Parting words to the recruit from relatives. Original wishes for the farewell to the army. Toasts for the farewell to the army

The tradition of seeing off recruits to the army has existed for a long time, and this event for the future conscription soldier of 2019 should be joyful and memorable.

Parents and other relatives, friends, classmates get together for festive table, sound parting words and toasts in honor of the hero of the occasion. Interesting games and competitions help to create a relaxed atmosphere at the celebration.

On this page of our site, congratulations are presented on the occasion of seeing off to the army in the spring or autumn calls 2019, which can be addressed to your son, friend, brother, beloved guy.

Congratulations on seeing off the army in verse

Hey guys! Aty-baty!
It's time for you to join the military!
You were a graduate yesterday
And today - a conscript!
Under the call you, brother, fell,
Everyone around repeats: "Gone!"
You're proud of the agenda
Get it and subscribe!
Do not chase, my friend, for the rank,
And try to become a man!
Learn to shoot in the army
Eat fast and sleep little
Stand diligently at your post
And love the Fatherland tenderly!

We accompany you on your way
Where will you become a man?
And childhood can not be returned,
After all, you can't fool time.
The Fatherland has called you
Serve the country for the good
And an oath, friend, I took from you
Live with honor and courage!

Today we see off the guys to the army,
We want to serve you with dignity!
You will be given machine guns in your hands today,
You are real soldiers now.
Carry your service proudly,
Keep army friendship for a long time!

Service in the army is an honorable and responsible business. So that the future soldier can tune in to desired fret, relatives and friends give parting words to the conscript. Congratulations on seeing off to the army can sound both in verse and in prose - the main thing is that they come from pure heart.

It's time for us to say goodbye
You have to become a soldier.
A man was lucky to be born
So we will be proud of you!
Serve the Motherland, protect
And never be discouraged!
And the family is always waiting at home
And your faithful friends!

Serving is hard.
The days go by slowly.
But be patient, poor thing.
And the demo will fit.
Serve the Fatherland
In the name of a bright life!
It's time to become a soldier
To exterminate the enemy!
Let's celebrate our meeting
Tonight this evening.

We want to serve you
Calm and dignified
Guard the border peacefully
For everyone to sleep peacefully.
We wish not to know the war,
Come back to us healthy.
We wish you to always be the best
And ready for anything.
We wish the army to pass
With honor, respect,
And we will wait for you here
With love and patience!

Perhaps a distance separates you from a future soldier, and you cannot contact him personally? No problem. Congratulations on seeing off to serve in the army can be sent in the form of SMS or in an email.

Congratulations to those who joined the army!
I didn’t get scared, I didn’t go limp, I didn’t pay off,
For those who have strength, courage in their souls found
And on military service turned out.
You can ask for an alternative
It is also necessary to wear pots in hospitals.
But it’s better to wear a blue beret:
There is nothing stronger than male army friendship!

From childhood, each of us knows:
They don't choose their homeland.
honor and protect her
Our father and mother teach us.
Now it's your turn
To give her a civic duty.
We all follow you
And with all our hearts we wish
The service was not so much a burden,
Serve honestly and with courage
Meet new friends.
And we will be waiting for you!

The boys are having fun
And the girls are dancing
Escorted to the army
Our best boys!
Chance im under oath
Daden excel:
We will be brave
Be proud of yours!
The country has reasons
Be grateful to you.
We continue the wires!
Congratulations guys!

Sending off to the army is an exciting event, so you should not upset the conscript on this day. Try to create an environment in which he could calm down and relax. And warm words of congratulations on seeing off to the army in poetic form will help you with this.

Poems dedicated to wires to the army

You became a man - it means time
To give back to the Fatherland.
A man is obligated
Protect the country and citizens.
You have to leave the house
Change the nature of life
But not for long - be sure
You will be very welcome here!

In the army today
We accompany you
For strength and courage
We respect immensely!
real man,
You will return from there
And we, counting the days,
We'll all be waiting here for you.
new comrades,
first commander,
You are a soldier now
You protect the world.
We wish you
For the service to run smoothly
And was so that in life
Not war, but friendship!

As the east dawns
Life will be different.
Goodbye sip -
And at the recruiting station.
And on this path
You will happen
And wear clothes
And sit on the "lip"
Walk on your own...

And they will send to fight -
No awards on the chest
We would like to wish.
We do not expect feats
On the battle path -
Come back to your house
Unharmed, alive.
Service life will pass
We will be together again.
You are one of those who are waiting!
You have someone to wait for!

This duty is sacred, we all know it.
Perform with honor, with his conscience.
With faith and hope we see you off.
All the best to you, all the best!

Let your native courtyard wait a little:
You will return to him and to your friends.
You have an endless road ahead of you.
We firmly believe in you, and we stand by it.

Let the ordinary service be painfully difficult
Under a fierce blizzard, pouring rain.
You are strong, lads, not forgetting us,
You serve, dear, we will wait for you!

How to congratulate on the wires to the army in your own words in prose

Your son or friend will be pleased if you congratulate him in your own words. Congratulations on seeing off to the army in prose can be written on a postcard or read as a toast.

Dear son! Surely you understand how reluctantly I let you go to this distant land for an endless year. But such is the fate of most mothers - to accompany their sons to the army. I wish you to be healthy both in body and soul, and I want to meet you the same as today - cheerful, full of respect and love for your parents. God bless you, son!

May your service be easy and peaceful! Let the authorities be fair, but not very strict. Let your colleagues become faithful and reliable friends for you. Let the girl you love wait for you from the service. I also wish you good health, because what kind of soldier is without him, endurance to prove his willpower. Patience to show that you are not a sissy, and no one will wipe your tears. Good luck in everything!

We accompany you on your way
Where will you become a man?
And childhood can not be returned,
After all, you can't fool time.
The Fatherland has called you
Serve the country for the good
And I took an oath, son, from you
Live with honor and courage!

You grew up and matured
Already learned a lot.
Now it's time for the army -
We see off until the morning!
Let the year as an arrow
It will fly for you!
Let everything be just class.
Write! And don't forget about us!

We accompany you
Know that we, loving you,
Let's wait in our town
Come quickly, son!
We wish you easy service
And simple army friendship,
And love by correspondence
And good luck very close!
Be happy this year
He will go unnoticed
You will return home
You will be with us, our dear!

You are a conscript, soldier!
Everything is different now

And most importantly - take care of yourself!

We accompany you, friend
We are in distant lands.
Will you live in the barracks
You will serve your country!
A difficult path awaits you
Don't sit down, don't rest
And when you come back to us
You and I will get drunk in the trash.

Farewell darling, for the whole year
Your homeland is calling you.
I'll be waiting for you, dear
Write to you and wait for an answer
And remember every night

You are doing civic duty
To the borders of his glorious country,
You leave for a year for protection,
The one with whom you associate dreams.
Until we fill our glasses
And fearlessly look ahead:
One year can be a lot
But it will pass very quickly!

I love you with all my heart
I must confess to you.
I don't want to be with you
Beloved, part!
But I know - I have to pay a debt
You, having served the Fatherland.
And I just have to wait
You, my life partner!

Don't you dare consider yourself a soldier
Until he stood in line
And a gas mask machine
I did not dress on the march
When my two years have passed
And I will return to my native land
I will meet true friends
And then paradise will come!

Today you were called to the service,
Weapons were immediately handed over.
Protect your native country and honor.
Remember that there are many enemies - do not count.

You're about to go somewhere
To the expanses of their homeland.

Do not be sad, look cheerful!

Grown up man home.

The Russian army needs guys so much,
Sports guys are desperately important to her!
So today we are seeing off a soldier,
We sincerely wish to serve him with honor!
To shoot-hit,
In the forced march did not lose heart,
And beloved to call
I did not go on my own!

We wish you:
Serve in the army
Do not grieve and do not grieve.
Some people enjoy it, some don't.
To whom the grandfather will pierce the plywood.
Who cleans the badge with boots,

Who slows down, who has time -
No one is bored at work!

Show me, motherfucker
How everyone should fight!
You are a strong boy
And lucky with brains!
And you are also a rare sly one,
You will be the best in spite of everyone!
Serve honestly and faithfully
Don't hurt kids.
Always be the first in everything!
And don't forget your friends!

Winter will pass, summer will pass
Or maybe even years.
Everything in life can be forgotten
But years of service never
For the happiness of the beloved
smiles of friends
I gave from life
730 days.

The boys are having fun and
The girls are dancing
Escorted to the army
Our best boys!
Chance im under oath
Daden excel:
We will be brave
Be proud of yours!
The country has reasons
Be grateful to you!
We continue the wires!
Congratulations guys!

Soldier, I wish you
So that this year rushes like an arrow,
And yours waited for you
And then you got married to her!

Friends are celebrating today
And there's a reason for the fun
After all, people do not say in vain:
“You are a man after the army!”
We wish everything for you;
You are strong in body and soul
Good luck - in combat, in shooting,
And become more like a "grandfather".

What a blessing that you are
Family defenders!
There is a word: warrior, a word: honor,
But there are other words:
Courage, glory and success,
And the winner is the best!

You're going to the army tomorrow!
We all accompany you together
And we know you won't let us down!
We wish you more strength!
Achieve success in your service
And be the best soldier!
We are waiting for you - you know so -
With rich life experience!

The army is a school of courage,
Youth community.
Teaches order and courage
To live in a collective conscience.

We escort the guys to the Army,
We will meet men, real soldiers.

Today we see off the guys to the army,
We want to serve you with dignity!
You will be given machine guns in your hands today,
You are real soldiers now.
Carry proudly your faithful service,
Keep army friendship for a long time.

Paratroopers jump into the open hatches of the aircraft:
- Comrade lieutenant! Petrov jumped, forgetting to put on a parachute!
- How?! Again?!
I wish you good luck and a phenomenal memory! Happy service to you.

The ensign formed a platoon.
- Comrade soldiers who love heavy music - two steps forward!
Two soldiers are out of order.
- They brought me a piano, take it to the fifth floor to my apartment.
Let's drink, friends, for rare moments of rest in the army!

The father taught his son before the army:
- Son, be closer to the kitchen and away from the authorities.
- All right, dad, I'll climb into the soldier's cauldron and wait for the demobilization.
So we wish our conscript to be closer to the kitchen! Let's drink to that!

We wish you:
Two years in the army
Do not grieve and do not grieve.
Some people enjoy it, some don't.
To whom the grandfather will pierce the plywood.
Who cleans the badge with boots,
Who walks like a deer with antlers
Who slows down, who has time -
No one is bored at work!

(Name), you will not serve for so long, but you will return home as a real man. We will welcome you with joy and pride. I want to propose a toast to your health, courage and luck in the army!

Congratulations on your coming to serve. Seeing you off to the army, we wish you to serve without straining!

Serve your homeland faithfully, and be the same devoted and reliable soldier as we know you from our strong friendship! Your friends.

There is a sentry at the post. Suddenly he hears a rustle.
- Stand! Who goes?!
- Yes, mine, with a bottle
- Mine? Come on! And the bottle - stand!
Let's drink, guys, for vigilance!

There is a recruiting committee.
- What is your last name?
- Tr Tr Tratamine.
- Well, my dear, in a machine gun company?
Let's drink to service compliance!

Soldier! Remember: when you sleep, the enemy does not sleep! Sleep longer and more often - exhaust the enemy with insomnia!

If you have such an opportunity, serve the Motherland. We hope you will try your best and for the benefit of yourself. Let the service be a pleasure. We raise our glasses to the new recruit!

Dear ______, I congratulate you on your draft, I wish that your service goes so that all your post-army life you remember only good things about this time. So that this year passes for you as quickly as the minute that I say this congratulation.

You are a conscript, soldier!
Everything is different now
Everything has changed in your life.
May the service be peaceful and calm
And most importantly - take care of yourself!

It's time to test your strength. Go through the hardening of the army with dignity, leaving it as a strong adult man. Look with optimism at the service, it can give you a lot. For you, your good service and honorable return from it!

You leave to serve. You go to pay your debt to the Motherland. I would like to wish you to return from the army as a real man, make loyal friends there and begin to live a real life. Let's hope it stays that way, congratulations.

Who honestly serves, glory is friends with him. For our glorious soldiers!

The army is a school of courage,
Youth community.
Teaches order and courage
To live in a collective conscience.
Faithfully serve Russia,
Treasure the honor of your Fatherland.
We escort the guys to the Army,
Let's meet men, real soldiers

Farewell darling, for the whole year
After all, your homeland is calling
I'll be waiting for you, dear
Write to you and wait for an answer
And remember every night
Goodbye day is like a ray of light.

Don't let the hardships of army life scare you. Time will fly by quickly and you will not notice, with a smile you will remember the army days. In the army, only three things will come in handy for you: health, luck and patience, which is what I wish you.

Now you are my soldier; and it is a great honor to wait.
From this day on, you will be far away from me. Let's look at the sky, it will convey our greetings and feelings. Everything will be fine, you hear.

In the army today
We accompany you
For strength and courage
We respect immensely.

new comrades,
first commander,
You are a soldier now
You protect the world.

We wish you
For the service to run smoothly
And what would be in life,
Not war, but friendship.

The train is rushing into the distance, rushing
Inside each wagon
Guys like you today
They leave home.

It's time for you to become a soldier
Today you go to serve in the army,
We will eagerly wait for you
And the expectation of our meeting to live.

Put on the uniform, take the oath,
Cry a little father and mother,
Serve in the army for good
The fatherland must pay the debt.

We wish you today
Have fun - no need to be sad.
A year will pass - not so much,
We will wait and love you!

The habit of changing the alarm clock
And five more minutes to sleep,
Oh, I doubt very much
What will you practice.

Father's orders will remember with sadness,
which he neglected.
And how he made the beds
It will seem like art to you;

And a mountain of peeled potatoes
You will reward with a frown;
And you eat soup without a spoon,
If you oversleep again in the morning.

Cheer up, such a school
Everyone is on the shoulder and everyone needs it.
And there friends are like icebreakers,
You will get forever!

Today is a responsible day:
We'll take you to work.
Be honest, brave, fighter.
Appreciate the relationship, friendship.

And from the bottom of our hearts we wish you
To make the service run smoothly and quickly.

To return glorious, matured,
Gaining strength, health and mind.
So that the girl, remaining in civilian life,
I loved you, I believed you, I waited.

You go to the army to serve the motherland,
To give a man's duty to the Fatherland,
We wish you to value the house,
Priceless moments of life.

Let your service, like a moment, rush
Bringing you neither torment nor trouble,
We wish to make friends with courage and honor,
You proudly go forward along the parade ground!

You're about to go somewhere
To the expanses of their homeland.
Soon you will be a brave soldier
Do not be sad, look cheerful!

You will not notice how you will return again
Grown up man home.
Remember the army, and smile.
May your path be straight everywhere!

We wish you easy service
And simple army friendship,
And love by correspondence
And good luck very close!

Be happy this year
He will go unnoticed
You will return home
You will be with us, our dear!

You became a man - it means time
To give back to the Fatherland.
A man is obligated
Protect the country and citizens.

The summons is in the mailbox and the draft board is waiting.
Forward - boldly go to guard the Motherland, soldier.
Let mommy worry and father frowns,
But to serve faithfully is the lot of men's hearts.

You prove to the girls that you have gunpowder,
To defend, on occasion, both your blood and honor.
Let them wait for you, dear ones, you will return home
And you will live in a new way, the defender of the daring.

To rush into a fight, a man
There are only two good reasons.
And the first is protection of the native country,
Whose border is closed to the enemy.

The second is the debt that the ancestors bequeathed,
He commands all men:
Risking yourself to protect women
As in the duels of Pushkin's time.

We wish, having drunk a glass to the bottom,
So that you go through the service without interference,
So that love is forever alone,
May success be your faithful friend!

Friend, it's your turn
Serve in the army!
We wish you ahead.
Serve and do not grieve!

Carry the service, heroically,
To the little sergeant's little cheeks!
So that later, in my own way,

Let the service go like clockwork, let the climbs be easy, and let the time fly by. To wait at home, love and keep warm. Let the army give experience and temper the will!

Congratulating you on seeing off to the army, I want to wish you a lot of patience, perseverance and strength. Let the service be easy, reliable colleagues and pleasant leisure. Gain experience, build character, never give up, be brave and determined. Good teachers and interesting events!

We are seeing you off and will be waiting, we are already proud of you and believe that you will prove to everyone how brave, courageous, honest and responsible you are. Let the army become a bright page of victories, achievements and merits in the book of your life, let the service go easily and successfully. Health to you, fighter, strong strength and faith in yourself!

Today we see off our brave soldier to faithful service. I wish you to prove yourself worthy, always confidently and bravely serve, be proud that you did not escape the army and pay your debt to the Motherland, stubbornly and persistently achieve all your goals and objectives. Let this time fly by unnoticed, let these days only benefit, let the army add strength, courage, courage and health to you.

Today we are seeing off a brave guy, a real man, to the army. I wish you, fighter, faithful and easy service, respect and honor, confident strength and optimism, great achievements and inevitable good luck, good health and courage of the soul.

Today we see off a brave and courageous guy to serve the Motherland. May the army teach you to be strong and confident, firm and resolute, may the service not be a burden, I wish you well-being and good luck, dexterity and courage. Let this time fly by quickly, and our protector will be with us again.

Well, my dear friend. It's time to honor the Motherland. It's your turn to prove yourself as a real man and a brave hero. Congratulations. We are seeing you off today and wish the young fighter's course to be completed quickly and successfully. May vigor and strength not leave you, may the army soon return the brave defender to us.

Congratulations, you have the honor to prove yourself in the service for the good of the Fatherland. We see you off and look forward to your return. I wish you an easy and successful service, strong and faithful friendship, unquenchable love in your heart, good luck in finding the right answers to all your questions, good health and strength!

Dear friend, good luck! We wish you to be the first in everything, to prove yourself, to be fearless, but not to climb on the rampage. An early demobilization, cheerful and cozy evening gatherings, quick outfits and delicious food. We are waiting for you!

Today you are taking a very important and courageous step. Concentration on the face, nerves clenched into a fist. We believe that you will not let us all down and will fully show your courage, heroism and responsibility. After all, you will be trusted not only with a machine gun, but also peace, peaceful sleep and the well-being of our Motherland. We are very proud that you are now a soldier, that you are a real man who faithfully repays his debt to the fatherland. Serve do not grieve, we love you and are waiting for you!

Conscript! How rare it is to be happy for a person in modern life who wants to protect his loved ones and relatives just like that, knowing his duty. We love you and respect you decision. We will wait for you every day and miss the fun time spent together!

Dear friend, good luck! We wish you to be the first in everything, to prove yourself, to be fearless, but not to climb on the rampage. An early demobilization, cheerful and cozy evening gatherings, quick outfits and delicious food. We are waiting for you!

Today we say goodbye to you, but only for a while. For us, you are now not just good man rather a brave and brave man! Be decisive and always positively perceive any, even difficult situation. I wish you patience, strength and endurance!

A new stage is beginning in your life: fulfilling your duty to the Motherland. Be bold and courageous. And also, I really want to wish you an easy service and good comrades.

After all, you might not go, hide or run away, but in your heart you are a real man - decisive and courageous. Leaving home for a whole year, people wish good changes, but I wish that nothing changes. So that your parents are so proud of you, and the girl continues to love you deeply. And of course, so that our friendship remains as strong as ever.

Friends! We have gathered today in order to conduct a respected and beloved friend by all of us to the army service. May his difficult future path be brightened up by our most sincere and good wishes. We all hope that our strong friendship neither long distances nor all kinds of life tests can break! So let's raise our glasses to the good luck that will certainly accompany our draftee away from home!

I can’t even believe that yesterday, a sweaty little boy, turned into a shaven-headed soldier, whom we are seeing off to the army today. Let the service pass easily and peacefully. Let the military leadership be fair, but not very strict. Let your colleagues become your most faithful and reliable friends. Let the girl honestly wait for you from the service. First of all, I wish you the best of health, for what kind of soldier is without him, endurance to prove his willpower. Patience to show that you are not a sissy, and no one will wipe your tears. Good luck in everything!

Let us fill our glasses and drink now to those whose ranks we are about to enter. For those who serve. Let there be a difficult path ahead of us, but we will pass it with honor, without disgracing our uniform. To our service and happy return!

Today we see off our brave soldier to faithful service. I wish you to prove yourself worthy, always confidently and bravely serve, be proud that you did not escape the army and pay your debt to the Motherland, stubbornly and persistently achieve all your goals and objectives. Let this time fly by unnoticed, let these days only benefit, let the army add strength, courage, courage and health to you.

It's time to pay back to the motherland. Indeed, in order to be sure that you and all people will live in peace and tranquility, the country needs a strong army. There is nothing worse than war! Well, serve honestly and faithfully. Always remember that your deed is worthy of great respect. And we will wait for you here in civilian life, and after your return we will throw a party!

IN folk tales a soldier will always get out of any situation: he can cook porridge from an ax, and find a magic fire starter, and marry a princess. And I would like to wish the recruit that his service would be fabulous: porridge is always tasty, even from an ax, in your pocket, if not a steel, but something magical, and at home, let the most beautiful princess in the world wait for him!

Congratulations, you have the honor to prove yourself in the service for the good of the Fatherland. We see you off and look forward to your return. I wish you an easy and successful service, strong and faithful friendship, unquenchable love in your heart, good luck in finding the right answers to all your questions, good health and strength!

Today we have a joyful and a little sad event. Joyful - because you were honored to serve in the ranks armed forces. And sad, because we won't see each other for a whole year. But this year flies by instantly, because everything in this life is fleeting. I want to wish you good luck from the bottom of my heart. Be brave, strong, flawlessly carry out the instructions of seniors in rank. Good health to you, patience, endurance. And we will wait for you with impatience. Happiness to you and easy service.

Conscript, today is your holiday and you simply must celebrate it. But, in the heat of fun and joy, remember the honor and your high calling - to serve your Motherland proudly and with dignity. Keep your head held high, appreciate the trust placed in you and serve as the best of the best so that your parents, friends and your country are proud of you. Easy service to you true friendship and strong, true love. Happy holiday!

Congratulating you on seeing off to the army, I want to wish you a lot of patience, perseverance and strength. Let the service be easy, reliable colleagues and pleasant leisure. Gain experience, build character, never give up, be brave and determined. Good teachers and interesting events!

(Name of recruit)! You are a wonderful friend and true comrade! Thank you for always supporting, paying attention, helping in word and deed. Today we release you with a good heart, because we know that you will become a responsible soldier that we can be proud of!

For the conscript - the future defender of his homeland! Very soon you will be a soldier, You serve, do not let the country down, I raise my glass, For courage and strength, for a dream! I wish everything to be fine, To good, army friends, So that the service goes like clockwork, Well, in general, I drink for you! Today we see off, to the army, not just a friend, but also his childhood.

Our beloved ……. You grew up so fast that we didn't even have time to look back. And now the time has come when they call for military service for the benefit of our state. We want to wish you that this service will be held not only for the benefit of the state, but also for the benefit of you, wish you to become a real man - courageous, strong, able to protect yourself and those people you love, and most importantly - we wish May you return safe and sound and God bless you.

They say that in the army they become real men! For you, this no longer matters, so invaluable experience and broadening your horizons. And keep your awesome guy status!

We see you off and we will wait, we are proud of you and believe that you will prove to everyone how brave, courageous, honest and responsible you are. Let the army become a bright page of victories, achievements and merits in the book of your life, let the service go smoothly and successfully. Health to you, fighter, strong strength and faith in yourself!

Today you are taking a very important and courageous step. Concentration on the face, nerves clenched into a fist. We believe that you will not let us all down and will fully show your courage, heroism and responsibility. After all, you will be trusted not only with a machine gun, but also peace, peaceful sleep and the well-being of our Motherland. We are very proud that you are now a soldier, that you are a real man who faithfully repays his debt to the fatherland. Serve do not grieve, we love you and are waiting for you!

Being a soldier is a great honor for every guy. And today, seeing you off to the army, we want to wish you a successful service. This year will fly by very quickly, and you will return as a real man - strong, strong, courageous. I wish you to serve without straining, conscientiously repaying your debt to the Motherland. Serving in the army, you prove your courage, courage, honor. I wish you good health, great luck. Let the girl you love be sure to wait for you. May your guardian angel protect you. Let luck and luck always accompany you.

What to wish on the Day of the draftee to a person who leaves his home, so familiar and warm !? Of course, I want to wish you patience, courage and strength that you will gain in the army. You will become a real man, brave and bold! May this year you get to know your other side, able to quickly make decisions and help a friend in a difficult moment, because in life you can’t do without it! Good service to you, young soldier! Happy holiday!

Good luck fighter. Today we are seeing you off to the army and we will be waiting for the return of a strong, brave, brave guy who will become the real pride of our Motherland, who will be able to defend his family and all his dreams. We wish you health and strong strength, as well as perseverance, perseverance and great achievements in your service!

Dear friend! You could "slope" from the army, but did not, which means that you are already a real man in your soul - brave and decisive. You leave home for a whole year. Usually, people want some changes, but I wish you that nothing changes. So that your parents are just as healthy and just as proud of you, so that your girlfriend still loves you and only you, and so that our friendship remains just as strong!

The article contains the most interesting congratulations conscript, for mother, friend, beloved.

Escorting a son to the army is a long, large-scale and emotional event. All bosom friends of the draftee, parents and immediate relatives gather.

Of course, a holiday is not complete without a beloved girl who, with her whole appearance, shows that she will faithfully wait for a guy. Songs, jokes, fun, dance - this is how the farewell to the army goes. And also "destroyed" a large number of alcohol and shed maternal tears. Only after all the specified conditions are met, the son and future groom go to defend the Motherland.

Wishes for the farewell to the army: speech in verse, prose

The texts of congratulations and wishes for the parents of the conscript and for the hero of the holiday contain parting words and encouragement.

The future soldier should go to protect the peace of his native state with warm feelings about relatives and friends. Being far from family and friends, the guy should feel the support of loved ones.

Today we see off the guys to the army,
We want to serve you with dignity!
You will be given machine guns in your hands today,
You are real soldiers now.
Carry proudly your faithful service,
Keep army friendship for a long time.

Army - school of courage,
Youth community.
Teaches order and courage
Live in a community of conscience.
Faithfully serve Russia,
Treasure the honor of your Fatherland.
We escort the guys to the Army,
Let's meet men, real soldiers...

Are you joining the army tomorrow?!
We all accompany you together
And we know you won't let us down!
We wish you more strength!
Achieve success in your service
And be the best soldier!
We are waiting for you - you know so -
With rich life experience!

What a blessing that you are
Family defenders!
There is a word: warrior, a word: honor,
But there are other words:
Courage, glory and success,
And the winner is the best!

Sometimes it is difficult to find words for a conscript. Especially encouraging, because they see him off for a long time. Your speech will be parting and solemn if you use the wishes collected in this section.

The army is another school of life. So let's raise our glasses to so that our conscript receives a gold medal at the end of this school and comes to us very soon by a graduation fast demobilization train!

What is an army for every man? The army is a special place where tempering character, they make a man out of yesterday's boy. That is why I hasten to wish you - do not be sad when you go to serve! This time will fly by very quickly, and I wish you that it flies with benefit!

Cool wishes for the farewell to the army

Life turns every young man who goes to serve in the army into a real man, tempering his character, multiplying invaluable experience, broadening his horizons. So that the guy does not feel sad, they want him to spend time with benefit and return faster.

All wishes, if they are pronounced with warmth, sincerely, are good, but humorous words and poems are especially remembered by the future soldier.

Paratroopers jump into the open hatches of the aircraft:
- Comrade lieutenant! Petrov jumped, forgetting to put on a parachute!
- How?! Again?!
I wish you good luck and a phenomenal memory! Happy service to you!!!

The ensign formed a platoon.
- Comrade soldiers, who love heavy music - two steps forward!
Two soldiers are out of order.
- They brought me a piano here, take it to the fifth floor to my apartment.
Let's drink, friends, for rare moments of rest in the army!

Soldier! Remember: when you sleep, the enemy does not sleep! sleep longer And more often– exhaust the enemy with insomnia!

Speech at the farewell to the army for mom

When the time comes to see off her beloved son to the army, it is difficult for a mother to find the right words. We made sure that you have big choice wishes, toasts and congratulations for the conscript.

Advice from mom

Listen to the commander, son,
So that your father can be proud of you.
And you will serve in the army, dear,
Come back home soon.

We will wait tirelessly
Send letters frequently.
You sent us news too
So that we can sleep peacefully.

Beloved, you will be far away now, but my soul will always be with you.. I propose a toast to your successful service and our happy life after your return!

Let's fill our glasses and drink now for those in whose ranks we to enter. For those who serve. Let there be a difficult path ahead of us, but we will pass it with honor, without disgracing our uniform. To our service and happy return!

Speech on farewell to the army for friends: words

Now it's time for your friend to go to the defense of the Motherland. May your wishes cheer him up all next year.

Friend, you are the first to join the army.
The whole party gathered to see off.
From above you throw: "Youth!",
Throwing a duffel bag deftly.

We envy you a little.
You bypassed us today, we do not argue.
Together we will shout to you: "Bye!"
Maybe we'll see you soon.

Like one of our guys
The brave will be made by soldiers.
They will fight with honor
Protect native land.

I raise my glass
I am for those who fought.
You go to replace them,
Be persistent along the way.

Are you a little worried
Even if they are adults already.
A long road awaits you
To protect the frontiers.

You are all men now.
The country has entrusted you
Guard your plains
If a war breaks out.

Speech of the conscript.

Dear my friends! Thank you all for your well wishes and instructions. We are all a little sad before the upcoming parting, and this only testifies to how dear and close we were to each other. I will miss you so much away from home. But I will remember each of you as he was today. I will always be with you in thought and soul. Do not forget to write to me, and I, in turn, promise to answer your every letter! We will certainly meet and raise our glasses more than once for our strong friendship!

Speech at the farewell to the army for a loved one: poems

The next section is for girls who escort the future soldier to the army. Let your loved one remember you with tenderness until the very demobilization.

Poems from a loving girl

Wheels often knock,
Taking you to serve.
Goodbye my happiness
Promise not to forget.

I'll wait to meet you
Once appointed by fate
Survive our parting
My soldier is dear.

Drink, walk, have fun
Seeing - only once!
Tomorrow we will say goodbye
Not for a day, not for an hour.

You will return soon
To your beloved father's house.
And today the conversations
Only about you.

You are a strong and smart guy..
Get a glorious soldier.
Not in vain for all workouts
You went without passes, brother.

And in the army everything is useful,
There training is important.
I'll be proud of my brother
Or maybe our whole country.

Congratulations on seeing off to the army: short, funny

You are escorting a guy to the army who will stand guard over our peace with you, which means that no threats are terrible. Congratulate the recruit who decided to take a brave step, short SMS. If you find it difficult to find a suitable and capacious wish of four lines, then the next section contains just such.

We congratulate those who still went to the army
And who, in spite of everything, did not fade and did not pay off,
We congratulate those who found strength in themselves
And who did not return, who did not back down!

May your army path be easy,
You still need to serve your Russia,
And as conscripts, you should love everyone,
After all, there is no sacred army friendship!

On the day of the draftee, now we congratulate
Brave, wise, strong boys,
We wish you patience, endurance, strength,
Keep in memory you friendship and love!

I congratulate you
Happy Conscript Day!
I'm always proud of you
I know you are a hero!

Funny toasts for the farewell to the army

Without the use of alcohol, seeing off turns into an official event. Therefore stock up interesting toasts. During the wires, they will be in demand.

Military service
  • At the bottom of the sea lay a large snow-white pearl. She was so dazzling that the young men rushed into the water after her, but swimming too far and deep, they drowned from lack of air. But the day came when a young man with scuba dived after her. We drink to the fact that ingenuity and ingenuity help you in your service!
  • So, we are escorting another green boy _ name_ to the army. Before you have the opportunity to change plumage, turning into a courageous eagle. Serve with dignity to celebrate your return loudly and proudly. For a new soldier!
  • In folk tales, a soldier will always get out of any situation: he can cook porridge from an ax, and find a magic flint, and marry a princess. And I would like to wish the recruit that his service was fabulous: porridge is always delicious, even from an ax, in his pocket, if not a steel, but something magical, and at home, let the most beautiful princess in the world wait for him!
  • The day has come when you leave to defend the Fatherland! Let's drink to bottom for your service! We wish you to find faithful comrades, so that you do not serve as a burden, be healthy and courageous. Reach the heights and be sure: we are all waiting for you back!
  • It's time to pay back to the motherland. After all, in order to be confident that you and all people will live in peace and tranquility, the country needs a strong army. There is nothing worse than war! Well, serve honestly and faithfully. Always remember that your deed is worthy of great respect. And we will wait for you here in civilian life, and after your return we will throw a party!

Poems for the farewell to the army

Many verses are dedicated to those who guard our peace. If your friend is going to join the ranks of brave defenders, then the verses from this section will definitely come in handy on the wires, because there are never many good wishes.

Demobel will still be. In the meantime
Makes the heart beat faster
All-Russian conscript day.
Ahead - snow-covered thickets,
Forced marches, throwing grenades,
Patrols, alarms in the middle of the night,
withered autumn leaves,
Fallen on a warm machine ...
Don't be shy! The man must be
Everything is ready in advance;
Do not find a more worthy calling -
Selflessly serve the motherland!

Today we celebrate Recruitment Day.
Not those who seek to escape from the army,
Not those to whom the father's hand
From military service
Helps redeem.
Don't shy away from fate
from debt, from money
To the "refuseniks" will come
hard payback!
Today is Recruitment Day.
And so we all raise a glass
For the Russian soldier!

Statuses: seeing off to the army

Statuses in our life have firmly taken their positions. Conscripts are people too, and can sometimes go to social networks. The following statuses are for them.

  • Vasya, do you love me? - Fedya, I don't love you, I respect you. - Not, Vasya, you must love me. Otherwise, we won't fold!
  • If I suddenly disappear for a long time, then know that on October 1 there was a call and I did not got off! uuu: But who will call you then? xxx: I hope that a pretty witch from another world, and not a bald military commissar!
  • Tell the light of my mirror, Yes, tell the whole truth Who am I after this haircuts Elephant, scoop or grandfather. To him a mirror in response: Spirit you fag * r, understood no?
  • Remember yourself, Tell another, The more you sleep - The closer to home!
  • Army Wonderland! Sat down to take a shit belt disappeared.
  • Army is 1 year, 12 months, 52 weeks, 365(6) days, 8750 hours, 525600 minutes, 31546000 seconds of torment for a soldier's girl...

Songs for farewell to the army: texts

What songs are appropriate on the wires? Those that will amuse the assembled guests and the conscript himself.

One hundred days before the order

I accompany you on your way
Forget me for two years.
You are no longer a boy
You will fly to Far Nalchik.
I will send you letters
I will write about love.
But almost two years
You don't even send me words.

One hundred days before the order
Hundred days hour by hour
Soldiers are waiting for sweet dreams
Boys girls are waiting.
One hundred days before the order
He was a class friend
Soldiers are waiting for sweet dreams
Boys girls are waiting.

Well, why am I sad about you?
Why am I writing to you?
Something you hide
But you don't know me very well.
I'll still wait for you
It will be difficult, so be it.
I'm not a baby anymore
Yes, and wait quite a bit.

One hundred days before the order
Hundred days hour by hour
Soldiers are waiting for sweet dreams
Boys girls are waiting.
One hundred days before the order
He was a class friend
Soldiers are waiting for sweet dreams
Boys girls are waiting.

One hundred days before the order
Hundred days hour by hour
Soldiers are waiting for sweet dreams
Boys girls are waiting.
One hundred days before the order
He was a class friend
Soldiers are waiting for sweet dreams
Boys girls are waiting.

Don't cry girl

Like the winds from the mountains
The soldiers are trumpeting.
The road is far from the threshold.
And dropping the handkerchief
so that no one sees
A tear was wiped away by a girl's hand.

Let your faithful friend far away

Walked a little
until the general
But maybe I'll become a foreman.
I'm sorry I couldn't
to say that I will dare
And the fact that you will be my wife!

Don't cry girl, it will rain
The soldier will return, you just wait!

Love in the world is stronger than separation!

Our company foreman
Has orders
And I have all this ahead!
But you read love
great icons,
Which are crowded on the chest!

The soldier will return, you just wait!
Let your faithful friend be far away.
Love in the world is stronger than separation!

Don't cry girl, it will rain.
The soldier will return, you just wait!
Don't cry girl, it will rain.
The soldier will return, just wait!
Let your faithful friend be far away.
Love in the world is stronger than separation!

Converted songs for farewell to the army: lyrics

Seeing off to the army will be boring without alteration songs. All the guests will be able to sing along to cheerful, comic soldiers' songs, because their motive is taken from famous pop songs.
The song is an alteration to the motive of the song "Top Top".

Top top. Very difficult
With early rise boots.
The foreman shouts: “Hurry up!” —
And the soldier wants to go home!
Top top, behind you,
Automatic, bag, gas mask.
Gather in the form you are,
You will circle the earth.
Top top, top top
Very difficult
Top top, top top
To the "demobilization" steps.

Top top, braids and rise,
And politics is a big volume,
There are also exercises, exercises,
We can't count all the activities.
Top top, you're coming home
You won’t go there as a combatant,
And go to bed early,
Nobody needs to swear.
Top top, top top
Very difficult
Top top, top top
To the "demobilization" steps.

The song is an alteration to the motive of the song "The blue ball is spinning, spinning."

spinning spinning ball blue
Do you live in (name of locality)
point) - happy with fate.
Soon you will serve in the army,
And selflessly preserve the Fatherland!

We are sure that you are well done,
Military uniform will be to the face!
You will be able to overpower the drill step,
Political training, military charter!

IN free time army times,
Don't forget to write a letter home.
Mom send you sons greetings,
And wishes of a hearty bouquet.

Let a tear go around mom
Let native eyes shine with happiness,
May mother's heart be filled with peace,
Let the blue ball spin.

The song is an alteration to the motive of the song "When the Gardens Bloomed".

On a shady street
What's in the city, in the village,
The boy grew up normal,
Like thousands in the country.
Studied at (name of school)
Reading and playing football.
Considered among friends
"Real boy".

Once it was his turn.
And we only firmly believe

You, (Name of the conscript), we will be waiting.
Where will they send you
Which region of the country?
But you have more with you
Pick up envelopes.
Write home more often
Don't feel sorry for papers.
From letters the service is sweeter,
And more fun at home.
Our (Conscript's name) goes to the army,
Once it was his turn.
And we only firmly believe
He will not put us to shame in the army.

Ready to defend the Motherland

Chastushki for farewell to the army: words

In the scenario of wires to the army, short ditties will also be appropriate. End the holiday on a cheerful note!

The military commissar gave the order
And summoned by agenda
Go to the army in autumn
To protect the Motherland.

Haircut, boots and uniform
You will get everything - this is the norm!
You will be taught to stand up
And why take a rifle.

Our conscript is a daring one,
nice guy, well done.
And not a coward, he was not frail,
Young, strong, full of energy!

And for this reason,
to earn respect
real man
You have to serve in the army!

Video: seeing off to the army