How to get back a girl you left behind. How I left and returned my girlfriend I left my girlfriend at a distance and I regret it

You yourself abandoned her, now you yourself will have to “go out of your way” to gain her favor again, to earn her trust and love.

When a girl is abandoned by a guy, she perceives it as a betrayal. No matter how much she loves her boyfriend, it can be difficult for her to accept him again, to trust him. And it is right. Her fears are not unfounded. If you quit once, you can quit twice. She is afraid to again feel lonely, unwanted, humiliated, betrayed. Why should she live in anticipation of betrayal and humiliation? Therefore, even when loving, a girl chooses the path of not forgiving you. Not only because of pride, but precisely for the reasons described above. Put yourself in her shoes. How would you take it? Would you enjoy it? Would you forgive in this situation? Would you find an excuse for the girl if she did this? By answering these questions for yourself, you will find out how she feels, whether it is easy for her to continue the relationship with you, whether she can be with you.

If you truly love your girlfriend, you won't want to hurt her anymore. If you are not confident in yourself that you can give her what she needs, it is better to leave her. Ask for forgiveness, talk, but you shouldn’t return to the relationship. If you are sure that you will “take out” this relationship, act, but be prepared for the fact that the girl will not forgive you or will forgive you, but will not be able to accept you.

The first thing you need to do is to convince your beloved that you will not leave her again, that you will not betray her, that you love her, that you need her like no one else in the world. But these should not be just words not backed up by actions, these should be actions backed up by the right words. No one will tell you what exactly you will do, since it is very individual. For some, a conversation in a cafe is enough, for others a romantic surprise, for others it will take at least a month to prove step by step that he is the one that his beloved needs.

This time you may not get away with gifts, flowers, surprises, romance, intimate conversations, confessions, tears. She may have already received all this from you, but after such a serious step that you took in relation to her, she needs something more, or she no longer needs anything at all from you, except perhaps satisfaction - for you to repent, regret what you did.

A girl may return to you in order to harbor a grudge, to take revenge on you one day, to do to you the same way as you did to her. You need to be prepared for this too. Maybe by being with her after the reunion, you can melt her heart and make her give up the idea that revenge is necessary.

By the way, such an action of yours - breaking up with a girl - can make her stop loving you. Some girls stop loving when they are greatly offended, which is why they easily leave guys, for example, when they find out about cheating. Because of resentment, their feelings are instantly shattered, all that remains is, but not love, which allows people to be together.

“Only by giving up something can you understand how much you wanted it.”

- Roman Vinilov.

Hi, friend! Roman Vinilov is in touch.

Regretting actions taken is a normal thing for any person. Mistakes are common to everyone. But what to do if the price of such a mistake is personal happiness? It happens that we do not fully understand the value of loved ones while they are next to us. Why, this happens very often. It's time to talk about how to get back the girl you left. Is this even possible?

I regret leaving my girlfriend. What to do?

First, let's define this. If you really think that your breakup was a mistake and you really want her back, there is no problem at all. As I said above, people tend to make mistakes. And if the only thing that stops you is that you will have to change your decision and because of this you will look stupid, then get rid of these thoughts. This is especially true for those who have been in long-term relationships. In this case, everything is easier to restore.

And the second question. Moral and ethical. Leaving a girl once is not very good. But it happens. But to abandon her, then return her and abandon her again is a truly base act. Therefore, you will have to think carefully about whether you really want her back, or whether you just saw her with someone else and your sense of ownership jumped up. Some people torture each other like this for years. This behavior is called “dog in the manger” - neither to yourself nor to others. If you have such cockroaches in your head. I don't really want to help.

Is it possible to get back the girl you left behind?

Most often, guys who are in a short relationship with a girl find themselves in this situation. You just don’t have time to understand how much you liked her. Feelings for her flare up gradually. And a chance meeting can change everything. And you understand that all other girls are not like that. With no one else have you felt so easy and good. But how can you tell her that you regret that you once left? What is she experiencing? Maybe it has cooled down a long time ago?

You need to act in this situation carefully, in no way showing how much it really means to you now. Ideally, you need to set up a completely random meeting, which can serve as a further reason for a date where you can seduce her again. Surely it will be much easier to do this, because you have already succeeded once. The main thing is not to do everything exactly the same. Of course, you can use your old experience as a reason for romantic nostalgia, but the main thing is not to evoke negative emotions from memories of the breakup.

In general, everything is quite individual, and much will depend on a number of reasons:

  • How long you dated before breaking up and how serious your relationship was. On the one hand, a serious relationship does not go away for a long time, so there is something to return. On the other hand, the resentment may be so strong that reunification will be impossible;
  • What feelings did she have for you during your previous relationship? If she found something to love you for, then you have a much greater chance of success;
  • How did the breakup go? How negative it was and how you communicated after that (if you did). Have you done something for which you feel guilty before her? Sometimes it is purely humanly important to apologize, otherwise the understatement will hang on both of you;
  • How much time has passed since the breakup? A long separation can be both a minus and a plus. For example, if you barely knew each other, and you realized that you fell in love with her as a result of meeting a few years later, then everything starts as if from the beginning, and past grievances do not matter at all;
  • Has she managed to start a new serious relationship? Or frivolous. After all, for some guys, this is an extremely important nuance that can change everything. Many people will not be able to come to terms with the fact that their ex-girlfriend is having an affair with someone else;
  • For example, a girl may still be angry with you. Seeing interest on your part, she will be happy deep down, but she will not understand how serious your intentions are. At the same time, she will want to take some light revenge - just to see if you have lost your former self-confidence. She may try to refuse you, and if you give in and start running after her, everything may end badly. But if you respond to her coldness by taking a step back, you can get everything.

If you had a serious relationship with the girl you left, then you probably still have things or circumstances that connected you. This can be used as a reason for communication. Moreover, you should not show any signs of attention to her - you are just friends. This way she will understand that you are not going to return anything, but at the same time, feelings will begin to play in her again. If you know her well, you will definitely notice this. Understanding that she still cares about you, it will be much easier to return her.

He left his girlfriend and she found a guy

In this case, everything is more complicated, and you will have to act more subtly. If their relationship is strong, then maybe nothing will work out for you. But there is a very high probability that her new relationship is a performance created especially for you, especially if you broke up not so long ago. In this case, you can try not to pay any attention to her new relationship. This will also be a kind of test that needs to be passed. Again, it would be useful to take a closer look - start communicating in a friendly way, without showing signs of attention. The main thing is to understand how she feels.

What conclusion can be drawn from all this? You never know what turn fate will take. Today you feel one thing, and tomorrow you realize that you were mistaken. And to make it easier to correct mistakes, it is better to behave carefully. You can also break up with girls in different ways - while remaining on friendly terms. Then it will be much easier to return the romantic spark.

Without knowing all the details of the situation, it is difficult to give universal recommendations. I can say one thing: if you regretted leaving your girl and now want to get her back, you definitely need to try. Most likely, we are talking about real feelings and the situation is different from the one when a girl leaves a guy and it is not clear whether he wants her back because he loves her or he just has wounded pride/fear of being alone.

It's difficult to get a girl back, but it's possible. Even if we are talking about the one that you yourself abandoned and then regretted. The only problem here is that one breakup on your initiative has already happened, which means there is a certain negative background, and if at some stage you make a serious mistake - for example, during seduction - then this door may close for you completely. Especially if she had a serious grudge against you and was having a hard time with the breakup. And then it is unlikely that any measures will help bring her back.

I, as a coach, cannot advise you to act at your own peril and risk and make mistakes on your own. My job is to offer help. And we can really do this - both in terms of getting your ex-girlfriend back (it doesn’t matter whether you left her or she left you), and in the area of ​​seduction. In any case, you will gain invaluable experience communicating with girls and the confidence you need in your abilities.

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Popular proverbs say: When leaving, burn the bridges behind you; there is no turning back; time cannot be turned back; Don’t step into the same river twice and the like. But I still tried to do it differently. Namely, I returned my beloved girl. Although, perhaps, we did not go far from each other. And so, they just temporarily stopped communicating.

I'll tell you my story: I don't have much luck with girls. I can't communicate with them for a long time. Somehow I get bored of them quickly. Those who are dumber immediately tell us how many boyfriends they had and who later left whom. But I don’t really want to be on this list. Those who are a little smarter hide everything at first, but then I still find out the truth: who is who, when and how much. I'm starting to feel like it's not mine. This girl didn’t attract me, I’m not interested in her. I'm trying to meet others. And one day, quite by chance, I met an ordinary girl who, at first glance, turned out to be nothing to me.

Appearance is inconspicuous, looks average. According to the principle - so, it will do. I begin to communicate, and a feeling that is unfamiliar to me gradually overcomes me. I think to myself: “This is all nonsense. Now he’ll tell me about his exes, I’ll nod my head and move on.” Oddly enough, I never heard this story that day. I even became curious. When will she start telling? After all, I need to leave, as always.

At our next meeting, we walked a lot and talked. She treated me more like an interesting person, and not like a guy who needs to be shown to her friends. Then there were more meetings and more. I remember the day when I took her hand for the first time. She didn't pull it away, she was waiting for it. Our relationship began to move to a new stage. I wanted to see her every day. I had a hard time convincing myself not to call her constantly, so as not to bother me. We went for a walk in any weather, and the two of us had a good time. And then, completely unexpectedly, the moment came when we got tired of each other. We knew all the stories from the lives of each of us. For some reason, it suddenly became cold or hot outside. I felt like I needed to take a break. We need to take a break from each other, think and just get bored. Why I began to feel this way, I don’t know. It was stronger than me.

I didn’t know how to tell her about this without offending her. But she saw everything in my eyes. I was very upset, even scared. There was silence in our relationship. And in order not to aggravate the situation, I decided to talk.

He told her the truth as it is. I knew that she felt me ​​very well and would immediately see the lie. It was very difficult to talk about our separation, but I understood that it was simply necessary. We both need this. Only by letting go of each other will we both understand what we feel. I myself set the day of separation. My girlfriend simply silently agreed with this with tears in her eyes.

And here I am alone... no need to call, no need to meet. It's very quiet around. I just sat at home for several days. And then I started communicating with friends again. I tried to go to clubs and cinema. Life seemed to return to its previous course, only she was not around. So one week passed, then another. Then a whole month passed. I accidentally saw her from the car. She walked with her head down. I wanted to scream, but then I restrained myself. I endured it for another month, and then life itself decided everything for me.

I ran into her at the store and we both couldn't resist. They rushed to meet each other. We will remember this day for a long time. Since then we have not parted. And so that everything that we experienced with such difficulty would not happen, we decided to tell each other everything at once.

“We don’t keep what we have; when we lose it, we cry.” This saying perfectly describes the situation when a guy leaves a girl, lets her go, and then regrets it and wants to get her back. This happens, unfortunately. What to do if you left your girlfriend, but realized that you can’t live without her, that you need her. If I left it, how can I get it back??? Let's talk about this right now.

1. We analyze the situation - why the separation occurred

After breaking up with a girl on your own initiative, you need to delve into yourself and figure out why such a decision was previously made - to leave your chosen one. After all, there were still some discontents if you wanted to break up. Take a piece of paper and divide it into two parts. In one, write down your dissatisfaction with the girl, the possible reasons that prompted you to leave her.

On the other hand, consider the positive qualities of the lady, the reasons why this relationship should have survived. Compiling the list can continue as long as you like, the main thing is to put aside emotions and be objective. When you finish writing, look at what you came up with. Which side has more records? This analysis will help you understand whether you really want to get your girl back or whether your experiences are explained only by habit. This way you can figure out whether it’s worth renewing the relationship at all.

I left her, but I want the girl back, is there a chance??

If during the analysis it turned out that the separation was due to stupidity, you were really happy with your loved one and left her in vain, you need to try to return your passion. Considering that the chosen one is most likely offended and her self-esteem is hurt, this will not be easy to do. However, if her love for you has not cooled down, there is still a chance to return the girl.

How to get a girl back if you left her yourself?

Perhaps the best way to return your chosen one when the separation occurred on your own initiative is to talk face to face. Make an appointment by phone somewhere in a cafe or in a park where the atmosphere is not conducive to intimacy. Of course, you will have to overcome your fear and uncertainty. You need to be ready to apologize for the rash step and explain why you decided to return the girl. It is important to try to conduct the conversation in such a way that there is no hint of reproach.

You cannot place the blame for what happened on your chosen one, or emphasize the shortcomings that allegedly led to the separation. The decision was made by you, which means the responsibility for it also lies with you. Now you have changed your mind and want to return the relationship. This means that you accept the girl with all her negative character traits for who she is. Now the responsibility falls on your shoulders again. After all, you are free to leave everything as it is, not to renew the relationship if the girl does not suit you. The conversation should be structured taking into account the feelings of the chosen one, remember - you offended her, left her, perhaps even insulted her. Now you have to pave the way to her heart, melt the ice.

What to do if a girl does not agree to talk?

When your chosen one refuses to meet to talk or does not answer the phone call at all, you will have to act differently. Become romantic. What can be done:

Use a flower delivery service, sending your loved one a huge bouquet home, or better yet, at work. It must contain a postcard describing your feelings and an apology. It is better if such surprises are repeated with a certain frequency.
Organize a casual meeting (you can’t do this without the help of mutual friends).

Show up fully armed - neatly dressed, with a good hairstyle, exuding a pleasant aroma, with a bouquet of flowers. Try to explain yourself. Be open and sincere and make eye contact when sharing your regrets about the breakup. Admit that you let go and realized that you need...

If your chosen one loves you, she will certainly give in. A loving girl, even if she is very offended, deep down in her heart hopes for a resumption of the relationship, she expects action from the guy. So be consistent, don't give up. Continue to give gifts, look for opportunities to meet, offer your company. At one point she won’t stand it and agrees to start over. If the passion is very proud, you will have to slow down and give a time out. After numerous attempts to renew the relationship, end it and hide for 10 days. It is very important not to make yourself known at all.

An offended girl who expects you to continue your romantic endeavors will find herself in a dead end. She will think that she has gone too far with pride and inaccessibility.

She will be afraid that you will never come back. After 10 days, call your beloved again. This turning point will be the point of return. If a girl loves you, she will no longer want to lose you, she will agree to continue the relationship. Well, if there is no love, nothing will work out. And why return a woman who doesn’t love. Nothing good will come of this anyway.

How often do you find the phrases on forums: “I left my girlfriend and I want her back!” If this happened to you, don’t drift; with properly organized consistent actions, you can achieve a resumption of relationships. But first, weigh everything, figure out why you initially decided to break up with your loved one. Perhaps the reasons are very serious, maybe it’s not worth starting all over again?