Features of bedroom design in lilac and purple tones. Psychology of color: purple color

Recently, I began to notice that the profiles of some magazine owners (or rather, mostly the owners) indicate an interest in the color purple. I was wondering what the craving for this color means.

This is what it means
The color purple has a huge variety of meanings, such as intelligence, knowledge, religious passion, sobriety, humility or moderation. In addition, this color signifies grief, nostalgia, mourning and old age. Purple combines optimally with colors such as yellow, white, pink and orange; it is intermediate between blue and red. Light shades of purple are called lilac. They go well with white, yellow, gray and orange colors.

Symbolism of purple
The color purple serves as a symbol of dignity, grandeur, luxury, melancholy, spirituality and tranquility, humanism and modesty. It can make a person want to be filled with feelings and thoughts loved one. In addition, purple color can calm anger, relax, relieve anxiety and irritation.

Psychology of purple

The color violet speaks of emotionality, great sensitivity, spirituality and delicacy of the individual. In the case when a person is opposed to this color, this is a sure sign that this person has a very developed sense of duty and the desire to live exclusively in the present. Violet is the color of very harmoniously developed people (the upper seventh chakra correlates with it). However, an excess of this color can cause apathy and melancholy. It is associated with great ideas and artistry, due to the fact that the color purple promotes not only inspiration, but also compassion and sensitivity. This color can help with a variety of negative mental states such as neurosis, despair, loss of faith and self-esteem. It is not recommended for severe mental illnesses, as well as for people suffering from alcoholism.

Purple clothes

Clothes in this range are most often preferred by people who want to achieve inner peace. It helps you find your state of mental balance, maximum calm, peace and silence. In addition, purple clothes prevent selfishness and the desire to satisfy only one’s own desires and thoughts. This color indicates that the person who chooses it is spiritually open and tries to listen to his intuition. However, an overabundance of purple in clothing can lead to a desire to retire and communicate as little as possible with others. According to psychologists, the choice of purple in outfits and accessories may indicate some immaturity and lack of control on the part of consciousness. A light shade of purple, lavender, can create a feeling of coolness and detachment. Dreamers choose clothes of this color.

If you are feminine and dreamy, choose a purple outfit or stone without any fear, it will give you self-confidence and give you strength. To make the created image as elegant as possible, use a combination of gray and purple flowers, an outfit with a mixture of purple and yellow flowers, and pairing it with brown can signal your need for luxury.

Purple color in the interior

Purple is considered a somewhat heavy color, but its lighter shades can fit perfectly into the interior of any room. In the kitchen you can use brighter shades of this color; for the dining room, grape tones are better. And for southern-oriented dining rooms, cool wine tones are optimal. To decorate the living room, you can choose the colors of eggplant or grape. However, if you're worried about the room being too dark, choose a shade of lavender, pairing it with darker, plum tones. This combination will give your living room more sophistication and style. Purple with a slight blue tint is perfect for the bedroom; it will give you serenity and inner peace. And when decorating a bathroom, it is best to use floral tones: lilac or lavender. Thanks to them, the room will be filled with warmth, comfort and aroma. Deep and luxurious eggplant tones are quite appropriate in a powder room, and the darker the color, the better the room will look. An eggplant shade is appropriate for the design of a personal office, and all wine shades will quite organically fit into the design of this room, creating a comfortable atmosphere that is conducive to creativity and helps you concentrate. Since purple is a very multifaceted color, its use in the interior must be approached with extreme caution. If you like this color, you can use it as a refreshing accent spot, small in size, or as a contour line. You can also soften the purple color in the interior by connecting gray equal lightness...

This color attracts and enchants. It can be sophisticated, mysterious, feminine and romantic. It attracts and calms some, while it repels and excites others. The combination of colors in clothes is purple. Depending on the shade that is next to it, it can take on completely different meanings.

Psychologists say that a deep, saturated color produces a depressing and overwhelming effect, while light shades of purple, on the contrary, calm and put thoughts in order.

People who love this color are sensitive, prefer loneliness to noisy companies, are vulnerable and need support more than others. Among them there are often creatively gifted individuals.

It symbolizes mysticism, mystery and inspiration.

Shades of purple

Purple color is a mixture of two opposites - red (fire) and blue (water). Depending on which color is present more, as well as on the amount of white, we can get the following shades.

  1. Dark purple - the deepest and most saturated shade in our selection, this color looks luxurious, expensive and aristocratic. Most suitable for girls with a contrasting color type “Winter” or “Summer”.
  2. Dark purple - slightly lighter. Beautiful combinations with it form warm shades of orange, yellow, as well as pink and turquoise.
  3. Amethyst — this shade contains a greater amount of blue, so amethyst is more consistent with its characteristics. Stylists advise not to combine amethyst with anything, since it is self-sufficient and looks good on its own. But, if you want to experiment with it, try combining it with: gold, silver, yellow, beige, green.
  4. Violet - This classic version. This shade will suit girls of all appearance types. It goes well with many colors.

  1. Bright purple - very dynamic and bold, so it will be well balanced by calmer colors, such as black or dark blue. Clothes like this are especially good color will suit brunettes, and in combination with darker ones - blondes.
  2. Orchid — the shade looks catchy, but at the same time unobtrusive. Perfect for everyday outings, in small quantities it will be appropriate in an office outfit (blouse, accessories). For evening dresses would also work great.
  3. Eggplant - looks feminine, elegant and noble.
  4. Plum - suitable for all types of appearance, except for spring. It is best to combine this shade with shades of beige and brown. This shade will also look good with the other colors below.

What goes best with purple in clothes? Let's look at the basic combinations that are the most common:

  • Monochrome colors— White, Black, Gray;
  • Warm shades— Yellow, Orange, Red, Gold, Brown;
  • Cool colors— Blue, Turquoise, Silver;
  • Pastel shades— light pink, blue, beige, pale yellow, coral;
  • All shades of Green;
  • Total look.

+ White

Next to white, any color looks lighter and more elegant, and purple is no exception. This is a universal combination for any occasion.

Black, Gray or Brown can be used as additional colors. The combination is basic and you can add any other shades from our list to it.

+ Black

This couple looks very elegant and stylish together. This option is suitable for dinner in a restaurant, for a business meeting, or just for every day. Properly selected accessories can play an important role here, which will help complete the look and add a “zest” to it.

It is best to combine brighter and more saturated shades of purple. This will help make the outfit visually less “heavy” and add dynamism to the image. Silver-colored accessories will look very stylish in this outfit.

+ Gray

A classic office combination that may seem boring at first glance “comes to life when you add a few bright accessories. This pair of colors can also be classified as basic, which allows you to experiment by adding other tones from this selection to the set.

Light shades look great paired with deeper, darker shades of purple.

+ Blue (Light Blue, Turquoise)

These are related shades because they are next to each other on the color scale. Therefore, the color combination turns out to be quite calm and balanced, they harmonize perfectly with each other. You can “dilute” the set in these colors using white or beige.

Blue in combination with purple it can be quite bright and catchy and suitable not only for everyday outfits, but also for special occasions. If the colors are not too bright, then this combination option is perfect for an interview or business negotiations.

It is best to combine them in one outfit with a brighter shade of purple, both benefit from this and the set looks much more interesting.

Turquoise perfectly emphasizes the depth and richness of our color. Your set in these shades will look bright and expressive. But this solution is suitable only for girls of winter or summer color type.

+ Green

And purple is original and interesting combination flowers in clothes. Being nearby, they further enhance their qualities and look brighter and richer. We can often find this combination in nature.

If you have the type of appearance "Spring" or Autumn", then to pair with our color you should choose warmer shades of green, for example, shades of “apple green” or “young foliage”.

For “colder” color types "Winter" and "Summer" Cooler tones of green are suitable - jade, dark green.

With more delicate shades of purple, combine the same soft and delicate shades of green.

+ Yellow

Saturated emphasizes the depth and richness of the shade of purple. This combination can often be found in nature, so it is very harmonious and natural for our perception.

You can combine things of these colors, as well as accessories and a monochromatic outfit, for example, a yellow handbag and shoes with a purple dress.

+ Red (Orange)

Visually, such a pair seems heavy and tense, so it is necessary to carefully select the proportional relationships of colors. can enhance the depressing effect of purple, so it is advisable to dilute this combination with another shade (beige, white), which will make your outfit visually lighter.

Purple looks very cheerful and youthful together. The bright, rich orange hue next to our color seems even brighter and goes well with both deep, rich shades of purple and softer pastels and lilacs.

+ Pink

A bright and catchy color scheme is certainly not suitable for business clothes, but a summer set will be quite appropriate for walking with friends. It is better for middle-aged and older women not to use this combination; it is more of a youth option.

+ Brown

Basically it has the same colors as purple, only with the addition of yellow, so this option is perceived very harmoniously. The combination of blueberry shades looks especially good. It looks very elegant and aristocratic. This option is suitable for girls with any type of appearance.

Any shade of purple goes well with any shade of brown.

+ Beige

It can make our color visually lighter and not so dark. Paired with beige, any shade of purple will become more delicate and warm. This cozy combination is suitable for work, as it looks quite discreet, and for relaxation.

+ Gold, Silver

Clothing in golden tones looks great with dark tones of our color. Accessories in gold or silver colors will further emphasize the color of the purple dress and add elegance and luxury to it.

+ Violet, Lilac

A combination of things of the same color, but in different shades, or even consisting of things of the same shade, the so-called total look. It looks stylish and unique.

This color may become one of your favorites, because it allows you to create unusual, bright and memorable sets that will help you reveal your individuality and sense of style.

Violet, being a middle color between blue and red, has a wide range from warm, gentle tones to the coolest shades. Purple color is the most mystical. Let's look at the history of the origins of words for the color purple.

1.Colors that take their names from living nature:

A) names borrowed from flowers

Wisteria, photo by Nata

Wisteria – the color of wisteria: pinkish-pale purple.

Bluebell is a soft shade of purple.

Lavender is usually lavender, but lavender shades come in a very wide range - from the delicate color of lavender petals to lavender-black tones.

Lilac is a delicate shade of a mixture of blue and pink. What an amazing color - where have you seen a purple lily? That's right, nowhere, so where does the purple color come from? Purple is the color of a white lily at the beginning of the evening, when everything seems to be visible, but it’s snowy. White color has already turned purple. (Light, dark and even an unusual purple color).

Malva - cool light pink color with a blue tint.

Murasaki - purple-violet bright color. The word “murasaki” itself is translated as purple flower, delicate purple bell.

Pervange - (Pervanche) - (in French this means periwinkle - a plant with blue-violet flowers) - light lilac color, pale blue with a lilac tint.

Lilac color is, by and large, a difficult color to define, since there are so many varieties of lilac! These include the color of Persian lilac, lilac-pearl and piercing lilac.

Violet (the main, classic name of the color) is the color of violet (and not only simple, there are also colors of forest violet and garden violet.

Cyclamen is dark red with a pink tint.

Thistle - a shade of purple, the color of burdock-thistle, rich warm lilac

There are colors of forest orchid, iris, primrose, fuchsia. Moreover, iris is a blue shade of purple, and primrose is a red shade of purple.

B) names borrowed from berries, fruits and vegetables: It must be said that these colors have redder shades, and are more often classified as burgundy rather than purple. But, you see, this division is very arbitrary.

Eggplant - dark purple color (as well as the color of rotten, overripe eggplant and crazy eggplant)

Grape – the color of black grapes, enough dark color wine shade. But black grape seed paint is such a rich purple that it’s almost black.

Cherry is a burgundy-violet color.

Beetroot is the same burgundy-purple color, but with more red notes.

Plum - the color of dark plums - a bluish shade of purple (the color of a juicy plum, the color of a ripe and unripe plum).

Mulberry color - named after mulberry berries - is a dark burgundy-ink color.

C) colors named after birds. This includes such descriptive shades of purple as the color of peacock feathers (also called peacock or peacock) and the color of pheasant neck. Both are silky iridescent shades of purple, the first with a green tint, the second with a blue tint.

  1. Names of purple shades originating from stones and metals.

Amethyst - violet or bluish-violet color (violet with a reddish tint), the color of dark amethyst, or rich amethyst

Heliotrope – from the name of the stone – is a dark purple color.

Cobalt violet (cobalt violet) is the name of purple paint, cobalt is a fairly rare metal.

Ice purple is an interesting shade of frozen ice.

Potassium permanganate (permanganate color, manganese violet paint - the color of potassium permanganate (manganese phosphate). Depending on the concentration, from pinkish-lilac to dark purple.

Charoite. From charoite - a valuable ornamental stone of purple color with white and golden sparkles.

Yakhontovy – from the word yakhont. That's what they called it in the old days gems different shades of red and blue.

3 — Purple color of the sky different time also has beautiful poetic names.

Twilight color, twilight color - bluish-violet, gray with splashes of purple.

Now imagine such shades as: the color of a thundercloud and the sunset color, the color of an amethyst night and the color of the night sky, the color of dawn over the heather moor.

  1. A color that takes its name from a geographic feature: violet Gutankarskaya - purple color, the paint is named after the place of its first discovery
  2. Purple color is the color of red wine, wine shades.

Burgundy (or Burgundy wine color) is a sophisticated reddish-purple wine color.

Beaujolais is a chocolate purple color with a hint of blue, but again bordering on reddish purple (not plum or purple).

Cahors color is the cherry-violet color of dark “monastery” wine.

Claret is a dark wine color and is a dark red variant. known color Bordeaux, but it is more tart and rich. Like burgundy, claret has notes of nobility and respectability, but just like everything English, this color has a certain taste of ceremony and decorum.

Sangria is a light yellow shade of purple, named after a Spanish wine, reddish in color with yellow-violet notes.

There are colors of vintage wine, Chios wine, Bordeaux wine (dark red-violet color),

6.Specific colors – car colors

EGGPLANT - the color of the car (from the eggplant from the nightshade family) - the color is dark purple-non-metallic.

VALENTINA - the color of the car, gray-violet, such a strange and unexpected perception of an ordinary female name.

LAZUR - car color, bluish non-metallic.

LAZURITE - car color, purple-blue metallic

MOULIN ROUGE - car color, bright purple

MAGIC - car color, silver dark purple color

OPHELIA - car color

DRUNKEN CHERRY - car color, cherry color with a purple tint

LILAC - the color of the car, a light purple non-metallic, got its name from the lilac flowers of lilacs.

TROUT - car color, bright purple color (after the name of the fish)

CHAROITE - the color of the car, silvery dark purple color (from the name of the stone - charoite).

  1. A variety of shades of purple.

Ink is the color of purple ink.

Fandango - names of purple colors in the color catalog of the early twentieth century

Tausin (the word is outdated, this was mostly said about the color of the tablecloth) - the color of the thistle flower: purple-blue, bluish-lilac. According to Dahl's dictionary, dark blue, according to the New Dictionary of the Russian Language, is dark blue color with a cherry tint. There are tagashin and tagashovy options.

Orphan – grayish shade of lilac color

Palatinate - the light purple color of the famous academic robes of ancient Durham University

Mauve (from the French mauve) is a light lilac color with a mauve tint.

Sinister Violet is the emotional coloring of dark purple. They say that this color portends misfortune.

Magenta (purple-violet) and the color of the violet flame, magenta (magenta) and ecclesiastic, azure and violet are all shades of violet.

The names of the violet paints: quinacridone lilac and ultramarine violet also complement the already considerable palette of violet shades.

An interesting word is AIBRE, meaning purple, violet color. It was suggested by Ursula Le Guin, Always Coming Home, (Constructed language - cache).

The article was written by Natalia.

Purple irises were the only flowers that could be given to a samurai.

Purple color is quite rare in the interior, since many people associate it with misfortune and even mourning. In some cultures, this color signifies grief and nostalgia. However, if you change the shade or complement the interior with other colors, then the attitude towards purple changes.

Using purple color in the interior helps relieve stress and anger, remove irritation and anxiety, and bring calm to the home. But do not overload the interior with purple, as it can also cause melancholy and apathy.

Light shades of purple will fit perfectly into any room, but you need to be careful with dark shades.

It is worth noting that this color adds richness, mystery and depth to any interior.

An excellent example of an interior in purple, which is conducive to relaxation.

What colors goes with purple in the interior?

The most beautiful and simple combination of this color is with white. You will get a contrasting and bright interior, which will not irritate you. Moreover, rooms designed in purple and white are truly soothing.

You can also add a little purple to a light gray interior, this will give the room a noble and sophisticated look. This combination is suitable for living rooms and bathrooms.

Golden and light beige colors perfectly complement purple. An interior made in these colors will look vibrant.

Lovers of bright interiors and color mixing can use lemon yellow or yellow-green shades. Such a room will charge you with energy and encourage you to create. These colors are perfect for the office of a creative person.

One of the most common combinations is purple and turquoise. These colors will emphasize the aristocracy of the interior and the excellent sense of taste of the apartment owners.

Interior decoration in purple color

Few people risk using purple color in wall decoration. You can overload the interior with rich colors and end up with a very gloomy, “oppressive” room. To avoid this effect, actively use white to create a light and airy interior. A white ceiling will fill the room with light, and white floors will also look very good. A small purple rug of the same shade as the walls, located in the center of the room, will help you achieve complete harmony.

Purple accents in the interior

Placing accents using purple is much easier than decorating the entire interior in this color scheme. If the entire room is made in pastel colors, then you can choose two or three items that will attract attention. This could be, for example, a floor lamp or chandelier, a small sofa or tablecloth, sofa cushions or even armchairs. The items you choose should be located in different areas of the room and be approximately the same size, only in this case the composition will look harmonious and stylish.

Purple color in the interior of the apartment

Kitchen in purple

The kitchen interior deserves special attention, because people spend a lot of time in this room. To give your kitchen a little boost of energy, use bright shades of this color. The purple color in this room can be combined with lighter colors and even natural wood. If the dining area in your home is located in the kitchen, then choose wine or grape shades, they improve appetite. Don't forget about the details: dishes, kitchen towels, spice boxes - these little things will look great in purple and will perfectly complement your interior.

Bathroom in purple

The scope for experimenting with color in the bathroom is explained by the fact that classic white sanitary ware helps smooth out the brightness of colors, removing the gloom of even the most dark shades. And yet, it’s probably not worth doing the entire bathroom interior in this color. One contrasting wall will look much better. Properly selected lighting will allow you to achieve the effect of lightness, despite the “heaviness” of the purple color.

Bedroom in purple

Considering that purple and its shades are becoming fashionable, design projects and even photographs of bedroom interiors made in these colors are often found. When planning the interior yourself, be very careful, because designers have big amount knowledge about colors and color combinations. The purple color is capricious and you risk creating an interior in which it will be uncomfortable to fall asleep and wake up.

Purple furniture

Surprisingly, furniture in this color fits perfectly into almost any interior. Furniture in lighter shades looks great against a dark background. Finding such upholstered furniture is quite difficult (and it usually costs above average), so you can use capes or covers.

Purple contains two completely opposite colors: hot red and cool blue. That is why it can evoke completely different emotions at the same time. Violet can both calm and excite, both relieve accumulated fatigue and cause increasing irritation.

People of creative professions and simply creative people are drawn to this color; it is to the liking of sentimental people and those who can subtly feel this world.

This noble and mysterious color hides a depth inexpressible in words. It can awaken a person’s thirst for creativity and new knowledge, and it can help concentrate on work. And at the same time, the color purple is dangerous because it can also demotivate and cause apathy.

Photo of the interior in purple

Purple is a complex color; there are no people indifferent to it - either they love it or they don’t. Many people refuse it because they find it too dark, shrouded in myths, and negative connotations. Even those who are very impressed by it are afraid to introduce the color purple into the interior of their home. In vain! The correct use of numerous incredible shades will help to add grace, elegance and style to the design, will give you comfort and amaze the imagination of your guests.

A little psychology

Psychologists and color therapists have long formed an opinion about purple. Opponents lack openness and sincerity of character. Lovers are distinguished by calmness and inner strength. The coloring cannot be called boring or banal, because it is obtained by mixing two: red and blue, which are opposite in spectral analysis. A certain amount of inconsistency may manifest itself in the character of a person who gravitates towards purple, but in addition he is characterized by harmony and the desire to achieve mental balance.

Combination of purple and mustard color

It has been proven that this color helps develop creativity, imagination, intuition, and acquire a balance of spiritual and physical energy. Subconsciously, creative, artistic personalities gravitate, but are not devoid of sentimentality and sensitivity. By using it, you will get a room that promotes calm, problem solving, and improves your mood. As for the fashion component, you can’t go wrong with choosing purple in the interior - for several years now designers have considered its presence a sign of good taste.


It is considered a complex color: it combines cold and warm palettes. The natural version is rare: fruity-floral colors, precious stones. But even on a plate with plums there are several subtle shades that can create a cozy nest.

All kinds of variations: eggplant; bilberry; grape; violet; amethyst are in demand and are successfully used in a variety of styles:

  • Minimalism, hi-tech, techno are based on a contrasting combination of white with bright colors. A cold bluish tone color (for example, indigo), enhanced by the shine of glass, metal, and chrome parts, is suitable.
  • Ethnic style. Moroccan and Indian style is actively used (textiles).
  • Modern. The unspoken symbol is the soft purple iris.
  • Modern. Juicy tones (fuchsia, eggplant), neon are expected.
  • Classic. Deep, velvety colors are used (eggplant, dark purple, plum, orchid), complemented by gold and bronze.
  • Country. The presence of wood is characteristic - an excellent combination with modifications of the reddish undertone; decor with a characteristic natural floral pattern (violet, heliotrope)
  • Vintage, Provence. The pastel base makes the plum and grape accents as saturated as possible.
  • Futurism, pop art. All kinds of extravagant combinations.

Ideal combinations

The main color of a perfect combination is white, which can eliminate some of the gloominess of dark purple. The interior will lose its gloominess, become calm, relaxing, as stylish as possible, complete simple materials. The tandem with green is suggested by nature. Floral shades (fuchsia, violet), subtle delicacy of greenery guarantee success.

Lovers of calm solutions should avoid combining it with yellow. “Powdery” tones are used (golden, light orange, copper patina). Combinations with light gray and light beige tones are considered neutral. Purple wins against the background of natural wooden surfaces; forged gratings; mirrors framed with gilded frames. The combination with turquoise looks good, but the intensity of the shades is minimal. Maintaining a balance of saturation and proportions will help eliminate the risk of tackiness.

Adherents of bold experiments are given the opportunity to create an interior that does not look bland. Contrast of eggplant, grape, fuchsia with bright open colors (sky blue, cherry), color wall background blue ice will fill the room with the energy of a Brazilian carnival. Catchy, colorful, harmonious: plum, eggplant with canary lemon yellow, emerald.

Selected color combinations from the catalog do not always look as good in execution. Take your time, carefully look at the photos of ready-made solutions or use the services of professionals.

  • Blue (too much causes depression);
  • Red (wrong shades, proportions - a source of discomfort, excessive drama);
  • Gray (incorrectly chosen tones will create the effect of negligence, “dirt”);
  • Black. Gothic style making it truly pathetic is possible only with a competent selection of accompanying accessories: candles, paintings, crystal.

How to use?

Color is more diverse than it seems, it has the ability to bring objects closer and further away, and to make a bright accent of furnishings. It is not necessarily dark or bright: the use of muted, light lavender looks gentle, airy, fragile. Monochrome black and white designs look contrasting, but are somewhat boring. Alternative: replacing black with plum, white with pale lilac.

Designers, when creating new fashionable interiors, do not limit their use to any standard surface: use is not recommended only for covering the floor. Walls can be easily painted with wallpaper or paint: matte provides depth, glossy provides airiness and subtlety. Wall solutions are often built on contrasts of various colors in shades of purple. It is made with geometric patterns, combining rich dark at the bottom to the lightest at the top, creating an unusual gradient. The design is completed by a very pale lilac stretch ceiling: this technique has found frequent use in the interior of the living room. A dark blueberry ceiling is a bold solution to a bright room.

Using purple as an accent is a simple, smart step for those in doubt. Usually a proven scheme is used - the choice of two objects of comparable volumes: a sofa - a chandelier, an armchair - a floor lamp, a couch - curtains. The solution can be implemented independently, having a standard finish with a neutral base color.

Where to use?

In some rooms it will become a real favorite, in others it will be an outsider. Not recommended for use in the office - the effect of weakening attention and concentration. The result is not a concentrated work area, but a meditation room. The design of a children's room accepts the palest colors (lavender, puce, heliotrope) in small quantities; the alternative is one bright detail.

Modern interiors have often begun to be designed in the “fusion” style, but in a purple living room it is better to skip the mixture of styles. Fidelity to a specific direction will help achieve the desired sophistication: baroque, rococo, classicism. The use of only accessory inclusions against a calm background ensures that there is no fatigue due to excessive abundance. You should avoid too heavy, thick shades. It is better to choose transparent curtains, furniture upholstery - velor, velvet, then the texture of the material will work positively. The flooring is laminate, parquet in fashionable smoky gray. Orchid is a current trend, full of fresh flowers and prints. I like bright colors: eggplant, fuchsia, indigo, but I don’t have the courage to experiment - start small: paint the frames of photographs, paintings.

The bedroom, depending on preferences, is created in the spirit of 1001 nights for marital options, choosing the style of oriental styles - Arabic, Indian. A selection of delicate shades is a good alternative female version"kick". The result will be an analogue of the romance of the pink version, but will remove the touch of immaturity. The introduction of just one detail will make the bedroom unusual. Option: for a standard white bedroom, make a custom headboard made of MDF, on which an ornament is made using laser cutting, superimposed on a bright backing - orchid, mauve, magenta.

The cuisine uses “edible” variations: eggplant, plum, grape. Partial use possible: small kitchen - furniture fronts. Now many manufacturers offer a wide color palette of kitchen gadgets, appliances, and household items: electric kettles, toasters, dishes. Use a bold design move - a combination with white on one item. White blinds have several lower slats painted bright purple; or the legs of the chairs in the white dining area are painted in the same shade as the facades kitchen furniture, apron area.

A bold bathroom trick – a play of contrasts. It won’t look gloomy; a matte dark wall (blueberry, plum) with a yellow shell in its background will inspire optimism - the sun emerging from behind the clouds. The technique of painting only one wall is applicable to the hallway area. Interaction with light beige will avoid narrowing the space; installing an entrance door in a brown, chocolate shade will support the color scheme and emphasize contrast.


Exists general rule: an extremely saturated, dark purple color is selected - lighting is proportionally enhanced, especially local lighting. With the help of a competent selection of lamps and specialized lighting schemes, a stunning lighting design is created that can radically change the room. When choosing warm or cold lighting, use specialized color tables so that the selected shades look most advantageous. With the same warm lighting, the shades of the predominant red range (mauve, eggplant) will remain the winner; cold ones look unnatural (indigo, dark purple).

Applicable to each specific room - certain nuances:

  • Living room. The main light source is a chandelier, spotlights with crystal elements. As an additional option - floor lamps. Futuristic, driving exteriors - colored neon will add cosmic notes.
  • Bedroom. In addition to the standard set (ceiling chandelier, bedside sconces), it is possible to install colored LEDs. Allows you to change the color from relaxation, meditation to a hot party.
  • Bathroom. Spot lighting will add warmth. Additional lighting behind the mirror, made with LEDs, will not be superfluous.

The benefits of purple

Feng Shui experts do not ignore purple. It is believed that colors can make wishes come true. Precious purple promises wealth, especially in the financial center of the house - the far corner from the entrance on the left side. Color therapists say: it effectively treats coughs, neuralgia, and helps to gain self-esteem. Or maybe we should listen to the opinion of designers who insist that purple colors in the interior are harmonious, chic and completely luxurious?

But no one will dispute the assertion that he really has some kind of attractive force that forces him to take a risk and find himself in a purple dream.