If a pregnant woman's belly button protrudes. What causes navel changes during pregnancy and are they dangerous? Why does my belly button come out?

Pregnancy seriously affects not only a woman’s emotional and physical well-being, but also her appearance. Every day, changes occur in the body of the expectant mother, and the most important of them is the continuous development of the baby. Many women note that along with the growth of the abdomen, the navel changes during pregnancy.

From about 20 weeks, the navel begins to protrude forward, taking the shape of a button. Doctors consider a slight increase in the width of the umbilical ring in the absence of severe discomfort to be quite normal. Why might this appear and how dangerous is it? Let's take a closer look.

I would like to immediately note that not all women experience significant changes in their navel. From the second half of pregnancy, when the belly begins to rapidly increase, many expectant mothers notice that the umbilical cavity gradually smoothes out and loses its usual shape. Shortly before giving birth, the navel becomes convex during pregnancy. Why is this happening?

There is no need to worry, such changes are normal. The navel will return to its previous state after pregnancy and the birth of a child. Factors influencing the change in the shape of the navel in the expectant mother are a large fetus, polyhydramnios, and rapid weight gain - under these conditions, the stomach will grow faster and the navel will protrude.

Why can your belly button hurt?

Pain in the umbilical region is usually associated with the rapid growth of the unborn baby, which is noted with. The skin on the abdomen is subject to excessive stretching, causing discomfort in the form of itching and pulling sensations. This is called tension pain, and the condition is not at all dangerous.

Unpleasant sensations in the navel may be associated with stretching of the umbilical ligament muscles, which have become displaced due to the rapid enlargement of the uterus.

The same discomfort can be explained by weakness of the abdominal muscles of the expectant mother. When they diverge, a phenomenon such as a blue navel during pregnancy is sometimes observed.

Shortly before childbirth, the navel muscles are stretched the most, as a result of which it protrudes forward, causing discomfort, for example, a woman may feel that her navel is itching during pregnancy. This is also normal, no need to worry. The main thing is that this condition is not accompanied by additional unpleasant symptoms.

Less commonly, pain in the navel during pregnancy may appear due to the development of pathological conditions. Therefore, if you experience any discomfort in the umbilical area, you should consult a doctor.

How to reduce pain?

If your belly button hurts or is very painful during pregnancy, you should be examined by a doctor. Until a specialist arrives, it is important to remain calm, not take painkillers and not apply heat to the sore spot. It is necessary to monitor changes in health, accompanying symptoms, and tell your doctor about everything.

If diseases can be ruled out, a healthy diet, wearing a special bandage for pregnant women and moderate physical activity will help eliminate nagging pain and discomfort in the umbilical area. It is also recommended to sleep exclusively on your left side, swim and walk more in the fresh air.

Diseases that cause pain in the navel

During pregnancy, the navel can get sick in the early stages and right up to childbirth for more dangerous reasons.

Sometimes this condition is caused by the following diseases:

  • umbilical hernia;
  • appendicitis;
  • diseases of the stomach, liver and pancreas;
  • diseases of the urinary system;
  • gynecological problems.

Nausea, lack of bowel movements, bloating, tightness and a feeling of pulsation in the umbilical area usually indicate the development of a hernia. If there are accompanying symptoms, this pathology is also indicated by a hot navel. If mechanical pressure on it causes unbearable pain, there is no doubt about the diagnosis.

Pain occurring above the navel often indicates gastroduodenitis and other pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. Exacerbation of existing chronic diseases of the digestive system during pregnancy is not uncommon, since all organs of the abdominal cavity have to function in slightly altered conditions.

Pain below the navel, accompanied by urinary disorders, may be associated with urological problems, for example. In this case, you should not self-medicate, since any infectious and inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system are unsafe for pregnancy.

Discomfortable sensations in the navel area with simultaneous pulling in the lower abdomen indicate increased uterine tone. This condition threatens the continuation of pregnancy, so it is not recommended to ignore the symptoms. For all of the above conditions, you should seek emergency help.

Protrusion of the navel during pregnancy

Many women, after the 20th week of pregnancy, notice that the navel begins to protrude outward, as if opening inside out. The less fat layer on the belly of the expectant mother, the more obvious this sign is.

The protrusion depends on the degree of stretching of the abdominal muscles and the increase in the width of the umbilical ring. Some pregnant women experience fear about this, worrying about the shape of the navel and abdomen in the future. But there is no need to worry, even if your belly button came out and sticks out during pregnancy, after childbirth everything will return to its place.

Darkening of the navel

In addition to the protrusion of the navel, a woman may experience darkening of the skin in the peri-umbilical area and along the abdominal line. This occurs as a result of hormonal changes in the body of the expectant mother and the accumulation of skin pigment in these places.

A dark navel during pregnancy can be observed throughout the entire period, but 6 weeks after birth, the darkening almost completely disappears. Therefore, if the expectant mother has a darkened navel, she can be confident that its normal state will be restored.

If you have a piercing

Among modern women and girls, piercing is often a decoration for such an intimate place as the navel. Doctors have a negative attitude towards this procedure, considering it unsafe.

Every pregnant girl expects a lot of different changes in the body during the entire period of gestation. Along with the actively increasing size of the tummy, the navel begins to protrude over time.

Moreover, for some this process, quite natural, is clearly expressed, and for others it practically does not change outwardly.

When exactly does the belly button come out?

This happens in most cases at 24 weeks of gestation. The baby begins to grow and this provokes stretching of the belly of the expectant mother.

In girls with a slender physique, the navel may not change its appearance at all.Maybe it won’t be as deep, but it won’t stick out either.

If while waiting for the baby you gained weight or before the onset of pregnancy you were unable to get rid of excess weight, then your navel will most likely greatly increase in size, but this is not at all scary. There is no need to panic about this. Also, it may not differ significantly in light from other skin on the body, this fact is explained by the accumulation of pigment.

Causes of pain in the navel area

Such a process has quite reasonable reasons and explanations:

  • Due to the gradual uterine expansion and growth of the baby, the mother’s internal organs and their connections are displaced. The umbilical ring enlarges and the skin begins to stretch. For this reason, women may experience a slight degree of pain.
  • It is necessary to monitor the state of personal health, since heaviness and unpleasant manifestations in the navel area may indicate the presence of a hernia. This problem is not simple, the risk of its occurrence is high. The doctor may prescribe the use of special creams, as well as wearing a bandage. A pregnant woman should monitor the regularity of her bowel movements. If there is an umbilical hernia, constipation is strictly prohibited.
  • If pain does not appear, then it is possible that there is an infectious process in the intestines or. With these diseases, unpleasant symptoms are present almost all the time. Diarrhea, high fever, and nausea may also occur.
  • A lot also depends on the girl’s physical fitness. If she was engaged in sports activities before the onset of a new position and the abdominal muscles are well trained, then she will not be bothered by pain in the navel. If your best friend was a sedentary person, then it is unlikely that you will be able to avoid such trouble.
  • A woman’s body needs a lot of time to completely rebuild itself.
  • Pain may be present with impaired bowel function.
  • It happens that unpleasant sensations arise in the summer. because then sweat is actively released.
  • Acute pain may be present indicating the presence of an ulcer. Before conceiving a baby, it is recommended to be fully examined and treated so that there are no unpleasant consequences in the future.

It is impossible to completely get rid of the problem in question, but it is possible to alleviate pain. To do this, you need to spend a little more time on the move, walk outside, and also make sure that there is fiber in your food. Wearing a bandage is also recommended; your doctor may recommend it to you. It is important to exclude from life various experiences that clearly will not bring anything good.

Piercing in the navel

There is no clear answer to this question. Naturally, it would be better to remove the earring during pregnancy. When the fetus ripens, the navel begins to enlarge, and the piercing, at a minimum, will not look aesthetically pleasing. The risk of the puncture stretching also increases significantly, and various infections can easily get into it.

Wearing an earring in your belly button can cause rupture and great discomfort.If you had a piercing before pregnancy, you need to wait a lot of time for it to heal; there may be suppurations that are dangerous to health.

If it is so difficult to refuse jewelry, then you need to thoroughly wash the puncture site often and monitor its condition so that if there are any changes, they can be noticed in a timely manner. In any case, it is recommended to remove the earring before giving birth.

In the last stages of pregnancy, piercing is strictly prohibited. This can cause various problems to arise. If you really want to, then think that it is dangerous and it is better to postpone it until the baby is born.

Mothers' belly buttons come out for absolutely natural reasons, and there is no need to worry about this.

When the belly button in pregnant women begins to protrude a little, expectant mothers worry whether this is normal and whether it will become the same after childbirth. Expecting a child brings noticeable changes to your appearance, which are most often completely natural, so there is no need to worry.

Why do pregnant women have a navel that sticks out?

As the fetus develops and grows, the expectant mother's belly increases in size and the skin around the navel stretches. Given these changes, a protruding navel is completely normal. In addition, the skin around the navel can itch and even hurt, and stretch marks often form on its surface.

A pregnant woman's belly button may stick out, itch, and hurt a little.

Typically, the navel turns into a protruding “button” at 23–25 weeks of pregnancy and continues to grow along with the growing belly. This phenomenon depends on various factors:

  • age of the expectant mother;
  • number of pregnancies;
  • woman's build;
  • fruit size.

A pregnant woman's navel protrudes if she has gained excess weight, is carrying her second or third child, or has a dense physique. In fragile girls, the cause of the appearance of a “button” on the stomach is most often a large fetus. But there are also cases when the navel does not come out, and this is also considered normal.

Will the belly button recover in pregnant women?

If your navel sticks out too much and the skin around it itches, it would be a good idea to wear a special bandage for pregnant women. Special creams and cosmetic oils for stretch marks will help to avoid stretching of the skin around the navel and minimize discomfort.

As soon as the long-awaited moment arrives - the birth of the baby, the navel will gradually begin to take its previous shape. There is no need to worry that this cosmetic defect will remain with you for the rest of your life; the navel finally takes on its original appearance after 7-8 months.

The beauty of the female body has been praised in songs and poems for many centuries. From time immemorial, men were ready to fight desperately for the sake of their beloved, sometimes unsuccessfully trying to win her heart. It is worth mentioning beauty during pregnancy - subtle and unique, tender and feminine. A rounded tummy, as a symbol of the beginning of a new life, on which a slightly convex navel flaunts - well, isn’t that cute?

Most expectant mothers wonder why the navel protrudes during pregnancy. And, if some of them are amused by this, then there are women who are seriously concerned about the appearance of a “button” instead of the usual neat navel. Let's consider in which cases a protrusion in the area of ​​the umbilical ring is normal, and when it is worth seeking advice from a doctor.

Why does the belly button stick out during pregnancy?

During the gestation period, the abdominal muscles are subject to serious stress due to the growing uterus, which increases in size with each subsequent week. The baby in the womb is actively growing, while the pressure inside the abdominal cavity also increases, and the large uterus occupies all the space, squeezing the internal organs. Therefore, starting from about 20 weeks of gestation, in some women, often slender and tall, the navel turns slightly inverted and sticks out, which is the absolute norm.

It is worth noting that every expectant mother has a navel that is unique in shape and size, and therefore in some women during pregnancy it protrudes more than in others. In many ways, whether the navel protrudes during pregnancy or not depends on its initial shape, as well as the thickness of the subcutaneous fat in the abdominal area: the smaller it is, the stronger the protrusion.

Why does the belly button protrude in early pregnancy?

If the abdominal muscles are weak and untrained, the umbilical ring is subject to excessive stretching, as a result of which the navel begins to bulge strongly during pregnancy, even despite the short term. This may be due to both low physical activity before conception and a recent pregnancy less than a year ago. Some young girls note the appearance of a bulge in the area of ​​the umbilical ring in the first half of the gestational age, which is often due to such features as a narrow pelvis or an abnormal location of the uterus.

Why does the navel protrude and hurt during pregnancy?

Many women complain of soreness in the navel area in late gestation. Undoubtedly, overstretching of the skin in this area can cause discomfort in this area, for example, a feeling of tension, bloating, numbness and even itching, which is often a sign of the appearance of stretch marks. However, it happens that the pain becomes unbearable, that is, not only the skin, but also the “insides” hurt. In such a situation, one cannot exclude the possibility of developing an umbilical hernia - a condition in which internal organs (the greater omentum or intestines) extend beyond the boundaries of the abdominal cavity through an overstretched umbilical ring.

Warning signs during pregnancy:

  • The appearance of a formation in the form of a “bump” in the navel area;
  • When pressing on the navel area, a feeling of emptiness appears or a slight click is created;
  • The formation is easily reduced when pressed in a horizontal position (with an unstrangulated hernia);
  • Constipation, nausea, rumbling (appears when intestinal loops get into the hernial sac);
  • During pregnancy, the navel begins to protrude more when straining or coughing.

If you experience any of the above symptoms, you should consult your doctor.

What to do if your belly button protrudes during pregnancy?

In the absence of a clinic that may indicate the development of an umbilical hernia, there is no need to do anything with a protruding navel - all changes in the body should be taken for granted. Soon after giving birth, the navel will return to its previous appearance. To prevent the appearance of stretch marks (striae), during this period it is necessary to use special cosmetics to increase the elasticity and firmness of the skin.

In addition, if there is a weak abdominal wall, a large fetus or twins, doctors recommend wearing a special bandage to support the abdominal muscles. You should also improve your diet by including more fiber-rich foods in your daily diet - vegetables, fruits, legumes and cereals. This will help avoid problems with bowel movements, which increase the risk of an umbilical hernia during pregnancy.