Game program cold heart. Frozen themed birthday! Getting ready

“Frozen” (or Frozen) was based on the fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen “ The Snow Queen" The Disney studio has been thinking about adapting the story of a heartless sorceress since the middle of World War II, but every time there were reasons why the projects were frozen, no matter how funny it may sound.

A long search for the secret of presenting a “lost relevance” hero resulted in the “birth” of Elsa and other characters and in the fact that the 53rd full-length animated film by Walt Disney Studios, released at the end of 2013, became the highest-grossing animated film in the history of animation .

All this explains the demand for such holiday idea, like a birthday party in cartoon style.

Winter's Tale

You can organize an event of this format for both children and adults - the cartoon is loved by people of different ages.

Most of the action of the tale takes place in a city covered in snow and encased in ice. Therefore, the success of the party depends on the right choice venues.

  1. For adults and children school age An invitation to an indoor skating rink or a ski resort with artificial snow will be a pleasant surprise, because many episodes of the Disney fairy tale are associated with skiing from the mountains and on an icy lake.
  2. If there is no opportunity to plunge into real winter at any time of the year, then skating can be replaced by going to a roller rink or an area with smooth asphalt. The most daring alternative is to extend the plot of the fairy tale after the ice has melted, and place all the characters in the summer watery surroundings of a water park.

The surroundings need to be thought out in advance:

  • cover the furniture with white;
  • complement the festive one with lace napkins that look like snowflakes;
  • make garlands of threads with beads and clear crystals to place on the ceiling and windows;
  • decorate windows and mirrors with frosty patterns using a glass marker.

The color scheme of the party can be described as “50 shades of white”, but it should be enlivened with blues, blues and lilac tones, gold and silver. The main thing is to avoid yellow, because, in the words of Olaf the snowman: “Yellow snow is somehow wrong.”

To children's party was pleasant and understandable to both the youngest participants and their parents, it would be nice to first arrange a family viewing of the cartoon, and decorate the venue together with the child, adding images of cartoon characters to the winter decoration.

Tasty and cold

An important condition for creating an atmosphere is a menu that includes winter delicacies and sweets that appear in the animated film:

  • ice cream or frozen yogurt (for the little ones);
  • fruit jelly;
  • lollipops;
  • chocolate fondue.

Children's festive table can be complemented with any cakes white. And as part of an adult banquet, there is room for such cold appetizers as aspic and jellied meat.

Drinks should be clear, and color does not matter.

Actors, roles and cosplay

Both children's and adult parties need an animator or presenter who will portray one of the heroes and “create magic.” He will direct the energy of the celebration participants in the right direction and not let them get bored.

There are two magical characters in the fairy tale: Elsa (Queen of Arendelle) and Pabbie (King of the Trolls).

In addition to wearing an appropriate costume, the presenter should prepare several tricks and tricks to entertain the public, and it would not hurt for the animator at a children's party to master the basics of face painting and learn how to draw beautiful snowflakes and patterns.

The presenter’s task is to ensure that not a single resident or guest of the fabulous Arendelle feels outside the general plot:

  1. Everyone needs to be met, introduced, and asked about the news of his kingdom.
  2. Organize an identity competition and identify the character most similar to the original.
  3. Present the main prize to the winner and incentive gifts to other participants.

The choice of heroes for a children's party (it doesn't matter whether the image is created for the birthday boy or his guest) is best left to the offspring - suddenly the son does not want to be the heir to the throne, since he likes Sven or Marshmallow better, and the daughter's sympathies belong to Bulda.

You can make a masquerade costume yourself or rent it from a cosplay studio - these are the organizations that produce outfits for characters in animated films.

Based on the plot

At the ball, Anna invites Hans to do something crazy. What crazy thing, for example, can you throw at a birthday party in the middle of summer as part of a winter theme? Of course, play in the snow!

Snowball game

They can be thrown at each other or into a basket, demonstrating accuracy. You can have a snowball throwing competition. But where to get them if flowers are blooming around?

In children's goods stores you can often find packages of white foam balls - these will be snowballs. This simple game is fun to play with a company of any age - the balls are very light, you still need to get used to them.

Royal puzzle

You can entertain guests and the birthday boy by putting together a puzzle, but not a simple one, but an icy one.

To create it you will need:

  • molds in the form of interconnecting elements or square containers;
  • a plot picture that needs to be cut so that the parts fit freely into the forms;
  • water and freezer.

Picture templates depicting one of the characters or a still frame from a cartoon can be downloaded on the Internet and printed on a color printer. The picture, divided into segments, needs to be frozen in ice.


According to the plot, Kristoff and Sven must deliver Anna, who has suffered from the spell of her sister, to the city for help. A lot of obstacles await them along the way. This theme can be played on with the help of the “Ambulance” competition.

This is a ride on a “reindeer sled” in the form of a children’s sleigh between improvised ice floes made of furniture covered with white fabric. The role of the patient can be played by soft toy, which must be carried through the maze without being dropped.

For the success of the competition, two participants are required, or better yet, two teams passing the test in relay mode. This competition is equally fun at both children's and adult parties.

The triple-platinum track “Let it Go,” which in Russian translation is called “Let It Go and Forget,” is the main musical theme of the fairy tale, requiring a karaoke competition to perform songs from the cartoon. They should become the soundtrack of the entire holiday party.

It is not necessary to completely play out the plot of the animated film - this can be quite boring, but it is necessary to create the overall mood and aesthetics of a Disney good and naive fairy tale, in which good and love again defeat evil, albeit unintentionally.

As Igor Nikolaev’s song says, “Birthday is a sad holiday...”. However, if you competently organize games and entertainment for your guests, it won’t seem like that to them.

In this article we’ll talk about what games and entertainment you can come up with for children at home for a Frozen-themed birthday party.

Outdoor birthday games for children

All children love to run around and play around, so we are the first to present to your attention outdoor games for a birthday in the style of a cold heart. I’ll start, of course, with snowballs, because this is the most important winter game. IN winter time year, you can just go outside and play for your health. But in the summer, and especially for playing at home, you will first need to make “snowballs”. They can be made from cotton wool or padding polyester.

Or even pom-poms made of wool snowballs. In general, this is a separate topic for discussion, so see a more detailed article on how to make snowballs with your own hands.

Ready-made snowballs are fun to play by simply throwing them at each other, or throwing them at a “target”.

Make a snowman with holes, alternatively from cardboard. Take cardboard box from under any large equipment, remove one wall from it and paint a snowman. Additionally, decorate with plastic snowflakes and glitter. After drying, the snowman is ready to play.

If you have time and a husband with golden hands, make Olaf from MDF or plywood. You will first need to draw it with a pencil, cut it out with a jigsaw and decorate it. Please note that such a snowman will need a stand for stability. The main thing is that your young guests will surely enjoy playing with such a snowman.

In addition, ready-made snowballs are great for “shooting down the target.” Glue a snowman's face cut out of paper to plastic cups, or draw it with felt-tip pens. Set them up in a pyramid and you can compete in accuracy.

You can even use transparent cups - this will be no less fun for the kids.

In addition, it’s a good idea to use the image of the snow monster Marshmallow (Marshmallow) in the game. Print out pictures of it and stick it to the cups - it looks great and it's fun to defeat the snow monster.

Besides plastic cups Empty will do cans, the main thing is to make sure that your jars are “safe” for children (remove the lid completely and bend it inward around the edge with pliers). In addition, you can cover them with strips of paper (so the paint will adhere better). Draw trolls on them.

You can not only knock down cups like pins in bowling, but also, on the contrary, try to hit them with a snowball or ping-pong ball.

This game can be diversified (complicated to some extent - for older children). Glue the cup to the edge of the table, give the kids some sleeves from under paper towels. Have them blow ping pong balls into cups with air. Trust me, they will have fun!

If you don't have a roll that long, glue two toilet paper rolls together.

We remembered the snowman, trolls and even the snow monster, and of course we won’t forget about Sven the deer. And how can you forget about him? – He has such gorgeous horns! We simply have to involve them in the game. The deer itself can be cut out of cardboard or made from plywood or plasterboard (if you have what you have at hand). Then you can make rings from the same material or use factory ones (plastic bracelets). The essence of the game is that you need to hit the horns with the ring. This game can be played both at home and outside.

In addition, you can make holes in the mouth and throw balls into it. So you get two games, or two levels of one game. For example, at the first stage you need to hit the horns with a ring, and at the second stage you need to hit the mouth with a small ball.

An “ice floe” is also suitable for such a game. Still, the cartoon gives a cold feeling in winter, so use this fact in games for your child’s birthday.

And the next game is perfect for young basketball fans.

Don't be alarmed, in fact, even the youngest guests can handle this game. Print out a picture of Olaf the Snowman. From an old wire hanger or from ordinary wire, make “hands” (more precisely, the base for the hands), sew covers or gloves (call it what you like) on them from brown fabric.

Wrap the wire to a strip of thick cardboard or a ruler (as shown in photo No. 6). Next, place a ruler with wire behind the poster, piercing it where your hands are. Attach the poster to the wall, put “gloves” on the wire and close the arms together (in the shape of a ring).

It turns out to be a cool game for a birthday at home in the Frozen style. You can throw inflatable balls into such a ring, and if you don’t have them, then homemade snowballs are also great.

The next game involves dividing into two teams.

In addition, to organize this game you will have to work hard in advance. First, you need to prepare two snowmen: buy three foam balls each different sizes, make eyes, a nose (carrot), a mouth, hands and three “coals” for each body (for convenience, put all the parts in a bag or box).

Second, make two cubes. Place them in 6 positions respectively: eyes, smile, carrots, coals, pens and hairs. Divide the children into two teams and give two bases for snowmen (connect three foam balls together). A bag with parts and a square. Let them take turns throwing the dice and building a snowman. If something that has already been added to the snowman appears again on the die, the team simply skips the move.

The game continues until the snowman is completely collected. Whoever collects it faster wins this cute game.

Mothers who have a catastrophic lack of time, do not rush to send previous game in the trash due to the complexity of preparation. I offer you a simplified version of the “build a snowman” game. Just print out the blocks and pictures of Olaf.

Finished images, cut out. Glue the cube together as shown in the photo example below.

A fun birthday game for kids is ready. The main thing is fast and simple. By the way, if you have a few guests, you can personally make a cube for each person and cut out a snowman.

By the way, this snowman can be used in another children's game. In this case, glue the printed snowman to a paper poster or attach it to the wall. Separately make a few carrots. Invite blindfolded guests to glue a carrot in place of the nose. Each carrot can be pre-signed (so you don’t have to guess who won later).

You can randomly cut out carrots from orange paper, or use a template. It can be printed on plain paper and colored.

Perhaps I have deviated a little from the topic, finally, a really active game for children. At least for those kids who will make a “snowman”. I think you already understand what we’re talking about, it’s a fairly popular winter game, and most importantly, very fun. Prepare a couple of rolls of white toilet paper, cut out the nose, eyes and embers from colored paper, and complement the snowman's image with hats and scarves. Divide the kids into two teams and let them turn one of the volunteers into a snowman while listening to music.

Frozen sensory games for kids

Outdoor games are great, but you probably don't want to clean up the ruins after your birthday party. Therefore, it would not be a bad idea to keep the kids busy with calm, but no less interesting games. I invite you to familiarize yourself with our small selection sensory games, sometimes even with research implications.

Pre-prepare a large container (basin or box) and polyethylene to protect surfaces so that kids don’t get the whole house dirty while playing. Lay a blanket or blanket on the floor (this way the children will sit comfortably and no one will get sick).

Playing with artificial snow made of paper or “paper making”

You will need:

  • toilet paper
  • white bar soap
  • blue food coloring
  • warm water
  • glitter
  • storage container
  • grater

Tear the paper into pieces, grate the soap, add food coloring to the water and pour into a container, add glitter and mix everything well.

Instead of water and bar soap, you can use liquid soap.

It is better not to store this mixture for games for a long time, so prepare it the day before the celebration.

Magic snow game

Simple and quick recipe snow made from soda and shaving foam. I won’t write out the proportions (everyone has their own idea of ​​ideal snow), just mix soda and shaving foam together until you get the desired consistency, add blue or light blue sparkles for beauty.

After the children have had enough of playing with it, conduct a cute experiment with them to turn “snow” into a “magical” foaming substance. Just pour apple cider vinegar or a solution of regular vinegar and water into bottles with a narrow spout in advance.

The main thing is not to leave children unattended! The resulting foam is harmless to your hands, but be careful not to get your hands into your eyes. After this game, make sure that all children wash their hands thoroughly.

Playing with moon sand (live sand/wet sand)

This miracle of technology is easy to make at home with your own hands, and according to two recipes. Mix either starch with water in a ratio of 2 to 1 (i.e., for 400 grams of starch you will need 200 ml of water), or flour with baby oil in a ratio of 8 to 1.

For coloring, use colored crayons (grate them) or food coloring.

In both recipes, add liquid (water or oil) gradually to control the consistency.

By the way, this magic sand is stored for a very long time (up to 6 months), so you can make it long before your birthday. Store it in a loosely sealed container or bag.

If the mass dries out a little, just add a little water or oil (depending on the recipe for preparing the moon sand).

This game will keep children busy for a long time.

PLAY DOH (game with custard plasticine)

You will need:

  • 1 cup flour
  • 1/2 cup salt
  • 2 tsp citric acid
  • 1 tbsp. oils
  • blue food coloring
  • 1 cup boiling water
  • Blue and/or silver glitter

Mix together flour, salt, citric acid and oil. In a glass with hot water add 5-10 drops of dye, stir and pour the water into a common bowl. Mix thoroughly. Then add sparkles if desired, mix the resulting mixture well again and you are ready to play.

Store in the refrigerator in a closed container.

Game Frozen/Magic Stars

This is practically a repetition of the game of the “magic snow” experiment. Mix vinegar with water in a ratio of 1 to 1. Add blue dye to the resulting mixture, stir and pour the finished mixture into ice cube trays. Place in the freezer until completely frozen.

Ice stars or, better yet, hearts (if you have such an ice mold) are still a game for children for a Frozen birthday party. In general, no matter what, place the vinegar ice cubes in a deep container or container (something that is convenient for children). Pour water and baking soda into the bottles (1 tsp. baking soda for 1 glass of water, you can take more soda).

Children will see how the ice melts and magically foams.

Games with non-Newtonian fluid

You can make a regular non-Newtonian fluid by mixing cornstarch and water in a ratio of 4/7 to 3/7. Additionally, add blue dye and glitter. She will be fun to play with.

However, you can go further, mix everything in the same proportions and pour it into silicone molds, put it in the freezer. Non-Newtonian fluid itself is interesting for its properties: in the form of fluidity during smooth handling and abrupt hardening during sudden, rapid movements. Otherwise you will still have to wait until it melts.

And the second option: freeze the water with the dye and place the pieces of ice in a tray with starch. You can even make a similar location part of holiday decoration apartments. Starch is one in one snow, add ice hearts, stars and toys to it. While the children are busy with lunch or other games, the ice will just melt and the children will be able to play with the non-Newtonian liquid.

Several Troll Slime Options for Sensory Play

A game for children who love trolls in the cartoon Frozen. The first version of slime - proportions and mixing process - I wrote instructions in the photo below (I think you'll figure it out).

Pre-made slime is fun to play with.

In addition, you can add glitter to the finished mixture, and you can experiment with color (for example, make slime in Anna’s colors, not Elsa’s).

Perhaps children will be truly delighted by playing with magical transparent slime.

To prepare it you will need:

  • 150 ml transparent glue (starch-based paste)
  • 150 ml water
  • 1/2 tsp. sodium tetraborate (borax)
  • 1/2 cup hot water
  • A few drops of blue food coloring
  • Sequins

The preparation process is demonstrated in the photo instructions. I think kids will love playing with the “slime.” Moreover, both girls and boys will like this game.

In addition to glitter, you can add various sequins or beads to this slime.

Games that develop motor skills

Let's start our selection of educational games fine motor skills from the classics of the genre: a game of paper dolls. If the children are old enough (they are over 3 years old), you can let them cut out dolls and clothes on their own using children’s scissors (under your supervision). Or cut them out yourself in advance and let them play for their own pleasure.

In addition to ordinary flat paper dolls, make 3D dolls. However, in this case you will additionally need glue.

And, of course, a coloring game, print out the finished drawings. Give the children pencils and markers; this game will take them about 30 minutes.

Have you ever eaten with chopsticks? – Why not use them in a children's game. Roll small balls out of cotton wool, and let the children move them with chopsticks from one container to another at speed (whoever is faster). For older kids, make the game more difficult by blindfolding them.

Instead of cotton wool, you can take marshmallows, which you can eat after the game.

Finally, a few “compliment to guests” games. Buy different beads and bases for bracelets (fishing line, rubber bands, etc.) and let the children assemble each bracelet for themselves. And they will have fun and go home with a gift.

Or make hairpins with them. Buy ticktacks, rhinestones and cut out snowflakes from felt using a template. The reward for playing is a hairpin.

Since we are looking at birthday games for children, I suggest you turn the creation of bracelets into a small adventure game. Prepare for each child a personal set of beads and a base for a bracelet (you can additionally add some other cute little things), place all this wealth in a rubber glove, fill it with water, tie the glove and put it in the freezer. When the water freezes completely, cut the gloves and carefully remove them from Elsa’s “icy hands.”

For children to play, give them hands in deep bowls (each their own) and a “set of tools” (warm water, colored salt, pipettes, etc.) in order to speed up the melting process. This interesting game also end with receiving a nice gift.

Entertainment for children on their birthday

We have listed the main games for children for a frozen birthday party above. Now a few words about how to add some zest to your holiday and make sure that your children remember it for a long time. cool games, and for the atmosphere.

First, let the kids get involved in making the treats. Alternatively, let the kids make their own pizza in the shape of a snowman (prepare the dough and toppings ahead of time and let them create).

Or an easier version of the “game”: “build Olaf the snowman.” The base for the body can be marshmallows or round candies in coconut flakes/powdered sugar. For the spout, you can finely chop real carrots, orange marmalade, or use orange tic-tac. For pens, cookies, etc.

The photo below shows the idea of ​​​​creating a simple tent: from polypropylene pipes, add chiffon to them, paper snowflakes, place pillows on the bottom - it will be a sensation! In such a tent, any game will be a hundred times cooler.

You can make a cute castle out of cardboard, decorate it with paints - it will be a good place for both games and a photo shoot.

You can even make it flat on the wall, children will surely not leave it unnoticed.

As I mentioned above, kids love tents, make a kids tent and decorate it in Frozen style.

If your living space allows, you can make mini tents for each guest. Lay a blanket in the middle and set up an artificial fire (paper logs, strips of fabric and a small fan). To create a “magical atmosphere”, place garlands on top.

Although I am more impressed by the fire with garland and lace logs. Making such a fire is very simple: wrap the twigs in foil, soak the lace with glue and wrap it around the twigs. When the glue has dried, make a neat cut in the lace and remove the branches.

Place the pebbles in a circle, a garland in the center, and lace branches on top. Around such a fire it will be fun to tell some stories or play board games.

In addition, you can pre-wrap various goodies in cling film (another game from the guest gift series). Give the children this “ball” and let them pass it around in a circle: everyone unwinds it until some goodies appear. Then he passes the ball to his neighbor.

Our selection of Frozen themed birthday games and activities for kids at home has come to an end. I hope we helped you with the selection of games! Happy birthday to your little one!

How to make your child's birthday unforgettable? All you have to do is organize it in the style of the children's cartoon “Frozen”! The little princess will definitely enjoy the holiday, where she can be the main character of her favorite movie. The holiday will remain in the memory for a long time.

How to throw a Frozen themed birthday party?

Features of a fun children's event

No more than 12 guests can take part in the skit. The theme party assumes the age of participants from four to nine years. The duration of the show is one and a half hours.

The event can be held both indoors and outdoors. As a treat for children, it is best to organize a sweet table. Various cocktails, ice cream and puddings are ideal. A chocolate-based fondue will perfectly decorate the table.

Table decoration should be light colors. There should be beautiful snowflakes and figures of the main cartoon characters on the table. You can decorate the dishes from which children will eat. The decoration of the table and room plays a very important role and allows you to create a festive atmosphere.

When decorating a room they are used Balloons and various pom-poms. By stringing pieces of cotton wool on threads you can make very beautiful garlands. It is necessary to place posters with the characters of a children's film in the room.

You can decorate the room with snowmen and snowflakes. New Year's rain will also come in handy, preferably blue or silver.

Birthday in the style of a cold heart and decoration on video:

Details needed to organize a gala celebration

In order to make a children's party truly unforgettable, you must use the following details:

  1. Paper snowman Olaf without a nose. A pair of noses - carrots.
  2. Light blindfolds or silk handkerchiefs.
  3. Sweets.
  4. Paper and stationery.
  5. Disposable cups with the image of snowmen.
  6. Paper snowballs.
  7. Gloves “Elsa’s hands” with a surprise inside.
  8. Warm water in decorated containers.
  9. Warm scarves and hats.
  10. Cardboard rings.
  11. Beautiful snowflake on a pedestal.
  12. Tools for a photo shoot.

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Script for a children's performance based on “Frozen”

Birthday in the style of a cold heart and its scenario:

“The snowstorm does not yet suspect
That today we are celebrating an important day,
There are surprises ahead of us in a fairyland,
Where all dreams can come true!
Today we celebrate our birthday!

On this important day, we prepared for the birthday girl original congratulations. Especially for our birthday girl, Princesses Anna and Elsa prepared a large number of fun and games. Today we can get a lot of positive emotions and spend this day with our most beloved characters.

Don't wait - let's start celebrating your birthday! So, let's remember which hero was created with the help of Elsa's charms? This hero stands out for his special kindness and really wants warm and summer weather!”

Children: "This is Olaf"

Presenter: “You guessed right, but there’s a small problem ahead. The snowman has lost his nose, and the princess cannot help him yet. What do we do? Are we really going to leave the snowman in trouble?”

There must be a poster with a snowman without a nose or a paper mock-up of it on the wall.

Children must attach the nose blindfolded. Before doing this, you can unwind them a little. After the children have completed their task, the presenter continues.

Presenter: “You completed this task with ease and the snowman is joyful and cheerful again. Maybe you also have the powers of magic? Let's try to check this? Now we will try to make small snowmen that will be very tasty, although not as big as Olaf.”

Next, the children must be placed at the festive table, where marshmallows, straws, candies, raisins and marshmallows must be prepared in advance. Making snowmen is very simple - string marshmallows onto straws and make arms, nose and eyes from other sweets. Children need no more than 15 minutes for this task.

“What cute snowmen you made. I have a feeling that they are about to come to life. So, something is missing here... Snow! Can you make snow too? The task is difficult, but let's try to figure out what it consists of. What are the small and fragile parts called?”

Children: “Snowflakes!”

Presenter: “Yes, you are right. Now we are faced with a very difficult task - to make snow, but first we will start making snowflakes. Don’t be afraid - I will help you!”

It is necessary to give the kids paper, scissors and pencils. The presenter tells the children how to make snowflakes and provides assistance.

Presenter: “Oh, you’ve probably worked too hard? Let's play? Does anyone mind? A real paper battle awaits us ahead!”

It is necessary to place a raised platform in the middle of the room or near the wall where the snowman glasses will be located. The children's task is to take paper snowballs and hit the glasses. Whoever knocks down the most structures wins. The game must be continued until the last glass.

Presenter: “You turned out to be very good shooters. The princesses appreciated your work and prepared small gifts. But I can’t give them to you - they are frozen. To get the well-deserved prizes, you will have to work a little, which is what we will do now.”

You need to take small basins where you can put “Elsa’s hands.” To make these hands, take a rubber glove, place a gift in it and fill it with water. After this, put your hands in the refrigerator.

So that children can get their surprises, it is necessary to provide them with some warm water, which they will pour on their hands. If necessary, you can give small hammers so that children can quickly get to the surprise.

“Aren't you cold? Imagine how to a snowman? But what can I tell you, now we will turn you into snowmen, and you will find out everything yourself! ”

Children need to be divided into pairs. One of the participants quickly wraps his partner toilet paper and puts a hat on him. Next, you need to do the same thing, but for another participant. The task must be completed at speed.

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“You are real wizards, you made such beautiful snowmen! Let's try to take part in another game that Elsa specially prepared for you. The princess sent very beautiful snowflake who wants to test how accurate you are.”

It is necessary to draw the children's attention to the beautiful snowflake that stands on the pedestal. You can make such a snowflake from ordinary cardboard, as well as a stand for it. An icicle, which is even easier to make, can be an excellent replacement for a snowflake.

Participants need to be given rings with which they must hit the snowflake. Rings can be made in the same way as a snowflake, from paper or cardboard. After the kids get their rings on top of the snowflake, you can continue the holiday.

Presenter: “You were able to cope with Elsa’s task - and now we have a photo shoot.”

Children are given various holiday attributes and a group photo is taken. After this, the children can sit at the festive table.

Birthday of a little princess in Frozen style

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The main characters Anna and Elsa are having a Frozen-themed birthday party. Competitive game program Designed for preschool and primary school age.

The song from the movie “Frozen” is playing: “There are already snowdrifts outside the window”

Elsa: Greetings, young princes piss and princes. I am the Queen of Arendelle, Elsa, and this...

Anna: I'm Anna!

Elsa: Princess Anna. (Anna) Curtsy!

Anna and Elsa curtsy.

Elsa: we came here because Toll Pabbie told us that today is the birthday of a young but very magical princess. Come out to us, beautiful princess, we really want to meet you.

The birthday girl comes out.

Anna: look what she has Nice dress, and hairstyle, and shoes. Spin around and show us your outfit! Let's clap for our birthday girl.

The birthday girl is spinning, the guys are clapping.

Elsa: wait Anna first we need to pose get some food What is your name?(Answers)How old are you?(Answers)We met our birthday girl, and now I would like to meet the guests. We will meet like royalty. To do this, we need to stand in a circle, take turns saying our name, adding “princess” to it and curtsying.

Anna: can I show you!

Elsa: ok.

Anna: Princess Anna (curtsies)

Elsa: and the boys will need to do the same thing, only instead of a curtsey, bow.


Anna: Elsa, let's invite the guys to Arendelle!

Elsa: I would love to do this, but our kingdom was captured by the Snow Monsieur tr Marshmallow and now it has sunk into permafrost! Only true friends can save the kingdom. (Asks the birthday girl)... do you have real friends?

Anna: then help us defeat the Snow Monster! Can you guys help? (Yes)

Elsa: before we go to the frozen kingdom, we need to warm up and warm up. Tell me guys how do you keep warm outside in winter? (answer) That's right, you play snow games, ice skating and skiing. This is what we Let's do it now.

Music is playing.

Anna: repeat after me!

Game “Snow Dance” to music Anna and Elsa show children snow movements: skating, skiing, snowboarding, snowball fights and create a dance from these movements. Children repeat all the movements after the princesses.

Elsa: Well, are you ready to save the castle? (Yes)

Anna: Elsa, but how can we go save Arendelle without our beloved Olaf.

Elsa: Indeed. Only lately he can’t stand on his feet at all due to frustration. properties – it’s falling all the time. But you guys will help him, right?(Yes)

Anna: I think the whole point is in his cloud that is constantly falling. We need to keep the cloud in the air, but we can only do this together. Now I will stand in the center of the circle, call the name of one of you and throw a cloud up, the one whose name I called will have to catch the cloud before it falls to the floor. And then calling the name of your friend, throw the cloud up and step aside. Catch Only the one whose name was named should wear a cloud, guys, agreed?

Competition "Cloud". Props: light ball.

Elsa: the path to my snow castle runs through a dense forest, where there are many obstacles that the Snow Monster has prepared for us. Can you overcome these obstacles? (Yes!)

Anna: For this you need line up behind me in a column.

Competition "Obstacles". Participants need to jump from hummock to hummock (5-6 hummocks) then walk along the “bridge” (ropeka) and jump over the abyss (two ropes held by Anna and Elsa).

Anna: Hurray! Everyone passed!

Elsa: you rejoice early, the Snow Monster sent a huge snowball on us. It is enchanted and in order to melt it, you and I will pass the lump from hand to hand to the music, and as soon as the music stops, the one who has the lump in his hands will remove snow crusts from it, when the music starts again, we transmit the com again. Ready?

Game "Snowball". Props: ball wrapped in napkins.

Elsa: The snow monster broke the ice on the fjord. To overcome this obstacle we need to collect pieces of ice together.

Game “Collecting Ice Pieces”. Props: ice puzzle.

Elsa: Guys, come here quickly. We need to keep it secret. (Calls all the children to one wall)The snow monster is watching the castle and doesn’t let anyone inside, we need to somehow disguise ourselves to get closer to the castle.

Anna: let's pretend to be snow statues.

Elsa: I won’t bewitch anyone, it’s too dangerous.

Anna: no, Elsa, witchcraft has nothing to do with it. Now the guys and I will sneak up to the castle, by the way it’s located in that direction (shows the direction of movement in the game) This must be done carefully so as not to get caught. As soon as I shout “Snow Monster” you will need to freeze and not move. Pretend to be ice sculptures. You can't move at all, you can only breathe and blink. Can we handle it?

"Ice sculptures"

Elsa: The snow monster protected the castle with a magic spell that no one knows, but I have clues. We must unravel the spell - this is the only way we can get into the castle.

Game "Rebus". Printed rebus.

Anna: guys, look what we got! This is the proverb “Two friends, frost and blizzard.” What does it mean?

Elsa: I think the Snow Monster just wants to be friends with us.

Anna: to make friends with the Snow Monster you need to do something good for him. Guys, what do you think can be done for him? (Answer) Oh, I remembered, his ones are so big, long nails, let's give him a manicure!

Elsa: I think he'll like it. Now I will give each of you a sheet of paper, and Anna will give pencils and markers. You need to place your palm on the sheet and trace it, then draw your nails on the paper and decorate them.

Game "Manicure for the Snow Monster." Props: paper and markers.

Elsa: What beautiful manicures you came up with it! In my opinion, it has already become warmer in Arendelle and the Snow Monster has retreated. But to make it even warmer we need to dance a little! But we will dance in a special way. As soon as the music sounds, we dance, but when you hear that I said some number, for example two, then you will need to find a partner and dance in twos, if I say three in threes and so on. Ready? Let's dance.

Dance is a number.

Anna: Thank you, beautiful princess, for helping us save our kingdom from permafrost, we congratulate you on your birthday, and wish that your heart always warms the whole world with its kindness,

Elsa: to always be with you best friends, and your face was illuminated by a royal smile! Happy Birthday! And since you proved today that you are a real magical princess, Anna and I want to give you a real royal gift.

Fanfare sounds. Anna solemnly brings out the crown.

Elsa: I declare you a real magical princess! (Puts the crown on his head)

Anna: guys, let's all congratulate our birthday girl on her birthday and clap for her! (Children chant "Happy Birthday" and clap)

Elsa: And now the beautiful princesses all curtsy together, and the princes bow. And it's time for us to say goodbye. See you again!

Anna: see you on new adventures!

Hello, friends! Tell me, what is your favorite holiday? I am sure that more than half of the readers will answer that it is a birthday. After all, it’s just for you, and also gifts, entertainment and cake! This article will mark the beginning of a whole series dedicated to noteworthy deeds. Today we’ll figure out how to celebrate a birthday in Frozen style.

Have you watched this cartoon? I took a special look. The cartoon is simply wonderful! This is probably why it makes children, and especially girls, want to be in this for at least one day. magical world snow and ice together with your favorite characters.

Let's try to imagine how everything should look to be similar. And let’s look at the main components of the holiday, in other words, let’s start stylizing a children’s party.

Let's start from the beginning, let's start with the invitations.

Lesson plan:

Birthday Invitations

So that guests understand what awaits them, it is necessary to send them invitations in advance, at least a couple of weeks in advance. Two options for such invitations come to mind.

One is simpler. You need to write the invitation text on a snowflake.

And first cut out the snowflake with your own hands from beautiful silver cardboard, or print it out, or buy it. The text could be like this.

Dear Sasha!

I invite you to the kingdom of shiny snow and shining ice. On my birthday!

The “cold” program includes: reindeer catching, a snowmaking workshop, an ice photo shoot, and many other “frosty” activities.

Have with you great mood, good appetite and warm mittens!

The password to enter the holiday is “I have always liked the cold”!

And the invitation could be like this. It will be a little more expensive. You will need to print it on photo paper on both sides. On the front you can place some picture from the cartoon about Elsa and the text of the invitation, and on the back you can place a coloring book from the same cartoon. Then these invitations can be used for a competition, for example, who colored the picture better.

So, invitations have been sent out to guests. They are getting ready, and it’s time for the owners to get down to holiday business. First, let's decorate the room.

Festive interior

It would be nice to hang posters with images of your favorite cartoon characters or frames from it on the walls. More white. After all, there is snow all around. White tablecloth on the table, white covers on the chairs. Well, ideally, you can try to do it like in this picture. Kidding)

And one more interior detail that will be a great addition to the holiday. Try from white corrugated paper do big balls. We talked about exactly how to make them. You can make garlands from these balls and stretch them around your apartment. Or you can hang them from the ceiling. I think it will be magical!

Well, icicles won't hurt. They can be rolled out of transparent wrapping paper, in which flowers are usually wrapped. We will place the icicles on chandeliers, cornices, paintings and other suitable places. You can paint frosty patterns on the windows. This will look especially original in the summer. There is sun and heat all around, and you have a winter corner at home.

Yes, and don’t forget to provide a special photo zone.

Photo zone design

Drape one of the corners of your apartment with a white shiny fabric. If you have time and any talent, you can sew a shiny robe like snowy Elsa and make a beautiful “ice” crown.

You can build a huge fake ice cream. In general, you need props that you can work with during the photo shoot. Fountains made of white and silver gel balls are also suitable for a photo corner.

Musical accompaniment

The space needs to be filled not only decorative elements, but also the sounds of suitable music. These could be soundtracks from a cartoon. And there are a lot of beautiful songs in the cartoon.

Or other songs on winter theme. For example, “Winter-cold”, “Winter lived in a hut at the edge of the forest”, songs about snowflakes, blizzards, etc. are suitable.

Dress code

The dress code also helps to create the right mood for both the hero of the occasion and her guests. It is advisable to dress the birthday girl in a dress similar to the outfit of the main character of the cartoon Elsa.

And ask the guests (you can write about this in the invitations) to have with them a certain element of the costume, for example, mittens. After all, they are heading into winter. And it will be very unusual, especially if it’s a red summer outside.

By the way, these mittens can be used later for a couple of entertainments. We'll talk about entertainment a little later. In the meantime, let's try to figure out what to put on the holiday table.

Snow menu

Usually children do not sit at the table for a long time. Our feast follows the following pattern. The main meal, something more substantial. You won't get too far away here. After all, we won’t serve meat straight from the freezer to the table.

But you can already play with desserts. These could be cookies in the shape of snowflakes. White marshmallows. Cold milkshake. Some delicious curds. And of course ice cream!

You can style the dishes. It would be great if the plates were transparent, as if they were ice-cold, and the cups could be decorated with sugar around the edge. They will look like they are frozen.

Don't forget the cake. Nowadays, ordering a cake based on a cartoon is not a problem at all. There are such masters and such modern technologies that the treat will be just AH!

Forming the main blocks of the script

In order for the holiday to be a success, someone needs to take on the role of leader and overseer of everything. Dear parents, apparently, this honorable mission will go to you. And the leader must clearly understand what he is going after and in what direction he is moving.

Let's try to figure out the skeleton of the script.

  1. So, it all starts with welcoming the guests.
  2. The first feast with the main meal.
  3. First competition block (calm competitions).
  4. Parsing and looking at gifts, photos for memory.
  5. Second competitive block (moving competitions).
  6. Second feast with cake.
  7. Third competition block.
  8. Disco.
  9. Ice cream.
  10. We see off the guests.

Meeting with guests

So, the guest came, said the password, and brought mittens with him, as we asked him in the invitation. The gift is also with him. The guest undressed and cleaned himself up. What to do with it next? After all, guests rarely come all together. It is necessary to somehow entertain the first comers and not leave them to their fate. What to do with them and how to relax them?

Check out the options:

  1. You can arrange a small exhibition of the birthday girl’s achievements. For example, it’s nice to arrange some creative works, if the girl is a needlewoman. Or show medals and cups, if sport plays an important role in life. Do you think the guests will be interested?
  2. It will be great to prepare some kind of album for wishes. This is a great memory of this significant day. You can take a simple sketchbook, decorate it and thereby turn it into an “Ice Book”. Let each guest leave his wish and drawing as a keepsake in this “Ice Book”.

Well, when all the guests are already gathered, you can sit down at the festive table, congratulate the birthday girl and feed the little participants in the celebration.

And now for the fun part! About competitions!

Snowy competition program

It’s not for nothing that I called this program snowy. After all, all competitions will in one way or another be related to snow, ice and other winter activities. Let's divide the competitions into calm and active ones. Let's start with the calm ones.

Quiet competitions

"Snow Factory"

Very beautiful name for a very simple competition. We will cut out snowflakes. The props are scissors (don't forget to prepare them in advance) and sheets of white paper or napkins. We cut out snowflakes all together, for a while and to the accompaniment of rousing music.

The winner is either the one who cuts out the snowflake the fastest. Or the one whose snowflake turns out to be the most beautiful. All the snowflakes cut out during the competition can be pasted into your “Ice Album”, that’s where they belong!

"Warm heart"

This competition requires pieces of ice. So freeze them in advance in the freezer. There should be as many pieces of ice as there are guests. Each participant receives an ice cube. And at the signal, you need to melt these pieces of ice. You can hold them in your hands and blow on them. Do not lick ice or put it in your mouth. The one whose piece of ice melts first is declared the owner of the warmest heart and receives a prize.

"Snow Quiz"

I think there is no need to explain what a quiz is. Questions could be:

  1. Are there two absolutely identical snowflakes in the world? (No)
  2. How many types of snowflakes are there? (7)
  3. What is the diameter of the largest known snowflake? (12 cm)
  4. Name the winter months of the Earth's Southern Hemisphere. (June July August)
  5. The maximum speed of an avalanche rushing down a mountain. (360 km/h)

You can come up with even more questions after reading about snowflakes.


This game is known to many, and, judging by the name, it will be perfect for our party. And its meaning is as follows.

The first participant says: “I put a sled in my magic bag.”

The second participant says: “I put sleds and skis in my magic bag.”

Third participant: “I put sleds, skis and skates in my magic bag.”

Fourth: “I put sleds, skis, skates and ice skates in my magic bag.” And so on.

The snowball is getting bigger. You can set a limit to use only words related to winter.

"My Friend Olof"

Do you know who Olof is? Of course, this is the snowman from the cartoon Frozen. Let's sculpt Olof! Of what? Made from artificial snow. We showed how to prepare it. Don't forget to print out a photo of this adorable snowman so that the participants remember him and try to reproduce him. Whoever gets it closer to the original is a great guy.

If you don’t want to bother with artificial snow, then you can draw portraits of Olof, but then you should blindfold the participants. It will be much more interesting and fun this way)

Mobile competitions

"Catchers of Ice Dreams"

You can tell the following backstory: “When snowy Elsa thought, her most beautiful thoughts and dreams turned into shimmering ice balls. They fell to the ground and broke...” These ice balls-dreams will be played by bubble. The participants' task is not to let their dreams die.

Children put on the mittens they brought and try to catch the soap bubbles and prevent them from bursting for as long as possible. With mittens this is quite possible! You can even hold them on your hand. Learn how to prepare a high-quality mixture for bubbles.

"Shubuna, put it on"

This competition again requires mittens and a pair men's shirts. We put shirts and mittens on the participants. The task is to fasten all the buttons as quickly as possible. Whoever is first is well done.

“Whose herd is larger?”

Every self-respecting snow wizard should have a deer, or better yet, a whole herd. And the deer needs to be caught. You will need props for this competition.

There is a game where you need to throw rings on sticks from a certain distance. So our sticks will be deer; you can cut out deer faces from colored cardboard and paper and glue them to the sticks. Participants take turns throwing rings (catching deer). Everyone has the same number of throws. The one who has more hits has a larger herd of deer, he is a good man and he wins.

"Snow Fight"

This team competition will require at least some free space. We divide the participants into two teams, and use a rope to divide the room into two equal parts. We give out snowballs to the participants. They need to be prepared in advance, made from crumpled paper and covered with cotton wool on top.

On command, participants begin throwing snowballs to the opposing team. When the “Stop” command is heard, the snow fight stops. And the presenter counts how many snowballs are on the side of each team.

"Snow Bucket"

Well, since we already have snowballs, we can still play with them. In addition to snowballs, you will need small buckets (the same ones for the sandbox), or trash baskets. This is a game of accuracy. From a certain distance, participants try to hit the bucket with snowballs. The most accurate person wins the prize.

By the way, about prizes. Don't forget about them. Buy something not very big, not very expensive, but very pleasant and interesting. Every child should leave their birthday party with a prize).

These are the ideas that came into my head, friends. I think it’s worth putting them into practice and ending up with a great “snowy” children’s birthday!

Catch the song for inspiration!

Do you have any additions or suggestions? We'll be happy to hear them in the comments!

Have a wonderful holidays!

Your Evgenia Klimkovich!