A protracted cold: what is the danger of a long-term illness? How can you help yourself

One often hears people complain: “I was sprinkled” or “a cold appeared on my lips.” As a rule, herpes is hidden behind these complaints, which many become infected in childhood. According to WHO, almost 90% of the population is infected with one or more types of herpes, although not everyone has it. Once in the human body, this virus remains there for life. A BIG PROBLEM

In the second half of November, Herpes Week is held in many countries of the world at the initiative of the International Herpes Alliance. The purpose of this action is to draw people's attention to this problem.

Herpes (herpes) was first described in ancient Greece. Translated from Greek, the word "herpes" means "creeping, spreading skin disease." Currently, this chronic viral infection occurs in nine out of ten inhabitants of the Earth. Presumably, in the territory of the former CIS countries various forms about 20 million people are infected with herpes infection every year, and mortality in a number of viral diseases ranks second after influenza.

Of the 80 types of herpes known to modern medicine, only 9 can cause disease in humans. The most common are herpes simplex type 1 (“cold” on the lips), type 2 (genital herpes) and type 3 (shingles , or windmill).

With the first type of herpes - "cold" on the lips - faced by many. This virus can exist in the body without showing itself, and the disease is activated only with reduced immunity and frequent stress. It seems like this type is recognized as the most harmless, but it is worth remembering that in any case, once it enters the body, the herpes virus remains there for life. If a person is healthy, herpes "dozes", but when immunity is weakened, it can affect large areas of the skin and mucous membranes, and if left untreated, spread through the blood and affect internal organs and meninges.

Genital herpes is transmitted mainly through sexual contact, manifesting itself as unpleasant symptoms, which causes a person’s physical and moral discomfort. If the virus is in the active stage, then infection is possible with a kiss (including on the cheek), using common utensils, towels, and linen. A patient with a herpes infection is contagious, as a rule, only during an exacerbation, that is, when rashes appear or there are other signs, which will be discussed below. Therefore, during this period, he should use individual dishes, towels, etc. Self-infection is also possible, when the patient himself transfers the herpes virus from the focus of infection to uninfected parts of the body: face, hands, eyes, oral cavity, etc.

Herpes is especially dangerous for pregnant women: in the first trimester, it can cause a miscarriage or cause malformations in a child. Despite the treatment prescribed after childbirth, up to 80% of newborns with a primary episode of genital herpes in the mother die or become severely disabled.

Without treatment, herpes increases the risk of infertility. Other types of herpes virus can also cause such severe illness, like mononucleosis, cytomegaly, provoke diseases of the nervous system and oncological processes.


The incubation period (the period from infection to the appearance of the first symptoms) - with a herpes infection is 3-14 days.

Then comes the period of harbingers of the disease. There are general weakness, an increase in body temperature up to 38.C, painful enlargement of the inguinal lymph nodes, increased urination, muscle pain. Then, after about a week, there is itching, burning, redness of the skin, as well as rashes in the form of separate vesicles with transparent, and then purulent contents. After 2-4 days, the contents of the blisters become cloudy, and they burst, forming weeping sores, which then become covered with crusts. With a favorable course of the disease, after 5-7 days the crust disappears, a stain remains in its place. Even if untreated, the symptoms of the disease usually go away on their own in 2-3 weeks.

Subsequently, many of the disease recurs, and the time until the next relapse can range from several weeks to several years. When infected with the first type of virus, relapses occur within a year in 50%, with the second - in 90% of patients. Various factors contribute to the exacerbation of the disease: ultraviolet radiation during prolonged exposure to the sun, pregnancy, medical manipulations, excessive cooling, stressful situations, etc.


Given the ubiquity of this virus and the many risk factors for reduced immunity in modern world, you should take the prescribed antiviral drugs seriously and not neglect preventive measures.

In no case should you self-medicate! Abundant lubrication of the bubbles with brilliant green will not save you from herpes. The disease requires complex treatment under the supervision of a specialist. And it takes at least 2-3 weeks.

Unfortunately, getting rid of herpes once and for all will not work. The only thing that can be done is to prevent exacerbations. As a rule, the disease is activated against the background of a weakened immune system, a change in seasons or a sharp change in temperature. There are people who only have to freeze or overheat, and the next day they have rashes.

Try to avoid provoking factors, strengthen your immune system! Dress for the weather, watch your diet, avoid stress. Take immunostimulants, vitamins A, C, E, PP, calcium and magnesium are good from trace elements; drink more fluids. And if this does not help, then if you find herpes, be sure to take antiviral drugs, but only after consulting a doctor.

The term "cold" is the common name for acute diseases of the upper and/or lower respiratory tract, which in most cases develop after hypothermia.

Its signs are inflammatory processes of the nasal cavity, nasopharynx, larynx, trachea, which manifest themselves:

  • nasal congestion and mucous discharge from the nasal cavity;
  • dry (rarely wet) cough;
  • hoarseness of voice;
  • an increase in body temperature (from subfebrile to high numbers);
  • weakness, lethargy, malaise, headache.

Dangerous complications of a cold

But the disease itself is not dangerous, so many patients do not take a cold seriously, ignore treatment and bed rest due to being busy at work, at home, or simply, considering it a harmless disease that will go away on its own and / or self-medicate, forgetting about the insidiousness of complications. After all, a neglected disease can lead to the development of sinusitis, bronchitis, or even pneumonia. Ear infections in the form of otitis media, labyrinthitis, or mastoiditis are less common.

The danger of a cold is a decrease in general and local immunity and the activation of one's own pathogenic or conditionally pathogenic microflora, as well as the layering of respiratory viruses that cause a complicated course of acute respiratory infections.

Symptoms of a complicated cold:

  • signs of a common cold do not go away within a week;
  • there is a prolonged wet cough with copious sputum or coughing, which lasts more than 7 days;
  • the following symptoms are observed: ear pain, shortness of breath, pain in the sinuses, soreness of the area around the nose and eyes;
  • febrile temperature (above 39 C);
  • severe weakness, lethargy, headaches, dizziness.

What is dangerous cold for organs

Most often, in the absence of treatment for a common cold, acute respiratory infections take a complicated course, the most dangerous is for the nasal cavity, respiratory system, hearing aid, eyes, less often the heart, kidneys and brain get hit.

As a result of a decrease in the body's resistance, the development of inflammatory and infectious processes in the paranasal sinuses, lower respiratory tract or in the Eustachian tube is noted with the occurrence of sinusitis (sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, ethmoiditis), bronchitis or pneumonia, otitis media or labyrinthitis, conjunctivitis, scleritis, blepharitis. More dangerous in a complicated course of acute respiratory infections are phlegmon or orbital abscess, inflammation of the vessels of the eye and the transition of the inflammatory process to the optic nerve or retina.


Sinusitis is an infectious and inflammatory disease of the paranasal sinuses and most often develops as a complication of a cold or viral disease. The transition of inflammation to the mucous membrane of the maxillary (sinusitis), frontal (frontal sinus) or ethmoid sinuses (ethmoiditis) develops with significant hypothermia (primary sinusitis) or as a complication of acute respiratory infections (secondary sinusitis).

With prolonged inflammation, swelling of the sinus of the nose occurs, the activation of its own microflora provokes the filling of the sinus with a liquid in which bacteria multiply.

A sign of the development of sinusitis is discomfort and pain in the nasal cavity, paranasal region and around the eyes, intense headache, as well as copious cloudy, dense, yellow-green discharge with bad smell. If these signs appear against the background of a protracted cold, it is necessary to consult a specialist to clarify the diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment. It must be remembered that if left untreated, this pathology can become chronic, with a pronounced inflammatory process and a violation of the outflow of secretions, as well as in the absence of the effect of conservative methods, surgical intervention is often necessary. Protracted sinusitis with severe inflammation and swelling of the sinus causes melting of the thin walls of the sinus and the transition of the infectious-inflammatory process to closely located organs - the eyes, ears and brain, causing their purulent inflammation. With late diagnosis, these pathological conditions can cause partial or complete blindness, impaired hearing and/or impaired coordination of movements, pathology of the nervous system (encephalitis, meningitis) with dangerous disabling consequences for the patient's health.

Otitis and labyrinthitis

No less dangerous complications of the common cold are infectious and inflammatory diseases of the middle ear: otitis media (more common in children) and labyrinthitis, which cause not only hearing pathology, but also vestibular disorders in the form of systemic dizziness, impaired coordination of movements and persistent headaches. Less common is mastoiditis (purulent inflammation of the mastoid process of the temporal bone). The seriousness of this disease lies in the proximity of the brain structures and the possibility of the transition of purulent inflammation to the brain tissue, as well as the difficulties of treatment - there are no conservative methods for treating mastoiditis, therefore only surgical intervention and sanitation of the focus of infection are used.

With an inflammatory process in the middle ear, patients notice severe pain in the ear, heat and intense headache. Labyrinthitis is characterized by the appearance of headaches, dizziness, weakness, constant nausea, while vomiting rarely brings relief and hearing impairment. If these symptoms appear on the background of a protracted cold, you should immediately seek medical attention. medical care and begin treatment of complications.

Bronchitis and pneumonia

Prolonged wet cough on the background of a cold is considered a prognostically unfavorable sign and in most cases indicates the development of bronchopulmonary complications - obstructive bronchitis, pneumonia or pleurisy.

Signs of bronchitis and pneumonia are:

  • strong wet cough with periodic coughing;
  • expectoration of yellowish-green sputum;
  • increasing weakness, lethargy, dizziness;
  • temperature above 38 C.

With pleurisy, there is a dry frequent cough with coughing without sputum, pain in chest, febrile body temperature, severe weakness, malaise and headache.

When these symptoms appear against the background of a cold, patients should consult a doctor as soon as possible due to the fact that the consequences of advanced pneumonia and pleurisy threaten the state of health, and in some cases the life of the patient. With a significant decrease in immunity, it is possible to develop severe confluent or small-focal pneumonia, layering of fungal microflora, the formation of bronchiectasis (saccular extensions of the bronchi filled with thick pus), lung abscesses and pleural empyema.

Everyone needs to remember that even a common cold is a threat to our body, so any ailment must be treated. This is a real step to avoid a huge number of complications: bronchitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, inflammation of the middle ear and pneumonia.

  1. Sick in comfort

When the first signs of acute respiratory infections or acute respiratory viral infections appear, bed rest, healthy sleep and proper treatment (and not always medicines) are necessary!

You should always remember that if you treat a cold correctly, it goes away in 2-3 days.

  1. Drink more liquid

Abundant fortified drink helps to eliminate pathogens, their metabolic products (various toxins), reduce the inflammatory process and stimulates the body's own defenses. For this purpose, you can use a decoction of wild rose, cranberry juice, decoctions of medicinal plants (linden, mint, chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort), tea with lemon, raspberry or currant branches, tea with jam, vegetable and fruit juices.

  1. Nutrition should be fractional and healthy

Important for colds proper diet nutrition - a balanced and fortified diet is considered one of the factors get well soon. In case of illness, one should not eat fatty and heavy food for the stomach, fried, spicy dishes, smoked meats, extracted broths and allergenic foods. Stewed and boiled vegetables, sour-milk dishes, fruits, liquid cereals, chicken broth, steam cutlets or boiled lean meat, fish must be present in the diet. Portions should be small, and the food should be well thermally processed - to facilitate the digestion and absorption of all the necessary nutrients, vitamins and trace elements.

  1. Start local treatment of the inflammatory process as early as possible: gargling, washing the nasal cavity and taking herbal adaptogens to increase the body's immunological reactivity.
  2. If necessary, additional medications are prescribed to relieve the symptoms of a cold

In the treatment of colds, many patients are let down by illegibility in the choice and use medicines: in order to get rid of the disease faster, people take everything in the hope of a speedy recovery, but it turns out the other way around. This not only does not alleviate the symptoms of the disease, but also contributes to the development of complications. Most of the symptoms of the disease are a protective reaction of the body to the introduction of foreign agents into it, so it tries to get rid of this threat by increasing body temperature, increased sweating, watery mucous discharge from the nose, and coughing. Trying to suppress these symptoms as soon as possible, we allow pathogenic microorganisms and viruses to multiply and spread throughout all organs. Also, the use of a large number of synthetic drugs causes immune suppression and / or the development of allergic or side effects from drugs, which also aggravates the course of the disease.

The use of drugs in the first days of a cold is justified only in people with a weakened immune system, in the elderly and babies, in the presence of background somatic pathologies, but only after these drugs have been prescribed by a specialist. With prolonged colds, the presence of symptoms of a complicated course of the disease, you should immediately contact your doctor for diagnosis and adequate treatment.

Quite often, improper treatment or self-medication leads to the development of complications:

  • early start of taking antipyretics - causes a significant decrease in the immunological reactivity of the body, contributes to an increase in the activity of the pathogen and its own microflora and the progression of the inflammatory process in the paranasal cavities, middle ear or tonsils;
  • active use of vasoconstrictor drops in the nose - provokes the development of paresis of small vessels of the mucosa, causes discomfort, dryness and burning in the nasal cavity, there is an increase in edema that disrupts the outflow of accumulated mucus in the sinuses and the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms in them and, as a result, the development of purulent sinusitis;
  • the use of antitussive drugs - reduces the cough reflex, causing mucus to drain along the back of the pharynx into the trachea and bronchi, infection of the lower respiratory tract and accumulation of mucous exudate in the bronchi and alveoli with the development of bronchitis, and with prolonged stagnation of mucus and pneumonia;
  • the use of mucolytics and herbal preparations that thin sputum with a dry cough - causes active production of mucus by goblet cells of the trachea and bronchi and accumulation of secretions in the lower parts of the bronchopulmonary system and a complicated course of a cold that could have been avoided.

What is dangerous cold during pregnancy

It is quite difficult in our climate to avoid a cold, which is highly undesirable during pregnancy. And yet, you should not take the appearance of the first symptoms of a respiratory infection or acute respiratory infections as a catastrophe. It is necessary to imagine what consequences can arise in case of a disease on different terms pregnancy and try to behave correctly in the event of an illness.

The development of a cold during pregnancy is usually caused by pathogens of acute respiratory infections or hypothermia. That's why future mom should be in crowded places as little as possible, especially in the event of epidemiological outbreaks, wear a gauze bandage or medical mask, strengthen their immune system, avoid hypothermia and dress according to the weather. You should always remember that getting a cold or a viral disease during pregnancy can adversely affect the health of the baby and the mother herself, but even more harm can be caused by the lack of treatment (if necessary) or improper treatment (taking certain groups of medicines that can cause the development of various malformations or congenital pathologies of the fetal organs). And yet, you should not panic and worry - the stress factor will only aggravate the course of the disease and cause a violation of the baby's natural defenses - a malfunction of the feto-placental barrier that protects the baby from the adverse effects of various aggressive agents.

Cold on early dates pregnancy is highly undesirable due to active cell division and the laying of all organs and systems of the fetus - any adverse effect, including a meeting with an infectious agent, can provoke various disorders - embryopathies. But the most dangerous: rubella and influenza. Exactly these viral infections cause the formation of multiple deformities in the fetus, often incompatible with life. With rubella, the organs of hearing, heart and eyes are most often affected, with the development of deafness, blindness and complex congenital heart defects in the baby. The influenza virus provokes the development of the pathology of the neural tube, heart and blood vessels and changes in the kidneys.

A cold in the first three months of pregnancy is dangerous and the complexity of therapy - most drugs are not recommended to be taken in the early stages due to high risk teratogenic effects on the fetus, are no less dangerous and a large number of herbal preparations and herbs. Therefore, during this period, it is necessary to make every effort not to get sick.

At the same time, there is also a possibility that the signs of a cold: weakness, fatigue, headache, nasal congestion and even a slight runny nose are nothing more than "the first signs of pregnancy." What justifies popular belief, according to which, a cold is regarded as one of the symptoms of pregnancy. All these signs are due to abrupt changes in the hormonal background with an active release of progesterone, which causes fluid retention, therefore, in many pregnant women, nasal congestion disappears only after the birth of the child.

What is dangerous cold in early pregnancy

A cold that a woman had before pregnancy cannot negatively affect the fetus, but significantly weakens the immune system of the expectant mother and makes her more susceptible to diseases in early pregnancy. The onset of a cold, during a period when the expectant mother does not know about conception: in the first two weeks of pregnancy, can lead to impaired implementation gestational sac into the endometrial mucosa or to abortion due to the high vulnerability of the embryo during this period. Therefore, many women who have had a serious cold do not even know about their pregnancy, since the rejection of the fetal egg occurs even before the delay in menstruation. During this period, various drugs or high temperatures can adversely affect the embryo.

A cold in the first weeks of pregnancy is dangerous:

  • adverse effects on the fetus of viruses and pathogenic microorganisms;
  • the negative effect on the body of the fetus and mother of drugs in the vital need for their use;
  • the possibility of developing complications (sinusitis, otitis media, bronchitis, conjunctivitis) due to a decrease in the immunity of the expectant mother, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Most pregnant women in early pregnancy are constantly exposed to infectious agents, but do not always get sick and yet possible consequences a severe cold in the early stages you need to know in order to soberly assess and control the situation and seek the advice of a specialist in a timely manner. You also need to remember that all gross malformations today are successfully diagnosed already at the first mandatory (screening) ultrasound at 10-11 weeks of pregnancy, so having been ill in the early stages, this examination is important for you and your baby.

What is dangerous cold during pregnancy 2nd trimester

Viral infections and colds in the second trimester are less dangerous to the fetus, but frequent respiratory infections can interfere with blood circulation in the placenta with the development of feto-placental insufficiency. At the same time, calcifications can form in the placenta, which provokes it. premature aging and a violation of its main function - providing the baby with oxygen and essential nutrients. Therefore, there is a high probability of the birth of crumbs with intrauterine malnutrition, anemia, chronic intrauterine hypoxia.

With frequent viral diseases, the occurrence of gross malformations in the fetus is impossible - all organs and systems are already laid down, but it is during this period that their functional maturation occurs, and thoughtless medication or frequent toxic effects of viral and bacterial infections leads to impaired cell differentiation and the baby can be born with various pathologies of the nervous, immune, cardiovascular systems, possible premature birth or intrauterine hypotrophy.

The impact of colds in the second trimester directly depends on the pathogen, the frequency of episodes and the duration of treatment of diseases.

What is dangerous cold in late pregnancy

Cold on later dates pregnancy is most dangerous before childbirth, especially dangerous for the baby - influenza, herpetic and cytomegalovirus infection, which can cause dangerous complications in the newborn. Also, acute viral infections can provoke a complicated course of childbirth. Therefore, a pregnant woman with signs of acute respiratory infections or acute respiratory viral infections at the 9th month of pregnancy is hospitalized in the observational department of the maternity hospital, most often in boxing, and the child is isolated after childbirth so that he does not become infected. You may need to spend more time in the hospital to make sure that there are no complications of a cold in the mother and signs of the onset of the disease in the baby. At normal course during the adaptation period, the mother is allowed to feed the baby and, upon recovery, is discharged home.

The most dangerous viral disease in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy for a child is herpes infection in the acute period - this disease is life-threatening due to the development of complications - herpetic encephalitis and eye lesions.
Therefore, the expectant mother must understand that the development of a cold in recent weeks pregnancy is not desirable and avoid unnecessary contacts: do not use public transport, do not visit crowded places and shops. It must be remembered that by the end of pregnancy, the risk of diseases and their complicated course for both mother and baby increases significantly.

Text: Marat Tanin

If the common cold is a nuisance, then a lingering cold is a nuisance squared. Here's an example: in the family of one of my colleagues, everyone caught a cold at the same time. But the husband and child recovered a week later, and she herself has been sneezing and has a temperature for the second month. Can a cold last that long? It turns out it can.

An adult catches a cold on average one to four times a year. Everyone knows the symptoms of the common cold - runny nose, fever, weakness, sneezing. With the right treatment for a common cold, you will recover within a week. But in rare cases, the disease can flow into lingering cold with serious complications.

A protracted cold is the cause of many complications

The common cold primarily affects the human respiratory system: lungs, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, nasal cavity. If any of these parts are damaged, there is a risk of potential complications. A prolonged cold can lead to wheezing, secondary infections such as pneumonia, or sinusitis. Wheezing is recognized by the whistling sound during breathing and indicates problems with the lungs.

If you have a lingering cold, it cannot be treated with conventional remedies. In different organisms, bacteria will react differently to antibiotics. In some cases, the bacteria may not be at all sensitive to the antibiotic of choice, and then you will simply waste time stuffing yourself with drugs that are not suitable for you. You can check the body's sensitivity to antibiotics using laboratory tests.

A protracted cold is a matter of diagnosis

A lingering cold exacerbates the harm from the usual symptoms many times over. If, for example, your cough lasts more than three weeks, it may be of a viral nature and spontaneously go away within the next month, or it may be regarded as chronic. It is advisable in this case to do an x-ray or computed tomography of the paranasal sinuses. The optimal approach, provided normal radiographs are available, is to treat each of the suspected causes of cough sequentially, with a diagnosis based on the effectiveness of therapy. Of course, all this should be done by a doctor during an internal consultation. If a high temperature persists for an unusually long time, this may indicate some kind of inflammation in your body, such as tonsillitis or adnexitis. In other words, a prolonged cold is a serious reason to consult medicine. It would hardly be prudent in this case to turn to folk medicine and grandmother's advice. Since the most important focus in the treatment of a protracted cold is diagnosis.

Most people think that herpes is just another aching sore on the lips. In fact, this is a very serious viral disease: appears imperceptibly, proceeds painfully, is treated for a long time and is not always effective. According to world statistics, at least 90% of the population is infected with herpes. The annual incidence of only herpes of the red border of the lips is at least 10 million cases. This virus is extremely tenacious - once it enters the human body, it remains there forever. Because it can integrate into the genetic apparatus of a nerve cell and deceive the body's immune system. The virus multiplies as the host cell divides. At the same time, in some, the pathogen does not manifest itself in any way, while others are systematically disturbed. Why is herpes dangerous and how to protect yourself?

The main ways of infection are well known - airborne, sexual and even contact (through a handshake, kiss, household items). Most often, the development of the disease is associated with a weakening of general or local immunity in the carrier of the infection. For example, due to hypothermia or, conversely, overheating, overwork, pregnancy, large doses of alcohol, emotional stress, exposure to other infectious agents.

The manifestations of the disease can be very diverse and depend on the type of virus. The most common are the first three types of herpes, which lead to the appearance of watery blisters on the lips, mucous membranes of the nose and mouth, in the intimate area or on the body along the nerve trunks. Moreover, the face area is one of the most favorite places for the manifestations of herpes simplex. After 3-5 days, the blisters burst, after which painful red sores remain, which, when healed, become covered with crusts. Harbingers of future rashes are itching, burning, tingling at the site of the appearance of herpetic vesicles. These symptoms may be accompanied by general malaise, fever and headache. In addition, herpes can manifest itself atypically and affect the kidneys, stomach, rectum, liver, lungs ... Theoretically, the virus can manifest itself wherever there is nervous tissue, which means practically in any organ. Sometimes, proceeding without external signs, the disease is disguised as chronic fatigue syndrome.

If unpleasant rashes appear no more than 4-5 times a year and only on the lips, then there is nothing to worry about. Nevertheless, it is important to learn how to quickly stop the exacerbation, for which antiviral ointments and creams are quite suitable, and it is better to start treatment at the stage of the precursors of the disease. It is advisable to apply antiviral ointment on the lip not with a finger, but with a cosmetic stick, first around the sore and only then in the center.

On the contrary, if outbreaks of infection occur more than five times a year, treatment is delayed for more than a week, a “cold” accompanies any other illness, and rashes also appear on other parts of the body, you should definitely consult a doctor and undergo an immunological examination. As a rule, in such a situation, treatment implies an integrated approach, which includes antiviral and immunotherapy, restorative drugs, physiotherapy, etc.

During illness, simple dietary recommendations should be followed: stop eating peanuts, chocolate, raisins, beer, fatty foods, sweet carbonated and caffeinated drinks, reduce the amount of salt and sugar in the diet. However, dairy products, lean meats, eggs, fish, legumes, boiled potatoes, fruits and vegetables will be very useful. Do not forget about the daily consumption of a sufficient amount (up to 1.5 - 2 liters) of liquid. The sick person must have their own dishes, soap, towels, bedding and personal hygiene items. During the outbreak of herpes, it is contraindicated to visit the pool, sauna, bath. Kissing and other intimate contact should be avoided.

Vladimir KHRYSHCHANOVYCH, Doctor of Medical Sciences.

Today it often happens that a woman, being in an interesting position, catches a cold. She begins to worry about how the disease will affect her fetus, because its internal organs have not even formed yet. Is it dangerous to catch a cold in early pregnancy? That is what we will talk about in this article.

general information

A cold in early pregnancy is indeed, as practice shows, has a small share of the danger. The thing is that it is in the first weeks that the treatment of a lady is very difficult, since simply some medical preparations and procedures are strictly prohibited. However, on the other hand, it is still necessary to treat the disease without fail, since it causes a lot of difficulties for the future woman in labor. Here, most often, the recipes of our grandmothers come to the rescue. Experts warn that in any case, a preliminary consultation is required, since even the most harmless, at first glance, medicinal herbs and decoctions can subsequently cause irreparable harm to the fetus.

Colds in early pregnancy. Danger

According to statistics, in the first weeks of a fetal life, a disease cannot cause serious damage to his health, but treatment cannot be refused. The thing is that a cold in early pregnancy is dangerous for its consequences. For example, inflammatory processes in the genital organs often occur. In addition, it also happens that before the due date, a woman leaves amniotic fluid. It happens that the baby suffers from hypoxia, and the woman herself complains of constant bleeding. In a word, a cold in the first weeks of pregnancy is dangerous for its complications, therefore, it is still necessary to treat it.

Primary Symptoms

As for the issue of symptoms, a woman in a position external signs practically do not differ. The disease begins with redness in the throat, then the temperature may rise, and as a result, a runny nose appears. Below we will give detailed recommendations how to deal with a cold in the first weeks.

Preventive measures

If you are very worried that a cold may appear at the beginning of pregnancy, you should protect yourself with the most common preventive measures. For example, outdoor walks are considered an excellent option. You also need to constantly monitor your diet: try to eat more fruits and vegetables. It is not recommended to visit very crowded places (cinemas, shopping centers, hospitals, etc.) during a flu epidemic, as the risk of catching the virus is much higher there. If one of your family members has a cold, you should start a course of a multivitamin complex, and always use a special protective mask.