Congratulations to veterans on Victory Day. Congratulations to veterans on Victory Day. Special treatment for female veterans

There are holidays that, along with joyful emotions, also evoke difficult associations associated with human sacrifices and tragedies. Victory Day, May 9, is one of these. Despite the fact that more than 70 years have passed since the overthrow of the German fascists, memories of that terrible war and its horrors still live in the memory of today's generations. Every year at the beginning of May, people around the world not only revere the feat of Soviet soldiers, but also rethink the lessons of the past, hoping not to repeat terrible mistakes in the future. Needless to say, the traditions of this great holiday should live on, constantly reminding us of the fragility of peace and harmony on our planet. Beautiful congratulations on May 9 in poetry or prose - one of those traditions that is easy to maintain in every family. However, do not underestimate its importance. As long as people send each other heartfelt congratulations on May 9, even in short SMS messages, the memory of the Great Victory will live on for centuries. It is especially important to speak warm regards addressed to veterans and eyewitnesses of those events, which are becoming fewer and fewer every year. Believe me, a wish that touches tears from the lips of a representative of the younger generation is just as important for a grandfather who saw the war, as is a more official congratulation from the head of the city or the administration team. In our article today you will find best congratulations from May 9, 2018 in poetry and prose, filled with the kindest and brightest wishes for everyone.

Heartfelt congratulations on Victory Day on May 9 in beautiful verses that will bring you to tears

Probably the main difference between beautiful congratulations in verse for Victory Day on May 9 from other wishes is their sincerity and ability to bring tears to the eyes. And this phenomenon is easy to explain - such congratulatory poems always talk about the great feat of the Soviet soldier, the difficult trials of the people and the horrors of the war years. This mixture of pride and bitterness, joy and endless pain, skillfully conveyed in poetic lines, touches everyone to the depths of their souls. We have collected just such heartfelt poems, touching to tears, with beautiful congratulations on Victory Day in the following collection.

Options for sincere congratulations in beautiful verses to bring tears to tears on May 9, Victory Day

Victory Day is special for the country:

We remember the soldiers and the fallen.

Rockets will fly into the air for them

Yes, the sky will be colored with lights.

I guarantee there are no people who don’t appreciate it

An army feat of those who protected children.

I believe the blows of war are behind us,

There was only light and joy ahead.

Good health and warmth!

The birth of healthy, happy children,

The grandfathers who recognized them are a great example!

The war has long since died down,
The blue sky is above us again.
Only the memory of the past is alive,
We will not forget this pain over the years.
Don't forget those young guys
That victory was getting closer for us.
With no way back
They only ran forward under fire.
Happy Victory Day! Let the birds sing
Let the planet be full of flowers.
The sky will be decorated with fireworks
In honor of the heroes who are no longer with us!

Through tears and pain, through battles and years
The fighters were approaching victory.
And that day came, the trouble receded,
Everyone cried and rejoiced!
Congratulations to all those who returned alive,
Let us bow our knees before them.
We will honor the fallen with a minute of silence,
Generations must remember them.
We must say thank you to them for everything.
Thanks to our fathers, grandfathers
For peace, for calm and grace.
Thanks to them all for the Victory!

Official congratulations on May 9 for veterans in prose

Every year there are fewer and fewer of them... Living witnesses of those terrible events are gradually leaving us, taking with them the true memories of the war. Very soon there will be no one left who can tell the younger generation about the realities of the Great Patriotic War, based on their own experience. Therefore, it is so important to remember and be sure to congratulate veterans on Victory Day, preserve their stories and be proud of their exploits. Official congratulations on May 9 in prose are just small example ways to thank veterans and honor the memory of the fallen. Such wishes, as a rule, are relevant for large celebrations in honor of Victory Day, which take place at the city level or a specific organization. At the same time beautiful official congratulations in prose from May 9 for veterans are also relevant for school assemblies and children's concerts on this great day. You will find examples of such wishes in the following collection.

The best official congratulations to veterans on May 9 in prose

Dear veterans, during the difficult years of the war you defended our people’s right to freedom and independence. Let me bow our heads before your glorious feat, which will be honored for centuries, and wish you indestructible health, good spirits, respect from others, prosperity and peace.

Dear veterans, we congratulate you on a truly huge holiday - Victory Day! Don't let the ghosts of the past bother you. You sacrificed and gave of yourself for a brighter future. Your merit is the millions of lives that are now living in the world. I wish you health, honor, support and peace of mind!

Dear veterans, we congratulate you on Victory Day! You are our pride, our role model, who have given us the opportunity to live in peace! We bow to your exploits, strength of spirit and will, and unbroken heroism. Be healthy! You have given a priceless gift to all subsequent generations. Thank you for this! I wish you happiness, prosperity and as much good as possible!

Beautiful congratulations on Victory Day, May 9, to veterans in verse

Along with solemn wishes in prose to veterans on Victory Day on May 9, beautiful congratulations in verse should also be prepared as part of the ceremonial events. It is best to choose options for holiday poems that contain words of pride and deep gratitude to veterans of the Great Patriotic War. To give such beautiful congratulations on May 9, Victory Day in verse for veterans even more inspiration, they can be read against the background of wartime music. You will find examples of beautiful poems with congratulations on May 9 for WWII veterans below.

Options for beautiful poems with congratulations to veterans for Victory Day on May 9

We say thank you for freedom,
For giving us peace.
For work in the rear and exploits at the front,
For making life so peaceful.
We wish you health and longevity
And may troubles pass you by forever.
For your courage, I will sing songs -
Veteran heroes, Happy Victory Day!

Thank you, dear Veterans,
For your pain, for your wounds,
For courage, courage in battle...
For everything, I thank you!
You are very devoted to the Fatherland,
We wish you a long life,
Love, from everyone who is close to you,
May you be greeted with a kind glance!
An example for young people to take
So that the trembling is not terrible again,
So that the soul is not in tears...
Only, only joy in the eyes!

Your feat is difficult to evaluate -
We weren't there in those years.
But it's unlikely we could live
Without you and that freedom,
What could you give us?
I paid for everything in full.
We can believe, think, live,
Silence has been given to us.
But the fire burns in memory
And this light is eternal.
Thank you! May God protect
Health, many years to come.

Short congratulations to grandparents on May 9, 2018 in verses from children

Particular attention should be paid to short poems with congratulations on May 9, 2018 to grandparents from children. Everyone understands how important it is to educate the younger generation in a patriotic spirit and respect for elders. Short congratulations in verse for Victory Day on May 9 to grandparents from children different ages- a simple way to instill respect for elders and introduce holiday traditions. Many old people, although they did not take part in hostilities, felt the consequences of those terrible events, having gone through a hungry childhood and a difficult working youth. Their parents were the heroes who made victory over fascism possible. Therefore, for them this day will always be important holiday, congratulations on which they deserve and expect.

Examples of congratulations in short verses for grandparents on May 9, 2018 from children

Happy Victory Day, grandfather, congratulations
I want you from the bottom of my heart
For victory, for courage
I send you gratitude.
I'm proud of you, grandpa
You are a real hero
Be healthy, don't lose heart,
The main winner is mine.

Happy Victory Day, beloved grandfather!
The world that everyone needs in the world,
Let no longer be destroyed by the malicious enemy,
The calm course of life will not be disturbed!
I wish you to smile
And always stay healthy.
Makes you happy at the beginning of May
Let the lilac bloom beautifully!

For your grandchildren you are the main warrior,
Worthy of various honors,
Fought, didn't fight -
You won the victory
By living in this world,
The one who was responsible for us,
By believing and working
I achieved the best in my life!

Touching congratulations on May 9, Victory Day in prose and poetry for the team

Probably there is no family in the vastness former USSR, in whose history there are no memories of war. Almost every home has its own heroes, fallen brave men and strong-willed workers, thanks to whom we live today under a peaceful sky. This war is relevant to everyone and therefore every individual citizen and our entire society as a whole deserve touching congratulations on the Great Victory. An example of what general wishes might be for May 9, Victory Day - touching congratulations in prose and poetry for groups. They can be used at special events and memorial concerts in work organizations of various sizes. For example, the director of a company or the head of a workshop at a factory can use one of the options for touching congratulations on Victory Day in prose or poetry for the team. The main thing is that these wishes are spoken with all your heart and soul.

Options for touching poems and prose with congratulations to the team on Victory Day on May 9

Colleagues, happy Victory Day,
Happy great day to all people!
Pain and troubles are a thing of the past,
And grief from cruel days.
I wish you all goodness and peace,
And solidarity in everything,
May the good sun shine
And it warmed your home!

Happy holiday to you, Happy Victory Day,
With the triumph of good over evil.
Mira, dear colleagues,
The sun is only outside the window.
Let him never wake you up
Shot and sirens blaring.
Let only the song always sound,
The trill of singing nightingales.

Dear colleagues, I congratulate you on the great holiday, Victory Day. May there always be a clear blue sky in our lives, may our loved ones and children never know what war means, may our hearts always be proud of the exploits of our grandfathers, may the song of Victory awaken in each of us the power of patriotism and a sense of good hope.

Beautiful short congratulations on May 9 in verse to tears

If you want to choose beautiful and tear-touching congratulations for your family and friends on May 9, then pay attention to the following selection with short poems. This is the ideal format for holiday cards, wishes at a personal meeting or a ceremonial toast. Also, such congratulations can be used to design thematic pictures and school wall newspapers in honor of Victory Day. You will find examples of beautiful short congratulations in verse on May 9 that will bring you to tears in the following collection.

The most beautiful congratulations to tears on May 9 in short verses

Congratulations on Victory Day
And with all my heart I wish
Never know war
Seeing joyful dreams.
Let everyone be involved,
So that there is peace and happiness,
So that faith and love
They entered the house again and again.

May the sky be peaceful
Over our heads!
I wish you on Victory Day,
May life be colorful!
Let's fill the world
Goodness, love, light!
We remember everything with pride
After all, there is no more important date!

Happy Victory Day! Happy holiday.
Life - in peace, care, warmth.
Let the desired and most victorious
Every day will be everyone on Earth!

Touching short congratulations on the Great Victory on May 9 in prose

Short congratulations on the Great Victory on May 9, touching to tears, can also be in prose. Unlike similar options in poetry, such wishes are much easier to remember and reproduce from memory. In addition, they can always be supplemented with your own words, which will make short congratulations on the Great Victory on May 9 in prose even more touching and sincere. But even without additional phrases, ready-made short congratulations on Victory from our next selection will be an excellent way to express words of gratitude and pride on this significant day.

Options for touching short congratulations in prose on the Great Victory for May 9, 2018

Congratulations on Victory Day! Remember our heroes, honor their memory and sacrifice. Live peacefully in sunlight and breathe deeply.

On Victory Day over fascism, we wish you peaceful skies, good health, and family joys. Keep in memory the feat of the people, pass on respect for veterans to your children and grandchildren.

Congratulations on Victory Day and I sincerely wish you to live happily and enjoy life, thank our grandfathers for peace and forever stand as the banner of the victorious cry “Hurray!”

Probably the most popular congratulations not only on Victory on May 9, but also on other holidays, can be called short wishes, which are suitable for SMS. Agree, it is very convenient to choose a beautiful poem with good wishes on May 9 and send it to recipients from your phone book. Moreover, this format is also convenient for congratulations on the Internet via email or social networks. When choosing short congratulations for May 9, 2018, which are suitable for SMS, it is better to focus on universal options about peace and victory. You will find examples of such wishes in short poems in the following collection.

Short congratulations on Victory on May 9, 2018, suitable for SMS format

Happy May 9, Happy Victory Day!
Health to everyone without measure,
Good luck to everyone, love
And peace, happiness, warmth.

Happy Victory Day, spring day.
The day we found
Sun, air, sky, world.
Happy holiday! Goodness and strength!

Happy Victory Day! Happy Heroes Day
Saint of our Motherland!
I wish you happiness and sunshine,
There is peace, love, tranquility in the heart.

Victory Day on May 9 is a great day in the history of not only our people, but the whole world. One of the main traditions of this holiday was, is and will be beautiful and touching to tears congratulations and wishes in poetry and prose. Particularly important are good words recognition and gratitude to veterans, of whom there are very few left. Are waiting warm congratulations and grandparents who had the difficult fate of rebuilding the country after difficult war trials. And relatives, friends, neighbors, friends from the team and just acquaintances will be happy sincere congratulations on this day. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to prepare long official speeches - a short poem with touching wishes, which will fit into SMS format. The main thing is to pay attention and once again remember the events that are long gone, but still important for each of us. We hope that congratulations on May 9, 2018 from our article will help you choose the best format of wishes for your loved ones, relatives and friends. Happy Victory!

With reverence, awe and respect, I congratulate you on Victory Day! Happy memory to the heroes, gratitude for the peaceful sky above, bow to the ground for the right to life without the horror of war, fear and pain. Let no generation know sorrow, loss, or enemy oppression. Let exploits, courage, and courage inspire people, and let the holiday leave tears of happiness and touching joy in their hearts, uniting souls!

Congratulations on Victory Day and I sincerely wish that there will always be a clear blue sky above our heads, that this world will give us all bright dreams and bright hopes, that our loved ones will never know what the word “war” means. May your heart always be proud of the great Victory, and may your soul sincerely thank the heroes of that time for the gift of peace and the opportunity to live happily.

I sincerely congratulate you on Victory Day and want to wish you to live happily on this planet, keeping pride and gratitude for peace and tranquility in your heart. Let there be no place for war in this world, let every dawn bring only joy and love.

We congratulate you on the glorious day that proclaimed the triumph of peace, on Victory Day. Let this great holiday there will be peace and tranquility in your soul and heart, may your loved ones be healthy and happy. Take care of peace and harmony, value life, sacredly honor the feat of your people.

Happy Victory Day! I wish there is peace and tranquility on our planet, and hope and joy in our hearts. And the great exploits of our grandfathers will not be forgotten, let our history continue to develop only on the pages of peacetime. I wish you health, love, happiness and bright colors of life!

We congratulate you on a bright, great and solemn holiday for our entire country. May the sky above your heads always be peaceful, may nothing disturb the peaceful sleep of our children. Be healthy and grateful to those who defended the peace and independence of our people in terrible times.

Today is a legendary and great day - Victory Day! On this day, I would like to wish that peace and goodness flourish in every home, that every person protects their loved ones, that veterans are always welcome and given the attention they deserve, and that every day brings us only happiness! May war never enter our lives again, and may the sky above our heads always be bright and clear!

Happy Victory Day! Let there always be harmony, peace and tranquility in your homes. Low bow to our veterans who brought Victory closer with their strength and perseverance. There are very few of them left and they deserve decent and happy days and attention.

We always greet this great memorable day with a bit of sadness - Victory Day! Today we thank our grandfathers for heroism and courage, for the peaceful sky and the smiles of children - this is priceless. I would like to wish everyone more kindness, health, calm days, true friendship and boundless faith in themselves and in the best in the world. I wish you love, undisguised joy, happiness and harmony in your family. Take care of your family, their love and always support - this is the main thing.

Happy Victory Day, a holiday that gave us all this peace and joy, a holiday for which our grandfathers performed heroic deeds! I wish you to live under a clear sky, walk around your native mother earth and be incredible happy man who will never forget the great history of bygone times.

On May 9, I would like to congratulate all veterans on Victory Day. This can be done using poetry, prose or in your own words.

“Thank you to our veterans for a peaceful sky!” We most often say these words to those who survived the unequal battle against fascism. Veterans are happy with such banal words, but I want to congratulate the former soldiers of the winners in a particularly beautiful way.

Always remember: No matter how many times we repeat solemn speeches, no matter how many times we express gratitude, every time any words will not be enough. After all, these people risked their lives so that we could live in peace.

They may not be alike, but they should all express gratitude to the younger generation, who admire the bravery and courage of the veterans.

Congratulations and wishes to veterans on May 9

This holiday is very expensive!
After all, our grandfathers died for our peace,
Defending the Motherland and sacrificing oneself,
For our lives, for the fact that the sun shines peacefully!

The victory over Nazi Germany has enormous historical value for the people of our and other countries. Currently, there are very few people left whom we can personally thank for the feat and for the blue sky above our heads.

Congratulations and wishes to veterans on May 9 must be spoken sincerely and with all your heart. The words should convey gratitude, warmth and admiration for courage.

Beautiful congratulations and wishes to veterans on May 9

Original congratulations and wishes to veterans on May 9

Congratulations and wishes to our veterans on May 9

Congratulations, words of gratitude and wishes to veterans on May 9

Congratulations and wishes to veterans on May 9 - war soldiers

Unique congratulations and wishes to veterans on May 9

Poems and words from the mouths of children for veterans sound beautiful, unexpected and touching to the point of tears. A lot of emotions are caused by the fact that children have absorbed from adults respect for May 9 and for former soldiers. Such children will definitely grow up to be brave defenders of the Motherland.

Important: Regardless of whether the baby is trying to pronounce words, or a schoolboy is trying to read a poem, children's congratulations on May 9 should be memorable.

When will veterans hear the most my sincere congratulations and important words, they will definitely be glad that their feat will truly never be forgotten.

Children's congratulations on May 9

Beautiful children's congratulations on May 9

Original children's congratulations on May 9

Thankful children's congratulations on May 9

Children's congratulations on May 9 - Victory Day

Interesting children's congratulations on May 9

Simple children's congratulations on May 9

Children's congratulations on May 9 - a great day

Congratulations to grandfather on May 9

It’s so good when our grandparents live long. If Victory Day is approaching, then I want someone who went through the war, in special words.

Advice: Wish him to be healthy, and that cannon shots will never ring again. Surely, after congratulating his grandson or granddaughter, the grandfather will have a few tears, but he will never forget this congratulation.

Congratulations to grandfather on May 9

Gratitude greetings to grandfather on May 9

Beautiful congratulations to grandfather on May 9

Original congratulations to grandfather on May 9

Unique congratulations to grandfather on May 9

Interesting congratulations grandfather on May 9

Touching congratulations grandfather on May 9

Four or six lines of congratulations always sound unexpected, original and beautiful. They can be quickly and easily learned to congratulate friends, family and veterans on the holiday.

Read short congratulations on May 9 to please your grandfather or just any veteran on the street. Such congratulations can be written on a postcard or sent as a message to people who do not even expect it.

Short congratulations on May 9

Congratulations on May 9 are short and beautiful

Congratulations on May 9 are short and original

Congratulations on May 9 are short and interesting

Congratulations on May 9 are short and simple

Congratulations on May 9 are short - beautiful words

Congratulations on May 9, short - original words

SMS congratulations on May 9

A great holiday is coming - Victory Day! At this time, I would like to congratulate all relatives, especially those who fought or survived this terrible time as small children.

SMS congratulations on May 9 will help you pay attention even to those relatives and friends who live in another country, but love and respect this holiday.

SMS congratulations on May 9

Beautiful SMS congratulations on May 9

Original SMS congratulations on May 9 Interesting SMS congratulations on May 9

Touching SMS congratulations on May 9

Prose is one of the most common types of address, which is used at official events and rallies to give special meaning to the speech.

Official congratulations on May 9 from the governor and head of administration are always pronounced in prose or in your own words. Victory Day is a joyful and eventful holiday of congratulations and appeals to veterans. Congratulations from officials only add solemnity and give the holiday special meaning.

Congratulations on May 9th in prose from the governor and head of administration

Congratulations on May 9th in prose from the governor Beautiful congratulations on May 9 in official prose from the governor and head of administration

Original congratulations on May 9 in official prose from the governor and head of administration

Simple congratulations on May 9 in official prose from the governor and head of administration

Congratulations on May 9 in prose from the governor and head of administration

Congratulations on May 9 - Victory Day in official prose

A rally is an official part of any holiday. But that doesn't mean that everything congratulatory words must be pronounced in prose. As mentioned above, congratulations are made in prose officials, and presenters, children and other people can congratulate the heroes of the occasion with poems.

Congratulations on May 9 at the rally

Congratulations on May 9 at a rally with words about the Earth

Beautiful congratulations on May 9 at a rally

Interesting congratulations on May 9 at a rally

Unique congratulations on May 9 at the rally

At the enterprise, in the office and in various work teams, colleagues congratulate each other on holidays, and May 9 is no exception. Although it is customary to congratulate veterans on this day, I still want to give good mood to your colleague.

Congratulations on May 9 to colleagues can be in verse, prose or in your own words. Your colleagues will definitely like this attention.

Congratulations on May 9 to colleagues

Beautiful congratulations on May 9 to colleagues

Original congratulations on May 9 to colleagues

Unique congratulations on May 9 to colleagues

Congratulations on May 9 to colleagues - simple words

Congratulations on May 9 to colleagues - Happy Victory Day

Congratulations on May 9 to friends

We are the happy descendants of those soldiers who today are called veterans. Many of them are already in the ground. We must remember everyone, every name, every surname and every title, because they protected us from terrible fascism. Original congratulations on May 9 to friends

Unique congratulations on May 9 to friends

On May 9, the Great Patriotic War ended. Therefore, this day is a great date not only for Russia, but also for other countries of the world.

Congratulations on May 9 in verse will help you express delight, joy and gratitude. A poem helps to reveal emotions and say congratulatory words that are sure to touch the soul of the listener.

Congratulations on May 9 in verse

Beautiful congratulations on May 9 in verse Congratulations on May 9 in verse - beautiful words

People often say congratulations in their own words. It's simple, and you don't need to learn poetry or prose. But May 9 is a special holiday, and therefore it is better to prepare congratulations in your own words in advance.

Tip: Write the words in advance on a piece of paper and read the lines several times to remember them.

Congratulations on May 9th must be said in your own words with tears in your eyes, but with joy in your heart. This is the only way they will touch the soul of the listeners.

Congratulations on May 9 in your own words

Beautiful congratulations on May 9 in your own words. Every person is pleased to repeat again and again congratulations for veterans on Victory Day. Choose your favorite poems or prose, and congratulate your grandfather, colleagues, friends, or simply passing by the already aged soldiers of that terrible war.

Video: Congratulations on Victory Day. Happy Victory Day

Thank you for your courage and bravery,
For a peaceful sky above your head.
Without you we would not have taken a single step,
Today every veteran is a hero.

You fought so selflessly
They completely forgot about peace and sleep.
We have always needed such heroes.
Thank you! And low bow to you!

How few of you are left with us,
Heroes of that terrible war.
You fought to the last
For peace and happiness for the country.

Bowing our heads before you,
“Thank you” we say quietly.
Can't ever be expressed in words,
How much we value you.

Live for at least a hundred years
We are very glad to see you.
From Victory Day now accept
Congratulations from us!

Thank you, our dears, for your incredible feat. Thank you for the world, with big blue skies. Thank you for preserving the expanses of our Motherland for us. Thank you for the life that you with your own hands won for us from the enemy. Live for many more years, share your wisdom and teach young people to always be honest, patriotic, brave and fair. Health and light to you, good days.

We know, we remember! We are immensely proud.
Your feat cannot be forgotten for centuries.
Thank you very much for your strength and faith,
For our freedom on your shoulders.

For clear skies, native expanses,
For joy and pride in hearts and souls.
May you live long, may God give you health.
Let the memory of the victorious spring live on.

Our dear veterans,
On this day we congratulate you.
And we thank you for everything
From the heart today and now.

Peace, health and good luck to you,
And our low bow to the ground,
For your feat and for our happiness -
For Victory for our native country.

Your feat is difficult to evaluate -
We weren't there in those years.
But it's unlikely we could live
Without you and that freedom,
What could you give us?
I paid for everything in full.
We can believe, think, live,
Silence has been given to us.
But the fire burns in memory
And this light is eternal.
Thank you! May God protect
Health, many years to come.

Happy Victory Day! you will accept
Bow of gratitude,
Be happy, live -
The world is held together by your life.

Let the years have no power
Over hearts of gold,
From children, country, people -
Thank you very much!

On Bright Victory Day
Low bow to you
For not sparing yourself.
Forgetting about fatigue,
About hunger and sleep
You were moving towards a great goal.
Health, peace to you
Good luck, many years to come
And endless happiness!
May the sun give you
Hope and light
And all bad weather will disappear.

Take a bow to the ground today
And the warmest lines,
You saved a peaceful sky for us,
Having gone through this brutal chaos.

We remember your feat and keep it in our hearts
And on this day we wish you -
Health and happiness for many days to come.
Happy victorious sunny May!

Happy Victory Day, veterans!
I bow to you deeply.
Live long and peacefully,
Not knowing grief and misfortune.

God bless you with good health,
Happy, bright, peaceful days.
We are endlessly proud of you,
Your feat is in the memory of children.

Today the sky is white and blue,
The surrounding area is calm, peaceful and warm.
But there would be no happiness for us without a fight.
We would have been caught in a blizzard forever.

Thank you for your feat, for your courage,
For going headlong against the enemy!
The soldier's hand and gaze were firm.
The fire of the Fatherland burned in him.

Thank you for the resounding Victory!
Happy May 9th! Peace and love!
Let troubles and troubles turn away
And youth rings in your hearts!