“Lisa Alert”: summer dangers that await children in the city and in the country. What dangers await children during the summer holidays? What dangers await a child during

Prohibited action with power cord

Sometimes young children find themselves in completely absurd and dangerous situations. The task of adults is to help children explore the world, and at the same time protect them from unforeseen circumstances that can cause irreparable harm to children's health or become a threat to life.

Today there are many educational children's cartoons that tell how to behave when various dangerous situations arise, but the question of how to protect children from danger is relevant, first of all, for parents.

What dangers does your living space pose for a child?

Oddly enough, it is at home that the most difficult things await children. a large number of unpleasant surprises. Parents are required to review the following most dangerous situations in practice with their children. How to do it? Just sit your baby next to you, open a picture book or a famous fairy tale, read it together, and then add your parting words to the story:

Hot items

You must be very careful with hot objects on the table (mug of tea, plate of soup, hot Electric kettle or a saucepan with compote on a gas stove). If you carelessly wave your arms at the table, or pull the cord of an electric kettle, the hot liquid has the risk of tipping over onto the child, resulting in serious burns to the body, and the baby’s life itself will be endangered.

Precautionary measures:

  • Do not place dishes with hot contents on the edge of the table, or within the reach of a small child;
  • Do not leave an electric kettle within your child's reach, especially if its cord hangs down and can be reached.

Video: furniture locks

Matches, lighters

Do not play with matches, lighters or open fire. Fire is very dangerous, especially indoors (apartment, house, classroom). It quickly spreads throughout the room, curtains, furniture and wallpaper. This danger is deadly.

Precautionary measures:

  • Do not leave matches or lighters within reach of a small child.

Gas oven

Careless handling of electrical appliances

You cannot touch the gas stove or turn the knobs on it. The gas is also dangerous to health and life. If handled carelessly, natural gas fills the room and causes suffocation. This is deadly.

Precautionary measures:

  • Do not leave hot or full pots and pans on a gas or electric stove while it is on. For greater safety, it is necessary to leave them on the far burners to reduce the possibility of small children accessing them.

Piercing and cutting objects

You cannot play with piercing or cutting objects - scissors, knives, needles. Such “fun” leads to cuts on sharp edges, or accidental puncture of the soft tissue of moving limbs or other parts of the body.

Precautionary measures:

  • Do not leave piercing or cutting objects within the child’s access area.


You can't play with the tablecloth. A random movement made by a child in a playful manner can cause all the contents of the table (cups of hot tea, plates of hot soup) to tip over. This will result in skin burns or other injuries that can not only cause serious harm, but also become life-threatening.

Precautionary measures:

  • If the house is Small child If you are crawling on the floor, or have just started walking, it is best to stop using a tablecloth (for a while). When the child grows up, it is necessary to explain why it is impossible to pull on its edge.

Sharp corners

Two types of soft linings for furniture corners

Sharp corners of furniture are another danger within the territory of a house or apartment. An insecure baby who is learning or already knows how to walk, as well as any older tomboy, is capable of hitting the corner of furniture as a result of an accidental movement and severely injuring his head or face. Most often, such carelessness ends in a cut eyebrow and large hematomas, but a fall can also result in more serious consequences in the form of a broken eye, broken nose and concussion.

Precautionary measures:

  • Buy special plastic plugs and attach them to the corners of furniture and other objects in the house that have sharp corners.

You cannot touch electrical and mechanical devices located at home without permission, much less disassemble them when they are plugged into an outlet.

Video: protecting drawers and cabinets


Do not touch or taste indoor plants. Some of them, for example, Dieffenbachia and cyclamen, pose a deadly threat and can cause serious poisoning of the body with a fatal outcome.

Precautionary measures:

  • If the baby begins to explore the apartment or house, it is better to move the indoor plants to another place (send to the dacha, to grandma).


Do not tease or torture pets. Firstly, if you pet your pets and then do not wash your hands, you can become infected with helminths. Secondly, if you torture an animal against its will, it can bite, scratch and frighten the child.

Meeting a stranger can be dangerous

Precautionary measures:

  • If there is a baby in the house, it is best to give up pets for a while, or very carefully and tirelessly monitor your child in order to avoid trouble. Regular anthelmintic prophylaxis with the help of special preparations and strict rules of personal hygiene are also appropriate.

You cannot touch pills, medicines, cosmetics and household chemicals without the permission of adults. As a result of poisoning from drug overdose, there are often deaths and situations where children become disabled for the rest of their lives.

Precautionary measures:

  • If there are small children in the house, it is best to keep medicines, cosmetics and household chemicals in closed drawers, out of reach;
  • It is recommended to conduct regular explanatory conversations with children about the dangers that tablets and household chemicals may pose to children's health.

Windows and balconies

Child in the window

You need to be very careful near open windows and balconies. You should never sit on a windowsill. Falling down can result in serious physical injury and death.

Precautionary measures:

  • Do not leave children unattended near open windows and balconies, especially in apartments of multi-story buildings.


You can't play around in the bathroom. The bathroom is fraught with many invisible dangers:

  • Firstly, a child left unattended even for a few minutes in an empty bathroom can slip and receive injuries to the limbs, most often the head (sometimes fatal);
  • Secondly, a child left unattended for one minute in a full bathtub can choke and even drown;
  • Thirdly, a parent may accidentally turn the wrong shower handle and scald the child with boiling water.
  • Fourthly, older children should also not play in the bathroom. Accidentally leaving the water on causes a flood.

Precautionary measures:

  • Never leave babies alone in an empty bathroom, or in a bathtub filled with water. Sometimes even a minute is enough for a fatal sad outcome.


Explain to your child that you should always wash your hands with soap before eating. It is important to eat only washed vegetables and fruits. Pathogenic germs and bacteria left on poorly washed hands and food can enter the body and cause a dangerous disease.

You should not open the door to strangers, even if they seem to be friends of your parents.

You cannot tell anyone by phone:

  • Your first and last name;
  • Home address;
  • Information that parents are not at home.

You cannot get into an elevator with strangers or open doors with a key in the presence of strangers who look suspicious.

How to protect children from harm on the street?

Stranger in a car

Walking in the fresh air is very good for the health of children, but parents should be especially careful outside. In order to protect your beloved child from the main dangerous situations on the street, you need to study them in detail together with your child:

  • Cross the road only at a zebra crossing when the traffic light is green;
  • Know the designations of each traffic light color;
  • Do not ride on the steps of a tram or trolleybus

If you warn your child in time about the dangers that may lurk in everyday life, you can protect him from troubles that can cause serious health problems and threaten his life.

Video: how to explain to a child what is dangerous


On the eve of the long summer holiday, our publication asked Vologda parents what problems they would like to protect their children from this summer first of all. As it turned out, their versions are not very different from the opinions of experts who shared their vision of the situation at the regional parent meeting.

Mad hedgehog

For the upcoming holiday period, each of the parents, as well as grandparents with whom the child will remain, must calculate all the risks and dangers in advance. Such factors include swimming in the wrong place, extreme entertainment, and even the risk of getting any disease.

The five most “popular” diseases in the Vologda region - acute respiratory viral infections and influenza, chickenpox, acute intestinal infections and pediculosis - in 71-97% of cases affect children under 14 years of age. And in the summer, animals, both domestic and wild, can bring illness to a child.

If you see a wild animal that approaches a person and is not afraid - for example, a hedgehog or a fox cub - do not rush to be touched, warns Tatyana Kurganova, deputy head physician of the Prevention Center. - It is possible that the animal is sick. Teach your children not to touch even those animals that seem cute and harmless.

Domestic cats and dogs that roam freely in nature in the summer must have protection against ticks. One cat can bring several bloodsuckers into the house, easily changing their “habitat” from fur to the skin of a person who will stroke the pet. Meanwhile, every third tick is a carrier dangerous disease. So, children who spend a lot of time in nature need to be examined several times a day, and if a tick does stick, help must be provided at any nearest medical facility, regardless of the place of medical care to which the child is assigned.

The advice of infectious disease doctors is very simple, and their implementation is accessible to everyone: wash your hands thoroughly before eating and after using the toilet with disinfecting soaps; teach children to use antibacterial wipes when it is not possible to wash their hands; under no circumstances drink untested and unboiled water; Wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly, and store perishable foods in the refrigerator. If you go out of town in such situations, a cooler bag will help out.

For parents who want to send their children to summer camp or take them with you on a trip, you must not forget the vaccination certificate. If a child becomes unwell, this certificate can greatly help doctors when prescribing treatment.

“I can see everything from above”

Traumatic holidays are another “summer scourge” for parents, doctors, and law enforcement agencies. Residents of the Vologda region have repeatedly noticed teenagers running on the roofs of houses. Children usually indulge in such entertainment in groups, and a bad example, as we know, is contagious.

The last case of such an “example” was recorded in Sheksna. The other day, a teenage roofer (that is, someone who likes to climb high-rise buildings) climbed to one of the highest points of the village and posted a video on YouTube: here he is penetrating an industrial zone, climbing onto a huge metal tank, then moving at a great height along a pipe, climbing to cell tower and stands in full height on a tiny platform at the very top. The slightest awkward movement - and he could fall down from the height of at least a five-story building. And although everything happened in broad daylight, there was no guard to detain the young man.

Last year, such entertainment cost the life of a 13-year-old from Cherepovets. The boy and his friend entered the territory of the production base, where they climbed onto an overhead crane that was under high voltage current. One of the teenagers touched the electrical bus of the crane and died from electrical injury.

And doctors at the regional children's hospital note that in the summer the number of children coming to them with injuries is 15-20% higher than in other seasons.

The water element is no less dangerous than heights. Recently, investigators from the regional department of the Investigative Committee sent to court the case of the death of two boys from Gryazovets. They drowned in a fire pond last August. Then the five-year-old boy told his parents that he would take a walk near the house, and his six-year-old friend told his grandmother the same thing. Having met without adults, the boys went to a pond, and while playing, both died in the water.

Every year, 8-10 children die while swimming in our region. At the same time, employees of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations draw the attention of parents to a pattern: the hotter it is outside, the more accidents on the water.

There is already the first victim of a popular and dangerous household device - a mosquito net.

May 4 in Cherepovets two year old boy, left at home with his six- and 13-year-old sisters, crawled onto the windowsill and fell down from the fourth floor... The child escaped with two broken ribs.

The cause of almost all tragedies in such cases is simple inattention - on the part of either parents or officials who are obliged to monitor the safety of their facilities. Officials, as a rule, are brought to justice, but the children cannot be returned.

Tablet and 30 drops

Another alarming trend among teenagers is noted by the governor’s commissioner for children’s rights, Olga Smirnova: after the regional law prohibiting the sale of vapes to minors came into force on May 14, young “smoke” lovers began to look for other opportunities to “vape.” Tightening of liability for the sale of spice and smoking mixtures also played a role. Afraid of getting caught by the drug police, the teenagers decided to give their harmless “hobby” a more legal appearance.

As Olga Aleksandrovna said, if previously teenagers prone to using intoxicating substances preferred smoking mixtures, now they have switched to medications freely sold in pharmacies. Cold remedies, eye drops, and soothing herbal tinctures are used... In a word, everything that can cause at least a slightly intoxicating effect.

This is also evidenced by the increase in the number of poisonings of minors with anticonvulsants and psychotropic drugs. medicines, - Olga Smirnova noted at the scientific and practical conference “Prevention of non-medical consumption of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances...”. - That is, teenagers get poisoned using the cheapest and most accessible medications to change consciousness.

The concept of safety for children and adolescents has reached a new level. Modern world much more complicated than it was just a couple of decades ago, there is a need for various types safety: Internet safety, safety from provoking suicidal behavior and many others. Ensuring all this security as a whole is a common task that cannot be solved without joint efforts.

Oleg VASILIEV, Deputy Governor of the Vologda Region

The same sources of “useful” information for teenagers in this area are social media, where “experienced” people give advice on how many tablets or drops are needed to get the desired effect. Yes, and every family has home first aid kits, and there you can find potent medications that are sold only with a prescription.

At the same time, parents and teachers may not understand that the child is uncontrollably using medications for other purposes, since they have no odor.

According to the Commissioner for Children's Rights, first of all, in order to change the situation, it is necessary to raise the level of literacy of adolescent parents.

When a teenager hides the truth

But in addition to everyday dangers, there are others - for example, someone's criminal intentions towards children.

How to keep your child safe
in holiday's:

Control children’s Internet communication using special programs that will filter content not only on the home computer, but also on the child’s mobile phone.

If a child communicates a lot on the Internet, teach him to react correctly to possible insults and mockery, not to succumb to aggression and provocations, and if something in Internet communication is bothersome and disturbing, immediately inform his parents.

Properly store expensive “toys” of adults: weapons, ATVs, motor boats, and do not allow children alone to see them.

Do not leave any medications freely available in the case of small children, or potent medications in the case of teenagers.

When walking with small children in amusement towns, carefully check the serviceability of sports equipment and the safety of structures on children's playgrounds, and allow children to play only on those playgrounds that have permission for placement from local governments.

Teach your child not to attract the attention of strangers to his property - expensive gadgets, jewelry.

Try to keep your child occupied in the summer in such a way that he has as little time as possible for gadgets, and more time for spending time together with his family.

In the first quarter of this year, the regional department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation registered a significant increase in the number of criminal cases initiated for crimes where minors were recognized as victims - from 33 to 45. 31 criminal cases were sent to the court, in which 52 minor victims appear (for the same period last year there were 24 and 37 respectively).

Most often, children under 18 years of age become victims of sexual crimes - this is over 66% of all criminal cases.

So, a 14-year-old Vologda boy called his parents and reported that he and his 13-year-old girlfriend had been kidnapped. As it turned out, he actually brought the girl to his older brother’s apartment, where the group drank and played cards. When a teenager lost badly, the adults raped his girlfriend as “payment” for his loss. All the rapists recently received long sentences. And the man who abused another 13-year-old girl faces life imprisonment: at the time he committed this crime, he had an outstanding conviction for a similar act.

At the regional parent meeting, the topic of crimes against the sexual integrity of children was discussed for the first time, but the head of the education department, Elena Ryabova, emphasized its importance. Attention was also paid to this issue by the acting Head of the Department for Supervision of Compliance with Laws on Minors and Youth of the Prosecutor's Office of the Vologda Region Oleg Kerselyan and Head of the Department for Organizing the Activities of Precinct Police Commissioners and Juvenile Affairs Units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Vologda Region Alexey Gudym.

Parents who took part in the meeting via video conferencing asked law enforcement officials how to appearance and the child’s behavior to understand that he has already been subjected to violence. It's no secret that children can hide this for a long time.

If the rapist is stranger, then with persistent questioning of the parents, the child will tell what happened,” explained Alexey Gudym. - And if the attacker - close relative or a family member, for example, a stepfather, then the child will hide everything for a very long time. This is the main difficulty in investigating crimes against children committed in the family. But to prevent and detect such crimes, district commissioners will conduct a comprehensive targeted check.

There are many cases where teenagers under 16 years of age engage in sexual intercourse voluntarily - at the age of 13-14.

As investigative practice shows, criminals play on the desire of minors to show themselves as adults, says Sergei Kinyakin, First Deputy Head of the Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee for the Vologda Region. - Children, without realizing it, succumbing to false guidelines, thereby causing irreparable damage to their health and fragile psyche.

As practice shows, very often adults whom they met on the Internet become sexual partners of children under 16 years of age.

Every year there are more and more such crimes, they become more sophisticated, criminals are improving and inventing new forms of concealing their identifying data in order to avoid criminal liability, notes Sergei Kinyakin. - Also, in connection with the upcoming summer holidays, I would like to note that unaccompanied young children are increasingly attracting unwanted attention from strangers.

There can only be one piece of advice from representatives of all law enforcement agencies: do not leave children unattended, control their communication, know exactly where and with whom the children are at the moment.

. To the point

Six crow attacks on children were recorded in the region over the past week. Thus, crows protecting chicks that had fallen from the nest scared the children of Cherepovets during a walk kindergarten"Friendly family"

“When we took the children out for a walk, we noticed two crows on the site,” said Olga Serova, head of the kindergarten. - One of them was sitting in the bushes. Nearby was an adult crow, the second was on a birch tree. By the way, after we removed all the poplars from the kindergarten territory, this is the only tree we have left. And it was on it that they built a nest! As soon as the adult crows noticed the people, they began to croak loudly and circle over the kids. The birds even swooped down aggressively on passers-by who passed by the kindergarten. The children had to be urgently taken for a walk to another place, and we immediately called the rescuers.

When the Ministry of Emergency Situations arrived, they took the crows and took them out of the city. The adult birds calmed down and probably returned to the nest, where, as it turned out, they had another chick. But in the evening he also fell out into the grass. And the friendly crow family again began to attack people, protecting their fragile child.

“This happened in the evening, when the parents came to the kindergarten to pick up their children,” shared the head of the kindergarten. “We again called rescuers, who took the chick out of town. The crows calmed down or flew away, we don’t know, but we didn’t see them anymore. And we will probably, unfortunately, have to remove the only birch tree from the territory. The safety and peace of mind of our children is still more important.

In total, at least six cases of crow attacks on people were recorded in the region last week. Most often the victims were teenagers and children. Such cases were noted in Vologda, Veliky Ustyug and especially in Cherepovets, where rescuers had to respond to calls from kindergartens three times. At the same time, according to eyewitnesses, rescuers on Pionerskaya Street even had to work in helmets - the seriously raging crows completely lost their usual caution.

Ornithologists explain aggressive behavior birds by the traditional “seasonal-nesting” factor. At the end of May, the grown crows begin to behave actively and often fall out of the nests. And if people are near the fallen chick, adult crows can instinctively attack them. True, birds, as a rule, are still afraid of men, but sometimes they dive right on the heads of women and children.

In order to avoid becoming the target of crow attacks these days, rescuers recommend temporarily not approaching trees in the crowns of which there are nests, and in the event of an attack, cover your head with your hands or any available object and leave as soon as possible.

At the same time, carry out some preventive actions practically useless. Even if all the trees around the perimeter of kindergartens and schools are cut down, seasonal attacks will not stop. Crows that have fallen from their nests do not sit still, and more than once there have been cases when birds began to attack people on the approach, 50-60 meters from the nest.

Veterinarians, in turn, urge people to stay away not from crows and magpies, but from street...pigeons. It is these peaceful-looking birds that can become a source of serious danger to human health, being carriers of psittacosis, focal tularemia and other diseases. And although this goes against established traditions, veterinarians strongly urge not to feed pigeons in the summer. Especially handheld.

Victoria SMIRNOVA, Vladimir ROMANOV

How to ensure the safety of a child? What dangers await a child in the city? All parents worry about the safety and health of their children. It `s naturally. Middle-income parents place their children in closed, well-guarded preschool and school institutions. Those who are rich hire personal security for their children. U common man, there is also an opportunity to take certain steps in this direction.

To talk about safety, you need to know what dangers may exist? If we talk about real situations and weed out everything that a fevered parental brain can come up with, then we can highlight some of them. Namely: road accident, accident, violence and kidnapping. The latter, of course, is unlikely if the parents do not belong to a wealthy category of the population, but child abduction should not be excluded from this series.

What should parents do first?

A child of any age must be explained how to behave in a given situation. In the garden, at school, on the street, in the yard. Using game uniform, achieve complete understanding on the part of the baby. It is useful to conduct training sessions to practice his actions.

Tell your child which route is safest to take, how to cross the road correctly, how to behave with strangers, and how to recognize a threat. Parents should, at least approximately, know their child’s daily schedule. When classes end, where will he go after school, when should he come home?

Try to determine the circle of his constant friends and acquaintances. Know and have at hand their telephone numbers, as well as the telephone numbers of their parents. It wouldn’t hurt to have them too, so that if something happens you can easily call.

Go through your child’s daily route at least once. At the same time, try to determine the degree of safety of the path.

You should pay attention to what public transport runs on this route, the presence of pay phones, security cameras, police strongholds, lighting at night. All this will help to act quickly and efficiently if the child suddenly does not come home.

Every child today has cellular telephone. Enter your phone numbers and the phone numbers of your closest relatives into his phone memory. Make sure there is always money in your account.

Show how to use the “Call at the expense of the called subscriber” service or similar. Also, buy a payphone card and show them how to use a payphone. They also have the “Call at the expense of the called subscriber” service.

Tell us how to recruit special forces. Practice this with your baby. This will help him make a call if his cell phone is lost or stolen.

What a child should know

The above dangers can be avoided if the baby knows the basic rules of behavior. Let's look at them:

Road accident

You don't have to drive a car to get into it. You need to teach your child the rules traffic. Cross the road correctly, get on and off public transport correctly.

Advise you to move on footpaths not at the very edge of the roadway. When waiting for transport at a stop, keep an eye on moving cars and be prepared for any surprises.

Hitting pedestrians walking on the sidewalk happens very often. Explain that you need to cross the road only at a pedestrian crossing and only when the traffic light is green.


It would seem, how can an accident be prevented? It turns out it is possible! “A brick on your head?” - nothing funny!

With an abundance of construction sites within the city, you need to be careful. Do not walk where the construction site is not fenced with special shields.

Icicles in winter time– also threaten life and health.

Slippery paths polished by the children themselves are real danger damage limbs. Therefore, shoes with good soles and walking on sandy paths will help avoid this.

The child should be reminded that a car can drive out of the courtyard arches at any moment. The baby must be ready for this.

The sacramental phrase “Watch your step!” - Very valuable advice! Open communication hatches, construction debris, ice, all this is just the beginning of the list.

Headphones in their ears and a phone in their hands - this is what distracts the attention of the younger generation while walking and increases the risk of an accident!!!


The child must clearly understand what to do in the event of a threat of violence.

Explain to him that you can’t talk to strangers on the street, of any gender. Under no circumstances should you take anything from them.

If an annoying attempt is made to force a conversation, the child should attract the attention of passers-by and, if possible, move to a more crowded place.

In case of any danger, try to call your family or the Rescue Service.

If there is a threat of robbery, explain to your child that you just need to give what they demand. Try not to anger the robber.

You must not enter a dark entrance, elevator, or any confined space with a stranger. If your house is in a deserted place, and the child returns after dark, go out to meet him.

Oblige him to walk only on illuminated streets.

Children should clearly know their last name, address, home phone number and your cell phone number.

She should not be embarrassed to shout loudly for help. In addition, screaming can scare off attackers.

Alternatively, advise him, in case of danger, to go into the lobby of any social institution and ask for help from its employees.


This is one of the extreme forms of violence. In the event of an abduction, the child should try to remember as many details as possible. The road, voices, names, addresses. If his limbs are tied, he must tense the muscles of his limbs as much as possible. Then you can relax them and try to get rid of the ropes.

Under no circumstances should you anger or tease the kidnappers. Try not to swallow any “medicines”. The prisoner needs to eat if the food seems safe.

Perhaps he will have to stay in captivity for more than one day and he will need strength. Under no circumstances should you panic. The child must clearly know that you love him, will look for him and will do everything to free him.

If the baby manages to free himself, he should not immediately move towards the house. We must try to get out into a crowded place and ask for help.

This is due to the fact that the kidnappers, having given chase, can wait near the house and steal it again. In addition, your home phone can be tapped by them.

What to do in a critical situation

How not to lose your head when something similar happens to your child? Remember that panic is the enemy!

Calmly inform your family about the absence of your child. Let them know you're worried and ask them to call if they know anything.

Call the nearest police station and make inquiries. Unfortunately, you will have to call hospitals and morgues. But take it more calmly. Better yet, ask your family or friends to do it.

Try to determine who last saw the lost person, and try to reconstruct the chronology of his day.

The main thing is that you must be sure that the baby knows that you will worry. Determine with him deadline his “non-appearance”, after which you will take measures to find him. This is a must!

Clearly and unconditionally try to come to an agreement with him in this regard. This will help him too if something really happened to him. It is advisable to work out all situations during training games.

Let it be fun, with laughter, with repetitions. These actions will undoubtedly be stored in memory and will emerge at the right time. Not only the child, but you yourself can use this knowledge.

It's never too late to learn. In the process, you will get to know your children's social circle better. Get to know your baby better. You will gain confidence that you can control the situation and help your child maintain health and life.

Knowing what dangers await a child in the city, you can avoid them!

Eating unwashed berries, digging in the dirt, drinking some water - this is why not a single child, even one under watchful supervision, is safe. How do doctors react to such unexpected events? What is really worth worrying about, and why give up? Let's find out in this article.

Unwashed vegetables, sand and dirt

Some people think that you can eat cucumbers straight from the garden, berries from the bush, others are of the opinion that everything needs to be washed and thoroughly sterilized. Any mother carries with her wet antibacterial wipes and gels to protect her children from germs at any time.

But now more and more studies confirm the idea that overprotection in general, including hygiene, is more likely to harm your baby. The University of Chicago, for example, came to the conclusion that most purity beliefs are myths. An excessive desire for sterility can lead to allergies, asthma, eczema and other diseases associated with the functioning of the immune system.

There are studies confirming that due to a decrease in the microbial antigenic load on the body of children, allergies began to develop more often. So it is not only possible for children to play in the sand, tinker in the ground, sort out pebbles and hit bumps, but it is also unnecessary. Increased care for hygiene is justified during epidemics, in public places, after using the toilet, etc.

As for berries and cucumbers straight from the city, you can eat them if you are sure that the vegetables and fruits have not been subjected to chemical treatment. But the danger still remains: you can get a food poisoning, for example, due to the droppings of sick birds or animals, which they can leave on berries and vegetables. Therefore, before eating, it is better to wash vegetables and fruits.

Dirty water Irotaviruses

The main danger that summer swimming poses is hypothermia. In the sea it comes faster because salt water takes away heat faster. It is better to enter the entrance gradually, stay there for a short time, and after leaving the shore, immediately dry the child with a towel and change clothes.

As for poisoning in water, this is quite possible. If a child has swallowed a lot of salt water, it may result in nausea and vomiting. The best thing to do in this situation is to give the child some water and let him lie down. As a rule, everything returns to normal within a couple of days at most.

If you plan to swim in lakes or rivers, you need to make sure that this is allowed. Such information is available on the Rospotrebnadzor website. But the main danger is the risk of drowning, even at a depth of five centimeters. Remember that during bathing you need to be close to your children at all times.

As for rotavirus infection, it is very easy to catch it: it is transmitted and airborne by, and through objects and hands. In this case, the virus survives on toys and input for 30 days. Pediatricians recommend protecting yourself from the disease with vaccinations. It reduces the incidence of diseases by 90%. WHO recommends that vaccination begin between 6 and 12 weeks of life, then the vaccine should be administered two more times with an interval of at least four weeks between doses.

Solar heatstroke

Sunstroke occurs after prolonged exposure to the sun. This condition is characterized as a brain disorder. Thermal stroke can also occur even in the shade. It is important to know that children overheat faster than adults. The first signs appear six to eight hours after exposure to the sun.

Symptoms of sunstroke: weakness, irritability, tearfulness. Lack of appetite, nausea, and vomiting may also occur. All this is accompanied by headache, darkening of the eyes, rapid heartbeat, and shortness of breath. Temperatures may rise to 40 degrees. If the case is severe, cardiac arrhythmias, hallucinations, pallor, cold sweat, and loss of consciousness are observed.

If heat stroke occurs, then hot, dry skin, dry lips are characteristic, then the extremities become cold, cold sweat may appear, and convulsions develop. Just like sunstroke, your temperature may rise. The child may become whiny, irritable, and agitated. Symptoms such as dizziness, headache, weakness and drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, and frequent urge to defecate are often observed. If dehydration has occurred, then its signs include dark yellow or even brownish urine, as well as the absence of urination for more than 12 hours.

What to do? The child needs to be moved to a cool place, undressed, and the diaper removed. To avoid dehydration, drink water. At the same time, it is better for children not to drink a lot of water at once, as this can provoke vomiting. Monitor your body temperature. If it is above 38 degrees, call a doctor, because antipyretic drugs will not help in this situation. In some cases it is better to call immediately ambulance. For example, if the temperature is above 38, the child has severe chills, convulsions, shortness of breath, and a rapid pulse. And finally, if the baby has been wet for more than 12 hours and has turned pale.

To protect yourself, when under the sun you need to wear a hat and clothing made from natural fabrics and not wrap yourself up. The hottest hours to go to the beach are: in the morning - before 12.00 and in the evening - after 16.00-17.00. Make sure your child drinks enough water. If the room is hot, turn on the air conditioning. Comfortable room temperature for children is 19-22 C.

Poisonous plants

Poisonous plants can be dangerous for a small child. We list only the most common ones:
Sosnovsky's hogweed has tall, thick stems with white flower caps. They contain substances that increase the skin's sensitivity to sunlight. Plant juice that gets on the skin will cause a 1st or 2nd degree burn with blisters. And if hogweed juice gets into your eyes, it can result in blindness. If you eat part of the plant, you will be poisoned: hogweed causes abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and weakness.

Crow's eye, due to the content of glucosides that have a narcotic effect, affects the nervous, cardiovascular, digestive system. The whole plant is poisonous, but children can most often eat the berries - they look like blueberries. Poisoning causes agitation, tachycardia, arrhythmia and even cardiac arrest, convulsions, dizziness, headache, stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

Acrid buttercup - its leaves are especially dangerous; the plant contains protoanemonin - a substance that affects the skin and mucous membranes. May cause burns and swelling of the mucous membranes. If a child eats part of the plant, all the signs of poisoning and fever will appear.

In addition, plants such as hemlock, wolf's bast, belladonna, ash, poisonous weed, henbane, and aconite are poisonous. Therefore, be sure to research what plants grow in your region and teach your children to avoid these plants.

If, nevertheless, the child ate something bad, the best thing is to bring him to the hospital, taking with him the plant that could have poisoned him. A child's condition when exposed to toxic substances can quickly deteriorate and require urgent hospitalization. As first aid, it is worth giving the child sorbents and drinking water.

Dangerous insects

Of course, it is impossible to completely avoid insect bites in the summer, even though there are various repellents and repellent devices. But they do not affect all insects and do not provide 100% protection.

Mosquito bites, horseflies and mosquito bites can trigger allergies. If the reaction is not strong, you can give the child an antihistamine and smear the bite site with a gel like Fenistil. But sometimes a serious reaction develops - weakness, tachycardia, Quincke's edema, anaphylactic shock. In this regard, the most dangerous bites are from bees, wasps, hornets and ants. You need to urgently contact a doctor, and the sooner you do this, the better.

Ticks are also dangerous - these arthropods can carry dangerous diseases— borreliosis and tick-borne viral encephalitis. If a child is bitten by a tick, it is best to go to the emergency room as quickly as possible, where the tick will be carefully removed and checked for infection. If this is not possible, remove the tick yourself, and then take it to the laboratory to find out if it is infected. Treatment should begin as quickly as possible, and even better, get vaccinated in advance.

Let us remind you that Roskachestvo has identified the best ones.

Based on materials from mel.fm

Don doctors are sounding the alarm. Over the past few days alone, five (!) children who fell out of windows ended up in the intensive care unit of the regional children's hospital. So, one of these cases occurred in the Western residential area of ​​Rostov-on-Don, where a two-year-old girl fell to the ground from the height of the second floor. As reported in the regional Investigative Committee, the child was left in the apartment without parental supervision and climbed onto the windowsill on his own. The baby was taken by ambulance to a medical facility, where doctors have been fighting for her life for several days.


Unfortunately, a mosquito net often becomes a companion to such cases. As the Ministry of Health of the Rostov Region said, it creates the illusion of security for the baby, and he leans on her. However, the structure cannot support the weight of even the smallest child - and, as a result, another tragedy.

Seeing an open window, children climb onto the windowsill using various pieces of furniture - experts say.- Therefore, if there is a small child in the house, then you need to think about ensuring that there are no objects near the windows that the child could climb on his own.

The second side of the coin is the responsibility of the parents themselves for the life and health of their children.

Parents are often sure that two to five minutes will not make a difference, so leaving the baby alone for a short period of time is not scary, - experts say. - However, adults do not take into account that a child can be attracted by any noise outside the window. And such curiosity, coupled with mobility, can lead to trouble, especially if the doors are wide open.

By the way, such emergencies most often occur between the ages of one and a half to four years.


But many dangers await children under one year old. They die falling from sofas, beds and changing tables.

It is important to remember that if you decide to swaddle or treat your baby, be sure to hold him on top with one hand and take oil, wipes and powders with the other, doctors teach.

The death of infants can be asphyxia and aspiration. The latter is when a baby, having burped after eating while lying in the crib, chokes on his own vomit. A minute is enough to lose your baby. It will be impossible to save him: doctors simply will not have time to come to the rescue.

It is important to know - and any pediatrician tells young mothers about this: after feeding the baby, you need to hold him upright so that he burps up air, and lay him sideways, placing a diaper under him (so that if he burps, it will be on the pillow).

Well, of course, we shouldn’t forget that a two- to three-week-old baby in his parents’ bed is a huge risk for him. Adults sleep soundly, but, buried in the shoulder or chest, a newborn does not even know how to turn his head on his own. And here is another tragedy. To avoid it, the baby should be in his own cradle, but at arm's length so that his parents can feel him.

And one more important point - bathing. Here, a baby cannot be left unattended even for a second.


It would not be amiss to remind you that the life and health of children depend on adults! But what to do if the adults themselves are sometimes still small children?! They are more busy with their mobile phones and social networks than with their own children. Other tragedies occur from here: he turned over the porridge - and died, a bowl of soup - and ended up in the hospital with burns, swallowed medications scattered in a visible place - and food poisoning, swallowed a battery or small object - and now, at best, in the endoscopy department of the same children's Rostov regional hospital.

Young parents can learn about the dangers at schools for pregnant women, which operate at every antenatal clinic. In addition, there is first patronage, when in the first days after the birth of a child, a pediatrician or nurse comes to the house. And during the first communication with the neonatologist, young parents are given instructions. They were developed by specialists from the Don Ministry of Health. You can take them both at the clinic and at any antenatal clinic. And remember: forewarned is forearmed. But, perhaps, the main rule is not to lose sight of your child for a second. Use gadgets while your baby is sleeping.


“The most important and precious thing is dialogue”

Head of the Department of Maternity and Childhood of the Ministry of Health of the Rostov Region Tatyana Vygonskaya:

Over seven months of this year, 99 children died in the Rostov region. Overall, 49 children died from external causes. Thanks to ongoing prevention, the numbers are lower than for the same period last year, but these are still very terrible losses.

The fact remains: the mortality rate of children under one year of age is higher than the rest. This period is the most difficult for survival. If a child is born with problems - defects or diseases, then if he can be helped, he is helped, and if not, he, unfortunately, leaves.

Older children more often die from external causes, including road accidents. Since April, cases of children falling out of windows have been reported across the country. Mostly between the ages of one and a half to four years, but not so long ago a ten-year-old child also fell.

In total, 16 children suffered from catotrauma in the region over seven months: 8 fell from windows and 8 from a changing table, sofa, bicycle, etc. I don’t even understand why, when there is a small child in the family, why open the windows?

Another offensive and terrible reason is drowning in water: when children swim in unequipped places and without adults.

In order for this to happen as little as possible, you need to talk to children more: but not just say “you can’t,” but explain why you can’t. After all, the most valuable thing is child-parent dialogue. This thin thread of trust and mutual understanding must be maintained constantly. In addition, loss of communication can lead to suicide. When a child has nowhere to go and does not know what to do in this situation, he should know that there is always an adult next to him who will definitely help.

And finally, cases ill-treatment with kids. Neighbors who see drunk parents, a tearful child and hear swearing in the house should also show concern in this matter. It is they who should not remain silent until the trouble has already occurred, but send a signal to the relevant authorities.