Child's name tattoo on the wrist for girls. Tattoo names: ideas and fonts. Photos and sketches of tattoos with names

The art of body painting is available to everyone today. In any modern city there is a tattoo parlor whose artists are ready to realize any of the customer’s ideas on the customer’s skin at an affordable price. Tattoos with inscriptions have become increasingly popular in recent years. Among them are tattoos with children's names. Is it worth getting such a tattoo? Let's discuss all the pros and cons.

Tattoo with a child's name - why?

He asks each client, even at the stage of discussing the sketch, why he chose this particular design and why he needs a tattoo. Most often, body painting is considered as body decoration or a talisman. In the first case, the drawing does not always have any meaning or explanation. But with ideological tattoos everything is much more complicated.

What motivates parents to get tattoos with their children's names? Most often it is love for your children, pride in them, a desire to emphasize the personal connection with your offspring. All these are positive motives and emotions, but before you sign up for a session at a tattoo parlor, think about whether you really want a tattoo? There are also more traditional ways to emphasize family values ​​- carry a photo of the baby in your wallet, install a picture drawn by him on your computer desktop or phone screensaver. Think about how exactly you want to express affection for your child, and choose the most suitable option for you personally, without regard to fashion and the likely reaction of the public.

Fashion for name tattoos

Tattoos with the names of children, spouses and friends are incredibly popular in modern society. Often such body images are chosen by very famous people - show business and film stars. Among them are David Beckham, Angelina Jolie, Christina Aguilera, Vera Brezhneva, Ksenia Borodina and many others. Very often, fans get tattoos “like a star’s”, wanting to imitate or being inspired by the example of an idol. Then one friend sees another tattoo “Children's Names” on her arm and gets the idea to do the same. All this is generally not bad, because friends and celebrities can “teach” us even more bad habits than getting a tattoo. But if you want to put an image on your skin that you won’t get tired of and will delight you with for the rest of your life, get a tattoo only of your own free will. Do not listen to the negative or positive reviews of others, do what you want.

Tattoo with a child's name: photos and sketches

The simplest version of a tattoo reminiscent of children is a name inscription. Moreover, to implement such a tattoo, you can choose any font and color. Also think about the language used. Some Russian names look ridiculous in English transcription, while others, on the contrary, become more mysterious and interesting. If your child is old enough and can write, you can get a tattoo in the style of his handwriting. Tattoos with children's names are often supplemented with the date of birth or drawings. Images in this theme are very different: from eternal symbols of motherhood and childhood to complex signs and amulets.

Choosing a place for a tattoo

When planning to decorate your body with any tattoo, think about whether you want others to see it? In some situations this is a fundamental issue. For example, even an innocent “Child’s Name” tattoo on the wrist can interfere with employment in municipal organizations or commercial companies that have a strict dress code. Most often, children's names are placed on the arms or back. However, it all depends on the imagination of the tattoo parlor client. No one forbids placing these important inscriptions on the leg or around the waist. Sometimes such tattoos are made on the neck or chest area.

Tattoos about children are not just inscriptions

How to complement a tattoo with the names of children and what is the most interesting way to express love for your neighbors on your body? A separate genre is the portrait tattoo. This is the application of sketches from photographs and drawings to the skin. However, be careful: finding a good tattoo artist who specializes in portraits is not so easy, even in a big city. Be sure to look at photographs of the actual works of the artist you found and only after that agree to an individual development of a portrait tattoo. A simpler, but no less interesting option is to choose some symbol representing your baby. It can be anything: a graphic image of his favorite toy, a zodiac sign, or anything else that you may associate with your child. This tattoo is attractive because not everyone will understand its meaning, but the owner will never forget why he made it. However, “Children’s Names” tattoos on the arm look graceful and elegant and in the usual list (if there are several children). Sometimes even overly complex fonts and additional decorations are not needed. And some people even prefer to limit themselves to the dates of birth of loved ones. Such tattoos are also a little “secret” - only people close to the family can understand their meaning.

People take their choice of body design seriously. Each sign, element, symbol can tell about the character, interests, and values ​​of the tattoo wearer. By applying a tattoo with a name, a man wants to emphasize his feelings for his child or his beloved. Every day the inscription will remind him of his promise to love and care for a loved one.

Why do you get tattoos with children's names?

This is interesting: Tattoos for men: sketches on the arm, wrist, shoulder, leg, forearm, neck, chest + 200 PHOTOS

Recently, the demand for name tattoos has been gaining popularity. Movie and show business stars like to have a picture on their body with a child’s name.

Among them, the most famous:

1 Sylvester Stolone– chose a place on his right hand to declare his love to his three daughters.

2 Angelina Jolie– depicted on her beautiful body the names of her relatives and adopted children.

3 David Beckham– got four tattoos in honor of each of his children.

4 Ksenia Borodina– she decorated her left hand with the inscription Marusya, in honor of her beloved daughter.

5 Sergey Lazarev tattooed the letter N on his neck - the initial of his son Nikita.

The prevalence of this type of tattoo is associated with the desire to always remember your beloved children, to carry them not only in your heart, but also symbolically in the form of names on your own skin. Not everyone will decide to tattoo the name of their beloved, because it is unknown whether they will be together until the end of their days. Parents love their child all their lives, regardless of their age and distance from their home.

VIDEO: Tattoo with name

Tattoo with a name, examples of photos of finished tattoos

In this section of the catalog we invite you to look at photos of tattoos with a name in a wide variety of options.

Fathers and mothers often combine a name tattoo with a small symbolic design. This could be a baby's footprint, a palm print, or a date of birth.

Some parents worry whether a tattoo with a name will affect the future fate of the child. In fact, There are no restrictions or warnings in this matter.

The only thing worth thinking about is about the mention of the baby's name associated with the death of the baby during childbirth. A woman needs to think about whether she wants to constantly hear questions related to her tattoo and remember the tragic events of her life.

You will also have to take the choice of tattoo location seriously.

Choosing a place on the body and style of inscription

Having decided to make a tattoo with the child’s name, all that remains is to determine the location of its application. Open places on the body that are visible to strangers are chosen by parents who want to tell everyone around them about their love for their children. For those who prefer not to advertise their feelings, inconspicuous, hidden areas of skin are suitable.

Popular places for tattoos with children's names are:

  • wrists;
  • the outer side of the arm from the elbow to the hand;
  • upper neck;
  • area under the heart;
  • collarbone;
  • part of the back between the shoulder blades.

Sometimes, instead of the full name, they prefer to depict initials. The letters look beautiful framed in swirls, hearts, and decorative elements. The original solution would be to choose a name in Latin, Chinese, Sanskrit hieroglyphs.

When choosing a font, take into account some features:

1 For small areas of the body, such as the wrists, thin openwork lettering is preferable.

2 Gothic fonts will require a lot of space, so they are often selected for the back, shoulder blades, and lumbar area.

3 Hieroglyphs are traditionally depicted vertically, they are placed along the line of the neck to the shoulder blade, to the right or left down from the spine.

Men's tattoos with children's names are often different from women's. They prefer hidden places on the body to show warm feelings, express love and affection. Some “star” fathers, such as Pavel Volya, shockingly demonstrate their paternity by depicting whole portraits of your kids.

Tattoo with a girl's name

Applying a declaration of love to your body needs to be approached thoroughly. When dedicating an inscription to his beloved, a man should be sure that he can have warm feelings for her all his life. Much can change, but the girl’s name will remind you of her for many years.

The initials of your beloved will look original in foreign languages: English, Arabic, Chinese or Japanese. It is better to double-check the subtleties of the translation first. Men prefer to depict girls' names on the shoulder, chest, and the outside of the wrist.

For those who prefer strict lines, come t style minimalism. Women's names surrounded by flowers, inscribed in a heart, and decorated with a crown look impressive. Men who devote a significant space on their body to a name tattoo can depict it in the form of hieroglyphs surrounded by bamboo branches.

A tattoo with a name written next to a fading, gothic rose is most likely a reminder of a loved one who is no longer alive. You should not write the initials of a living partner in this style, even as a sign of sadness about parting with him.

Sometimes a couple in love decides to consolidate their declaration of love in the form tattoo with initials in place of a wedding ring. Some even draw rings, writing the first letters of their partner’s name into them. Such a couple holding hands looks beautiful and romantic.

Other ways to declare your love with a tattoo

Sometimes, a couple who wants to record their oath of fidelity in the form of a tattoo does not want to limit themselves to inscriptions. An alternative sign of mutual love would be paired tattoos. A guy and a girl get identical designs on certain parts of their bodies.

The most popular areas of the skin for this symbol are the ring fingers. On them, lovers often depict:

  • wedding date;
  • infinity symbols;
  • Celtic ring design;
  • key and lock;
  • sun and moon;
  • swans;
  • heart with wings;
  • crowns;
  • a puzzle that folds when you connect your fingers.

Wanting to apply a larger design, the couple chooses for it wrist area. Tattoos should be in harmony with each other, forming a single image when a guy and a girl hold hands. The following are good options for this:

  • birds;
  • small animals (mice, cartoon characters, lizards);
  • halves of the heart (must be connected);
  • dolphins;
  • female and male silhouette;
  • a phrase that can only be read by joining your wrists.

The name of each person is part of his personality, the first thing people remember when meeting him. People believe that the name influences fate and character. That's why tattoos with a name (your own or a loved one's) are so popular. Today, during a period of interest in tattoos, tattoos with names are among the leaders in popularity. The choice of writing styles for names is simply huge; everyone will find a suitable font, writing style or language for themselves. Names are tattooed by people who have deep feelings for a child, husband, boyfriend, and so on, because a tattoo can tell about the strength of the feelings they experience much more than a thousand words.

Tattoos with a child's name

Parents dote on their child; sometimes, to express the fullness of their feelings, a loving mother or father gets a tattoo on the body with the child’s name. Such tattoos can be large and colorful or relatively small, but no less beautiful. Not everyone has a positive attitude towards this type of tattoo. Some argue that this is sinful and will negatively affect the fate of their beloved child, they prohibit getting such tattoos, they consider the name sacred, this applies to believers. For the most part, these are conjectures and superstitions - everyone decides for themselves what to believe. A tattoo with a child’s name, compared to a tattoo with the name of a loved one, carries a positive emotional charge for much longer. A person sometimes regrets a tattoo dedicated to his significant other (in the event of a breakup or betrayal), and tattoos with children’s names are extremely rarely upsetting. The meaning of a tattoo with a child’s name cannot be overestimated. Even when the baby grows up, on the parent’s body there will be a reminder of childhood, youth and the depth of feelings for the child.

Tattoos of loved ones' names

Most esotericists claim that a name applied to the skin can enhance a person’s energy. Of course, this statement applies to putting personal names and initials on the body, but the names of loved ones allow you to feel this energy instantly. Each letter carries an energetic charge, and each sound affects different parts of the brain. As a result, repeated visual repetition of the name has an emotional impact on the partner, in addition, a tattoo of the name of a loved one is an oath of fidelity. The name of your girlfriend applied to your own body is a declaration of eternal love.

On what parts of the body are names stamped?

The meaning of a tattoo is individual for each person, however, as for names, it is an expression of friendship or love. For this reason, such tattoos are done on sensitive parts of the body, most often a name tattoo on the wrist. In addition, men make tattoos of this type on the shoulders and upper chest, on the neck and in the lower leg area. At the same time, the style is varied - from inscriptions in ancient Russian runes to an original tattoo, the name of which will be written in Latin with art. A tattoo (a name applied to the body using a tattoo) is beauty, individuality, an indicator of the depth of feelings and memory.

Like any body composition, a tattoo with a child’s name has its own characteristics. Before making a tattoo, you should definitely think through a sketch, choose a style and font, come up with additional attributes, and find a suitable place. In addition, you need to decide whether you will write only the initials or the full name. The question often arises of what language to write the name in. For example, you can consider two variants of the same name - “Julia” and “Julia”. Which option suits you best? You definitely need to think it through.


The traditional style is perhaps the most rational choice of genre for naming a child. A huge selection of fonts allows you to find the perfect artistic solution. The good thing about traditional style is that it harmoniously combines with other genres and compositions. For example, if your body has already “suffered” from ink, you will always find a place for the child’s name, embossed in the traditional style. But you shouldn’t limit yourself to the traditional genre. Recently, experiments in the style of minimalism and new school have become popular. You can also take inspiration from Odlschool or Chicano. Today, there are a lot of interesting tattoo designs with children's names, made in these iconic styles.


Girls and boys tend to choose different places to get a tattoo. Ideal “female” locations for a tattoo with a child’s name:

  • Wrist;
  • Area near the heart;
  • Forearm.

Men's tattoos with the child's name can be filled in such places as:

  • Shoulder;
  • Wrist;
  • Breast;
  • Inner side of the forearm.

A tattoo with a child's name is a responsible decision. That is why it is worth considering the future composition in detail and, perhaps, supplementing it with some elements. These can be flowers that symbolize the statement that children are the flowers of life. Also, tattoos with names can be supplemented with baby handprints, hearts, stars, geometric shapes, etc. Some parents from noble families, to whom tattoo culture is not alien, can tattoo the family coat of arms next to the name of the future heir directly on their body.


Some celebrities get tattoos with their children's names. Among them:

  • Keisha Cole with "Daniel" tattoo;
  • Draya Michelle with her son's name "Nathaniel Jr.";
  • Fantasia Barrino with a "Zion" tattoo in honor of his daughter;
  • Toya Wright with her daughter's name "Reginae" tattooed;
  • Tori Prawer with her baby's name "Mahina".

Body painting is a special type of art that is fashionable in the modern world. Nowadays tattoos mentioning children have become very popular. This could be the child's name, picture or date of birth. Moms and dads, trying to perpetuate the appearance of their beloved child, choose various designs. Why are tattoos with children's names so popular and is it worth getting them?

A simple option is digital tattoos, for example, with the date of birth. It is more difficult to fill in a real appearance or a whole name. Many parents (even men among them) ask to make an imprint of the baby’s foot or palm, a testimony of tender and reverent love.

Why make tattoos with names?

In salons, body painters ask clients why they chose this or that option and why they need a tattoo in the first place. Often clients only talk about beauty and attractiveness or faith in a talisman. If the option for beauty is chosen, then most often it simply does not make sense. But things are more complicated with ideological tattoos.

Why do parents choose tattoos with their children's names? More often than not, they express love and tenderness for their offspring, pride, and also want to emphasize that the child comes first. This is all, of course, cute and unusual, but you should think again about whether such a tattoo is really necessary.

Family values ​​can be emphasized in other ways - put a photo of the baby in your wallet, hang his drawings on the wall, set a screensaver on your phone. There is no need to unconditionally follow fashion trends, because tattoos with children's names are not the most important way to express love.

Name tattoos are a fashion trend

Modern people try in different ways to emphasize their attitude towards children, friends, spouses and parents. Often the initial painting with hidden meaning is done by people from show business, actors and athletes. For example, Beckham and Aguilera, Jolie and Ksyusha Borodina. Fans make similar tattoos in honor of their idols.

In general, it is better to do a tattoo consciously, and not according to fashion trends or the example of celebrities. Don't listen to other people's reviews or follow someone's advice. And even more so, don’t get, for example, a tattoo with a name on your arm without thinking about it.

Men's tattoos with meaning

Often men come to salons who consider family their main priority. They want to perpetuate the appearance of the child and spouse. They often say that certain inscriptions associated with a child always come to mind, because this person is the main thing in life. Unlike women, men choose intimate places, hidden from public view, for personalized and meaningful tattoos.

For example, the strong half of humanity chooses the following inscriptions: “in the heart forever”, “my life”. In general, tattoos for men are meaningfully different from those for women. Men don’t just write children’s names or initials, they put all their feelings into a seemingly simple phrase. Often, following the example of husbands, wives get the same tattoos, and identical inscriptions on spouses look original.

Should you get family tattoos?

Before going to a body painting salon, parents ask whether it is possible to get a tattoo with a mention of children, and whether they will affect the future fate of the child. There are no negative sides to this issue. Here the parent must make an independent decision. What if the mention of the baby becomes a sad moment?

The child is alive and well, making his parents happy every day and making them smile. Of course, in this case, the tattoo will only be a pleasant reminder of the existence of the most precious person in the world. But if a woman asks to get a tattoo in the shape of a heart with the imprint of a child’s foot inside, then we are talking about a tragic event. There may have been a miscarriage, stillbirth or death of the baby. Many people do not understand the meaning of certain tattoos, and ignorance can lead to unpleasant questions. But tattoos for men with meaning or a bias towards the theme of family values ​​can also have a hint of sadness in the future if tragic moments happen in life.

Tattoo artists say that women never regret getting tattoos with mentions of their babies, which cannot be said about tattoos associated with their other halves. After all, there is no guarantee that the relationship will last a lifetime, but the tattoo will remain.

Which tattoo to choose and where to get it?

If you decide to get a tattoo, then think about whether you want to hide it from the eyes of strangers. This question becomes fundamental in some situations. Even tattoos with children's names located on the wrist can be a reason for refusal of employment where there is a dress code. A common place for personalized tattoos is the back, less often the arms. It all depends on your imagination. There are no prohibitions on tattoos on the legs, stomach or waist. Some clients ask for their children's initials to be tattooed on their chests.

Is it possible to add something to a tattoo with children's names? You can pay attention to a portrait image, which is characterized by drawing a sketch of a person’s appearance from a photo onto the body. But it is quite difficult to find a master capable of such work.

You can get a tattoo with the name and date of birth of the child - a simple and interesting option. Not everyone will understand the meaning of this tattoo, but that’s good.

Personalized tattoos on the hands look very elegant. A list may be displayed that includes several children. Name tattoos on the arm are suitable for both men and women. For some, a date of birth without a name is enough. However, the meaning of any tattoo will be known only to the wearer if others know nothing about it.