Happy 65th birthday wishes. Brief but meaningful

Every woman remains a lady, lady, madam and even a girl at heart - at any age! And the years, like pearl beads, as you know, only color her - with experience, wisdom, inner beauty.

All ladies believe in miracles - both girls and grandmothers - and their hearts skip a beat in anticipation. holiday dates, surprises and gifts. Women love holidays, bright celebrations, and especially the sincere attention of others, family and friends!

Therefore, for such a big and significant anniversary - 65 years - a woman needs to prepare not only good gift, but also touching, sincere words. Beautiful and unusual congratulations Happy 65th anniversary to your grandmother, beloved mother, colleague, wife, as important as all other components of the holiday: guests, gifts, feast, and so on.

After all, at sixty-five years old, a woman will no longer be amused by banal comic toasts, will not be surprised by cliched phrases, and will not be delighted by a primitive, “hackneyed” congratulation. It will be much more pleasant for grandmother or mother to hear simple, but sincere words, spoken from the bottom of my heart, and for the wife to see that her husband has always loved her and will love her to the end!

A colleague or friend wants warmth and respect, sincerity and attention. In a word, choosing appropriate, correct birthday greetings for a woman, especially for her 65th birthday, is a whole science. First, choose in what form you want to congratulate the hero of the occasion on her birthday. There are options:

  • Short funny poems.
  • Wise and sincere congratulations for a woman on her 65th birthday in poetic form.
  • A short congratulations on the anniversary of a 65-year-old woman in prose.
  • Unusual and original wish for a woman’s birthday in prose or poetry.
  • Original toasts for an anniversary.
  • beautiful and sincere congratulations Happy 65th birthday to a dear woman in your own words.

How exactly to congratulate your woman on her 65th birthday - sign a card, send a message or letter, give a solemn speech from memory - is up to you. The main thing is that everything holiday words came from the heart, were not banal, so that congratulations were appropriate, jokes were original and aesthetic, so that you did not say “just for show,” but really wanted to say and wish all this. Then this anniversary will be remembered by a woman as the most joyful and brightest day!

There can never be too many words for a holiday...

If the anniversary date is approaching loved one- your mother, grandmother, sister, wife - you don’t need to spare words for her, and especially attention! Don't be limited in short phrases, say everything that flows from your soul, and let your congratulations on your anniversary become the best gift for the 65th birthday of your mother, grandmother or wife.

1. A dear person should say a lot on his holiday. Choose a beautiful poetic congratulation with this solid anniversary dear mother at 65 years old! After all, a woman, no matter what her age, loves poetry, feels and understands its beautiful ornate language, and your mother will certainly appreciate this approach.

2. But if you don’t want to congratulate the birthday girl in verse, then there are quite a few for you beautiful congratulations happy 65th birthday for mom in prose. These wonderful holiday sayings will put the birthday girl in a great mood, warm her heart on her 65th birthday and leave great emotions for a long time!

3. Which is the best 65th birthday greeting for your dear grandmother? Of course, the hero of the occasion will be glad to receive any attention from her beloved grandchildren, and it is better if you say everything in your own words, in prose. This way she will see how much you love her and will appreciate that you yourself found the right words!

4. If the anniversary of your beloved woman, 65 years of your precious wife, is coming, you need to prepare properly! A poem is the best gift for a woman, because it is infinitely pleasant to hear poetry from the lips loving husband. This is not only touching and romantic, but also very valuable!

Brief but meaningful

If you are going to celebrate the birthday of a colleague, boss, girlfriend, friend, sister, you don’t have to prepare a long speech, boring the birthday girl with a stream of words. Congratulations on a woman’s 65th birthday can be laconic, but succinct and filled with meaning. After all, it’s enough to say the main thing!

1. You can make a small surprise for your 65th birthday - send the birthday girl an SMS message! Let her personal anniversary begin with Have a good mood, send her a message in the morning, write pleasant words, a beautiful short verse, and please the hero of the day with your attention!

2. What is a celebration without toasts? Behind festive table instead of banal, repetitive phrases, you can say something interesting and original. A woman will certainly like an unusual and appropriate toast on her 65th birthday, remember it and lift her spirits!

3. When presenting a gift or raising a glass to the birthday girl’s health, you can surprise her with a beautiful little poem. Say it from memory - those being congratulated love it when the speech is spoken as if from themselves, this is much better than reading from sight!

The main thing is attention, remember? This is true! After all, even the most expensive gift will not bring enough joy if its presentation is accompanied by cold, empty or banal phrases. So prepare really beautiful and sincere words, congratulate you on your anniversary so that 65 years becomes a real holiday for your mother, wife or grandmother! Author: Vasilina Serova, sources: www.pozdravik.ru, na-jubilej.ru, sms.a-angel.ru, pozdravishka.ru, pozdravleniy.net, www.supertosty.ru

You're sixty-five
Like a berry again!
So may you be lucky
Never be discouraged.
Just get younger
Healthier, happier too.
So that there is always enough money,
So that the bad is forgotten.
Let life be like honey
And let there be no worries!

Sixty and five more - a great anniversary -
We wish you to celebrate very energetically.
After all, our age is not in numbers, but in the soul and heart.
Open the door to a new stage of life.
And you always command any parade!
After all, there is a living fire in the soul, which means happiness is nearby.

Let me congratulate you on your anniversary! Today you are turning sixty-five, and you are also cheerful, optimistic, energetic, full of new ideas and dreams. So may your vitality never dry up. We wish you good health, happiness, long life, good mood. May you always be surrounded by kind and sincere people, and may your family and friends appreciate and care for you.

How much life has given
You're sixty-five.
There are children, grandchildren, there are friends...
Every minute is yours
Dedicated to deeds, dreams:
Help everyone here, do everything there...
We wish you a happy anniversary
The same warm, bright days,
How kind your heart is.
And our instincts will not let us down:
Happiness will increase in fate,
After all, that’s how you’re supposed to do it!

Happy anniversary!
I wish you many years to come,
And I wish you health,
Heaven, peace to you without troubles.
A heart full of warmth,
Joy, love and faith.
Let things go well
Light and goodness beyond measure!

Call you a pensioner,
Really, it’s somehow out of hand,
Still a young example
To be capable, so easy
To get up and to work,
Rest seems to be of no use,
Show you care
You are off to your site.
Every day you are at the dacha,
Sow, harvest, plant
There is a great task
For people over 65.
You are absolutely right about this
Because your product
It will not poison the body,
It will only increase your cheerful spirit!
We are very grateful to you
For carrots and beans,
Don't let gout torment you
And there is an evil pain in the joints,
Don't let migraines torment you
And there is no need to count the days,
To all future generations
You are an example at 65!

Congratulations on your anniversary,
And let me wish
Walk through life more courageously
And never lose heart.
Congratulating you on the holiday,
We must pay tribute to:
It's very difficult to believe everyone,
Why are you 65 today!
Let them stay for a long time
Mind and beauty are with you,
Happiness and fun flow
Like the deepest river.
Let your home, the abode of souls,
It will be warm, like now,
Let the guardian accompany you
Good luck and good luck!

You are 60 today
Well, 5 more in addition,
Look back
A lot has been done, which means
On this holiday, on the anniversary
You are definitely rich
How many devoted friends
We are sincerely glad to see you.
May the years be unnoticed
The inner feeling is important
And that's why it's always
You are as young as art.

Straighter back, higher nose,
Yes, life is not a cloud of roses,
And the years are not always beautiful,
But this is not all about you.
There is strength, there is still spirit,
The soul still strives for battle,
Why idleness or laziness?
Don't climb into the shadows.
May good luck lie ahead
And my heart is still beating in my chest,
Let there be victory again -
You're only sixty-five.

Happy anniversary,
I wish you only the best.
You are only 65,
Let's walk and celebrate.
Rejoice in life as before,
Live in love, kindness, hope.
Never put your hands down,
And bloom every year!

It's been 65 years
From the time when in heaven
Suddenly a new star lit up,
Giving insanely bright light,
Joy and new life color.
And here is the one to whom she
The centuries must still shine -
Charming, handsome,
Still fit and full of strength!
May luck flow to you like a river,
Smiles, happiness! Not otherwise.

On a magical, unusual day
We got ready quickly.
We celebrate a personal holiday -
65th anniversary.
Let all adversity pass
Past your path.
Oh, what age are you?
You have your whole life ahead of you.
May they still give you joy
Children, grandson, a comfortable home.
Happy birthday...
We'll come back for another 100 years!

You shouldn't hide your age,
You are so beautiful at 65:
You have a great figure,
You are just an angel, yes, yes, yes!
You look like you are only 40 years old,
And this is the truth, not nonsense!
You are so amazing
That there is no doubt, not at all!
We wish you this further,
Live every day better, more beautiful,
Don't be discouraged, always laugh,
And enjoy a wonderful life!

65 is such a date
What comes without asking
All the years your reward,
Pure life power.
Congratulations on your anniversary,
Everything is not so critical anymore,
May your health be normal
The tone is higher in personal life.
Let adversity disappear
And the weather doesn't disappoint
All events and meetings
They will happily find you.

Six and five - well, what kind of date?
This is almost youth!
Look at this, guys:
The birthday boy is ahead!
Open the doors quickly
You are the hero of the occasion!
We want to trust you
Precious words!
Over the years we have collected
Bit by bit this treasure:
Everything they found out about you
We are returning it.
You are the soul of our group,
You are a wonderful person,
Good-natured and courageous (good-natured and courageous),
You prolong our life!
Chat with you -
Off your shoulders for fifteen years,
That's why in a crowd
We flocked to your light!
Live to two hundred, and young (young)
Stay, loving life!
And now we'll drink together -
For your day and for you!

Your anniversary is very important
For children, friends, grandchildren,
You can’t say that you are so old,
It's like being fifty again.
Be cheerful, healthy,
And live without worries,
So that it would be bright and new
Every day and every year.
May there be native faces around,
And at sixty-five
We wish you to have fun
In one word, “ignite”!

Congratulations today
Happy 65th birthday!
We sincerely wish:
Health, longevity!
So that depression and boredom
Were strangers to you.
So that there is time
Both leisure and business!
To be inexhaustible
reserve strength and vigor and so that
Children and grandchildren
We just made you happy!

At 65 I wish you happiness
Less sad bad weather.
Let your dreams come true
Peace, happiness, kindness.
Year after year flies by,
Moment by moment it disappears.
Let family surround you.
I wish you love.

Today is a holiday - Anniversary,
You're only 65!
Among family, among friends
You will celebrate it.
Let the mood be bright
And this day will not darken
Heavy, selfless thoughts,
And drive away the burden of insults,
I wish you good health,
And long and happy years,
I sincerely congratulate you,
Good luck everywhere, victories in everything!

I congratulate you on your birthday,
This is not the time for us to indulge in boredom!
This holiday is made for fun,
Your children and grandchildren congratulate you.
Sixty-five years is a respectable age,
We have achieved a lot, no doubt.
Let everything in your life be simple.
Happiness and health! Happy Birthday!

Solid date - 65,
And we congratulate you on this date.
Do you know how to inspire?
We dream of living a life worth living like you.
May your energy never run out
Let your family fill you with joy,
May your health be strong like a stone,
Dear friends will drive away sadness from your heart!

Happy 65th anniversary
Today I want to congratulate you.
Live without getting old, without getting sick,
And so that there is a huge reserve of strength.
And let love and tenderness go nearby,
Confidence, fearlessness, peace.
I wish you to remain fresh for a long time,
And - a peaceful sky above your head.

The years do not age, but rather color,
Even wrinkles don't count
Life has made a lucky
Happiness, love turn!
And even if it’s a long time since I was sixteen,
Youth rules the soul,
Laugh like you're twelve
It's like you're seventeen - sing!
Even if the children are already grown-up,
Let there be 65 behind the mountain,
There is so much time left to live in the world,
I would like to wish you!

Congratulating you on your anniversary,
I wish you from the bottom of my heart -
Good health, success,
May your family always appreciate you.
After all, you are 65 today,
You are our pride, our idol!
I wish you to shine like the sun,
And illuminate the world with yourself.
You are neither young nor old,
I wish to live without knowing any grudges.
And whatever happens to you,
The Lord God will protect you forever!

65 - is that really age?
You are just starting to live.
Happy birthday! I wish you cheerfulness,
Maintain strength of spirit and health.
Let the holiday be eternal in your soul -
Always joyful, light, always easy,
Various impressions for you -
It's too early to retire.
There is still gunpowder in the flasks,
Strength to stay at the helm,
Not enough in the hands of a tit -
I wish you to catch a crane too.

Happy anniversary, I congratulate you,
And I wish you good health
There was a lot, just like now
And live for a very long time.
So that the grandchildren are pleasing to the eye,
Helped me get things done,
And the problems went away all at once,
Carrying only joy over the waves.

We hasten to congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts,
And at your sixty-five we wish you,
So that they remember that this is only life,
And they didn’t take anything to heart!
We wish you good health and many years to come.
We wish you to wait for new great-grandchildren.
And so that we don’t encounter any more troubles,
We wish you happiness and smile more often!

Sixty-five is not very much,
But not so few years.
Please live for a long time
And give us wise advice.
After all, gray hair is the crown of beauty,
We value you very much.
You often save me from adversity
And you help day and night.
Good health to you.
It doesn’t matter how much is behind you,
Be a teenager in your soul.
Congratulations to you today!

A wonderful day has come, celebrate the anniversary
It's time for you to smile
Congratulations, we wish you happiness to rush to you,
Never, never give up!
Turned sixty-five, just always
Young soul and lively,
We wish you health, any trouble,
So that she runs away from you, even angry.
A whole bag of happiness, a huge treasure of money,
So that you have enough for life,
So that what you had to dream about comes true,
And fate - may it always help!

On your beautiful anniversary
Let's say very simply,
Guest wishes
Long years of health,
To be far from troubles
From good friends
Kind greetings!
Let them shine bright
Kindness of the eyes
And the necessary gifts
They always give!

At sixty-five I have experience behind me,
It's time to give advice.
Fatigue has come from various troubles,
The smile of my grandchildren warms my soul.
Let the old passions go away
Not the same values ​​as they once were.
But we, as before, wish you happiness
Prosperity and excitement!

65 years is a golden time when you can enjoy life, dream and travel. Much has already been achieved in life: children have been raised, a house has been built and a car has been bought. We wish you health, longevity and eternal youth of soul!

65 years old, wow!
Happy anniversary to all anniversaries,
Yes, it was like yesterday,
Celebrated your twentieth birthday.
Well, the years are flying by,
You don't care about all this
But the dream came true,
The house is full of love and happiness!
And on a bright day I wish you health,
You still have another hundred years to live,
And so as not to change fate,
I wish you a dacha in Hawaii!

What to wish on your 65th anniversary?
Health, long life? Trite!
You look so wonderful
And the wishes are all trivial.
I wish you not to lose your enthusiasm,
And the sparkle of the eyes, the blush of the cheeks.
Let your friends visit you more often,
Cooking shish kebab together!

Everything is on the rise today -
There is an excellent reason.
Congratulations on your anniversary
Everyone wants it personally.
Wish you health, happiness,
Enchanting victories.
It was not lived in vain
Bright sixty-five years!

With a sweet smile, fate is like a girl,
She carefully weaves the year into her braid.
Today she will tie the ribbons with bows
On the anniversary date and then,
Having put on a smart dress for this holiday,
The experience of past years will swirl in the dance.
Let old age move away like a cuttlefish!
The bouquet of all the joys has not yet been collected...
Bright happiness awaits you with the dawn!
And love will shine like stars in the night!
Let's all drink to this now!
Let your heart beat joyfully at sixty-five!

Sixty-five is a respectable date.
There is a deep trace of wisdom hidden in it.
Let the seventh decade go
There are still many happy years ahead!
There's a lot we could wish for
Yes, there is everything: family and loving children.
We only wish to not know despondency,
And not have gaps in your health and budget!

Six tens and a half -
The path is worthy and long.
Straighten your back today
Unfold your soul.
You have something to be proud of,
Becoming a glorious person.
Let it sparkle in your eyes
An inspired dream.
May you be in comfort and coziness
Every day brings light.
Enjoy every minute
Infinitely long years.

Don't ask the cuckoo about anything.
Just believe that there are dozens of years ahead,
Where there is a reliable shoulder for a friend,
And the light of your loved ones is still bright,
So that you forget about all sorts of ailments,
Smile, looking into the distance of the future.
And let him give endlessly positive
You have a loving, friendly family.
Stay afloat in financial matters,
And strive to hug luck harder,
New horizons of happiness, after all, life
Opens for you at sixty-five!

Congratulations on your 65th anniversary, I wish you excellent health, prosperity, and unexpected happiness. May life bring you many more original surprises, worthy friends. Always stay in high spirits and conquer the peaks.

65 years is a significant milestone. In this number one can feel the burden of all the years lived, the experience gained and undeniable wisdom, the endless number of kilometers of roads traveled and countless minutes of happiness. Thank you for everything you have done for us all your life. Now it's our turn to take care of you. We wish you longevity, good health, vigor of body and spirit.

65 years - how time has flown by,
Like a flock of birds flew past.
Autumn of life with quiet steps
It got there unnoticed.
Life has worked out, grandchildren are growing up,
Well-groomed beds under the window,
And in winter evening two remember
How we ran to the movies when we were young.
65 years old - what a blessing it is
Be cheerful and don’t grow old in your heart!
Let's congratulate you on your anniversary
And we wish you not to get sick for a long time!

To the sixtieth round date
You also attributed about five years...
Getting old? What more! Why on earth?!
Live a hundred years - and that’s not enough!
And we composed a congratulations to you.
We wish you health, optimism,
So that there is pleasure in life,
So that your grandchildren and children make you happy,
May we celebrate our centenary in thirty-five years!

Let me raise a glass
Here's to a sparkling 65!
To live them so joyfully,
You have to earn it from God!
So let desires never
They won't leave you, but the years
A magical river flows,
Bringing both happiness and peace.
And your feelings are an intoxicating bouquet
Let it not fade for many years,
I wish you to live to be a hundred,
Know good luck, be healthy!

And the hero of the day is sixty-five,
We came to congratulate you again!
Honorable age as a reward,
And there is no need to regret anything!
Wisdom comes only with age,
But youth cannot be returned.
But we won’t regret it!
We will live for the joy of people!
And you brace yourself - don’t get sick
And don’t grow old for a very long time!
Your whole family is with you
And only true friends!

65 - date with weight.
Guests will come to you with greetings.
They wish, as always
Happiness, peace and goodness.
We wish you not to lose heart.
Celebrate more joyful days.
Relatives to surround you with care.
Illness and adversity did not notice you.

Six tens and a half?
It's too early to sum it up!
We give it to you for your name day
Our small congratulations:
Accept wishes
From comrades - friends.
To be in a good mood
We wish you on this Day.
Great-grandchildren to marry and grandchildren
Also give everyone in marriage,
And don't give in to boredom -
You have no time to rest!
How much has passed in this life,
How much remains to be done
For family, friends, for the Motherland...
So we must continue to live!
Don't be sad, don't be upset,
Always move forward
And smile more often -
A smile suits you so well!

An anniversary like this is not old age,
But in fact - joy,
What a good time you lived,
We are not friends with what is harmful!
And now you're in good spirits
With good fine hearing,
And with cheerfulness for now,
Let's dance the hopaka!
We want to live to be a hundred years old,
Don't moan or strain!
Live brightly and smile,
Enjoy your congratulations!

Today is your anniversary
Today you are sixty-five.
Let's call our family and friends
And congratulations to the hero of the day.
You are not that old at all
And the years were not lived in vain.
After all, there is a long road behind us
And significant things have been done.
We composed a congratulations for you,
It is permeated with warmth.
We wish you never know adversity
And remained young at heart!

Happy anniversary - congratulations!
Here are cotton champagne corks...
Just fifty and plus fifteen!
No, this needs to be sorted out urgently!
Sixty-fifth anniversary -
Well, where could a feast be more fun?!
We will tell arithmetic out of spite:
Sixty-five is not a round number!
From the round - only half!
(And arithmetic is to blame for this.)
But - jokes aside! Happy anniversary to you!
We shout “Hurray!” and we don’t spare our throats!

Sixty-five is not an age!
At least we achieved everything we wanted!
And the steepest lives of the top
You managed to ride without difficulty!
It doesn't matter that the hair is yours
Slightly gray at the temples,
But then, directly, without looking back
You have always walked towards your cherished goal!
And for your perseverance and youth,
The one that flows in your veins as before,
We allow ourselves this insolence:
Let's read a big congratulations!

Sixty with an A! How beautiful!
Congratulations on this holiday!
Let not a day pass in vain,
Let the fire in your eyes burn with delight!

To bring joy to children,
So that your friends don't forget you!
So that the world appears in a magical light,
Solitaire brings boredom!

Starting again, with a clean slate,
Live to be at least a hundred years old!

The doorbell rings
Our congratulations have arrived!
Where is our birthday boy?
We want to kiss: smack - smack!

60 and 5 - not much!
Still a long road
Ahead is calling you
We need to move forward!

To the garden and weeding,
To the youngest grandson for the “Christmas tree”,
To the resort or to the grocery store,
You'll have some rest later!
Our dear birthday boy,
Roll on and you're fifty dollars!

65 – believe me, quite a bit!
Start new era for you -
After all, there are still roads ahead of us,
After all, you need to live, hoping and loving!

Let your health not let you down,
You will live to be a hundred years old in wealth,
Let luck rule in life,
And you are having fun through life!

We sincerely wish you on your 65th anniversary,
May you always be in a wonderful mood!
To make your heart warmer and lighter
From sincere feelings and words of congratulations!

May your health always be impeccable,
Fate fulfills every wish!
Relatives always surround you with love
And they give care, kindness, understanding!

Let the house be illuminated with happiness, like the sun,
And ordinary everyday life will become a holiday!
Let everything work out, let everything work out,
And may life always be wonderful!

Start life again -
You are only sixty-five!
The children have grown up and the grandchildren
Surround you - no boredom!

There is such a wish -
Longevity is his calling.
Now to wait for great-grandchildren,
To be called a great-grandfather,

And live among family
Relatives of different ages!
Congratulations will be read
Your granddaughter and grandson!

At 65 it’s nice to remember
How playful youth passed.
Fill life with pleasure -
Freedom has risen like a star!

Let contemplation and joy
They will give you meaning and happiness!
Let only charm, taste and sweetness
Feelings and words will decorate!

Let diseases not visit you,
Relatives love, people honor!
Let nature dedicate to you
Your amazing outfit!

65 is a wonderful date!
It doesn't matter that the years go by,
Life is beautiful and very bright,
That you should never be sad.

Where can I get some prosperity?
This doesn’t happen - that’s a fact!
But let more be “better”
And there will be less “somehow”.

We wish you to always be loved,
In the circle of friends - necessary,
You can't see evil in life
And let everyday adversity
They will never scare you!

Nearby are the numbers six and five,
Their leaven is wonderful,
We will congratulate you with all our hearts,
We wish you only happiness!

May this anniversary be
Unforgettable of days -
Full of smiles and flowers
And grateful warm words!

May the years go by in joy,
To be in life forever
Health, happiness and success,
Good luck in your endeavors to everyone!

There is no escaping anniversaries.
They will overtake everyone like birds.
But the main thing is to carry it through the years
Warmth of the soul, a bit of cordiality.

Today is your 65th birthday.
We sincerely congratulate you!
And in life we ​​wish the most important thing:
Health, happiness and joy

And up to a hundred years without growing old!

You have turned 65,
You are the birthday girl again.
There will be a dinner party today,
Solemn and long-awaited.

Congratulations at the table
We will say a lot
We want every year
You had success and honor.

Let misfortunes and illnesses
They leave one after another.
With children, in your relationship
Love, care, respect.

65 is a worthy date!
And on this glorious anniversary,
With a deep sense of respect,
Let us congratulate you

Happy bright day of your birth!
What can I wish you on this day?
What benefits, what happiness?
So that you never lose heart,

Not knowing illness and bad weather,
So that you never know grief or sadness,
So that comrades always
You were greeted with a smile everywhere!

And so that among family and friends
Celebrate your 100th anniversary! There is so much to love about you!

May your health be good,
And he always succeeds in everything!
And for this magical toast,
We'll drink champagne!

65th - special anniversary -
Day of matured female beauty.
The beginning of life - joyful and new.
The blossoming of desires, happiness and dreams.

We wish you, a luxurious bright lady,
Don’t lose your enthusiasm, zeal and shine,
Celebrate the holiday with your best friends,
Praise children and understand grandchildren.

We wish you love, health, happiness
And many warm, bright years of life.
Be less angry and don’t be upset.
And it’s good to celebrate the anniversary!

Congratulations on your anniversary!
Sixty and a half years
You walked along the alley of life,
Along the road of obstacles and victories.

And today she is wise and reliable,
For your relatives, you are advice and a stronghold,
The person you can rely on
Rely on him - he won’t let you down.

Be successful and tireless,
Let the smile never leave your face.
Be healthy, cheerful and loved,
Long may you bring joy to your dear hearts!

Happy anniversary! At 65, I wish you to remain beautiful and amazing, cheerful and open, good-natured and sensitive, wonderful and cheerful. May every day be happy, may every guest give you a smile, may every year only make you more beautiful and cheerful. I wish you to begin writing the 66th chapter of your life with the same enthusiasm and fervor of your heart. I wish you health and all the best.

Here we go again, eighteen
You can't keep up with the years.
Well, let it be sixty-five,
You can keep silent about this.

Happy anniversary,
I wish you happiness and joy.
Let the youthful enthusiasm burn,
Dashingly ruling the soul.

May your health be good,
And it strikes the target's eye accurately.
Life has just begun
Enjoy it to your heart's content!

Happy anniversary,
At 65 we wish you
Don't notice your age,
Like an old lady, don't grumble!

Just enjoy life
Every year, day by day,
I wanted to tell myself:
“How young I am!”

Full of energy and strength,
And it's hard for us to believe -
You are already sixty-five,
And all the doors are open!

You can do everything, you have experience,
And there's no reason to be bored
And in case of any problem you
Don't give up.

We wish you a happy anniversary
Health and good luck.
Let your life flow like a stream,
The soul sings, does not cry.

Let's not mention our age!
Let it remain a little secret.
But all congratulations, lush roses
It was not by chance that these gifts were given to you today.

Beautiful lines in beautiful cards
They will verbally decorate your anniversary.
Gratitude sounds openly in those lines,
And the admiration of the guests flows from the lips.

Wishes are heard, toasts are poured in,
And the glasses laugh with a merry clink.
Let's not talk about age today!
The soul is young - and that’s a lot!

We sincerely congratulate you on your birthday,
So that your health gets stronger every day,
We wish you joy and sincere smiles,
So that worries will always be nothing!

On this beautiful day, let the sun shine,
So that fate gives only smiles, laughter,
And when you looked out your window,
A loved one was coming to visit you.

I still wish you good health,
There is nothing more important in our life, after all,
Let everything be fine, that's what I dream about,
So that there is a little bit, but everything.

Let it be on this anniversary
Everything is the way you wanted it
The soul sings like a nightingale,
After all, there is no limit to happiness in the heart!

I wish at sixty-five
Warmth, kindness, luck to you,
And everything you could wish for
May it come true on your birthday!

Happy anniversary,
And we all wish you good health.
Beauty - like twenty-five,
Shine like a bright sun.

Let no one know
How old are you?
But the soul does not fade -
There is no room for sadness in life!

And let it be noisy
Always in your house.
Let them never forget
Neither family nor friends.

Today is your holiday
Or rather, an anniversary.
You are so beautiful today!
Everyone is more beautiful and brighter.

Lots of happiness and smiles
On this day around you.
Even numbers on postcards
They smile lovingly.

May luck smile
Happiness will live nearby,
The sun is shining brightly,
To give you rays.

Happy Birthday -
You are sixty-five years old!
Happiness, joy, luck,
Our joy and our light!

What is sixty-five years? This is not old age, this is maturity, when the invaluable experience gained gives you a chance for a happier and happier life. interesting life. When children are independent, grandchildren are funny. And all that remains is to rejoice. And to cheer you up even more on this day, you just need to go to our website and find the right one there cool congratulations, which will bring a lot of laughter and fun to the hero of the day. Which will give him a feeling of happiness and fun. Which will make you a bright comedian and prankster!

At 65 it’s nice to remember
How playful youth passed.
Fill life with pleasure -
Freedom has risen like a star!
Let contemplation and joy
They will give you meaning and happiness!
Let only charm, taste and sweetness
Feelings and words will decorate!
Let diseases not visit you,
Relatives love, people honor!
Let nature dedicate to you
Your amazing outfit!

Oh, you are sixty-five!
Where can I get these words?
Sing great life in them,
To put the weight of feeling into a poem?
Away - illness, boredom, sadness;
Happiness lies in children and grandchildren!
Invite everyone to your holiday
Strength, wisdom, love!

We love you more over the years,
So don't you dare be sad at all!
We will never forget you
And we will drink many more times during our birthday!
Just rejoice again and again
And also have fun again and again.
Congratulations, and believe me, this is new,
After all, today you are 65!

Sixty and five more!
We would like to wish you:
First, be healthy
Don't forget about your diet
Secondly - forget about everyone,
Think about yourself more often.
Thirdly, we would like to wish
So that peace reigns in the family,
So that you are able
Make everyone's wishes come true!

May this anniversary be
Unforgettable of days -
Full of smiles and flowers
And grateful warm words!
May the years go by in joy,
To be in life forever
Health, happiness and success,
Good luck in your endeavors to everyone!

Sixty and a half -
Believe me, just a little!
The beginning of a new era for you -
After all, there are still roads ahead of us,
After all, you need to live, hoping and loving!
Let your health not let you down,
You will live to be a hundred years old in wealth,
Let luck rule in life,
And you are having fun through life!

There is no escaping anniversaries.
They will overtake everyone like birds.
But the main thing is to carry it through the years
Warmth of the soul, a bit of cordiality.
Today is your 65th birthday.
We sincerely congratulate you!
And in life we ​​wish the most important thing:
Health, happiness and joy
And up to a hundred years without growing old!