Congratulations on 8 months of military service. Poems for my son in the army! We make a demobilization album with our own hands. Exceptions to the fall conscription dates

Your son is in the army, and you are planning to give him demobilization album. Don't forget to include poems about the army, and we will be happy to help you with this! In this article you will find a selection that includes a wide variety of poems about demobilization, about seeing off your son in the army, about service, and also, of course, poems to the army from your mother.

1. Poems for seeing off to the army.

It's time, my friend, to become a soldier for a while:
To comprehend military science.
Peel potatoes, run with a gun,
Defend the Fatherland from enemies.

Today we are seeing off to the army
Great guy, well done.
And from the bottom of our hearts we wish you,
So that the service goes easily and quickly.

To return glorious, matured,
Gaining strength, health and intelligence.
So that the girl, remaining in civilian life,
I loved you, believed you, waited for you.

In the army, than the word MOTHER,
There is nothing more expensive
She alone will wait for her son,
After all, this is her gold.

To serve is an honor, it is your direct duty,
You will become stronger in spirit and body,
We'll be looking forward to seeing you home,
Knowing that somewhere you are busy!

May you be so far from us,
We will all be happy for your success!
Let it be very easy to serve in the army,
Believe me, you will be an excellent soldier!

Haircut, uniform, automatic.
The guy is what you need.
You are a real soldier
We are happy for you!

Even today you and I
Still we part,
In a year you will return,
We'll wait for you.

Today we accompany you to the service,
You are courageous, brave, young,
And we will wait for you very friendly,
Just a little bit and I'll see you.

Just a little bit, you'll see soon,
We will hug you tightly again,
With you we will be thoughts, souls,
You're just a darling, take care of yourself!

We are accompanying you to the army,
Today we say “Bon voyage!”
We wish you easy service,
You are sad about us, but only a little.

Always be fast, dexterous, brave,
To easily carry out commands,
Be an exemplary and skillful fighter,
Well, we will all be waiting for you!

Father, you know I dream...
Not about cars and money!
Just like you, I fly in dreams,
Walking in the blue skies...

Then I'm flying like a bird in mi-8,
Then I fall into the clouds
And there is damp autumn overboard,
And I'm wrapped in silk

I dream about how I walk
And I glance at the heavens,
I stand watching with a smile,
How the domes “fall” down.

Father, you know I fell in love...

Not the girl from the yard...

Since I was born your son -
I'll be like you!

Father, I know what is dangerous.
I know it's not that easy.
But it’s even clear to you -
A man is destined to serve!

It's snowing, mom!
It's time for me to leave.
I'll hug you - don't cry, mom...
I will miss you very much.

I will miss homemade food
Which you cook so deliciously!
Now I can only dream about being a citizen...
But fortunately you can’t stop time.

The year will fly by quickly!
You won't even notice, mom.
At the station the train will whistle,
Meet me directly on the platform.

And while I serve,
I repay my debt to the Motherland...
I'll tell you straight, mom:
No more uncomfortable than shoes than an army boot.

I guard your sleep, mom...
I know that you like to sleep.
My service is like this -
Protect your sleep from troubles and bad weather.

2. Poems about the first days in the army

First week of service.

"First week of service. How long.
Time! Well, please, hurry up!
I wish I could cross out seven days soon!
Turn over the calendar soon...

How are you there, dear? How do you live there?
Who did you become friends with? Did you see something in your dream?
What do they feed you? Maybe you need something?
What else can I tell you?

That I love, and wait, and I miss very much,
What a pain in my heart for you,
I dream about how I see you off,
Serve, son, I’m always waiting for you!”

Mother. How her heart aches.
And the soul trembles from the unknown.
Mother. As soon as the call is heard,
He immediately runs to the phone.

How the hours and days drag on, believe me,
Waiting for the cherished call.
And before the first, it seemed so to her,
As for getting to Africa faster on foot.

Take care of your mothers, soldiers!
And have mercy on your mother's heart.
There is nothing more valuable in the world
Than the love of children and mothers!

They served for a week.

Guys are soldiers!
The guys are dressed up!
And the service goes on for a week!
And moms are bored!
Can't sleep at night!
Mom is now waiting for her son!

2 weeks behind.

Two weeks are over
Service is not easy
But distant dmb
Still lies ahead!

Two weeks of service.

Two weeks of service have passed,
The most difficult, long, endless,
We didn't know how difficult it would be
The days dragged on for a long time, like an eternity.

Let's slowly count down our year,
Much, dear, awaits ahead.
But today we will not be sad,
Congratulations, we've completed two weeks!

Two weeks have passed.

Son! It's been two weeks already!
School is now your home...
Serve with dignity and help your friends!
We are proud of you and are waiting for you!

The service is underway.

Son, you serve slowly,
You're sick and have calluses on your feet...
I believe you are no longer a boy,
You can handle it at the camp, in the fields.

And I miss you so much
And all my thoughts are about how you are,
I'm learning to be patient and wait, I know
Our day will come, and we will be together!

Three weeks have passed.

The days are flying by, we are counting the weeks,
And soon we will pass the first month,
My son, we are waiting for you, we miss you,
We don’t care about all the difficulties with you!

We serve for three weeks.

We will serve with you for three weeks,
My soldier, my hero!
It may not be easy, but we can do it!
I am waiting! My love is with you!

Three weeks of service are behind us.

Three army weeks are over!
Congratulations, our little soldier, we welcome you!
Serve, try, don’t be sad!
Mom is waiting at home, relatives and all friends!

Everything will be fine with you!
We know it's not easy for you guys!
The wheel of time runs slowly,
Bringing a soldier closer to demobilization!

The first month is over.

You are now a soldier with us, and we are proud of you!
We wait and believe that a year will pass and our order will come out!
Our first month, son, dragged along so slowly,
Don’t be sad, dear, we’ll serve and retire to the reserves!

Thirty days have passed.

Thirty days, so long and so little,
It seems like six months have already passed,
Wait for 11, the same time remains,
Demobilization is inevitable, we know!

The first month was served.

So we served for a month,
My son, don’t be sad!
We lived apart for a whole month,
Much awaits ahead.

You've been studying for a whole month
Be a soldier, my dear!
This month has dragged on so much
But it passed, away with the melancholy!

A month without you.

I've been without you for a month, 30 days without you,
You will be with me in my soul for this long year,
It’s hard for you and me to still be bored so much,
But it’s not a year, it’s 11 months to wait!

Two months in the army.

Son, you've been in the army for 2 months,
It feels like an eternity has passed...
It’s hard for all of us, you, son, have patience!
We love and are waiting for you very, very much!

My son for 2 months of service.

If I could, I would be with you
These two long months, my dear boy!
The army separated us, became our destiny for a year,
It’s hard for me without you, I miss you so much, dear!

How I would like to be near you when you sleep,
Feed you homemade food, listen when you grumble,
To treat when you are sick, but you just have to wait,
I can only live with calls and miss you.

I know it's not easy for you to be far from us,
To serve without jambs and carry out orders,
We believe in you, son, and we are waiting for our order,
When our June comes, when we go into reserve!

More than 60 days have passed.

Sixty odd days and nights have passed,
How did you send your children to the service?
The hearts of soldiers' mothers hurt,
My sons have not been around for two months!

But time goes by little by little,
The son is serving, his mother is waiting for him at home!
Your year will pass, and each son will come home,
And my mother’s longing in my soul will pass!

Congratulations, son!

Son, we congratulate you on your anniversary!
Two months of service have passed!
We are proud of you and are waiting for you to come home, loving you!
Everything will be fine with us!

3. Poems about the army

O Warrior, who lives in service,
Read the Rules for the coming sleep,
And in the morning I rose from sleep,
Take up the Charter again...

There's no love here, but there are soldiers
There is no sun here, only rain.
We hold machine guns in our hands,
So that someone can hold flowers.

Call more often, buddy,
Call the army soldier.
He's really looking forward to your call.
After all, he was your brother in freedom!

Don't be sad, my mother,
May your sleep always be sound.
I wish I could sit next to you,
But forgiveness is a soldier's law.
Forgive me if you can, my dear,
Why have I been rude to you so often?
I now have the heart of a soldier
But I haven’t forgotten your caresses.

The Russian guy doesn't run from bullets,
The Russian guy doesn’t moan in pain,
The Russian guy doesn't burn in fire,
Russian guy doesn't drown in water...

We were knocked down by fatigue,
The weeks passed day after day.
Yes, we got it in the army,
But there is something to remember!

On this day and at this hour, our home disappeared for us,
There were only alarms, running around, barracks noise,
Very early rises and walks in formation,
Because from now on I will know the hardships of service!

The salty heat squeezed us,
We breathed the sultry dust,
But the sergeant ran ahead,
And we ran as hard as we could.
The blood was pounding loudly in my temples
And I was unbearably thirsty.
This long-standing forced march has become
A leap from youth to adulthood.

There are no brides here - only soldiers,
There is no love here - only melancholy,
And instead of sweetheart - machine guns
With a shiny bayonet blade.

Ah, the army, the foreign side,
And for a year I feel like I’m in a tank,
But all the same, brother, she is needed,
To appreciate all the delights of being a citizen!

Close eyes.
Imagine the comfort
Imagine that place
Where they will always understand
Where there is no evil and no sadness,
Where you are always missed.
You will say - there is no such place...
No, there is - a parent's heart!

4. The text of the oath is in each of our albums, but the verse about the oath can be taken from this collection

Flags blow proudly with the wind,
And you stand under them.
Loud words of oath
You say an oath.
You are a protector for the people
And for the whole big country,
Where there is equality, freedom,
Where we must save the world!

You took the oath, son,
And you are on your way to the army.
Know that you are not alone in life,
And we can't sleep today.

We wish you well
Health, loyal friends.
It's time for you to grow up,
And come back soon!

Sounds of honor and courage
Sounds of male courage
I hear in the words of the oath,
My son pronounces them!
Swore to defend the country
Serve by faith and truth!
I wouldn't give up until the last minute,
So that we can live in peace!

How much I could write
I know paper can endure a lot...
The mother looks at the soldier-son, -
Did she really make it? Oath!

My heart skips a beat... And my eyes
Like many here - in a wet place...
The son of Mother Russia said,
That in any trouble he is with her!

Holds the machine gun at the ready...
Not a boy - already quite a man!
Gods, if you look from heaven,
Soothe my sadness...

The clock is ticking very quickly...
Is time evil or good for us?
I am getting old... But my son is getting older...
Did she really make it? Oath!

Today is an important oath day,
And you don’t hide your excitement!
After all, in front of the Motherland and the flag
You swear allegiance to the country!
You swear to be the most worthy,
And defend your country!
Your mom is proud of you now
She has the right to this!

It's the day of the oath,
The month has flown by.
All the guys are happy
Behind the step.
There are many steps here
Native in the army.
We will overcome everything,
And let's go home!

You became a soldier, you became a man,
You took an oath to the Fatherland.
We are proud of you today.
We want you to know about this.

We wish you success in your service
And dreams come true.
Be strong, brave and courageous,
Defender of his country.

Your valor, courage and bravery -
Our Motherland's protection and stronghold.
Your oath sounds on the parade ground,
The service countdown begins!

You took an oath today.
Congratulations dear.
Always serve with courage,
Take care of the country's peace.

We don’t want you to sleep on duty,
Live the everyday life of the army.
And about the years of this service
Keep the memory in your heart.

Oath day is a special day,
Our unit is built on the parade ground.
You were boys yesterday
And today you stand - warriors.
The line froze in anticipation,
For good and in the name of life
Every son and soldier and hero
He swore allegiance to the Fatherland.
There are still so many days ahead!
So many difficult roads have not been traveled,
There will be so much snow and rain
Thrown under the soldiers' feet!
We wish to serve you with dignity,
And we will pray for you..
..Why does my chest ache so much?
Why can't I sleep at night?

5. Military friendship is also a common theme for poetry.

Army friendship is worthy of a medal..
We lived side by side for a year, suffered, dreamed...
Until demobilization, the days were counted every evening,
And we learned everything about each other in a year.

We shared joy, we shared sorrows...
We entertained ourselves as much as we could...
We learned to find positivity everywhere,
We learned to serve in this madhouse.

Strong friendship is time-tested,
There is no friend closer to me, more faithful and needed.
Without a doubt, I will go on reconnaissance with my friend,
There is no more important thing in life than an army friend.

A friend in the Army is dearer than a brother,
There's nothing scary with him there,
Friendship is like a fortress for a soldier,
Will always save him from troubles.
When demobilization comes,
Let many years pass,
We remember our army friends,
There is no stronger army friendship!

Friendship is like in a landing family,
As they say - everyone would!
With our friendship we are strong on earth,
We are thrice strong in the sky!

I’ll open my discharged, green album
Where does the emergency service time come from?
There in every photo, in every name
Advice and promise to you to remember friendship!

Service gives birth to strong, masculine friendship!

We drank tea from cauldrons,

They chopped up black bread rations.

In the cold, damp, angry autumn.

Sometimes someone got tired

He fell where he stood.

But he instantly remembered home

And my own mother...

They ran for a long time, as if in delirium,

And fell asleep on the move,

And we cursed such service.

Sometimes someone got tired

He fell where he stood

But he instantly remembered home

And my own mother.

We stood and waited for the helicopter...

That day dragged on like a year

When we were standing at the airfield.

And the evil frost shackled the boots,

And the wind ruffled the camouflage,

And only the thought of home warmed me.

6. Poems about demobilization

Demobilization is coming soon, we are waiting for a decree.
Dembeles will be sent to the reserve.
Our commander, by order,
They'll write us off as civilians.
Demobilization is coming soon, wait a bit.
The day will come, we will see you.
Soon to home, on the way to you
He will. Meet us.

Time and years pass,
But you will always remember
How I made my bed
How he grabbed his boots on the move,
And hiding somewhere in my thoughts,
The last one to carry out the order
And you will retire to the reserve...

I’ll open the demobilization album -
Tears will roll down from your eyes...
I will remember again about the past -
Your first battle order.

How I served my native country,
Sometimes I wore night clothes,
The girl that I dreamed about
Never became a wife.

The fighters with whom I was friends.
And the doors of the K.P.P. gate
And how he left for demobilization.

I’ll open the demobilization album -
Tears will roll down from your eyes...
I will remember again about the past -
Your first battle order.

How I served my native country,
Sometimes I wore night clothes,
The girl that I dreamed about
Never became a wife.

I will remember our friendly platoon again,
The fighters with whom I was friends.
And the doors of the K.P.P. gate
And how he left for demobilization.

I'll wear a new coat
I will leave the unit forever!
In the past all the army orders
I will never return here!

A year has passed as if nothing had happened...
I gave away all my debts, and let it now
Someone will say - this is not enough,
Well, this will be just right for me.

It will be just the right time for me to be tested,
It will be just right for me to be a drill soldier,
Polygons, shooting and push-ups.
A year has passed. I'm going home, mom!

Meet me, my dear,
I'll be back soon:
Measuring time for the journey...
A day or two - I'm in a hurry!

I've been dreaming about this all year,
I dreamed that I was going home.
Everything passed, and you waited for your son!
Soon, mom, I will be with you!

A new call will again replace the main one,
Others have machine guns behind their backs.
Everything comes and goes like smoke -
Young people will have to serve.

And before it was difficult to imagine,
What does army mean, uval, order, lip.
The outfit, the charter...Why is all this needed?
And who is responsible for getting him there?

Then everything slowly began to become clearer,
The meaning of these words became clear.
We stopped being afraid of time,
We just believed in love more.

Those who haven't faced the wait don't know
How slowly the hours sometimes float.
Time creeps by like a turtle,
And you no longer notice any beauty.

What is a year in a person’s life?
The smallest and pitiful part!
However, for some it will last longer than a century,
For those who promised to wait faithfully for the soldier.

We've been hugging the phone for a whole year,
We are afraid to miss his call.
But he is silent, sometimes for a week,
Or maybe he’ll call in a month.

I know it can be very difficult
When the pain makes you want to scream.
But you are strong! I know that for sure,
Be patient, just a little time left to wait!

It’s not very easy for him there either,
By the end of the day there is almost no strength left.
He would like to make it to bed
And only in your dreams will he touch your lips.

So you live like this for a whole year,
In standby and meeting mode.
But believe me, dear, everything will pass
And soon you will hug your loved one by the shoulders.

An order comes out, which means demobilization is near.
You smile and look at your watch.
In just a couple of days yours will return
This means the army is left behind!!!

7. Congratulations on demobilization

Just recently we saw off
But now, you have returned home!
We've all been waiting for you madly,
So matured - completely different!

We are good for you, remember,
And there are no better awards for us,
We will say honestly and immodestly:
You are our hero, you are our soldier!

That's all, the service rushed by,
The joyful demobilization has arrived.
During this time you are very
He has changed, matured.

Remember your friends at work,
Take care of the memory in your heart.
All knowledge gained
Save it for years.

So the demobilization has come,
You've been waiting for him so much.
Rest and relax
You have become a man.

You are a support for the family,
The pride of mom and dad.
In the meantime, walk, dance,
Don't be sad one bit.

You're another stage
I have overcome in life,
Happy demobilization! And let everything be
Just the way you wanted.

How many days have you been in the army?
It didn't serve in vain.
I'm really looking forward to it
Your family is waiting for you.

He was young, green,
When I went to serve.
And now anyone
You can put it to bed.

Let it be as good as possible
Fate will happen.
We'll have a lot of children
Warm hut.

Easy job,
Faithful wife.
Let it be love
Life is surrounded.

The year flew by unnoticed
And you're already getting ready to go home,
You served your Motherland honestly,
You are happy with this!

And your friends are waiting for you at home,
Beloved, dear mother,
Let the road be fast
You are very strong, very brave.

Served, returned home,
Congratulations at last.
And your mother meets you in tears,
And next to her is her father.

You're not just a guy anymore
Service is in the past, you are demobilized.
And let from today,
All dreams will begin to come true!

This is a selection of poems for your demobilization albums prepared by the creative team of the Demobilization Album project. A little advice: if the verse seems too long to you, use only the stanzas you like in your demobilization album!

It is with great pleasure that we welcome you to the website “”! Your visit is an honor for us, and we do everything possible to ensure that you do not leave disappointed.

The pages of our web portal contain hundreds of congratulations in verse of a wide variety of genres: there are cool, official, touching, funny, solemn... There are wishes for family, friends, children, colleagues and bosses - in a word, for everyone you want to congratulate on their birthday. holiday.

By the way, the website “” presents congratulations for almost all festive events. Here, of course, there will be poems for a birthday or anniversary, wedding day or wedding anniversary, the birth of a child or housewarming. Here, without a doubt, there are wishes for the New Year and Christmas, May Day and Victory Day, Last call, Graduation Day and September 1st. In addition, the pages of our web portal present poetic works dedicated to all professional holidays marked in the Russian calendar: this is miner's day, doctor's day, secretary's day, police day, metallurgist's day, railway worker's day and many, many others.

The structure of the website is quite simple, however, let’s look at it in a little more detail.

The first section, as the most visited, deserves attention is the section “Congratulations in verse”. In this section, site visitors will find many original poems. Here you can choose wishes for a birthday, wedding, anniversary and other holidays. In addition, congratulations for relatives, friends, work colleagues, and children are separated into separate subsections. The convenient menu structure makes it easy to find poems that suit the occasion.

The second thing we will mention is the section “Congratulations in prose”. Often, a guest present at a celebration wants to express his feelings with warm and in sincere words, coming from the heart. Moreover, I want to do this not in poetry, as most of those gathered, but in prose. However, people often experience difficulties in choosing the right, suitable and at the same time beautiful and touching words. In this situation, we will come to the rescue. Our visitors just need to look at this section and choose the best prose wish for the birthday boy, hero of the day, newlyweds or young parents.

Next I would like to introduce the “” section. This is a unique service that allows you to send a congratulatory voice card or a catchy song to mobile phone Congratulations. This section contains a huge number of cards of various subjects: there are cards for birthdays, national holidays, special dates and just... happy Friday! Here, visitors can expect hundreds of original jokes sent to their mobile phones. It’s also very nice that the prices for voice cards are quite reasonable and don’t cost much at all.

The next section – “” is also very interesting. It allows you to send cool videos to any mobile phone: congratulatory ones, to lift your spirits, with apologies, invitations and others. A video sent to your phone can be an original addition to a gift, an excellent way to ask for forgiveness, or an unusual means of declaring your love. Funny characters, funny texts and fiery melodies will undoubtedly delight and surprise the recipient of the congratulations.

“” is very useful for our guests. It contains all the information and is conveniently grouped by month. holidays year: world holidays, all-Russian, professional. Using this calendar, our visitors can obtain information about upcoming holidays or holidays of any month. It is extremely convenient that beautiful congratulation poems are selected for each date in the calendar, which saves our guests from long wandering around the site in search of the desired work.

Lastly, we’ll tell you about the most interesting service of the project - the “Poems to Order” section. With its help, everyone can order a unique congratulation in verse for loved one, colleagues, close friend... For each order, young poets collaborating with us create an original poem, which reflects the personal characteristics of the person being congratulated: character traits, facts from the biography, information about interests and hobbies. Congratulatory poems written to order are unique! They will undoubtedly become a real “highlight” of the celebration, and will be remembered by the hero of the occasion forever!

Finally, I would like to say that we are glad to see every visitor and are doubly glad if we were able to prove useful to you. Trying to bring joy to people, we strive every day to make our site better and regularly add new congratulations in poetry and prose! And every day we are happy to wish you and your loved ones all the bright and best!

Young Citizens Russian Federation are recruited for military service twice a year - in the autumn and spring conscription. Let's look at the features of the fall conscription in 2020, including the terms of conscription and service life.

Autumn conscription dates

In matters related to the army and conscription, the cornerstone concept is the timing of conscription. And this is quite justified, because to carry out medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office, you can send a young man to a military unit only within these periods. A day later or a day earlier, such events/actions are illegal.

When does the fall 2020 military conscription begin?

Many adult young people are afraid of the start date of the autumn conscription campaign, for example, due to the fact that young men who did not enter college/university after school and who did not apply for a deferment from the army due to their studies must be drafted precisely during this period, starting on this date. When does the fall conscription start in 2020? The beginning of the autumn conscription in Russia has remained unchanged and will take place the same as in 2019, that is, October 1. It is from this day until the end of conscription that military commissariats have the right to conduct a medical commission, determine the suitability of young people for service, and send children to military units.

When does the autumn conscription end?

Everyone knows that on December 31, all citizens of the Russian Federation celebrate New Yearbig celebration. And the conscripts are looking forward to this day with special impatience. For young people of conscription age, this day is a holiday for another reason - the autumn conscription of 2020 ends on this day. Accordingly, if a young man has not been drafted into the army by December 31, he can relax for several months - until the start of the next spring conscription.

Exceptions to the fall conscription dates

Regulatory documents of the Russian Federation provide for exceptions in the timing of the autumn conscription for some groups of residents of our country. Let's figure out which citizens fall under these exceptions.

Firstly, these are people living in the territories Far North. The list of such territories is established by a special official document. For these citizens, the autumn conscription in 2020 begins a month later compared to other regions of the Russian Federation, that is, on November 1, and ends the same as in other regions of the Russian Federation.

Secondly, minor exceptions include young men living in villages engaged in sowing or harvesting. But the fact of this participation must be officially confirmed, for example, in the form of an employment document (contract/work book).

Thirdly, young teachers, in connection with the beginning of the next school year are not subject to conscription in the autumn conscription campaign. These young men must report to the military registration and enlistment office in May-June, when the spring conscription.

Autumn conscription 2020, term of service of conscripts

The service life of young people called up for autumn conscription in 2020 remains unchanged - 12 months(1 year), despite many rumors on this topic (in particular, about increasing the service life to 1.8 years in 2020).

Innovations in the autumn conscription 2020

There will be no significant innovations in the autumn recruitment. Graduates of senior years of institutes/universities are still being recruited into scientific companies. Getting into these companies is not so easy, since from experience we can say that they are invited to an interview completely at random. In total, 289 young people (0.2% of all conscripts) serve in these units in the Russian Federation. The competition is serious - about 25 people per place - however, service in a scientific company differs significantly from “regular” conscription service.

Is it true that in the fall conscription of 2020 the service life will be increased to 1.8 years?

Today there are many rumors about increasing the length of military service in 2020 to 1 year and 8 months (1.8 years). There is also information about a service life of 18 months. Young people are looking for an official order setting the conscripts' service period at 1 year 8 months. At the same time, no one finds any obvious information about such an official document. Still, is it true? service life will be 1.8 years or will remain equal to 12 months. To understand this issue, you need to understand the principles of operation of Russian regulatory documents.

The fact is that no official order can contradict federal law, and in the event of such a contradiction, the order is considered invalid. Firstly, there is no order regarding the length of service in the fall 2020 conscription. Secondly, the period of military service is established by federal law regulating military service in the Russian Federation, namely Article 38, part 1, subparagraph “e”, which states that for young people drafted into the army in 2008 and later, the service period is 12 months (1 year). This period can only change if there is an amendment to this the federal law. There will be no such amendments/changes in 2020, therefore service life will not change. Information about the service period of 1.8 years is false regarding both autumn and spring conscription.

We hope you have found the answer to the question of when the fall military conscription begins in 2020. We also looked at the timing/innovations of the autumn conscription, service life and exceptions for some categories of Russians.