I can't live without him! Why do I feel bad? A simple way to distinguish healthy love from codependency. And what if you can't live without it? How to live without your beloved

A complete collection of materials on the topic: how to live without a loved one? from experts in their field.

After parting with a loved one, there is no desire to move on. Everything around seems gray and miserable. There is devastation and disorder all around. This will continue forever, unless you start living again.



with a loved one, especially if the breakup was his initiative, there comes a time in every woman’s life when she needs to make a certain choice:

Begin new life or continue to exist in suffering and grief, remembering your loved one.

Of course, everyone understands that they now need to change something and learn to live again. But how to do that? Here are a few rules that will help you cope with depression and learn to live without your ex-boyfriend.

1. Look around and understand what reminds you of your loved one: photographs, souvenirs from vacation spots you spent together? His personal belongings? The sofa you bought together? All this needs to be removed. It's best to throw it away so that you can't take all these things out of the box on a lonely evening and reminisce again. well if

breake down

For example, if it’s difficult with a souvenir or photographs, you can ask

keep these things with you, and then pick them up after a year or two. Over time, the memories will not be so vivid, but

your loved one will no longer evoke such violent emotions in you.

2. Change your appearance. Go to a beauty salon and ask a specialist to cut your hair and dye your hair a color that you have never dyed but have always dreamed of. Spend as much time as possible in the beauty salon and order a range of procedures and services. It will help you relax and have a lot of fun, forget

about problems

and, most importantly, increase your self-esteem. Perhaps after this you will think: was he, my beloved, worthy of such a beauty like me?

3. Fulfill your deepest desire. Has your ex-lover watched your figure? Did you deny yourself sweets because of him? Buy a huge cake and invite your friends. For a fun conversation time will pass discreetly, and this will allow you to have fun.

4. The evening with friends can be continued somewhere at night

or a cafe. Perhaps something new awaits you there


Which will change your life in an instant.

5. Find yourself a hobby or new job. A new activity will help you forget about all the sorrows and bad weather that haunted you

after the breakup

with a loved man. A new hobby will help you immerse yourself in your worries and affairs, meet new people, and create something beautiful and useful. You yourself won’t notice how your

no longer worries.

6. Go on a trip. Rest will put your thoughts in order and set you up for a new wave.


If they left you. You will clearly be the center of attention, receiving the characteristics of your partner “what a goat!” or “what a bitch!”, as well as valuable instructions on how to live further... Usually this does not help for long... Brenda Davis compared a person to a daisy, which has something at its core. At this stage, it is important to separate what situation you find yourself in after the breakup and what personal feelings and experiences you have about the breakup in general.

Hello, dear readers. Today we will talk about how to live without a loved one. Situations in life can be varied. Perhaps you had to break up with your significant other or a tragedy occurred and that person is no longer with us. It is important to understand how not to withdraw into yourself, not to lose the meaning of your existence, not to fall into depression, but to come to terms with what happened and continue to live. This is what we will talk about in this article.

Situation options

If young people live together under the same roof for a long time or simply spend a lot of time together, they get used to coexisting. But at one moment everything can collapse, your loved one will no longer be around, but everything will continue to remind you of him, and your memories will also be alive. In this case, it is very important to understand how to overcome yourself, how to learn to live on.

Some people, under the influence of a breakup, begin to withdraw into themselves, silently experience the loss, engage in soul-searching, and become depressed.

Separately, it is worth considering the situation when the person you love has not left, but died, he is not among the living. In this case, advice is unlikely to help you, but you can get the best help from a professional psychotherapist or doctor who will help you cope with the pain of loss. Sometimes you can survive such pain by helping people who find themselves in a worse situation than you are in. this moment.

Read on to find out what to do if you are familiar with the phrase “I can’t live without my girlfriend (boyfriend)” after your partner has broken off all relations with you.

  1. If you have any gifts from your significant other, then it is better to get rid of them or at least put them in some drawer and hide them so that they do not catch your eye. As for photographs, they also need to be removed from view for a while. However, you should not rush to delete photos together. After all, this is your memory. The day will come when you will come to terms with the fact that the person who just left you was not the only one. But how nice it will be to remember the old days. Although in certain cases it is still worth destroying the pictures, especially if ex-lover I really hurt you before I left.
  2. Start making changes in yourself. It's time to open a new page in your life. It doesn't have to be drastic changes in appearance. Although such changes will also have a beneficial effect on one’s own perception. You can, for example, change what you like to do in free time, do something you haven’t done before.
  3. You shouldn’t withdraw into yourself, stay alone with yourself. is now your worst enemy. Try to be around other people most of the time, preferably those you can trust who will support you. At the same time, it is recommended to go with friends to some events, exhibitions, or to the theater. This is what you need now - to unwind, to get distracted. If you are alone with best friend, with whom you will discuss the ended relationship, then the situation will only get worse.
  4. Treat yourself, do something that really brings you pleasure, something that you have already denied yourself for a long time. This doesn't mean you need to give up your strict diet or... proper nutrition, which has been preferred recently, having decided to forget about all the restrictions and start eating cakes, processed foods, and drinking soda. This will only worsen your already sad emotional state. Here we are talking about what you previously regretted money on, but always dreamed of. For example, you might buy a dress that costs more than you could afford.
  5. Sometimes it's better not to restrain yourself, to cry if it's really necessary. It is important to be able to find a person to whom you can tell about your emotions, about what happened, about how bad it is now, how painful it is, and that this person is truly reliable, able to listen, help with advice, and provide the right support.
  6. Decide on it if you haven’t had one before. You are now categorically not recommended to sit idle in your free time. Having caught a minute, you need to devote it to something interesting, something that will interest you, captivate you, something that will allow you to see the results of your actions.
  7. If possible, go on a trip. This doesn’t have to be a trip outside the country, you can just go out of town. Sometimes a change of environment helps. Especially if your ex lives nearby or you have to work together, and further meetings only exacerbate your pain.
  8. Having parted with your soulmate, you should not bother her, write to in social networks, send SMS, call on the phone, humiliate yourself, hoping that your loved one will return to you. This is how you lose your pride and ruin your self-respect.
  9. If you had favorite places that you always visited together, now you need to avoid them, because the associations are still alive in your memory.
  10. Realize that in any breakup of a relationship, the fault always lies with both partners, even if you don’t understand it now. It's time to understand that the person was sent to you for an experience, that you need to learn some lesson from this relationship, draw conclusions.
  11. Don't let fears settle in your heart. If you are currently single, this does not mean that you will always be so. We are the makers of our own destinies. And you shouldn’t rush headlong into a new relationship. This won't lead to anything good. You just need to switch to something, take care of yourself, and the right person will appear on your life path.
  12. It is unacceptable to blame yourself for what happened, to engage in self-criticism. Even if you really made mistakes, you can’t change anything now, just accept the situation as a life lesson.
  13. If now it seems that the person with whom you broke up was your ideal, the love of your life, then it’s time to understand that this is not so, that now your mind is clouded, that there are no ideal people, everyone has their shortcomings. Therefore it would be nice to general analysis ex-partner, throwing away your heart, turning on only your mind. Sometimes awareness of negative qualities allows you to understand that what happened to you was not what was imagined, that it was just an illusion, and you are open to new relationships.
  14. Admit to yourself that your old relationship is already in the past. If you couldn’t resuscitate them, then you should let them go, move on, and start a new life. If you decide to visit a psychologist, he will help you work through the situation, teach you how to let go of an event that may have played a key role in your life, tell you how to learn a lesson from it, and teach you how to move on.

Realize that right now you are experiencing severe mental pain, a feeling of despair, and possibly fear. However, some time will pass and only emptiness will remain in your soul. You will understand that life is not over, that everything is still ahead.

If you are familiar with the phrase “I can’t live without the man or woman I love,” then you now know that many people face a similar situation. After all, feelings in one couple are not always mutual. It happens that someone loves more. The main thing is to understand that if at the moment you are left alone, then it is destined to be so. And even though it’s excruciatingly painful right now, time will put everything in its place. Life goes on, you will definitely meet that person, feelings for whom will be much stronger than what you are experiencing at the moment.

Codependency is a drug of the 21st century, psychologists say.

Dependence on alcohol, smoking and other things differs from it only in that in the first case a person develops an addiction to the chemical substance, and in the second case dependent relationships a constant, unhealthy attachment to your partner appears.

You literally immerse yourself in the state of another person and become dependent on him physically and mentally. How to live with this? And is it necessary?

To be honest, when you find yourself in this situation, I need to run away from this relationship headlong. Otherwise, you risk not only breaking your psyche, but also raking up broken wood for years.

Save yourself from codependent relationships, end them, part with the past

Or maybe this isn't love?

The causes of codependency are very diverse and individual, but its victims usually have one thing in common: low self-esteem, dislike in childhood, tendency to depression, lack of opinion.

Until you see the need to fix something in your life, nothing will change. This is the law. Realizing that you are in a codependent relationship is the first step to breaking the vicious circle.

The problem is that people consider attachment to be something natural, but codependency begins to bother them when the situation gets to the point. The difficulty is that it is quite difficult to distinguish love from codependency. But it is possible and necessary.

All these hysterical “the light has come down on you like a wedge” in songs and over-watched films demonstrate a relationship of codependency. And they promote them. It's simple: it sells better.

Let's not lie, many of them are women. Remember when the boy you liked would carry your schoolbag from school every day? Was there love here?

Let's figure it out: how to distinguish a healthy relationship from codependency?

In a codependent relationship, you feel heaviness, lack of self, constraint in thoughts, actions, actions

Love is…

There is one very simple way to distinguish healthy love from codependency. The famous psychotherapist and author of the book “Foundations of Spirituality,” Roger Walsh, offered an excellent test on how to do this for sure.

For example, you love peaches. They lie right in front of you on the table - you are happy. This is fine. But if the house doesn’t refuse peaches at the moment, there are two scenarios:

  • you will not be nervous about this, it will not affect your mood in any way, you will be calm and peaceful;
  • become unhappy: the whole world would collapse without peaches, because only the fact of owning them, their taste and sweetness can make you happy.

Do you feel the difference?

A - desire or love.
B - attachment or dependence.

The difference here is far from being an abstract set of symptoms. And in how you cope with the absence of the object of adoration.

When he is nearby, everything is fine, but what if he is not nearby?

Even the strongest desire often disappears without a trace and painlessly. There is a peach - great, no - you can live without it. But addiction will squeeze all the juice out of you until you satisfy it. A real break.

Where do legs come from?

It is impossible to find a person who is completely healthy physically and mentally. Each of us has experienced many traumatic events in our lives. From the first standing in the corner of childhood to difficult partings.

And if you swallow them and carry them within you, they grow and take on a new form. And here “hello” are irrational fears, negative attitudes and complexes. These are real holes in the psyche through which energy leaks.

Suppose the attitude “nobody needs me and I’m afraid of loneliness” has stuck in your head. And then a man appears in your life who literally plugs this mental wound. She showers you with compliments, assures you that you are beautiful, and saves you from loneliness.

There is a plug, the energy does not leak, you truly feel happy, and it seems that you even love him for it.

In a dependent relationship, you don't love the person, but the fact that he fills the emptiness inside you

One fine day he leaves. How do you feel? All-consuming, black, cold pain. Happiness abruptly gives way to apathy, weakness and a feeling of uselessness.

The fear of uselessness and loneliness is confirmed and returned. New complexes are growing. And now you only think about how to get him back. It seems to you that life without him simply does not make sense.

Heal yourself

What to do? For a codependent person, the answer is not as obvious as it might seem. Although everything is simple: instead of looking for someone to close your mental wounds, you simply need to heal them yourself.

No wonder the famous psychotherapist Louise Hay called her bestseller “Heal Yourself.” After all, only by recognizing the problem and making the decision to change can you truly change your life.

When you stop wasting your energy and needing someone to find it, then your happy life will begin.

It is then that love-codependency will turn into love-creation. This is when you feel good, and you can even fly next to your beloved man!

In a normal relationship there are no thorns to the stars, spears in the heart and bloody battles.

3 steps to getting rid of codependency

To change yourself and work on yourself. What to do if you are completely in the grip of codependency? Getting out of this state is very difficult, but these simple 3 steps will help when you feel that attachment is already on the brink.

Step 1: Remove Responsibility

This is perhaps the hardest step. Recognize that it is NOT meant to relieve suffering. He simply doesn't have to. This is your life and your feelings. Your problems. The good news is that you can heal yourself!

Stop being a little girl and thinking that you are not capable of anything, even if your parents and partner instilled this in you. The first thing you must do for yourself is to stop thinking that power over you is in their hands.

The power over yourself and your desires is in your hands, getting rid of infantilism is also

Step 2: Admit your dislike

Love is complete acceptance of a person and the ability to penetrate his soul, no matter how pompous it may sound. But “sick” love, codependency and attachment have nothing in common with normal relationships.

True love for your partner begins with yourself. Remember? “Love your neighbor as yourself.”

That is, first you need to love yourself, and only then your neighbor.

And if you don’t love yourself - and since you’re codependent, that means you don’t love yourself - then how can you love another person? The sooner you admit that there is no love in your relationship, the sooner.

Step 3: Focus on yourself

Someone wise said: “If you feel bad, then the Universe is hinting that it’s time to move to a new level. Suffering is a call to explore and study oneself, and not a reason for despondency.”

Look inside yourself, because you are the center of your world. Forget about what your partner thinks - at least for a couple of days. Forget about how he feels, what he wants and how he looks at you. I don't care what's going on in his head.

It sounds harsh, but the truth is that your partner's opinion will only matter when you fall in love.

And to fall in love, you need to find harmony in yourself. Study yourself, work on yourself. When you find the real motives for your behavior, any addictions will go away on their own.

Responsibility for your own happiness

Most often, those who are accustomed to shifting responsibility to others end up in a codependent relationship. Such people often remain childish throughout their lives or demand from their partner excessive care, attention, or even worse - to take over responsibility for their happiness.

Like a well-coordinated business, they always have someone who is responsible for their peace of mind, happiness, and well-being. The only “trick” is that your own happiness cannot be delegated.

They offer you a hand as you step down the steps, and instead of gracefully accepting the beautiful gesture, you lean all your weight on your hand. If you are, then no one will pull you.

And the point here is not about love, but about the fact that every person should be able to walk independently. For your own good.

Developing yourself as an individual, as a woman, tracking your thoughts, feelings and experiences is the only way to happiness. Once you turn your attention inward, your world will begin to change.

Start to recognize yourself and understand the reasons and reactions to certain situations in your life. More practice - more understanding. And the more you know yourself, the more freedom you will have in your life.

Yaroslav Samoilov, psychologist, relationship expert, creator of the online educational project “Growth Phase”.

Know that this situation happens in the life of almost every girl. At least once for sure. And this is a normal stage of a relationship, which only means that this is not your person. If you are often abandoned, this is also a signal that you should analyze your behavior and try to improve. However, there are always two people to blame for a breakup, so you shouldn’t put all the blame for being abandoned on your character or appearance.

It is important not to focus on the breakup, but to understand how to learn to be happy without him:

  • Change your image. Do what you've been dreaming of for so long - change your hair color from brunette to blonde, get eyelash extensions, or even get a tattoo. Surely yours ex-boyfriend were you against tattoos? And many others really like them!
  • Go on a date. Thanks to dating sites, it's easier than ever. No one is forcing you to start a serious relationship again, but why not spend a nice evening with a new man and take your mind off your sorrows?
  • Enjoy all the delights of single life. Now you can watch girly TV shows, have ice cream for lunch, have salad for dinner, invite your friends for a sleepover, sleep until lunch and much, much more. You don't have to cook a ton of food, clean up all the time and try to please your man. Have time to relax while you don't have a boyfriend!
  • Find a new hobby. For example, start running. In the running club you can easily find many new acquaintances, most of whom, of course, will be guys. They will be happy to help a new girl get involved in the sport, choose sneakers and take part in her first real race. With all your new worries, you will forget to think about that loser who abandoned such an athletic and purposeful beauty like you.

How to live without a loved one if he died

In this difficult situation, the first thought is often: “”. This is a natural and absolutely normal stage of experiencing deep loss. If this happens to you, first of all give yourself time. Such a wound will not heal quickly. At first it will be difficult for you to enjoy even the best things that happen around you. But, believe me, it will become easier later. Here are some ways to help you feel a little better and understand how to learn to live without your loved one:

  • Contact a psychologist. A specialist will help you better than friends and relatives. Don’t be shy about going to a psychologist, especially if it’s been a while since the loss. more than a year and you still feel bad and very lonely.
  • Discuss emotions on the forum. On the Internet you will definitely find girls who have experienced a similar situation and were able to find a way out of it by understanding how to live without a loved one. They will support you and tell you about their experiences that can be useful for you.
  • Start helping others. Good deeds fill our lives with meaning. There are many people in the world who are worse off than you. Become a volunteer and travel to Orphanage on weekends, start helping a charity foundation, conduct master classes, walk with older people - all this does not require financial costs, but it does require time and participation. This will help you distract yourself and forget about your problems.

We hope that these tips will help you understand how to move on without your loved one. And not just live, but enjoy life and be happy every day, because there are a million reasons for this.