At graduation, the teacher lights candles for the students. Universal scenario of the anniversary "We light candles for congratulatory speeches!". Svetlana Gennadievna lights a candle

The script is suitable for both men and women. women's anniversary, based on original idea with a symbolic "lighting" in honor of the hero of the day of various candles: "friendship", "love", "paternity", etc. and each has its own game, lyrical or entertaining moment.

Feast organized by to the universal scenario of the anniversary "We light candles for congratulatory speeches" will surely bring joy to the hero or hero of the occasion, because he is all imbued with attention and a warm attitude towards them, and, for sure, all guests will like it, because it will turn out to be sincere and cheerful. This is especially good for a holiday in close company and it is quite possible to organize it on your own.

To organize a holiday, you need to stock up on a poster with a painted birthday cake with unlit candles, paper or cardboard lights for candles, which can be easily attached to the poster, for example, using double-sided tape. You will also need a poster with a table for a table game, cards for, a bagel on a ribbon and, of course, good mood and the desire to bring joy to the birthday man. If desired. you can show your imagination and come up with a light with a symbolic picture for each candle: "house", "rainbow", "heart", etc.(Thanks for the script idea Vostrykh E.)

Anniversary greetings from family and friends.

(the host comes out, instrumental lyrical music sounds quietly)

presenter: A person is a happy and rich being, because on his life path he meets so many joyful things, so many friends are able to decorate his life. And love? A wonderful and long-awaited feeling for every man and woman! What are maternal and parental love worth. And how important it is to meet like-minded people on a long journey of life - friends, colleagues and just nice people who share our views on life with us. These are the people who surround you tonight, dear (-and I) birthday boy (-ca)! All of them came to your holiday to share this joy!

First toast

It's time to proclaim our first toast,

The toast will be expected and, in general, even simple:

We wish the hero of the day (-she) fun until morning

And we will start, of course, with a friendly: “Hurrah!!!”

(banquet break)

At this moment, to applause, a picture of a birthday cake with unlit candles is brought into the hall.

I'm leading
schaya: Dear friends, today we all have to “light” candles for our congratulatory speeches on this wonderful cake, and then it will “come to life” as a sign that our feast has turned into a real holiday. But we will not just light candles, each of them will be your gift to the birthday man (-tse)- the gift of warmth, a warm heart and true friendship. And right now, I'm going to light the first of the candles, let's call it the candle of cordiality. (The presenter attaches a cut-out red light to one of the candles with Velcro or double-sided tape, as if lighting it) It means that all those gathered today in this cozy hall sincerely and from the bottom of their hearts wish the birthday man (-tse) goodness and happiness.

(banquet break)

Presenter: The time has come for the second candle on our cake, it symbolizes the house in which the main people for us have always been and will be our parents. What happiness when our mom and dad can share the joy with us, even when you yourself are not so young. However, only with age do you begin to acutely understand what it is when you have parents, alive and well! Therefore, I am on behalf of the birthday man (s) please raise your glasses to NN and NN! Be healthy! Always be proud that you managed to raise such a wonderful son. (daughter)!

A toast to parents.

The melody of the song "Parental House" sounds, the presenter attaches a "light" to the second candle.

A word to the parents of the hero of the day (-shi)

(small break)

Presenter: Life becomes doubly beautiful when there is a place for love in it, when your beloved or beloved can walk hand in hand with you. Then all your smiles become brighter, your eyes burn with warmth and your heart is ready to give its joy to the whole world! So now we honor the spouse (spouse) our culprit (s) a celebration with which they have come a long way together, but they are still interested in each other, their hearts are beating in unison.

A ring shines on the hand from the day of the wedding,

And in the chest does not go out the love light.

Let tenderness never end

And loving hearts beat in unison!

The host "lights" the third candle. The melody "These eyes are opposite" sounds - the spouses dance a slow dance.

(dance break)

Presenter: It's time for the fourth candle. It is called "the candle of childhood and fatherhood (maternity)". This is important for our birthday (s) the topic of congratulations, because he (she) great father (mother), who hurts when his child hurts and whose soul soars from his small and big successes and achievements. All this is well known to the culprit. (-tse) our celebration, so this candle should burn especially brightly.

The Freestyle song “Happy Birthday, Mom” sounds for the hero of the day or Griboyedov, Drigin “Jubilee” - for the birthday man. The presenter attaches another "light"

Congratulations children.

(banquet break)

Presenter: Tell me your friend and I'll tell you who you are - rightly said! Let's give the floor to the friends of the hero of the day, so that they talk about their friend or colleague, and we would imagine what kind of person he is outside the family circle. And the first to speak will be NN, who has known the birthday boy since the age of two.

Pugacheva's song "One Hundred Friends" sounds

(musical pause)

Comic coronation ceremony on the anniversary.

Presenter: Five candles are already burning - signs of sincere affection for the birthday man (-tse) everyone present in this room. But let us add to these candles signs of special reverence and respect, as if you were a king. (queen) glorious state named NN. In this case, we should write an ode about you, but we are not minstrels! We should have carved a sculpture in your honor, but we are not Tsereteli. In your honor, we could compose a cantata, but God did not give us talent. Therefore, we simply give our love and the warmth of our hearts. Today you really are the king (queen)! We wish you to keep all those qualities for which you are so dear to us! And let me make this toast in your honor:

Today, here and at this hour

We'll take the crown for you!

Let the king (queen) rules justly

And our holiday will be beautiful -

Brilliant royal ball

Gathered all my friends today!

Under friendly applause

Let's go to the coronation!

Fanfares sound - a crown is brought into the hall and solemnly handed over to the hero of the day (she) - the host attaches a light to another candle.

Table game for the anniversary "Surprise for the birthday man"

Presenter: Dear guests, our birthday cake is more and more blooming from beautiful symbolic candles, but the picture will not be complete without the “candle of wealth” lit on it. But so that the keys to treasures and surprises for the hero of the day (-shi) to get it, we will have to show miracles of ingenuity - to decipher one word.

Let the compliments make your head spin.

And the main treasures are kind words,

But it doesn't hurt to have a little fun:

Forward to clues, to secrets, adventures!

(A large table with an encrypted word, for example, “surprise”, is brought into the hall. Each letter is covered with a removable plate (as in the “Field of Miracles”). The host asks questions, the first letter of the answer will be one of the letters of the “cipher”. It is desirable that the letters opened out of order).


An important part of any feast. By its presence or absence, the degree of preparedness of the hostess is determined. It happens that her name is hot, but sometimes it is quite possible to get by with cold (the correct answer is “snack” - the letter “Z” opens).

They can wind it up, but sometimes they twist it, there are times when they call it male babies ("novel" - the letter "P", the second in a row)

The softest place in the whole house, which can serve as a punishment for those who are younger, and a delight for those who are older. ("bed" - "P")

There are a lot of countries in the world, but for some reason, for a whole year, most of us dream and strive exactly where there are palm trees, hot sand, and the anticipation of love impressions is poured in the air! (the correct answer is "south" - "South")

You can live without them, but they are more fun, and they rhyme with the word "adventure" ("entertainment" - "P", the first in the word "surprise")

You can also live without it, but it makes a person cleaner, better, helps him rise above himself. ("art" - "And")

What feeling makes a person real, allows him not to forget, then around him are the same people as he is, with the same fears, with the same love for loved ones, our hero of the day has it with prosperity ("conscience" - "C")

Presenter: Hooray, friends, you won and were able to open the encrypted word, which turned out to be quite suitable for the occasion: SURPRISE! Bring in a surprise!

The surprise will be a beautiful glass filled with champagne. He is let in a circle, and the presenter explains that each guest, holding a glass in his hand, must say his wish. When the champagne is returned to the birthday person, the presenter says that he has become noticeably heavier, which means that the hero of the occasion has really collected an invaluable harvest of treasures - a lot positive energy, the stock of which is enough for the hero of the day (she) for a long time.


Let the birthday boy drink champagne so that all wishes come true!

The host lights another candle.

General "rainbow wish" to the hero of the day.

Presenter: They say that a rainbow brings good luck to birthday people, so I suggest, before lighting a candle of good luck and success, arrange in honor of the birthday person (s) general congratulations.

(The basis of this entertainment for a woman’s anniversary can be taken as a chant with balloons “In life, it happens once in 18 years!” - look and from this"There will be a lot of offers!"

After the "rainbow wish" - the host lights the next candle


The soul of the happy and in love sings,

And it seems that music lives inside them.

And so that we continue congratulations

Arrange in honor (Name) performance!

Let us continue our wonderful evening with a pleasant game for everyone, since the main subject of the game will be music and love, then couples are invited to participate: five ladies and five gentlemen.

Anniversary game "Music of Love"

Men and women will make up two opposing teams. They also have to choose two young people who will become "cupids". Five paper hearts on ribbons are put on the cupids' necks so that the hearts can be easily removed from the cupids.

Each team also receives a pair of paper wings on ribbons. Wings should also be made in such a way that they can be easily removed and put on.

The task of the players: having fastened a pair of wings on their sinful hands, each player depicts the flight of a bumblebee in love. Having reached the finish line, the participant removes a heart from Cupid's neck, puts it on himself and flies back to the start. There, at the start, the wings are changed to the next team member, and the same route is made. Those who quickly remove all the hearts from Cupid win. But this is only the first stage of the game "Slaves of Love".

Second stage: having taken possession of the hearts, each player turns it over and reads the name inscribed on the heart. On a signal, each participant must find a mate according to the principle: Thumbelina is looking for the Prince of the Elves, Hans - Gretel, Masha - her Bear, Tatiana - Onegin, Pugachev - Galkin.

Third stage. As a result of the second round, we formed pairs. Now they have a new task - the ladies are given three satin ribbons, which they tie on one of their legs, imitating garters. The task of the gentlemen is to remove all three garters with their teeth at the signal of the leader. It is most reasonable to fix three winners. They are awarded the Order of the Scarlet Garter.

Host: I It is known that this famous order was established by the English king in honor of the lady of his heart. It’s just that such an incident happened to him once: in a fit of passion, the king tore off the garter of his chosen one with his teeth, and since then the most glorious knights of the kingdom have dreamed of this order! They did not know that in our circles they had such influential and efficient competitors. But that is not all! I announce the fourth round! And only one pair will come out of it as a winner. Those pairs that get lost or confused will be eliminated. We will call this tour "Stunning Cocktail". Listen carefully to the conditions: when I say “champagne” - the ladies hug the gentlemen, I say “whiskey” - the gentlemen take the ladies in their arms. I pronounce “wine” - ladies kiss men on the cheek, “vodka” - gentlemen kiss their ladies already, but always on the neck! As you understand, I will pronounce the names of the drinks as quickly as possible so that our cocktail is well shaken.

If necessary, you can create a jury that will monitor the correct implementation. So, only one man and one woman win, who are given the right to light a "musical candle" in honor of (name). Then a beautiful waltz is turned on and the winners are dancing to the sounds of it.

(dance break)

Presenter: Hooray! It's time to light the next candle! What do you think it will symbolize? Yes, yes, with its help we will remember, perhaps, the most golden time in the life of each of us - childhood. And it's time to play with the birthday boy himself (-tsey)!

Competition for the hero of the day "Walking under the table"

The leader will need two assistants who will hold the stretched ribbon between them. We represent the table with it. The host says that in the year the table was our birthday (-tse) above the head (the hero of the day calmly passes under a highly raised ribbon). But the presenter continues, talking about the fact that at the age of three he already had to bend down a little. So the game continues for as many years as you like, the main thing is that the ribbon falls lower and lower until the birthday boy is forced to crawl under it on all fours.

Presenter: Yes, of course, only coffee tables are so low. Let's reward the hero of the day with applause and once again drink to the fact that such low tables never met in his life.

(To the cheerful music, the "candle of childhood" is lit).


In childhood, we are surrounded by parental affection,

It protects us from troubles, and we believe in fairy tales.

We believe that the world is full of magical beauty,

And that everyone's dreams come true!

And no matter how old we are, a child always lives in us and we want miracles to happen in life, and there is a place for fairy tales in the world, we never stop making plans and dreaming. In order for us to light a “dream fulfillment” candle on our cake, I propose together with the culprit (-tsey) celebrations to plunge into the atmosphere of children's enthusiasm and fairy tales.

Fairy tale - impromptu "Holiday cake".

("Holiday Cake" and other anniversary tales can be viewed

After everyone has run in, a toast to the fulfillment of the dreams and secret desires of the birthday person (s) and the “lighting” of another candle on an impromptu cake.

Fun kissing game for the hero of the day.

Presenter: And now I propose to return to those times when the culprit (-tse) our celebration was eighteen years old. What was that time? The time of the first loves, festivities under the moonlight and the time of kisses! Then he (she) could kiss any number of times and in any conditions. To light the candle of youth, the hero of the day and his wife will have to pass a small test and show us that they have not lost their former ardor and skill. And sweet bagels will help us emphasize the sweetness of their kisses! (they take out a bagel through which a silk ribbon is threaded).

We are eighteen today

I need to kiss more often

Take care of your girlfriend

Caress each other.

Through the sweet lamb

Kiss early.

(Kissing through a donut).

It's time for dinner

To win

Surprise your spouse

kiss three times

Through a fragrant bagel,

Appetizing and pleasant.

(They kiss through a bagel three times).

Look, it's sunset in the yard,

Like ripe grapes

It spills like in a fairy tale

Kisses asks for a bunch.

Only, chur, do not be distracted -

Kissing right in the dance! (They kiss through the steering wheel, not forgetting to dance).

A toast to love, music and the “lighting” of a new candle.

Carrying out an anniversary cake with candles.

In the hall pthe light is dimmed, the presenter lights all the candles already on a real cake, and the guests - sparklers. At this moment, they turn on the recording of the song “Until the light fades, until the candle burns” and everyone gathers around the hero of the day (-shi).

presenter: Let me say a few words about fate! Today you turn ___ years old, who will say whether this is a lot or a little? An older person will say that this is the most golden and young time, a younger person will be afraid of this age. Because any age is only a moment. No age at all! What matters is how you feel. This is WELL-FEELING in the broadest sense of the word. The years, of course, go by. They go out like candles. But other candles are lit - new acquaintances, various events take place, children and grandchildren are born. They, our relatives and friends, illuminate life. And no storms will be able to extinguish the “love” candle, the “motherhood / fatherhood” candle, the “childhood” candle and all the others that we lit with you today!

Do all the candles go out in ___?
Does ___ lose heart?
No, life both rages and boils,
The big heart does not sleep, does not sleep.
Your candle is like a golden star -
It shines and warms, does not cool down.
Your candle as a source of heat
Like a ray of light, tender and bright!

The birthday boy is invited to make a wish and blow out the candles.

The song “We wish you happiness” sounds - the guests make a beautiful round dance around the hero of the occasion.

Scenario High school prom in 11th grade

Venue: MKOU Staroshcherbakovskaya secondary school, Barabinsky district, Novosibirsk region

Developed by: Deputy Director for educational work, head of the 1st qualification category - Zoya Nikolaevna Mezhueva

Evening progress:

Fanfares are heard announcing the beginning of the celebration.

Good evening friends!

Good evening friends!

So familiar to us

Three short words!

Good evening friends,

So - full of goodness,

And warmth and love

And something like that...

Good evening friends!

Who will argue with me?

Even the air around

Kindness warms.

Good evening friends!

He's just a graduate

And kinder than him

There are no evenings!

I ask all guests to greet the heroes of the occasion with the words: Long live graduation 2013!

JUNE! And it's time to say goodbye to school!

Long live the 2013 edition!

You don't have to be afraid of exams anymore!

Long live the 2013 edition!

I want to jump, joke and laugh!

Long live the 2013 edition!

There will be songs and dances all night long!

Long live the 2013 edition!

Parents can't wait for you today!

Long live the 2013 edition!

I want to join hands with everyone!

Long live the 2013 edition!

Let's shout loudly and cheerfully, brothers!

Long live the 2013 edition!

(graduates enter to the music)









As well as the director of the school Zhurkin V.G.

(congratulations from the director)

No, what all the beauties and beauties!

Do not think we are not suckers,

Take a look at Yevloev Tagir

With his charming Mona Lisa smile.

Tagir! The girls are crazy about you

They will tell you about it

Pride does not let them fall at your feet,

And then everything would lie here in piles

With our dear Borey

We did not know grief.

Although he is small,

In the class, Borya was the soul,

never get discouraged

And I didn't betray my friends

Liked to joke a lot

To make everyone have fun

A good guy, and they say he is talented,

He can do an encore

In addition, he wants to become a military man,

We believe - you will be, Evloev Boris.

Natasha Bocharova, you are a dear ideal,

Modest, kind and clever, of course,

Friends feel close to you

Always comfortable and safe.

You have never let anyone down.

Thumbelina 11th grade.

And this girl is the personification of comfort,

Home warmth and hearth.

She is, firstly, my mother's friend,

Friends, of course, are also dear.

You are femininity itself, you are kindness.

Polubatonova Katyusha, come out here.

Very sad to leave

Katya with our school

Because our Katya

The girl is cheerful.

The one who looks at her

It doesn't get sad

All with their cheerfulness

Katya is on fire!

Now you are free as the wind!

In your hands - a certificate!

And all the roads in the world are waiting

Here are these wonderful guys!

Roads and happiness, and pain,

Roads of love and kindness!

Last night - and free!

It's time to say goodbye to school!

With school, and therefore with childhood ...

Alas, but it is necessary, friends!

And only become in the heart

Your favorite school!

Dear graduates! Today you have become independent, and you have all the rights:

To study or not to study;

Get married or get married;

Go abroad;

Become a manager, producer or president;

But most importantly:

Appreciate life;

Take care of your own and others;

Bow your head in respect to years and wisdom;

Protect the children and the helpless;

Bless every moment of life, it is unique, just like you!

I ask everyone to fill their glasses and toast to the 2013 edition. And let the clink of glasses sound like a festive salute in honor of the graduates.

No need, dear ones, to be sad and complain about life in vain.

Today, tomorrow we must live in love, sincerely and passionately.

So that life is only full of joy,

So that there is no bad weather in the heart,

And if only the rainbow bloomed, and there was a lot of happiness!

We wish you luck, so that people smile everywhere.

Alumni response

8 people on the stage on the back the inscription "ATTESTAT" letter by letter

Citizens, I have great joy.

Make sympathetic faces smile.

Today I breathe like an elephant

My gait is light

And the night passed like a wonderful dream.

Summer night is short.

I would gnaw out bureaucracy like a wolf

There is no respect for papers

To hell with mothers roll

Any piece of paper, but this one...

I have labored for a long time, I have suffered for a long time

I studied long and hard

Crowded, answered, I got everyone

And here is the result: it worked!

Just a little bit left, just a little bit left

The longed-for dream is near.

For your perseverance, love, hellish work

We bow down to you all!

Mommy, school is over, and there is no need to learn lessons.

My God, how many nerves are damaged ...

How glad I am, Mom! Are you happy?

Why are you crying, my dear, biting your lips stubbornly?

Smile, because the school is over, well, laugh, dear mother!

Ten years is not one moment, they walked both crooked and straight,

Ten years of your patience, fear, tears and doubts, mother.

I know you are very happy and admiring your sweet daughter.

Why is autumn in your eyes, why do you cover your face with a handkerchief?

Maybe she remembered me as a child, felt a hand in her hand?

As she whispered: a scarlet flower, no shawls in the classroom, baby.

Listen, baby, strict teachers, don't draw on your notebooks!

And she met me at the threshold, kept the briefcase in order.

And now your daughter has grown, but tears run stubbornly ...

Well, school is over. Dot. Congratulations my mom!

Friske "White Sand"

Gone are the days of childhood.

School years behind.

We will mourn her

And remember often.

SMS won't help.

We miss SOS.

Our school, don't be bored

We will be coming.


And we have a graduation ball.

We wave to childhood.

How many good words

We need to say.

We will be very, very bored.

We will remember you.

Even if you are far, far away.

Now I am inviting 7 people to help me organize the next toast.

(7 people line up facing the tables.)

Rules: Each of those standing in a line receives a plate with one letter. You must name an adjective in the feminine (compliment) that can be applied to a person dear to him.

(After that, at my command, they turn the signs and get the words "cool".)

Well, of course, we address these warm and tender words to your class teachers:

May I ask you a couple of questions?

1. Tell me, was there any feature in this class, a zest that would distinguish them from others?

2. Do you remember your feelings, thoughts, when you first entered this class?

2. Can you now predict the fate of at least some of them?

By tradition, the right of the third toast is given to class teachers and let it be the answer to my question: what would you like to wish your students?

Well, now we will talk about people who today received a second secondary education, despite the fact that many of them already have a higher education.

These people 11 years ago re-learned to write sticks and dashes, then they re-crammed the multiplication table, moved from class to class with their children. Of course, we are talking about parents.

How much has fallen to their lot in these 11 years! And although you still cannot envy them - after all, they have yet to master your student life, nevertheless, they also have a holiday today. They also have a graduation party today.

The kindness of a beautiful parent

There is nothing holier in the world.

So that everything goes well for graduates -

Give them parental advice.

Miniature "From school life"

The characters, when their role is mentioned, say the following phrases:

Graduate - "And what am I? I'm nothing ...",

Laziness - mother - "Ba-a-ldezh!",

Headmaster - "What's going on here?"

Class hand-l - "They are good for me!"

Mamanya - "Where does the school look?!"

Dad - "Get a belt!"

Classmates - "It's good to play the fool!"

Once upon a time there was a Student... And so he would have lived calmly, but seized the Student... Laziness-mother... The Headmaster of the school was the first to worry... And the Student to him... All because Laziness was whispering in his ear- Mother... The principal of the school... called the Class Teacher... The Class Teacher... went to the Pupil... Yes, only Mother Laziness still whispers to him... Then the Class Teacher... called Mamanya... Send Mamanya... and the Class Teacher... to the Director... And the Director said... And the Class Teacher... And Mamanya... And the Student answered this... Because Mother Sloth was whispering in his ear ... Mom went ... for Dad ... Dad came ..., Mom ..., the Class teacher ... and the Director ... to the Student ... And the Student to them ... And Mother Sloth to him ... And Papanya rushed ... for Odnoklassniki ..., because any business in a team is better solved. Odnoklassniki ran in... And I would like to tell them Mother Sloth... but only the Director first said... Then the Class Teacher added... Mom spoke... Daddy shouted loudly... After that, Odnoklassniki entered into an argument. .. To which the Student replied... And outside the window raindrops rustle, similar to your applause.

About our graduates. (collect 40-45 adjectives around the room, write in the text and read out)

We are ____________________________ graduates!

We are all ____________________________ beautiful, we are wearing ____________________________ outfits, we are ____________________________ hairstyles, we are ____________________________ happy and ____________________________ cheerful.

We are gathered in this ____________________________ hall for this ____________________________ holiday!

Look at our ____________________________ faces! They glow with ____________________________ happiness, because we are ____________________________ graduates of ____________________________ class!

Next to us are ____________________________ parents, these are ____________________________ mothers and ____________________________ fathers. There are ____________________________ smiles on their ____________________________ face, and ____________________________ tears are rolling from ____________________________ eyes.

Next to them sits ____________________________ teacher. She ____________________________ wipes ____________________________ tears with her hands and ____________________________ smiles.

We congratulate everyone on this ____________________________ holiday and ____________________________ swear that we will be ____________________________ people, we will ____________________________ study further, ____________________________ work. We promise that we will ______________________ remember our _______________________ school, ____________________________ teachers. And most importantly, ____________________________ call your parents and _________________________ come to your parents' house!

We wish you and us ____________________________ happiness, ____________________________ peace, ____________________________ health, ____________________________ longevity and _____________________ prosperity! Thank you all ____________________________ and happy ____________________________ holiday!


So, attention, now our graduates will pass the last school certification and show everyone present at the holiday how they know their school, how attentive they were to everything that surrounded them.

The attestation commission is naturally your teachers.

In which direction do the doors open in the cab. director?

How many steps are on the school porch?

The most popular dish in school. canteen?

How many offices are on the 1st floor?

What's in gym are sports


How many teachers are in the school?

Phone number in the principal's office?

Our guests, if you noticed, were gypsies and left a chamomile, what would we tell you, and tell you about the future.

1. There is no point in all the debate, I would go to the deputies!

2.Use your friends for a moment to talk to the future president!

3. Oh, guys, where are you going, I want to become a general!

4. I will not drink, smoke - I want to buy a Mercedes!

5. I'm tired of studying, I'll open my own business!

6. Today I’ll spin in a waltz, but tomorrow I’ll go straight to the university!

7. Everything is up to me, brothers, but I don’t know what I want!

15. Smile, dad, mom, I'll probably become a businessman!

18. I will sow all the fields - I will be an agronomist!

22. I will build a business in Barabinsk: I will open a striptease - I will open bars.

Game before the disco

I call the guy first, give him a bag (fireworks are wrapped) with the words:

1.Give this pouch playfully,

The girl in the most beautiful dress.

1.Yes, after seeing your most beautiful dress,

Yudashkin would hardly have survived!

But looking for someone else's bag:

The biggest guy.

2. Oh, you are very tall,

It's not easy to get you...

But the girl will get the bag

Whose eyes are kindness itself.




























(shoot fireworks)

Block "Midnight" - held at 23:50








(candles are lit in the hands of graduates and parents.





A wonderful feeling of unity came to us. Strange, we part, but how close we are to each other. Our souls are warmed and illuminated by a tiny flame of Faith, Hope and Love. So let's light the candles. Let small lights float around the hall, falling into reliable, warm, kind hands.

"wishing candle"

The song "Angels of Hope" sounds. Everyone - teachers, children, parents stand in a circle (this is at the very end)

Hold hands because it's easier that way. Remember the warmth of the hands of your classmates who helped you more than once in Hard time, from which you have repeatedly received clicks that pulled your pigtails. After all, tomorrow there will be other people next to you. Let it be good people.

A circle of graduates, each should have a parent (li) behind their backs .. all have candles

And now feel the shoulder of your comrades ... (pause) Get even tighter. (pause). Behind your backs are your parents, they worry, they will always be there, always behind your back ... And this circle of like-minded people will be remembered by you all your life .. (pause) Candles are lit, and this is a symbol of light and warmth, the flame of the candle is directed upwards, like your aspirations .. your lofty goals ... Let this school candle warm you on the way to these goals ..

A game

A sound recording of various dances and songs is prepared in advance: Lezginka, Lambada, Gypsy, Seven forty, Oriental dance, There was a birch tree in the field (dance of the stream), Tango, Waltz, Czardash, Kalinka, etc.


Draw a heart on a large piece of paper. Make the signature "Heart of the graduate." Inside the heart with a blade, make longitudinal cuts of 2 centimeters. It is better to place cuts not in even lines, but randomly. Cut out small multi-colored hearts from cardboard (the number of cuts and hearts should be equal to or slightly greater than the number of graduates).

Attach the poster securely to the wall. Place a table with hearts and pens nearby.

An explanation can be made on the poster: On the heart, each graduate will write the name of their favorite teacher and insert the heart into one common “Graduate Heart”.

By the end of the evening, the heart will look very beautiful (volumetric), and then the teachers will be able to pick up the hearts that are addressed to them.

The Internet is full of surrogates and pseudo-scripts for holidays and parties. Many pages are written, many alleged ideas for parties are invented. But the one who decided to really find something worthwhile is incredibly disappointed.

The reason is simple: those who write these "scripts" and gushes with "ideas" are actually doing the average literary processing of typical clichés.

After all, those who can really come up with good idea- they will not write and post it on the Internet. For them, organizing and holding holidays is a profession.

In fact, you can come up with an idea for a party yourself. The main thing is to correctly formulate the problem.

What is an idea?

Not an abstract party of someone and somewhere.

This is a key point, and it is necessary to build on it.

What is the main advantage of a professional entertainer and presenter? Does he know a lot of jokes? No. Does he dance and clown? The answer is also negative.

The main thing that a good host can do is to involve everyone in the holiday process without exception. And you, choosing an idea, forming your scenario, also need to adhere to this golden rule.

The plan for a school party (if something playful is meant) should take into account psychological features all participants. If everything goes to narrow circle, everything is simple. But if we are talking about the holiday of the whole class?

In any team there are "leaders", "middle peasants" and "outcasts". The goal is to try to involve everyone in the process. This means that you need to take into account the psychology of different types.

In no case game scenarios should not be directed to a separate group!

For the "leaders" something will seem "beyond their dignity", but for the "gray mice" - too frankly - they are not ready to go to the center and be at the forefront of attention.

It is difficult to combine, sometimes almost impossible, but you have to try.

For example, celebrating in the classroom on February 23, you can not arrange endurance and strength competitions. The weak will curse such a holiday and will never participate in a similar one for another year. And archery, with a prize fund for knocked out points, will equalize the chances of anyone.

The "strong" will be excited, and the "weak" will get a chance to excel at least in some way.

On March 8, you can’t have a beauty contest, but throwing plates at the head of an imaginary future husband can be fun. And, most importantly, - again, equalizes the chances of almost everyone.

We emphasize twice - "practically".

If there is someone in the school class who has health problems, in no case should you create a competition that can highlight this shortcoming. Although there are exceptions.

If the child understands and soberly assesses his condition, then you can risk applying the “wedge by wedge” principle. Give him a playful handicap. But it's not easy: here's so many extra extra points for you, but to make sure that these points are earned.

And here, by the way, it does not matter - by whom.

On the contrary, you can make the "leaders" sweat, getting points for the weak. Some will receive faith in friends, others will go through the science of generosity ...

And ideas for school parties ... What is easier ...

Scenario of the game "Dress the Mummy"

Simple but fun game"Dress the mummy."

Guests (participants of the holiday) are divided into teams. The team chooses the "mummy", the rest - "healers"

The challenge is to make a real mummy by wrapping the victim in toilet paper rolls.

The team that finishes the process the fastest wins.

The game is fun and exciting, but requires a lot of space. Therefore, when breaking into groups, it is necessary to take into account the availability of free space so that in the heat of battle the participants do not demolish furniture and a covered table.

Toilet paper should be strong and good quality. In no case will the classic "54 meters" work. For the game you need to buy a beautiful two-layer paper.

The amount depends on the budget of the game.

The prize for the winning team must match the story of the game. These can be small Egyptian-themed souvenirs, calendars, books.

For the "victim" you need a special incentive prize.

For example, a model of an Egyptian pyramid with the inscription "Here was (the name of the victim-mummy)"

Be sure to take pictures of both the process and the result of the game. Such photos will be the biggest reward of the holiday.

Scenario "Wishing Candle"

This scene is used at the end of the prom.

It is best suited for 11th grade graduates who are truly and forever saying goodbye to school, teachers, and many of their classmates.

When the dances have already been danced, the banquet ends and everyone is at the tables, the lights go out in the hall.

The host comes to the middle with a large lit candle.

The candle should be "long-burning", with a large wick that can withstand the wind and sudden movements in space. The size is 50 mm in diameter and 200 mm in height.

The host asks everyone for attention:

Dear graduates. From this day school years left in the past. But for a long time to come, many of you will maintain relationships, visit school and teachers, meet casually and intentionally, go to parties and just like that.

Many... But not all.

Some people will leave tomorrow for another city, go to college, work. To build a new, already adult serious life.

Your paths will part.

You've never met like this before, and you never will again. And, probably, today is the only time when everyone can express their wishes, their feelings.

I pass this candle, and let everyone, holding this small light in their hands, say a few words in this joyful and at the same time sad minute.

The host passes the candle to the last table, choosing one of those who actively showed themselves during the holiday.

Enough brisk and uninhibited to start. The rest will be easier when the first step has already been taken by someone.

To facilitate the task, you can start with teachers. Their greeting will set the audience on attention and create the necessary emotional background.

After the fire makes a circle, the music begins to play. The candle returns to the host.

He asks everyone to stand up and join hands. The host raises the candle and the second hand above his head, starting to set the rhythm of the movement.

This is a very beautiful and touching moment. He remains in memory brighter than all jokes and dances.

Lighting candles🔥 at graduation🎈

❇Option 1
🎤 Host:
They say when a candle burns
This moment brings peace.
And while she's bright and hot,
Gives us joy her glow
To feel again our close circle,
To remember our graduation party for a long time
To stir up again the heart suddenly
Friends, let's light these candles today!
And now I will ask teachers and parents to light soy candles.

🎤 Host:
We light these candles as a symbol of inextinguishable warmth, attention and kindness. Let this small but hot light be reflected now in your eyes and remain in your heart. Let your candles now light apart from each other, binding you with an unbroken thread.

We wish you to go through life boldly,
We wish everyone to find happiness
Let it come true that everyone wanted
On the road! Happy journey everyone!

Then we lower these candles into disposable cups, graduates and parents go outside where they make up the year of issue from the candles.

Businessmen, pilots, poets
Teachers, turners, doctors
Scatter around the world as soon as possible.
Select the keys to the profession
Have a good trip guys fly away
Big life is ahead of you
Just don't forget school
And all those who prepared you for flight
Good luck to you, goodness and peace, dear graduates.

❇Option 2
🎤 Host: Guys, now you see small candles on your tables, they don’t burn yet, their hearts don’t burn. You once came to the first grade as fragile kids, and your feelings didn’t burn with a bright flame and your heads didn’t smoke from knowledge, but there were those who helped you light a fire in yourself, those who saw a spark in you and now you shine brighter than the sun. These are your class teachers and teachers, I would like to invite them here to your applause!
(teachers, leaders come out, stand around the bowl)

Teachers: This bowl is not accidental here, it is a real "Fire of Knowledge", each of us added here a piece of our warmth, our knowledge, a piece of ourselves, so that every year this fire burns stronger (light the fire) We would like to wish you to take away from this in the evening a little of this fire, it will help you in the most severe trials, in your imminent student life. (Teachers light small candles and carry them to the tables)

🎤 Host: Guys, pass this fire to each other, light candles from each other, remember this moment and keep it warm until your next meeting. (light candles on the tables) For all the words spoken, it's time to raise a glass! The guests will not be bored until the morning, and the graduates will get three times URRrrra!

Alena Romanova
Scenario of the graduation party "Candle of Knowledge"

graduation party script(gr. No. 11) « Candle of Knowledge» .

Under "Polonaise" children in pairs enter the music room and stand up for a waltz. Then the parents enter and dance the polonaise, at the end of the dance they take their seats. The guys dance the second dance - the polka, after which they take their places on the chairs.

Not in a distant land

Not over high mountains.

And among ordinary people there were gardeners.

Music sounds, presenters sit "gardeners" watching video slides.

Leading: As in our garden, flowers, berries-mushrooms do not grow.

Boys in jackets and pants are maturing here.

And girls in dresses and skirts are blooming.

And we follow the garden where the children grow,

Bloom, children, like flowers on branches.

Voice: That's the garden! Well, the garden! It's full of guys! The gardeners loved their children, every day they were watered, washed, fed, taught, taken for a walk. And fought with weeds! They had enough patience! They played games with the guys to drown out all the weeds, and give life to good sprouts.

Leading: Days and months go by, children are growing, growing ...

They are already cramped in the garden, there is too little space ...

And the children jumped from the garden bed.

Were like flowers, berries, mushrooms.

Here they are the best Graduates!

Children stand up and begin to recite poems.

Reb. 1: The holiday is not easy for us, it happens only once.

2. This holiday is our fun, because school is coming soon.

3. It’s only a pity that we need to say goodbye to our beloved kindergarten.

Song: “Oh, how good, life is in the garden”.

Child: Today is an unusual, wonderful, excellent day

There is only one reason for this, it is clear to everyone.

Child: Very soon, very soon we will go to school.

And it's time to wish us “No fluff, no feather!

Song « Graduates» .

Leading: Dear Guys! Congratulations on your graduation kindergarten. And we propose to light candle of knowledge! Let this lit candle today will be a symbol of warm hearts and faithful preschool friendship. But this bowl of fire will become a symbol of the light that will illuminate our graduates the way to the future. Let everything only good and beautiful illuminate your path ahead.

Leading lights candle music changes abruptly the candle goes out, Shamahansay Queen appears.

Queen: Candle of Knowledge! So the smartest guys are here?

Leading: Yes, we kindergarten graduates. Today they say goodbye to kindergarten and go to school.

Queen: Smart steel! Grow up! Hahaha… But first you need to finish school! How will you finish it if I don't let you in?

Leading: How can you not let me in?

Queen: Ha-ha-ha! Everyone roar, quickly, don't stop! (takes away candle, runs away).

Leading A: Yes, it's really bad. I don't understand anything! What does it turn out - is the Queen of Shamakhan herself against us! What do we do? Who will help us?

Music sounds, Alyosha Popovich enters the hall, looks around.

Alyosha: Well, where am I? Greetings mistress of the magnificent palace! (bow) And how many people! Does anyone need my help?

Leading: Interesting young man, right guys? And who are you?

Alyosha: I'm a hero! They call Alyosha Popovich. Oh, where did I get to?

Leading: Hello, hero Alyosha Popovich! And you got to the holiday in kindergarten. Today we are taking our children to school.

Alyosha: And who is the owner of this magnificent palace?

Leading: This is not a palace, but a kindergarten.

Alyosha: Very nice garden, but I need to go to the palace to the Queen of Shamakhan.

Leading: You are talking to the Queen of Shamakhan! Who is she and why do you need her?

Alyosha: Now, I'll tell you. Far from the blue mountains there is a beautiful tent, striking with its magnificent decoration. The imperious, cunning and insidious Shamakhan queen lives in it. She collects the tears of the smartest, most beautiful children and girls. She will pour these tears on a tree that will blossom and bear fruit. She will eat the fruit magic tree and become the smartest and most beautiful queen in the world.

Leading: So that's why she paid off our candle of knowledge.

Alyosha: And most importantly, the enchanted beauty serves her, my wife is Lyubavushka. Here I go to save my beloved.

Leading: Alyosha Popovich, and who bewitched the beauty?

Alyosha: The dark forces that the Queen of Shamakhan turned to.

Leading: And now we also need the Shamakhan queen. Today our children high school graduation we lit candle of knowledge so that our children can easily walk along the road of life, and she stole it. Alyosha Popovich, take us with you, we will be useful to you.

Alyosha: How can you help me?

Leading: Our children have been going to kindergarten for so many years, they have learned a lot.

Alyosha: Then show me what you are capable of? What can you do?

A game Sort numbers in ascending or descending order.

Alyosha A: Yes, you will me good helpers on the road. Let's hit the road immediately!

Music sounds, rocks move apart (Queen on the throne).

Alyosha A: It seems they have come. This is the kingdom (Queen slumbers on the throne).

Leading: What a beauty?

Alyosha: Hush hush…

Queen: Who? Where? What's happened? Who dared to wake the Queen of Shamakhan? Hey guard! Cut off their heads!

Alyosha: So you are the Shamakhanskaya Queen! Well, listen here!

Queen: Oh! How many young beauties are here! (walks, looks) You all come to serve me. If you don't go, then your head off your shoulders! (notices parents) Ooo! And there are so many beauties here, I take everyone to myself, and whoever does not go, will be executed! (sit on the throne)

Alyosha: Hey you, Great Queen! Listen to me!

Queen: Okay, listen, tell me, who are you?

Alyosha: I am a Russian hero, Alyosha Popovich.

Queen: Why did you complain?

Alyosha: An enchanted beauty serves you - my wife, Lyubavushka. Give it back to me, otherwise you will taste the heroic silushka!

Queen: Yeah…. Now ... And who are you, too, heroes?

Leading: And we are the children of the kindergarten, the very ones whose fire you put out took knowledge and a candle.

Queen: Aaaaaah, I remember!

Alyosha: Well, okay, queen, let's decide the world, it's not fitting for me to fight with the girls. If you like, we'll give you a ransom.

Queen: What can you give me?

Alyosha: Whatever you want! What do you want?

Queen: You know! Entertain me, and quickly.

Alyosha: Entertainment! Yes, Shamakhanikha! Heading towards you, I was in the palace, only the palace is this island preschool childhood. In which cheerful children live, from whom you wanted to take everything they learned ... Now they will cheer you up with a cheerful dance.

Dance "Polka".

Queen: Thank you for the fun dance. But I also have a magic book, and in it are riddles from fairy tales! If you guess the riddles, so be it, maybe I will return it to you candle of knowledge. Listen carefully!

1. What does Baba Yaga fly on? (On a broom, in a mortar)

2. What wizards wave when they cast a spell (Magic wand)

3. What object lies on the floor at home, and in fairy tales it flies (Carpet plane)

4. If it lies on the table, the food appears by itself. (Tablecloth - self-assembly)

5. This item helped Ivan light up the stable. (Feather of the Firebird)

Queen: You guys are great - all solid sages! But candle of knowledge I will give if you can melt the evil in my heart. So far, no one has been able to do this.

Boris: The flute is a magical sound,

This is happiness and peace

This is a conversation with the soul.

I will play the flute.

All children listen to me.

Alegretto I play boldly -

The flute sang merrily.

flute playing "Alegretto".

Alyosha: Well, how are you? Good buyout? Give back everything you took. Don't hesitate! Give me my beautiful wife. Yes, bring back the fire.

Queen: Good children, your love revived my heart. Your wisdom is new to me knowledge opened. I am now returning to the good kingdom and will try not to engage in villainy anymore.

I see you didn’t go to kindergarten for nothing.

Useful received knowledge here,

I wish to study well at school,

Well, now let me say goodbye!

The queen leaves, Lyubava comes out with candle in hand.

Lyubava: Guys, thank you very much for your help, without you we would never have coped with evil spells Queen of Shamakhan.

Alyosha (beret a candle and conveys the Vedas.) : Congratulations guys on your very first graduation. Laugh louder, have fun, we want to dance the waltz.

Dance "Waltz from Shrek".

Lyubava: There will be a lot of bright and happy days at school.

Get ready for the road and step forward boldly!

"A song is being performed "Learning should be fun".

Alyosha: - You need to believe in yourself, because there is a miracle in each of you.

And courage, intelligence and kindness, just worth the effort, will help you achieve everything. And guys, it's time for us to leave.

Vedas: And we light this candle as a symbol of unquenchable warmth, fantasy, and kindness. Let this small but hot light now be reflected in your eyes and remain in your heart.

And, indeed, how quickly time has flown by! We did not have time to look back, and our kids are already Graduates.

We must not forget on such an evening about those who are always with you: loves, protects, educates, teaches, feeds, heals, about those who, together with you, rejoice at your successes. He gets upset if something doesn’t work out for you, did you guess who I’m talking about?

Children: Of course, about the parents.

Vedas: I want to invite you to return to childhood, and remember that unforgettable time when you were little children!

Film from parents (the word is given to parents alumni) .

Will give birth: You will certainly love the school,

At school, learn easily and perfectly!

School is a great time, friends!

It is impossible to live without school, it is impossible! (giving a gift to d / s).

Vedas: And now for solemn congratulations the floor is given to our wonderful head Olga Valerievna.

To the solemn music, children receive a badge for d / s 130 and gifts.

Children together: Our kindergarten, Goodbye!

It's time to say goodbye.

You let us say goodbye

Everyone in the dance break away!

Dance "Fish" (parents and children dance together).