We visit the solarium according to all the rules. How to sunbathe without harm to your health


Hello. Until recently, I didn’t even think about tanning in a solarium. But a friend lured me and I decided to go for company. I liked the effect, it even seemed to lift my spirits! Now I'm afraid I'll jinx it. Please tell me how often can I visit a solarium without harm to my health? Now winter is coming and I would like to take procedures more often.

Galina Pak, 31 years old, Ufa


Answered by dermatologist Veronika Ignatieva, St. Petersburg

Galina, many people ask this question, regardless of the time of year. All women want to have a beautiful tan! The way out of the situation is to visit a solarium. But you should remember that artificial tanning is a cosmetic procedure, and you need to follow a few simple rules.

Why can't you go to the solarium often?

Frequent visits to the solarium lead to rapid aging of the skin and premature appearance of wrinkles, so it is not recommended to exceed the optimal number of sessions per year - 50 visits.

Also, frequent visits to the solarium can lead to skin cancer, since there is intense exposure to artificial ultraviolet rays of increased intensity on the skin. As a result, burns may occur, which can lead to cancer. That is why you should not exceed the recommended number of minutes and visits.

Number of solarium treatments for different skin types

Before going to the solarium, you need to determine your skin type so that you know how long you can sunbathe.

White or pink skin

White or pink skin, often with freckles. This type of skin is not pigmented and never tans even with frequent and prolonged visits to the solarium. People with this skin type are not recommended to visit a solarium at all, because it will cause more harm, and the expected result will not be achieved.

Light skin and light brown hair. The skin is sensitive to excessive doses of ultraviolet rays. The following frequency of visits to the solarium is recommended: the duration of the procedure is no more than 5 minutes, no more than once every 2 days. After achieving the desired result in the form of a lasting tan, you can increase the duration of the procedure to 12 minutes.

Dark skin

Slightly dark skin and dark brown or light brown hair. The skin is sensitive to ultraviolet rays and tans quickly with minimal risk of burns. The following regime for visiting the solarium is recommended: the first procedure is no more than 7-8 minutes, every other day - no more than 10 minutes; then the duration of the procedure is increased by 1-2 minutes every day until the desired level of tanning is achieved.

Swarthy (dark) skin

Dark skin and dark hair. The procedure in the solarium can last 15 minutes daily. In 6-7 sessions, a good level of tanning is usually achieved; to maintain it, you can visit it 1-2 times a week.

For any skin type, it is necessary to treat the skin with sunscreen, which is designed specifically for tanning procedures in a solarium. Immediately before the procedure, you should apply a cream or lotion, which helps to better fix the tan and makes it even and beautiful.

Thus, thanks to the solarium you can look tanned and fresh all year round. But if you doubt your skin type and whether you can visit a solarium, it is recommended to consult a dermatologist. This way you can avoid negative consequences such as allergic reactions and skin cancer.

It is imperative to protect sensitive areas of the skin, eyes and hair. Before the session, you need to wash off all makeup and remove jewelry. You should stop visiting the solarium if you develop burns or a fever. You should follow all the rules for visiting a solarium if you want to not only look beautiful, but also not cause harm to your health.

A light, even tan, bronze or chocolate skin tone by today's standards is an attribute. A solarium provides an excellent opportunity to look as if you have just returned from an expensive resort. With frequent visits to the solarium, a therapeutic effect is also achieved. However, those who have not encountered an artificial sun have a lot of questions. The article contains answers to the question of how to go to a solarium to sunbathe.

How to go to a solarium for the first time

What a woman needs to know before going to a solarium for the first time. Basic Rules:

1) It’s right to start your first trip by preparing your skin. 1-2 days before the session, do a cleansing peeling.

2) Call in advance and ask what you need to take with you to the solarium, and what they give out on the spot.

3) Use special creams and lotions before and after the session. Sun protection products are not suitable; you need to take special products for solariums.

4) Beginners should do without cream with bronzer. This option is for more advanced visitors. It is used to obtain a deep tan.

5) Wash off makeup from your face, but don’t forget to protect your lips with a balm with UV protection.

6) Be sure to cover your chest. The skin in the nipple area is very delicate. When attending a procedure without underwear, there is a risk of damaging the skin. It is recommended to cover the lower part of the body and not visit the solarium without panties.

7) Don't sunbathe naked. The best option: a swimsuit made of natural fabric.

8) Do not start the procedure without glasses to protect your eyes and a hair cap.

9) Consult with an employee, find out how many lamps are in the solarium and how many minutes it will take to tan for the first time.

10) 3 minutes are needed to tan the solarium for the first time. You can gradually add a few minutes at a time. A beginner can start with 2 sessions per week.

11) It is not recommended to attend procedures with high temperatures with eyelash extensions.

12) The question “Can I take my phone into the solarium?” is often asked. The solarium is “purple” on your phone, so you can take it with you.

13) At what age can you visit a solarium, you ask. Desirable age 16-18 years.

How often can and should you go to the solarium to sunbathe?

The duration of one session depends on the power of the lamps, the type of solarium, and the skin of the tanner. On average enough 5-10 minutes. The first visit should not exceed three minutes.

You cannot visit the solarium every day. Theoretically it is possible, but in practice it is not worth going to sunbathe so often. The best option would be to come to the solarium in 3-4 days after the previous procedure. Ideally, no more than 3 sessions per week should be performed. It is advisable to make one course of 10 sessions (about 3 weeks). The frequency of the course is twice a year.

Cosmetologists, when deciding the question “how many times and minutes to sunbathe?”, use the 50/48 rule. Where 50 is the number of sessions per year, and 48 is the minimum interval between each procedure (in hours).

More than 90% of doctors are of the opinion that you should not sunbathe during your period. It is no coincidence that menstrual days are called “critical days” in everyday life.

Gynecologists point to the following as negative consequences of such sessions:

  • Deterioration in general health. As a rule, blood loss is accompanied by changes in blood pressure, and you may feel dizzy, even fainting.
  • Increase in the number of discharges. The volume of discharge during menstruation depends on the ambient temperature. The higher the temperature rises, the faster the blood circulates through the veins. And as a result, this leads to copious discharge.
  • More painful sensations than usual.

Cosmetologists and dermatologists add to this list:

  • Uneven tanning. The balance of hormones these days is not stable. Pigmentation changes, acne appears, and melanin levels decrease. Instead of the expected bronze skin tone, the tan will most likely be uneven or you will get irritation and burns.

If you decide for yourself that you cannot reschedule your session, then, if possible, try to schedule a visit to the salon for the last days of your period. If you feel unwell during the procedure, end the session.

How long after you can wash after tanning?

It is a common belief that water does not allow the tan to set. Is it true? And how long can it take?

You should not take a shower immediately after tanning. If necessary, remove the remaining cream with a napkin.

If you used a bronzer when visiting the solarium, you can go to the shower after 4 hours. When such products were not used, but just cream was used, then it was possible to wash after 1.5-2 hours.

To make your tan last longer, do not use scrubs or hard washcloths. When the skin is dry, apply moisturizer or milk.

Is it possible to combine pregnancy and solarium without consequences for the child? There is no clear answer to the question.

Experts who support the idea of ​​going to a solarium during pregnancy emphasize that:

  • UV rays strengthen the immune system and maintain hemoglobin at a good level.
  • Pregnant women in northern countries or those living in areas of the polar night benefit from a solarium, because... they do not have the opportunity to receive ultraviolet radiation in full. But such sessions are carried out with the permission and under the supervision of your gynecologist.

Doctors with the opposite position give the following arguments:

  • Overheating during the procedure itself has a negative impact on the fetus.
  • Ultraviolet light penetrates the placenta through the skin and goes directly to the baby.
  • When absorbed, suntan lotion can also reach your child through damaged areas of the skin.

If you nevertheless decide to go to the solarium, then in addition to the basic rules, adhere to a few more:

  • Reduce your time in the solarium to 4-5 minutes.
  • Be sure to cover your stomach with a towel.
  • Beware of overheating, monitor your temperature and your well-being.
  • Drink more fluids because... The body becomes dehydrated after sunbathing.

Before visiting a solarium, the expectant mother must consult a doctor.

However, it should be remembered that during pregnancy it is important that the mother feels well and is in a good mood. And if you need to sunbathe in a solarium for this, then you can and even need to do this. But do not forget that going to the solarium exposes the child to additional stress.

Is it possible for a nursing mother to go to the solarium?

In general, a nursing mother can sunbathe in a solarium. Solarium is one of the effective ways to obtain vitamin D3, which is necessary for the absorption of calcium. The mother definitely needs this element for the normal development of the baby.

The correct tanning process does not negatively affect lactation.

  • You should be especially careful when choosing creams and lotions to avoid allergies. It doesn’t matter whether you had an allergic reaction before giving birth, because the body recovers and can react to everything new in an unpredictable way.
  • Strictly dose the time. 5 minutes is quite enough, even if before giving birth you were an ardent “fan of tanning.”
  • The chest must be covered during tanning. Topless tanning is excluded. When breastfeeding, she is susceptible to negative influences.

The reason that your face burned or got burned in a solarium is that you chose the wrong time of stay or cream. Damage appears after a couple of hours.

The first thing you need to do is go and wash your face with warm water without detergents. Look in your medicine cabinet for a burn remedy. The damage is 100% similar to sunburn. Preparations with panthenol are suitable. You can also use folk remedies (yogurt). Avoid walking in the open sun for a while.

If after visiting a solarium you find a rash, swelling, peeling on your face, then you have allergic reaction. In most cases, these symptoms go away within a couple of days. If the allergy does not go away, this is a reason to consult a doctor.

In conclusion, let us recall once again What are we for a beautiful, most importantly, safe tan in a solarium. It is important to stop in time so as not to turn into a “monkey”. Our goal with you is to make your skin color brighter and more noble, change defects and strengthen the body.

A beautiful bronze tan is every girl's dream. If in the summer it is enough to bask in the sun, then in the cold months you have to resort to a solarium. This procedure gives rise to a lot of rumors and controversy. The benefits and harms of solariums are still not completely clear to many. Therefore, before visiting salons offering such services, you need to understand the features of such a procedure.

What is the principle of operation of a solarium?

A solarium is a specialized apparatus in which lamps are installed. They produce radiation that is similar to that of the sun. When the rays hit the skin, they stimulate the active production of melanocytes. Thanks to them, the skin changes its shade.

There are two main types of solariums:

  1. Horizontal. In them, the lamps are placed horizontally. A man sunbathes while lying on his back. The effect in such a device is achieved faster, but you have to come into contact with the machines.
  2. Vertical. Equipped with vertically positioned lamps. You will have to sunbathe while standing, so you won’t be able to fully relax.

The radiation in such devices is dosed, which eliminates the possibility of getting a burn.. The air conditioning system creates a pleasant breeze that cools your skin.

There are also types of solariums for use at home. They can accommodate up to 24 lamps. To obtain an attractive tan, you will have to use such devices longer than professional equipment.

Beneficial features

Such sessions are beneficial for the body. Among the positive aspects of this procedure are:

  1. The tan is even and attractive. It is difficult to achieve the same effect while sunbathing.
  2. A few sessions in advance of summer will help prepare your skin for the season.. It will be easier to tolerate exposure to sunlight.
  3. Attending such sessions helps strengthen the immune system, since exposure to ultraviolet radiation stimulates the production of vitamins in the body.
  4. Irradiation leads to the production of vitamin D, which has a beneficial effect on the musculoskeletal system.
  5. Visiting a solarium improves your mood, as it leads to the production of endorphins. A girl, lying in a solarium, can imagine that she is basking in the sun on the seashore.
  6. Solarium is recommended not only for women, but also for men, as it helps fight many skin diseases, such as acne or psoriasis.
  7. Cosmetologists advise using such procedures to combat capillary patterns appearing on the arms and legs, since the rays have a beneficial effect on the condition of blood vessels.

People often wonder what is more harmful: the sun or the solarium. There is no clear answer to this question. But unlike solar radiation, solarium radiation is dosed and, if you follow the rules for using the equipment, does not cause burns.

How is solarium dangerous for your health?

Solariums also have a number of negative qualities. Among them are:

  1. Such procedures can be addictive, which resembles alcohol addiction. Experts even coined the special term tanorexia. This condition is characterized by nervousness and sudden changes in mood in the absence of another dose of radiation. This effect is more common in people under 30 years of age.
  2. Regular visits to the solarium provoke premature aging of the skin. High doses of ultraviolet radiation negatively affect the production of collagen and elastin in the epidermis. Early wrinkles and manifestations of an allergic reaction may appear.
  3. Frequent sessions provoke the appearance of age spots on the skin. The risk increases many times over for women who take hormonal drugs, diuretics or antibiotics.
  4. Excessive use of artificial tanning can trigger the development of melanoma, a malignant tumor. The risk group includes people under 30 years of age.
  5. If you frequently visit a solarium, skin diseases may worsen.. After the first procedures, the problems disappear, but after some time a relapse may occur. In this case, repeated skin rashes will be more difficult to treat.

WHO gives its answer to the question of whether solariums are harmful for women. According to scientists, such exposure can damage the DNA of cells. Therefore, it is best to refuse the procedures. This is especially true for persons under 18 years of age.

Who is prohibited from visiting the solarium?

Sometimes visiting a solarium can cause irreparable harm to health. The main contraindications for this procedure include:

  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding period.
  • The presence of serious pathologies of the heart and vascular system.
  • Recent surgeries.
  • Claustrophobia.
  • Age up to 15 years.
  • Skin tone too light.
  • The presence of tattoos on the body.
  • Mastopathy or other diseases of the mammary glands.
  • Predisposition to allergic reactions.
  • The presence of a large number of moles or age spots on the body.
  • Exacerbation of any chronic disease.

It is forbidden to visit the solarium if you were sunbathing that day. This increased load on the skin will provoke a negative reaction.

How to minimize risk

In order to make visiting the solarium completely safe, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Choose only proven salons that have new high-quality equipment installed. It should employ only highly qualified specialists who can advise you on all issues.
  2. Before starting a course of such sessions, consult your doctor. Make sure you have no contraindications.
  3. If you do not want to completely abandon procedures, then conduct sessions no more than once every seven days. In this case, the duration of one procedure should be no more than 5 minutes. Such exposure will not cause harm to health.
  4. Before visiting the solarium, it is forbidden to take a steam bath or sauna..
  5. Make sure that the equipment you choose has an emergency button. This way you can call a salon worker in case of a dangerous situation.

These tips will allow you to sunbathe safely. Despite this, solarium is still not the safest procedure, so it is better to avoid it.

Basic rules for safe tanning

To prevent tanning from causing health problems, rules for visiting a solarium without harm to health have been developed. They cannot be ignored. Follow these guidelines:

  1. Before going to the salon, choose a tanning product that suits you and after it. If you do not protect the skin with the product before the session, a negative reaction may occur. Choose creams or lotions specifically for solariums, not for tanning in the sun.
  2. A couple of hours before the session, take a shower and wash your skin thoroughly with soap. After this, it is not recommended to use any cosmetics or perfumes. The only exception is sunscreen.
  3. When tanning in a solarium, you must wear a protective cap and special nipple stickers. Ask in advance whether the salon provides such equipment. Otherwise, you will need to purchase it yourself.
  4. Before entering the booth, remove all jewelry. Remove contact lenses if you have them. Be sure to remove your makeup.
  5. If you choose a horizontal solarium model, make sure that the salon workers treat the equipment with a special compound.
  6. The treatment has an extremely negative effect on the eyes. Therefore, before entering the booth, be sure to wear special safety glasses. Apply a layer of protective balm to your lips.
  7. Sit comfortably in the solarium and try to relax. The salon worker must set the timer for the required time.
  8. After the procedure, it is advised to drink a cup of herbal tea, which contains vitamins and minerals.. Take a cool shower. After this, lubricate your skin with moisturizing lotion or after-sun cream.
  9. The next session can be held no earlier than three days after the first visit. If during this time you notice a negative skin reaction, then it is better to cancel your visit to the solarium.
  10. The best option would be 2 tanning courses per year. Each of them must include 10 procedures.

How long are you allowed to sunbathe?

The number of permitted procedures depends on the characteristics of the skin. The following options are available:

  • The skin is dark, the hair and eyes are dark. People with such features rarely get burns, so up to 12 sessions lasting up to half an hour are allowed.
  • Light skin, dark nipples, brown or dark brown hair. In such a situation, the first session should not last longer than 15 minutes. If no negative reaction appears, then the duration of the procedures can be increased to half an hour.
  • The skin and nipples are light, the hair is light brown or light brown, the eyes are blue, green or gray. Such people often burn because their skin reacts strongly to ultraviolet radiation. Sunbathing is allowed no more than once every three days. In this case, the duration of the session is no more than 15 minutes. You cannot conduct more than two courses of 10 sessions per year.
  • The skin is too light, the hair is red, the eyes are green, the nipple is light, and there are a lot of freckles. With such an appearance, you can’t sunbathe in a solarium. The acquired tan will fade quickly. This greatly increases the likelihood of getting burns..

Proper tanning in a solarium will not cause serious harm to your health. But before starting the procedures, you need to consult a specialist.

The fashion of visiting a solarium arose not so long ago. A beautiful tan has become an indispensable attribute of success, which has led to the creation of devices that replace the effect of sunlight, namely ultraviolet rays, on the body. To this day, debate continues about whether solarium is harmful.

You can also sunbathe under the sun, especially since we receive our dose of ultraviolet rays every day. Of course, in countries that are closer to the poles it is less, but does the body really need ultraviolet radiation? Let's figure out whether it's worth sunbathing, and even more so, is it harmless to get a tan in a solarium, artificially?

How ultraviolet rays affect the body

Ultraviolet rays come in different lengths and are therefore divided into three groups: UV-A, UV-B and UV-C. Unlike infrared radiation, ultraviolet radiation can change chemical processes.

UV-C is the most active in this regard. It is these rays, acting on oxygen, that destroy it into atoms, which leads to the formation of ozone, which actively absorbs them, so they most often do not reach the surface of the globe. Of course, if you do not take into account the formation of ozone holes, which sharply increases the level of radiation.

UV-B is also largely absorbed by ozone, with only a small portion typically reaching the ground. But it is this spectrum that actively affects the body, and while UV-C coagulates the body’s proteins, UV-B can simulate metabolic processes and increase immunity if its doses are low. Irradiation in large quantities can lead to cell mutation. Ultraviolet rays of group B can affect the body both positively and negatively.

UV-A rays do not penetrate deep into the skin, but they oxidize the melanin pigment found in epithelial cells, which causes darkening or tanning. The color of a tan also depends on the amount of melanin in the surface layer - the less it is, the more difficult it is to tan. Therefore, some people cannot tan, their skin becomes red, inflamed, and sometimes covered with small pigment spots that form in areas with a high melanin content.

By the way, the activity of the melanocytes that produce it increases under the influence of UV-B rays, and at the same time, the development of melanoma cancer is also associated with them. So can a solarium, whose lamps create artificial ultraviolet rays, be safe? What is more harmful than the sun or a solarium?

What is a solarium

A solarium is a device with lamps that generate ultraviolet rays. According to manufacturers, special filters completely exclude UV-C rays, and UV-A and UV-B are in the optimal ratio. The only thing is that this ratio is individual for people of different skin types, and those who are chasing profit and installing lamps with a high content of UV-B rays do not think about the danger to the client.

Another problem is that the lamps have an expiration date; after working for 600–800 hours, they will not be able to provide a normal tan. Therefore, it is important that they are changed conscientiously and on time. And in the first 50–100 hours of their operation, they warned the client that the duration of stay in the solarium should be reduced, since the new lamps emit more efficiently and the rate of irradiation increases.

Now there are many different solariums, horizontal and vertical, with increased comfort (aromatherapy), but, most importantly, safety. What does a solarium give us, benefit or harm?

Benefits of ultraviolet rays

To find out whether there are benefits from visiting a solarium, you need to understand how ultraviolet rays affect a person.

Ultraviolet ray therapy is often used to prevent various diseases, increase immunity, and for diseases of the nervous system, skin, bones and joints. But all this manifests itself only when exposed to ultraviolet rays in a small dose, and it must be done under the supervision of a doctor. And if you exceed the dose, trying to get a tan faster, the effect can be disastrous.

Harm from ultraviolet rays

How harmful is a solarium? Ultraviolet rays affect chemical processes in the tissues of the body and with prolonged intense irradiation this can cause:

The number of malignant skin diseases is growing every year, and it is not without reason that scientists and doctors are trying to convey to the population that excessive exposure to UV rays is dangerous. Many people, without thinking about it, still try to tan using a solarium.

The fact is that skin cancer does not always occur immediately; ultraviolet rays activate cell mitosis and in some cases damage DNA, and these damaged cells can lie dormant for a long time, and under certain conditions begin to multiply, causing the development of cancer.

Many tumors have the same development, for example, 40% of patients with brain cancer noted irradiation of the head 10–15 years ago before the disease. Is it worth risking your health by artificially irradiating your skin? The risk of skin cancer among those who regularly visit a solarium increases by 75% with age, studies show.

Contraindications to visiting a solarium

There are groups of people for whom visiting a solarium is contraindicated, these include:

It is not recommended to visit a solarium for those in whom an overdose of ultraviolet rays can cause so-called sun poisoning. It is characterized by redness, burning of the skin, blistering, itching, and hives. There are also symptoms such as dizziness, headache, fever and even loss of consciousness.

There are also other restrictions for visiting a solarium, for example, taking certain medications, these include antibiotics, antifungals, some heart medications and many others. Before going for the procedure, read the instructions for the medicine you are taking; it may indicate that the drug causes photosensitization of the body. Decorative cosmetics and skin care products can have the same effect.

When asked whether tanning beds are harmful to the skin, you can immediately answer that it is harmful, because UV-B rays penetrate deep into the dermis, causing changes in the collagen fibers of its deep layers, and this leads to a decrease in skin tone and wrinkles. Frequent visits to the solarium not only dries out the skin, but also causes premature aging.

Human skin can be of 6 types.

  1. Celtic type.
  2. European with fair skin.
  3. European with dark skin.
  4. Mediterranean.
  5. Asiatic.
  6. African.

People with skin types 5 and 6 do not need tanning, but for those with skin types 1 or 2, tanning is contraindicated, since the risk of skin cancer is too high; even when in the sun, they should use sunscreen. Well, if you really want to go to the solarium, you don’t need to try to get a dark tan, since this type of skin is unable to produce so much melanin on its own, and using special products can cause a malfunction, which is dangerous. A light tan is enough, subject to the rules and duration of the procedure.

Rules for visiting the solarium

How to properly sunbathe in a solarium for the first time, the people who work there will tell you, and if they do not explain to you the rules of use and the time spent there, then you should find another salon with employees trained in this procedure. And they should be able not only to determine the type of skin, know how long you can sunbathe for different types, but also tell about the features of the equipment, when the lamps were changed, what power they are.

If you still decide to go, then you need to know the rules of tanning in a solarium; this is especially important for those who are going there for the first time. So that your tan does not bring unpleasant complications such as burns or overheating.

  1. Before visiting the solarium, you do not need to wash with soap or other hygiene products.
  2. You need to wash off your makeup.
  3. If you have tattoos on your skin, it is best to cover them up or apply sunscreen.
  4. The rest of the skin should be lubricated with a special tanning product for a solarium.
  5. Remove contact lenses and put on safety glasses.
  6. It is better to cover your chest with special pads.
  7. The hair is covered with a cap or scarf.
  8. Lubricate your lips with a moisturizing balm.

Don’t forget to also ask how to call personnel or turn off the device if necessary.

On your first visit, you should sunbathe for no more than 5 minutes. But in some cases, with fair skin or with new lamps, it is better to reduce the time to 3-4 minutes. Gradually, the duration of stay in the solarium is increased to 20 minutes.

After the session, you need to lubricate the skin with a special firming and moisturizing cream, which are most often sold in the salon. And if after a few hours you do not have any side effects, then you can continue the course, but only after 1-2 days.

How often you can go to the solarium without harm to your health depends on your well-being, but according to research, no more than 30 procedures can be performed per year.

Moreover, this can be a course of 7-10 procedures every other day, and then tanning procedures 1-2 times a month, or 2-3 courses a year.

  • Please also note that visits to the solarium cannot be combined:
  • with cosmetic procedures (depilation, peeling);
  • with a tan under the sun;

bath or sauna.

How does tanning affect different people?

Those who want to get a beautiful tan are interested in how a solarium can affect them. Let's answer the most popular questions.

This is a common effect of a solarium, if you follow all the rules of use, take into account contraindications, and the equipment is in good condition. But when this is not the case, complications may arise after visiting a solarium.


  • Complications when visiting a solarium can include burns and overheating. If you overheat in a solarium, symptoms may include the following:
  • dizziness;


Call staff at the first sign. You need to quickly leave the solarium chamber and go out into the fresh air; a cold compress on the forehead and back of the head will also help.

Whether a solarium brings harm or benefit, everyone must decide for themselves. Many people want to have a beautiful, tanned body, but it is not worth risking their health for this. Ultraviolet rays are useful only in small quantities; with prolonged, strong exposure they have a damaging effect not only on the skin, but also on the entire body. In northern regions, where the sun rarely indulges in its rays, a dosed visit to the solarium can be useful.

It's no secret that getting a tan in cold weather is quite problematic. But each of us wants to have it all year round, so many of the fair sex prefer to go to the solarium. This establishment is quite popular among girls and women, since in winter it is the only place where you can sunbathe. Some people visit the solarium often and regularly, some from time to time, while others are just planning to visit it, but do not know how to go to the solarium correctly.

There are several rules and useful tips about visiting a solarium that those who are going to sunbathe for the first time should familiarize themselves with and be sure to adhere to them.

  1. First, you need to correctly distribute the time of visiting the solarium. It is not recommended to visit it every day, it is too frequent. It is necessary to periodically give your skin rest. You can go there every two days;
  2. As for the time that can be spent in the solarium, in the first days of your visit, it should not exceed four or even three minutes a day. The tanning time can be increased, but gradually. The maximum tanning time should not exceed ten minutes. If you do not follow this advice and stay in the booth longer, your skin may become red, flaky, and itchy. If you don’t want to overpay, choose a solarium with a per-minute payment, thus visiting the booth for the allowed time and not overpaying;
  3. Pay attention to the choice of tanning cream. It is different from the one you use on the beach. The composition of such a cream should include ultraviolet filters. If you are going to sunbathe for the first time, it will be better if the solarium itself offers you a suitable cream;
  4. You can sunbathe naked, but you just need to cover your chest. For such a case, you can purchase special stickies or use napkins. Many people prefer to go sunbathing in a swimsuit, so this is no exception;
  5. A vertical solarium is considered the most effective. If you go sunbathing in it, don't forget to use large napkins. You need to stand on them during the procedure.
  6. Do not wear makeup on your face, or remove it immediately before sunbathing. Also, do not use deodorant before the procedure;
  7. If you have recently undergone any operations on the skin, especially on the skin of the face, such as cleansing or masks, you should not go to this establishment;
  8. Taking artificial baths is not recommended for teenagers under sixteen years of age, people with overly sensitive and problematic skin, and pregnant women.

How to prepare for a visit to the solarium

Visiting a solarium these days has become a common occurrence for the fair half of humanity – girls and women. But those who have never visited it before need to know not only how to go to a solarium correctly, but also how to prepare for going to this establishment.

Basic rules of preparation

Rule #1

Your skin should be clean

Before the session, you need to wash off your perfume and makeup well. Taking a shower immediately before visiting the cabin will be a great option. Dead cells and impurities will be removed from your skin at the same time.

In order for it to lay evenly, prepare the skin. While showering, do a light superficial exfoliation, then moisturize your skin with your usual product. This will make the tan bright and even, and will also help maintain it.

Rule #2


Do hair removal in advance, about a few days before visiting the solarium. If you remove your hair and immediately go sunbathing, your skin may become very inflamed under the influence of artificial sunlight.

Rule #3

It is necessary to protect places on the body that are especially vulnerable.

When tanning, it is imperative to protect vulnerable areas from radiation:

  1. Eyes. When entering the booth, put on special glasses. If you wear contact lenses, they must be removed;
  2. Hair. Put a special cap on your hair, otherwise it may dry out;
  3. Breast. If you want the tan to be maximum throughout your entire body, be sure to cover only your nipples with special covers;
  4. Lips. Cover your lips with chapstick. It will provide the delicate skin of the lips with protection from drying out and dehydration;
  5. Moles. Convex moles on the skin should not be exposed to artificial radiation. They need to be carefully covered. If there are pigment spots or tattoos on the body, they are also no exception, cover them too. Tattoos exposed to rays may discolor or cause allergic reactions on the skin.

How often can you visit the solarium?

Many people ask questions: how to go to the solarium? How often can this be done? By visiting the solarium correctly, you can get an attractive and even, golden, chocolate or bronze tan. It perfectly beautifies the skin, hides minor imperfections and gives it a healthy look. But it is worth remembering that you should not frequently visit artificial sunbathing.

A visit to the solarium should take place in courses that consist of eight sessions. There can be a maximum of ten sessions.

It is necessary to leave an interval between procedures that will last at least two days. After the course is completed, you need to rest for about a month, after which you can renew your tan again. During the year, the number of visiting sessions should not exceed fifty times. And the answer to the question: , you will find on the pages of the site.

Blondes, with pale skin and light eyes should be especially careful when going to the solarium. For women with this type of appearance, there is a high probability of getting sunburned even with the minimum amount of time spent in the booth.

The first session should last no more than three minutes, and the maximum no more than seven minutes. For fair-skinned women, the maximum permissible norm is ten sessions.

Girls with fair skin and red hair can stay in the booth for no more than three minutes. The time cannot be increased.

Doctors generally do not recommend that women with this type of appearance go to the solarium, as there is a risk of developing a disease such as skin cancer. But not everyone heeds this advice.

Fair-skinned girls with dark eyes and light brown hair are the owners of the European skin type and can sunbathe under the artificial sun quite often, but in accordance with general recommendations.

A solarium allows us to look great and attractive all year round. If you want to visit this establishment, but have doubts about your skin, try consulting with a specialist, and be sure to follow the advice on how to properly go to the solarium.