A toy that doesn't fit well. Child development: modern anti-toys. Small packaging principle

Cleaning up a child's room is not an easy task! Especially if the child is still small and does not like to help his mother with cleaning issues. How and where to put toys so that they are always in their place? How to teach your child to clean up his room on his own? We've looked at a number of ideas to help resolve these issues!

Many kids like to hide their toys under the bed, which ends up being a whole dump of cars, robots, cats and other items. You shouldn’t scold your child for this or somehow resist it; you can make storage under the bed convenient and fun. To do this you will need drawers on wheels. They come included with many cribs or are sold separately in furniture stores.

Perhaps these are the most affordable and easy-to-use storage systems. You can put the most common toys in textile baskets, from small construction sets to large soft toys. It is convenient for the child to do this himself without the help of his mother, and if desired, he can move the baskets around the room.

This option is great for those with multiple children. of different ages. It is convenient to place the toys of a younger child on the lower level, and the older ones on the higher levels. This way, parents will protect themselves and their children, because many toys for older people are not at all suitable for the little ones to play with.

If there is not a lot of space in the room, then you can organize the storage of toys right at the front door. To do this, you can use a soft textile or polyethylene organizer with pockets. Or hang small bags or baskets on hooks and put toys there.

Pull-out plastic containers can often be found in hardware stores. They are convenient for storing tools and all sorts of things, including children's toys. The baby can easily put toys in them, the main thing is that the containers do not have unpleasant odor plastic, if there is one, then such containers cannot be purchased.

Flexible and bright baskets for storing toys are not difficult to find in specialized children's stores. Children will be happy to put their toys in such organizers.

It’s convenient when the nursery has mobile storage systems that are convenient to move around the room. This saves a lot of time and makes cleaning more enjoyable and productive. Therefore, you should pay attention to wooden boxes equipped with wheels.

Any mother can make textile pockets; it’s not very difficult, and you don’t need to be a seamstress or designer. But the baby will always be pleased to put his favorite toys in the “houses” that his mother made with her own hands.

Metal baskets – classic version, which will be comfortable for both baby and mother. They are very light and transparent, they are not difficult to pick up and you can always see what is in such a basket.
Magnetic holders will come in handy in a boy’s nursery; there will always be several dozen cars and robots that are in disarray. You can quickly collect them in one place with the help of small magnetic helpers.

Storing children's toys is an eternal and inexhaustible topic. That's why we found more

In the game, the child comprehends the world of human relations and the structure of the world in general. A person deprived of play in childhood is inevitably mentally disabled

Very often you can hear: “My child does not play. He is not interested in toys. He is much more willing to tinker around next to me in the kitchen, and a variety of toys lie idle in the nursery!” Is this situation normal and what is its reason? Do I need to do something, or will the baby outgrow it and start playing more and better?

Nowadays, the situation with children's games and toys is not at all as simple and problem-free as it seems at first glance.

What kinds of toys are there?

Toys can be educational and story-based, plastic and wooden, for boys and girls, Chinese and non-Chinese. When choosing a toy for a small child, firstly, you need to remember that the material from which it is made should be as environmentally friendly as possible. In addition, the toy must be made of impact-resistant, non-toxic, permanently colored materials - in the expectation that a small child will gnaw on it, bite it, drop it, and different ways use for other purposes. Many Chinese toys are simply not intended for active use by their child. They only look like toys, but they break within the first week. The child does not have time to play enough with the toy or become attached to it.

So, the toy must be of high quality and strong.

Toys, like book illustrations, and the environment in the nursery largely shape the child’s aesthetic world and tastes. Choose toys of the aesthetic direction that is closest to you, parents. Choose toys that you think are beautiful.

Let's start with quantity

As a rule, any modern child, almost regardless of the family’s income level, has many more toys than he needs and is useful to have. There are several reasons for this “overstocking”.

Cherished wishes of dad and mom

Firstly, and this applies mainly to first-born children, when a baby appears in the family, both parents, and especially the parent whose gender matches the gender of the child born, begin to buy those toys that they could not buy for themselves when they were small children and very these wanted toys. The peak of this kind of purchases occurs in the period from one to three years.

And this parental desire cannot be condemned in any way; one can only be aware of it and try to control it. Mothers enthusiastically buy doll sets and cribs, strollers, as well as the dolls themselves in commercial quantities. Dads buy impressively sized railroads, all sorts of cars, gas stations, and even, to the horror of moms, weapons.


Everyone together - as well as guests and grandparents - bring soft toys. It is simply considered bad manners to come to a house where there is a child and not bring him a toy, usually a soft one, as a gift.

It happens that at the turn of the second year of life, a child’s toy possessions increase many times over in a matter of weeks. But he doesn't play.

Parents sometimes even get angry: “He has such toys, each of which, if I had had them as a child, would have simply squealed with happiness, but he has no emotions.” Unfortunately, this is exactly the case when the number of toys and the quality of the game are inversely proportional.

That is, than more toys, the worse the game.

Remember the famous episode from “The Little Flower of Seven Flowers.” The girl Zhenya says: “I want all the toys in the world to be mine.” And then she herself doesn’t know what to do with them, because playing with such an unimaginable amount of everything doesn’t even occur to her. Unfortunately, many children today find themselves in a very similar situation.

The pursuit of "early development"

A significant part of a modern child’s toy possessions consists of educational and educational toys. There are a lot of them now, and parents can buy literally everything without looking closely at the age restrictions on the box with a game or toy. Of course, a child should have educational and developmental toys. The whole question is in quantity, quality and method of application.

A child can adequately use educational toys only when there is an interested adult nearby who will kindly show the child what exactly can be done with this toy. If educational games and toys lie “in heaps” in boxes with other toys, scattered and mixed, then such educational toys are of almost no use. And your child is unlikely to use it for its intended purpose.

Incredible variety

It is still difficult for our post-Soviet people to get used to the huge supply of virtually any product item. And, not being able to choose, we buy everything. We often think that more is better. In reality, in matters of education, everything often turns out to be different. And one of the main issues is a sense of proportion.

As a rule, children who are “gifted” with toys play little with them. The number of toys is proportional to the quality of the game. Rather, it is inversely proportional. It often happens that the more toys, the worse child plays, the more he scatters them. So a large number of toys is good only if the play space is properly organized.

So, the art of choosing toys. Let's start with quantity. Everything is simple here: there should be as many toys freely available as a child, with the organizing help of an adult, can relatively easily remove.

Let me remind you once again about the peculiarities of the development of attention of a small child: by the end of the first year of life, the child is at the “field stage” of attention development. This means that if a baby starts playing with one toy and at the same time another one catches his eye, he is more likely to leave the first one, get distracted and start playing with the second toy, and so on until he has gone through all the toys.

If your baby is playing with something, in no case should you try to give him new objects in order to diversify the game. In this age, we really value concentration. A child who has been playing should be left alone and quietly rejoice that his abilities for purposeful action are developing.

If a child is sitting in a pile of toys, then the most likely thing is that he will simply scatter them.

“Communication stamp” on the toy

There is such a classic experiment in developmental psychology: a mother is asked, from all the available toys, to choose the one that her child likes to play with least, and for two weeks every day, play with this toy for several minutes with the child. The results of this behavior exceed all expectations - the toy goes from being the least favorite to the most preferred.

The child chooses this toy for a long time, even when playing independently. The fact is that for the child this, this particular toy, became saturated with the presence of the mother. Taking it in his hands, he remembers everything previous days playing together, remembers what and how mom did with this toy.

This toy, as psychologists say, now bears the “stamp of communication.”

So, if you want your child to play with his toys, you must play with them for many hours, “revive” them with your presence. They say that a “played” and a “non-played” toy can be easily distinguished. For a child to play, it is necessary for the mother to play with him. Otherwise, the child will only play with his mother’s favorite toys - saucepans and Cell phones. Children more often use those items that their mother uses.

So, modern children do not play because they have too many toys, and, therefore, they are not valuable. Children do not play because there is no transmission of gaming culture between generations - since children in cities now rarely communicate freely with each other and do not learn games from each other. This missing link in the transmission of gaming culture needs to be filled by adults, and adults also do not play with children. In addition, most of the toys offered are “wrong”.

Let's talk about the “right” and “wrong” toys

The “wrong” toy is made of the wrong (unnatural) material, painted in unnatural colors that do not exist in nature. The “wrong” toy is too similar to the real thing (for example, a small toy iron is just like a large iron). This excessive similarity does not leave room for the development of the child’s imagination: the toy is already too similar to the model, there is no need to think of anything.

The “wrong” toys often use the button principle. The baby presses a button, and from this one simple movement the lights light up, the wheels begin to spin, everything comes into motion. That is, the effort expended absolutely does not correspond to the result obtained. And it does not allow the formation of cause-and-effect relationships, which means that intelligence develops in a completely different way than when playing with a simple toy. Where “pushed - it rolled” or “hit - flew off”.

The craving for early easy impressions, for the fact that almost everything around is entertainment, is deposited very deeply. It is clear that we live in a push-button civilization - but why bigger baby V preschool childhood will see things whose operating principles are more obvious and accessible to him, the better developed he will be logical thinking.

Children have a great interest in manual labor - both male and female. They look very carefully at what is done with their hands. And if dad nails a nail or drills a wall, then this is just a celebration of learning for the baby adult life. But unfortunately, if examples of female manual labor can be seen (for example, in the kitchen), then in many families it is all male manual labor comes down to working on a computer keyboard. And this is natural - this is the stage of development of civilization. And yet, I would highly recommend that fathers of little boys at least occasionally do with them what has been a man’s part of housework for centuries. This will be a much more educational activity for them than many educational games.

The right toy is multifunctional. That is, it can be used in many different ways in many different games.

A classic example of a multifunctional toy is a ball. You can throw it and roll it, it can become a doll watermelon or a fairy-tale bun. The smaller the child, the more of his toys should be multifunctional.

The right toy is made from environmentally friendly material (fabric, wood, metal, leather). Of course, it’s unlikely that you can do without plastic toys completely, but you can strive to keep their percentage as low as possible.

Creation of play space and its organization

Small packaging principle

One of the simple and affordable ways to make a toy new or almost new for a child is to put it away. If you divide all the child’s toy possessions into 3 or 4 approximately equal parts, remove ¾ of them and change the toy “exposition” once a week, the child will perceive his own toys almost as new.

It’s good for a child if small animals are kept separate, cars are kept separate, and construction sets are not mixed together. This makes it easier for the baby to learn to play and create chaos around him.

Where do the toys live?

Children love to have toys arranged in a variety of boxes, beautiful boxes and baskets. This makes it easier for kids to understand that each toy has its own house. Ideally, there is a play area in the children's room and all the toys live there.

For older children, the main object that organizes the space of the play area can be a toy house.

If your baby has already begun to crawl or walk, toys simply thrown into a box or basket will not work. Psychologists and teachers believe that the optimal location of toys is at the child’s eye level on shallow open shelves. That is, a rack tightly screwed to the wall is best suited for toys. Such a rack should not be confused with a toy storage system, which must be located in a place inaccessible to children. It’s good if the toys in the storage system are distributed by type and stored in closed, opaque boxes.

Remember that until about three years of age, a child plays much better if mom and dad keep the play shelves in order. The fact is that children at this age are not able to create what experts call “good structure” for toys. Simply put, the baby plays enthusiastically while he can destroy order and break the structures created by his parents. And as soon as everything is destroyed, interest in toys and games, as a rule, disappears.

The first toys for story play

Good toys for a one-year-old, two-year-old, or three-year-old child should “tell” the child the plot of the game, encourage the right ways handling yourself. Around the age of one and a half years, the baby develops the ability to depict actions in play that are similar to those he sees every day. For example, how they feed, put to bed, dance. This is how the first director's play appears. The emergence of such a game is an important milestone in mental development child. Psychologists focus on the emergence of this game as an indicator of the general well-being of the child’s development. And it is very important that adults understand the value of this type of play.

After all, by playing with toys and constructing the first stories, the baby learns the experience of adults. It is through playing that a child learns to better understand what is happening around him and makes the actions of adults his own. Therefore, parents should sit on the carpet in the nursery and show the baby how the dog does “top-top” and “am-am”, while understanding that there is nothing that develops a child like playing together with mom or dad. In addition, the game is the golden fund of your communication with your baby.

Let's list the first toys for the story game:

Baby doll (needed for both girls and boys; it is when playing with a doll that a child masters human emotions);

Puppetry, i.e. dishes, bottles and pacifiers, clothes and blankets;

Big cars and small cars;


Game house;

Pieces of fabric for dressing up, draping, transforming and various other items for dressing up;

Unstructured play material (pebbles, chestnuts, pine cones or plastic balls), e.g. objects that can be sprinkled and assigned any game value. Chestnuts can be doll potatoes, money, and bombs. There is a lot of scope for developing your baby's imagination;

Story-based play sets with animals and people.

The first educational toys

Educational toys should also be in the nursery, but their place and role are very special. So, under no circumstances should these toys be located below, in the “pile.” They should have a place on high shelves, but such that the baby can see them and show them with his finger or name them if he wants to play with them.

Educational toys are good as an addition to an adult who is ready to play with them. It is when playing with educational toys that the “zone of proximal development” is created, i.e. those actions that the baby can do together with his mother, but he cannot yet cope with them alone.

If we talk about the proportional relationship different types games, then for a child who is from one to four years old, story games there should be no less than developing ones.

What educational toys should a child have?

Large mosaic with a diameter of 20 mm;

Box of forms;

Montessori frames and inserts;

Puzzles consisting of 2, 4, 8 pieces;

Large plastic cubes;

A construction set of the “Duplo” type, preferably with plot additions;

Children's musical instruments;\

Development boards

It is necessary to show adequate ways of communication, to express his feelings for the child.

Getting to know the world around you. Toys for little ones

The main games for children under three years of age occur without the use of toys.

Games with numbers. Water and sand

Playing with sand and water gives a child as much joy as swimming in the warm sea gives an adult. Therefore, try to at least give your baby plenty of time to play with them in the warm season. But in many countries, an indoor sandbox is an indispensable attribute of kindergartens and children's rooms.

I will name toys that your child will surely like:

Cups of different sizes and colors for pouring;

Molds with various kinds of holes;

Medium size plastic bottle;

Water mill for bathroom;

Fishing game: large fish and fishing rod;

The ships and fish are simple and fun.

Spilling games

Urban children chronically lack sensory experiences, especially sensations associated with touch. This issue is especially acute in the autumn-winter period, when it is impossible to play in the sand, and the snow is often such that you cannot play in it. Yes, snow is not suitable for games to develop the sense of touch - it is cold, and few children like it. Therefore, parents should make an effort to use the resources that are always at hand to create a developmental environment for playing with numbers and training the sense of touch.

Sleeping games are exciting and children really like them. Such games can temporarily take even the most frisky fidget away from their usual pranks. The simplest thing you can do at home is to pour uncleaned walnuts, chestnuts or peanuts. To do this, you will need one large container (approximately 1-2 liters) and two smaller ones (250-500 ml). You need to show your baby how to take nuts one at a time and put them in cups, and then show him how to pour them in handfuls. But the most interesting thing is to pour the cereal.

You can pour:

Buttons, beads;


Large grains (beans, peas, beans);

Vegetables (pre-washed well);

Small toys or parts of small construction toys.

Development of touch

An excellent opportunity to develop your baby’s sense of touch is the game “Magic Bag”. The principle of the game is simple: you need to put 3-4 not too large objects that are well known to the child into a fabric bag.

It is very important, starting from 10-11 months, to try to diversify the child’s vocabulary by adding words related to the sense of touch (“soft - cannot be crushed”). To distinguish between these concepts, you need to play with your baby with objects made from materials with different tactile qualities. For example, a pebble and a piece of foam sponge. The sponge will easily squeeze in the palm, but the hardness of the pebble will give the opposite sensation. You also need to teach your baby to touch people, animals, and objects in different ways. For example, you need to teach “touch tenderly,” “touch with one finger,” “stroking,” as well as clap your palm, knock hard, press hard. These exercises will help your child learn to control the strength of his hands when in contact with someone or something.

Exercises with plasticine or salt dough, clay. In the autumn-winter time, it is useful for the child to have such activities, lasting 7-10 minutes, every day.

Minimum set for developing the sense of touch:

Plasticine of different softness (plasticine in buckets, plasticine in blocks);

Toys made from different materials, fabrics of different types;

Toys with various fillings (for example, cereals, balls);

You should NOT prevent your baby from getting to know by touch everything that is potentially not dangerous, especially food.

Creating a normal gaming environment: best toys for children from one to two years old

It is appropriate here, in my opinion, to provide a list of the best toys with brief explanations about each. After all, it often happens that with a huge variety of toys, a child lacks some that are very important for development.

Let's list them:

Balls different sizes and different fillings;

A four-wheel scooter or a car that you can sit on;

Sets of small story toys; sounding toys.

Creating “yes-environments” and non-play objects as toys

If you want your child to play well and freely, you should say the word “no” as little as possible in the nursery. This does not mean that the child does not need restrictions, it’s just that playing time is far from best time to introduce restrictions.

Play is a space for a child’s free creativity, and a sharp “no” from mom or dad can tear this play space apart, the delicate fabric of play will be interrupted, and the child will not be able to continue playing further with the same inspiration. The restrictions that exist in the nursery and regarding toys should be simple, understandable, constant and minimal. Decide in advance what exactly the child cannot do with toys. And it’s best to put away items that cause a flood of prohibitions or great anxiety in adults. If a prohibition is repeated frequently, the child either learns to ignore it or develops excessive stubbornness through daily resistance.

About cleaning up toys. Self-Reliance Skills

There is a wonderful proverb: “If you love to ride, love to carry a sled.” She says, as you understand, that you need to be responsible for the consequences of your actions. For a child who is about to turn two years old, such things begin to be accessible if parents consider it necessary and correct to spend time and effort on cleaning up toys together or the child’s participation in clearing the table.

According to most psychologists, it is beneficial for a child’s development to have minimal household responsibilities. It is by doing chores around the house every day that a child develops the ability to be responsible for himself, to concentrate, to try, and to finish what he has started.

By saving a child from the “trouble” of collecting toys, you will not help him, but in some way will hinder him from understanding the world and himself in this world. Naturally, for most adults it is much easier and calmer to put away toys themselves. But if the habit of participating in cleaning the nursery arises early, before the age of three, then it will be much more difficult to form after that, since the child will begin to resist more actively. Try to find time, energy and imagination to involve your child in cleaning up toys every night.

The plots may be different, but the core is the same: the mandatory participation of the mother and her ability to creatively organize the process. When arranging a nursery, remember that for a child, the things that surround him are his whole world. And you’re not hanging shelves and arranging cabinets at all - you’re creating a universe in which your baby will grow and learn everything.

“Nowadays the first grade at school is like an institute!”... And the point here is not only the workload that first-graders experience. All schools now need, just like colleges, to pass entrance exams (more precisely, to pass testing). For many parents, it becomes a real discovery that their child is not only unable to cope with the basic tasks of entrance tests, but also thinks differently than these tasks suggest. Child psychologists see the root of the problem, in particular, in the choice of toys. Kommersant-Dengi correspondent Natalia Tyutyunenko, together with psychologist Vera Abramenkova, learned to recognize dolls and cars that are useful and harmful for a child’s development.

White, fluffy, terrible.

My friend’s child, an adequate and “advanced” boy, did not pass the test at school. It is clear that today you cannot get into a good educational institution without certain investments. But it turned out to be quite disappointing: the child could not assemble the teapot figurine, which had been cut into pieces. I realized that it was a teapot. But I couldn’t collect it. The school psychologist explained that he, like many other children today, thinks too straightforwardly and lacks imagination. If he has mastered the algorithm of actions, then he copes with the task, but a step to the right, a step to the left from this algorithm is a disaster. The parents were perplexed: after all, according to the general opinion, they supplied him with educational toys beyond measure.

Another friend just child psychologist, recently returned from a children's supermarket in upset feelings: “They sell white furry frogs there! I didn’t even understand at first what kind of animal it was, but the price tag says: “A soft toy “Frog” for the little ones.” That is, not only will the child swallow lint, but he will also think that frogs are white and covered with hair "What idea of ​​the world around you is being formed?"

Undoubtedly, there are a lot of good toys today, but some of them make the hair stand on end even for a person far from psychology and pedagogy.

School for the novice maniac.

A set of alien toys was presented at an international exhibition in New York. The advertising brochure says: “New toys allow kids who love thrills to use toy scissors to rip open the belly of a messenger of extraterrestrial civilizations and, one by one, pull out his insides: spleen, stomach, liver, etc.”

We will leave the stylistics to the conscience of the manufacturer, but, forgive the tautology, the internal content cannot but arouse the close interest of a psychiatrist. Just some kind of manual for young Chikatilo.

Educators believe that it is necessary to study the anatomy of living beings at school, under the guidance of a teacher, and only at a certain age, when the child’s psyche is ready to perceive such information.

The next example involves an insanely expensive baby doll. This doll reacts to the movement of a living creature and begins to cry, demanding to be “fed”, “watered”, “rocked to sleep”. A sort of humanoid Tamagotchi, the dangers of which have already been discussed more than once.

Of course, the idea is clear: we educate expectant mother. But the parents who bought this doll for their five-year-old daughter were forced to take it away from the nursery after a while: as soon as their daughter moved in her sleep, the doll began to “cry”, and the half-asleep child was eager to “rock the baby.” The result is neurosis. Both for the child and for the parents.

What do they sell in toy stores today? A correspondent of “Deneg”, who has long since passed childhood, and Vera Abramenkova, Doctor of Psychology, Deputy Chairman of the FES under the Ministry of Education, went to one of the usual stores for children to conduct a quick examination of its assortment for usefulness, uselessness or potential harm. We didn’t see construction sets, nor mosaics, cubes, alphabets, etc. But at least a third of the room was occupied by “vampire slayers,” all sorts of warriors, “ghost fighters,” after looking closely at them, the correspondent retreated to the rack with teddy bears. You need to take care of your nervous system; God forbid, you dream about it at night.

Unnatural selection.

Every parent is confident that he knows what his child needs. By what criteria do we choose and buy toys? A small survey showed: we are guided by anything - price, the desire of the child, our own preferences, but not by considerations of didactic usefulness. Why bother with trifles if we have the required amount, and the child has been buzzing all ears, and Petya, Katya, Sasha from his group have had this for a long time? Buy it urgently!

One of the most significant motives for buying a toy is “the child wants it.” Or - “I promised him that if he finishes the quarter with straight A’s (he won’t fight anymore, etc.).” A corresponding, to put it mildly, amazing toy is purchased. And then we will wonder why, with so many different toys, we don’t have teapots!

Another option is “I’ll buy it, just shut up!” or “I didn’t have such a toy as a child, at least let my child have one.” Or maybe it’s your luck that you didn’t have this? When I was little, all mine kindergarten envied the owner brought from abroad and leaked into preschool the then much-maligned Barbie doll. And now, after many years of Barbie abundance, we have problems with teenage girls raised on the proportions of this doll. Girls grow up and realize that they do not live up to the parameters of their ideal. By the way, the British, having come to their senses, are now bringing the image of the British analogue of Barbie - the Cindy doll - closer to the appearance of a moderately well-fed fifteen-year-old teenage girl.

When listing the criteria for choosing toys, we did not take into account pedagogically savvy parents, of whom, fortunately, there are also many. According to child psychologists, mothers and fathers today are divided into two categories: very educated, having studied tons of specialized literature, and catastrophically illiterate. There is no middle ground.


Toys can be soft, plastic, porcelain, wooden, rubber, mechanical, electrified, musical, waterfowl, etc., etc. - everyone knows this.

But toys can also be educational, educational, entertaining, and healing. And in this order, and not the generally accepted one, when entertainment is in the foreground.

But let's start with the healing effects of toys. Consider, for example, wooden painted thematic boards and wooden figures drawn by an artist-psychologist, from which stories are laid out on the boards. Unconsciously, each child expresses his internal problem with their help. One boy's entire family died in an earthquake. At first he laid out the blockage without a way out, and in the third or fourth session of working with a psychologist this way out appeared. That is, the child worked through the most problematic situation for himself, transferred it from internal to external, and solved it in a game.

What is good for an American is death for a Russian?

Today, about 250 enterprises are engaged in the production of toys in Russia, sometimes not even of the “toy” profile (up to the St. Petersburg Precision Machine Tool Plant). But foreign manufacturers are leading the educational toy market. Design kits for assembling “spider-people” are in demand among children. And in order to survive, educational toy stores also work with these products.

Vera Abramenkova: Someone calculated that the Teletubbies generated $2 billion in profit per year from the sale of products with their images (toys, magazines, sweets, etc.). In Russia, the volume of such sales is about $100 million per year. Everyone knows that the television series was shown first. After watching the series, the child asks (or demands) to buy him a toy character, a towel, ice cream with his images... The next children's series is filmed with this money. But no one here wants to think about why the same Pokemon are banned in a number of European countries?

Today greatest number the correct “developmental machines” can be found in the chains of specialized stores “Little Genius”, “ Smart child", "Smart games". According to employees of these stores, Russian manufacturers are most powerful in the manufacture of wooden and, to a lesser extent, plastic products. At the same time, Russian products prevail in the age category from two to five years (60 - 70% of toys). In the categories up to two and after five years, the share of domestic toys is at best 30%.

Natalia Timoshina, administrator of one of the stores of the Little Genius retail chain: Among the foreign developments there are some incredibly interesting ones, but, as a rule, there is no advertising for them on TV. Consequently, they are not on the shelves of regular toy stores. And if there are, then they lie in the farthest corner, since they are not asked. Since they are not asked for, they are not supplied. The circle is closed. In addition, if a parent decides to buy a Russian mosaic or pyramid, he will have to look for it. At the same time, domestic toys, without compromising quality, provide an opportunity to save money. For example, a foreign mosaic costs 300-1000 rubles, and a Russian one costs 150-400 rubles. At the same time, ours provides new opportunities for creativity - different colors and a playing field.

Russian designers are a separate issue. According to Natalya Timoshina, today there are quite a lot of them, the developments are sometimes more aesthetically pleasing and more useful than those of foreign analogues, but almost no one knows about them. The case of the game “Master Ball”, invented in Russia, is illustrative. A foreign manufacturer liked the idea of ​​a half-constructor-half-mosaic and bought it. (Moreover, the packaging contains the relevant details of this foreign manufacturer, but the insert still lists Russians as inventors and manufacturers. Here’s the incident.)

The attitude towards educational toys in our country is ambiguous. Some “Western” psychologists believe that, in principle, a child should be allowed everything. If the toy is really “wrong”, then he will reject it intuitively. According to this logic, most mothers who control the choice of their child are easily labeled as neurasthenic. The other approach is more conservative. It is argued that children should be protected from the negative effects of certain products. Otherwise, you may develop something completely different from what you would like.

And adherents of Waldorf pedagogy, which is fashionable in Russia today (advocating maximum support for the child’s nature), say that toys made from natural materials: wood, wool, straw, etc. bring the greatest benefit to a child.

They give the greatest scope for imagination, are not harmful to health and bring you closer to nature. But you shouldn’t completely deprive your child of modern popular games.

Practicing psychologists urge us to adhere to the golden mean: toys should be different. The child is in society, communicates with children who have purchased dolls, cars, etc.

If you limit yourself to homemade products, the child will feel uncomfortable. In addition, it’s not so bad if he has one or two negative heroes in his arsenal on whom he can throw out the negativity. But it’s also not a good idea to get too carried away with such toys.

Think for yourself, decide for yourself.

The main thing when choosing a toy is to simply think about what it is and what qualities it can form. And adhere to certain criteria. In the case of the white fluffy frog, two were violated: medical and psychological. Of course, it’s difficult to keep all the requirements in your head, but you need to take into account at least the most important ones.

With the medical-ecological criterion, everything is clear. The pedagogical aspect is also important, that is, what this toy will teach and what it will develop. For example, the designer develops perseverance and spatial thinking - great.

A child is not able to perceive a toy unemotionally, and the requirement of psychology is that these emotions be positive. There are already enough provocations of aggressiveness around.

And the aesthetic requirement is that the toy corresponds to ideas about beauty. A toy for a child is a certain ideal, an image that is embedded in the subconscious. It would be nice if these images were appropriate.

Any toy without parental participation in the game loses a significant share of its appeal. It is very important that you show and teach. Otherwise, it’s the same dusty corner in the children’s room. And one more thing: there shouldn’t be too many toys. Even if the nursery is littered with stacked elephants, railroads, and dolls, the child will convince you that there is nothing to play with. And he wants a new one railway(doll, elephant, construction set).

Svetlana Nemtsova, school psychologist: some of the boring, old toys can and should be hidden from the child from time to time so that he forgets about them. And when you take them out again, he will perceive them as new, the toys will “work” again.

And besides, a large number of objects in front of the eyes prevents the child from concentrating - he grabs one thing or another, making it difficult to play.

By the way, in the store we inspected there were only a few standing toys. A drum, embroidery kits, a couple of board games, several soft toys and one doll.

Educational games.

(most popular toys according to the employees of the “Little Genius” store)

1. Nikitin’s cubes - “Fold the pattern”, “Cubes for everyone”, “Unicube”. Contribute to the development of spatial thinking, creative and mental abilities of the child, a tendency to analysis and synthesis. Using cubes fastened together, the child is asked to build given shapes in space.

geometric shapes (RUB 191-206).

2. Zaitsev's cubes - a guide for teaching a child to read from an early age (1134 rubles).

3. Lacing games made of wood and foam rubber. Develop fine motor skills, logical thinking, attention, spatial thinking. Consist of parts with holes and lace (45-130 rubles).

4. Montessori frames (Belarus) - tablets and inserts different forms and themes (“Mushrooms”, “Vegetables”, “Fruits”, “Butterflies”, “Fishes”, “Fractions”, “Alphabet”, “Numbers”, etc.). Develop fine motor skills, visual and figurative thinking; They teach you to recognize objects by contour, navigate on a plane, outline, and shade (RUB 85-207).

5. Magnetic constructor“Supermac” (Italy), 1600-5000 rubles. depending on the number of elements.

6. Designer "Takeshi" - soft plastic straws different lengths and colors and special fastenings (RUB 315).

7. Mosaic (Russia), 85-320 rub.

8. Mosaic Quercetti (Italy), 195-820 rub.

9. Puzzle game “Master Ball” (Russia) - a three-dimensional mosaic consisting of large and small curved triangles and special connections (333 rubles).

10. Constructor “Electronic Expert” (Russia), 2040 rub.

Points 5-10 - toys for development fine motor skills, imagination, perseverance, spatial thinking.

Generalization of work experience preschool teacher: "The influence of modern toys on child development"

Author – compiler: Imangulova Liliya Kabirovna, teacher at MADOU No. 44 in Salavat, Republic of Bashkortostan.
Description: This work will help educators and parents choose the right modern toys for children.
Goal of the work: identify how modern toys influence a child’s development.
I don't need a pyramid
The ball was lying in the corner
And the railway
I'll give it to my brother...
I'm playing cars now
Tamagotchi is dearer to me.
Bakugan, transformer, zubbles
It's more fun with you...

Toys are serious business. Perhaps no less serious than choosing medications, a nanny, a kindergarten or a school for your beloved child. Toys can develop, treat, entertain. But they can also upset the psyche, give a false impression of the world around them, cause aggression and simply pose a threat to the health and life of the child.
Let's think about what our children play?... What toys do we buy them?
In all these fluffy bunnies, rattles, colorful puzzles, blocky cubes, there is hidden a powerful - creative or destructive - educational force.

It should be noted that the modern toy market is an absolute force of nature. The absence of any value guidelines in the toy market leads to their uncontrolled production, haphazard purchasing and meaningless consumption. As a result, store shelves and children's rooms are littered with toys of the same type and, as a rule, useless and sometimes harmful, but necessary and important for them. child development There are very few toys. This situation has a very negative impact on the quality of the game, and, consequently, on the effectiveness of the child’s development.
The choice of toys becomes extremely chaotic. The complex of “the best parents in the world” eats away common sense. If a child has been buzzing all ears about the fact that Petya and Vanya have four Bakugan each, and he only has three, then we immediately fill in the missing - albeit useless - cartoon character. Our child is no worse than others, although it is completely unclear why he needs this toy.

Thus, relevance Problems the right choice toys is obvious, which helped determine the purpose of my work.
Target: determine the psychological and pedagogical influence of a toy on the development of a child, the ways of making the right choice and its use. (tasks slide)
Exact time The beginning of the manufacture of toys is very difficult to determine, but it can be assumed that they appeared at the early stages of the development of human society, as evidenced by excavations.
Since ancient times, toys have been known in the form of tools, household items, made from the simplest natural material. With the help of toys such as bows, arrows, and boats, made in miniature but technically correct, boys were taught the necessary skills for a hunter, fisherman, and nomadic herder. Playing with dolls, sewing clothes for them, and “cooking” taught girls to work as a woman housewife.
A modern child lives in a world that, at first glance, is much brighter and more diverse than his peers 200, 100, or even 40–30 years ago. Let's look around: bright covers of books and magazines, colorful billboards on the street, and, of course, the diversity of toys, sometimes of the most unimaginable colors, shapes, and purposes. Toys are bought, as one father with many children said, by the suitcase, and after a month they are thrown away in the same suitcase. There is a constant change of colors, shapes, flashing pictures and objects. And the child’s psyche cannot cope, the perception of color and sound, ideas about good and evil are deformed.
Let's look at some modern toys. For girls, of course, Barbie.

What life orientation do these curvaceous beauties symbolize for any little girl? Who are they - daughters? Girlfriends? Neither one nor the other. Having such a doll, the girl imagines herself not as a mother rocking a child, but, for example, as a maid caring for the lady cleaning her house.

Generalization of the work experience of a preschool teacher "The influence of modern toys on the development of a child"

The most important advantage of a soft toy is to give tenderness to the baby. As practice shows, a cute bear, a fluffy elephant or a soft dog can “cure” a child from fears and even from nocturnal enuresis. IN soft toy some deep needs of a small creature are embodied.

What's on sale now? On the shelves of toy stores we see creatures of unknown species and breeds, with unimaginably garish colors. Here in a toy store sits a huge (human-sized) black monkey of a ferocious appearance - if it gets into a child’s bedroom, then the child is guaranteed to have night terrors and neurosis!

To understand how the parents of my preschool children choose toys for their children and whether they need psychological and pedagogical help, I conducted a survey.
As the survey showed, in most cases, toys are chosen and purchased spontaneously, due to prevailing circumstances or external, superficial signs. Adults often do not take into account the developmental potential of a toy and its pedagogical “usefulness”.
This is how the “School for Parents” club was organized, the purpose of which was to familiarize parents with the requirements and methods of choosing toys for children.
A number of consultations were prepared on the topic: “Children’s toys and requirements for them”, “List of toys necessary for a child early age and children preschool age", "Useless toys." Also, parents were familiarized with the letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated May 17, 1995 N 61/19-12 On psychological and pedagogical requirements for games and toys in modern conditions.
During a business game:“Choosing the right toy,” together with the meeting participants, divided the toys into three groups.
Toys that promote social-emotional development: different kinds animals (bears, bunnies, dogs); dolls with all kinds of doll utensils; sets for playing doctor, hairdresser, shop; costume details and attributes that help to accept and retain playing role(doctor’s robe, car steering wheel, police cap, red cap); transport toys (truck, train). Toys that promote intellectual, cognitive and motor abilities: all kinds of cubes, construction sets, puzzles, mosaics, lotto, dominoes, etc. Toys that promote the development of physical qualities: balls, hoops, jump ropes, skittles.
During the work of our club, parents learned that there are certain requirements for the toy. The first and necessary requirement is the potential to become the subject of the child’s relevant activity. When choosing fun, parents began to focus on age, striving to ensure that all types of toys were available that would contribute to the development of various spheres of life. They also began to take into account the fact that the possibility of a child’s active action depends on many qualities, for example, on the size of the toy. Huge soft “animals” (dogs, hippos, elephants) that are difficult to handle are not the subject of children’s activities. The same toys, but smaller in size, can easily be used in children's games.
Sometimes adults think that the more different properties and qualities a toy contains, the better. So, it would seem, a plastic ladybug on wheels, which is both a train and a telephone, opens up a variety of opportunities for children's activities.
But such “diversity” disorients the child: he doesn’t know what to do—carry her, talk on the phone, or feed her? Moreover, the full implementation of all these actions is very limited - it is impossible to transport anything on such a toy (you can’t put anything down and you can’t put anyone down), the handset keeps falling off. It would be much more useful in this regard to “separate” all the functions and offer the child three objects that are different and understandable in their purpose and mode of action.
However, the “usefulness” of a toy from the point of view of a child’s development is far from the only evaluation criterion. Organizing round table with parents and children on the topic “Favorite Toy”, we came to the conclusion: a toy must, on the one hand, develop the child’s abilities, and on the other, bring him joy and pleasure.
The training “Modern toy – what is it?” was interesting. It was noted that in order for a toy to enhance its developmental role, it must not only be attractive, but also open to various forms of child activity.
Small child- this is a fan of possibilities. He actively assimilates the world in order to transform it, and the toy necessary remedy process of creation. Therefore, the wider the range of uses of a toy, the higher its value for creativity and the more it can develop the creative potential of the child himself. Together with our parents, we came to the conclusion that the best toys are natural: pebbles, sand, cones, sticks, scraps - they can be anything! What could a machine be? Only a car, however, if it is a truck, then probably also a box for storing cubes, a bed for a bear or a carriage for traveling a cat. What could an electronic toy with four buttons be? Its monofunctional uniqueness is absolutely obvious - press the buttons and that’s it!
Sometimes the child himself finds “toys” - substitute objects that meet certain, often unconscious, needs. Some shell, pebble, rag, bird feather is endowed with special properties, experiences and meanings. After our interesting meetings, parents, having discovered such “garbage”, trying to put things in order children's corner or, turning out the pockets of children's clothes before washing, do not throw them away. Now they are sure: is a pebble better than a transformer, or a shell than a monster? After all, a toy is not only an accompaniment to the game, but also a means of education, entertainment and even treatment.
The modern toy has undergone an evolution: from smaller copies of objects of labor and household items in ancient times - through toys symbolizing the beautiful in life (toys of the 19th - first half of the 20th centuries), to toys embodying the ugly, terrible, death (recent decades).
Of course, not all modern toys play a negative role in a child’s life. Nowadays, there are also toys that meet the rules of modern pedagogy. These are educational toys, all kinds of construction sets, creativity kits, story-based toys, puzzle games, etc.
The right modern toy is multifunctional. It can be used in several ways, and in a wide variety of games. A classic example is a ball. You can throw it and roll it, it can become a doll watermelon or a fairy-tale bun.
A proper modern toy should be made from environmentally friendly material (fabric, wood, metal, leather). It is unlikely that you will be able to do without plastic toys completely, but you should strive to keep their percentage as low as possible.
Remember: a correctly selected toy will allow the child to come up with different stories for games, which means it will be in demand more often and will not gather dust on the shelf!

Psychologists are concerned about how the quality of children's play among modern preschoolers has changed: it has become monotonous, aggressive and individualistic. One of the reasons for this sad trend is many fashionable toys that hinder a child’s development, distort his emotional sphere and form negative character traits. Child psychologist Inna Malash told the portal about dangerous “prestige toys.”

More than a game

For a child, a toy is an indispensable tool for learning about the world around him, allowing him to master new actions and solve new and increasingly difficult problems. Therefore, adults should approach the choice of toys with all responsibility - not only take into account the child’s age and make sure of their sanitary and hygienic safety, but also know the criteria for the pedagogical and psychological usefulness and harmfulness of “childhood friends.” To do this, it is important to have an idea of ​​the meaning of play for a child:

– play is the leading activity of a preschooler, determining the development of his intellectual, physical and moral powers;

– creative imagination is formed in the game;

– the game is a “school of voluntary behavior” (the child learns to consciously control his actions);

– a game is a “school of morality in action” (it is a game and a fairy tale that help a child understand “what is good and what is bad”; verbal explanations can be long and unsuccessful);

– in the game the child learns to communicate, interact with other people and gets to know himself;

– in play, the child learns to express his feelings and understand the feelings of other people;

– in the game there is a repetition of social practice that is understandable to the child.

Harmful toys

At first glance, it may seem like there is nothing difficult in determining which toys can harm a baby’s development. Thus, toys that do not awaken a child’s desire to understand the world around them or make independent and free creative play impossible are unconditionally harmful.

However, in practice, drawing the line between toy “good” and “evil” is often difficult for non-specialists. In addition, many adults are confused by the price factor: most toys that are harmful to the child’s psyche are not cheap at all, so there is no doubt about their “all-round” safety.

So, what toys does child psychologist Inna Malash categorically advise against introducing preschoolers to?

Female dolls (Barbie, Cindy, Bratz, etc.). When playing with an “adult” doll, a little girl is limited in her ability to imitate her mother. This adversely affects the attitude of future women towards motherhood.

Many psychologists are convinced that Barbie dolls and their analogues are the embodiment of the anti-cult of the homemaker. There are also opinions that female dolls with unnatural proportions are capable of planting the first seeds of dissatisfaction with their own bodies in the souls of girls. In the future, there may be “sprouts” in the form of mental disorders in girls such as anorexia and bulimia.

Scary toys (monster dolls, mutants, monsters, freaks). If traditional toys - kind and cute - perform a psychotherapeutic function (namely, they help children master their fears and overcome them), then the creepy products of the toy industry, on the contrary, bring an additional portion of nightmares into the lives of children.

These toys have a direct impact on the formation of character traits: a child, copying the image of a doll, identifying himself with it, can become withdrawn, distrustful, and angry. Also, toy monster “companions” awaken uncontrollable aggression in children, cause disturbances in concentration and distribution of attention, and can cause difficulties in building relationships between the child and peers and adults.

In addition, scary toys distort the sense of beauty, and therefore prevent the formation of aesthetic taste in children.

Electronic toys (transport, musical), creating the illusion of a child’s activity, actually manipulate him and set a program of action. In fact, small man turns into a contemplative-passive “addition” to the toy, his activity is reduced to pressing buttons that are useless for the development of logic. And the lack of space for ideas, fantasy, transformations and experiments hinders the development of a child’s creative thinking.

Interactive dolls and animals contribute to the distorted development of the sphere of emotions and feelings. Having in their arsenal many responses to interaction with a person, these toys emotionally “disorient” the baby: stroking and rocking can be responded to with crying or sounds of displeasure, and aggression or long-term inattention can be responded to with hugs or joyful remarks.

Ways to resist toy treachery

Parental awareness of the psychological harm of modern toys, unfortunately, does not guarantee a quiet life for adults, or a happy and safe childhood for children. Aggressive advertising and laudatory notes ordered by toy manufacturers are doing their dirty work. Therefore, it is important for moms and dads to know what to do if...

...a child dreams of a harmful toy. First of all, parents should think about what attracts their baby to a toy. To do this, you need to find out how and in whose company the child is going to play with her. The answer is “I will beat her!” indicates suppressed aggression. It can be caused by dissatisfaction with the child’s basic psychological needs for love and care. Also, aggression is often provoked by grievances against parents or other close people (grandmother, brother, friend, etc.).

They will help solve the problem cooperative games and conversations between parents and child, as well as special play methods to reduce the level of aggressiveness (for example, you can shout into a glass, have a fight with newspaper snowballs, make a figure of the offender out of plasticine and break it, etc.).

If a child wants to attract the attention of his peers, he will say: “I will bring a toy to kindergarten, and then Masha (Vanya) will play with me.” Also, children often ask to buy them this or that toy, because “Masha (Vanya) has one.” A possible root of the problem is the child’s low self-esteem. In this case, it is important for parents to reconsider their parenting methods. The second common reason is the child’s undeveloped gaming skills. They can only be developed by regularly playing with a preschooler.

...given to the child harmful toy. Ideally, relatives and friends should let parents know what toys they are planning to give. But in reality, no family is immune from unwanted gifts. Therefore, it is advisable for mothers and fathers to know what problems they may encounter if after the holiday they decide to get rid of a harmful toy.

Firstly, this is an insult to the “donors”. Many parents do not even try to explain to relatives and friends what harm a gifted toy can cause to a child. They are stopped by hidden and poorly understood motives (fear of loneliness and rejection, feelings of guilt, etc.). However, it is important for parents to understand: if they do not know how to negotiate with people, negotiate constructively and resolve disagreements, then they will not be able to teach this to their children.

Secondly, the child may protest violently. In order not to overshadow the holiday, you should not take away a gift from a happy baby. You can “isolate” a harmful toy after a few days. The main thing is to go to the end, without giving in to the child’s demands to return the gift. If adults find it difficult not to retreat from decision taken, which means they should indulge in reflection on their parental role and honestly answer the questions: “Am I being led by the child?”, “Am I following his lead?” Positive answers are a reason to think about the reasons.