Ivan Barzikov first parish. Ivan Barzikov and his pages on social networks. Interesting facts about Ivan Barzikov

Ivan Barzikov has a wonderful and very famous Homeland - the city of Zaporozhye, located on the territory of Ukraine. There he was born and raised with his family. Little is known about Ivan’s life before joining the project. According to available information, he had no problems with his studies, which allowed him to successfully graduate from school. Then the young man entered culinary college, where he received secondary specialized education as a cook. According to rumors that TV viewers share with each other on the Internet, Ivan had experience not only in working in his specialty. It’s all about his acquaintance with Nikita Datskov, who came to “DOM-2” with him at the same time. The young man worked as a dancer in an entertainment establishment for the fair sex. Because of this, many began to believe that Barzikov was doing the same thing, although both he and Datskov claim that their communication and spending time together is limited to visiting the same gym.

Vanya came to the TV project with the goal of winning the heart of Ekaterina Tokareva and becoming her boyfriend. The sympathy turned out to be mutual - Katya also liked the muscular newcomer. However, at that time she was already in a relationship with another participant, famous for his, so to speak, extraordinary behavior, and not only within the framework of the project - Wenceslav Vengrzhanovsky. The latter took the news about the new gentleman of his passion extremely negatively and began to hinder their communication and the development of relations in every possible way. However, Tokareva herself did not continue to establish relations with Barzikov due to current obligations.

But Ekaterina’s refusal did not upset Vanya too much, because he soon switched to another participant - Liberzh Kladona. However, nothing good happened with her either. Then he had a whole series of fleeting romances with the most different girls project. There was an attempt to build a relationship with Margarita Agibalova, but she was not very suitable as a partner for the young and hot Barzikov, who still did not want to take on extra responsibility for someone other than himself. Then the man’s attention was attracted by Oksana Strunkina, who herself was very interested in him. Liber was dissatisfied with this development of events, because she still wanted to see Ivan as her gentleman - which, however, she later succeeded in doing.

In 2016, Ivan Barzikov took part in first season of Love Island, where he managed to reach the finals and even win the main prize - one million rubles together with Irina Pinchuk. After the show, the guys decided to build a relationship in Polyana, but they didn’t last long there. Soon the couple broke up, and Ira left the project for another man. Currently an athlete and just handsome man Ivan Barzikov meets with Elizaveta Polygalova as part of the “Wedding for a Million” project.

During his time on the television set, Ivan Barzikov, a participant in the scandalous reality show, managed to break many women’s hearts.

Participant of the show "Dom-2" Ivan Barzikov

The young man, like a prodigal son, repeatedly left the perimeter, but, interpreting in a new way the proverb “being away is good, but being at home is better,” he always returned to the native walls of the project. TV viewers are impressed by the fact that the guy does not play, but for real lives life under cameras.

Childhood and youth

A charismatic young man was born in the south of Ukraine, in the city of Zaporozhye. Ivan’s date of birth (August 7, 1991) influenced his character young man. The guy born under the sign of Leo did not like to make his past public.

Barzikov did not talk about his childhood and family in any of his interviews. The biography of the star of the TV project is one continuous blank spot.

It is reliably known that the future ladies' man of "House-2" completed 11 classes, and before leaving to conquer Moscow, he received a secondary specialized education as a cook. In the capital, the young man worked as a bartender. Evil tongues attribute the guy to affairs of convenience with women older than him.

"House 2"

Loyal fans of the TV show know Ivan firsthand. In addition to his bright appearance, explosive character and dubious past, the guy is known for leaving and returning to the project a record number of times.

The debut parish took place on November 11, 2011. Then the young man showed sympathy for the girlfriend of the headliner of “House-2” - Ekaterina Tokareva. The eccentric person did not hide the fact that she liked the new participant, but things did not go further than sympathy. At that time, Katya was already in a relationship with the “white magician” of the television project -.

Compared to the stately Ivan, the freaky Wentz was lost. The self-proclaimed psychic was not inferior to his opponent only in height (both Barzikov and Wenceslav are 173 cm tall). Despite the obvious advantage in other respects, the brunette’s heart never wavered.

Soon the guy’s attention was attracted by the “black panther”. The sympathy turned out to be mutual, and the romance of the young people began to develop rapidly. True, “development” was going downhill. The newly-made couple constantly quarreled. The cause of the conflicts was Vanya’s desire to re-educate the dark-skinned beauty.

Barzikov demonstrated his cool character not only to his girlfriend, but also to the team. More than once the young man became the instigator of noisy brawls. So, after another fight with the organizers of the show, the young aggressor is disqualified for an indefinite period. Kpadonu wanted to leave the project along with her chosen one, but the presenters insisted that the young lady not “cut from the shoulder” and think about everything carefully.

The decision was unchanged, and a couple of days later Ivan took his beloved outside the perimeter. The happiness of the young people did not last long: in March 2013, the guy on his real page "In contact with" announced that he had broken up with Liber.

Ivan Barzikov in the show "Dom-2"

The second parish took place on September 23, 2013. At that moment, a “revolution” began in “House-2”. The “oldies” were invited to the reality show. According to the organizers, the main task of the “veterans” of the television show was to guide inexperienced participants on the path of true relationships.

Vanya misinterpreted the instructions and started a real hazing in the clearing. On the evening of the second day, Barzikov steps on an old rake and provokes a fight, for which he is immediately expelled from the gate.

The final third arrival occurred on June 16, 2016. TV viewers knew that the return of the obnoxious guy to the ranks of the TV cast participants was a kind of omen of imminent changes.

During that period, the concept of a subsidiary site in the Seychelles changed radically. “Love Island” is becoming an analogue of the popular TV show “The Bachelor”. Twelve girls fought for the hand and heart of the “house” suitors - Ivan Barzikov and. Among the brides, two people stood out from the very beginning: and. The sultry beauties claimed not only Ivan’s love, but also an impressive cash prize (the winning couple received 1 million rubles).

After a series of tests and competitions, Barzikov’s choice settled on the shy Irina. The outwardly immaculate Pinchuk turned out to be an extremely frivolous lady. The girl cheated on Vanya with her colleague on the set, Alexander Zadoynov.

Finding no place for himself, the guy either abandoned the traitor or got back together with her. As a result, the young man forgave his beloved. TV viewers did not believe in reconciliation, but despite this, the young people successfully reached the finals and won the coveted prize. After the island, Vanya and Ira returned to Moscow, where their relationship did not pass the “clearing” test. The couple broke up, and the young lady left the gate.

At that time, the princess of the television project was also experiencing a painful breakup with. Fate gave Ivan a chance to be with the girl he secretly dreamed of. The guy, who has warm feelings for the timid beauty, began to court her. The young people did not leave each other a single step.

Nothing foreshadowed trouble, but a week later Barzikov shocked fans of Dom-2 with a post in which he publicly declared that he and Marina decided to remain friends. As it later turned out, Afrikantova was not aware of “their decision.” The girl found out about the breakup from "Instagram". TV viewers condemned the young man’s action, calling him a coward.

It is unknown how many more Barzikov would have roamed the expanses of the women’s bedroom, being in “free swimming”, if not for Liza Polygalova. Watching Ivan’s relationship, the blonde did not lose hope of winning the flighty guy and at the right moment she simply happened to be nearby.

Personal life

It is reliably known that after being expelled from the project in 2013, the young man worked as an animator in a hotel in Thailand for 2 years. The guy officiated at weddings and organized leisure activities for Russian tourists at reasonable prices.

Ivan Barzikov after the project "Dom-2"

Even then, the young man began to study the Thai cosmetics market. And judging by the latest news, he has now revived the project and is promoting it to the masses.

Ivan Barzikov now

Today, Lisa and Vanya are no longer participants in the Dom-2 television project. Despite this, their union continues to exist outside the television set. Young people live together and make joint plans for the future. From the photographs of their lovers, it seems that the guys are happy.

Date of birth of Ivan Barzikov is August 7, 1991. Born in the Ukrainian city of Zaporozhye. The zodiac sign is Leo, and the Chinese zodiac sign is Goat. He is 173 cm tall.

The young man carefully hides his life before the project. He attended a local school and graduated from 11th grade. After receiving the certificate, he entered a technical school as a cook. The young man always differed from his peers by his hot-tempered character; he always wanted to be a leader in any company. I always played sports, went to the gym.

After receiving his education, Ivan moves to Moscow, where he gets a job night club bartender. According to some rumors, the young man earned his living by dancing striptease. However, the guy denies these facts.

In 2013, Barzikov lives in Thailand, works as a presenter, organizes weddings, anniversaries and different holidays. At the same time, he promotes Thai cosmetics.
Ivan doesn’t want to talk about personal relationships, he just said that he’s free and ready to build love on a project.

Coming to the project

Ivan Barzikov got to the television construction site House 2 on November 11, 2011. The guy declared his sympathy for Ekaterina Tokareva, who was building love with Wenceslav Vengrzhanovsky. The girl liked the guy, the guys had nothing but mutual sympathy, Katya did not want to leave Wentz. Ivan was considered a rather hot-tempered person on the project; he always got into fights at the first opportunity.

After an unsuccessful attempt to build love with Catherine, Ivan expresses sympathy for Liber Kpadon. The dark-skinned panther of the project immediately reciprocates, the guys quickly declare themselves a couple. But relations between them were strained from the very first days. The guys had many complaints against each other, Ivan wanted to re-educate Liberzh, and also always condemned her for her bad habit- smoking. Despite a large number of conflicts, the guys stayed together, there was no talk of separation.

After Liber won the “Person of the Year” competition, she had a conflict with another participant Oleg Miami. Barzikov stood up for his beloved and provoked a fight. The presenters decided to disqualify the guy for a while, Liberge stated that she wanted to leave the perimeter with him. Ksenia Borodina persuaded the girl not to make hasty decisions, however, Kpadonu still left after her beloved. Outside the project, the couple did not last long; the guys broke up in the spring of 2013.

On September 23, 2013, Ivan Barzikov comes to the show again. The presenters called the old people into the perimeter so that they could show the new ones how to build love. However, Barzikov misinterpreted his participation and started hazing on the project. He initiated a fight with Vasily Tederika, after which the presenters kicked Ivan out again.

Barzikov’s next visit took place on June 16, 2016. On House 2 started new project“Island of Love,” where two bachelors Ivan Barzikov and Alexander Zadoynov were looking for a bride from 12 applicants. Ivan actively courted Irina Pinchuk and Liza Polygalova. As a result, he chose Irina, but she cheated on him with Alexander. Barzikov was furious at first, after which he accepted his beloved and forgave her. The couple participated in the finals and won the main prize.

After the Seychelles, Ivan and Irina returned to the clearing, their relationship began to deteriorate, joint claims and scandals appeared. As a result, the couple breaks up, Irina leaves the project.

Ivan was very upset after Irina left. But Marina Afrikantova helped me come to my senses. The young man began to show signs of attention to the girl, to support her, since she was also after breaking up with Andrei Chuev. The guys spent a lot of time together, went on romantic trips, but they never built a couple.

After stopping communication with Marina, Barzikov actively courtes Liza Polygalova, the guys declare themselves a couple, since the girl wanted this from the islands. The guys left the project, but did not break up. Outside the perimeter, they fought and made up many times, but in the end they broke up.

Afterwards, Ivan began an affair with Alisa Litinskaya, a fellow former participant of House 2, but nothing came of this relationship either. Love at a distance did not last long and the guys decided to remain friends. Now Ivan is in Asia, where he actively travels and works.

He joined the project in November 2011 and since then has not disappeared from the attention of fans.

Biography and participation in the Dom-2 project

Very little is known about Ivan’s life before the show: date of birth - 1991, hometown - , education - secondary technical, cook by profession, goes in for sports, previously was seriously involved in gymnastics and wrestling. From Ivan’s own stories, it turned out that before the project he had a girlfriend whom he dated for 1.5 years, but the relationship reached a dead end due to the guy’s excessive jealousy.

He came to the project with his friend Nikita Datskov, who works as a dancer in a nightclub. According to Ivan, he met Nikita in gym, although many believe that, most likely, the guys work together, and Ivan is also a dancer. This confirms that he dances beautifully.

Ivan Barzikov’s relationship with girls on the Dom-2 project

Despite the fact that Ivan came to Katya Tokareva’s House, she did not reciprocate his feelings, so the guy had no choice but to find himself a new crush. He began to court Liberzh Kladona. The girl attracted him with her bright, unusual appearance and versatile talents: she has a strong voice, a flexible body, she loves dancing and jazz, and works as a go-go dancer. However, having fallen under the influence of Irina Alexandrovna, he soon began to show interest in, and then became close to Oksana Strunkina. This behavior of Oksana caused extreme dissatisfaction among her friend Liberzh Kladonu, who, despite everything, hoped to create a strong couple with Ivan.

Relations and Ivan Barzikov on Dom-2

As a result, Liberzh and Ivan finally became close and tried to build serious relationship, although they often broke into screams and swearing. The reason for the quarrels is Liberzh smoking. Ivan never smoked and bad habit I couldn’t come to terms with the girl I loved. Ivan’s anger is sometimes uncontrollable, so the guys in the House talk about how the guy broke Liber’s arm during one of these quarrels. After which the girl began to be afraid to be alone with him. As a result, after thinking, Ivan promised everyone to control himself in actions and words. Subsequently, the couple lived together and even opened a joint dance school.

The scandal because of which Ivan Barzikov left Dom-2

After remaining in the project for almost a year, Barzikov left the House in October 2012 due to the loud scandal surrounding Liberzh. The girl actively expressed dissatisfaction with the fact that in the House she was allegedly forced to live according to the script and was not given the opportunity to openly express her feelings. The emotional and difficult relationship between the guys ended in March 2013, which Ivan wrote about on his website. Perhaps the reason for this was again the guy’s jealousy. This is exactly how their friends comment on the breakup of the couple. The occasion was a celebration of one of the presenters of the show, to which many participants were invited. Famous showman Mikhail Galustyan also came to congratulate Ksenia. Liberz liked him so much that she began to openly flirt with him, forgetting about Ivan and not paying attention to those present. The reason for this behavior of the girl is said to be her excessive passion for alcohol. At the end of the party, Mikhail Galustyan, who did not appreciate the girl’s charms, went home, and another loud scandal occurred between Ivan and Liber.

Apart from quarrels and shouting, Ivan was unable to show himself in anything else on the project. Nevertheless, he does not allow himself to be forgotten, is constantly in the spotlight, and finds himself involved in various incidents outside the project. Viewers and fans associate this guy’s behavior with his young age, because he came to the project at the age of 19. Not long ago, Ivan was detained with a scandal by the Moscow police. While driving a car, the guy drove through a red traffic light and refused to comply with the demands of the police officers who stopped him on the road. Locked in the car, the guy sat in it for about 12 hours. He subsequently explained his behavior by saying that he was afraid of the police and punishment, because does not know Russian laws and is a citizen of another state. It must be said that no traces of alcohol were found in the blood; the reasons for Ivan’s strange behavior are unclear. Like all the other former members of House-2, Ivan tries to remain visible by participating in various parties, tours, performing in clubs, and maintaining active correspondence with fans on social networks.

Popularity of Ivan Barzikov in the search engine

As you can see, the query “Ivan Barzikov” is popular in the Russian-language segment of the Internet of the Yandex search engine:
- 4,225 queries in the Yandex search engine per month,
- 6 mentions of “Ivan Barzikov” in and on the websites of news agencies Yandex.News.

Along with the query "Ivan Barzikov" Yandex users search for:
Ivan Barzikov +i liberge - 1778
Ivan Barzikov after the project - 1260
liberge kpadonu +i ivan barzikov - 357
Ivan Barzikov detained - 318
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house 2 Ivan Barzikov - 267
Ivan Barzikov was detained by the police - 209
where is Ivan Barzikov - 163
Ivan Barzikov video - 154
where is Ivan Barzikov now - 122
Ivan Barzikov photo - 93
Ivan Barzikov + in contact - 46
Ivan Barzikov biography - 42

The young man, like a prodigal son, repeatedly left the perimeter, but, interpreting in a new way the proverb “being away is good, but being at home is better,” he always returned to the native walls of the project. TV viewers are impressed by the fact that the guy does not play, but truly lives his life under the cameras.

Childhood and youth

A charismatic young man was born in the south of Ukraine, in the city of Zaporozhye. Ivan’s date of birth (August 7, 1991) influenced the character of the young man. The guy born under the sign of Leo did not like to make his past public.

Barzikov did not talk about his childhood and family in any of his interviews. The biography of the star of the TV project is one continuous blank spot.

It is reliably known that the future ladies' man of "House-2" completed 11 classes, and before leaving to conquer Moscow, he received a secondary specialized education as a cook. In the capital, the young man worked as a bartender. Evil tongues attribute the guy to affairs of convenience with women older than him.

"House 2"

Loyal fans of the TV show know Ivan firsthand. In addition to his bright appearance, explosive character and dubious past, the guy is known for leaving and returning to the project a record number of times.

The debut parish took place on November 11, 2011. Then the young man showed sympathy for the girlfriend of the headliner of “House-2” - Ekaterina Tokareva. The eccentric person did not hide the fact that she liked the new participant, but things did not go further than sympathy. At that time, Katya was already in a relationship with the “white magician” of the television project - Wenceslav Vengrzhanovsky.

Best of the day

Compared to the stately Ivan, the freaky Wentz was lost. The self-proclaimed psychic was not inferior to his opponent only in height (both Barzikov and Wenceslav are 173 cm tall). Despite the obvious advantage in other respects, the brunette’s heart never wavered.

Soon the guy’s attention was attracted by the “black panther” – Liberzh Kpadonu. The sympathy turned out to be mutual, and the romance of the young people began to develop rapidly. True, “development” was going downhill. The newly-made couple constantly quarreled. The cause of the conflicts was Vanya’s desire to re-educate the dark-skinned beauty.

Barzikov demonstrated his cool character not only to his girlfriend, but also to the team. More than once the young man became the instigator of noisy brawls. So, after another fight with Oleg Miami, the show organizers disqualified the young aggressor for an indefinite period. Kpadonu wanted to leave the project along with her chosen one, but the presenters insisted that the young lady not “cut from the shoulder” and think about everything carefully.

The decision was unchanged, and a couple of days later Ivan took his beloved outside the perimeter. The happiness of the young people did not last long: in March 2013, the guy announced on his real VKontakte page that he had broken up with Liberge.

The second parish took place on September 23, 2013. At that moment, a “revolution” began in “House-2”. The “oldies” were invited to the reality show. According to the organizers, the main task of the “veterans” of the television show was to guide inexperienced participants on the path of true relationships.

Vanya misinterpreted the instructions and started a real hazing in the clearing. On the evening of the second day, Barzikov steps on an old rake and provokes a fight, for which he is immediately expelled from the gate.

The final third arrival occurred on June 16, 2016. TV viewers knew that the return of the obnoxious guy to the ranks of the TV cast participants was a kind of omen of imminent changes.

During that period, the concept of a subsidiary site in the Seychelles changed radically. “Love Island” is becoming an analogue of the popular TV show “The Bachelor”. Twelve girls fought for the hand and heart of the “house” suitors - Ivan Barzikov and Alexander Zadoynov. Among the brides, two people stood out from the very beginning: Liza Polygalova and Irina Pinchuk. The sultry beauties competed not only for Ivan’s love, but also for an impressive cash prize (the winning couple received 1 million rubles)

After a series of tests and competitions, Barzikov’s choice settled on the shy Irina. The outwardly immaculate Pinchuk turned out to be an extremely frivolous lady. The girl cheated on Vanya with her colleague on the set, Alexander Zadoynov.

Finding no place for himself, the guy either abandoned the traitor or got back together with her. As a result, the young man forgave his beloved. TV viewers did not believe in reconciliation, but despite this, the young people successfully reached the finals and won the coveted prize. After the island, Vanya and Ira returned to Moscow, where their relationship did not pass the “clearing” test. The couple broke up, and the young lady left the gate.

At that time, the princess of the television project, Marina Afrikantova, was also experiencing a painful breakup with Andrei Chuev. Fate gave Ivan a chance to be with the girl he secretly dreamed of. The guy, who has warm feelings for the timid beauty, began to court her. The young people did not leave each other a single step.

Nothing foreshadowed trouble, but a week later Barzikov shocked fans of Dom-2 with a post in which he publicly declared that he and Marina decided to remain friends. As it later turned out, Afrikantova was not aware of “their decision.” The girl found out about the breakup from Instagram. TV viewers condemned the young man’s action, calling him a coward.

It is unknown how many more Barzikov would have roamed the expanses of the women’s bedroom, being in “free swimming”, if not for Liza Polygalova. Watching Ivan’s relationship, the blonde did not lose hope of winning the flighty guy and at the right moment she simply happened to be nearby.

Personal life

It is reliably known that after being expelled from the project in 2013, the young man worked as an animator in a hotel in Thailand for 2 years. The guy officiated at weddings and organized leisure activities for Russian tourists at reasonable prices.

Even then, the young man began to study the Thai cosmetics market. And judging by the latest news, he has now revived the project and is promoting it to the masses.

Ivan Barzikov now

Today, Lisa and Vanya are no longer participants in the Dom-2 television project. Despite this, their union continues to exist outside the television set. Young people live together and make joint plans for the future. From the photographs of their lovers, it seems that the guys are happy.