient times, many countries had their own weight standard - talent. It was also used as a measure of value . Each state had its own talent For example, the Babylonian talent was a lion made of bronze. Its weight was just over 60 kg. Moreover, the Persian talent weighed only about 30 kg.

Everywhere some object served as the standard of mass by which one should measure up.

It is not surprising that the basis for such a unit of mass as the carat was also taken from a certain object, albeit one of natural origin and characterized by low weight.

In different countries, carat values ​​could differ, for example, the weight of 1 carat in grams in Egypt was equal to 0.195 g, while an Arabic carat is 0.223 g. The metric carat, which is equal to 0.2 g, appeared only at the beginning of the 21st century and it was it is still widely used today.

Among carats, there is such a type as the British carat. But this unit is not intended to measure the mass of precious materials, but to determine the volume of pure gold contained in jewelry. This karat is used to mark the purity of gold. The letter “K” is used to designate it. The purest gold is designated "24K".

How not to make a mistake when choosing a gemstone

Relatively recently, people have learned to artificially create crystals, therefore, they can now create an artificial diamond. Giving such a diamond a certain cut, thereby turning it into an artificial diamond, is not at all difficult. When buying jewelry, you need to be very careful not to become a victim of criminals who created the diamond artificially.

There are several effective ways to determine whether a diamond is real or nothing more than a pathetic fake:

A diamond is a unique gift and it is important for all donors to learn to accurately determine how much 1 carat of a diamond weighs in grams and its value, as well as to be able to distinguish a real stone from a fake.

The simplest answer is 0.2. The history of the issue is much more interesting, as a reason to pay tribute to Eastern culture. When creating writing, Europeans avoided a dead end, or at least a very irrational option: when for each new word they need to invent a new hieroglyph. But with the number system they fell into almost the same trap. Try converting a light year to kilometers using the Roman numeral system. Europeans should be grateful to the Arabs for introducing them to the positional system of number and al-jabra (algebra).

The calculations in such a record turned out to be very convenient, and immediately found supporters, but in the measurement system many anachronisms still exist. Gasoline prices in America are indicated per gallon (3.79 liters), and for many products per pound (about 454 grams). Exchange trading in gold is carried out in dollars per troy ounce (31.1035 grams). You can go to meters and kilograms from any system and people will easily get used to it, you can divide a day according to the decimal system into other hours and minutes, but you cannot combine a day and a year in such a notation (one year is equal to 365.2422 days).

Measuring weight at different times

The gram, as a unit of weight, appeared much later than the carat and grain. The first equal-armed scales were used 2.5 thousand years BC. e. in Ancient Babylon. The theory of scales, in which a load could be balanced by a movable weight, was described by Aristotle, that is, long before Archimedes and his famous saying about the lever. In modern terms, this sounds like equality of moments of forces.

The comparison of the load on equal-arm scales looked quite obvious and convincing. But when one weight was compared with another on unequal-arm scales, essentially using a ruler, it was too tricky and incomprehensible for ordinary people. It is not surprising that the person performing such weighing was honored and respected. In ancient Rome, this special person, called libripens, was involved in major trade transactions.

Weight standards

In ancient times, many Mediterranean countries had their own state weight standard: talent, which translated means weight, scales. It was also a measure of value, and talent could differ in different countries:

  • Babylonian talent, in the form of a bronze lion on a stand - 60.4 kg.
  • Phoenician (silver) talent - 43.59 kg.
  • Jewish - 44.8 kg.
  • Persian gold talent - 25.2 kg, silver talent - 33.65 kg.

Ancient Greek talent of 6,000 drachmas(coin and unit of weight 4.37 grams) weighed 26,196 grams.

Drachmas in different areas were also different:

  • Attic
  • Corinthian
  • Rhodes
  • Lydian

These and other silver drachmas differed in weight, but the conversion factor was the same: 1 mina = 100 drachmas, 1 talent = 60 min.

Such weights were well suited for large transactions, but gem dealers needed standards in a completely different weight range and, in addition, they should always be on hand. It turned out that carob fruits are excellent for this. They are quite light, and, most importantly, very stable in weight. So, carob pod, with a similar sound in different languages, left for a long time the name of the unit of weight - carat. With this unit of comparison there was the same inconsistency as with others.

Various carats

Firstly, with this unit of measurement, some associated mass, others volume and area, and still others the purity (sample) of a substance. A unit of volume was also called a carat in Egypt: 0.064l and area unit: 175 m2.

Secondly, the carat associated with the weight measurement was itself different:

  • The English carat differed slightly from the French and a little more from the Viennese, respectively - 205.30, 205.87 and 206.08 mg.
  • Arabic carat – about 223 mg.
  • A carat in Egypt, Mecca and Syria is 195 mg.
  • Finally, since 1907, a metric carat has been 0.2 grams.

This is the modern generally accepted carat to gram ratio.

British carat gold is used to assess the purity of a precious metal. How many 24 parts of gold are in a sample - this is the sample. Yes, gold 14K corresponds to 583 parity(14/24 = 0.583), 18K – 750, 23 – 958. In most countries, the minimum purity level of gold is 9K, that is, 375 purity.

The abbreviated designation for the weight of precious stones in carats is ct (international), Russian - car.

Another measure of weight is also associated with the plant standard: gran, which means grain. The average weight of barley grain is 62.2 mg - one grain. This outdated unit of weight, used by jewelers and pharmacists, has been preserved in literary usage: not a grain of something means complete absence.

In the troy system, where the grain is the minimum unit of weight of precious metals, the troy ounce is usually used. At stock exchange trading, this is rather a tribute to tradition: no one converts ounces into drachms, scruples and grains, although modern electronic scales could easily cope with such a task.

Mite, the smallest coin, as a measure of something, was preserved thanks to the Bible in an allegorical sense: to make one’s contribution, that is, to take part within one’s ability in some matter.

Correspondence of the mass and linear dimensions of the stones

Obviously, for proportional objects of the same density, there is a cubic relationship between size and weight. You can find a table in which the relevant data is indicated for a specific type of cut.

So, for a classic brilliant cut with 57 facets, a 0.50 ct diamond has a diameter of 5.15 mm, 1.00 ct – 6.4 mm, 5.00 ct – 11 mm.

The same for the Princess cut: 0.50 ct – 4.45 mm, 1.0 ct – 5.55 mm, 5.0 ct – 9.5 mm.

From these data it follows that the Princess cut uses the material more efficiently. For comparison, a diamond shaped like a cube with a side of 10 mm would weigh approximately 17.5 carats.

Even when cutting the largest diamond, when small pieces could also be used, a stone weighing 3,106 carats was able to produce 105 diamonds weighing only 1,063.65 carats. Thus, almost 2/3 of the diamond went into dust. For small diamonds, this ratio is obviously even worse and largely depends on the qualifications of the cutter and the level of equipment.

Difference in mineral density affects the size of stones of the same carat weight. With the same cut shape, an emerald stone will be larger than a diamond, and a ruby ​​stone will be smaller. This should be taken into account by ordinary buyers.

Gems have become very widespread among women, as well as among men. It's no secret that both women and men love and prefer jewelry.

Today, jewelry is an indicator of social status in society.

Jewelry attracts the attention and glances of others. Any product made of precious metal decorated with precious or semi-precious stones will be an excellent gift for a birthday or any other occasion.

Almost any decoration is complemented by some kind of stone. Very often you can find items in jewelry store windows that are placed separately from other items. As a rule, jewelry with diamonds is placed in separate display cases. can be found here.

Of course, it should be noted that a diamond is the stone that attracts the attention of absolutely everyone without exception. It’s not for nothing that they say that girls’ best friends are diamonds. One cannot but agree that every lady dreams and wishes to receive a piece of diamond jewelry as a gift.

Since we're talking about diamonds, let's figure it out. It is this gemstone that is measured in a measurement system called carat.

What is it? The carat measurement system has deep roots in history. What is a carat and what is one carat equal to? Today we will try to understand it in more detail and in more detail.

What is one carat equal to?

Speaking about carats, first we need to give a clear definition and understand what a carat is. What is it? How many stones are there in a karate? What do women so often talk about, compare and whisper about?

The carat is a unit of mass measurement outside of any system. 1 carat contains two hundred milligrams. That is, when we talk about karate, this means, first of all, the measurement of a particular stone.

How important is it to know and understand how many carats are contained in a particular stone? If you want to understand precious and semi-precious stones, then you need to understand how the number of carats in one stone is calculated.

Of course, carat is, in general, a separate system that allows you to calculate the cost of the product in the future. Once in a jewelry store, the first thing a buyer pays attention to is the carat content of a particular stone.

Carat: what is it?

So, as noted earlier, the carat is a unit of weight for precious stones, which is a non-systemic unit of measurement of mass, which equals two hundred mg.

It is this measurement system that is used in jewelry in order to most fully express the mass of a particular precious stone or pearl. A kind of carat is a unit of measurement. In other words, this measurement system takes us into the real dimension of stones.

In order to give the most accurate and complete assessment and correct description of a particular stone, it is necessary to know how many carats are contained in the stone. The pricing policy primarily depends on the amount of carats in the stone.

History of the unit of measurement carat

Where did this measurement system come from? In fact, the history of the origin of this unit of measurement is quite interesting and has deep roots in history. In fact, no one would ever have thought that a stone could in any way be counted in a unit of measurement.

This measurement system appeared in the Middle East. In fact, this measurement system has been very well known in jewelry since ancient times.

Today, this measurement system is relevant and is used in practice to this day. Using measurements, you can find out not only the volume of any precious stones, but also determine the degree of purity in the gold.

It is worth noting that carat fractions are expressed in a different meaning. The British carat is a unit of measurement that is calculated as a percentage of the gold content in a piece of jewelry, as well as in coins and bars. That is, the main goal is to measure the percentage of gold in the total available mass. The letter “K” is used as a designation.

If we are talking about measuring the gold content in a particular product, then it is worth knowing that gold has distinctive features:

  • gold is soft;
  • combines with other metals such as silver and copper.

Let's say we want to measure a metal like . Today, a huge amount of jewelry made of white gold is produced. Jewelry that contains a combination of white gold and regular yellow gold is especially in demand.

Due to the fact that particles of silver are added to white gold, such products will have a higher number of carats than an alloy with nickel, for example.

It is worth noting that with the help of this unit of measurement, this method of measuring jewelry began to be put into practice back in the fifteenth century. It started and originated in Mediterranean countries.

In those days there were no precise measuring instruments as such and this was very rare.

It was at that time that it was established that the measurement of this unit using carob seed. It is the carob seeds that have this feature - constant mass, the weight of which is 0.19 grams.

Precious stones in those days were compared to the weight of carob seeds. That is, this is a tree, and its seeds were the most important reference point. Then the answer to the question “How much is one carat gram?” The answer is 0.2 g.

How many grams are in one carat?

So, how many grams are there in one carat? As noted earlier, One carat contains 0.2 g. This value is set and cannot be changed under any circumstances.

The system for calculating the carat content in jewelry and precious stones has been established in our lives for a very long time.

For many years, it is with the help of this calculation system that precious stones are valued and, accordingly, based on this, the pricing policy is determined, which directly depends on this indicator. Jewelry business operates entirely on the basis of this computer system.

Relationship between carat weight and cost

How important is the carat weight of a stone? And what depends on it? Does the cost of a product depend on its weight expressed in carats? In fact, carat is of great importance for any piece of jewelry.

If you come to a jewelry store, you will see how attention is focused primarily on the quantitative carat content of this or that jewelry. And, as a rule, the more carats in any stone or other piece of jewelry, the higher the cost of this product will be set.

In order to weigh the product, specially designed carat scales are used. In fact, one carat is divided into several parts. Many people don’t even realize or mean this. Of course, the greater the weight of any product, the more carats it contains and the cost of this product will be significantly higher.

How to determine carats in a stone?

How to find out the carat of a stone? Let's now learn how to determine how many carats are in stones. For example, let’s take everyone’s favorite stone – a diamond.

Everyone knows that diamonds are a girl's best friend. And no wonder. After all, by looking at this stone, you can forget about everything that is happening around you. This stone amazes with its brilliance and radiance.

How to find out how many carats are in a particular stone:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to determine the weight of a particular gemstone.
  2. Remember that the number of carats depends on the diameter of your stone.

To find out how many carats your item contains, use the values ​​below.

The first number indicates the diameter of the stone, and the second number will specify how many carats are contained in the corresponding diameter of the stone:

  • 1,1 – 0,0066;
  • 1,2 – 0,0086;
  • 3,8 – 0,2;
  • 4,1 – 0,25;
  • 4,4 – 0,33;
  • 5,1 – 0,5;
  • 5,3 – 0,6;
  • 5,7 – 0,75;
  • 6,2 – 0,9;
  • 6,5 – 1, 6,;
  • 9, 1- 2, 5;
  • 7,3 – 1,5;
  • 7,7 – 1,75;
  • 8,2 – 2;
  • 8,5 – 2,25;
  • 8,8 – 2,5;
  • 9,1 – 2,75;
  • 9,4 – 3;
  • 10,4 – 4;
  • 11,0 – 5;
  • 16,0 – 15.

Difference between gold and diamond carats

What is the difference between carats such as gold and diamond? To begin with, we must indicate that there are both diamond and gold carats.

In fact, the difference is connected and due to the fact that both units of measurement are associated with Latin naming. As noted earlier, the name originated and became established in the measurement system from the carob seed. The unit of measurement is equal to two milligrams.

There are two concepts: carat and troy ounce:

  • Russian ounce It is considered a unit of the imperial system of measurement that was most often used to estimate the value of precious metals. One troy ounce is 1.09714.
  • Carat used to measure a gemstone, namely in order to establish reliable information about the weight of a particular gemstone. Diamonds are also no exception, and are included in the list of those products that are evaluated according to this system. After all, you've probably heard that when it comes to diamonds, the first thing to understand is the number of carats in this stone. As noted earlier, a carat was equal to two hundred milligrams. Based on this value, the standard indicator (in our case, 200) is multiplied by the weight. Also, you can find diamonds that are small in size. If you have a product with a small diamond in front of you, then its measurement will be expressed not in carats, but in units. This is also very important to know when calculating and determining carat weight and content.

As you can see, the measurement system has a very rich history, which dates back thousands of years of its existence. To this day, this system of measuring and determining the number of carats in products is used in practice in jewelry.

Particular attention is paid to this measurement system and today there are a huge number of tables with values ​​and designations.

In order to obtain reliable data regarding product measurements, special carat scales. After all, it is very important to correctly determine the amount of carat content in stones or any other product.

If you want to be a professional and learn how to determine the carat size of a particular product or stone, then familiarize yourself in more detail with all the established values. After all, the calculation system is not so simple and understanding it right away is not so easy. To do this, you need to devote time to study, and also find tables that have certain values ​​already established by the system.

Today we looked at some values ​​that are already installed in the system and are used in practice.