Housewarming wishes are cool short ones. Housewarming! Funny toasts and funny, obscene and comic ditties. Cool Housewarming Scenario

There are miracles in the world!
Here is the mortgage loan
In an instant turned into an apartment,
Ringing new keys!
May you have a comfortable place
So that the area becomes native for you,
An addition will be born in the family,
Happiness to you - with a slide car!

Moving is no joke
He is beautiful, new house!
The cat enters the door first,
Next - you follow her in single file.
Get your glasses right away
Pour champagne into them
So that it does not dry out anywhere,
This house was happy!

A feast by a mountain, fun in the morning -
Guests in a friendly crowd
Congratulations on your new home
And they want their
The house pleased with comfort,
It was a reliable fortress!
And what would all come true specifically -
Let's celebrate this feast!
To the plumber on time
And the electrician came
So that you are friends with the Housing Office,
ZhEKa - to be affectionate!
Guests to come
But they also knew honor and tact,
You gave birth to a son and a daughter,
And they celebrated the fact!

I keep smiling... But in fun
I haven't been in a hundred years...
But today is a housewarming party!
How happy I am for you guys!
They just settled in the old place,
The nest was only made
And so in the mansions you decided
It's almost like a royal life!
Let it be difficult to repair
Housing, and it's worth it - wow!
But you will live wonderfully soon
Under the roof of your house!

To have a beer nearby
And a great deli!
Windows from the south, and marvelously
Clean and cozy yard!
For neighbors to help
To make the house joyful
To close the taps
We'll fill it up!

Changing of the living place -
Almost like governments.
From shabby apartments
To a new house - as in new world!
Learn everything from scratch
Open a new world.
Meet new friends
To make your life more fun:
After all, in a new place
Live together for a long time
Happiness in the house to multiply
Call us more often.
Happy moving! Housewarming!
Let's meet the new world with fun!

Doors so that they do not creak,
Otherwise, there is no peace
Hinges not to rust
Smear more often - advice to you!
And always in a healthy body
A mighty spirit would dwell!
Both at work and in bed
He showed himself - Wow!

Let your new house not be a "penthouse",
And not in three levels "hut",
But he is so long-awaited for you,
What better you don’t “wish”.
And we want it to be bright,
To be kind and become a family,
He was hospitable and affable,
And you were happy with him!

Yes, mansions, so mansions!
And it's light here, and it's warm!
Here the family cannot be tripled,
It would just be wrong.
Accept our gift -
Cute flower in the corner!
Let it bloom and bloom
Pleases both the nose and the eye,
Settle down, settle down
We are very happy for you!

Congratulations on your new home
We wish you all the best!
To keep the floor from falling
The wall didn't crumble
So that the doors do not creak,
Three windows were intact!
For the children to hurry to the house
With joy, with desire
And my husband was good.
With affection, with care!
For relatives to come
To bring gifts
To wash diplomas
And we were invited to visit.
To ring happiness in the house
And comfort, peace reigned,
So that you do not know bad weather
And fate is different, different!

Neighbors new to you boring,
To become close relatives to you,
Plumbers to you the best,
So that the ceiling lay with armor!
You have wonderful views from the window,
Cozy quiet evenings
And flattering new impressions,
Green, clean yards for you!

Congratulating you on your new home,
We wish that in this house
Smiled, sang with happiness,
Many years and winter and summer!
So that work in it will always be a joy,
And prosperity is a common thing!
To want to live in it "what you need",
And to love - both soul and body!

According to popular belief,
The first with a new nut,
Together with happiness enters the door,
Cute "purr" - a cat.
And almost skipping after her,
And almost running after her,
As if carrying under the arm,
Joy and prosperity in the house.
May now and forever
Laughter, fun does not stop,
'Cause we're celebrating carelessly
Housewarming in this house!

Congratulations on your new home.
What a long wait!
On this day, such a spring,
Forget how you lived.
Here is an apartment - a separate world.
We wish for the year:
May God, native walls
Help you always!

How much joy, fun
On this clear winter day.
You will not die from idleness,
And laziness will not knock on the door.
Everything needs to be done right now:
I need to buy a chair, a sofa,
Fix the toilet urgently
To not go to the neighbors.
It is necessary to adjust the shelves in the niche,
To prick a dubila,
Put a wardrobe in the corner
Extend the battery.
Nothing - everything gradually
Bring you to mind
While at the same time
Let's drink a glass of wine.

I look at the floorboards
To a great window!
To settle in a new house -
After all, not everyone is given!
I celebrate housewarming!
I'm already having fun!
I wish you the best
This joyful family!
And I'm ready to yell a hundred times
We are very happy for you!

What is needed on earth?
Comfortable, clean house
Good wife without being noisy.
Don't crave honors
In desires to remember the measure,
Don't be a slave to passions
Keep the faith alive
Loving wife, children, animals and plants
And this is enough for your happiness.
For your happiness, dear new settlers!

Who wandered around the corners and hostels,
He will only fully understand your joy,
Everyone needs a home, even if they are vagrants,
And peace is not harmful to them sometimes!
Let joy be in the first creak of the door,
Let the soul sing with excitement!
Congratulations on your new home,
Good fate happy turn!

You have not worked in vain
Happy housewarming, friends!
The best apartments -
Your square meters.
Gotta live them up
Arrange furniture nicely.
So that happiness is always:
Gotta let the cat in.
Don't forget the tables
So that they are not small
For appetizers, salads, wine,
To party late!

Forget shitty life
The gloomy world of slum-apartments:
We moved into a new apartment -
In a new house, as in a new world!
Let the family, taken separately -
Yours will be in this country
And wealthy,
And doubly happy!
And with borscht - cabbage soup - pilaf
(I won’t eat a serving in a day!)
Let the children grow up healthy
Love and happiness to all of you!
Repair - repair...
But for housewarming
We are waiting for an invitation!
Fun is coming!

Congratulations on your new home
And we wish with all our heart
So that in your new apartment
There was happiness and peace
Jambs to be even
And the stove was always baking.
So that the doors do not creak
Windows would be glass
What would be a lot of health
There was joy and comfort.
And sorrows and hardships
Let them pass by
To live in harmony with her husband
Children ran around the apartment
To respect each other
Never offended.
A lot of joy in the new house
Until your deep old age.

Bring guests a joke and fun,
The feast will soon overflow with a song.
Today we are celebrating housewarming -
Such joy is rarely given to us.
The apartment has a new gas and batteries,
Blooming wallpaper and carved border.
And outside the window a brave leaf flies,
The house is illuminating with gentle yellowness.
And on the couch new settlers are thrilled,
And the troubles of the great shadows slipped from their faces.
May their life be bright and cheerful,
May every new day be good to them!
May the pipes never leak
And they will lead the phone to the apartment,
Let the locksmiths not be rude to them,
And the janitors regularly sweep the yard.
And let the unexpected dark bird through the window
A quarrel will not flutter to them in the dead of night,
And everyday life difficult tart water
Friends will warm you with a good conversation.
Typing cordial words for a whole volume,
We sum up our feelings together!

Here comes your turn.
We came to the housewarming
View your holdings -
Accept, honest people!
Here are the mansions, so the mansions,
All that is needed for the soul:
Kitchen, bathroom with toilet,
Well, the rooms at the same time -
If you want - stop, but if you like - dance!
At least roll on them sideways
With a turn and with a jump -
Who can't forbid
Is it luxurious for you to live here?
To keep the doors from breaking
And the floors didn't dry out
Soap bath, cook oven,
To keep the apartment warm.
Well, good hostess,
Fill our glasses.
A cup of good wine
Let's drink, brothers, we are to the bottom.

Sunny day, dear guests and friends of the blog "With a gift!". Congratulations on the housewarming are comic, housewarming gift ideas are in my small arsenal for you now.

Housewarming is a great occasion to present unusual, or. But you and I are used to giving the necessary presents in an interesting way?!

Such fuss is always pleasant when your own corner appears, a place where you want to return, that mini world in which you love and wait, a house that you can and should equip at your discretion.

Housewarming congratulations comic

For you, ideas of how to "Hurrah!" give gifts to the owners of the new roof and walls. On such a day as housewarming, there is no place for boring faces, so let comic congratulations on the housewarming be in reserve.

Idea 1. Theater-Guests “How was the preparation for the housewarming…”


Husband "Oh, life is good!"

Wife: Finally!

Washing vacuum cleaner "It will be clean!"

Hammer "Knock-knock, bam!"

Shelf "When will it all end?"

Fruits "We charge with vitamins"

Alcohol "We only increase the degree"

Guests of "Happy New Home!"

“The long-awaited housewarming! Husband And wife actively preparing for the meeting of relatives and close friends. In connection with what husband, And wife, armed with the most necessary, they create comfort in their brand new apartment, having already run around all the rooms more than once. Wife rolls out washing vacuum cleaner to make another march through the apartment. Before with a slight movement wife pulls out the cord washing vacuum cleaner and inserts the plug into the socket, checks the operation of the brush, then fills the tank with water and presses the start button. Washing vacuum cleaner big, responsible proudly goes through everything hard-to-reach places rooms, working reliably, without noise. Washing vacuum cleaner with brilliance brings gloss on the floor and rugs. Wife takes care of all the details washing vacuum cleaner putting them in the closet. Husband busy repairing the hallway, hammer And shelf waiting in the wings. Hammer heavy, strong, does everything as it should. Shelf not given immediately hammer falls off the leg husband. Husband in a fit of rage, he takes a long "la", jumping on one leg. After collecting the will into a fist and clearly fastens shelf to Wall. Wife fussing in the kitchen, actively flies fruits, crumbles salads and bakes hot. Husband puts on the table alcohol. And then the doorbell rang "Ding di lin!". wife to husband: "It seems to be guests!». Guests they groan looking at the wall of the new apartment, give the owners gifts (you can give a prepared present), then actively stack the bags on shelf and run to the table. Wife proposes to start with fruits. Husband spills alcohol. Guests raise their glasses. are heard nice congratulations, after all, the occasion for a meeting is the most pleasant. Guests happy, the owners are happy. Once again, happy housewarming!”

This kind of scenes relieve the situation, the invitees become active participants in the holiday, as a rule, this kind of entertainment is fun, remembered and remembered at any opportunity.

Idea 2. Brownie

There are various signs associated with housewarming, many people know about the tradition that the cat should enter the house first. However, modern new settlers believe that the main thing is to put an Internet cable into the house. I am in favor of having a protector in the house: a brownie. Brownie is an interior decoration, an assistant, a little friend, a talisman ... a souvenir that will become a good gift for those who managed to expand their housing or bought something of their own for the first time. Such a present can be found in the store or contact Daria. I have already introduced you to her work, who are not familiar, you can read articles and. And now for you a little review, look:

Very kind, soft, created on the basis of nylon and synthetic winterizer by the dexterous hands of Daria Domovyata. Do you like it? You can purchase by contacting the author VKontakte, click here. The brownie will be a nice addition to the main gift, I think, but what do you think?

By the way, there can be several main gifts, about this in the article.

Idea 3. Money

I want to say that money is always like a lifesaver the right gift, which can be hand interesting. Comic housewarming greetings in the form of a poem for you below:

How hard it was for us to decide

What to give you for a housewarming?

Dishes, furniture, a pack of money ...

What will bring good luck to your home?

Horseshoe, cat or brownie ...

Or maybe you need a big vacation?

We agreed on only one thing:

What if the house is full of money

That will definitely become relevant our congratulations

The decision where to spend bucks in an instant will certainly be found!

Where to invest, what to buy

To lend, salt, pickle or dry ...

Perhaps make the decision of the "grandmother" to postpone,

To start saving for a new house again!

That's all, see you soon!

Buying a new home and housewarming are considered joyful events that the owners should remember for a long time. It is advisable to arrange a holiday, set the table, decorate a new home, invite relatives and friends.

How you celebrate this significant event will depend on your future life in a new home.

Invited friends and relatives must definitely prepare in advance for the housewarming celebration. They should prepare a postcard with an original congratulation.

Congratulations on a housewarming can be written in poetry or in prose. It is required to choose a gift ideally suited to this event.

cool poems

At a housewarming party, you must definitely congratulate the residents in a beautiful and original way on the acquisition of a new apartment or house.

Funny and beautiful congratulations in verse are perfect. They can be written down on a postcard, and upon presentation solemnly read out with intonation.

It is worth noting! If you want to please friends or relatives at a housewarming party, you can come up with a fun congratulation.

When writing a verse, treat it with humor, pick up warm and pleasant words that will bring comfort and joy to the atmosphere.

From relatives, friends, you can use short and comic songs to sing in chorus.

You can accompany the song bright outfit, fun dancing and suitable music. You can come up with housewarming scenes with a script in advance.

If you are looking for a fun and cool congratulation in verse, you can use:

With moving to a new house!
May he live happily in it,
Let them live in a new place
Happiness, joy with you together!
Let the children grow up in prosperity
And good neighbors
They will live next to you
To be friends with families!
Invite the brownie
Treat with a soft bun
To guard the house
Happiness to multiply!
Your house will be a full bowl,
Every month it gets better
And with skillful hands
Create your own world!
A year - you will live in it another -
And call your family!
And today is a housewarming party!
Let's meet with joyful fun!

Your house is gleaming with paint
And the smooth floor is not knocked down from the dance,
But now, on a housewarming holiday,
When wine sparkles with joy
At the white festive table
I want to say: let your house
From this minute without end
The sun will illuminate your hearts,
So that at dusk far away
Your windows shone with happiness.

Let your new house not be a "penthouse",
And not in three levels "hut",
But he is so long-awaited for you,
What better you don’t “wish”.
And we want it to be bright,
To be kind and become a family,
He was hospitable and affable,
And you were happy with him!

Here comes your turn.
We came to the housewarming
View properties -
Accept, honest people!
Here are the mansions, so the mansions,
All that is needed for the soul:
Kitchen, bathroom with toilet,
Well, the rooms at the same time -
If you want - stop, but if you want - dance!
At least roll on them sideways
With a turn and with a jump -
Who can't forbid
Is it luxurious for you to live here?
To keep the doors from breaking
And the floors didn't dry out
Soap bath, cook oven,
To keep the apartment warm.
Well, good hostess,
Fill our glasses.
A cup of good wine
Let's drink, brothers, we are to the bottom.

In prose in your own words

Friends and relatives can be presented to newcomers with congratulations on the housewarming in prose. They can be conveyed in your own words, but pre-think the words.

Important to congratulatory speech sounded sincerely, truthfully, so that warmth and joy emanated from her.

Write congratulations in prose on beautiful postcard that you give with a gift. How to give a surprise to newcomers, be sure to read out the wishes so that they feel every word of congratulations.

If you want to congratulate you on your housewarming in your own words, use the wishes in prose:

Dear Newcomers! Let me congratulate you on a new round in a long and happy spiral. life together! Buying your own home is a responsible and balanced step. Let the house be filled with sincere joy, genuine happiness, good health and fragrant spring mood!
Dear friends! We sincerely congratulate you on a grand event! Your home is not just four walls and a roof over your head! This is the whole world. The world in which they live loving hearts and kindred spirits! May it be filled with an atmosphere of goodness and peace, may harmony and joy live in it! We sincerely wish well-being, prosperity, many bright years! Let your home become a rest for you and a warm haven for friends! Let an inviting light burn in the windows, and heartfelt friendly conversations are held at the table! May faith, hope and love never leave these walls! Happy housewarming, friends! Happy new home and new life!

There will be happiness in the new house! There will be joy and peace, comfort and mutual understanding! Housewarming! Let you live easily and freely in your new home! Let everyone have a corner, the walls will unite you together, gather you at the table in the evenings, give warm feelings and wonderful relations between you!
Happy housewarming! A new home is always a great happiness and many hopes for a prosperous future. May you live peacefully and calmly within these walls. May there be a strong economy, and always cash! Be patient with failures and trust that they are temporary. Permanent is warm family hearth, goodness in your hearts, light in the window of the house and mutual love! Be happy, happy people can create a beautiful and solid home! Let its walls become a fortress and protect from any external adversity! Health to the hostess, well-being to the owner and a lot of joy to the children! Take care of each other!

housewarming gifts

The new home should become a strong fortress for the new settlers, which will protect them from various problems and hardships. Therefore, when congratulating at the table is Special attention give a gift.

Important! A housewarming gift should be appropriate and appropriate for the age of the newcomers.

It is advisable before purchasing any thing, it is worth asking about the future situation in the apartment, how the style will be in it. So it will be easier to pick up a good surprise.

The table contains popular housewarming gifts:

Present Description
Kitchen utensils If a family in which the wife loves to cook or she begins to learn the first basics, then it would be appropriate to give a set of cutlery.

You can purchase a pot or tea set with an original design

Appliances This category includes blenders, multicookers, coffee makers, mixers, electric kettles, yoghurt makers.

All of these items would be the perfect gift for newcomers.

Modular paintings and unusual lamps These accessories are suitable for the living room. Preference should be given to modern models.

Paintings may have an image bright colors, drawings with objects and sights of various cities.

The luminaire can be made in different forms, it can have beautiful carvings in the form of patterns, flowers. The main thing is that they are combined with the design of the room.

Bedding set Bed sets are in great demand, so this surprise for newcomers will be a pleasant one.

And if you want to show originality, you can give pillows with photo design or pillows in the form of letters.

Bathroom sets For the bathroom, you can pick up beautiful curtains and soft rubber mats.

They can have a variety of designs - from delicate floral to dark with horror elements (mats on which wet feet leave bloody footprints will look original)

original accessories This category includes self-made frames made of shells, glass, wood, and home-made soap.

Also knitted rugs or chair pads, a home plant in an unusual pot

Of course, these are not all the gifts that can be presented to newcomers when moving into a new home. But the main thing is to congratulate correctly, for this you should pick up a beautiful and cheerful verse in advance.

If you want to surprise, then sing a fun song and dance. And if you are walking in a group, then you may well play a comic scene.

Housewarming is a very important event that should not be ignored. On this day, it is customary to arrange a holiday, invite relatives and friends. On this occasion, new settlers will be pleased to hear congratulations on the wishes of happiness and comfort in the new home. A selection of congratulations on a housewarming will help you find the right words from which the heart will become joyful and pleasant.

An event organized on the occasion of the purchase of a new house or apartment allows you to show sympathy for the newcomers. If you were invited to a housewarming party, it means that they trust you and want to share this joy together. On this occasion, it would be appropriate to present an appropriate gift and say a wish at the table. It has long been customary to wish happiness, prosperity, well-being, peace in a new home, warmth.

If you have enough talent, you can come up with wishes yourself or use ready-made poems that are written in a fairly easy form. Wishes sound beautiful and are remembered, they can be said aloud or written into a postcard. Moving to a new home is always a fun and pleasant event, and invited people have a unique opportunity to become the most eloquent guest.

Please the new settlers with joyful wishes, because they were looking forward to this event. Wishes will allow you to congratulate relatives or friends beautifully and unforgettable. Someone is used to saying congratulations in their own words, someone likes rhyme or jokes. Compilation beautiful congratulations with a housewarming, will allow you to find an option to your liking.

May abundance, happiness and health reign in the new home, and all bad weather bypass!

  1. Today we came with bread Into your beautiful, new house, So that it is always only satisfying And comfortable for all of you in it. Let the walls be protection from any worldly storms. And let luck give you its ardent kiss. Never endured To rubbish you out of the hut. Together they steadfastly endured the hardships of their fate.
  2. New house - great occasion Gather loved ones around. And today we will celebrate housewarming with you. Let the house be your fortress, A warm, glorious hearth. Let prosperity come to him, He will be full of laughter. And to the owners - success, new plans and ideas. May you all be healthy, Peaceful and glorious days to you.
  3. There is no better celebration than housewarming: So many plans, thoughts and ideas. I wish you warmth, comfort, mood And brilliant design ideas. Let your new house "grow" with beautiful furniture and a bunch of little things. Let only prosperity come to you, Well, and of course, many guests.
  4. Today there is a reason for fun, We wish you only joyful troubles, Accept congratulations on your housewarming, May the move bring good luck! And the new house will meet you with warmth, Give you comfort and beauty, So that you can relax your soul, And life will become like a dream. Let prosperity flow to you like a river, Love protects from losses And happiness, like a mischievous blue bird, Flies carelessly at your door!
  5. New settlers, new settlers, You are now a cheerful people, How beautiful picture- Your new apartment. Congratulations on your housewarming, We wish you a pure aura, So that your native walls always warm you with comfort.
  6. Here you have a housewarming party, I hasten to congratulate you, And for a new monastery, I want to drink while standing! You live, do not grieve, Never be sad, Let go of all the bad, Be always happy!
  7. The concepts of "family" and "home" are inextricably linked with each other. To create a strong happy family You need a roof over your head. You made a wise decision to purchase this roof. And not just the roof. Your large but comfortable accommodation is admirable. Let this acquisition be the beginning of material well-being and the basis of a happy life. family life. Let your new home become your cozy family nest, where envy and evil will not penetrate. Congratulations on your new home!

How cool to congratulate you on moving

A good mood will be provided to the newcomers if they are congratulated with cool wishes.

It will be especially pleasant to hear them for people with humor who love jokes and perceive them normally.

Moving to a new home is a happy holiday that you want to have fun. If you don't have good ideas congratulations, use the selection of comic ready-made options.

The collection contains original and funny ideas on how to congratulate new settlers, cheer them up and direct them to positive. Cool congratulations with a housewarming party, they will relieve tension from invited guests and allow you to relax. When you want to express your best wishes it is very important to find the right words.

Wishes will help to impress everyone present and amuse the new settlers. Try to remember the congratulation or write it on a postcard. Do not carry a piece of paper with you like a cheat sheet - it will look like a lack of respect for the guests. Do not be afraid to make a mistake, with tips and hesitations, congratulations will look even more fun and cool!

It does not matter how it will sound, and in what form the congratulations, the main thing is that everyone should have fun!

  1. Congratulations on your new home, we wish you all the best! So that the floor does not fail, The wall does not crumble, So that the doors do not creak, Three windows were intact! So that the children hurried to the house With joy, with a desire And a good husband With affection, with care! So that relatives come, So that they bring gifts, So that they wash diplomas And invite us to visit. So that happiness rang in the house And comfort and peace reigned, So that you would not know bad weather And a different, different fate!
  2. I wish the doors of this house to be closed from evil, envy, deceit and open to light and good! Sun, happiness, success, friendship, prosperity, love to you in your new home!
  3. Change of residence Almost like governments. From shabby apartments To a new house - like a new world! Master everything from scratch, open a new world. Meet new friends, So that you live more cheerfully: After all, in a new place You will live together for a long time, Multiply happiness in the house, Call us more often to visit. Happy moving! Housewarming! Let's meet the new world with fun!
  4. You got a new home And live happily in it. We wish you joy, We wish you roses, So that frost does not enter your apartment, So that prosperity is such in summer and winter, That we would always like to come home to you!
  5. With a new house, with a new roof Congratulations together. Let the walls breathe with health, The floorboards do not crack. Sleep sweetly in a new house, And even tastier in your own. We wish prosperity to the house, And happy days to the residents!
  6. For a new house, for moving, I want to drink to the bottom today, So that cosiness always reigns here, Comfort, warmth and beauty. Kind, friendly neighbors, So that you always live in peace, For happiness, joy, for fun, Happy housewarming, for you!
  7. Let your new square meters Walls reliably protect from blizzards, Rains and frosts, prickly winds Let them only amuse you in beautiful windows. Live here together in warmth and comfort And always enjoy family happiness, In a well-groomed apartment, like in a resort, Smile brightly every morning

In poems with gifts

IN modern society people do not deviate from traditions, they celebrate housewarming magnificently! Invite relatives and friends, do not forget about the neighbors. On this day, they want to rejoice, eat treats and listen to congratulations. A wish can sound like a verse or prose, it can also be pronounced in the form of a toast.

A selection of short congratulations on housewarming in verse will allow you to give the owners of the new house a gift with wishes:

  • wishing prosperity, you can give new settlers souvenirs with banknotes;
  • gifts with hearts, watches, flower arrangements can serve as a symbol of happiness;
  • bedding, textiles and personalized pillows will bring warmth and comfort to your home;
  • so that new settlers often invite guests, give them a set of dishes or a tea set;
  • cool housewarming gifts will delight and remind you of this event for a long time;
  • amulets will not be simple, but useful gifts who will protect the hearth;
  • if the dwelling has a bathroom, a gift in the form of a mirror or bath accessories would be appropriate;
  • let the vase presented on this occasion be always full of fresh flowers and bring happiness to the house!

There are many examples of how to congratulate with verses on a gift. To make everything go well, you need to think through everything to the smallest detail. Choose a verse and a suitable gift, wish only the good, stipulating that the bad should not enter the house. Even the most ordinary gift can be presented beautifully. For example, if this is a lamp, you should additionally say: “I give you a lamp as a gift so that the house becomes brighter!”.

  1. Finally, finally The turn has come to us, To congratulate you, dear ones, on your housewarming, here, now! We want to surprise you all at once on this wonderful day. And as a gift, as it has long been accepted, to give you a live cat.
  2. Furniture is given for housewarming, But our opinions differed, And we decided: it’s important to just give you a start in life! (to present a cash gift)
  3. I decided the question deftly, Giving a microwave, So that hot food was always without hassle.
  4. They wanted good luck to buy in the store, But this product is not in the window. Health wanted to buy a trolley, But you can buy it only in pills. So that every morning there is tea on the table, ... we hand you an electric kettle!
  5. Allow me to hand over the object Very, unique And with external simplicity Necessary and real. It looks like a mug ... What is it? Such a household item ... If there will be a hangover tomorrow, there is no better Tara in the world! Do you want tea or cocoa - At least on the table, but at least in bed. In the new house with this cup It will be more comfortable and more fun!

Congratulations in your own words

Not every person knows how to eloquently congratulate. Do not take this as a disadvantage! After all, finding the right words, this misunderstanding can be corrected. The selection will allow you to beautifully congratulate the newcomers in your own words so that no one will guess that this wish was taken from the Internet. If you're invited to a housewarming party, look for warm congratulations, which will reflect your indifference to the heroes of the occasion.

Sincere congratulations on the housewarming from the guests will sound like parting words to a happy life.

  1. Congratulations on your new home purchase! We wish you to live in a new place best years own life. Let your new kitchen smell of delicious dishes, children's laughter always sounds in the nursery, peace reigns in the bedroom, and close people and friends gather in the living room as often as possible. Housewarming!
  2. Now we are calm for you, you have a roof over your head. Everything is solved - good clothes, food, computers, household appliances and even a car. But the acquisition of real estate is a very big problem for most families, and you solved it. Well done! Live in, decorate, furnish your new home so that it is cozy and comfortable. I wish you to have the best impressions in the future with this house. Invite guests, we are always ready to look at your light, and we will not come empty-handed. For example, today we have this present from us, which, we hope, will contribute to the improvement of your new home. Housewarming!
  3. The smell of housewarming is a mixture of the aroma of goodies that the owner of the new house has prepared for us, and the smell of just completed repairs that the owner of the property has made. Wonderful scent! May your home continue to be always fragrant with various pleasant aromas of celebration, happiness and mutual understanding.
  4. I wish that the doors of your house open wide for friends, the sun, happiness, holiday, prosperity, love and be securely closed from troubles, envious eyes and cold.
  5. Dear friends! Today you are celebrating a very important event - housewarming! We have gathered in your new home to rejoice with you. May this house always be generous and hospitable, may it be warmed by the tender love of its owners. May there always be prosperity and joy.
  6. The sage said that cozy house, a good family and prosperity prolong our lives. On the housewarming day, we are happy to congratulate the owner on the completion of this triad! Let this cozy apartment (house) be a good home for you! Let the new home dispose your hearts to joy and give you a safe haven in the midst of a hectic life!
  7. Please accept my congratulations on your new home! Let the new house bring bright, rich and positive emotions! Let every morning be good in it, the day - rich, and the evening - cozy! And let it become such that you don’t want to leave it and madly want to return there!

You don’t need to rack your brains over a present, everything will come in handy in a new house, any little thing or cool gift. And in order not to waste time on composing congratulations, use the ready-made options that were compiled specifically for this joyful occasion.

(On the eve of the holiday, an invitation is sent to all guests.)


We are not bored in the new house.
For sweet tea cake
We invite all guests.
Come visit us soon!

(Guests gather all together near the owners' apartment, knock on the door).

Have you invited guests?
From all nearby parishes.
So welcome,
Welcome with bread and salt.

(Guests go into the apartment, inspect it. At the invitation of the owners, they sit down at the table).

Everyone has fun in their hearts now
After all, we came to the housewarming party.
And happy on this day and hour
Congratulations on the update here.
Your apartment is good.
Let's wash the walls, slowly:
We fill the glasses together
And now we proclaim a toast.
(Guests fill glasses).

It's good that this day has come
We raise this glass
For light and warmth
Your house has always been rich.
Let the money run
Let the shangs bake
Let the fish pie on the table...
Let the guests laugh
Let the guests get drunk
Joy and happiness to your family.
(Guests drink.)

After inspecting your new apartment, we decided to immediately sign an act of acceptance. I hope that the members of the commission can name not very flattering adjectives-epithets related to this dwelling. So please!

(The presenter fills in the gap in a pre-prepared postcard with text. 31 adjectives must be entered).

The act of acceptance of the house No. ... down the street ...

So let's start from the beginning. We approached... house number... along the street... We went into the first... apartment that came across on the way. Hanging on one hinge is ... a door. With a threat to life, we nevertheless entered this ... apartment, leaving our shoes in the spilled tar. And what do we see? ... the hostess in a circle of some ... guests huddles in the only whole corner. "Don't breathe deeply," - these ... wallpapers will peel off, - the ... hostess told us. But it was too late. ... members of the commission selflessly tried to get out from under the former ... wallpaper. The hostess, of course, remembering ... the builders ... in a word, gave us a little of her ... attention, led us through ... the rooms, showed ... the kitchen. We were in ... the bathroom. ... the plaster barely adhered to ... the walls, ... the wallpaper hung in torn ... shreds, there were ... smudges everywhere, and something was pulling from the bathroom ... It burst ... a pipe. "Save yourself, who can!" - shouted one of the ... guests. We rushed out into the... street. When they wanted to slam the door behind them, they heard the voice of the hostess and the screams of the commission members. "Don't touch, they'll fall off completely!" All the cries were drowned out by a terrible ... crackling, the ego collapsed, finally, the ceiling. Happy housewarming, dear... friends.


(The postcard will be given to the owners).

Guests, mind you, raising a toast,
That all friends have gathered here.
We will wash the apartment cup by cup.
The more toasts we have, the merrier.
Therefore, we will fill the glasses in full,
So that they only go uphill with the owners of the business!
(Guests drink).

Since everyone got acquainted with the apartment,
Gifts to give, I hope you are in the mood.
(Hand over to the owners Stuffed Toys or souvenirs).

We give you a puppy with a bow, He will guard the house.
And for a couple with him and, To sit by the window,
And the owners were all waiting,
Without them, I wouldn't be able to eat.
Here is a flower for you in a large pot, It is an ornament for an apartment,
And if you need a friend
He will cheer you up.

Dear guests!
The question arises here: "Well, what if we seriously now congratulate the owners on the housewarming
And leave something for them to remember?
I think you agreed, friends,
That it's time to give us the main gift.

Gift giving options

1. We wanted to housewarming
You buy a big thing,
And then decided easier -
Give you money.
You will decide for yourself
What do you buy with them.
(Presenting an envelope with money.)

2. Here is a set of different items,
In every case trouble-free.
After all, without them, as without water,
And not there and not here.
(For example, kitchen utensils).

3. We give you a flying carpet,
To fly around the apartment.
And if there is a need for another,
He will be glad to serve on that.
(Handing over the carpet.)

For much needed gifts
We'll pour all the glasses now!
(Guests drink.)

They say there is no life
If there is no brownie in the house.
Let him stay with you
Removes damage from the house, the evil eye.
(The door to the room opens, the brownie settles in.)

What made a noise?
After all, I'm already here.
I have chosen a place for myself, my friends.
I will now live in a new apartment,
One that you won't find anywhere else in the world.
You will have to make friends with the owner.
I promise the hostess not to beat the krinki.
Feed me more food.
Then no trouble will happen.
And now you accept a horseshoe as a gift,
Believe in luck. Appreciate the brownie!
(The brownie hands the horseshoe to the owners, leaves the room).

Well, here we met the first inhabitants of this house. I wonder who else inhabits it? It's not in vain that they say "you don't buy a house, you buy a neighbor." Therefore, having come to the housewarming party, we sincerely wish you, dear hosts, good neighbors. They will help with advice, and they will lend money, and they will look after the apartment, invite them to visit, or even ask for a holiday themselves.
(Knock on the door).

You heard loud sounds Now?
The neighbors must be knocking on that door.
(The knock is repeated, grandma and grandpa enter, sing ditties, dance.)

We are your neighbors on the right
Came to meet
Somehow hobbled
The door was found by touch.
We barely heard a noise
The whole house is shaking.

It's in your apartment
Have fun peacefully?
Allow me to dance.
Let me stomp
Is it in this house
Are the floorboards cracked?

Well, hostess, do not regret wine today,
Pour all the guests a full glass,
So that they sing and dance merrily
And your housewarming party was still remembered for a long time
. (Guests drink. Take turns performing ditties).


And our parquet is good,
Fir-trees creep.
How do you go through the plank
They all move.

The cases are worth what you need,
There's just one annoyance:
To find a way to them
You need to get on an all-terrain vehicle.

The door is dry, so what,
This also makes sense:
Can drop newspapers
The postman is in these cracks.

Settled in housewarming
Jokes, laughter vying.
Suddenly the wallpaper peeled off,
And they covered everyone.

The proverb says:
With a sweet paradise and in a hut.
And the apartment is in a new house,
Well, who doesn't like it.

They told me to get married
To thin, but small,
The ceilings are low now
And the parquet is shabby.

Dear hosts! In honor of today's holiday, we decided to give you a hammer, which will replace your watch for some time, and will be a means of establishing cordial relations with your neighbors. Are you wondering how it works? Then listen.
If suddenly you want to know the time,
Then knock harder on the wall at night.
It doesn't matter what nerves they have,
Neighbors will answer you right there, now.
(Hammer handing)

Let's drink to good luck with your neighbors!
(Guests drink.)

We invite all guests
Dancing the dance is more fun.

Games while dancing

  1. "New settlers". Participants are given cut pictures with the image of the house. Who will quickly collect the picture, that is, settle in the house?
  2. "Look who came to us" Participants are given paper bundles in which there are costumes. At the signal of the leader, the players need to put on a suit, introduce themselves and demonstrate the walk of this hero.

Dear guests!
We invite you all to the table
And we offer food.

Dear hosts!
Insure without delay
Separately - life, separately - home.
And, without fear of trouble later,
Have fun with friends.
Insurances are ready, they are already here.
You'll have to get into your bag for them.
And in the bag of pockets ... still figure it out
It's not always easy to be insured.
So who will find insurance faster
And will he put his signature in front of it?
(Competition for the hosts: who will quickly find the "insurance" in their bag and put a signature?)

Well, here you put your signatures,
There is no need to experience more fate.
For your renewal and good luck
We drink wine and nothing else.
(Guests drink. The feast continues).

Dear hosts!
We will all go home soon gradually,
But you remember this evening again.
Let the whole apartment sparkle with fun
May happiness, joy, love live in it.
(Guests drink tea, go home).