Spit waterfall on straight hair. Hairstyle waterfall (photo and video tutorial). How to weave a waterfall of hair: step by step instructions for the classic version

The source of inspiration for its creation was the streams of the waterfall hovering down.

The main emphasis is on flowing curls flowing from the base of the braid. The hairstyle will be a great addition to any romantic look, it is relevant for both festive celebrations and working days. Looks great on long curly hair, especially highlights - the play of shades successfully emphasizes the curves that are the highlight of this hairstyle.

Spit waterfall options

There are several variants of this model. To enhance the resemblance to streams of water, curly hair is used to create it. If you have straight hair, you need to create waves using a curling iron.

Classic version step by step instructions

  • Draw a parting line in the center of the head.
  • Then we separate the strand from the temple, form three identical parts from it and begin to weave the braid. The tension between the cells should be relatively free.
  • At the level of the ear, we leave the lower strand of the formed pigtail at work and replace it with a new one taken from the lower tiers. As a result, you have the first curl of the future cascade.
  • Next, add a piece of hair to the top strand of the braid and place it in the middle of the weave.
  • We continue to work on this principle, forming more and more flowing strands.
  • At the final stage, we fix the braid with a hairpin.

Spit waterfall step by step with twisting

  • Draw a parting line with a comb, then divide the strand taken from either side of the head into two equal parts.
  • From the resulting curls we make a semblance of bundles and hide the upper twisted strand under the lower one.
  • Next, we place a new one in the center of the already processed strands.
  • The joined "colleague" remains lying on the hair, and the two previous ones are again folded with a flagellum. According to this principle, we continue weaving further.
  • Thus, every third strand will form trickles of water in your waterfall. The direction of movement of the braid can be either parallel to the back of the head or diagonal.

Diagonal braid waterfall weaving

The main highlight of the hairstyle is in the diagonal weaving of the braid. In this variety, you can do without the designation of the parting. We comb the hair back and weave the braid according to the method described in the classic version with one slight difference - a change in the direction vector. Instead of moving the braid from the left temple to the right (or vice versa), form it from the temporal zone to the earlobe area on the opposite side.

Weaving a zigzag braid waterfall with a ribbon step by step

  • We designate three strands at the front of the head and attach a narrow ribbon to the middle one.
  • We weave a waterfall braid according to the classical scheme, placing it diagonally, and use almost the entire volume of hair.
  • The tape must be passed from above the right curl and from below the left. When the braid reaches the opposite side of the head, turn it back and continue braiding.

In the end, you will beautiful pattern zigzag.

double waterfall

Just above the area of ​​​​the ears, we braid the classic waterfall braid, moving from one temple to another. We complete the weaving with a regular braid and fasten with an elastic band. From the beginning of the first pattern, in parallel, we form another braid-waterfall with the inclusion of strands left after the first braid in its frame. At the end we go to regular pigtail and as a final touch we combine two braids into one. If the length of the hair allows, the number of braided fragments can be increased.

How to braid a double-sided waterfall braid for yourself step by step

  • After preparing the hair and creating the necessary curly curls, we form a deep parting.
  • Then, in the front of the head at the right temple, we separate the three strands needed for your waterfall braid.
  • Next, weave parallel to the back of the head according to the scheme:
    • When the movement of the braid reaches the center of the head, secure it with an elastic band and start weaving a new waterfall braid from the left temple area.
    • When the second braid reaches the level of the first, connect them in any way you like.

228 10/08/2019 6 min.

A braid is a great way to create a romantic hairstyle, knowing that you can do your hair without resorting to the help of a girlfriend or a hairdresser. But conventional braids have taken a backseat today as stylists and hairdressers increasingly use more sophisticated braiding techniques. One of them is a spit-waterfall. It can be cascading and French. The first name is due to the fact that it resembles water falling from the ledges, and the second is similar to the French braid.

What kind of hair is suitable

Before proceeding to the procedure for creating a waterfall braid, you need to understand which hair is suitable for this procedure:

But who will have to give up the waterfall braid is girls with very short hair.

On the video, how to weave a waterfall hairstyle:

Weaving methods

How to braid yourself

The waterfall scythe looks great in any interpretation. The process of its creation is not complicated and does not require special efforts. At first, a girl should master the standard version, and when she gains experience, she can move on to more complex styling.

The classic version of self-execution involves the following plan of action:

  1. Go through the hair with a comb so that there are no knots and shreds. Divide your hair with a center parting.
  2. Start creating the braid from the side. Take a thin strand and divide into 3 sections. At the beginning, weave a regular braid. Then you have to cross the middle and right parts, and the third is taken from above and covered with a free curl. After that, the first part with an auxiliary strand goes down, creating a trickle of a waterfall.
  3. In your hands you hold two strands, which again have to be crossed, and the third curl is taken from the total mass. Continue similar actions until the braid is completely completed.
  4. Fasten its ends or leave them free. To create a lace effect, it is necessary to pull out its loops after weaving the braid.

On video hairstyle how to weave a waterfall step by step with your own hands:

But you can give the styling a more glamorous look with the help of curls, which can be obtained if. You can give the styling a casual look with the help of strands freely falling on the shoulders. The bangs can be included in the braid or on their own.

A waterfall hairstyle always looks very feminine and cute, no matter which weaving option was chosen. Very often, this kind of hairstyle is chosen for a wedding, graduation, party. This suggests that it will be ideally combined with elegant dress and suitable for celebrations.

Loose hair has always been popular. Well-groomed, they have a neat appearance. A variety of weaves will help to diversify and decorate. It still remains in trend for many seasons in a row. One of the stylish and charming modifications is the waterfall braid.

The ancestor was the French braid. The principle of execution is different in that one side is left to fall in streams resembling a waterfall. Hence the name, the hairstyle is very reminiscent of flowing streams of water.

Step-by-step instruction

The weaving pattern is quite simple, especially if you are familiar with other versions. It is not difficult to master the technique, the main thing is patience and free time. In the future, the creation will take no more than two minutes.

You will need:

  • massage brush;
  • a comb with a pointed tip (with its help it is easier to separate the strands);
  • rubber;
  • barrette.
  1. Comb thoroughly with a massage brush.
  2. Separate a small part from the bangs to the ear area with a parting. You can start with either the left or right side, it all depends on your preferences.
  3. Start with a French braid, picking up strands to the main ones from above, then from below.
  4. Having reached the level of the ear, do not use the additional strand taken from below in the future. It will become the first trickle of future falling strands.
  5. In its place, take a new one, from under the one left at the base.
  6. Then continue on the same principle.
  7. In the course of weaving, the braid must be turned and braided along the back of the head, to the next ear.
  8. Weaving should not be too tight, trying to bring the final strands in parallel with the beginning of the pigtail.
  9. Secure the end with an elastic band. You can also braid a regular braid from the last strands.
  10. Fix with varnish.

The end result looks very elegant and neat. By adding accessories and modifying weaving, you can achieve an interesting effect. The main thing is that it will suit hair of any length and structure.

french chic

Popular hairstyle name french waterfall. She got this name due to the fact that the creation is based on the French spikelet. However, there is a more romantic option. According to one version, the real Gavarni waterfall served as a prototype. Perhaps its extraordinary beauty and the rapid flow of water inspired stylists to create such a feminine and uncomplicated idea.

Many variations of performance allowed her to be on the first steps in the fashion world. Women choose this particular styling, both for daily wear and for special occasions.

One of the interesting implementations is the double French chic. The difference is that not one, but two braids parallel to each other are woven. Weaving towards each other. Although execution is possible on the one hand, it all depends on the imagination and the desire to stand out.

The addition with a beam looks very unusual. The execution instructions are the same, except for the final part. At the end, you need to collect the tail. Comb it for volume and lay it in a careless bun, hiding the ends in strands. Secure with pins for security.

It is worth noting that the waterfall looks more organic with wavy curls. The owners of chic curls are more fortunate, it will not be difficult for them to braid the French charm. But straight hair can be twisted. There are a lot of ways: curling iron, iron, curlers, etc. It all depends on the structure of the hair and what manipulations they are better subject to.

Neat evening styling it will turn out if the curls are made elastic, hanging separately from each other. Everyday option - light curls that merge with the main mass, while creating a wavy contour.

Accessories will inspire new ideas

This hairstyle has many variations. Beautiful accessories only complement it, and give new opportunities to create a stunning effect.

Transform the classic performance with free curls. To do this, they need to be braided into thin pigtails. Secure each with a cute bow.

Change the wreath to the heart. To do this, weaving two pigtails is necessary from the center of the back of the head, giving them the shape of a heart. Secure the result with a hairpin made of stones.

Ribbon is a great option for inspiration. By weaving it in a variety of ways, you can create everyday look, evening and even wedding. Very beautiful braid- tourniquet, which is crossed by a ribbon of a color contrasting with curls.

Various accessories - elastic bands with stones, hairpins in the form of butterflies or flowers, decorative hairpins, headbands, etc. - will complement your look and add zest to your hair.

Hairstyle options

All variants are based on the classic version. Having mastered his technique, you can proceed to more complex and sophisticated ideas.

double waterfall

  1. Comb your hair. So, you will ensure easy work, and you will not have to get confused in the strands.
  2. Braid the first braid from ear to ear.
  3. Make the second one a little lower, about three centimeters, weaving into it the strands that were released from the previous one.
  4. Connect both pigtails into one.
  5. Secure with a hairpin or ribbon. Fix with varnish.

The final result will look great if the braids are parallel to each other.
This option can also be woven towards, securing the ends under the main mass with a small elastic band.

You can also use three, four and five braids. It all depends on sleight of hand and practice. Three braids look very nice, knitted from the ear and descending diagonally, just below the second ear. You can secure such a work with a large bow or hairpin in the form of a flower.

Originality will add a zigzag with a ribbon. This option is well suited to owners of long hair.

  1. Start the classic weaving of the waterfall. Attach the ribbon at the very beginning, tying it on the middle strand. Hide the short tip in the process. The tape should start from above with the right strand, and from below - with the left.
  2. When you reach the opposite ear, turn the work in the opposite direction and continue to weave, going down diagonally. In the middle of the hair, turn again to the other side and continue.
  3. At the end, tie a ribbon bow, securing the pigtail.

The ribbon can be woven into the hair in various colors. Under the color of the eyes or dress. Or an advantageous contrast, giving the image a touch of creativity.

An excellent option is "Malvinka". In this case, the braids are braided symmetrically on both sides and fastened in the middle with an exquisite hairpin. Elegant and simple.

Bangs are not a problem. They begin to braid from it, continuing to add strands, moving on to the main curls. You can also leave it on its own, gently laying on its side.

Spit-waterfall will not leave indifferent any of the fair sex. At the same time, it is particularly practical. Having done styling in the morning, you can not worry about it all day. The braid does not interfere and always looks elegant and attractive.

Wedding hairstyles

This performance often becomes the choice of brides. It gives you a lot of free options. Weaving ribbons with pearls or fresh flowers creates a unique romantic look. A wedding is always romantic. At the same time, this day is filled with exciting moments, and there is simply not enough strength to worry about how styling looks.

Therefore, the French waterfall is universal. It will not fall apart at the wrong moment and will not spoil the festive atmosphere.

Detailed instructions, photos and videos can be easily found. The choice is great and does not limit the freedom of action. Several sophisticated models.

openwork flower

The hairstyle is more restrained in its execution, but at the same time it looks solemn.

  • start weaving diagonally from the ear to the opposite side;
  • turn and go further diagonally down;
  • reaching the middle, collect the remaining strands and braid into a regular braid;
  • holding the tip, slightly stretch the strands of the entire weave to create a voluminous look;
  • twist the end in a spiral in the form of a flower;
  • decorate the center of the flower with a decorative hairpin;
  • fix with varnish.

In addition, a headband decorated with rhinestones, a veil and a chic image of the bride are ready. big and beautiful flower, will undoubtedly work long hair.

For medium length, you can perform wedding option with bundle:

  • pre-wind the curls;
  • weave a French waterfall;
  • at the end at the opposite side, tie a tail;
  • create a pile and tie the base of the tail, creating a voluminous bun;
  • fix with invisibility;
  • decorate the bunch with fresh flowers.

On any hairstyle based on this technique, the veil will fit perfectly.

Laying, created on the basis of weaving braids, has won many women's hearts. Spit-waterfall is one of the ways, uncomplicated in execution and original in appearance.

By learning to do it yourself, you will always look elegant and charming. A lot of performance techniques, your imagination and accessories will help to create a unique image.

The waterfall hairstyle is an interesting variation on the traditional braid. Not all curls are removed into the hairstyle, but only the upper part in the temple area. The rest of the hair flows freely like a waterfall (which is why the hairstyle has such a name).

Features of the technique of performing hairstyles

This is a versatile hairstyle that will be appropriate both on a date and in business negotiations. The braid will look especially impressive on curly curls. middle length. She will emphasize the elegance of the neck and shoulders, highlight the face. The ideal option is hair just below the shoulders.

Having mastered the simple rules of the execution technique, the hairstyle will take you only a few minutes:

  • the hairstyle takes as its basis the weaving of the French braid. If you can create french braids, then the waterfall will not cause any difficulties for you either;
  • you can and should take strands of different sizes. The hairstyle will look different every time;
  • before weaving, it is necessary to comb the hair well. A little styling gel won't hurt;
  • a thin comb-comb, an elastic band (invisible hairpins, hairpins) are mandatory attributes for creating this hairstyle;
  • the most important nuance is the loose strands falling down, which make the image of a fragile, vulnerable girl.

Step-by-step scheme for creating a hairstyle "Spit-waterfall"

Step 1. Hair is prepared, combed well. Make a deep side parting. Starting from the left side at the temple, separate a small strand. Divide it into three equal parts.

Step 2. Start weaving a standard braid.

Step 3. The top strand of hair, taken from the front part closer to the temple, is shifted to the middle. Repeat the procedure with the bottom strand.

Step 4. Make such one “entry”, the bottom strand needs to be released. In its place, you need to take new strands taken from the top of the head.

Step 5. The left bottom strands will serve as a waterfall.

Step 6. Making such a “spikelet” with falling individual strands, move towards the center of the head. In the center, stop weaving and fasten this part of the hairstyle with a small elastic band.

Step 7. Repeat exactly the same procedure on the right, gradually moving towards the center.

Step 8. Connect both parts of the hairstyle in the center with an elastic band.

Step 9. It is best to take a small elastic band. Fasten the strands as imperceptibly to the eye as possible.

Step 10. The final touch is to fix the hairstyle with hairspray.

Video tutorial on creating a hairstyle "Spit-waterfall"

A short video will help you better master the braiding technique.

The nuances of weaving "waterfall"

  • This hairstyle can be done in two rows. The first tier will be fastened in the back of the head, the second - a little lower.
  • A braid can be made with a bun. To do this, roll the last strands on both sides into a ball and secure with stealth or hairpins.
  • You can even fix each part of the hairstyle separately. When you have finished braiding in the center of the left and right sides, secure the strands with flower-shaped hairpins. You will get two separate braids-waterfall, fastened in the center of the head.
  • The hairstyle is worn for a long time, does not lose shape. The tighter the “spikelets” are braided, the more evenly they will “go” along the head. And vice versa: if the weave is not tight, the hairstyle takes on a slightly careless, free form.
  • A waterfall braid looks great on highlighted hair. Strands visually collected in a hairstyle and flowing curls begin to shimmer, change color.
  • The braid does not require special skill, any girl can do such a hairstyle. You just need to carefully read the instructions and watch the video.

Among hairstyles on medium and long curls it is now popular to use various weaves. How more unusual form or details, the more interesting the image looks. Spit waterfall got its name due to the sagging strands that come out from under the knots of the binding.

Loosely falling tufts of hair resemble flowing water. The base of the pigtail can run diagonally, vertically and even horizontally. The use of accessories to create an evening or festive look is in harmony with weaving.

Having mastered the technique, it is quite possible to build a trendy styling on your head yourself. The lion's share of patience and the efforts made will soon bear fruit - you will not need to spend money and time on visiting salons.

How to weave a waterfall braid?

A romantic hairstyle is used in daily styling and festive. The lightness and tenderness of the image is especially beneficial to emphasize in the evening version. Among several weaving methods, it is recommended to start mastering the technique from the classics.


  1. Comb your hair. To give smoothness and facilitate the management of the strands, you should use a spray.
  2. From the temporal side of one of the sides, separate 3 strands of equal volume. Make several weaves in the usual way, throwing each bunch once.
  3. Lowering the top strand once again, you should grab from the top of the same volume and throw them together. Subsequently, an additional beam will not participate in weaving, it will simply be released down. And the working part is further used in weaving.
  4. If large strands are used, then you need to lower the free curl every time the upper working strand goes down. If the working beams are thin, then sagging can be done through 1-2 links. So the effect of the waterfall will be more noticeable.
  5. Reaching the end of weaving, fix the tip with an elastic band or hairpin.

To weave a braid for yourself, you will need common tool add two mirrors to make it easier to navigate the sequence of crossing the strands.

It will be easier to master the option using two strands for self-fulfillment.


  1. Comb your hair.
  2. On either side, separate two identical bundles. Twist them twice towards the face.
  3. In the next weave, include a free strand, selected from the side of the crown. Next, you should skip it along with the upper working beam, which is released from further weaving and remains free to sag.
  4. The process is repeated with each top strand in the same way.
  5. Having reached the middle of the back of the head, temporarily fix the curls with a hairpin.
  6. Start the same weaving on the other side. Connect the strands that meet at the back of the head and fix with an elastic band.

The beautiful effect of the rim in the form of a waterfall is obtained on both wavy and straight hair.

Who would like this hairstyle?

The waterfall is ideal for owners of curly and straight hair. It is not very convenient to weave strands with small curls, therefore, before creating a hairstyle, it should be processed to fix the shape.

The braid looks equally good both on long strands and on hair of harmful length.

To bring disharmony into the effect of falling curls can haircut ladder. The loose ends will stick out in different directions.

A feature of weaving on long hair is the formation of a massive base, which should not be lost in the perception of the hairstyle. Diagonal shapes, woven ribbons and the use of accessories will add completeness and elegance to the image.

The waterfall is suitable for everyone who likes to wear . The scythe diversifies the styling and brings novelty.

What is needed to create it?

To create a waterfall hairstyle, you will not need special tools and tools. And after acquiring skills, it will take quite a bit of time. All you need is a comb and rubber bands to fix the ends. To give festive look, you can use various thematic accessories.

Long falling strands sometimes require further styling. To give a wavy shape, you may need tongs or corrugation.

To perform the styling, it remains to be stocked up with patience, without it it will not be possible to create a spectacular hairstyle.

Other hairstyle variations

Waterfall with curls

Looks really festive and romantic. This hairstyle will adorn any girl. From classic version differs in the subsequent processing of freely falling strands.

On each of them separately, a little styling agent should be applied, and with the help of tongs or a curling iron, shape into coils. It is not necessary to comb the hair, you can correct the curls with the sharp end of the comb. To give greater durability, you need to fix the hairstyle with a small amount of varnish.

Waterfall with beam

Run diagonally. Weaving should start from the temporal part of one of the sides, and end at the bottom of the nape of the opposite side.

The base is woven in any of the available ways. At the end of the braid, the working strands and the rest of the hair are collected in a ponytail, after which they are fixed with an elastic band. Freely falling curls are also selected to the ponytail, forming a sagging bottom line. For volume, make a small pile on the tail and chop it with hairpins into a beautiful bun.

Waterfall on both sides

It provides for alternate weaving from the temporal parts on both sides to the middle of the back of the head. The connection of two pigtails is performed in a secret way using elastic bands and stealth.

The tail connecting the working strands is disguised as a braid or performs the function of a falling central curl. In this case, its thickness should be equal to other sagging elements of the hairstyle.

Makes weaving interesting and more elegant. An interwoven ribbon that supports the color of a dress or T-shirt will look stylish. A contrasting bright shade will not overload the image, but rather make a good accent.


  1. Comb your hair and part it evenly.
  2. Separate three beams of the same volume, fixing a ribbon on the middle one. During weaving, the short end must be masked with hair.
  3. Weave a braid the classic way, keeping an eye on the position of the tape. The right working beam and ribbon are always placed on top, and the direction with the left goes under the bottom of the weave.
  4. The basic principle of the participation of the ribbon in the braid is to envelop the middle working beam with it.
  5. Do not forget to leave the lowermost curl free after each crossing, replacing it with a new one.
  6. Effectively apply horizontal weaving to display the beauty of the hairstyle. If the length of the hair allows, then the snake shape is even more suitable. Such design will not remain without attention from the environment.
  7. After the end of the free strands, the braid is woven in the usual way.
  8. The tip is fixed with an elastic band. The ribbon is tied in the form of a bow or flower.
  9. Loose curls and a pigtail are picked up in a bun and fixed with invisibility.
  10. The design of an unbraided bottom looks no less beautiful, when a ribbon sets off a ribbon on loose hair over loose strands.