Vadim Kazachenko: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo. Kazachenko’s wife wrote a letter full of bitterness to Vadim’s ex-lover, a real “cry from the soul” What about the child

Last year, the wife of the 90s star Vadim Kazachenko, Olga, spoke in the studio of the “Let Them Talk” program about how she was expecting a child. However, the man stated that his marriage was fictitious. Over the course of several months, the court either declared their union invalid or took the woman’s side. In April of this year, the singer married his director Irina Amanti.

In March of this year, Olga gave birth to a son, Philip. She assures that Vadim Kazachenko does not communicate with the baby. Today she and her mother appeared again in the Let Them Talk studio to talk about how this situation is now developing.

“We are a normal Moscow family. I gave my children everything - cars, apartments. Is this really a dream - an elderly “downed pilot,” said Olga’s mother Natalya.

The woman said that she was against her daughter’s marriage to the artist and tried in every possible way to dissuade her from a rash step. However, Olga still decided to connect her fate with the famous artist and give birth to a son from him.

“Philip’s last name is Kazachenko, just like mine. I gave birth to a loved one, I don’t know what happened to him next,” admitted the musician’s ex-wife.

However, not all the guests in the studio take Olga’s side. They believe that the girl should have noticed Vadim’s close communication with his director Irina. Moreover, the artist’s representative claims that she was constantly with him.

“No need to vulgarize, I didn’t interfere with any family,” said Kazachenko, breaking into a scream.

Journalist Evgenia Kirichenko appeared in the studio and said that Vadim Kazachenko was not faithful to either Irina or Olga, and communicated with big amount their fans. She admitted that her former boss Marina also admired the artist’s work and met him on the forum. Evgenia remembered what the artist told her friend beautiful words. Kirichenko even vacated the apartment so that Marina and Vadim could have a private meeting.

Olga Kazachenko’s lawyers Katya Gordon and Yulia Yudina said that according to the latest ruling, the artist’s marriage to a fan was recognized as legal. Talk show host Dmitry Borisov asked whether the woman in this case was ready to give the singer a divorce.

“When the time comes, he will come for a divorce. I don’t want to know him, for me he doesn’t exist as a man, I won’t comment,” Olga said.

Vadim Kazachenko was born on July 13, 1963 in the city of Poltava. Fame came to him in the 1990s, when Russia was in decline. Despite life's difficulties, Vadim achieved stunning success; his songs were played on TV and radio.

Vadim Gennadievich, as a child, already dreamed of the stage and dreamed of becoming a professional musician. Thanks to his beautiful voice and good hearing, he gathered crowds of adults in his city who listened to his songs with pleasure.

At some point, the idea came to him to realize himself in the musical direction. Vadim organized his first group called “VIA” and began performing at various youth concerts, discos and other events. Then the whole of Poltava started talking about him, success found the singer himself.

Kazachenko began his professional career in the mid-1980s, when he changed five famous philharmonic societies. However, after several years of wandering, luck smiled on him - Vadim was invited to the Freestyle group. Over two years of working with the creative team, Kazachenko recorded four albums and a large number of hits.

In the early 1990s, the singer decided to independently promote himself in show business and began a solo career. As a result, he reached the maximum level, recording seven albums. Moreover, he managed to attract famous composers and poets to his project, including Malezhik and Ukupnik. Personalities such as Belkin and Shaganov also collaborated with him.

Vadim Kazachenko: personal life, biography

According to Kazachenko, in the 1990s he worked extremely hard and did not even have time to rest or organize a vacation. But the whole Russian Federation heard about the singer, his hits were played in every bar, restaurant and other in public places. The most striking and memorable songs were the following works: “Bless on the long journey”, “On a flying horse”, “Alien” and “Cinderella”.

In the 2000s, Kazachenko’s popularity fell, and some print media reported the singer’s imminent death. At that moment, a rumor was started about Vadim’s serious illness. However, he was able to survive this period and in 2005 he again shone on stage. A little later, Vadim pleased his fans with several albums: “Two Shores of One Fate,” “Superstar 2008” and “...But It Doesn’t Hurt Me.” All these tracks proved only one thing: the singer is alive, well and ready to surprise fans with his creative works.

Relationships and family of Vadim Kazachenko

Vadim Kazachenko met his love at the age of 21, the singer’s wife turned out to be Marina from Poltava. Soon they had a daughter, Marianna. It is worth noting that raising a child and making a career was very difficult, so this period of life turned out to be difficult for both parents. When the singer went to Moscow to work, he left his wife and daughter in Poltava, since he did not have the means to rent housing.

This separation led to the couple separating. But Vadim did not feel sad about this and quickly found himself new lover. He dated Zhanna for more than five years, but was never able to build a relationship with her. serious relationship, because creativity took time and effort. Kazachenko was absorbed in his work, he had to constantly tour the country, participate in events and hold meetings with fans. This lifestyle did not fit well with family responsibilities and everyday life.

He met another love in the USA, when he was in this country on tour. Irina Amanti was just a friend at first, but then Vadim suddenly proposed a wedding. The businesswoman could not keep the singer near her, and two years later they broke up. Let us remember that Irina in America was a co-owner of Russian Radio and helped the artist in every possible way with his career. Amanti was sure that everything would work out with Kazachenko, but fate decreed otherwise.

In 2014, Vadim told the media about his new relationship with Olga Martynova. That same year they got married. Despite the fact that the poetess Martynova was much younger than Kazachenko, their feelings were alive and sincere. It is known that last year, Olga announced that they had problems in their family that were interfering with their relationship. Because of this, a rumor was started that the famous couple wanted to file for divorce.

Successes and defeats in personal life Vadim Kazachenko

Such a romantic person as Vadim could not help but fall in love and not lose his head over women. All his life he was surrounded by fans, seeking reciprocity, but Kazachenko could not build family happiness, making attempt after attempt:

  • When Vadim lived in Poltava, he met Marina, with whom he fell in love at first sight. Future star The stage was then in its 21st year. The girl reciprocated, it couldn’t have been otherwise, the guy knew how to look after beautifully. The couple officially formalized their relationship. The young wife gave birth to her husband's daughter. They named the girl Marianna. The love somehow subsided, everyday difficulties began. It was very difficult to provide for a family, raise a daughter and make a career. Vadim made his choice and went to Moscow. The wife and child remained in Poltava. At a distance, the relationship between the spouses completely went wrong, and they soon divorced.
  • Divorced Kazachenko did not suffer for long. Soon a new darling named Zhanna appeared on his path. The love relationship between the young people lasted about 5 years. At that time, the singer devoted all his strength to creativity. He had many concerts, business meetings, and tours. Naturally, the creation did not fit into such a cycle. new family with everyday life and responsibilities. The union of Zhanna and Vadim never took place; the couple did not reach the registry office.
  • Another flame of love flared up when the singer was on tour in America. At first, Vadim had just a friendly relationship with Irina Amanti, love suddenly surged, Kazachenko immediately decided to take his chosen one down the aisle. Irina contributed to her husband’s career. Despite such support, 2 years later he separated from his American wife.
  • In 2014, the singer played his third wedding. His wife was Olga Martynova. This talented poetess is much younger than her famous husband, but this did not in any way affect the reciprocity in the couple. About a year ago, Olga told the press that her marriage with Vadim was on the verge of breaking.

It is unknown what problems interfere with the happiness of the spouses. Let's hope that the singer will still find his soul mate.

Vadim Kazachenko and Irina Amanti once again became guests of a talk show, where their love triangle, the third in which is the young wife of the artist Olga Martynova. Kazachenko stated that Martynova constantly spreads rumors and other information about him that discredits his honor and dignity. “Today my beloved wife Irina is with me. There is little left - to put all the dots according to the law, in court,” said the artist.


While Amanti was running around the experts sitting in the studio, showing them various documents and certificates, Olga Martynova’s friend Evgenia Kirichenko appeared in the studio. She stood in front of Kazachenko and attacked him with insults. “Vadim, you are a pig. You are a bigamist, you have two wives! I have the right to say this,” Kirichenko said. Amanti immediately came to the singer’s defense. Vadim left the studio amid much fanfare, holding his heart.

Backstage, the artist was helped by ambulance workers - they measured his blood pressure and did a cardiogram (after all, Kazachenko, they say, had one micro-infarction). Soon the singer returned to the studio. The climax of the show was the appearance of Olga Martynova. She sat down not far from Amanti and loudly declared that she was extremely dissatisfied with the large number of lawsuits filed against her by the artist.

Kazachenko, Amanti and Martynova staged a verbal altercation. Other program participants and experts surrounded them so that they would not move from words to a showdown with fists. Vadim felt bad again, and Amanti told him to leave the studio. "Vadik, get out of here!" – Irina ordered the artist. He, holding his heart, immediately moved to the wings. Host Dmitry Borisov announced the end of the show and promised that in the next episode the showdown between Kazachenko and his women will continue.

In a fresh interview, Amanti announced that Kazachenko is temporarily incapacitated. “Vadim is now exhausted and cannot work. He suffered a second micro-infarction,” Irina said. Kazachenko is trying with all his might to drown out the scandal with his young wife.

"Let's stop inflating this story in the public space, where it is full of rumors and unreliable information. Everything should end calmly - in court. The child is almost eight months old, there have never been any threats against Olga. This is a lie, a provocation and part PR campaigns ex-wife", Kazachenko quotes

Met Vadim Kazachenko And Olga Martynova V 2005 year, she was 23 years old, and he 42 . Vadim Kazachenko after some oblivion, he decided to start winning back his audience, began with performances in clubs and at all sorts of city events, created an Internet forum, where young women and young girls, among the connoisseurs of the singer’s talent was Olga Martynova. Initially communication Vadim And Olga it was friendly, but I immediately liked the pretty girl Kazachenko, but he did not undertake to seduce her, after all, she was next to him at that moment Irina Amanti. WITH Irina Amanti Vadim Kazachenko met in 1995 year, then she lived in USA, owned her own business, was married to an Italian millionaire, but in 2005 year Irina Amanti left her tyrant husband and returned to her homeland in Russia. Irina And Vadim began to live under one roof, she became for him not only his beloved woman, but also a director, producer, sold her business to America and invested all the proceeds in the revival of the singer Vadim Kazachenko.

In the meantime Olga Martynova became closer and closer to the singer, in 2008 year he met her in person for the first time. Olga Martynova before meeting Vadim Kazachenko did not live in poverty, her family owned several apartments in Moscow which she successfully passed, herself Olga did not work, although she had an economic education. IN 2012 year Vadim Kazachenko a difficult period began, his once beloved woman Irina Amanti suffered a spinal injury, took hormonal injections, gained a lot of weight, became nervous and irritable.

well and Olga Martynova at this time she was blooming: slender, long-legged, young; naturally, that of aging Vadim Kazachenko was drawn to this charming girl, at that moment he thought little about the fact that he and this girl were too different, he wanted to be admired, to know that he was still capable of seducing first-class beauties. In general, I fell in love Vadim Kazachenko in earnest, and at the moment when Irina Amanti left again for USA on business, he, without thinking twice, invited Olga live with yourself. Olga noticed that the famous singer’s apartment is simply not suitable for living, according to the girl, it’s a love nest Vadim And Irina She was simply shocked; literally everything had to be redone. The renovation took a year and a half. Myself Kazachenko does not deny that the apartment was neglected, but because they Irina They were on tour all the time, they had absolutely no time to take care of everyday life.

But in his interviews Irina Amanti emphasizes that she was a very caring wife, stroked Vadim shirts, packed his suitcases, fried cheesecakes for his beloved. After a while Irina decided to return from USA, especially since the director Vadim She did not stop being, but she had nowhere to return; she had already been replaced as her mistress by another.

Irina Amanti I decided to step aside and let myself enjoy my Vadim his new passion. Here, female pride played its part, and the inability to do anything about this situation.

IN 2014 year Vadim Kazachenko And Olga Martynova got married, and although the singer now claims that this marriage was not for love and it was literally his force MARRIAGE REGISTRY pulled in like a bull on a rope, however, there is a wedding video that shows how happy the newlyweds are, and if Olga rejoices perhaps simply from the fact of marriage that has happened, then what Vadim Kazachenko he is in love, visible to the naked eye, he kisses his wife’s fingers, reverently strokes her back, eats her with his eyes, pronounces fiery toasts, claims that he is experiencing such a feeling for the first time and is marrying for love, and not for circumstances.

In this photo you see Vadim Kazachenko and his daughter Marianna.

By circumstances he means his first marriage, then he was 21 year, and the pregnant bride 18 , as a result of that marriage a daughter was born Marianne, who now lives in Germany.

Well, here it is, wedding, rings, happiness in the eyes Vadim Kazachenko, but all this did not last long, soon the newlyweds realized that they would not be able to live together, Vadim I'm on the road all the time, the renovation of the apartment is still unfinished, my wife lives with her mother, a real family doesn't work out, especially since Olga I didn’t want to burden myself with cooking food and ironing shirts. But nevertheless, they saw each other regularly, there were intimate relationships between them, though Kazachenko insists that his wife came to him only to receive an impressive wad of money at the end of sexual intercourse. Be that as it may, but Vadim Kazachenko began to think that he had made a mistake in choosing his legal wife, he began to understand that his wife should have been Irina Amanti, who was with him both in sorrow and in joy, became a truly close person, he now calls her nothing more than a karmic wife. Olga Martynova she felt something was wrong and for some reason decided to urgently get pregnant, although her husband’s entire attitude towards her indicated that they would not be together. Vadim Kazachenko insists that Olga deceived him - she hid her pregnancy until the 4th month. But excuse me, if she hadn’t hidden it, he still wouldn’t have forced her to have an abortion, but he could have easily driven her to a miscarriage with his mental torment. All in all Vadim Kazachenko abandoned both his wife and child, he crossed them out of his life and returned to his beautiful Irina Amandi, and the court found them with Olga the marriage was fictitious and the spouses were divorced, Martynova appealed the court decision and won the case, so Vadim Kazachenko became a polygamist, because he had already become ringed with an undying Irina.

To be honest, I don't like a single character in this story, the whole drama is dirty, sticky and disgusting, and none of the participants are worthy of respect. This trio aired all their dirty laundry "Let them talk", and before the altercation in the studio Vadim Kazachenko over the phone he demanded that his wife have an abortion. What would you like to take away from this whole story? Aging men need to be careful with their desires, every macho reaches an age when he wants to see a fresh young body next to him, some fight with themselves, come up with some way out of the situation in order to revive their relationship with their wife, but others leave the family, have mistresses and very often fall into their cleverly placed networks, as a result everyone suffers: husband, wife, mistress, children. Men should always think first of all with their heads, because everyone knows that as soon as a pretty woman puts on a mini, deep neckline show their luxurious breasts, how men are ready to follow them to the nearest bed or registry office without realizing that by doing so they are starting a new, but not always happy life.

On this photo Olga Martynova and her mother are joyfully touched by their son Vadim Kazachenko.

On this photo Vadim Kazachenko with my daughter Marianna, now my daughter is already an adult woman, she has her own children.

In this photo you see Vadim Kazachenko, holding his daughter’s child in his arms, not so long ago the famous singer became a grandfather.

And in this photo Vadim Kazachenko in young age.

Vadim Gennadievich Kazachenko. Born on July 13, 1963 in Poltava. Russian singer. Honored Artist Russian Federation (2011).

In his youth, he was seriously involved in swimming, competed for the youth team of Poltava, and often went to training camps and competitions. I devoted six years to swimming - until the very end of school.

At the same time, he was interested in music. From the age of 14 he was a member of an amateur school vocal and instrumental ensemble.

At some point, he said, he had to make a choice. “I had a choice: music or sports. I chose music. After all, sports are a little rough for me, I’m a soft person, a little romantic, it’s hard for me to count life in seconds. And then, I really value comfort, but this is not linked to constant training, training camps and competitions,” the artist recalled.

He played with amateur groups in restaurants, at weddings, proms in his native Poltava.

He worked in the philharmonic societies of Kursk, Barnaul, and even in the Amur region.

Since 1985 on the professional stage. In the same year he moved to Moscow. He worked as an entertainer in a variety show.

Then he was invited to work with the ensemble "Festival" under the leadership of Maxim Dunaevsky - a legendary group that recorded music for the films “D’Artagnan and the Three Musketeers”, “Sold Laughter”, “Carnival”. Of course, I left the variety show. In 1987-1989 - vocalist of VIA "Festival". “It so happened that I left the Festival group because the musicians stopped understanding each other - each of the 12 participants suddenly wanted to play in their own style, and the unity of the group collapsed,” said the singer.

Then great luck came to him: an invitation to perform with the group "Freestyle", then left without a soloist. “Freestyle” with soloist Vadim Kazachenko recorded four albums, in which there were “golden” hits “Farewell forever, last love...”, “Red-haired girl”, “Last candle”, “White blizzard”, “God will punish you”, “It hurts me, it hurts...” and many others.

The popularity was incredible. “In a matter of months, popularity came - we performed at stadiums, and we were literally torn to pieces. It was impossible to walk down the street, people rushed in with conversations and questions, waiting at the entrance,” he said.

He was the lead singer of the Freestyle group during 1989-1991. In 1991, the song “It hurts me, it hurts!” was released, which became business card singer

In 1992, Vadim Kazachenko left Freestyle and began a solo career.

Vadim Kazachenko - It hurts me, it hurts

In 1993, his debut solo album “All over again” was released. In 1995 - the album “Bless”. In 1999, the album “Night Rains” appeared.

Such famous composers as Vladimir Matetsky, Arkady Ukupnik and Vyacheslav Malezhik collaborated with the singer. The authors of the lyrics of the songs performed by Vadim were Alexander Shaganov, Yulia Kadysheva and Grigory Belkin. The artist’s touring schedule in the 1990s was extremely intense, with almost no days off. Songs such as “Yellow Night”, “Cinderella”, “Alien”, “Bless on the Long Journey”, “On a Flying Horse”, and others became hits.

Then he disappeared from the stage and TV screens for some time.

“In order not to become mentally ill, at the end of the 90s I stepped aside. For seven years I lived in the pop noise and din of the stage, in an endless number of television filmings. And suddenly I realized that I could do just fine without show business. With From 1998 to 2001, I did not give publicity concerts in the country. I only went out with commissioned performances on city days. professional holidays miners and metallurgists. I felt very tired. I decided to take a break so as not to stop loving my job,” he explained.

He spent some time in Germany, where his first wife and daughter live. Once he even saved a girl: “The studio where I worked was in Leipzig, and I lived outside the city, after recording I was returning home by car, driving along the river bank, it seems like some tributary of the famous Elbe. The road runs almost right next to river, and I watched with pleasure the quiet flow of the river. At first I didn’t even pay attention to the girl floundering in the water, I saw her again in the rearview mirror and only then realized that she was drowning. The natural impulse of a normal man is to come to the rescue. I, in what I was wearing, boots, trousers, a shirt, waved into the water. In general, it was not difficult for me to pull the girl ashore, after all, it was not for nothing that I was taught to swim for six whole years,” he said.

In the 2000s it made itself felt again. In 2007, the album “Two Shores of One Fate” was released. In 2008 he took part in the show “Superstar-2008”. In 2011, he was awarded the title “Honored Artist of the Russian Federation” and released the album “...and it doesn’t hurt me!” The artist’s solo concert dedicated to the 25th anniversary of his professional work took place at the Kremlin Palace.

In 2014 he took part in the popular show “One to one!”, and in 2016 - repeated participation in the program “One to One! Battle of the Seasons." Transforming himself now into Louis Armstrong, now into Sofia Rotaru, now into Garik Sukachev, the artist gained wide success among television viewers.

At one time he played for star football teams: “Starko”, “Fortune”, “Artist”. An active football fan, he supports Real Madrid; he has no favorites among Russian clubs.

Also loves fishing and driving.

Nothing is known about the singer’s political leanings. “I have never participated in political events or pre-election concerts. But, alas, being outside of politics, I found myself, as it were, out of time,” he noted.

“Life has no subjunctive mood. Yes, not everything was smooth, but I have a happy artistic destiny. I live by the principle “tomorrow will be better than yesterday,” realizing that for this you need to work a lot”, says the artist.

Vadim Kazachenko's height: 178 centimeters.

Personal life of Vadim Kazachenko:

I got married for the first time at the age of 21. The wife's name was Marina. As the singer explained, he got married because the girl became pregnant: “Actually, that’s why Marina and I got married - it turned out that there would be a child, and we immediately signed.”

The couple had a daughter, Marianna.

Family life I was upset when the artist moved to pursue a career in Moscow. Soon they officially broke up. After their divorce, Marina married again, and a few years later she left with her friend and daughter Marianna to work in Poland, then they moved to Germany, where they still live.

Daughter Marianna is now married, has her own small business, Marianna does not have her own children, but together with her husband they are raising her husband’s daughter from his first marriage.

In Moscow, he met a girl named Zhanna, with whom he lived for five years. They broke up when he began performing in the Freestyle group. “That’s when Zhanna left me. She couldn’t come to terms with such a life. We met when I was a modest worker at a variety show, and then suddenly I became a celebrity. She couldn’t stand it,” he recalled.

“Indeed, the whole country was gossiping about our relationship with Tanya. In fact, it was a typical “office romance.” I left “Freestyle” and took up a solo career. Tanya, like me, toured a lot, we often participated in the same the same concerts. Our relationship began by chance. Tanya was going through a difficult period - her beloved went to visit Australia and disappeared. Then it turned out that he simply decided not to return,” the artist shared.

Once in the USA he met businesswoman Irina Amanti, co-owner of Russian Radio in America. She became his de facto wife and director for many years.

In April 2014, Vadim Kazachenko married Olga Martynova. She is almost 20 years younger than Vadim. In December 2016. According to the girl, when she showed him the ultrasound data, Vadim told her: “have an abortion, we’ll get a divorce and each live our own lives.”

In the next program, which aired two weeks later, trying to prove that each of them is real wife Kazachenko. Kazachenko himself has already participated in the third program.

Olga Martynova - wife of Vadim Kazachenko

Discography of Vadim Kazachenko:

in the "Freestyle" group:

1989 - “Get it!”
1989 - “Get it!” Double-2"
1990 - “Get it!” Double-3"
1991 - “Get it!” Double-4"


1993 - “All over again”
1995 - “Bless”
1996 - “Good riddance”
1996 - “Farewell forever...”
1999 - “Night Rains”
2007 - “Two shores of one fate”
2011 - “...but it doesn’t hurt me!”