Children help their parents around the house. Household chores and distribution of family responsibilities. Labor education of a child: the main mistakes of parents

Should children help their parents?? Many parents believe that it is not necessary to burden children household chores. They think that housework will rob children of a carefree childhood that comes only once. Often, parents who come to a psychologist for a consultation believe that schooling is enough for their children and, apart from that, they do not need anything from their children.

However, as a family psychologist, the author of this note Olga Zeitlin believes that it is much more important that when children help their parents, performing household duties, they will feel needed in the family, able to make their own contribution to family well-being and therefore be its full members.

In counseling, she helps parents understand that by teaching children responsibility for household chores, we develop their social interest and prepare them to take responsibility outside the home.

Children, which help parents and have their own household chores usually do better in school because they interact better with teachers. Without such training, children become consumers and in the future only want to receive something from other people. They just sit at home and wait for someone to come and give them what they want. Sometimes these children get the feeling that they are something of themselves only when someone serves them.

Based on their experience and life situations, adults can come up with a lot of different things that a child can do for the benefit of the family. But sometimes parents are at a loss, not knowing what can be entrusted to children, so the author further gives an approximate list of household chores for children. different ages, which were taken with minor changes in the book "Family Counseling" by B. B. Grunwald, G. V. Macaby. So what children help around the house at different ages:

Household chores for a 3 year old

Collect and put the toys in the appropriate place.

Put books and magazines on the shelf.

Take napkins, plates and cutlery to the table.

Dispose of leftover crumbs after meals.

Clear your seat at the table.

Brush your teeth, wash and dry your hands and face, comb your hair.

Undress yourself, with a little help - get dressed.

Wipe away the traces of "childish surprise" behind you.

Bring small products to the desired shelf, put things on the bottom shelf.

Household chores for a four year old

Serve the table, including good plates.

Help put away groceries.

Under the supervision of a parent, help in buying cereals, pasta, sugar, cookies, sweets, bread.

Schedule food for pets.

Help clean up the garden and yard.

Help make and make the bed.

Help wash dishes or help load the dishwasher.

Wipe off the dust.

Spread butter on bread. Prepare cold breakfasts (cereals, milk, juice, crackers).

Help prepare a simple dessert (put a decoration on a cake, add jam to ice cream).

Share toys with friends.

Get mail out of the mailbox.

Play at home without constant supervision and without the constant attention of adults.

Hang socks and handkerchiefs to dry.

Help folding towels.

Household chores for a 5 year old

Help plan food preparation and grocery shopping.

Make your own sandwiches or a simple breakfast and clean up after yourself.

Pour yourself a drink.

Serve a dinner table.

Pluck lettuce and greens from the garden.

Add some ingredients to the recipe.

Make and make the bed, clean the room.

Get dressed and put away your own clothes.

Clean sink, toilet and tub.

Wipe mirrors.

Sort laundry for washing. Fold white separately, color separately.

Fold and put away clean linen.

To answer phone calls.

Help clean up the apartment.

Pay for small purchases.

Help wash the car.

Help take out the trash.

Decide for yourself how to spend your part of the family money intended for entertainment.

Feed your pet and clean up after him.

Tie your own shoelaces.

Household Responsibilities of a 6-Year-Old Child (First Grade)

Choose your own clothes according to the weather or for a specific occasion.

Vacuum the carpet.

Water flowers and plants.

Clean vegetables.

Prepare simple meals (hot sandwiches, boiled eggs).

Pack things for school.

Help hang laundry on a clothesline.

Hang your clothes in the wardrobe.

Collect firewood for the fire.

Gather dry leaves with a rake, weed weeds.

Walk pets.

Be responsible for your minor wounds.

Taking out the trash.

Tidy up the drawer where cutlery is stored.

Set the table.

Household Responsibilities of a Seven-Year-Old Child (Second Grade)

Lubricate the bike, take care of it. Lock it in a dedicated place when not in use.

Receive phone messages and record them.

Be on parcels with parents.

Wash your dog or cat.

Train pets.

Carry groceries.

Get up in the morning and go to bed at night without being reminded.

Be polite and courteous to other people.

Leave the bathroom and toilet in order.

Iron simple things.

Household Responsibilities for an Eight- and Nine-Year-Old Child (Third Grade)

Correctly fold napkins and lay out cutlery.

Clean the floor.

Help rearrange furniture, plan the arrangement of furniture with adults.

Fill your own bath.

Help others (if asked) in work.

Organize your closets and drawers.

Buy clothes and shoes for yourself with the help of your parents, choose clothes and shoes.

Change school clothes for clean ones without being reminded.
Fold up blankets.

Sew on buttons.

Sew up torn seams.

Clean out the closet.

Clean up after animals.

Get acquainted with recipes for cooking simple dishes and learn how to cook them.

Cut flowers and prepare a vase for bouquets.

Gather fruits from trees.

Kindle Fire. Prepare everything you need for cooking on a campfire.

Paint the fence or shelves.

Write simple letters.

Write thank you cards.

Feed the baby.

Bathe younger sisters or brothers.

Polish the furniture in the living room.

Household Responsibilities for a Nine- and Ten-Year-Old Child (Fourth Grade)

Change bed sheets and put dirty laundry in the basket.

Know how to operate a washer and dryer.

measure out washing powder and fabric softener.

Buy groceries from a list.

Cross the street on your own.

Come to appointments on your own if you can walk or bike there.

Bake cookies from semi-finished products in boxes.

Prepare food for the family.

Receive your mail and reply to it.

Prepare tea, coffee or juice, pour into cups.

Make a visit.

Plan your birthday or other holidays.

Be able to provide basic first aid.

Wash the family car.

Learn to be thrifty and economical.

Household Responsibilities for a Ten- and Eleven-Year-Old Child (Fifth Grade)

Earn money on your own.

Don't be afraid to stay at home alone.

Manage some amount of money responsibly.

Know how to ride the bus.

Responsible for personal hobbies.

Eleven- and Twelve-Year-Old Household Responsibilities (Sixth Grade)

Be able to take on leadership responsibilities outside the home.

Help put little brothers and sisters to bed.

Do your own work.

Mow lawn.

Help father with construction, crafts, and household chores.

Clean stove and oven.

Manage your own study time.

Home duties of high school students

IN school days going to bed at a certain time (in agreement with the parents).

Take charge of cooking for the whole family.

Have an idea about healthy way life: eat healthy food, maintain the right weight, get regular medical check-ups.

Anticipate the needs of others and take appropriate action.

Have realistic ideas about possibilities and limits.

Consistently implement the decisions made.

Show mutual respect, devotion and honesty in all respects.

Make as little money as possible.

How to organize it

Do not ask children to do anything. Just once discuss what they could take on and assign them their responsibilities. You don't have to become a drill sergeant among recruits, but at the end of the day you are the boss.

Do not force children to do something out of the blue. Remember that part of their work is based on trust. Tell them what needs to be done and let them know how confident you are that they can do it. When they feel that they are really helping, it is very interesting to watch them.

Many have a schedule hanging in the kitchen, which lists all the daily duties of children. It indicates the days of the week and the tasks that children must complete on that day. This schedule is very helpful in guiding the children without having to remind them of anything. They can look at the schedule at any time and see what they have to do. Yes, it's not exactly the ideal scheme, but the schedule definitely helps.

Whether it is necessary to burden the child with household chores is an ambiguous question for many parents. On the one hand, not so long ago, by the age of 7, a child was already so independent that he could be considered a full-fledged assistant in the family (go to the store, clean up the apartment, and sit with younger children), and such upbringing was in the order of things. On the other hand, the current trend to give a child a carefree childhood is a kind of trend that seems to be followed. Helping a child around the house is often seen as the exploitation of child labor, something that interferes with the full flow of childhood.

Of course life modern child often very saturated with various circles and sections. And the parents believe that it will be too much to impose any more duties on him. Yes, and it is much easier to do all the necessary things in the household on your own, without the awkward attempts of the child to help.

However, does this approach positive result? Unfortunately, not always. Protecting a child from household chores leads to a delay in his social and personal development. Such children, growing up, often suffer from increased egocentrism, inadequate self-esteem and dissatisfaction with the quality of their lives. After all, without learning in childhood the significance of labor and help, the child cannot adequately assess the conditions created for him in the family, and does not realize the happiness of his childhood.

3 advantages of labor education of a child

Development of self-respect. Psychological studies show that children who perform certain household duties feel necessary and significant in the family, therefore they have an adequately high self-esteem, are not afraid of difficulties and are ready to cooperate with others.

Self-discipline. Household duties of the child are taught to calculate their strength. First, an adult helps him, consistently giving the baby feasible tasks, and then he himself learns to divide the big task facing him into small, but quite doable steps. For example, you need to water the flowers. To do this, pour water into the jar, let it settle, then take the jar and carefully water the flowers.

Preparation for school. The helper child comes to school age prepared for the need not only to receive something from others, but also to make an effort to achieve a result. All the victories of the kid (self-tied shoelaces, peeled potatoes, washed plate) are necessary for him to prove to himself and to everyone that he is capable of much.

The child helps around the house: how to distribute responsibilities?

Only the parents themselves, based on the individual characteristics of the child and the living conditions of the family, will be best able to come up with things that the baby will do with pleasure. However, there are some tips for adults in this matter.

1 year. "I'm looking." Toddlers begin to show an active interest in what their parents do at home, already after a year, when they have the physical ability to move independently. At this age, they are happy to play with the pans they have obtained, study the household appliances that have come across, copy the actions of their mother with rags and napkins.

2–3 years. "I want to help!" Children are already insistently asking to be allowed to do housework. What can be entrusted to the baby at this age? Self-service duties: wash, brush teeth, undress and dress (at least in general terms), put clothes on your shelf, etc. Tidying up: put your toys back in place, collect crumbs from the table with a rag. To increase the interest of the crumbs in household chores, mom can bring an element of the game into any business. For example, a crane made of children's hands will help to put the toys in their places, and during the evening washing, the clean fairy will come to visit.

4 years. "I can do a lot!" The child is already able to cope with real things: help pick up a grocery basket in the supermarket, load washing machine, hang up and remove clothes from the dryer, wipe the dust, etc. Always praise the baby and thank him for his help.

5 years. "Can I help you tomorrow?" At this age, a child can become a full-fledged assistant to an adult in all household chores, so parents can only choose the circle of his activities. However, it is during this period that children often wake up unwillingness to fulfill their duties. In this case, it would be useful to use more stringent methods of education, that is, to require the fulfillment of duties. The main thing is that such an approach should still be applied briefly and situationally.

Labor education of a child: the main mistakes of parents

Unfortunately, a situation often arises when parents seem to be ready to entrust the performance of any household duties to a child, but he is not eager to help. But even in such a situation, the reasons for the behavior of the baby are more dependent on the parents themselves, so they should be recognized in time.

- Lack of a positive reaction to the efforts of the baby. The first attempts of the baby to help mom and dad are often clumsy and lead to even more trouble, so parents often dismiss his efforts or reproach him for carelessness and the consequences received from help. And then the child loses the desire to offer his help, because instead of approval, he is afraid to receive criticism again.

- There are no living conditions. It is unlikely that the baby will retain the desire and initiative to help around the house if he physically requires the intervention of an adult to perform certain actions. For example, a broom and a dustpan are too large and are stored in an inaccessible place, there are no coasters or stools, toys are on the top shelves of the rack. Sometimes it is enough to make the house comfortable for the child, so that he feels like a master in it and shows responsibility for order.

- Lack of clear household chores for the child. Constancy is necessary for young children, it is the basis of their safety and comfort. Therefore, if parents irregularly and unexpectedly for the child remember that he needs to put away toys or take dirty dishes to the sink, the baby will resist.

- Misperception of responsibilities. Very often, work, especially domestic, domestic, is presented by adults from the negative side, as something forced and uninteresting. Therefore, the child develops an idea of ​​household duties as a punishment rather than a privilege. Parents themselves need to fall in love with household chores so that the baby is happy to connect to them.

- Feelings of guilt in parents. It happens that parents, due to their employment, feel guilty before the baby, so they are not internally sure that they have the right to burden him with household chores. A child from infancy is a wonderful manipulator, subtly feeling the weaknesses of his parents and skillfully using them. Therefore, adults themselves must first gain confidence in the correctness of their requirements, so that the baby can adequately perceive them.

The best thing that parents can do for their baby is to see in him a personality, complete and independent, and create conditions for him to feel needed and significant.

Is your toddler easily distracted and forgets about his responsibilities? In this case, it is worth providing for him some noticeable reminder, for example, a multi-colored chamomile, where each petal is painted and glued after completing a particular task, or a piggy bank with duty tokens (colored paper circles). After completing his work, the kid can receive a token and throw it into the piggy bank. If in the evening all 3 (5, 8, etc.) tokens are in such a piggy bank, the child can receive a small reward - for example, a favorite bedtime story.

At 3-4 years old, all children love to help adults, after 2-3 years there are not so many mother's helpers, and by school age only a few do housework. Adults who do not accept the inept help of toddlers may later encounter a complete reluctance of adolescents not only to help around the house, but even to serve themselves.

What can a child of primary school age do at home?

Is it necessary or not to load schoolchildren with household chores? They have a lot of classes on mastering the school curriculum, an additional load -, classes of interest. Let the child fully experience a happy childhood. This is what parents think, convinced that their children may well grow up with everything ready, if only he had time to study well and have no problems in the team.

Naturally, children who do not have feasible household chores at the threshold of school age will not actively take up household chores. They should be taught to do this at 2-4 years old, and do it gently and unobtrusively. . Then I would have done a lot and gladly invested my work in family well-being.

What can 7-year-old children do around the house:

  • Remove dust with a vacuum cleaner.
  • Water the flowers at home and in the flower bed.
  • Prepare simple meals.
  • Collect your portfolio.
  • Help mom hang up laundry after washing.
  • Pull out the weeds in the garden.
  • Sweep the yard.
  • Taking out the trash.
  • Warm up food in the microwave.
  • Walk and feed a small dog.
  • Clean up things, put things in order in the room.
  • Leave cleanliness in these rooms after bathing and going to the toilet.
  • Iron simple things.
  • Get ready for bed and get ready for school in the morning.
  • Clean your bike from dirt, produce minor repairs two-wheeled friend.
  • Tidy up in the closet with dishes and kitchen utensils.
  • Set the table before dinner, serve non-hot dishes, bread, salad, sandwiches, clean up after yourself and family members after meals.

What an 8-year-old child can do:

  • Keeping a desk, bookcase and other things in order.
  • Preparing your own bath.
  • Change of bed and underwear.
  • The ability to repair your clothes, simple repairs.
  • Form your image in clothes of your own free will.
  • Help your father during the repair, performing simple tasks.
  • Harvest in the garden.
  • Feed and walk pets.
  • Dust and vacuum furniture and floor coverings.

What a 9-year-old student can do:

  • Prepare simple meals following a recipe.
  • Paint a flat surface.
  • Apply whitewash to trees in the garden.
  • Bake potatoes or sausages on fire.
  • Look after younger children (from 2 years old), be able to change their clothes and feed them.
  • Clean pet cages.
  • Tuck pillow into pillowcase and quilt into duvet cover.
  • Loosen a narrow bed with a rake, weed it from weeds.
  • Plant seeds of flowers and vegetables according to a given pattern.
  • Make your bed.

What things can be entrusted to a 10-year-old child:

  • Prepare simple pastries using the recipe.
  • Prepare simple meals for the whole family, calculating the right amount of food.
  • Put things in order in their own room and throughout the house, putting things in the place allotted for them.
  • Plan weekly shopping with parents.
  • Help your father with cleaning the interior of the car.
  • Set the table.
  • Prepare a bath for a younger child, help mom with a bath.
  • Be able to turn on and off household appliances, pour powder into the washing machine.
  • See where the mother or father needs help, connect without reminders.
  • Help with the care of vegetables in the garden, for flowers near the house and on the windowsill.
  • Participate in the general cleaning of the premises of the house or apartment.

Do not be afraid of this extensive list, no one plans to make Cinderellas out of children. Most of the things on this list need to be done sporadically, many with your parents.

It is important to offer only those things that the child can handle for sure. The main thing is not to forget about metered praise, which can be a powerful incentive to participate in business.

How to teach a child independence?

It happens that parents state that their child lacks independence and realizes it too late. It is important to start learning to be independent long before entering school. when the baby strives for independence and tries his strengths. Then he is extremely interested in the world of adult things, and accustoming to work occurs spontaneously.

It is a bit late to start such work at school, but as the famous saying goes: "Better late than never."

The main incentive for those who work - a fair assessment of his work. Encouragement, praise, the words that without Tanya (Kolya, Vanya, Irina) it would not have been possible to cope are the best incentive. Do not manipulate the promise of money as payment for child labor, because then you would have to pay all family members.

Work is preceded by a discussion of what needs to be done. It is important to discuss all the nuances of the upcoming business so that the child avoids disappointment from a poor-quality work. Only after the new business is mastered, it is worth proceeding to the next assignment.

For forgetful children, hang a list of tasks in the children's room that parents hope to help with.

In the first days of completing assignments, a child can do something wrong, spoil a thing. In no case should you criticize him for this, it is better to tell me how to avoid mistakes in the future. Children must understand how to determine that the work is done well, to understand for themselves the criteria for this.

There is no need to demand high returns if children have an increased workload at school, for example, at the end school year. Have someone temporarily take over some of the homework. A little later, the child will definitely appreciate it.

Psychologist Daria Grankina writes:

“In fact, every child wants independence and independence from their parents from the age of three. And in no case should these tests be stopped. For example, children can endlessly dress or brush their teeth so that the whole bathroom is covered in paste, or wash dishes, and then they are all covered in foam. But they want to do it, it's interesting for them, it's an element of the game. Well, you need to be patient and silently, or better with approval, watch this. Then it is better to wash or clean up yourself. This is very important, because children must understand that there is joy in work and independence.

Moreover, the duty of parents is to teach the work and independence of their children. It is better to start by teaching you to appreciate the work of others. Food at school is prepared by someone and you can’t indulge in it, you can’t walk on clean floors without removable shoes, you can’t tear books and draw in them, etc., all this must be taught. In a child, and even a teenager, everything is educable. So you have to use it. Otherwise, we will get lazy and infantile young people. And laziness, alas, is the chief of all troubles and vices.

The mind of a child is very active, and if it is not busy with good and good things, then it is busy with bad things, this is inevitable. Not understanding why and how to work honestly, such children will then steal, beg and cheat in every possible way. Speaking about the reaction of parents, it should be positive and without ridicule. If the child took out the garbage or wiped the dust, then it is necessary to praise him, without pathetic words, but mark this event with an affectionate word.

Therefore, while the child is still able to listen and hear adults, it is necessary to teach him elementary things: make the bed in the morning, put away toys or textbooks, finish everything in the plate and then wash it, and preferably after mom and dad. Basically, take care of yourself. Teaching a child to domestic work, you can consider that you have given him life skills and he will not be lost in this world.”

What to expect from hardworking children?

Moms and dads, who taught their child to work without prodding, did not lose at all. Their children know for sure that they are full-fledged members of the family, without whose help neither mom nor dad can do.

Boys and girls who work around the house socialize faster in a new team for them . Not a single unexpected situation, when you have to rely only on yourself, will unsettle them. A child who knows how to cook his own food, who has self-service skills, who knows how to take care of clothes and shoes, is unlikely to become a consumer of the time and labor of others.

The basis friendly family- competent distribution of roles, rights and responsibilities. How is that?

Is it normal if all household chores are on a woman, and a man only watches TV? Or is it right if they do everything together and equally: a husband and his wife cook food, wash floors and wash clothes? Or maybe all household chores should be on the husband, and the wife at this time takes care of herself, as in modern China? There is no one right answer for everyone here. The answers to this question largely depend on how you were brought up, what kind of environment you have, and what kind of relationships you have in your family. For example, there is a WE family and there is a I + I family, and in these different families the question of the distribution of household chores and responsibilities is solved in its own way. In the WE family, the one who can and knows more has more responsibilities: he is happy to do it. In the I + I family, the one who is more interested in relationships, who is more dependent and who the other can load to a greater extent has a large family load ...

At the same time, it is wrong to think that household chores are only a load: it is also a matter of pride and great opportunities. The one who does little in the family can usually influence little. And the one who invests more in the family, the one in the family has more opportunities to influence, has more rights.

Elementary: whoever takes care of a child, he brings him up in his own way, for himself.

The three main guidelines for the distribution of family responsibilities are 1) individual preferences (who wants what more), 2) skills and abilities (whoever knows how to do what is better, he does it, and 3) benefit (we will entrust the child in the family with what it will be more useful for him to master for his future adulthood).

Individual preferences are the simplest and most obvious. For example, someone likes washing dishes more than taking out the trash. And someone can easily grab this garbage on the way to work. It’s hard for a wife to go to the market for heavy purchases, but it’s fun for a man to warm up: he likes it and it’s useful.

At the same time, it has historically developed that men in the family, in principle, are more engaged in earning money, and women - in housekeeping. There is a certain sense in this: men and women differ from each other not only in appearance, but also in character and preferences. It is easier, more pleasant and more interesting for men to work and earn money. Women - raising children and establishing comfort. If that's the case for you, then you're all set. If something does not suit you in this distribution of roles, you can agree on a different distribution of tasks and responsibilities.

How to start discussing all these questions? Take the Family Agreement Questionnaire, it will be of great help to you. The questionnaire will contain questions not only on the distribution of family responsibilities, but also on how to better build relationships, how to resolve various difficult and controversial issues - and how we can live even more friendly.

And one more thing: maybe in family responsibilities we can see not only duties, but also amenities, and also remember for whom you perform them? First, for yourself. You sweep the floor to keep your feet comfortable. You earn money to spend on your own desires. Secondly, no one took you into slavery, no one points a gun at you and does not force you to do something for the benefit of your enemies. You fulfill your duties for your loved ones, near and dear people with whom you live. After all, any household chores are also a manifestation of love, but not at a “high”, but at a simple, everyday level.

If you remind your husband (or wife) of any family matters, it's best to do so with a supportive background. How? It's simple! For example, if your partner is responsible for vacuuming, then you can put a piece of paper on the “tool of labor” itself - a vacuum cleaner - with the words: “I love you! Thank you for the cleanliness that will soon be in our house! Admire and create a positive mood, even before you or your partner has started to do anything. After all, any duties become unloved when we present them as a long and tedious process. Compare those who do not like to wash dishes and do. The former, when they think about this activity, see a mountain of dirty dishes that they have to deal with. The second, just approaching the sink, imagine how clean and beautiful all these plates are on the shelf. The whole point is in an attractive and motivating picture, form it for yourself and your partner.

Well, it's always good to reward yourself for small and big domestic exploits. Most often, we expect praise and pleasant feedback from our partner. Yes, it is really important that the “soulmate” notices our efforts. But you also need to please yourself. Do not expect positive from others, but create a holiday yourself and invite others to it. What do we do for the holidays? We give postcards pleasant words and treats to each other. Celebrate even the smallest accomplishments! For example, “we have a cake today because I cleaned the apartment!”. Or write a list of reasons to celebrate - everyday things that you should do. And mark each of them with a tick and pleasant prizes. To some, this method will seem too simple and playful, not serious, but maybe it is more important in a family to be happy than very serious?

And if a man takes on the distribution of household chores and duties, then the most convenient thing for him is to compile a matrix of responsibility, where there will be a list of all household duties - and it is indicated who is involved in these matters (there is a letter U) and who is responsible for this (there is a letter ABOUT). You can see how such a matrix looks like, and if you want to make your own according to the model, and edit it to fit your tasks. I wish you success!

It is bad when children grow up essentially dependents, getting used to the fact that their parents serve them in everything. It's not a problem that this is a burden on parents - many parents are happy with this burden - the trouble is that such children are not able to take care of themselves and remain children even when everyone around them has already matured. Who needs such an armless and irresponsible man when he is essentially still a child? Who needs a woman like that if she can't keep house and can't even cook breakfast?

It's good when parents teach their children to do basic self-care, and it's great when they teach their children to take care of the whole family after that. If the family has a cheerful and kind atmosphere, it is a joy for a child to participate in common cooking. Together with my mother, cutting cheese and cabbage, lighting the stove, laying out spoons and forks on the table - the most exciting game and at the same time a source of pride.

The usual difficulty here is not that the child cannot or does not want to help parents, the main difficulty here is more often that it is easier and faster for the mother to do everything herself than to organize the child, explain everything to him, guide, teach and eliminate the consequences of his mistakes and ineptitude - and all this is inevitable. Every leader faces this difficulty: it is easier to do everything yourself than to train employees and delegate their affairs to them. However, a good leader is obliged to do this, respectively, you need to accustom yourself, teach yourself this and mothers.

So, the first stage in preparing children for adulthood - children step by step master self-service. The second stage - children help their parents in common family affairs. The third stage is cooperation, when children participate in common family affairs on an equal basis with adults. And the final stage is adulthood, when the one who used to be a child takes care of family affairs and, if necessary, organizes adults to help him. When children help their parents, the main responsibility and the main work is on the parents. As a moment in the matter of education, this is normal, but as an image family life- wrong. It’s right when parents can already transfer all the main family affairs to their children, so that the children take it upon themselves and cope with them. Children should work around the house, not parents, just as in a company, current affairs are done by employees, not the manager. A good leader is one who can do nothing, and everything in the company will happen without him. good parents those who can completely rely on children, do not worry about household chores, but everything will be done.

So, in a good family, it is not the children who help their parents, but the parents should help the children. In a good family, children take on all the basic household duties, and parents only admire them. When this happened, our children really matured.

"Mom, listen to me, now I will not help you with household chores. I will remove you from household chores, now I will do everything, and now you will rest, walk and take care of your health. You will help me when I am ask you for help? Thank you for teaching me everything!"

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