Think as you like and speak politely. Negative social habits. How to ensure that the communicating individual receives positive energy

Speak politely. Think as you like.

English proverb

2 years ago

Don't raise children, they will still be like you. Educate yourself. © English proverb

Don't raise children, they will still be like you. Educate yourself. English proverb

Think about what can make you happy. Do what you like. Be with people who make you feel good. Eat what your body likes. Go where they are waiting for you. Louise Hay

Smell matters a lot. If you like the way someone smells, then you like the person themselves.

Daphne Du Maurier

Think about what can make you happy. Do what you like. Be with people who make you feel good. Go where they are waiting for you.

Louise Hay

Think about what can make you happy. Do what you like. Be with people who make you feel good. Go where they are waiting for you. Louise Hay

Please live. Talk, think, act. Sometimes listen to music... Sometimes enjoy painting so that it moves you. Laugh a lot and cry sometimes. And if you find a wonderful girl, then go to her and love her.

Koshun Takami "Battle Royale"

Louise Hay

Think about what can make you happy. Do what you like. Be with people who make you feel good. Go where you feel good. Louise Hay

Think about what can make you happy. Do what you like. Be with people who make you feel good. Go where you feel good.

Louise Hay

What I don’t like, I don’t like, and why on earth should I pretend that I liked it! Just because the majority like it, or seem to like it? I don't want to subordinate my tastes to fashion.

Jack London "Martin Eden"

If in doubt, just speak without thinking! Tell the truth, and come what may!

Dan Brown

I like my solitude, I like my personal space and I like to be left alone. R. Donovan "Live to Love"

I like my solitude, I like my personal space and I like to be left alone. R. Donovan "Live to Love"

I like my solitude, I like my personal space and I like to be left alone.

Rebecca Donovan "Live to Love"

Career law for women: 1) think like a man; 2) act like a lady; 3) work like a horse. Arthur Bloch "Murphy's Laws"

Think, don’t think, nothing will change anyway, you’ll just waste time with thoughts. It’s better to just move your legs without any thoughts, and that’s it. Concentrated. Purposefully.

Haruki Murakami

Don't say the world is sad, don't say it's hard to live. Know how to laugh, believe and love amidst the ruins of life.

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Nowadays, it is common to be cynical about other people and society as a whole. Behave in a way that suits you, and don’t pay attention to anyone. But the fact that you should be yourself does not mean that you can behave however you want. There is one interesting phrase: “Speak politely, think as you want.” It is ideal for revealing the chosen topic, since it does not at all contradict the principles of a healthy personality. You may not recognize many social norms, you may even be a rebel at heart, but this does not mean that you do not need to monitor your language and behavior.

If you want to influence them and achieve more in your communication, re-read the following list and note what negative social habits you have.

Get attention through complaints

Yes it The best way attract attention, but worst way position the interlocutor. A person can come to the rescue, but if this continues over and over again, such behavior will begin to resent and irritate him. He will begin to think that he gives more than he receives, and this is one of the reasons why people stop communicating.

Even if you complain, try to speak up so it doesn't seem that way. Use humor and self-irony. But it is best to try to solve problems yourself.

Focus on internal dialogue instead of external

During a dialogue, it is quite difficult to fully concentrate on the person and his words. Thoughts arise that are not even related to the topic under discussion and the interlocutor, not without reason, gets the impression that he is not being listened to.

If you are close to a person, be with him not only physically. This is more useful than communicating with yourself at this time. Time for reflection can be allocated later.

Getting distracted during dialogue and even online communication

Imagine the situation: you are in a cafe, chatting. The interlocutor is telling a story that is important from his point of view, and you are constantly distracted by other people or current events. Such an attitude can hardly be called respectful. You may be distracted by hundreds of things, but you only need to focus your attention on one thing. Therefore, participate in the dialogue with all your heart.

The same rule applies to online communication. It seems that there is time to get distracted and do your own thing, but still with this approach you cannot fully concentrate. Your answers will be superficial and banal. Therefore, either do not answer if you are busy, or be here and now even when communicating on the Internet.

Ignore the people closest to you

We often talk about how important family and loved ones are. But most don't spend time with those who are close to them. Even if you think that a person is okay with the fact that you have not communicated with him for several months, this may be a misconception.

People want attention and there is nothing you can do about it. You can’t devote time to everyone, so do everything possible, at least for those closest to you.

Constantly hunting for compliments

We all love to stroke our pride and sometimes even persistently ask for compliments. At first it seems funny, then it causes confusion.

Believe me, most often the best compliment can be that a person spends time with you. Even if he doesn’t say nice words, he’s still there, and that’s the main thing.

Not being able to accept compliments

When a person compliments you, he wants to do something nice. Answering poorly can cause feelings of resentment. Accept compliments with all your heart, it won’t say anything bad about you and you won’t seem like a snob.

Show the person that you are pleased that he noticed your success.

Interrupt your interlocutor mid-sentence

Everyone knows that this is a bad habit and yet few follow this rule. Even if you completely disagree with the person, it is still worth waiting until the end of the monologue. Perhaps this will allow you to hear something that will reconcile you.

Not being able to support and empathize

Increasing emotional intelligence brings great benefits: the opportunity and even getting your dream job.

By learning to support a person, you will become pleasant to him and he will appreciate it.

Trying to please everyone

There are many people, but little time. Plus, people often pursue their own interests, and you won't be able to please everyone. Sometimes you need to say “no” to one request in order to help other people. Find out who you value most and make time for them first.

We wish you good luck!

Russian speech is filled with polite (magical) words that bring goodness, joy, and hope to humanity. Pronouncing useful phrases makes people more responsive, softer, and more cultured. Let's assume there are no polite expressions in the Russian language. Significant changes will follow immediately. A worthy deed will go unnoticed, a simple request will become an order, ordinary speech will seem impudent, will cause discontent, ruin the mood...

Children and adults taught magic words realize the power of spoken language, reinforcing personal and business success. It is important to be able to speak kind words in a timely and sincere manner.

Greetings upon meeting and contact

  1. Hello (you live well, we wish you health)
  2. Good morning (good afternoon, good evening)
  3. Hello (greetings, hello, salute, hello)

When getting to know each other

  1. Hello
  2. Introduction: first name, last name, patronymic
  3. Nice to meet you
  4. Nice to meet you

Words of gratitude

  1. Thank you
  2. Thank you
  3. Grateful
  4. Touched by the attention
  5. Our respect

Words when apologizing

  1. Sorry
  2. Sorry
  3. I'm sorry
  4. Regret

Words of request

  1. Please
  2. I beg
  3. Show kindness, generosity

When saying goodbye

  1. Good Bye! See you later)
  2. All the best (all the best)
  3. All the best
  4. Good luck

When talking on the phone

  1. Hello
  2. Good morning (good: afternoon, evening)
  3. Hello
  4. Do you have time to talk?
  5. Is it convenient to have a conversation now?
  6. Thank you
  7. Touched by the attention
  8. Goodbye (meetings)

List for children

  • Hello;
  • With good morning, Good afternoon good evening;
  • Excuse me, please;
  • Thank you;
  • Good night;
  • Goodbye;
  • Please;
  • allow;
  • let me ask, find out, inquire;
  • Bon appetit;
  • let me help;
  • help yourself or take it, please;
  • Nice to meet you.

Is it important to say polite words?

People live surrounded by magic, reflected in natural phenomena, art, and everyday life. The power of magic lies in words spoken constantly in infinite quantities. Surprisingly, with phrases and expressions the interlocutor can hurt, offend or inspire, delight, amuse.

How to ensure that the communicating individual receives positive energy?

People want to hear pleasant words. Pronouncing polite phrases fills the soul with warmth, light, hope, and peace.

Adults, kids, teenagers have verbal magic

It is important to skillfully use magic, teach children kind, useful phrases, and correctly use magical expressions. A sufficient number of polite phrases are used every day during meetings, acquaintances, requests, farewells, and telephone conversations. You need to remember the “magic” phrases, pronounce them on time and correctly.

Thanks to polite words, people are able to do good, make a pleasant impression when meeting someone, and find a true friend, girlfriend, life partner, or business partner.

People are constantly convinced magical power polite expression, regardless of purpose. In the morning, when meeting a neighbor, friend, fellow student, a boy, a girl, a pensioner greets them by saying “Hello”, “Hello” and is sure to hear a warm greeting. People are inspired, charged with positive energy, the warmth of words inspires positivity, and a smile appears.

Farewell is necessarily accompanied by the phrases “See you”, “Goodbye”, which confirm the importance of communication. The interlocutors express friendliness and give hope for new meetings.

What to do if you need help?

You should ask, sincerely saying, “Please help,” “Please do me a favor.” The interlocutor to whom kind phrases are addressed will pay attention and will definitely show goodwill.

What words are used when meeting a girl, guy or manager?

It is important to make an impression so that they are noticed, appreciated, want to continue communication, and invited to work. There are a lot of polite expressions when meeting someone - “Allow me to introduce myself,” “Nice to meet you,” etc. The main thing is to say it sincerely, as sincerely as possible. The interlocutor will definitely show interest, appreciate your intelligence, and understand how pleasant it is to communicate.

It's harder to apologize

You need to choose the right polite words and say them with a feeling of great regret. This will help restore previous relationships with your partner, friends, and family. Phrases of apology make people feel better. The interlocutors soften and show goodwill.

The importance of using polite words is undeniable

Magic expressions and phrases help to win over your interlocutor, evoke positive emotions and attention. People who use useful words, phrases, expressions are pleasant, attractive, and interesting when communicating. Polite words They lift your spirits and allow you to enjoy peace of mind, regardless of age, gender, status, or employment.

Words of politeness must be spoken constantly; they are the key to successful activities in everyday life!

What are the rules of politeness when speaking?

Rules of politeness- the most basic canons of a well-mannered citizen. Polite man - a true friend, pleasant conversationalist, welcome guest.

There are many laws of politeness when communicating with a large number of people or two people. The main thing is not to forget to pronounce, correctly and timely use the magic words.

In addition to knowledge, the use of kind phrases and expressions: the need to demonstrate competent behavioral tactics when talking with an interlocutor:

  1. When a stranger makes a request, you need to put things aside, show maximum respect, and take an active part in the conversation.
  2. Interrupting the person leading the conversation is bad manners. You need to listen carefully, be patient, and wait until the end of the conversation. Comments, hints, and expressions of opinions during the interlocutor’s story are inappropriate.
  3. Is the conversation taking place surrounded by people? You should show culture; you cannot react to speech addressed to the person sitting next to you.
  4. The tactless behavior of a communicating person must be gently stopped and the conversation stopped.
  5. Is there a discussion going on or insulting people? Try to change the topic of conversation.
  6. A long conversation is considered bad manners.
  7. Communication involves showing politeness, attentiveness, and tact. Does your interlocutor need to leave urgently? You need to end the conversation in a timely manner. It is necessary to change the topic of conversation if the people present are not interested in listening.
  8. Non-standard phrases should be excluded. The meanings of expressions may be unknown or incomprehensible to the interlocutor.
  9. When communicating with a friend, acquaintance, relative, you cannot criticize, discuss, or slander absent people. Otherwise, an unpleasant environment will be created. You need to say good things about those who are absent, or just remain silent.
  10. Communicating and waving your arms is a sign of bad taste, showing the individual’s bad manners. You need to clearly and clearly express your own thoughts.

The information provided will help you understand the importance of polite expressions. By saying magic phrases, people do the world bright, kind, rich.