Who introduced the lunar calendar. Lunar calendar: where did it come from? Lunar calendar by year

Moon calendar - this is a type of calendar, which is based on the period of changing phases of the Moon, that is, the synodic month. Professional astrologers, using the lunar calendar, pay attention to the Zodiac sign in which the Moon is located, the lunar day (the period from sunrise to the next rise of the Moon in the sky) and many other nuances of the location of the Earth’s satellite and other planets of the solar system in relation to it.

How can a person without astrological knowledge and skills use the lunar calendar?

We have collected all the necessary data and prepared for you a calendar with the most complete list of specific astrological recommendations! In a convenient form, the usual and ordinary calendar combines dates, the state of the Moon at that moment and favorable and unfavorable actions for each lunar day. Try it now or read the short instructions below:


In the general view of the calendar you will find phase of the moon and number of lunar days, corresponding to a specific date. But, if you want more information about any of the days, just click on it.

Included in the description of the day general characteristics of lunar days – their mood, element, energy, lucky colors and talismans; indicated Zodiac sign, in which the Moon resides, its phase and, of course, the duration of a given lunar day. Then, there are tips by category: “+” – what the Moon favors on this day; “-” – something that is better to transfer to another:


If you are interested in a specific category and do not want to read tips on others, just click on the calendar of the relevant topic in the list on the left.


To schedule, for example, a haircut for the next month, or check yourself in the past, scroll through the calendar using the arrows.


Just like on the general calendar, on all calendars from the list you can click on the bottom to get recommendations for it.


That's all!
P.S. Now you can always call up help in the calendar by clicking on the question mark in the top menu.

We have restrictions on inserting tables on our website. 1/3 of site visitors use smartphones and tablets to visit the site, on which tables are simply not readable due to the small screen.

You can, of course, take a screenshot of the table, cut the table from the screenshot and paste it as a photo. You'll get something like this:

But it is better to present the basic information in the lunar calendar in the form of ordinary sentences and paragraphs, without tables.

Lunar calendar from Lyra

Don’t focus too much on the option of submitting a lunar calendar from Lyra. She is a candidate of mathematical sciences. And they, mathematicians, need to substantiate any predictions using source materials. Without justification, the lunar calendar is an empty phrase and it is not clear whether it is worth believing. Therefore, without any further ado, she takes the bull by the horns and describes the suitable days for various agricultural works, and to justify them she attaches a table on the basis of which she made the forecast. It’s just that mathematicians have such a style, they can’t stand “water” in the text.

But 99% of the lunar calendars I have seen on women’s sites are given without any justification, but in very colorful terms. This is quite normal and I have never read that any of the women using such lunar calendars asked the compilers to provide justification for the calculations.

Therefore, you may well give your lunar calendar without any tabular justification. Usually the entire month is divided into periods of 1 to 3 days, within which the astrological situation does not change much (one sign of the Zodiac with a constant Moon phase). For each such period, one or several paragraphs are allocated, which describe which operations during this period are recommended and which are not. Often, for each period, the signs of the Zodiac and the phase of the Moon are indicated, so that they do not think that the calendar was taken from the air.

It turns out something like this:

24 (from 6:37 Moscow time), 25 , 26 (until 19:13 Moscow time) - the waning Moon in the sign of Cancer.

Any activities with violets are possible: planting seeds, transplanting adult violets, starters, planting and separating children, rooting cuttings, forming a rosette, rejuvenating violets, pest control.

Violets growing in daylight conditions require additional lighting, a window sill and a temperature of at least 20 degrees after the activities.

26 (after 19:13 Moscow time) 27 , 28 , 29 (until 2:42 Moscow time) - the waning Moon in the sign of Leo.

Refrain from any activities to care for the violet, including watering.

In emergency cases, pest control is possible.

29 (after 2:42 Moscow time), 30 , 31 (until 11:21 Moscow time) - the waning Moon in the sign of Virgo.

Experienced violet growers and those who are very keen on events with violets these days can indulge themselves and the violets.

Choosing the right format

Which version of the lunar calendar is better - I admit, I don’t know.

As a computer geek, Lyra's style is closer to me. She has all the essential information very tightly packed and clearly visible. At the same time, if you wish, you can easily check where she got her forecast from. It’s not like I check Lira’s next table every time. But regularly one of the experts who compiles the lunar calendar is not lazy and checks the table with Lyra’s constructions in search of possible errors. There is no doubt that if there was anything wrong with her calculations, it would have been publicly pointed out long ago. But since Lyra has been publishing a lunar calendar with supporting tables for years and so far no one has pointed out errors in her calculations, this means that the violet community accepts her calendar and construction method as correct. So I believe in the Lirin calendar.

But on women's sites, it is quite possible that people will be happy to present the lunar calendar in an unsubstantiated style, but with long and beautifully written texts. According to my observations, for many violets, no evidence is needed at all, as long as there are some numbers in the lunar calendar that you can rely on and a nice text describing what can and cannot be done on the days indicated by the numbers. And their belief in the “correctness” of care according to the lunar calendar is of no concern to them.

So do as you see fit. As a violet girl, you know better which form of presenting the lunar calendar will be more convenient for our community.

Yuri Ruban,
Ph.D. ist. Sciences, Ph.D. theology

Etymology of the term

Word " calendar" acquired different meanings in its history. The term itself goes back to the Latin calendae, calends is the name of the first day of each month in Ancient Rome. In turn, this noun comes from the archaic verb cal(e)o - “to proclaim,” “to convene,” because once in Rome the beginning of the month was proclaimed by learned priests. Then the word calendarium arose - this was the name of the debt book in which creditors recorded the interest paid on debts on the first day of each month. And even later, in the Middle Ages, the modern meaning appeared. Thus, a calendar (calendarium) is a specific system for counting long periods with their divisions into separate shorter periods (years, months, weeks, days).

A characteristic feature of the Christian calendar is that it combines the principles of two calendars - the Jewish lunisolar and Roman solar. The first corresponds to the holidays of the moving cycle; Moreover, even the names of the two most important Jewish holidays are preserved - Passover (in Greek transcription Easter) and Pentecost. The second calendar corresponds to the holidays of the fixed cycle; Moreover, the main one - the Nativity of Christ - the Church combined with the winter solstice (December 25) - the day of an important pagan solar holiday - the Birthday of the Invincible Sun, Dies Natalis Solis Invicti. The Roman solar calendar was reformed twice: first dramatically by Julius Caesar in 46 BC. e. (hence called Julian), and then, in order to make it more accurate, by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582 (this is our Gregorian calendar).

The need for a calendar

The need to measure time arose among people a long time ago. It is simply impossible to live without a counting system, be it measuring space (metrology) or time (calendar and chronology). The higher the level of culture and science, the more perfect the counting or measurement systems become.

Nature - or the Lord God, as one prefers - provided people with three periodic (observable even with the naked eye of a primitive man) processes that allow them to keep track of time:

1) change of day and night,

2) changing phases of the moon and

3) change of seasons.

On their basis, such concepts as day, month and year were formed. It is absolutely clear that the number of days in both a calendar month and a calendar year can only be an integer. Meanwhile, their astronomical prototypes - the synodic month and the tropical year - contain fractional parts of the day.

The synodic month (from the Greek “convergence”; during new moons, the Moon seems to converge with the Sun) is the period of time between two new moons; it ranges from 29.25 to 29.83 days (the reason is the ellipticity of the lunar orbit). The average length of a synodic month is 29.53059 days (= 29 days, 12 hours 44 minutes 3.0 seconds).

A tropical year (from the Greek - turn) is a period of time after which the height of the Sun above the horizon at noon, having reached its greatest value, decreases again. In other words, this is the period of time during which the Earth makes one revolution around the Sun. T = 365.24220 days.

Thus, neither the synodic month nor the tropical year contains an integer number of average solar days; therefore, all these three quantities are incommensurable. This means that it is impossible to simply express one of these quantities through the other - that is, it is impossible to select some integer number of solar years that would contain an integer number of lunar months and an integer number of average solar days. This is precisely the whole complexity of the calendar system and all the confusion that for many millennia reigned in the issue of counting large periods of time.

It is not surprising that the creation and improvement of calendar systems was previously available only to the priests - intellectuals of antiquity, who determined the dates of holidays, which were both church and civil, and by which ordinary people checked the time. Suffice it to remember that the calendar according to which Europe lived for 1600 years (and the Russian Orthodox Church still lives) was introduced by the high pagan priest of Rome (Julius Caesar); The reform of this (Julian) calendar was carried out in 1582 by Pope Gregory XIII (the supreme Christian “priest”), and the chronology by which all humanity now compares time (the era from the Nativity of Christ, or Anno Domini, abbreviated AD) was developed and introduced in 525 g. Roman archivist Abbot Dionysius the Small.

Three kinds of calendars

The desire to at least to some extent coordinate the day, month and year with each other led to the emergence of three calendar systems:

1) a solar calendar based on the movement of the Sun, in which they tried to coordinate the day and year;

2) a lunar calendar based on the movement of the Moon, the purpose of which is to coordinate the day and the lunar month; finally,

3) lunisolar, in which an attempt is made to coordinate all three units of time.

Lunisolar calendar systems are much more complex than lunar and solar calendars. Here it is necessary that the beginnings of the calendar months be located as close as possible to the new moon, and the sum of a certain number of whole lunar months correspond as closely as possible to the true length of the tropical year. Calendar months have twenty-nine or thirty days. The basis of almost all active lunisolar calendars is the so-called Metonic cycle, named after the ancient Greek astronomer and mathematician Meton, who established this nineteen-year cycle in 432 BC. e. It serves to best coordinate changes in lunar phases with the movement of the Sun. In this cycle there are 12 years of 12 lunar months and 7 years of 13 months. The intercalary months are called "embolismic" (from the Greek - insertion). A year with 13 months is a leap year; The ancient Jews called it ibbur - "pregnant". They are located like this: 3, 6, 8, 11, 14, 17, 19.

The Jewish lunisolar calendar is the basis of the Christian Paschal (a system of rules and amendments for calculating the date of Easter for each year). Holidays and penitential days dependent on Easter (this is the Easter cycle) are recorded in our calendar, which is called movable (because its days move every year according to the dates of the month), or triode, because the liturgical texts of all these days are contained in a book with the Greek name Triodion .

Source: The Bible in Russian translation. RBO, Moscow, 1999

Help about calendars

1. Gregorian calendar(“new style”) introduced in 1582 AD. e. dad-sing Gri-go-ri-em XIII so that the day of the spring-of-the-equality of the co-responsibility-val is determined-de-len-no-mu day (March 21).

2. Julian calendar(“old style”) was introduced in 46 BC. e. Yuli-em Tse-za-rem and counted 365 days; appeared every third year. This mistake was corrected by im-per-ra-tor Augustus: from 8 BC. e. and until 8 AD e. The half-full days of the high years have passed.

3. Days of the week. Seven days of the week became a standard around the 3rd century AD. Named on the days of the week according to heavenly bodies:

Day Roman Day in honor of:
1 Monday dies Lunae The Moon
2 Tuesday dies Martis Mars
3 Wednesday dies Mercurii Mercury
4 Thursday dies Iovis Jupiter
5 Friday dies Veneris Venus
6 Saturday dies Saturni Saturn
7 Sunday dies Solis The Sun

Why was the new style introduced?

Gri-go-ri-an-sky ka-len-dar gives a much more accurate approximation to the real duration of the year Yes. Since those centuries, the astro-no-mi-days have gradually shifted, to which they are associated there were agricultural work and re-legal holidays: spring and autumn and etc.

The main thing for the intervention of the Pope of Rome and the adoption of the new ka-len-da-rya has become gradually -new shift in relation to the July-an-sky ka-len-da-ryu of the spring day, for some reason -ro-mu determined-de-la-da-ta Easter. Before Pope Gregory XIII, Popes Pavel III and Pius IV had already tried to clarify the cal-len-da-rya, but they were not successful -stig-lee. The reforms are under preparation according to the instructions of Gregory XIII of the implementation of the as-ro-no-we Christophorus Clavius ​​and Alo-i -ziy Li-liy.

In 1583, Gregory XIII appointed Kon-stan-ti-no-pol-skomu pat-ri-ar-kh Jeremiah II as an embassy with the pre-lo- I'm not going to transfer to the new Ka-Len-Dar. At the end of 1583, at the council in Kon-stan-ti-no-po-le, the proposal was rejected, well, if not with- The ve-stvu-yu-shchee ka-but-no-che-pra-vi-lam celebration of Easter.

The transition to the Gri-go-ri-an-sky Ka-len-Dar brought the following from-me-not:

      • the new calendar, immediately at the moment of arrival, shifted the current date by 10 days and corrected it for the beer-shi-e- all mistakes;
      • in the new ka-len-da-re, a new, more precise, rule about the vi-so-kos-year began to operate - the year of vi- co-kosny, that is, lasts 366 days, if:
        1. number of year kra-ten 400 (1600, 2000, 2400);
        2. the rest of the years - the number of the year is equal to 4 and not equal to 100 (... 1892, 1896, 1904, 1908 ...);
        3. mo-di-fi-tsi-ro-va-lis pra-vi-la ras-che-ta chri-sti-an-skoy Easter.
      • Over time, Yuli-an-sky and Gri-go-ri-an-sky Ka-len-da-ri are growing more and more, by three sous -current every 400 years.

The process of switching to the Gregorian calendar

In a number of cases, the move to the Gri-go-ri-an-sky Ka-len-Dar with-pro-led-give-seriously-seriously -ka-mi. For example, when the Polish king Stefan Ba-to-riy introduced a new calendar in Riga in 1584, local merchants supported nya-li-tezh, stating that a shift of 10 days disrupts their deadlines and leads to significant losses. I also destroyed the Riga church and killed several mu-zi-pal servants. It was only possible to cope with the “ka-len-dar-ny demons in a row” only in the summer of 1589.

In some countries that switched to the Gri-go-ri-an-sky ka-len-dar, subsequently the re-launch of Julian -skoe summer-counting as a result of their joining with other state-states.

In the transfer of the decision of the king of Ge-or-ga II to the Gri-go-ri-an-sky ka-len-dar on September 2, 1752 Bri-ta-nii had to move it forward not by 10, but by 11 days, since from the moment of entry into power the new I've been in the kon-ti-n-tal-noy Euro-pe mi-no-val for a whole century already and I've got one extra day to drink. After the 2nd, immediately on September 14th. The subjects were dissatisfied with the decision that made them senior. In the country there were pro-tests under the slogan: “Give us back one in ten days!” From time to time, you flare up, sometimes when you see people, for example, in Bristo-le .

In Sweden, it was decided to switch to the new ka-len-dar according to the ste-pen-no, abolishing the vi-so-kos-days from 1700 to 1740 years In 1700, the first Vi-so-kos-day was abolished. Then the war started and we forgot about the re-water. In this way, the country lived according to its own Swedish culture. In 1711, Charles XII recognized this as impractical and decided to return to the old style and add 2 days to February. That's why it was February 30, 1712 in Sweden. Only in 1753 was a new style introduced. Moreover, after February 17, immediately after March 1. The introduction of a new ka-len-da-rya also had serious financial consequences. In 1753 - the first full year according to the Gri-go-ri-an-sko-mu ka-len-da-ryu, the banks refused to pay on-lo-gi, waiting until 11 days after the end of collection - March 25th. As a result of the financial year in Vel-li-ko-bri-ta-nia, only 6 ap-re-la began. This data has been preserved to this day, as a symbol of great changes that took place 250 years ago.

Some countries have switched to the new style often, for example, various can- tones of Switzerland. no re-form-mu ka-len-da-rya for almost 120 years!

Unusual was the transition to the Gri-go-ri-an-sky ka-len-dar in Alaska after its sale to Russia, since there he co-che -tal-sya with per-re-no-som li-nii per-re-me-ny yes-you. That's why, after Friday, October 5, 1867, according to the old style, after another one, on Friday, October 18, 1867 -Teptember 1867 according to the new style.

In 1872, a decision was made about re-ho-de with tra-di-tsi-on-no-go (moon-no-sol-nech-no-go) ka-len-da-rya in Gri-go-ri-an-skiy pri-nya-la Japan, so the next day after the “second day of two-month the fifth year Maid-Zi" became on January 1, 1873, in the result of which the Ka-len-Dar of Japan was at -in compliance with the cal-len-da-rem of the main Western powers (excluding Russia). Nevertheless, in official do-ku-men-tas one-now-men-but-continues-to-use the si-ste-ma nen th. For example, the year 1868 could be considered the first year of Mei-ji, 1912 - Tai-sho 1, 1926 - Sho-wa 1, 1989 - Hei-s-ei 1, and etc. In ordinary practice, one-on-one, the number of years from the Birth of Christ to the “west” is taken. -no-mu ka-len-da-ryu” (seireki), which became the main one in Japan during the 20th century.

Ko-rea pri-nya-la gri-go-ri-an-sky ka-len-dar January 1, 1896. Although in agreement, when the ka-len-da-ryu was established, the correct nu-me-ra-tion of months and days, but still in for the years 1895-1897, the old number of years lasted according to the first year of the reign of the di-na-sty Cho-son, according to which 1896 gri-go-ri-an-sko-go ka-len-da-rya with-from-veterity-val 1392 to the year Cho-son. Then, I started counting the years from various historical events, until, since 1962, I haven’t gotten tired of counting down the years, identical gri-go-ri-an-sko-mu ka-len-da-ryu. In North Korea, since July 8, 1997, a new “year-old Juche” has been introduced, the beginning of which 1912 is the year of birth of Kim Il Sung.

Ki-Thai Res-pub-li-ka ofi-tsi-al-but pri-nya-la gri-go-ri-an-skiy ka-len-dar with its pro-voz-gla-she- Institute since January 1, 1912. With the unification of China under the rule of Guo-ming-da-na in October 1928, the National Government of It became clear that from January 1, 1929, the Gri-go-ri-an-sky ka-len-dar will be used. Nevertheless, China co-kept the Chinese tradition for many months, and at the beginning The first year of the pro-establishment of the Chinese Republic was designated - 1912. This system is still in use in Taiwan, which considers itself a successor to the Chinese Republic. ki. After the pro-government of the Chinese People's Republic in 1949, the con-ti-nen-tal China pro-dol -lived to use the Gri-go-ri-an-sky Ka-len-Dar, but was from-me-not-at-nu-me-ra-tion and le-to-count-le -introduced by the previous government, and the establishment in correspondence with the anniversary of the birth of -Christianity, adopted in the USSR and in the West.

In Russia(on ter-ri-to-rii, na-ho-div-shay-sia under the control of So-ve-tov) Gri-go-ri-an-sky ka-len-dar introduced de- cre-tom of January 26, 1918 Sov-nar-ko-ma, according to someone in 1918 after January 31- follows February 14th. On the territories of the former Russian Empire, which were under the control of other state -ra-zo-va-niy, arose after the pa-de-niy of the Time-government, yes-you are an official of the introduction -de-niya but-in-go style from-whether-cha-yut-sya. Thus, the Temporary Siberian Government introduced a new style de-cre-tom on August 31, 1918, according to Sta-no-Viv consider the day of October 1, 1918 as the day of October 14, 1918.

One of the last to cross the Gri-go-ri-an-sky Ka-len-Dar was Greece in 1924, Turkey in 1926 and Egypt -pet in 1928. Until now, only Efi-o-piya and Ta-i-land have not moved to the Gri-go-ri-an-sky Ka-len-Dar.

Changing calendars in the Church

Since 1923, the majority of the Local Right-Glorious Churches, with the exception of the Russian, Jerusalem, and Georgian Zin-skaya and Serbian, similar to the Gri-go-ri-an-sky “no-vo-yuli-an-sky” ka-len-dar, more precisely ny and owl-pa-da-yu-schiy with gri-go-ri-an-sky until 2800.

Also, the Gri-go-ri-an-sky ka-len-dar was introduced by pat-ri-ar-hom Ti-kho-n for recognition in the Russian Orthodoxy Church on October 15, 1923. However, this is a new introduction, although almost everyone was there, you called There was confusion among many church hierarchs, which was unnecessary in this difficult time, so it was already November 8, 1923. -ri-arch Ti-hon ordered the “all-local and obligatory introduction of a new style into the church” the new required time to live.” In this way, the new style was in effect in the Russian Orthodox Church for only 24 days.

In 1948, at the Moscow meeting of the Right-Glorious Church, it was announced that Easter, just like everyone else -re-ho-day-holidays-should-be-calculated according to the Alec-San-Driy Pass-kha-lia (Yuli-an-sko-mu ka-len -da-ryu), and the non-per-re-ho-dya-things - according to the ka-len-da-ryu, according to which the Local Church lives.

How to recalculate past dates?

If the whole world hadn't bothered to talk about how and what kind of ka-len-dar to use for yes- ti-rov-ki is-to-ri-che-events, this would lead to different-but-fight and su-my-ti-tse in determining dates .

What errors would there be in re-counting dates?

  1. In connection with the recent transition of countries to the Gri-go-ri-an-sky ka-len-dar, facts can be introduced errors in perception: for example, sometimes it is said that In-ka Gar-si-la-so de la Vega, Mi-gel de Ser Van Tes and William Shakespir died on the same day - April 23, 1616. In fact, Shex-pir died 10 days later than In-ka Gar-si-la-so, since in some Is-pa-nia there is a new style acted from the very introduction of his father, and Ve-li-ko-bri-ta-nia moved to the new calendar only to in 1752 and 11 days later than Ser-van-tes (who died on April 22, but was killed on April 23).
  2. There are other types of mistakes, when, for the sake of getting it, yes, you are -an-sko-mu ka-len-da-ryu for something to-add-la-yut the number of days that make up the difference between ka-len-da -rya-mi at the moment re-ho-da countries to a new style of ka-len-da-rya, that is, they spread out different numbers days of ka-len-da-rey deep into the centuries. Such a mistake about-de-mon-stri-ro-va-la our State Duma, the national holiday is on November 4th - de-pu-ta-you to the taking of Ki-tai-Go-ro-da on October 22, 1612 for 13 days, although not once -tsa between ka-len-da-rya-mi then with-sta-la-la only 10 days. This is no longer talking about the fact that the Kremlin itself, or rather the Kremlin gar-ni-zon of the Polish troops, surrendered much later to this day.
    In addition to this, the State Duma also be-s-dum-but on-know-la some memorable military yes-you:
    . Ice-before-howling happened on April 5, 1242, a memorable date on April 28 (one time again 13 days);
    . Victory Day of the Russian regiments led by the Great Prince Dmit-ri Donsky over the Mon-go-lo-ta-tar-ski troops -mi in the Ku-li-kov-skaya battle; happened on September 8, 1380, yes-to-know-on on September 21 (13 days);
    Moreover, these errors are selective, most of the dates are correct, which is especially true for negligence. -re-counted the previously mentioned dates:
    . Victory day of the Russian army under the command of Peter I over the Swedes in the Battle of Poltava; happened on June 27, 1709, yes, it was right on July 8 (11 days);
    . Day of Bo-ro-din-sko-th battle of the Russian army under the co-man-do-va-ni-em M.I. Ku-tu-zo-va with the French ar-mi-it happened on August 26, 1812, yes-that's right on July 5-7 (12 days);
  3. If two countries take part in an historical co-existence, in different centuries they switched to a new style, Careless is-to-ri-ki of both countries can cause an even greater mess, unknowingly re-calculating the old yes, everyone in their own way. The same Swedes at the Battle of Neva (July 15, 1240 according to Yuli-an-sky Ka-len-da-ryu) could have mis-re-counted on July 26 according to Gri-go-ri-an-sko-mu ka-len-da-ryu (+ 11 days), and the same go-re-is-to-ri-ki per-re-counted that would be on July 28 (+ 13 days).

For the sake of the right way, you are the right person to re-re-vo-da dates:

      • To indicate all dates before 1582 AD. e. most often used is the Yuli-An-Kalen-Dar, introduced only on January 1, 45 BC. e.
      • Yes, before the introduction of the Yuli-an-sko-go ka-len-da-rya on January 1, 45 BC. e. denoted by the so-called about-lep-ti-che-sko-mu yuli-an-sko-mu ka-len-da-ryu. Pro-lep-ti-che-sky (from the Greek “before-resurrection-scha-yu-shiy”) ka-len-dar - ka-len-dar, extended on per-ri -od before its introduction. Simply put, yes, you consider it according to Yuli-an-sky ka-len-da-ryu, despite the fact that the ka-len-dar has not yet been pri-du-man.
      • To re-count dates after 1582 in those countries where, at the moment of this event, the action continued -to put the Yuli-an-sky ka-len-dar, yes-tu re-count-you-va-yut in the gri-go-ri-an-sky ka-len-dar, adding that number -lot of days, for which there were a lot of ka-len-da-ri for the moment of completion of the event.
      • In re-gi-o-nah, where the Yuli-an-sky ka-len-dar is not used, yes-ti-rov-ka of all events is pro-from-in dit-xia according to the pro-lep-ti-che-mu gri-go-ri-an-sko-mu ka-len-da-ryu (definition-de-la-yu-sche-mu-da-ti-rov -ku so-by-tiy according to the pra-vi-lams of the gri-go-ri-an-sko-go ka-len-da-rya before his appearance on October 15, 1582 ).

The moon smiles mysteriously at us from the night sky or hides, obeying its special routine. It can be full, decreasing and growing. The ebb and flow of the seas and oceans, human behavior and character, and the growth of all living things depend on the Moon. And the lunar calendar can not only tell you what lunar day it is today, but also give special recommendations.

So what is the lunar calendar?!

Difference between the lunar calendar and the solar calendar

Moon calendar – parent of the time calculus. It was the phases of the moon that became the reason for dividing the year into months - from one new moon to the next. Later, astronomers made clarifying amendments and separated the solar calendar, according to which the whole world now lives, from the lunar calendar.

In the lunar calendar, unlike the solar one, there are not 30 or 31 days, but 29.5 or 30.

A solar day is exactly 24 hours, but a lunar day does not have a clear duration - they can last from a few moments - this is, as a rule, either the 30th or the 1st lunar day - up to 2 days.

According to the solar calendar, we consider midnight (more precisely, one second of the first) to be the beginning of a new day, and according to the lunar calendar, the next day begins with the rising of the Moon. And this can happen at any hour of the day or night.

The sun is in the same zodiac sign about a month (everything is clear and recorded in horoscopes), and the Moon travels through the zodiac, staying in one sign for no more than three days. And this is also reflected in the lunar calendar. However, if it is not difficult for us to find out what sign the Sun was in at the time of our birth, then in order to find out what sign the Moon was in, we need to make complex calculations. Or use a special computer program.

The Sun does not have its own personal phases, it is constant, so we never say, for example, the growing Sun. And the Moon goes through four phases during its lunar month: new moon, 1st quarter (waxing Moon), full moon, 4th quarter (waning Moon). And each phase corresponds to its own processes and events occurring on the Earth itself and with its inhabitants.

The solar year is 365 or 366 days, and the lunar year is 354 or 355 days. Thus, every year the lunar calendar lags behind the solar calendar by an average of 10 days. And it is possible that it was precisely this “lateness” that forced ancient scientists to abandon lunar chronology. Otherwise, our usual months would wander throughout the year.

What the lunar calendar “can”

Despite the fact that in everyday life we ​​do not count time according to the lunar calendar, it has a huge influence on us. And if you know the peculiarities of the “behavior” of the Moon, then you can make your life more harmonious and successful. After all, the Moon has such powerful energy that it is simply impossible to ignore it.

However, in one short article it is physically impossible to describe all aspects of the lunar calendar, so we will focus on the main points.

During the waxing moon, the legs are the first to “activate”, and by the full moon the energy reaches the head. And that is why at this time we are visited by excellent ideas or, on the contrary, a weak brain malfunctions, that is, during the full moon both geniuses and maniacs mobilize their strength. By the way, everything is the same in plants - during the new moon all the juices are in the roots, and by the full moon they rise to the very top.

Two days before the new moon and for two days after it, you need to conserve your strength - the Moon has sucked out your vital activity. And at the same time, a person is most vulnerable to the influence of negative energy or, as they also say, to dark forces.

What is the lunar calendar?

On the waxing Moon it is recommended to start new things, and on the waning Moon to finish what has already been started. Even money It’s better to invest based on the position of the Moon and what sign it is in.

From the new moon to the full moon, hair and nails grow rapidly, vital organs actively function and, accordingly, performance increases. And then all life processes slow down. And that is why ancient doctors recommended removing anything during the waning moon, avoiding surgery during the full moon, and trying to rest during the new moon.

Moreover, each lunar day has its own name and has its own unique properties. On some lunar days it’s good to make plans, on others it’s good to part with the past, on others it’s good to get a haircut, arrange fasting days, eat up, stock up on energy, etc.

How to “communicate” with the lunar calendar

The lunar calendar is not constant, every month the first lunar day shifts, and therefore there are no and cannot be clear universal recommendations. In order to understand how you should behave on a given day, what is best to do, and what you should avoid, you must take into account the sign in which the Moon is located on this day, and which lunar days have arrived. And also whether the Moon enters or does not enter a new phase on this day. Only a comprehensive analysis gives a complete, adequate picture of the influence of the lunar calendar on our lives.

For example, the full moon falling on the 14th lunar day (called “Trumpet”) is less conflicting and stormy than when it falls on the 15th day (“Snake”). However, if during the full moon the Moon is in Scorpio, then even the 14th lunar day will not save you.

What is the lunar calendar?

The periods when the Moon enters a new phase are dangerous in themselves; it is not for nothing that they are called unfavorable days. At this time, everything that is delicate is torn, illnesses worsen, emotions get out of control. This can be smoothed out by the position of the Moon in a particular zodiac sign and the number of lunar days. Or maybe it’s exaggerated.

Competent “communication” with the lunar calendar gives a person the opportunity not only to choose the right day for important actions or events. It also allows you to better know yourself, the characteristics of your body and character.

For example, extroverts and introverts are affected differently by the phases of the moon. And if the first ones are on the full moon splash out their emotions at others, they shout, become hysterical, then the latter withdraw into themselves even more, and sometimes this leads to serious mental disorders and even suicide. If you take this into account, you can avoid many troubles.

The same thing happens with health. If we take into account that chronic diseases also worsen depending on the phases of the moon, then you can “spread a straw” by taking medications in advance or simply having the necessary medications on hand.

By the way, women’s “critical days” also live not according to the solar, but according to the lunar calendar, which is why favorable days for conception calculated based on the position of the Moon. And the advice that astrologers give regarding actions on a given lunar day will help to first improve the health of the body, and then give birth to a full-fledged baby.

In fact, this, of course, is not all that can be said about the lunar calendar. However, we hope that you now have a basic understanding of the influence that the Moon and the lunar calendar have on us all. And you can build your life in such a way that you become even happier, more successful, healthier and richer. The main thing is not to be lazy and correlate your life with the movement of the beautiful and mysterious Moon.

Nadezhda POPOVA

In the previous material, we briefly reviewed the history of chronology in the Western world. Turning to the Muslim Middle Ages, we will see that Muslim scientists, earlier than their European colleagues, developed a more advanced and accurate system of calculating time. However, although the chronology systems were superior to European calendars in accuracy, they also required high scientific knowledge, complex calculations and the use of astronomical instruments and observation instruments. In general, accurate calendars for calculating time and the outstanding achievements of Muslim scientists in the field of astronomy and maritime navigation were the result of much scientific work.

However, the hadith already mentioned:

“We are an illiterate community: we do not write or count” implies that the calendar proposed for public use in the Islamic world should be based on a very simple and clear method that does not require writing and counting. The chronology used for the everyday religious needs of the population should be a counting system based on simple things, visible and understandable, as they say, “with the naked eye.”

It is for this reason that, when it comes to worship and other religious matters, the Islamic Sharia adopted not the solar, but the lunar calendar. It must be remembered that this in no way detracts from the achievements of Muslim natural scientists in creating an accurate solar calendar. The Shariah's preference for recording time according to the phases of the moon does not mean a rejection of the use of the solar calendar.

Let's take a closer look at the basics lunar calendar.

The Moon completes its orbit during a period of time equal to twenty-seven days, seven hours, forty-three minutes and four point seven seconds. This period of time is called a lunar day. If the balance exceeding 27 days is converted to decimal fractions, the result is 0.321582 days.

Thus, a lunar day is equal to 27.321582 earth days.

The time that passes between two new moons is twenty-nine Earth days, twelve hours, forty-four minutes and two point nine seconds. If the remainder exceeding whole days is converted to decimal fractions, the result is 0.530589 days.

Thus, one lunar month is equal to 29.530589 days. Therefore, a lunar year consisting of twelve months turns out to be equal to: 12 × 29.530589 = 354.327068 days.

In other words, one lunar year is equal to three hundred fifty-four whole and three hundred twenty-seven thousand sixty-eight millionths of a day.

If we assume that the months are equal to alternately 30 and 29 days, then it turns out that there is an inaccuracy of approximately 0.030589 days in each month. Over the course of one year, this distortion reaches 0.367068 days.

Over thirty years, the inaccuracy reaches 30×0.367068 = 11.012204 days. In other words, for every thirty years the distortion accumulates, barely exceeding eleven days.

If we believed that there are 354 days in each lunar year, then in this case (relative to the solar calendar) eleven “extra” days would accumulate every thirty years, and thirty-three days every ninety years. That is, after the first ninety years, the beginning of the month of Muharram would be on the 27th day of the month of Dhu-l-Qaad, the beginning of Ramadan on the 27th day of the month of Rajab. This would lead to the complete nullification of religious acts such as fasting, Hajj and Eid al-Adha. This would lead to the reintroduction of the abominable practice of nasi', prohibited by the Qur'an, and the loss of respect for the Holy Months.

It would take about 965 years for the lunar months, which move forward by eleven days every thirty years, to return to their original positions.

To avoid such large distortions, Muslim scholars decided to add eleven days to each thirty-year cycle. In other words, they decided that in eleven out of every thirty years there are not 354, but 355 days, i.e. eleven years are leap years.

According to this establishment of Muslim scholars, leap years in each thirty-year cycle are: 2nd, 5th, 7th, 10th, 13th, 16th, 18th, 21st, 24th, 26th -th and 29th years.

Does this method of establishing leap years allow completely avoid distortion chronology?

If one month were equal to only 29 days, 12 hours, 44 minutes, then this method of determining leap years could completely solve the problem of distortions. For 44 “extra” minutes of each month during the year would turn into: 12x44 = 528 minutes. Every thirty years: 30×528 = 15840 minutes. In other words, exactly eleven days of distortion would accumulate without a trace. Thus, eleven leap years, over which these eleven days would be distributed, would completely eliminate the problem of the inaccuracy of the lunar calendar relative to the solar one.

But one month is not equal to only 29 days, 12 hours and 44 minutes. There are still two point nine (2.9) seconds to spare.
Therefore, each year accumulates: 12×2.9 = 34.8, and in each thirty-year cycle: 30×34.8 = 1044 seconds of surplus. Over the course of three hundred years, this value reaches 10,440 seconds, over three thousand years – 104,400 seconds. The last number is equal to a full twenty-four unaccounted hours. And this is a whole day! Within thirty thousand years, the number of unaccounted days will exceed twelve days.

If we express this in decimal fractions, we get the following:

Every 30 years the remainder will be 11.01204 days.

Eleven wholes of this remainder are introduced into circulation by adding eleven leap years. But there remains still 0.01204 “unrested” surplus. This surplus reaches 1.204 days over three thousand years, and 12.04 days over thirty thousand years. That is 12 days and about one hour beyond that.

Such a significant error in lunar reckoning, although extended over a colossal period of time, nevertheless indicates the imperfection of such a method as adding leap years.

For this reason, our Islamic Sharia needs accurate calculations. But he does not take into account calendar years, due to the fact that no matter how carefully they are recorded, errors cannot be avoided. This idea can be expressed even better: Sharia did not order people to follow a chronology system that was fundamentally incorrect, and therefore required accurate calculations, but tied the execution of acts of a religious nature to astronomical years. Since calendar years are never the same as astronomical years, being either longer or shorter than them, Islamic Sharia has never tied worship and other religious acts to calendar years.

In the continuation of the material, we will look at the reason why Sharia preferred the lunar calendar.

Aidar Khairutdinov