Arrange a 30th birthday for my husband. We create a festive atmosphere

Each person's birthday is a special date. After all, this is a year of a lived life that you can’t return. And many do not celebrate their birthdays, referring to the fact that they are already tired of celebrating every year. But an anniversary is a different story. The anniversary is celebrated every time, because this event takes place every five years. We have for you finished script anniversary of 30 years for a man. We think we've got it cool script, because it has games and contests, funny scenes and much more. Check it out and choose what you like best.

First toast.
The first toast I want to say is about the moments of our life. Everyone knows that every moment in our life is not repeatable. Every moment happens once in a lifetime. And even if we meet in a few years in the same company, everything will still be different.
I propose to raise a glass to the hero of the day. Raise for the fact that he appreciates every moment of his life. And to always go to your goal!

Main holiday.

You know, every person dreams of something. We cannot live without a dream. I do not know what our hero of the day is dreaming of, but I will try to fulfill his dream. The one he once dreamed of. All people, one way or another, wonder if there is life on the moon? I can tell you with confidence - yes!
And in confirmation of these words, I give the hero of the day a visa to the moon, which was personally issued to me by the head of the moon. And a certificate to visit the moon at any time!

Mood game.
Let's play one game that will cheer us up and liberate us all. The game is called - and in my pants. Many people know this game, but still play it. Because she is fun and funny.
The rules of the game are simple: the guest says the phrase - AND IN MY PANTS, and then takes out one piece of paper from the bag and reads out what is in his pants.
Example phrases for the game:
- delicate taste of modern England!
- a complete collection of modern entertainment!
- hedgehog!
- living source!
- the most favorable conditions!
- nothing went sour!
- cleaning in progress!
- fit the universe!
- exchange office!
- something is hidden!
- profitable course!
- bad visibility!
- sale!
- a pass to the secret objects of the country!
- Sometimes it rains!
- dry and fresh!
- there are storms!

Scene for the hero of the day - baby.
For the scene, you need some props. You need to prepare a sheet in which there will be a hole for the head and for the hands. Also on the sheet you need to sew a baby overalls. The sheet is pulled on both sides by the guests and held.

The host starts:
- a long time ago, 30 years ago, a child was born in the same family.
(the head of the hero of the day appears in the place for the head, and the hands of another person appear in the place for the hands).
Parents were delighted with him and immediately shouted - hurrah! But the child was frightened by their scream and began to scream himself.
(the hero of the day cries, depicts the first cry of a baby)
The parents began to reassure their boy and waved to him. In response, the kid waved his hands at them.
(anniversary, that is, the one who plays the role of his hands, waves his hands)
The kid grew not by years, but by days. He quickly understood everything and after a few days he learned to stroke his head.
(hands stroking the hero of the day on the head)
Parents thought that this was how the child showed them that he wanted to put on a cap. And they gave him a cap.
(they give a cap to their hands and hands try to put a cap on their heads)
Although the child grew quickly, he still ate from the bubble.
(they give a bottle of milk to the hands and the hands try to feed the head)
IN kindergarten the child fell in love with music very much and even began to go to dances.
(they turn on the music, and the hands dance with their heads)
And at school, he fell in love with rap music.
(include REP)
Soon our baby became quite an adult and tried alcohol for the first time.
(they give a glass of vodka to the hands and give the head a drink. They don’t give a snack and the hero of the day winces)
See how he immediately did not like to drink!
And so it went year after year, and our boy turned 30 years old! And now it has become like this:
The screen is removed and the hero of the day appears in all its glory.

Game with guests.
This block is completely dedicated to playing with guests. The essence of the game is simple - funny tasks are written on the cards that guests have to perform. The guests take turns taking out one card at a time and doing what is written there.

Unusual game with guests.
It is necessary to select four guests - two girls and two guys. They turn their backs on the guests. They put signs on their backs. Guys are: sobering-up, registry office. And the girls are: sauna, bushes. It is important that the signs with the words are not seen by the participants in the game. And the guests could see them.
After the plates are dressed, the host begins to ask them the same questions. And the participants answer while the host comments on the answers.
- Do you like going to this place?
- How often do you go there?
Who do you usually go with?
- Do they like it?
- how much time do you spend there?
- what are you doing there?
- would you recommend guests to go there?
- and to whom specifically from the guests?

Since the participants do not know what is written on the plates on their backs, their answers are ridiculous and funny. Most importantly, do not forget about the host's comments!

Gifts for guests.
Gifts were brought to the hero of the day for the holiday. But the hero of the day is not going to let the guests go empty-handed. Let's do a raffle and give away gifts!
The lottery is carried out simply - numbers from 1 to the number of guests are written on the cards. And each figure has its own verse and a gift under the verse. The guests take turns taking out a card with a number, and the leader reads out a verse and presents a gift.
Poems for the game:

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thirtieth anniversary for each young man is of great importance. As a rule, men celebrate this holiday at the very dawn of their strength, with a rather impressive life experience and grandiose plans for the future. Everyone sees ahead many new and interesting opportunities and as yet unrealized prospects that beckon with their limitless potential. 30 years is the time of farewell to youth, the time of conscious entry into mature life. And every man, proudly stepping over this symbolic frontier, wants to collect for festive table closest relatives and dearest childhood friends.

One of the options for holding a holiday can be the organization of a magnificent feast in a solemnly decorated hall. restaurant. To do this, it is necessary to select a good candidate for the role of presenter and begin preparing the script for the man's thirtieth birthday.

The room must first be decorated balloons, garlands and congratulatory posters.

A spectacular meeting of the birthday boy will add special solemnity to the whole event. All guests line up in two rows, forming a "living corridor" along which the hero of the day enters the hall to applause and stormy ovations.

The guests in chorus repeat three times "Congratulations!" , and the presenter declares the festive evening open and asks the guests to light the anniversary fireworks. At the same time, each of the guests sets fire to a fireworks candle prepared in advance.

After such an exciting spectacle, the hero of the occasion and the guests are invited to the festively laid table.

Presenter:- All the guests gathered here know and appreciate our birthday boy as a wonderful son, loving husband and caring father. And I'm sure that everyone wants to say a few kind words to our dear (name of the hero of the day).

Every guest has the right to say short congratulatory toast and give a memento.

Entertainment begins after a short feast in the form interesting games, comic contests, funny quizzes and incendiary dances.

A great way to warm up and have fun from the heart will be the game "Fun Volleyball" . To do this, a barrier in the form of chairs or a rope is created between two equal teams. Each team receives the same amount balloons certain color. To the cheerful music, the participants of each team must throw to the side of the enemy as much as possible more balls"their" color. The presenter counts the balls, sums up the results and awards the winning team with commemorative postcards.

After that, you can turn on soft music and give those present an opportunity to talk a little and continue the feast.

Dancing and games should harmoniously fit into the process of the whole holiday without "straining" the guests and, at the same time, not letting them get bored.

The end of the celebration should also be arranged appropriately. The presenter asks everyone to take their places at the festive table, once again congratulates the birthday man and wishes him a long, happy and sweet life. At that moment, the lights go out and a huge birthday cake , decorated with thirty candles. The birthday boy blows out the candles, while making his most cherished wish!


30 years for a man is already quite a stately age. There is a soul mate, someone even has a family, as well as a permanent and beloved job. And all this means that he has much more relatives and friends and acquaintances than at a young age, which means that such an anniversary as the 30th anniversary should be celebrated widely and, of course, according to the script.


We offer a topic that is quite simple, but interesting: "The anniversary of a real man." The room in which the holiday will be celebrated can be decorated with balloons, you can give preference to the colors of the Russian flag, adhere to a certain severity, because the holiday is for men, but still the decoration itself causes joy. You can also hang various mini-posters, which depict the winners of various sports competitions, and paste a photo of the Anniversary on the photo of the winner. The clothes of the Anniversary also correspond, if he prefers a formal suit, then on his tie you need to depict the number "1", with the help of a special. colors, with the idea that today he is the winner and the best. If not a suit, then we buy a T-shirt with this number.

At the age of 30, he managed everything,
Everything he wanted
There is a second half
I have a job and a car
There are great friends
Am I right gentlemen?
Then you support him
And shout his name out loud!

(all guests call the Anniversary in chorus, he enters to applause)

Here he is number one
Anniversary and Mr.
He wins in everything
The sparkle in the eyes beckons with fire,
And the figure is just class,
Give yourself well
And for these achievements,
I hand over certificates without delay!

(The host presents the following diplomas to the Anniversary:
- "The best man";
- "Jubilee";
And a gold medal with the number "30".
All this can be purchased at the specialized store "Everything for the holiday")

For such a young man
You can also drink wine!

(musical break, meal)

Well, now I'm announcing a competition for you,
Who wants to participate
I invite you!

The competition is called: "Jubilee Jelly". 4 people take part. Each is given a serving of jelly, in which, with the help of berries, you can depict the number "30", as well as toothpicks. Task: at the command of the host, with the help of toothpicks, all participants begin to eat jelly. All this is not as easy as it seems, the jelly slips and falls, it is very difficult to bring it to the mouth. Whoever eats everything first is the winner. Prize: a bottle of champagne.

And now I propose to drink again,
For our Anniversary, raise glasses!

(musical break, meal)

Dear guests, do not sit still,
With gifts and wishes, come to (name)!

(guests alternately congratulate the Jubilee)

And now, I want to introduce you to the artists,
wonderful guitarists,
They came to the Anniversary with a song,
And sing it from the heart!

(the song is rehearsed in advance)

Song-alteration on the motive of the group Gaza Strip "30 years".

Verse #1:

We came to you for the Anniversary,
Let's pour wine into glasses quickly,
You will be a man just a class
And as a gift a song from us!

We wish you the best
Discover something new in life
Get a lot of money
At the age of 30, all the seas can be crossed!

On this day you were born
On this day we send you a big hello,
May there be a great dawn in your soul,
You (name) are 30 years old!


Now a little romance
Each invites the other to dance!

(guests dance if desired)

And we raise our glasses again
We are very happy about this day.
Today (name) is 30 years old,
And let this day leave its mark!

(musical break, meal)

I announce a new competition
I invite the strongest!

The competition is called: "The most-most." Participation is taken by men (4 people). Everyone lines up along the road of obstacles: 1) push out 15 times; 2) tear a stack of papers into two parts; 3) eat a maxi sandwich and drink one liter of beer. Whoever does it all quickly and deftly and comes to the finish line first, he wins. Prize: a set of glasses for beer.

What can I tell you
I can offer you a toast
For the Anniversary, and for you friends,
That's just more often you would always meet!


(the holiday continues, but without a host)

Thinking through the scenario of the anniversary of 30 years for a man, one should start not only from his personal preferences and character traits, but also from the interests that are inherent in each individual guest. The script is a huge and extremely complex work, the writing of which requires a titanic effort from a person. After all, here you need to take into account every little thing, think over entertainment program, contests, allocate time, etc. It is better to start writing a script a few weeks, or even a few months before the actual celebration.

But what if the birthday comes in a few days, and the script for the anniversary of 30 years for a man still exists only somewhere in your imagination? Any normal person would probably panic, but not you. After all, you are on the Vlio website, and we have something to offer you.

This section presents many original, creative scenarios and , each of which can be your key to success. Find for yourself the perfect script for the anniversary of 30 years for a man and give yourself, the birthday man and all his guests an unforgettable holiday and a lot of positive emotions!

For a man, that's enough mature age, there is a family, work, time-tested friends. And there are also many worries, and therefore, if there is a holiday, then it must be celebrated on a grand scale so that the Anniversary on this day feels free and happy man. And of course, such a holiday is best spent according to the scenario.


"The Four Components of a Good Life". Since the age of the Jubilee is decent, he must be aware that a good life impossible without - happiness, health, love and money, in fact, competitions will be devoted to them. We decorate the room in which the celebration will take place with various ribbons, balloons, in general, we create a festive, cheerful atmosphere.

Everyone came here today
And we are happy with it from the bottom of our hearts
Your relative and friend
Anniversary goes around and around
He is 30 years old today
And it's only dawn
Life is just beginning
Filled with good
Well, let's get started
And let's call him in chorus!
One, two, three, Anniversary (name), come out!
(The hero of the day enters in the image of Santa Claus, with a bag of gifts (the gifts may not be large, but most importantly they are beautifully packaged), he must give them to the guests)

I want to be generous today
And not only to receive gifts, but also to give,
So please take
Instead, give me a smile!
(distributes, leaves to change, and returns)

Well, it's our turn
The mood to take off
We congratulate you on your Anniversary,
We only wish you the best,
Well, now you come to the table,
All your guests are waiting for you!
(The hero of the day goes to his place)

Presenter (toast):
During these 30 bright years,
So that your life is without troubles,
So that happiness is only in her,
And to live only more fun!
(musical break, meal)

I announce a new competition
I call it health!

The competition is called: "Health". Everyone is welcome to participate better men). Task: to say as many compliments as possible to the Anniversary, it is impossible to repeat, the host considers the number. As soon as they summed up who said more, it seems that you need to congratulate the winner, but the presenter announces that how many compliments they said, so much you need to wring out from the floor. Wring out. Prizes are given to everyone, for a package of vitamins to support health.

Health competition held
In this case, well done
So, we will drink to the health of the Anniversary,
Give him applause!
(musical break, meal)

And now the competition for the ladies,
They will show us happiness!

The competition is called: "Happiness is children." Three women take part, each is given a doll and clothes for it (diaper, dress, socks and cap). At the command of the presenter, they must dress them, whoever dresses everyone in front wins, the correct dressing is also taken into account. Prizes for everyone: jars baby food(fruit puree).

For this happiness we will drink
Anniversary congratulations and praise!
(musical break, meal)

And now the theme of love,
You circle her in a slow dance!
(slow romantic music is turned on, guests dance in pairs, during the dance, the host calls for crackers with confetti, confetti should be made in the shape of hearts)

They gave their due to love,
Everyone danced beautifully
Let's drink this love
So that the Jubilee could have a lot of it!
(musical break, meal)

And now I ask you, congratulations,
Give gifts and wishes to the hero of the day!
(guests alternately congratulate the Jubilee)

And now the competition is about money,
They will fall right at your feet!

The competition is called: "Money Pot". Four people take part. The presenter gives the Anniversary a clay pot with coins, he stands in the middle and breaks it, the participants use brooms to throw coins towards themselves. Whoever collects the most coins wins. Prize, piggy bank in the form of a figurine.

So we learned from what a good life is worth,
Health, happiness, love and finances favor her,
Well, let's wish the Anniversary of this all,
And that it did not leave him!
Let's drink to that!
(musical break, meal)


I hasten to leave you
I'm tired of celebrating
Please don't get mad at this.
And just have fun!
(the presenter leaves, but the celebration continues)

The original script for the anniversary of 30 years for a man

3.4 | Voted: 20

Thirty years for a man is a wonderful date. At this age, he already has a family, children and proven over the years best friends. In addition to these positive aspects, thirty is a lot of worries, so such a holiday should be celebrated in a big way. So that the hero of the day on this special day feels like a free and happy person. Therefore, for such an event, a fascinating one was compiled.

Since a thirty-year-old man can be safely called mature, the theme of the event should also correspond to the hero of the day. And as an option, we offer you the theme "Clearly, strictly masculine." Cafe or restaurant best to decorate balloons white, black and silver. Be sure to hang a poster "Happy Anniversary" or photos of the birthday man. Ties are also suitable as decorations. Salads with a male name should be added to the menu (you can find them online).


Thanks for coming here
After all, the holiday will be like a man
Our hero of the day is a man
And everything today is in his honor
We can't start without Him
We all need to call him
Strictly one-two-three
Anniversary (name) come in

Everyone calls the birthday boy in unison, he enters, the guests begin to applaud.


Here it is our whole standard
We give him respect
He is a man anywhere
There are children and a wife
There are also friends
And without them there is nowhere
Enough to list everything
We need to congratulate
And for all this joy
I give you an award

The toastmaster presents the hero of the day with a medal with the number "30" and "Diploma for a real man." Further, to thunderous applause, the hero of the occasion sits down at the festive table.

According to the scenario for the anniversary of the 30th man, the presenter says a toast:


For our beloved
For our elegant, stately
We drink everything for (name)
So that he has a whole house of happiness

Musical pause, guests begin to eat.


And now I'm announcing a contest
And who knows with ties, I invite everyone here.

Tamada holds a competition called "Blind Tie". There are four married or just unmarried couples participating in the program. Women are given a tie in their hands, they stand opposite the men and they are blindfolded. The presenter gives a start and all blind women must correctly tie their man's tie. Whoever does it the fastest is the winner. The woman is given a box of chocolates, and the man is given a tie.


Men's holiday continues
Congratulations to the hero of the day
And let's all drink together
To always be lucky.

The music stops, the feast begins.

This scenario for the anniversary of a thirty-year-old man foresees interesting competition"Cowboys". Three men are involved. Each of them is given a lasso - a rope with a loop. Bottles are placed at the same distance from the competitors, 3-5 pieces in front of each. The task of the men is to “catch” all the bottles with a lasso. The one who completes the task faster wins.


Men showed class
And these guests are all for you
We refill our glasses
And for health (name of the hero of the day) we drink

Musical pause, everyone sits down at the table. Then the entertainment continues.

According to this scenario, the hero of the day for 30 years, the man holds the competition "Kanat". Everyone can compete in tug of war. Players are divided into pairs and pull the rope. The one from the pair who is stronger goes to the second round. The game is repeated until the last pair of participants remains, from which the only winner is determined.


Now it's your turn dear guests
Congratulate our hero of the day!

Guests come up and congratulate the birthday boy.


For such kind words
I pour wine for everyone
For guests, for the hero of the day
I am very happy for all of you!

Music stop, feast.


Come on, guests, each look under your chair
Get some confetti poppers out there
And congratulate the hero of the day again

Everyone gets crackers, the toastmaster gives a command, everyone clap at the same time and at that moment some song about a birthday sounds.


I hasten to leave you
I'm tired of leading a holiday
Please don't get mad at this
And just have fun!

The host leaves, and the celebration is in full swing.