Outline of holding a parent meeting on the topic: “Let's get acquainted! How to organize work with parents in the first junior group of kindergarten How to organize a child’s corner summary of the parent meeting

Lebedeva Olga
Abstract round table“Do I know my child?”

The problem of interaction between a preschool teacher and a family baby today remains relevant and is an important aspect in personal development preschoolers.

Interaction kindergarten and families are a necessary condition for the full development of preschool children, since best results are noted where teachers and parents act in concert. In this regard, educators should become assistants, as well as interested, friendly allies of parents, direct their activities to create optimal conditions for a favorable climate of interaction with parents and involve the family in a single educational space, to develop cooperation and competence of parents in various issues.

In accordance with modern requirements, we - teachers - must study new technologies and implement them into practice your work.

Parents, especially young ones, need to acquire practical skills in raising children. It is advisable to invite them to workshops, the use of which makes it possible to talk about the methods and techniques of teaching and clearly demonstrate their: how to play with children, how to develop children’s speech, how to organize a home corner of nature, etc.

So, as part of this work, our group held a meeting with parents (in the shape of round table) on the topic " Do I know my child?"


« Round table» with middle school parents

"Did you know your child

Target: Formation of trusting and friendly relationships between children and their parents, parents and teachers; level up pedagogical culture parents.


1. Summarize parents’ ideas about the individual characteristics of children preschool age, and subsequently use them in the procession of family education.

2. Create a favorable emotional atmosphere of interaction between parents and educators.

3. Increase the activity of parents and the degree of their participation in joint educational and pedagogical activities. 4. Show parents the meaning joint games and family activities for development baby.

1. Greeting. Dear parents! I am glad to see you within the walls of our kindergarten. Let's smile and greet each other. Everyone calls himself what he wanted to be called by others today, and "gives a smile" sitting next to him.

2. Exercise "Give me your smile..."

Educator. Dear parents! Today we will practice using pedagogical knowledge. "Did you know your child.

I want to start our meeting with questions.

1. Is there a change in your development? baby? 2. Has he become different in a year? 3. What's new? And now I suggest you play a game" Round table". Let's split into two teams.

2. Warm up. Questions:

1. Which toy would you prefer? baby and why? (rubber ball, constructor"Lego", plastic fish, drum, scoop with bucket, transforming robot).

3. Name children's games.

4. What riddles for children do you know?

3. Creative task. Tell me your favorite poem baby.

4. Relay: "Continue the sentence"

1 Team "Brigantine" - “I am pleased with child...» , My the child is sad, When…", "My the child is afraid, When…".

2 Team "Favourable wind" - "I am saddened by child...» , "My the child is happy, When…", "My baby loves, When…".

5. "Question answer".

Team "Brigantine": what is your favorite dish in kindergarten? child? -which tabletop do you like the game to kid? -Who is your friend? child?

Team "Favourable wind":what does your like to do? child on the site during a walk? -what role-playing game is your favorite? child? -What is your biggest fear? child?

6. Let's think together.

Analysis of pedagogical situations. Each team will be given situations, you must analyze them.

1. Lida has been helping her mother wash the dishes for 4 years. Grandma seeing This: Oh oh. What you! Dishes are very expensive now, and you can break them. Lenochka, you still have time to wash a mountain of dishes in own life.

Questions: 1. How do you evaluate your grandmother’s statement?

2. What could be the consequences?

2. 4-year-old Timofey diligently inserts the strap of his sandal into the clasp window and tries to fasten it. He fails, but the boy tries again and again to fasten his shoes. The mother stops, as she says, “this aimless fuss,” and with a quick movement, without hiding her irritation, fastens her sandals. The child raises a cry: “On your own, on your own.” Mother sternly speaks: “Sit calmly and don’t be capricious!” You don’t know how, but you shout “Yourself.”


1. Did mom do the right thing?

2. What are the consequences of mom’s behavior?

3. Do you have similar situations?

4. How do you get out of them?

3. Girl Dasha during lunch speaks: “I don’t want soup.” She constantly tells her grandmother his dissatisfaction with that that the soup is warm, it contains onions, etc. Grandmother goes to her about: offers other dishes, tries to interest the granddaughter, tells fairy tales, etc. Everything is useless. The girl was left hungry, so she couldn’t sleep after lunch and became overtired.


1. Determine: in this situation, is stubbornness or whim more evident?

2. What is the reason for this behavior baby?

3. Have you ever had similar situations?

4. How did you get out of them?

5. Children of the fifth year of life are inquisitive, they ask adults questions.

6. What questions do your children ask?

7. How do you answer them?

8. What do your children like to do at home?

9. Do you watch children play?

7. Exchange of experience.

Children came to visit you. How can you occupy them? Share your experience of conducting games and entertainment in family circle.

Bottom line. Educator. Raising children is not an easy task. It is important to remember that you are responsible for preparing your children for "big life". The time and patience you spend on your child today will be used in his adult life.

Let in your quest to become good parents There will always be a common idea - love for children, trust and respect, caring attitude towards the world of childhood. Thank you for your attention!

Reflection. And now let your ships moor to the island with the feelings caused by our meeting (a picture with various islands: thoughts, hopes, inspiration, enlightenment, bewilderment, anxiety, joy, uncertainty, expectation, etc.)

Publications on the topic:

Summary of the round table for parents in the second junior group “Didactic games as a means of developing children’s speech”"Didactic game as a means of developing the speech of a preschooler." Goal: increasing the pedagogical competence of parents on the problem play activity.

Summary of the round table with parents “Every family has its own traditions” Topic: Every family has its own traditions. Goal: Fostering a desire to comply with existing family traditions, sharing experiences in family education.

Round table scenario for parents “Play with your child” Goal: to increase the level of pedagogical culture of parents. Materials and equipment: red, yellow chips, Green colour. Progress of the meeting.

Summary of the meeting of the RMO of educational psychologists in the form of a round table with the participation of parents “On the threshold of school” Being ready for school does not mean being able to read, write and do math. To be ready for school means to be ready to learn it all. L.A.

Parent meeting in the form of a round table “Cultivating a culture of behavior in preschool children” Parent meeting in the form of a round table with parents of the preparatory group “Cultivating a culture of behavior in preschoolers” Prepared.

Parent meeting “Let’s sit down for lessons” 2nd grade.


    identify parents’ ideas about the organization of children’s educational work at home;

    introduce hygienic requirements for preparing homework.

Form: workshop

Participants: parents of 2nd grade students and class teacher/


I. The teacher studies psychological and pedagogical literature on the topic of parent-teacher meetings and selects books and magazines for the exhibition.

II. A survey is conducted of students who answer two questionnaires.


    Who helps you prepare your homework at home?

    What does this help consist of?

    What do your parents ask you when you come home from school?

    What do you do when you get home from school? Please list your activities.

    Do you have a work area?

    How long have you been doing homework?

    What subjects are you comfortable with?

    Your parents help you with housework. tasks?

The class teacher processes, analyzes and summarizes the results of student surveys

III. The teacher draws up memos for parents based on the studied publications and prepares album sheets with tasks for small groups.

IV. Students in technology lessons make “books” for meeting participants (a landscape sheet folded in half with a question mark on the cover). Here, parents write down questions for the class teacher that they had before the parent meeting or during it.

V. At a meeting of the parent committee, the plan for the meeting proposed by the class teacher is discussed, and a draft decision of the parent meeting is drawn up.

The teacher makes a slide presentation of reminders, hygiene requirements, daily routine, and survey results.

Design, equipment and inventory:

a) an exhibition of books for parents;
b) equipment of the work place;
c) “little books” of meeting participants;
d) reminders to parents: “Do you want your child to go to school with pleasure?”, “Sit down for homework,” “How to teach your child to be independent in preparing homework,”

Organizational stage

1. Meeting of parents (an exercise to unite the group and create a working atmosphere favorable psychological climate)

Exercise“Give a smile to your neighbor” Everyone is in a circle. Take your neighbor's hand, smile at him and compliment him. My smile returned to me, but it became even larger, as your smiles joined it.

A game“Rope” Tie a rope to make a ring. Everyone stands in a circle and grabs the rope that is inside the circle with both hands. Everyone close your eyes and build a triangle, square, circle.

Game "Locomotive" We went clockwise, grabbed the waist of the person in front, then grabbed the two.

They sit down at their desks.

Let's talk about the child himself 4 best quality.

Then it is advisable to discuss with parents the question of whether it was easy to remember and talk about “the best.” Why? During the discussion, the facilitator leads the participants to the conclusion that We often pay attention to the child’s shortcomings and problems than to his achievements.. This sometimes prevents us from appreciating its positive qualities, which are the main basis for building confidence.


    How to properly organize homework preparation

    Results of educational work

    Organizational matters

2. A word is provided for the message. hands

Diagnostic stage

(Annex 1 )

Game “Hat of Questions” (parents become aware of their problems)

    Our child has a special place where he...

    Our child is doing his homework...

    Copes independently...

    It's difficult to cook...

    My help in preparing food is...

    When a child learns homework, we...

    If the child performed the task carelessly, then...

    We think that for Sunday.....

    The child begins preparing homemade food with...

    When preparing food, you must...

    When preparing a homework assignment in the Russian language, we...

    If a child gets involved in work right away, then...

    If a child starts working slowly, then...

Student survey results:

Questionnaire for students:

    Do you have a special place in your home where you constantly do your homework (underline)?
    yes - 19
    no - 1

    How long have you been doing your homework (underline)?
    1 hour; 10
    2 hours; 9
    3 hours or more. 1

    Which subjects can you easily handle on your own (list):
    Mathematics – 14
    Russian language – 8
    Reading – 8
    Ohm – 8

    What items do you find difficult to prepare (write):
    Mathematics – 6
    Russian language – 10
    Reading – 2
    Ohm – 7

    When you find it difficult to complete your homework, do your parents help you (underline)?
    yes - 13
    no - 7

    What do your parents do when you come home from school with a bad grade?
    Scold – 3
    Screaming – 1
    Warn – 1
    Bute – 4
    Punish – 4
    Nothing - 7

    Does it ever happen that you don't do your homework at all?
    Yes – 8
    No - 12

Studying at school and doing homework is serious work. Everyone knows what homework is. Several generations of schoolchildren call homework “homework” . « Homework is what prevents poor children from breathing freely after school is over. Why do so many generations of teachers insist on doing homework, and why do so many generations of unfortunate schoolchildren try with equal constancy to avoid this “bitter fate”?

In a modern school, children spend six hours a day, and sometimes more. Fortunately, the curriculum still includes subjects such as physical education, art and music, as well as special subjects aimed at developing self-esteem. (“Every Color Except Black”) Teachers are expected to spend the remaining three hours teaching reading, writing, math, and at least some science. Class teachers are not able to do everything. They need help.

As parents, you can make a huge contribution to your children's learning process. By reading to your baby, you automatically increase his vocabulary. By helping with homework every day, your attention shows how important learning is.

Many parents want to help their children, but do not know how to do it. In addition to the constant lack of time, they often notice that their children simply do not want to study with them. Children will be more willing to design a new car than do their homework. But even if children watch a lot of TV or sit at the computer from time to time, they cannot definitely be called lazy. Once children have done their homework, they don't want to spend any more time reading, and they aren't interested in practicing math.

One parent said that when it was time to do his reading homework, the child hid the book behind the radiator. Doing homework has become a battle and joint activities became the cause of tension between them, which was of no benefit to anyone. The parent would lose his temper when he felt his son was not doing his best, and homework usually ended with him yelling at each other. Some parents even do homework for their children to avoid problems.

It happens that parents themselves provoke their children into a negative reaction associated with doing homework. Coming home from work tired and irritated, they sit down with their children for homework with disdain and a feeling of doom. Any mistake or miscalculation of a child instantly turns into a storm of emotional outbursts towards the child. As a rule, children are very sensitive to the state of their parents, and your stress is transmitted to them. Before sitting down to study, try to calm down and concentrate on the activity at hand. Speak your demands to the child in a firm and confident voice, without raising your tone.

Researchers believe that parents are one of the most important sources of knowledge for their child. Parents have every opportunity to help their children succeed in school, but they do less than they could. The study found that mothers spend on average less than half an hour a day talking to, explaining, or reading to their children. Fathers are even shorter - about 15 minutes. Therefore, before asking your child about grades and success at school, first ask yourself, what did I do for this? What mark will you give yourself for doing homework with your child?

A child's sense of self-worth is fragile and needs to be nurtured. If your child knows that there is a designated time that you will spend with him, then you will show him that he is very important to you and that you want to be him too. Everyone knows that children love to play - recognize it and use it to your advantage. Then your kids will enjoy spending time with you and the learning process will become something exciting for them.

Homework serves various functions.

One of the main ones is the function leveling the child’s knowledge and skills, his skills, in the event that he was sick for a long time, or missed a lot, or did not master some complex topic.

The second function of homework is to stimulate the student’s cognitive interest, the desire to know as much as possible about a subject or topic.

The third function of homework is This is the development of student independence, perseverance and responsibility for the educational task being performed.

Classroom teacher: If we think about how to properly organize educational work at home, we will notice that this is a two-fold task.

    On the one hand, you need to help the child find correct operating mode, select place to study, determine the best procedure for preparing lessons.

    On the other hand, instill in him a strong habit of sitting down for homework contrary to the desire to play or take a walk, develop the ability to quickly get involved in work, lead it without distractions and at a good pace. The slightest internal imbalance of the child or some external inconvenience can turn out to be a serious hindrance.

Situation 1

“My Petya sits at lessons for 3-4 hours. So diligent, so hardworking. If only he could maintain this effort until the tenth grade.” But in the 2nd grade, you have to spend 1.5 hours on homework. Let's watch Petya do his homework.

Petya took workplace. He’s sitting at the table, which means he’s working... But no, it turns out. A compass and a pencil had disappeared somewhere, and it immediately turned out that the required entry in the diary was missing, and I needed to find out from a friend what was assigned in mathematics, but the textbook itself was not there. And the minutes fly by...

But everything was found, clarified, prepared, the boy went deep into work... Suddenly he wanted to drink water, and a minute later it turned out that he needed paper for a draft…. It took more than 20 minutes to build up, and more than two hours were spent preparing the lessons. Petya during this time:

    twice got up from the table and went to the kitchen to drink water;

    once got up and turned on the TV to see if the cartoon program had started;

    twice, looking up from work, I listened to the conversation of adults in the next room;

    One day he took out an album with stamps from the table and leafed through it.

But now the work is finished. Petya spent another 10 minutes aimlessly moving textbooks and notebooks from place to place...

So, it turned out that out of more than two hours spent by Petya, only 1 hour and 27 minutes was used effectively, which is what a 2nd grade student should be.

This picture, as you see, is typical. Almost half of schoolchildren spend more time preparing homework than they should.

What can you advise parents if their child cannot “sit through his homework”?

Cl. hands: Firstly, games. Quiet Board games and mobile role-playing games.

Secondly. It is useful for a child to do something together with adults, to do it quickly, cheerfully, without swaying, without painful pauses. You can do dirty dishes together: you wash, the child wipes; you can fix something together; You can read a book together: page you, page child.

You can develop in your child the habit of quickly switching from one thing to another. If he is called to eat, he must immediately stop playing. It is unacceptable to allow a child to ignore parental instructions in anything. It is necessary to teach the child to separate free time from the time when he is busy with something serious, do not confuse business with play. How many times have you seen a child playing with bread while eating, washing his hands and playing with the fringe of a towel? Parents should not be passive observers of such scenes. Otherwise, the same thing will happen with classes. Ensure that the child does everything necessary without additional reminders, without being distracted by anything.

The daily routine plays a major role in organizing a student’s educational work. Special studies carried out in primary school, showed that those who study well have a firmly established time for preparing lessons, and they firmly adhere to it. The guys admitted that when the time to prepare homework approaches, they lose interest in games and don’t want to go out anymore.

And, on the contrary, among weak students there are many who do not have a permanent time allotted for studying. This is no coincidence. Cultivating the habit of systematic work begins with establishing a solid training regimen., without this, academic success cannot be achieved. The daily routine should not change depending on the number of lessons, the fact that an interesting film is shown on TV or guests come to the house.

Cl. hands The child should sit down for lessons not only at the same time, but also at a permanent workplace. So he could keep books and notebooks there. If a child studies at a common table, no one should disturb him or distract him from his studies.

Why should a child have not just a convenient place to study, but also a permanent one?

Cl. ruk: The fact is that every person, and especially the younger schoolchild, an attitude is developed not only for a certain time, but also for a certain place of work. When such an attitude is formed in a child, it is enough for him to sit down at his usual table, and the working mood naturally comes, and the desire to start work arises.

Help your child strictly follow this rule: before classes begin, everything that is not related to them must be removed from the table. Place all auxiliary things that you will have to use (ruler, eraser, pencil) to your left; textbooks, notebooks, diary - on the right. Everything that is no longer needed should be immediately placed in a briefcase or in another specific place.

It is useful to create a reminder together with your child.

“Let’s sit down for lessons.” (Appendix 2 )

    Always sit down for your lessons at the same time.

    Ventilate the room before classes begin.

    Turn off the radio, TV

    Wipe the dust off the table

    Light from the left side

    Check the lesson schedule for tomorrow

    Prepare writing materials for class

    Remove everything unnecessary from the table

    Sit comfortably on a chair and open your textbook.

Having begun to compare his actions with the points of the memo, after some time the student reaches the point that all these actions will become familiar to him.

CONCLUSION: Organize a child’s work corner in every family. Teach children to do their homework independently, using the “Let’s sit down for homework” reminder

In what order should the lessons be taught?

Cl. hands: What tasks should you start with? Oral or written, difficult or easy, interesting or boring?

It is best to teach your child to independently assess the difficulties of the work being performed and, by comparing the complexity of tasks, try to independently answer the questions: which of the subjects studied at school are easier and which are more difficult, which task to complete first - difficult or easy.

From the very beginning, the child must realize that the preparation of lessons can and should have its own internal logic related to the content of the material. It happens that children do this: they diligently perform written exercises, and then proceed to oral ones and learn the rule that was the task in the exercises.

When the child has accumulated his own experience in doing homework, he can be advised to set the order of completing tasks based on his observations. If a student knows that he gets involved in work right away, works with enthusiasm at the very beginning, and not at the end, it is advisable for him to do the most difficult lessons first and gradually move on to easier ones, which require less mental effort. If a student gets involved in work slowly, if fatigue does not appear soon, then he should start with easier ones and gradually move on to difficult ones. The most difficult, uninteresting work should be assigned to the middle or second half of classes.

It is best to start doing homework 1 hour or 1.5 hours after returning from school in order to have time to take a break from classes. If the child is busy with some other activities (for example, attending clubs, sections), then you can sit down later. But in any case, you can’t put it off until the evening.

The duration of the child’s work on preparing homework should be as follows:

    up to 1 hour – in first class;

    up to 1.5 hours – in the second;

    up to 2 hours - in third and fourth grade.

These are the standards set by the Ministry of Education.

CONCLUSION: First, oral subjects - rules, and then written ones. Difficult, then easy

How to teach independence?

Cl. hands: Start with a subject that is easier, and do not answer questions until the task is completed. Don't stand behind him, don't make him angry. Do your own thing, and let the child teach. You listen and you can ask a question. Then check and do not ridicule the children’s mistakes. Hang the addition and multiplication tables above your bed and study them. Get ahead of school. Learn the multiplication table. In Russian, do it out loud, but do not write it in the textbook. When doing written work, the child remembers everything again.

MEMO “How to prepare a D/Z in the Russian language”

    Start your work by working on your mistakes. Repeat the rules you forgot.

    Learn or repeat the given rule. Come up with your own examples of this rule.

    Read the exercises.

    Read the entire exercise. Complete the tasks for him orally.

    Do the exercise in writing.

    Check all the work

CONCLUSION: Parents who almost immediately give their children the opportunity to show complete independence in preparing homework are just as wrong as those who overprotect their child. Some adults tell the child: “The lessons are assigned to you, not me, so you do it.” Others gently ask: “Well, what are we assigned today?” - and open textbooks and notebooks. In the first case, resentment arises at the indifference of relatives to such important school matters and the quality of the tasks performed suffers. Secondly, irresponsibility is formed - the confidence that everything will be done correctly without special effort.

Of course, parents should be interested in organizing the process of preparing homemade food


    Check whether the workplace is organized correctly

    Everything should be in its place

    Sit with your child during the first stages of doing homework. His future school success depends on how calm his first steps are.

    Form the habit of doing homework. Remind them of lessons without shouting, be patient.

    Decorate your workspace beautifully. Table, lamp, schedule, elements, wishes for schoolchildren, educational tables.

    Learn to do your homework only in this work area.

    There is order in the workplace, if it is difficult for him to restore order, then help him.

    Reads the exercise assignment out loud. This calms the child and relieves anxiety.

    If a child does something wrong, do not rush to scold him.

    If your child gets distracted, calmly remind him of the time allotted for completing his homework.

    To complete written assignments cleanly, without mistakes.

    Don't force me to rewrite the work multiple times. This undermines interest in school.

    Try to teach them to do their homework on their own as early as possible and to contact you if necessary.

Consolidation of acquired knowledge

(Appendix 4 )


Situation 1

Your child said: “I won’t go to school anymore. Take me out of it!” What will you do in this situation?

Answer: don't talk badly about school, don't criticize teachers in front of children. Do not rush to blame the teacher for absence individual approach. Remember how many times you sat with your child and watched him work. Do not discuss all the details of conflict situations with your child. Let the child see that you are interested in his assignments and books. Read for yourself instead of sitting in front of the TV. Take part in the life of the class, the child will enjoy it.

Situation 2

She strictly punished us: not to do homework without us. I come home from work at 6 p.m., we have dinner and sit down for homework. I sit next to you and, if necessary, give advice or force you to redo it.

    Should a child wait for his parents to complete his homework?

    Do you think that work should be completed first in a draft version, and then in a notebook?

Situation 3

My wife and I immediately agreed: let Svetlana study on her own as best she can. And I don’t look at notebooks. My wife sometimes wonders. But we think that since Svetlana is a student, let her solve her educational problems herself. What he doesn’t understand, he’ll ask the kids and the teacher, and then he’ll get a mark – whatever he earns, he’ll get. If he gets a bad grade, that means he won’t go out, but how else?

    How do you evaluate the parents' behavior?

    Do I need to help my child with educational activities?

    If a child gets a bad grade, what will your actions be?

Situation 4

When my son went to school, my husband and I took ours next holidays- first my husband, and then me. We considered it necessary to visit the boy at home at least for the first time, to accustom him to the new regime, and to help him prepare his homework. Our son really needed this help. Writing was especially difficult for him. There were tears very often.

“Mom, I tried so hard, but I didn’t succeed.” I calm the boy down, find one better written icon on the page among the scribbles and show it to Yura.

- Look, son, you wrote this letter well, you see how even it is, how correctly you connected it with the neighboring letter. This is how you can write others beautifully.

    Did Yura's mother do the right thing?

    How do you help your child cope with writing difficulties?

Parent testing

(Appendix 5 )

Test “What kind of parent am I?”

Mark the phrases that you use most often in your family:

    How many times do I have to tell you?

    Please advise me

    I don't know what I would do without you.

    And who are you born into?

    What wonderful friends you have!

    Who do you look like?

    Here I am in your time!

    You are our support and helper!

    What kind of friends do you have!

    What are you thinking about?

    How clever you are!

    What do you think, son (daughter)?

    Everyone's children are like children, and you!

    How smart you are!

    2 points for answers No. 1, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 13,

    1 point for all other answers.

7–8 points. Live in perfect harmony. The child loves and respects you.

9–10 points. You are inconsistent in communication. The child respects you, but is not always frank.

11–12 points. It is necessary to be more attentive to the child. Authority is not a substitute for love.

13–14 points. You are going down the wrong path. There is mistrust between you and the child. Give him more time, respect him, listen to his opinion.

Parent meeting decision

    Teach your child to do homework independently and correctly evaluate the results of their activities.

    Use the prepared reminders for the most rational construction of children’s work on preparing lessons.

    Provide assistance to children when serious difficulties arise in completing homework.

    Don't skimp on praise. Always praise the performer, and criticize only the performance.

    Set realistically achievable learning goals with your child.

Memo –Appendix 6 .

In the first younger group In kindergarten, a child learns about the world of social relations in which he grows up. The baby develops the norms and foundations of communication skills, and speech develops at a rapid pace. There is a difficult process of adaptation to kindergarten. Properly structured work with the parent community allows the teacher to get to know their students better, receive feedback from moms and dads, and generally more effectively organize the educational process in the younger group of preschool educational institutions.

Important aspects of the theory

The main characteristics of children attending the first junior group (aged 1.5–3 years) are increased sensitivity to separation from their mother and fear of new things. Often, children’s adaptation to preschool education is painful, and both children and parents experience stress. In addition, parents often lack high-quality information about the life of a preschool institution and the optimal conditions for the development of children.

Goals and objectives of working with parents in the first junior group

The main goal of working with parents of children under 3 years of age is to combine the efforts of the family and kindergarten for the successful adaptation of preschool children to preschool educational institutions, their upbringing and development.

In the first junior group, work with parents is aimed at providing the child with education and the most comfortable conditions for staying in kindergarten.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve a number of problems:

  • increase the pedagogical competence of parents through the dissemination of up-to-date information;
  • provide practical assistance in the upbringing and development of children;
  • promote a trusting attitude of parents towards group teachers: take into account the recommendations of specialists, be open to dialogue.

Parent events for the first junior group of kindergarten have their own characteristics, but in general they are similar to meetings in any kindergarten group. The goal of a particular event for parents can be anything, but in general it will lead to achieving the main goal. An increase in the number of goals leads to an automatic increase in the number of tasks with the help of which the goals will be achieved. To avoid negativity and wasted time and effort, you should remember that there is one goal, and there are several tasks that implement it (it is advisable not to set more than 10 tasks).

The following factors influence the setting of goals and objectives:

  • Time when the event is held (before the school year, beginning of the school year, middle or end).
  • The actual situation in the group (successes and achievements of children, difficulties encountered).
  • Parents' needs for information about the characteristics of their children's age and the process of adaptation of the child to a preschool educational institution (design of a stand, story with examples, distribution of leaflets and reminders, etc.).

At the beginning of the school year, the following goals will be relevant:

  • Ensuring the successful adaptation of children and parents to preschool educational institutions.
  • Establishing psychological contact with the family.


  • Development of a child’s speech abilities early age in the family and in the preschool educational institution.
  • Building a system for raising a healthy child.
  • Consolidation and development of new skills and abilities of the child.

Trust and active interaction parents of the child and kindergarten form a morally and mentally healthy personality

At the end of the year:

  • Focusing on the children’s achievements during the school year, give recommendations for the summer on further development.
  • Using the joint experience accumulated over the past year, help parents prepare and prepare their baby for next year education (it is important to focus on the psychological crisis of a 3-year-old child).

Forms of work

All forms of work with parents in the first junior group can be divided into 3 groups:

Separately, we should consider such a form of work as leisure time with parents. It could involve holding a party in kindergarten or going for a walk together in the forest. It is important to remember that this form of work with the parent community requires long and competent planning, as well as painstaking preparation. After all, for children such events are not a vacation at all, but a non-standard form of education, an opportunity to gain new knowledge and emotions. Therefore, it is better to discuss all possible details and nuances with parents at the preparation stage of the event.

Table: topics and forms of events for parents in the first junior group

DatesParent meeting topicForm of conductExplanations
SeptemberLet's get acquainted!Conversation, questionnaireMeeting parents, informing them about the norms and rules adopted by the preschool educational institution.
OctoberChildren's emotionsConversation
  • Adaptation of children to preschool educational institutions.
  • Establishing a psychological environment in the group.
DecemberGood healthActive physical activity with parentsA visual demonstration of the correct useful exercises to improve the health of children.
FebruaryI am myself!Tea partyLaying the foundations for self-care and fostering independence.
MarchLearning numbersRound tableFormation of elementary mathematical concepts.
AprilTransport is a friend! Transport is the enemy!Business gameBefore summer holidays It is necessary to give children an understanding of the rules of the road.
May JuneFarewell, junior group!Conversation, didactic game, tea partyPresentation of the results of group work for the year, recommendations for developing the child’s abilities and preparing for the next school year.

Parent meeting in the first junior group

Parent meetings for children in the first junior group are the beginning of interaction between parents and the educational institution. Even if the child is not the first in the family, his path in kindergarten will be different from that of his brothers and sisters. Therefore, for the parents of the baby, not everything will be repeated; some things will be the first time. It is important that the very first year of kindergarten is successful, joyful and educational for the child. For this, both parents and educators will have to put in a lot of effort. The parent meeting is a key moment when it is checked how effective the interaction is and tasks are set for the near future. At least 3 meetings are held throughout the year - at the beginning of the school year, in the middle and at the end.

Establishing contact with family

When working with parents, it is important to take into account the individual characteristics of each individual family. Therefore, the teacher needs to establish friendly and trusting relationships with the parent community. To achieve such cooperation, you need to adhere to the following plan:

  1. Conduct a preliminary survey of parents to identify their needs and needs.
  2. Based on the data obtained from the survey, select the topic and form of the upcoming parent meeting. Create a note for yourself in which you describe the main points of the meeting.

    It is important. Don't forget to check with your parents for contact information.

  3. Promptly inform parents about the child’s behavior and achievements. This will allow moms and dads to form the most full image child.
  4. Conduct correct individual conversations with parents in order to understand the situation in the family. Find out the difficulties and problems in raising a child.

Non-traditional forms of work help to establish contact with parents

The information obtained is necessary for the teacher to find an individual approach to each child and to plan the direction of group classes.

Requirements for organizing parent meetings

The topic of the parent meeting is a combination of the needs of the parents and the goal set by the teacher. Therefore, the topic is mostly selected by the teacher, taking into account the characteristics of the parent community. The form of holding a parent meeting should most fully reveal the topic at hand, and should also take into account the principles and ways adopted in the families of pupils.

The teacher bears great responsibility for preparing the parent-teacher meeting. It is better to start preparing for the event in advance and adhere to the basic rules:

  1. Everything that is planned must be aimed at achieving a specific goal and correspond to the chosen topic.
  2. The issues that should be considered at the meeting (agenda) are specified in detail. To do this, check with the parent committee whether they need to be given the floor and how long it will take. It happens that parents propose to consider an issue that is already included in the topic of the meeting. Then you need to discuss which part, how and who will report.
  3. The agenda and general time of the meeting are regulated in advance. Parents are people who have limited time and hope to make the most of it. If the meeting drags on and begins to exceed 1.5 hours, then you can forget about a positive attitude.
  4. On the agenda, issues are ranked according to their importance and form of presentation. So, during a tea party, you can present a video report about the holiday, but the tea party itself should not be organized before official information is announced or pressing issues of the parent committee are resolved.
  5. Carefully check whether the form of information presentation corresponds to the selected material. It would be a big mistake to provide official information on the internal regulations of a preschool educational institution in the form of a conversation.
  6. During the total time allocated for holding a parent meeting, only those issues that concern the entire group as a whole are discussed. You should not discuss one particular child in front of everyone. For these purposes, time for individual consultations is planned.
  7. The meeting plan must include an item - a message about achievements or important events in the group. There is no need to make a detailed report on this topic. Here you can use other forms: create a short video with photographs or set up a stand with works, or use other forms.
  8. Every parent meeting is an event that should be remembered. There is room for creativity and creativity. The main thing is to remember the “Golden Mean” rule. A balance must be struck between the official and informal parts, quantity and the real need for variety and additional material. For example, if a didactic game is planned, then the role-playing game is no longer carried out.
  9. It is important to complete the accompanying documentation on time. By filling out the documents, the teacher not only writes down all the above points, but also helps himself in further activities. The better the meeting agenda is thought out, the more successful it will be. In addition, six months later it is difficult to remember what actually happened at the parent meeting. This is where developments, agendas, protocols, and additional materials come in handy. It is advisable to add personal notes about the meeting to the total number of documents.
  10. Specialists - speech therapist, psychologist, music or physical education teacher, swimming coach - assistants. They are invited as needed. The specialist’s presentation should be organically integrated into the parent meeting or taken beyond it into individual consultations.

When preparing a parent meeting, it is important to adhere to a clear plan

How to hold the first parent meeting in a junior group

The purpose of the first parent meeting in the junior group is to establish contact with the students’ parents and jointly create plans for the upcoming school year.

  • Conduct a brief survey of the parent community to find out contact details and main family priorities.
  • Tell parents about the educational institution where their children will study. About the rules and requirements adopted by the preschool educational institution.
  • Outline prospects for further joint work on teaching and raising children.

Work with parents should be based on the following steps:

Tips for parents help them establish a trusting relationship with their child

Table: example of a meeting summary in a junior group

AuthorGerasimova Ya.E., teacher, MBDOU TsRR No. 25, pos. Sibirtsevo, Primorsky Krai
Name"Let's get acquainted"
  • Meet the parents, introduce the parents to each other.
  • Selection of the parent committee.
  • Tell parents about children's adaptation in kindergarten.
Progress of the meetingIN.: Good evening. We are glad to see you at our first meeting. Today we have our first parent meeting, at which we will meet, get to know each other better, I will tell you about what our children have already learned during the period of adaptation to kindergarten and what they still have to learn.
You have pens and pieces of paper in front of you; you can write down questions that arose during the meeting.
I want to start our meeting today with a comic poem “They took the butuz to the garden.” (The teacher reads a poem.)
So, you brought your children to kindergarten and we have one common goal, to make their stay here comfortable, safe, interesting, exciting, educational, etc.
During a child’s stay in kindergarten, we (children, teachers, parents) make a triangle. At the head of the triangle, of course, is the child. What do you think will happen to a three-legged stool if one leg breaks? (It will fall) That's right, it will fall! Remember Krylov’s fable “The Swan, the Crayfish and the Pike” where it says: “When there is no agreement among the comrades, their business will not go well, what will come out of him is nothing but torment!” Therefore, you and I need to join forces to ensure that children are interested and comfortable in kindergarten, and here it is very important to have mutual understanding and support. You and I will live alone, I hope friendly family. But first you need to get to know each other better.
Children love to play "Magic Wand". Now we will try to plunge into childhood and also play. Rules of the game: The one who has a magic wand in his hands calls himself the way he would like to be called by others.
My name is Yana Evgenievna. I am a teacher of the first junior group.
(Each parent introduces himself.)
That's how we met. Thank you!
Now I will tell you what we have already learned. And we learned a lot. Our group has 10 classes per week. This is drawing, modeling, music, physical education, familiarization with the outside world, artistic reading, speech development - in this area we see particularly striking achievements. All classes take place in game form. Every day there are 2 lessons of 10 minutes each. During the day, various outdoor games are played, finger games and nursery rhymes, individual conversations with children are held.
During adaptation, children:
  • became more sociable;
  • begin to learn to play together and share toys;
  • all children know where their locker, towel, potty, crib is;
  • learned some rules of behavior in the group;
  • they know that after washing their hands, they need to squeeze out the water and only then go to their towel;
  • almost all children eat on their own, with a little help from adults;
  • undress;
  • learn to dress;
  • We learned how to carry out basic tasks and put away toys.

As you can see, we have learned a lot, but we have even more to learn, and most importantly, teach children self-care. And you must take an active part in this process. It often happens that a child in kindergarten eats, undresses and partially dresses on his own, but after some time at home he comes to kindergarten and we again teach him to eat, get dressed, etc. And when communicating with his parents, it turns out that you did everything at home for him, because it’s faster, more convenient, neater, etc.
Give children the opportunity to be independent, of course, according to their age.
Summary of the meeting.
In conclusion, I would like to say that together we will lay the foundation of friendly relations in kindergarten and in parent groups. We need to make sure that the child in kindergarten has fun, good, and interesting, so that he goes to kindergarten with joy, makes friends with the kids and returns home happy.
We did a good job with you.
Select a parent committee consisting of:

Chairman of the Parents Committee:
Thank you! See you again!

Minutes of the meeting

Minutes are a written document that details the proceedings of a meeting. It is necessary to fix everything decisions made, which must then be implemented in practice. The minutes of parent meetings should be accompanied by texts of speeches, consultations of group teachers and other specialists who spoke at the event. Unfortunately, not all teachers consider it obligatory to maintain, register and store such documentation.

It is important. The protocol is a kind of insurance for the teacher, confirming the legality of his actions and the administration of the preschool educational institution if troubles or controversial issues arise.

Correct and timely completion of the protocol helps in resolving controversial issues and preparing for the next parent meeting

Most often, the minutes of parent meetings are documents for internal use, so when creating them they do not use a form and do not indicate the full name of the institution. It is important to complete protocols in a timely manner, within 3 working days. The sample below shows the most commonly used form of the protocol (abbreviated).

Protocol No.____

Parent meeting of group No.______ Topic:_______________________________________________________

from " "_____________201_______.
Present: ______person.
Absent: _______ people.

Each group of participants in an open lesson has different goals

You cannot violate the requirements for open classes in kindergarten:

It is important. The duration of continuous NOD in the first junior group does not exceed 10 minutes.

Typically, open classes are held without rehearsal, so they require long and painstaking preparation. There may be a rehearsal of only individual elements, such as poems, songs, that is, what children must learn (prepare) in advance. But this is possible with children of the middle group. In the younger group, only psychological and moral preparation of children for the event is possible.

Theoretical part of preparation for an open lesson

The teacher must clearly formulate the purpose of the open lesson, as well as the skills and knowledge of the children that it will need to consolidate. Once the goal has been determined, a theme can be formulated. It is important to ensure that the open lesson fits into the curriculum and has a connection with subsequent lessons. When you already have a goal and topic, you need to make a list of tasks to be implemented on open lesson.

Then you can begin to select literature that should most quickly and easily solve the problems. You need to select tasks for children (best from the selected literature) that will:

Using a standard scheme, the teacher draws up his own open lesson plan

After the tasks have been selected, a clear lesson plan should be drawn up. To do this, you need to develop a sequence of actions and think through moments of activity and calm. Small children cannot sit in one place for a long time; they definitely need to switch from one type of activity to another.

If some new technique or technology is used, it is advisable to try it out in other classes. And the last thing that needs to be considered is the control and safety of children’s activities.

Practical part of preparation for an open lesson

Any event is first registered in calendar planning the entire institution, as it requires the involvement of other employees (for example, a psychologist, speech therapist, etc.). Then an order is prepared for the entire institution. You will need a list of all visual aids and devices that will be needed to conduct an open lesson. If you need any visual aids If you do it yourself, you need to prepare everything in advance. Each item should be prepared and checked, preferably more than once.

Parents must be invited at least 2 weeks, or better yet, a month. Parents are warned that they are only observers, so they should not prompt or help the child. You cannot interfere in the lesson, give hints, or jump out with a camera. It is very important to convey to each invitee the fact that, no matter what happens, you should not interfere. Children aged 1.5–3 years have a very short attention span, and they quickly react to changes in the environment and are distracted.

Correct parental behavior in an open lesson will help children

Working with parents in kindergarten is of great importance for the formation of a healthy personality of each child. Each event with the parent community requires preparation and step-by-step planning. Activities with parents of children of the first junior group are designed to facilitate the process of children’s adaptation to educational institution and promote successful socialization.

Tribunskaya Larisa Alekseevna.

Dear adults! You have a child, and if you want your baby to develop successfully, you need to think about creating a children's corner for him. Despite the fact that for the first two years he exists in close contact with adults, at the same time he is attracted to development of the surrounding space. The whole house becomes a developing environment, but it also has its own developmental environment - toys, and they usually move after the child and adult. Therefore, it is very important that as the child grows, he has his own corner, because gradually the developing environment is separated from the home environment, and the child concentrates in a special place where nothing prevents him from doing his own thing without disturbing adults. And at this time, adults have a question: how to arrange it so that the child is comfortable and cozy, so that he can fully develop?

Furniture should be selected in each play corner. Children love to play on the floor, but it is important to do coloring, applique work, assembling mosaics, and working with construction sets at the table. You need a comfortable table with a flat surface and chairs with a back that will help the child maintain correct posture. The place for the child's corner should be well lit, so as not to spoil the eyesight, and be convenient for approaching the place where toys are stored.

In the play corner, if space allows, you can provide elements of a sports complex (trampoline, wall bars, swings). Sports equipment is placed in one part, and a table, chairs and a toy cabinet in another.

If your child only has a play corner, toys must be stored in one place, it is advisable to teach them to clean up after game day. The habit of order in the toy corner will certainly affect the general attitude towards order and the subsequent use of books and school supplies. To interest a child, cleaning up toys can easily be turned into a continuation of the game or in preparation for new games. But it happens that children play the same game for several days and it is important that the building created by the child is not destroyed, but is in perfect order. And in this case, you cannot force it to destroy if the child does not want it, so as not to suppress interest in creation, creative development. Let him remove it when he sees fit.

It would be nice for parents and their children to do general cleaning, wipe dust from cabinets and shelves, wash toys, and put them in their places. Such joint work helps the child feel like an adult, fosters hard work and a desire to help adults.

“Play, create, explore” is the main goal of a child’s development. This goal integrates play, productivity, and exploration. And for this you need to choose the right toys.

You can’t choose toys for yourself, you once really dreamed of such a toy, but you didn’t have it, so I’ll buy it for my child. First of all, when buying toys, you need to be guided by his age (the game of a two-year-old child is not the same as the game of a five-year-old child).

To help the game material:

Child development (provided the opportunity to develop a full-fledged game, for example, with a plot or with rules, i.e. it should be related to the specifics of the activity),

Corresponding to gender (for example, imposing dolls on boys and cars on girls can lead to distorted personality development),

Stimulated a variety of activities, developed creativity and ingenuity.

Of course, any toy should be aesthetic, pleasing to the eye, safe, and entertain the child, since play is an activity that brings pleasure.

However, many toys are not durable; they tend to break, even if you treat them very carefully. Therefore, you should not throw them away if it is possible to repair them. And this work must be done together with the child. Of course, at first the baby will be able to do only the simplest work. But what older child, the more significant his participation in this useful matter. This habit of constantly taking care of toys will instill in the child hard work and accuracy.

Thus, remember, a play corner is a corner of freedom, self-realization of a child, his microclimate, where he forms his skills, habits, acquires new skills, and learns about the world. Play with your child more often, create all the conditions for harmonious development. Children who play little do not develop well!


1.. Zakrepina A. “ Preschool education» No. 12 2009

2. Smirnova E., E. Korkina et al. “What our children play.” 2013.

3. Kulikova T. Zagik L. et al. “To the educator about working with the family” 1989.


It is necessary to notify parents about the day and hour of the parent meeting two weeks in advance by posting a notice on the group bulletin board. Also, the teacher must verbally say that there will be a meeting and ask that everyone be present.

An original idea would be to hold a meeting together with. Let them feel like adults and, like their parents, bear responsibility for their actions. After hearing about yourself from the outside, trying on the role of a parent, you can rethink your behavior and view of school in general. In addition, this way you will achieve better attendance at meetings.

If parents are unhappy with their children's grades or your way of presenting material, hold the meeting as a lesson. Let adults appreciate your teaching method and feel like they are in the children’s shoes. This way, you can jointly understand all the pros and cons, which will help you establish better contact with your children in the future.

Try not to scold children in front of other adults. It is better to schedule separate meetings with the parents of low-performing students. Remember that many adults who come to a parent-teacher meeting for the first time are just as nervous as their children on September 1st. Help them adapt to school life, and they will help you raise little disciples.

Video on the topic

Parent meetings are an integral part of the educational process. It is here that the class teacher meets with the parents of students, discussing organizational issues, problems of education, academic performance, and informs them important information. Its effectiveness depends on how seriously the class teacher approaches organizing a parent meeting.


Pay attention to your parents, their social status and educational level. This is how parents perceive information emotionally young without higher education. Educated, middle-aged parents are rational. Men are more skeptical than men, so they will need more compelling ones. Women are more susceptible to emotions and therefore be more restrained with them.

Consider the length of the parent-teacher conference. Schedule the conversation for no more than 30-40 minutes. During this time, you must convey to the parents the main purpose of the meeting, and this idea should be repeated at the beginning and at the end of the communication. different forms.

The topic depends on what you are going to talk about: about adolescence, about the daily routine, about between students, about working with them. You should have a summary of the conversation, its plan. Of course, you will not read from paper, but it is necessary to have the “skeleton” of the conversation before your eyes.

Your speech should be free. A big problem for young teachers is anxiety. If the teacher is worried, his words immediately lose authority, so try to think through the answers to possible questions from parents in advance. It is possible that you will have to write your speech.

When planning a conversation, remember that parents only show involuntary interest in the first 5 minutes. Then it all depends on how much time you have to interest them. This should be a conversation in which parents will take an active part, and not a one-man show.

If you plan to talk about student performance, never talk about poor performance or bad behavior a specific student in front of all parents. Many of those whose children become such “stars” of the class simply do not come to meetings so as not to blush in front of everyone. You can praise students for good grades or behavior by finding for each Nice words. And work with parents of difficult children individually.

Video on the topic

The results of educational and educational processes in preschool institution depend on many conditions. One of them is a good relationship teacher and parent team. It is possible to achieve mutual understanding, kind and sincere relationships through parent-teacher meetings.


Parent meetings must be held regularly, at least once every two to three months. You need to be familiar with their topics in advance. This can be done at the first meeting in September, or by posting an announcement on an information board.

Arrange an exhibition of children's works: drawings, applications, crafts from natural materials. Don't forget to sign the title of the work and the author's name. Parents will be pleased to see what progress their child has made.

You can hold a meeting in the form of a conversation with specialists, or a survey. If you want something unusual and creative, organize a KVN for parents or open event. It all depends on what goals you are trying to achieve.

Plan ahead for issues you need to address with your parents. You can discuss future events (excursions, exhibitions, theatrical performances) or resolve financial issues. Make a detailed plan, indicating who will speak and in what order, and calculate the time for each presentation.

If the meeting is held in preparatory group, distribute notebooks with their children’s work to parents. Tell us about how you should work with your children at home, and what you especially need to pay attention to. Also introduce them to what children should know and be able to do before entering first grade.

Tell your parents how friendly the children are and whether there are any conflicts between them. Pay their attention to how they can help you develop mutual assistance, responsibility, and endurance in the guys.

Invite specialists to speak: psychologist, speech therapist, medical worker or a social educator. First, you need to conduct a survey to find out whose consultation the parents need.

Do not express dissatisfaction with any child's behavior or academic performance in front of other parents. Conduct all one-on-one conversations at the end of the meeting.

Be tactful and attentive, and you will achieve the same friendly attitude towards yourself.

Parent-teacher meetings allow the class teacher to maintain contact with the parents of schoolchildren. At them, the teacher has the opportunity not only to inform parents about the progress of their children, but also to talk about the main provisions in the school charter. It is necessary to prepare most carefully for the first parent-teacher meeting, since at this time the first impression of the teacher is formed.


Introduce yourself to your parents. Tell us about what you received, as well as what academic subject (besides classroom management) you will teach in this . Be sure to provide information about your teaching and previous places of work. If you are a prize-winner of any professional skill competitions or a laureate of various festivals, tell your parents about it. You can (if you wish) talk about your family, hobbies, etc. This will allow you to establish trusting, sincere relationships within the team.

Tell parents about your requirements for students: appearance, keeping diaries, class attendance, active participation in the life of the class team, etc. Read also the main provisions from the charter of the educational institution.

Tell us about the main areas in working with children that you consider to be priorities and those that you will rely on in your work with students. For example, you can conduct patriotic events and organize the work of Timur groups or train guides for the Museum of Military Glory at an educational institution. Invite parents to help their children, for example, in compiling a veterans' portfolio.