Konnyaku sponge for washing. Konjac sponge DE.CO. Konjac sponge - “The cutest sponge in the shape of a heart. What is it for, how does it differ from the round sponge and the sponge from the fixed price? I will tell". Advantages of the described sponge over conventional beauty tools

Sponge Konnyaku or natural skin care method, my personal experience.

I've been hearing about facial sponges for the last couple of years. But since I have already found my ideal skin care routine: washing with oils and honey, homemade scrubs and hyaluronic serum, I didn't pay attention to them. And so I was somehow in no particular hurry to try some kind of even natural washcloth.

But apparently Konnyak (that’s how funny the name of this sponge sounds in Russian) was destined to appear in my life and give me a chance to try it out!

I received it from a friend whose Thai store closed natural products self-care and tried it on the first evening. The experiment was a success! Firstly, I was surprised how delicate this sponge is and how it is covered with a special softening film! And secondly, how soft my skin was after using it!

It’s easy to imagine that now this sponge has taken up residence in my bathroom and deserves a separate post about itself!

What is a Konnyaku sponge?

This is the root (yes, yes, exactly that) of the plant of the same name! Otherwise known to us under the name Konjak. Perhaps one of unique properties this sponge - this is its ability to absorb a looooong amount of water.

Konjac was first used in Japan over 100 years ago to bathe newborns because its super soft texture did not irritate babies' delicate skin.

This unique sponge is rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants: A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C, D, E, Copper, Zinc, Iron, Magnesium.

Now you can find both simple (colorless) Konnyaku and “flavored” with various extracts and natural ingredients: for example, green tea, rose, pomegranate, grapes, clay and even turmeric!

I have already used simple and green ( green tea) sponges. But I definitely plan to try others.

Konnyaku - a gift for perfect skin

This sponge:

  • Gently cleanses skin pores
  • Exfoliates dead skin cells, makeup and removes hated “blackheads”
  • Moisturizes the skin
  • Balances skin pH due to being slightly alkaline
  • Konjac is an absolutely natural way to wash your skin, and is suitable for both face and body.
  • Does not contain any chemicals and is suitable even for the most sensitive skin
  • Can be used by both female and male genders, and even for washing small children and newborns
  • Biodegradable, does not harm the environment
  • Does not contain

Konjac is a delicate way to care for your face

As I already mentioned, the sponge absorbs water very well. Moreover, due to its texture, this water seems to remain on its surface, forming a special layer. It is this layer that forms the barrier between the sponge and the skin. As a result, our skin never directly comes into contact with the surface of Konnyaku and therefore the sponge cannot damage the skin.

A few important rules for using Konnyaku

  • Typically, sponges come in a package where they are already moistened with water. When you open the package, Konjac must be soaked in warm water for 2-5 minutes. I just ran myself a bath and let the sponge float in there.
  • Then the sponge must be caught and lightly squeezed. Very important: do not twist Konnyaku under any circumstances! This destroys its texture. Simply squeeze gently with your hand to squeeze out any unwanted water.
  • Now you need to choose if you want to just wash your face with it without using any cleansing agent. For example, I don’t use anything when I wash my face with this sponge. And then I apply honey for a couple of minutes and wash it off. If you use a face wash (it may be!), apply it gently to your face.
  • Now it’s our turn to invite our magnificent sponge to the stage! Begin to gently massage your face using delicate circular movements. Try not to get it on the eye area.
  • Rinse your face with water. And apply your favorite cream or oil.
  • Gently rinse the sponge under warm water and place it somewhere where it can dry completely. My Konnyaku had a string that I used to hang it on a hook in the bathroom.
  • Konjac must be changed every 1-3 months with daily use.

Where can you find this unique sponge?

As I already told me, I got my Konjac from a friend completely by accident.

I was also able to find them on iHerb. For example, next time I’m going to order a package with 2 sponges: with grape skin extract and green tea. They also have rosehip and pomegranate extract or willow bark and turmeric extract.

Despite the fact that I have been using these sponges for almost a year, I still haven’t written about them. But this is a wonderful cosmetic accessory and care product at the same time. I've added this sponge to my skincare routine. I give them to my family and friends. And in response I most often hear from them: “ Your konnyaka is a THING!» =)

I bought the first such sponge at a Japanese goods store in San Francisco and forgot it at the hotel. Then I received it as a present from a friend.

What it is

These sponges are called konnyaka, konyak, and konnyaku; I like the last Japanese version the most.

Konjac sponge is made from the corms of a plant native to Asia. In addition to sponges, it is used to make food products; konjac is considered a vegan substitute for gelatin. In Hong Kong, I tried ready-made desserts in the form of jelly and jelly beauty drinks containing konnyaku.

These sponges come in different forms, flowers, can be sold both dry and wet. There are simple ones, without additional impregnation, they are usually produced in white or black, and there are those that are additionally impregnated with some useful substances.

It is believed that black sponges are more suitable for oily, porous skin. But each manufacturer, of course, has its own sponge colors, additional components and descriptions.

To be honest, I didn’t notice any difference between the konnyaku sponges that I had already used. I liked both the black ones, deeply cleansing with charcoal, and the lilac, soothing ones with lavender, and the orange ones, for sensitive skin ( I am writing this review based on my experience using sponges purchased on eBay, the link to the seller is below, I have not tried konnyaku sponges from other brands yet).

How to use

I have seen mentions that some people use a konjac sponge to foam their face wash. Perhaps this option will suit you too. But I like the effect of the sponge better when I use it at the end of a skin cleansing ritual without any additional cosmetics.

2-3 times a week in the evening after, I soak the sponge with konjac, squeeze it lightly, and massage it into damp, cleansed facial skin. Then I rinse the sponge and hang it to dry using a string that runs through it.

You can watch a detailed video review of this sponge in English.

The resulting effect

I still remember how for the first time I looked in fascination at how the skin of the face in the T-zone was smoothed and cleansed while using the konnyaku sponge. Pores are cleansed and smoothed. The skin looks clean, smooth, no hint of problems with enlarged pores or blackheads. Of course, a sponge does not solve such problems once and for all, but regular use of it helps to significantly improve the situation.

The sponge very delicately exfoliates the skin. This is indispensable for those with sensitive, irritated skin, and simply those who do not like scrubs and peels.


It is better not to actively crush a dried and slightly petrified sponge while soaking it, but to let it absorb water on its own, soften, and only then lightly squeeze out the excess water and check the softness. Otherwise, the sponge may begin to crack and lose its shape ahead of time.

It is usually recommended to change the konjac sponge every three months. I change it every 2-2.5 times, because by the end of this period I notice that the sponge is already less elastic, its surface is a little harder than before, and its age affects the cleansing properties of the sponge.

In the case of a sponge like the one in my photo, the flat part is softer, more delicate, and the curved part gives a more pronounced exfoliating effect and is more suitable for cleansing the skin in the T-zone.

Where can I buy

Nowadays, konjac sponges are sold in many online stores, including Russian ones.

I have already ordered my sponges several times on eBay, for about $5-8 each.

In Hong Kong, I bought konjac in SASA, Bonjour, Colourmix stores, and the CitySuper grocery supermarket. There they cost from 90 to 220 rubles apiece. As I use it, I will also share my impressions of Hong Kong konnyaku.

Update 03/03/2014: Over the past year and a half, I have tried several versions of sponges, including the konnyaku that is sold in the L’etoile chain of stores. In this regard, I have something to add to what has already been said above:

1. If you prefer to buy a lot of sponges at once in order to save some and use them later, then it is better to give preference to dry sponges. In this form they are stored much longer than wet. Konnyaku, which is sold already soft, moist in the package, it makes sense to buy in the amount needed for use right now + 1 in reserve. If such a sponge is stored unopened for a long time (more than three months, according to my observations), then part of it may become too wet and, after opening and washing, peel off, fall off, and begin to crumble.

2. If you buy konjac on eBay, don't go for the cheapest options. There are a lot of these now with the same images of white and green sponges. These konnyakus have pores bigger size, cleanse, smooth and exfoliate worse. They lose their shape faster, shrink, and decrease in size over time. I want to replace it with a new one much earlier than more expensive, “branded” types of sponges.

3. The L’Etoile chain of stores now also sells white konjac sponge. In my own way appearance and its properties resemble the sponges from the previous paragraph. I would not recommend buying it, much less drawing a conclusion about konjac sponges in general based on this accessory from L’Etoile.

Have you tried the konjac sponge? Did you like it?
Has it become a mandatory part of your skin care ritual?

Many of us are accustomed to using sponges and washcloths to wash our bodies and sponges for washing our face.

With these beauty accessories you can cleanse your skin more effectively than just using a cotton pad or fingertips. And one of the most successful new products on the modern cosmetic market is the konnyaku sponge - it has gained popularity due to its naturalness and the effect it provides.

What is it? How to choose this accessory? How to use a konjac sponge and how to store it? Let’s take a closer look at the women’s website “Beautiful and Successful.”

What is a konjac sponge?

The name of this accessory will be written in Latin as “konjac sponge”. And although there is the word “konjac” here, it has nothing to do with alcoholic drink sponge does not have. Its name comes from the name of the plant from which this sponge is actually produced - Amorphophallus konjac.

In Russian transliteration, you can pronounce this word as “konnyaku”, “konjaku”, “konjak”. The exotic plant lives mainly in Japan and some regions of China, as well as in Thailand and Indonesia.

Here you can find both wild species of Amorphophallus and “domesticated” ones - grown specifically for use in various fields.

Why do you need a konjac sponge? In cosmetology it is used to cleanse the skin. It is made from the tubers of the plant - they are very fibrous, and these fibers, when dried, are used to make sponges. Its main advantages:

  • naturalness (there is nothing artificial in the sponge);
  • environmental friendliness (no chemicals are used in production);
  • is disposed of naturally (decomposes);
  • can be used on any skin type, even sensitive and allergic;
  • especially good for oily skin with open pores;
  • eliminates excess sebum and dead cells;
  • provides natural hydration, optimal pH balance, enhances blood circulation and metabolic processes in dermal cells.

The main types of konnyaku sponges for cleansing and washing

Asian women used such sponges back in ancient times to create the effect of “porcelain” skin - perfectly smooth and snow-white. Back then, konnyaku sponges were made by hand by soaking and then drying the fibrous tubers. Today, of course, production technologies are much more advanced, and konnyaku sponges are very soft and do not scratch the skin.

There are several varieties of them.


The most neutral variety that does not contain any additives. The white konnyaku sponge is suitable for any skin type; its main purpose is to exfoliate dead cells very delicately and renew the top layer.


Why green? Because various extracts are added to it.

Same green There may be konjac sponges with aloe, clay, algae, green tea - so look carefully at the packaging. For example, aloe vera extract has the properties of healing microcracks and regenerating skin cells, green clay suitable for combination skin, and green tea - for oily and problematic skin.


This color is due to the presence of coal in the konnyaku sponge, which has excellent absorbent properties. The sponge will cleanse the skin of excess fat, as well as remove impurities and toxins.


This sponge contains turmeric - one of the most powerful antioxidants that fights wrinkles and loss of skin elasticity, and promotes cell regeneration. It is best to use a yellow sponge for aging skin.


Ideal for sensitive and dry skin, as it contains lavender extract, which soothes, relieves irritation and moisturizes the skin.


Contains so-called “brick” clay, which relieves the skin of wrinkles, constricts blood vessels and evens out the tone of the face.

Different manufacturers may have a different range of konnyaku sponges, but we have talked about the most basic varieties.

Konjac sponge: how to use correctly?

Now the site will tell you how to use a konjac sponge to wash and cleanse your facial skin. Most often, sponges are sold packaged in sealed packages and moistened. But if the sponge is dry, you need to soak it well first so that it becomes soft and does not scratch the skin.

  • Use a konjac sponge to cleanse your skin daily.
  • You can use the sponge without cleansers or with them. After use, it should be rinsed thoroughly with water.
  • Cleanse your face using gentle and not harsh circular movements. It is best to move from the center of the face to the edges and from bottom to top - this is good for mature skin and creates a lifting effect.
  • After using the cellulose sponges, the konnyaku sponge may feel very soft. But believe me, it performs the exfoliating function much better than its artificial counterparts, so you shouldn’t rub your face too much.
  • Do not use the konjac sponge (or any other) if there are scratches, cracks, wounds, or problem areas on the skin, so as not to spread the infection.
  • After use, gently wring out the sponge, but do not twist it like laundry - this will damage the fibers and they will no longer perform their exfoliating function.
  • How to store a konjac sponge? Many have a thin thread that is convenient for hanging the sponge to dry. Before next use, simply soak it in water until completely soft.
  • You can store the sponge wet by putting it in a jar, but it must be put in the refrigerator.
  • Be sure to look at the packaging - it indicates the optimal period for using the konjac sponge. Usually this is about 2 months.

Many who have tried the konjac sponge to cleanse their facial skin claim that it really takes excellent care of the skin, after which it becomes perfectly smooth, problem areas are eliminated, dark spots, wrinkles are smoothed out.

Many of us are accustomed to using sponges and washcloths to wash our bodies and sponges for washing our face.

With these beauty accessories you can cleanse your skin more effectively than just using a cotton pad or fingertips. And one of the most successful new products on the modern cosmetic market is the konnyaku sponge - it has gained popularity due to its naturalness and the effect it provides.

What is it? How to choose this accessory? How to use a konjac sponge and how to store it? Let’s take a closer look at the women’s website “Beautiful and Successful.”

The name of this accessory will be written in Latin as “konjac sponge”. And although there is the word “konjac” here, the sponge has nothing to do with the alcoholic drink. Its name comes from the name of the plant from which this sponge is actually produced - Amorphophallus konjac.

In Russian transliteration, you can pronounce this word as “konnyaku”, “konjaku”, “konjak”. The exotic plant lives mainly in Japan and some regions of China, as well as in Thailand and Indonesia.

Here you can find both wild species of Amorphophallus and “domesticated” ones - grown specifically for use in various fields.

Why do you need a konjac sponge? In cosmetology it is used to cleanse the skin. It is made from the tubers of the plant - they are very fibrous, and these fibers, when dried, are used to make sponges. Its main advantages:

  • naturalness (there is nothing artificial in the sponge);
  • environmental friendliness (no chemicals are used in production);
  • is disposed of naturally (decomposes);
  • can be used on any skin type, even sensitive and allergic;
  • especially good for oily skin with open pores;
  • eliminates excess sebum and dead cells;
  • provides natural hydration, optimal pH balance, enhances blood circulation and metabolic processes in dermal cells.

The main types of konnyaku sponges for cleansing and washing

Asian women used such sponges back in ancient times to create the effect of “porcelain” skin - perfectly smooth and snow-white. Back then, konnyaku sponges were made by hand by soaking and then drying the fibrous tubers. Today, of course, production technologies are much more advanced, and konnyaku sponges are very soft and do not scratch the skin.

There are several varieties of them.

The most neutral variety that does not contain any additives. The white konnyaku sponge is suitable for any skin type; its main purpose is to exfoliate dead cells very delicately and renew the top layer.

Why green? Because various extracts are added to it.

Konnyaku sponges with aloe, clay, algae, and green tea can be the same green color - so look carefully at the packaging. For example, aloe vera extract has the properties of healing microcracks and regenerating skin cells, green clay is suitable for combination skin, and green tea is suitable for oily and problematic skin.

This color is due to the presence of coal in the konnyaku sponge, which has excellent absorbent properties. The sponge will cleanse the skin of excess fat, as well as remove impurities and toxins.

This sponge contains turmeric - one of the most powerful antioxidants that fights wrinkles and loss of skin elasticity, and promotes cell regeneration. It is best to use a yellow sponge for aging skin.

Ideal for sensitive and dry skin, as it contains lavender extract, which soothes, relieves irritation and moisturizes the skin.

Contains so-called “brick” clay, which relieves skin from redness, constricts blood vessels and evens out the complexion.

Different manufacturers may have a different range of konnyaku sponges, but we have talked about the most basic varieties.

Now the site sympaty.net will tell you how to use a konjac sponge to wash and cleanse your facial skin. Most often, sponges are sold packaged in sealed packages and moistened. But if the sponge is dry, you need to soak it well first so that it becomes soft and does not scratch the skin.

  • Use a konjac sponge to cleanse your skin daily.
  • You can use the sponge without cleansers or with them. After use, it should be rinsed thoroughly with water.
  • Cleanse your face using gentle and not harsh circular movements. It is best to move from the center of the face to the edges and from bottom to top - this is good for mature skin and creates a lifting effect.
  • After using the cellulose sponges, the konnyaku sponge may feel very soft. But believe me, it performs the exfoliating function much better than its artificial counterparts, so you shouldn’t rub your face too much.
  • Do not use the konjac sponge (or any other) if there are scratches, cracks, wounds, or problem areas on the skin, so as not to spread the infection.
  • After use, gently wring out the sponge, but do not twist it like laundry - this will damage the fibers and they will no longer perform their exfoliating function.
  • How to store a konjac sponge? Many have a thin thread that is convenient for hanging the sponge to dry. Before next use, simply soak it in water until completely soft.
  • You can store the sponge wet by putting it in a jar, but it must be put in the refrigerator.
  • Be sure to look at the packaging - it indicates the optimal period for using the konjac sponge. Usually this is about 2 months.

Many who have tried the konjac sponge to cleanse the skin of the face claim that it really takes excellent care of the skin, after which it becomes perfectly smooth, problem areas, age spots are eliminated, and wrinkles are smoothed out.

A universal selection of gift ideas for any occasion and occasion. Surprise your friends and loved ones! ;)

Hello, hello everyone! Today I am with a somewhat unexpected topic for my blog, namely “konnyaku sponge”. I’ll tell you further what kind of animal this is and why it ended up on the gift blog.

Let's first look at the definitions. Konjac sponge is a sponge made from the root of a plant called Amorphophallus konjac. In appearance, it is generally not very different from ordinary sponges that are familiar to us, but it has very serious differences in structure and function.

I became acquainted with this phenomenon about a year and a half ago and since then I have not abandoned this wonderful thing, because nothing helps better against blackheads.

I’ll immediately answer the question “how does this sponge relate to the gift theme?” I think this sponge is cool an original gift, which can be given to a female person of almost any age. Moreover, it is very budget-friendly, as you can see below.

What is a konjac sponge: key differences

So, this sponge has some differences that will help you understand that this is what you are looking at:

  1. The sponge becomes very hard when it dries. This does not happen with store-bought synthetic fiber sponges.
  2. This sponge is almost always relatively small in size and has one convex side.
  3. When cutting a damp sponge, it becomes unusable in the future, since its structure is disrupted (I sometimes run into this myself, which can be quite unpleasant -_-)

There are also models for the body, but I have not yet used them.

There are sponges different colors(white, pink, yellow, etc.) Each of the colors implies the presence of additives (clay, coal, etc.) It is not known whether they actually exist, but they differ quite greatly in their effects.

In practice I used green, black and white. I can say that white is the softest and is suitable for any skin type, but I recommend black only to people with very oily skin, the other one will simply scratch. Green is something in between. You can experiment with the rest yourself, tell us later in the comments

How to use a konjac sponge?

We’ve more or less figured out the theory, let’s move on to practice. The sponge is so easy to use that even those who don't really like to put in the effort to look good (I fit right in) can bring bliss to their skin thanks to the effortless application.

You can use the sponge in two different ways: with various cleansers (foam, soap, etc.) and without them. To be honest, I like the second option better - the effect of the sponge seems to be stronger.

The general operating principle is as follows:

  1. Take a small container with cool water.
  2. Gently, without pressing, place the sponge in the water and lightly water it on top so that it is soaked evenly.
  3. Wait until the sponge is completely soaked and completely soft.
  4. Rub your face with gentle massaging movements for 2-3 minutes. It is possible with the addition of cleansers.

I assure you, after this procedure you will definitely feel that your skin has become much cleaner. The best part is that not only do blackheads disappear, but pimples also become smaller, and areas with dry skin become more tender. Honestly, no matter how hard I tried to find good remedy For washing, I haven’t found anything better than konjac.

You should cleanse your face several times a week, depending on the condition of your skin.

  • People with irritated skin. This is not always the case (I sometimes have irritations, and konjac doesn’t seem to make them worse), but it’s worth being careful.
  • For children. Although a white sponge without additives will suit them too. But what’s the point?))) They don’t have blackheads or pimples yet, which means there’s no point in using sponges.

Konjac storage conditions

There is nothing complicated: after the procedure, carefully rinse with running water and squeeze out the sponge (do not press too hard), hang it on a hook by a string and leave to dry. I really don’t recommend storing it wet (only if for breeding microorganisms, for scientific purposes, so to speak).

Konnyaku can be used within 2-3 months after opening the package. Sometimes, due to integrity violations, this period is reduced.

Where to buy and how much it costs

I often see that they write about the price of konjac at 3 dollars. And this is considered a cheap option. But I looked on Ali, there are many more offers of a much more budget nature. Here a sponge costs less (!) two dollars, and even cheaper when on sale. Feel the difference))

The sponge arrives in a beautiful bag and in dry condition. No matter how many times I ordered, everything was always sent in excellent condition and in the correct quantity.

Here you go interesting idea for a gift - you order 5-10 white sponges, pack them in an elegant basket with some high-quality cleanser, wrap them in a beautiful film and that's it - delight is guaranteed

In general, cleanse your skin, give original, non-standard gifts, and I say goodbye to you until the next article. See you soon! Don't forget to subscribe.

P.S. By the way, has anyone already used sponges? Tell us about your impressions in the comments.

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoracheva