Meeting of the parent club in the kindergarten “My family. "Parents club as an active form of interaction with parents Children's parent club school in kindergarten

Parent Club" family hearth"

Perspective plan-program of the parent club "Family Hearth" for 2016 - 2017 academic year

Target: harmonization of child-parent relationships.


1. Psychological and pedagogical education of families of pupils, expansion and deepening of parents' knowledge in the field preschool psychology and pedagogy.

2. Promoting the preservation and strengthening of the psychological health of children and parents.

3. Provision of qualified advisory and practical assistance to parents on the problems of upbringing and development of the child.

4. Shaping single space families and preschool educational institutions in the upbringing and development of preschoolers, their preparation for schooling.

5. Activation and enrichment of parenting skills, support of their confidence in their own pedagogical abilities.

6. Involving parents in cooperation with the staff of the preschool educational institution in terms of unified approaches to raising a child.

Organization of activities of the parent club "Family Hearth":

1. The activities of the parent club "Family Hearth" are carried out in accordance with the regulatory documents governing the activities of the preschool educational institution.

2. The parent club includes parents of kindergarten students, educators, preschool specialists.

3. The teacher-psychologist manages the work of the club.

4. Community meetings are held once a month in a group, in a music or sports hall.

5. The duration of the meeting is 1 - 2 hours.

6. The topics of the meetings are determined by the statutory tasks and the request of the parents.

The essence of the parent club "Family Hearth" is based on:

  • on close cooperation and partnership with families of preschool children;
  • on joint parent-child interaction under the guidance of teachers;
  • on the possibility of a differentiated approach to the family;
  • on the voluntary participation of parents;
  • in the active position of parents;
  • on the planning and sequence of events.

Principles of interaction with parents:

1. Purposefulness - involvement of all members of the club in the direct and conscious implementation of purposeful activities to harmonize parent-child relationships.

2. Planning, consistency - a consistent complication of content, the connection of the new with the already learned.

3. A differentiated approach - interaction with parents, taking into account the multidimensional specifics of each family.

4. Individual approach- taking into account age and psychological features children when interacting with their parents.

5. Consciousness, activity, dosage - the conscious attitude of parents to the proposed activities, the information received.

6. Stimulation of the internal resources of the family - the mood of the family for self-help, by changing the way of life, restructuring relationships with children.

7. Goodwill, openness, partnership - combining the efforts of the services of the preschool educational institution and the family for the most effective interaction.

Month / week

Topic of the lesson


Contingent of participants




3 week

Organizational meeting, familiarization with the work plan for the year


Parents' Committee, DOE specialists, educators

1. Get parents interested in the idea joint work With employees of preschool educational institutions in raising children.

2. To get acquainted with the work plan of the parent club for the year.

3. Discuss the thematic requests of parents.

1. Acquaintance with club members (game "Introduction").

2. The game "Boasting".

3. Familiarization with the work plan for the year.

4. Questionnaire

5. The game "I am a child."

6. The game "Suitcase".

7. Memo "Your expectations"

8. The game "Magic Ball".

9. Collage "What did I like?"

1. Questionnaires

2. "Your expectations" reminders

3. Glomerulus

4. Whatman, felt-tip pens


3 week

Round table"The child has the right"


Parents of families at risk

1. To cultivate respect for the human person.

2. Contribute to the development of a sense of respect for the family.

3. Contribute to raising the awareness of children and their parents about the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

4. Promote the formation of awareness of the importance of the adoption of this international document in the development of all mankind.

5. Activate cognitive activity and systematize the knowledge of parents about the rights of children.

6. Show the significant role of the family in the implementation of this law.

1. Ball game "Catch - throw, call the rights"

2. Discussion “Why observe the rights of the child?”, Illustration of the consequences of violation of the rights of the child “Sheet of paper”

3. Presentation "The child has the right ..."

4. The game "Rights fairytale heroes» - work in creative groups

5. Lecture-conversation "Psychological rights and obligations of the child in the family"

6. Analysis of pedagogical situations and parental statements-attitudes

7. Independent work “The right of the child is the duty of the parents” (filling in the “chamomile”)

8. Summing up, distribution of booklets

1. Questionnaires "Do you know your child's rights?"

2. Booklets "The child has the right"

3. Books with fairy tales "A boy with a finger", "Cinderella", "Little Red Riding Hood", "Zayushkina's hut", etc.

4. Cards with situations and statements

5. Daisies "The right of the child is the duty of the parents"


2 weeks

Pedagogical lounge "Safe road of childhood"

Senior teacher, music leader, speech therapist

1. Attracting the attention of parents to the problem of providing road safety children

2. Formation of a socially acceptable position of a road user among parents

3. Increasing the pedagogical literacy of parents in matters of teaching children traffic rules

1. Speech by the traffic light propaganda team: “The rules of the road are reliable!”

2. Blitz survey “I know and follow the rules”

3. Presentation "Safe road of childhood"

4. Workshop "Road traps"

5. Questionnaire "Competent pedestrian"

6. Exhibition didactic games and allowances for traffic rules, children's fiction on the topic, posters

7. Distribution of booklets "The traffic rules are worthy of respect!"


2. Preparing a presentation

3. Cards "Road traps"

4. Questionnaires "Competent pedestrian"

5. Booklets "The traffic rules are worthy of respect!"

6. Games, manuals and literature on traffic rules


1 Week

Oral journal "Ethics family relations»



Parents of preschool age groups, educators

1. Draw the attention of parents to the ethics of family relations.

2.Formation of parents' understanding of the rules of behavior in the family.

3. Increasing the pedagogical literacy of parents in matters of educating children about the ethics and aesthetics of family relations.

1. The game "Acquaintance".

2. Collage of scenes about family life and the role of children in them.

3. Distribution of leaflets-reminders.

4. Testing “Am I conflicted?”

5. Message "Manipulation in the family"

6. Summing up

1. Reminders for parents:

Mom can...

Dad can...

Grandma and Grandpa can...

2. Test


3 week

Lecture-conversation "The influence of deprivation of parental relationships on the development of the child and his health"


Parents of "at risk" families, psychologist, social worker teacher

1. Give parents an idea about the concept of "deprivation".

2. To form in parents an understanding of the role of communication in the development of the child.

1. Game in the circle "Communication: good - bad"

2. Message on the topic based on the presentation

3. Game with a ball “It has become important for me ...” (feedback)

1. Presentation

2. Glomerulus


4 week

Discussion club "Child on the threshold of school"


psychologist, group educators

Parents and caregivers of the preparatory group

1. Find out the position of parents on the problem of preparing children for school.

2. Instill in parents the right concepts about psychological readiness child to school.

3. Discuss the concerns of parents when a child enters school.

4. Explain the requirements for passing the test for admission to the school

1. Open display of educational activities.

2. Questionnaire "Your position on the problem of preparing children for school"

3. Discussion "Factors of successful preparation and adaptation of the child to school"

4. The message "Parameters of readiness for schooling»

5. The game "I'm afraid that at school ...." (game - drawing, color cards - determining the degree of anxiety of parents in connection with the approaching school life child)

6. Workshop "Parental attitudes and school difficulties"

7. Teacher's speech primary school"Modern school - what is it like?"

8. Distribution of the memo "Parameters of the child's readiness for school", booklets "To the parents of future first graders"

1. Memos "Parameters of readiness of the child for school"

2. Booklets "For parents of future first graders"

3. Questionnaires "Your position on the problem of preparing children for school"

4. Color cards

5. Whatman, pencils

6. Cards with parental statements


2 weeks

Seminar-workshop "We do the theater ourselves"

Muses. hands., speech therapist

Parents of preschool age groups, educators

1. To acquaint parents with the meaning and features of the organization of theatrical activities of preschoolers

2. Introduce parents to different types of homemade theaters and how to use them

3. To form the ability to make attributes for theatrical activities of children with their own hands from improvised material

1. The game "Theater is ..."

2. Presentation "Organization of theatrical activities of preschoolers"

3. Acquaintance with the exhibition "Theater with your own hands"

4. The game "Teremok"

5. Workshop "Making a theater with your own hands"

6. Summing up, distribution of booklets "We do the theater ourselves"

1. Different types makeshift theaters

2. Material for the manufacture of theaters

3. Booklets "We do the theater ourselves"


1 Week

Training "Portrait of my child"


Psychologist, educators

Parents and caregivers of all age groups

1. Help parents understand the role of the child in relations with parents.

2. Help to understand parental transfers of their personal desires to the child.

3. Determine what the child really wants and what the parents want from him.

4. Help in harmonizing the relationship between children and parents in the family.

1. The game "Acquaintance".

2. Projective test "Portrait of my child"

3. My child through the eyes of other parents

4. Game "Do you need a circle?"

5. The game "Pity and scold"

6. Test "Portrait of my child"


2 weeks

Final meeting of the parent club, report on the work for the year

Teacher-psychologist, educators

Parents' Committee, educators and specialists of the preschool educational institution

2. Get feedback from parents about the work of the club.

3. Determine the thematic requests of parents for the next year.

1. Presentation "The work of the parent club "Family Hearth" in 2016-2017"

2. "What gave me parent club? - drawing test.

3. What I would work on next year? -a game.

4. Tea drinking: “I liked it!”

1. Pencils, sheets of paper, pens, a ball of thread.

2. Presentation

3. Attributes for tea drinking

The interaction of a modern kindergarten and family, parents of children is aimed at ensuring unity and consistency in education and training. The main principle of interaction is the openness of the kindergarten, the entire educational process. Hence, it is also important to include parents in the management team, discuss various problems of education, invite them as guests to open events(Open days, master classes), participation in the holidays as heroes (of course, with their consent) gives them the opportunity to experience the beauty of the preparation and atmosphere of the holiday. Active forms of interaction also remain interesting - joint leisure activities. An important point of interaction is to show the activities of children and teachers. It is important to take into account the principles of work of teachers with families on present stage:
- observance of the rights and freedoms of the child;
- tact and observance of the rights of parents to the implementation of education;
- taking into account the requests of parents in the planning and implementation of pedagogical activities.

For fruitful communication, parent clubs come to the fore, where communication takes place in informal setting on topics of interest. Often the club unites different forms interaction between kindergarten and family. The theme of the club's work is planned for the academic year, of course, the requests of parents (questionnaires, conversations) are taken into account. And most importantly, this is a dialogue during which all participants come to the solution of the stated problems. Not only teachers, but also parents share their experience.

The work of the parent club "Raising a child happy" in GBOU kindergarten № 2457.

In organizing the work we use a variety of forms of work: conversations, seminars, round tables, joint activities, discussion of family experience.

The duration of the meeting is about 1 hour. Frequency 1 time per month. Schedule of the meeting for the academic year:

Month. Name. Conduct form.
August Questioning to identify difficulties and interests. Questioning, conversations.
Goals: getting to know the parents; identification of requests that cause difficulties in raising children of early and preschool age; identify effective forms of interaction with parents; organize the systematic work of the Parents' Clubs, including the development of plans; determining the most effective form of cooperation with the family on identified issues; drawing up further recommendations; providing psychological assistance and support to the parents of pupils

Implement a differentiated approach to families various types, individual - to each specific family.

Tasks: to provide qualified consultative and practical assistance to parents on the problems of upbringing and development of the child; raise pedagogical culture parents; to activate and enrich the educational skills of parents, to maintain their confidence in their own pedagogical abilities; identify and broadcast positive family experience in the upbringing and development of preschool children; to promote the establishment of trusting relationships between parents and the kindergarten team.

September. Session “Crises. What it is? What are there? How to proceed?" Seminar "Age crises in children". Annex 1
Goals and objectives: familiarization with age crises of preschool children; teaching the skills of effective interaction with the child; familiarization with the methods of emergency response to the crisis manifestations of the child; teaching methods of relaxation and self-regulation.
October. "Stubbornness and whims of children." Round table.
Goals and objectives: To develop an understanding of the child's worldview, the development of objectivity in understanding oneself and others, acquaintance with the love of power in children and adults, as one of the causes of violations of children's behavior and conflicts with parents; learning how to interact effectively with a child
November. "Playing is serious business." Training, exchange of experience.

Synopsis of the game lesson-improvisation “Just like that”. Annex 2

Goals and objectives: to develop the interest of parents in the games of children, receiving positive emotions from jointly performed activities; develop creative abilities and imagination of adults and children in the process of gaming communication; removal of muscle and psychological clamps, the formation of non-verbal communication skills, the development of attention, imagination, emotional-volitional sphere; learning how to effectively interact through the game.
December. “How to organize an interesting leisure time for the family?” Exchange of experience, joint activities
Goals and objectives: to acquaint parents with the patterns of development of preschool children, methods and techniques that contribute to the development of harmonious parent-child relationships, the creation of a favorable emotional climate in the family; develop creative abilities and imagination of adults and children in the process of gaming communication; .
January. "Overcoming anxieties and fears of the child." Workshop “The Tale of the Striped Hippo”.
Goals and objectives: to acquaint parents with the age characteristics of preschool children; increasing the psychological competence of parents; work out parental attitudes and their role in the “education” of anxiety; teach parents how to relieve increased anxiety and fears in children; the use of self-regulation methods and the removal of psycho-emotional stress in life.
February. "Let's talk about the aggressiveness of children." Round table.
Goals and objectives: generalization of psychological knowledge of the nature of child aggressiveness, its causes and prevention; training parents on the practical use of correction techniques aggressive behavior, the formation of behavioral skills and education of an aggressive child; teaching the skills of “non-violent” communication - “active” listening; the exclusion of evaluation in communication; using “I-messages” instead of “You-messages”; exclusion of threats and orders; work with intonation. Teaching parents the ability to direct the energy of children in a “peaceful direction” (identifying the interests of the child, including the child in the work of various sections, circles, studios, etc.)
March. Family Relationship Style and Child Emotional Well-Being. Seminar.
Goals and objectives: strengthen intra-family and inter-family ties; create a positive emotional environment for communication between children, parents and teachers; to activate and enrich the pedagogical knowledge and skills of parents; to improve the psychological and pedagogical culture of parents; develop the creative abilities of children and parents in joint activities; generalize experience family education.
April. “How to help parents and a child before going to school?” Discussion.
Goals and objectives: prepare parents and children for the new social role– “parents of the student” and “student”; increase the competence of parents in preparing children for schooling through the use of the most effective forms of interaction; to form a conscious attitude of parents and children in the need for targeted preparation for school in order to painlessly adapt and further successful learning; establishing cooperation, continuity and consistency of the kindergarten team and the family in preparing preschoolers for school.
May. “What have we learned about ourselves and our child?” Round table.
Goals and objectives: receiving “feedback”; exchange of acquired knowledge and experience; introspection; summarizing.

"Parents club as an active form of interaction with parents"

Educator MBDOU No. 85 "Birch" Semenova Elena Nikolaevna


The child is the mirror of the family; as the sun is reflected in a drop of water, so the moral purity of mother and father is reflected in children.

V. Sukhomlinsky

The family is one of the most important educational institutions, the role and importance of which in the formation of personality can hardly be overestimated. The family is closely intertwined with marital, parental and child relationships.

Cooperation with the family is one of the most important conditions for organizing an effective educational process in a preschool educational institution. In order for parents to become active assistants to teachers, it is necessary to involve them in the life of the kindergarten. The club is the most suitable form of work for this, allowing you to establish effective and purposeful interaction between the kindergarten and parents.

The interaction of preschool institutions with the families of pupils is one of the important areas activities of the preschool educational institution. For many teams of preschool institutions, the search for such forms and methods of work that will take into account the needs of parents and will contribute to the formation of an active parental position has become relevant.

This form is interesting in that the theme of the club may vary depending on the social request of the parents. Various specialists of the preschool educational institution take part in the work of the club: a senior educator, a speech therapist, educators and parents of pupils. The basis of interaction with the family is the creation of favorable conditions for the full social formation, development and upbringing of children.


novelty and distinctive feature The club "Friendly Family" is to involve parents in the educational process of the preschool educational institution as equal partners, creating conditions for the exchange of family experience. As well as the formation of family traditions on a positive emotional background in the family.

Expected results:

  • Parents become teachers' partners

active participants in the educational process;

  • Spreading the positive family experience of raising a child;
  • Improving the psychological and pedagogical culture of parents;
  • Development of creative abilities of children and parents in joint activities;
  • A psychological culture of educating parents and teachers will be formed;
  • Creating a positive emotional environment for communication between children, parents and teachers.

Purpose of activity

parent-child club:

  • complex psychological and pedagogical support of the family;
  • creating conditions for the formation of trusting and responsible relationships between the family and teachers of preschool educational institution;
  • harmonization of child-parent relationships.

Tasks of the parent club:

First stage:

  • to acquaint parents with the patterns of development of preschool children, methods and techniques that contribute to the development of harmonious parent-child relationships, the creation of a favorable emotional climate in the family;
  • carry out practical training of parents on the issues of raising a mentally healthy child;
  • to form an active position of parents in relation to the process of raising a child in unity with the requirements of teachers and taking into account the individual characteristics of a preschooler.

Second phase:

  • develop mutual understanding between adults and children using verbal and non-verbal means of communication (facial expressions, gestures, speech, etc.)
  • to develop the interest of parents in the games of children, receiving positive emotions from jointly performed activities;
  • develop creativity and imagination of adults and children in the process of gaming communication.


  • Increasing the number of members of the "Friendly Family" club
  • An increase in the need to communicate with specialists of a preschool educational institution.
  • The initiative and activity of parents in the work of the club "Friendly Family"
  • The ability of parents to reflect on their own capabilities.

The basic principles of the club:

  • parents and teachers are partners in the upbringing and education of children;
  • unity of goals and objectives of teachers and parents;
  • mutual trust and support in joint activities;
  • analysis of interaction between families and teachers.

Seminars, business games, disputes, discussions, "Round Table" are held within the Club. To correct parent-child relationships, trainings and practical exercises are organized together with children (training games and exercises aimed at harmonizing parent-child relationships.

A popular form of work among educators and parents is the presentation of family experience. Within the framework of the Club, meetings were held: "Seven "I"", dedicated to family traditions, "My family is a moment of glory", which is a presentation of family creative activity.

Among family competitions and holidays, sports events are the most popular, for example, "Healthy Visiting Children", "Olympic Records", "Family Starts". Participation in such events helps parents to activate their educational skills, they have faith in their own pedagogical possibilities.

Parents' club "Friendly family"

aimed at interaction preschool and families, to develop the creative abilities of children and parents and involve the family in the play space of the preschool educational institution, broadcasting the experience of family education, creating a favorable emotional climate in the family

In order to increase the activity of parents in the work of the Club, a large role is given to visual information:

  • booklets on topics organized within the Club;
  • memos, tips, hints, helping to choose the right behavior in a particular situation related to raising children.

The topics of publications are selected at the request of parents: "The role of the father in raising a child", "If another child has appeared in the family", "For parents about hyperactive children", "Aggressiveness of preschoolers", etc.

Club "Friendly family" - these are events, informational meetings, thematic exhibitions, consultations, practical training for parents. Meetings of the Friendship Family club are held once a month. The duration of the meetings is 30-40 minutes, since a short duration is of no small importance, since often parents are limited in time due to objective and subjective reasons. A sufficiently large amount of information posted in a short period of time is of great interest to parents.


  • Method of problem statement of a question.
  • The method of pedagogical reflection: analysis of pedagogical situations, solving pedagogical problems, analysis of one's own educational activities, application of homework.
  • Method of analysis. The main method of forming a parent as a teacher is the analysis of their own educational activities, which contributes to the development of self-observation and self-esteem. All this forms a parental position, increases the activity of club members, actualizes the acquired knowledge, helps to look at the situation through the eyes of a child, to understand him.
  • Game modeling method. In a playful environment, parents get the opportunity to enrich the arsenal of their educational methods of communicating with the child.
  • conversation method. The conversation is one of the main methods of work of the "Friendly Family" club. Conversation, light background music, the atmosphere of games, all this contributes to the emotional liberation of parents, which makes it possible to openly express their own opinion and share the successes and difficulties of family upbringing.
  • In the club, parents receive answers to their questions.
  • At the final meeting, the results of the club's work and its effectiveness in solving the issues of the upbringing and development of the child are discussed.
  • Activities are planned taking into account the interests and requests of parents, based on the results of a survey at the end of the school year.
  • In general, communication in a relaxed, emotionally rich environment contributes to the rapprochement of teachers, parents and children. It gives the opportunity to openly express their own opinion, share the successes and difficulties of family education. Moms and dads see their own child in a different environment, observe his communication with peers and teachers, discover new features and abilities in him. Joint activity brings parents and children closer, teaches mutual understanding, trust, makes them real partners.

Anna Yuryzheva
Parent-Children's Club "Learning Playing"


Parental club in a preschool educational institution is a form of organizing the joint work of teachers and parents and as an association of all subjects of the educational process in kindergarten: parents, children, teachers.

IN club cognitive and creative interests of children and parents are realized. Families are given the opportunity to communicate with each other. For this purpose, organized kids parent club"learning,playing"

Because playing,V preschool age is the leading activity in which the personality of the child is formed. Voskobovich's educational games involve training in spirals: from the simplest tasks to more complex ones. In the process of these games, the baby develops memory, imagination and speech, trains attention, learns to think. In addition, each a game involves achieving some intermediate result, which is then carried over to the next game.

Voskobovich's games are an ideal environment for stimulating the creative abilities of the baby. Each a game allows the child to realize his natural needs in creative creation. This is facilitated by the creation of a special developing environment - children's corner with fairy-tale characters.

CLUB(English)- a public organization that voluntarily unites groups of people connected by common interests, as well as for recreation and entertainment.

In the piggy bank of my pedagogical successes, the use of such a form of work with parents as club work.

Parent-Children's Club" learning, playing", was created to increase parental competence and accompany the family in matters of cognitive, emotional and creative development child, through the developmental games of the new generation.

Parent-Children's Club" learning,playing started work in September 2014 middle group municipal preschool educational institution "Child Development Center- Kindergarten №20 Kineshma urban district, Ivanovo region.



Combining the efforts of the family and preschool educational institution in the upbringing and development of a harmonious personality of the child,

Establishing trusting relationships between children, parents and preschool educational institutions; combining them into one team;

Raising the need to share your problems with each other, solve them together, rejoice in the successes and successes of everyone;

Strengthening the institution of the family.


Creating a positive emotional environment for communication between children, parents and teachers of preschool educational institutions.

Enriching the pedagogical knowledge and skills of parents, supporting their confidence in their own abilities.

Improving the culture of parents, the formation of a conscious and responsible attitude towards the educator of children.

To develop the creative abilities of children and parents in joint activities.

Summarize the best experience of family education, traditions and values.

DIRECTION OF WORK CLUB: educational, practical-effective, socio-cultural.

Communication between teachers, parents and children is based on the principles of voluntariness, openness, self-interest, mutual understanding and trust.


1) Study of families, questioning.

2) Joint childish- Parent meetings.

3) Participation in the preparation of exhibitions, competitions.

4) Preparation of reports from life club.

5) Consultation.

6) Trainings.

7) Practical exercises.

8) Visual propaganda.

9) Booklets-memos.

100 Activity overview club in the DOW newspaper"Preschoolers" and on the website of the preschool educational institution on the Internet.


Each a game has its own distinctive design elements. For example, "Voskobovich's Square" simultaneously used cruelty and flexibility.

Voskobovich's games are suitable for children of a wide age range. It is interesting for children of three years, and for seven years, and even high school textbooks.

One a game makes it possible to solve many educational problems. The kid simultaneously masters letters, numbers, learns to distinguish color, shape, trains memory. attention, develops thinking, imagination, trains fine motor skills pens.

IN games Voskobovich has a huge creative potential. The kid has the opportunity to implement their creative ideas and reality.

All games have a fabulous cut. The child is much more interested play not just with squares and triangles, but with "Non-melting ice floes".

The main feature of the games is imagery and versatility. The kid figuratively gets into the situation, consistently analyzes his actions, assigned tasks and finds solutions.


game method:

(didactic games, dramatizations, outdoor games).

verbal method:

(poetry reading, heading; Conversations;)

Practical Methods:

(joint actions, execution of orders)

visual method:

(showing, observing, viewing, using theaters)


Games are based on three main principles - interest, knowledge, creativity.







Held 4 times a year (1 meeting per quarter)

middle group

Time spending:40 minutes.

Senior group

Time spending:45 minutes.

preparatory group

Time spending:50 minutes.

Members club: children and parents.

Related publications:

Parent-Children's Club as one of the forms of work with parents. (senior group) Parent-Children's Club - as one of the forms of work with parents. The socialization of a child is a complex multifaceted process that requires others.

Parent-Children's Club "On the Road to the Alphabet" Parent-Children's Club - family accompaniment in MDOU. Regulations on the parent-child club. 1. General position. 1.1 This provision.

Slide 2. The relevance of cooperation between a kindergarten and a family is spelled out in federal law dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On education in the Russian.

Perspective plan "Parents Club" Relevance. The family is the primary source and model for the formation of interpersonal relationships of the child, and mom and dad are role models. Does not exist.

Galina Khmelevskaya

Abstract of the lesson in the parent-child club"We together»

Conducted by a teacher - psychologist GBOU gymnasium No. 1519

Khmelevskaya Galina Viktorovna

Lesson 1

"Let's get acquainted!"

Target. To acquaint the group members with each other, with the leader, with the rules of work. Establish contact between group members. Creating a positive mood and cohesion of the group. Development of tactile sensations.

Equipment. Chairs for all participants, ball of thread, records with calm and rhythmic music.

Lesson progress

All group members sit on chairs in a circle.

Psychologist: Hello, dear parents and children. We are glad to see you in this hall today. We hope that you will also enjoy our meeting.

Today we have the first class, which we will speak and play, and this will help us to get to know and understand each other better. On our classes we will always sit or stand, as now, in a circle, so that each person can see all the participants. Some games and exercises will take place here in a circle, while others will take place on a carpet where we can move around.

There are several rules that we must fulfill:

Rule #1

Partnership communication is one that takes into account the characteristics of each participant, his feelings, emotions, experiences. The implementation of this rule creates an atmosphere of security, trust, and openness in the group, which allows children and adults to control their behavior and not be ashamed of mistakes.

Rule #2 Only One Person Always Talks (we speak in chorus if the rules of the game require it).

Rule number 3. You can not answer the question if you do not want to.

Rule #4

1. Exercise "Magic clew» (10 min.)

Target: acquaintance of children and parents with each other, establishing friendly atmosphere in the group, activation of communication in the family. Creation of efficiency, positive mood and cohesion of the group.

Psychologist: Well, now we figured out the rules, let's start. Participants become in a circle.

Let's get acquainted! Look, in my hands ball of thread, But tangle is not simple, and the magic one, who will have it in his hands, should introduce himself, take up the thread, name the positive quality that he appreciates in himself with the first letter of the name, take up the thread and convey tangle neighbor. And so in a circle. When the ball will return to the leader, everyone turns out "connected" with one thread. “Pull the string a little and feel that we are one in this world.

What a strong circle we have turned out to be, this is because we together. A together - we are force.

Now let's see how well we remember each other. We wind the thread on clew, pass it to the neighbor and call his name.

2. Exercise "Nose to nose" (10 minutes)

Target: circle greeting in non-verbal level:

Psychologist: That's how we met. Well done! I ask everyone to go to the carpet.

And now, children and adults will randomly move around the hall in any direction to the music. On a signal, for example, "Spouts" they become pairs and touch each other's noses. Commands can be varied: "Palms", "Knees", "Ears", "Lobiki"- rub their foreheads, etc. At the end, the command is given "circle" Everyone stand in a circle and say chorus: "I'll raise my hands up, hello, I'll tell you all!"

3. Exercise “Change places those who…” (5 minutes.)

Target: the game cheers up the group and brings the participants together.

The participants sit in a circle. The leader removes his chair and stands in the center of the circle.

Psychologist: We return to our places in the circle. Now I will make a statement. Those of you to whom this statement applies will have to stand up and change places quickly. Those to whom this statement does not apply remain seated.

So, change places those who came today in trousers ... who likes ice cream ... who has a brother, etc.

When the rule of the game becomes clear to everyone in the group, the leader takes someone's chair at the next change of places. The member of the group left without a chair becomes the leader.

Psychologist offers tasks to participants games:

Stand up and sit down those who have a chain around their necks;

Walk in a circle around the chairs those with brown eyes;

Swap places for those who have birthdays in summer and winter;

Change places those who came today in trousers;

Smile to us those birthdays which spring and autumn;

Come out in a circle and shake hands parents who love their children, etc.

4. Game "Mirror" (10 min., performed in a circle)

Target: a game aimed at developing the ability to distinguish between emotional states.

Psychologist: How many interesting things we have already learned about each other. The next game requires your utmost attention. Now you can train your imagination, and your ability to carefully observe your partner. Participants are asked to imagine that they have come to a mirror shop. At first those who stand in the inner circle will be the mirror. Their task is to accurately repeat the movements shown by the partners standing in the outer circle. Then you switch roles.

During the exercise, you can turn on rhythmic music.

After the game, the psychologist discusses with the participants what mood the mirror had to display more often, in which cases it was easier or more difficult to copy the sample.

5. Exercise "Friends" (5 minutes)


And now, I ask everyone to go to the carpet.

Run, run in pairs quickly - (Pairs run hand in hand)

And threatened each other: "Don't you dare fight!" - (throw finger)

Clapped hands - (perform clapping)

hugged tightly

Changed a couple (outer circle changes partners)

They took hands.

6. Exercise "Compliments" V childish- parent couples (5 minutes)


And now, dear parents, we will say affectionate words to each other words: an adult, turning to a child, says, For example: "Bone

You (3 kind words)". Then the child nods his head and speaks: "Thank you. I'm very pleased".

So in a circle all the couples speak out ...

Final part


Is our class comes to an end, hear how our stream of joy murmurs (an exercise from the program of O. V. Khukhlaeva “The path to your "I"). Let's join hands, imagine how a clean stream flows through our circle, and share our smile with each other (children and parents pass their smile around).

farewell ritual: "Everyone, everyone. Goodbye!"

We all received a charge of vivacity and good mood! Thank you all! Lesson finished. See you again in our club!

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