Kalmyk calendar for the year. Kalmyk astrological calendar. Be friendly, avoid conflicts, both in the family and in the external circle of communication. Talk less about your plans. Eat less fatty foods and follow a diet. Refuse

Astrologer of the Central Khurul Sanan Matvenov gives advice on years of birth

The Year of the Chicken began on December 23, 2016 and will last until December 12, 2017. What will it be like? What pleasant moments and underwater rocks will we meet on our way? These questions were answered by the astrologer of the Central Khurul of Kalmykia “The Golden Abode of Buddha Shakyamuni” Sanan Matvenov, reports RIA Kalmykia.

A rather mild, favorable year awaits us all. It is especially good for those involved in agriculture and construction. The land will be extremely fertile and the livestock will be healthy. In general, a lot is expected positive results in any good deed. In fact, you never know exactly what lies ahead. Therefore, try to accumulate Buin throughout the year and become wiser towards others and yourself.

“Before you read the forecast, I would like to warn you that astrology only tells 40% of the future. Whatever the next year may be for you, you can always make it successful on your own and with the right behavior,” says the astrologer himself.

A calm year that does not pose any threat to life, so feel free to travel. A very good year in material and financial terms. Work, a major purchase or construction will be successful. Try to spend more time with friends and help them. But lifting weights this year is undesirable - take care of your back. In general, no injuries are expected, but minor ailments may occur. Take more vitamins and prevent colds.

Health: 4

The Dragon

A favorable year in all respects. You will have good luck in finances, health and travel. However, although the dragon has a kind soul, he is often quick-tempered, which can hinder him.

Rite: throughout the year, and throughout your life, try to recite the text “Drag the tsigpa.”

Health: 5

A good and enjoyable year. Go on long journeys and lead active image life. There are no losses in material and financial terms, although luck may let you down a little. But don’t despair, everything will be compensated by your diligence. Go towards your goal, despite the obstacles, and everything will definitely work out.

Ritual: due to their distrustful nature, snakes sometimes find it difficult to join the team. The ritual will help you avoid conflict situations: Har keln kerghch"(hara hele amanay haryuu).

Health: 5


Calm, good year. There are no threats to life, but pay close attention to your health. Watch your back and bottom part keep your bodies warm. It is worth noting that of all the signs of the eastern horoscope, the horse is the best and most faithful friend. She usually spends more time on others than on herself. Take a break from the hustle and bustle and spend a few days alone with your thoughts.

Health: 4


Probably the most best year It will work for you. A good time for weddings, new relationships, you will not need financial support and only good luck awaits you along the way. However, skin diseases are possible. The main thing is not to be nervous and beware of burns.

Health: 4


Usually your year is less favorable than others. It is advisable to avoid long trips for fear of mountains and rivers. Avoid complex operations, carefully monitor your health. I advise you not to make large purchases, but rather save for a more successful year. There may be stress in the external and internal circle of communication. To reduce the negative impact of the year, make offerings more often, recite mantras, and do charity work.

What awaits representatives of the year of the chicken different ages:

12 years

There may be metabolic disorders, so proper nutrition is important. It is worth reducing physical activity, be careful with active sports, bruises are possible.

Rite: attend the general service, especially the prayer service to the defenders of the Dharma, Syakusn Morgul (sakhyuusan murgel).

24 years

The year is contrasting: sometimes a black stripe, sometimes a white one. It is undesirable to engage in construction; injuries associated with height are possible. Do not take financial risks, avoid dubious transactions.

Rite: " Tsagan shukrta nom» (Sagaan shukhertyn nom)

36 years

Unfavorable year for financial situation. Take care of your personal belongings on a long trip and avoid conflicts at work. Beware of litigation during the year. Rite: " Tsagan shukrta nom».

48 years old

The year is not as difficult as for others, but luck may forget about you. Kimmern flags will help remind her of herself.

60 years

It's also a pretty quiet year. Health and finances will remain positive. However, visit places with heavy energy less often. This may cause depression.

72 years = 12 years

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» released the lunar calendar for the new year 2017. This is a colorful poster calendar. It marks and indicates the dates of Buddhist holidays, as well as important Buddhist fasts, where each of these lunar days is associated with the activity of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, in particular, Shakyamuni Buddha, Medicine Buddha, Green Tara, protectors (shakyusn) . The calendar was compiled by the clergyman of the khurul Anja-gelung .

The Kalmyk khurul has been producing New Year's lunar calendars in the form of a poster for many years. Since 2009, the permanent compiler of the calendar has been Andzha-gelyung (Andzha Khartskhaev), who for several years was the rector of the main Buddhist temple of Kalmykia. Before him, the calendar was prepared by the clergyman Gen Lodoy, a former administrator of the Central Khurul. Thus, this calendar has its own history and traditions.

The current calendar is the ninth in a row prepared by Andjoy-gelung. All his calendars are published according to a single model: yellow and red colors predominate on the poster, in the upper part in the middle there is an image of some deity (bodhisattva), to the right and left of it there are columns of text with information about this image, at the bottom of the poster is the calendar itself (here, for ease of perception, the lunar and generally accepted Gregorian calendars are combined).

It should be noted that the images of holy images on the calendar are borrowed from the painting of the prayer hall of the Central Khurul.

The new 2017 calendar depicts the wrathful Bodhisattva Vajrapani (in Kalmyk: Ochirvani Gegyan), the embodiment of the strength, power and might of the Buddhas of three times (past, present, future). Vajrapani has an angry appearance, but he represents an enlightened mind and is therefore completely free from anger. Below his image is a short mantra: OM VAJRAPANI HUM PAD.

The accompanying text says: “Reciting the Vajrapani bodhisattva mantra with sincere good intentions helps to overcome various ailments, misconceptions, brings self-confidence, strong support in any endeavors, determination, determination, increases the strength and capabilities of a person.”

The 2016 calendar depicted Avalokiteshvara (in Kalmyk: Aryabala Burkhn) - the bodhisattva of endless love for all living beings, the embodiment of the compassion of the Buddhas of three times. Below the image is the most famous mantra: OM MANI PAD ME HUM. Let us remember that the embodiment of Avalokiteshvara in our world is His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama.

The 2015 calendar depicted Manjushri (in Kalmyk: Manjushri Gegyan) - the bodhisattva of transcendental wisdom, with the help of which the true nature of things is comprehended. Under his image there is a short mantra: OM ARA PACA NA DI.

It should be noted that lunar calendars produced by the Central Khurul are in demand not only among residents of Kalmykia; they are readily purchased by guests of the republic, tourists, and residents of neighboring regions, since these poster calendars are convenient for practical use. Our calendar shows lunar days (with corresponding days in the Gregorian calendar) that are important for Buddhists, gardeners and all those who plan their affairs according to lunar days. Favorable, partially favorable and very unfavorable days are indicated here, and days suitable for cutting hair are highlighted. According to astrology, it is believed that hair cutting should be done on certain days, otherwise a person, along with his hair, will deprive himself of good luck. This continues until he cuts his hair again, but on the right day.

Many people often call the khurul to ask on what date the national holidays Zul, Tsagan Sar will be celebrated, when the holy month of Urs Sar begins, and to inquire about other dates and days. Having at hand the calendar published by the Central Khurul “Golden Abode of Buddha Shakyamuni”, you will know all the necessary dates, significant days.

Kalmyk National holiday Tsagan Sar, according to lunar calculation, in the coming 2017 falls on February 27 according to the Gregorian calendar. In 2017, we will celebrate another folk (and religious) holiday, Zul, on December 12 (and this year, we remind you, very soon - December 23). The blessed month of Urs Sar will begin on May 26th and will last until June 24th. During this month, people traditionally visit the places where their ancestors lived in order to make offerings to the deities, protectors, spirits of the area, and their ancestors, and to perform rituals.

The lunar calendar indicates the days of Buddhist fasts - Nohan Dyarkin Odr (day of White Tara), Otch Manlan Odr (day of the Buddha of Medicine), Syakusnya Odr (day of the patron protector), Burkhn Bagshin Odr (day of Buddha Shakyamuni). Burkhn Bagshin Odr should not be confused with the birthday, enlightenment and passing into parinirvana of Buddha Shakyamuni, which will be celebrated on June 9 in the new year. The four Buddhist fasts mentioned above are celebrated every month, lunar calendar They have an almost fixed date, while according to the Gregorian it is a wandering date. According to the lunar calendar, Nohan Dyarkin Odr falls on the 8th (occasionally on the 9th), Otch Manlan Odr - only on the 15th, Syakusnya Odr - only on the 29th, Burkhn Bagshin Odr - only on the 30th date of each lunar month. On these significant days, believers visit khurul, read and repeat the appropriate mantras and prayers, and keep a certain fast.

Below are the texts of the mantras (in Russian transcription) that need to be read on the corresponding Buddhist days: the mantra of the Green Tara - in the Nohan Dyarkin bed, the mantra of the Buddha of Medicine - in the Otch Manlan bed, the Okon-Tengr mantra - in the Syakusnya bed (the goddess Okon-Tengr - one of the protectors-patrons), the mantra of Buddha Shakyamuni - in Burkhn Bagshin odr. Reciting mantras is very beneficial for everyone.


Medicine Buddha Mantra:


Mantra Okon-Tengr:





Mantra of Shakyamuni Buddha: OM MUNI MUNI MAHA MUNIYE SOOHA

Returning to the image on the new calendar of the bodhisattva Vajrapani (Ochirvani Gegyan), it must be said that he is the keeper of the secret Teachings of the Buddha, and is also considered the patron saint of the Mongol-speaking peoples, including, of course, the Kalmyks. Buddha Shakyamuni gave him all the texts and instructions of the Tantric tradition.

In the sutra tradition, Vajrapani is considered one of the "eight heart sons" (closest disciples) of Shakyamuni Buddha and is depicted in a peaceful form. In the Vajrayana (Secret Vehicle) tradition, he is depicted in a powerful, angry form.

“A person who performs the practices and repeats the mantras associated with Vajrapani Bodhisattva will not be subject to the actions of evil forces or beings and as a result will achieve inseparability with the vajra mind of all Buddhas […] This Bodhisattva will be the last, thousandth Buddha of those who will appear in our world during this world period,” the calendar text reads.

In conclusion, we inform you that the calendar indicates the work schedule (services, receptions), telephone numbers of the Central Khurul “Golden Abode of Buddha Shakyamuni”.

The calendar can be purchased at the kiosk of the Central Khurul and at the Dzambala store, located in the center of Elista (stop “Ice”).

Dorji BASAYEV, press secretary of the Central Khurul “Golden Abode of Buddha III” akyamuni"

Any calendar, including the Kalmyk one, is compiled from the basic unit of time based on the movement of the planets: day, week, month, year. The movement of the planet Moon around the Earth occurs in 29.5 days, which make up a month. The Earth moves around the Sun in 365 days, or 12 months, which make up a year. The planet Jupiter revolves around the Sun within 12 years, i.e. Jupiter's circle around the Sun is divided into 12 equal parts, for 12 years. By eastern calendar Each of the 12 years (parts) of the circle of Jupiter has the name of a specific animal, which constitutes the animal cycle of the calendar. The Kalmyk calendar begins with the year of Leopard.

1. Leopard - lion. 2.Tuula - hare. 3. Lu is a dragon. 4.Moha - snake

5.Morn - horse. 6. Khon - sheep. 7. Mochn - monkey. 8. Taka - chicken.

9. Nokha is a dog. 10. Gaha - pig.11. Khulna is a mouse.

12. Ykr - cow.

The 12 months have the same animal names: December - leopard, January - tuula, February - lu, March - Moha, April - morn, may-khon, June - mochn, July - taka, August - noha, September - gaha, October - Khulna, November - Ukr.

According to the eastern calendar of the animal cycle, 12 years are divided into five elements of nature: fire, earth, iron, water, wood. This is repeated five times, forming 60 years, a century according to the Eastern calendar.

Zul is popularly celebrated as the end of one year and the beginning of another, a new year. On this day, each person receives one year of age, becoming one year older.

Zul - offering by fire

Kalmyk New Year ZUL

Zul is celebrated on the 25th of Ukr Sara, i.e. November according to the Kalmyk calendar. This date does not coincide every year - Zul may be celebrated earlier or later. Since according to the European calendar a month has 30, 31, 28 days, and according to the Kalmyk calendar all 12 months have 30 days. In fact, we have already said that the Moon circles the Earth in 29.5 days. Because of this, a difference arises. number of days of the year. To regulate this difference, according to the Kalmyk calendar, extra days of the month are added, “davkhr өdr” (double days), or, in order not to indicate unfavorable days of the calendar, they are not indicated at all, they are marked as “tasrkha өdr” (interrupted days).

Holiday Zul

They prepared for the holiday in advance: they cleaned, cleaned the house, prepared food for guests, visited their relatives, everyone congratulated each other, and said good wishes.

It should be noted that on the day of Zul they received new age Not all. Men received a new age a week later, on the 1st of the next month, leopard, when the owner of the new year, “shin hilin ezn” came into its own.

In connection with the New Year holiday Zul, the Kalmyks have a very interesting system for counting years. A newly born child is already one year old. If he is born on the eve of Zula, he receives another year on the day of Zula. It may happen that the child is only a few days old or a few months old, but according to the Kalmyk age calculation he will already be two years old. A year later, on Zula's day, he receives another year, and although the child is only one year old, he will already be considered three years old. In such cases they say “ki nasta”, i.e. it has empty, inflated summers. And it is very difficult for such a child to determine his animal sign. Let’s say that 1992 is the year of the monkey “mochn”, and those born after Zul, at the end of December 1992, will be considered to have been born in the year of the chicken, “taka hiltә”.

As always, during the holidays everyone congratulated each other, wished them happiness, health, a safe winter for their livestock, went to visit each other, visited relatives, especially older ones, and showed signs of attention to them.

Material prepared from archival sources

05.02.2017 11:13

On December 23, the holiday of Zul, the Year of the Fire Hen began, which will last until December 12, 2017. We present to your attention the astrological forecast for coming year, compiled by Gelyung astrologer of the Central Khurul of Kalmykia “The Golden Abode of Buddha Shakyamuni” Sanan Matvenov.

Whatever astrologers predict the coming year to be for you in terms of luck, whether your year of birth is among those for which the Year of the Chicken is unfavorable, you can always, with your own efforts, good deeds and correct behavior, change it in a favorable and fruitful direction, make this year has been successful. After all, astrology predicts only about 40% of the future.

The coming Year of the Chicken will generally be mild and favorable for our republic and its inhabitants. It is especially good for those involved in agriculture and construction. The land will be extremely fertile and the livestock will be healthy. In general, many positive results are expected in any good deed.

Try to accumulate as much good merit (buin) as possible throughout the year, help everyone who needs your help if possible, maintain morality and try to be wiser than before. And we, for our part, will help you in all your good endeavors and, based on the forecast for the year, we can give you advice at what points in your life you need to remain active and what you should be wary of.


For those born in the year of the Mouse, the coming year will be calm and positive. It does not pose a threat to their life, and will not even pose a risk of injury. Unless you need to take care of your back: don’t lift heavy things. You can safely plan long trips and travel. The Year of the Chicken is favorable for “Mice” in material and financial terms. You can make a large purchase without fear. And if you start some kind of construction, it will be completed successfully. Everything will be great at work, and if opportunities arise for good additional income, then take the initiative and don’t miss the chance. Try to communicate more with your friends, and if they have problems, give them help and all kinds of support. Although you will definitely not receive physical injuries this year, you may be disturbed by ailments. Therefore, take more vitamins and pay attention to the prevention of colds.


For those born in the year of the Cow, the coming year will be favorable in many ways. You can safely travel long distances, take an intensive course of treatment, and younger people can not be afraid of heavy physical activity, actively engage in sports and physical education. In material and financial terms, the year of the Chicken for the “Cow-Bulls” will be more or less prosperous. But fast good results in this regard, you should not wait, since luck and luck will not accompany you. However, you should not worry about this: if you show diligence in business, great effort, and patiently overcome obstacles, you will definitely achieve success. Although the coming year is generally good for you, it is unfavorable for those born in the Year of the Chicken, which is always friendly to the Year of the Cow (those born in these years have excellent compatibility). Accordingly, this year the “Bulls-Cows” will be very worried about their relatives, loved ones, and friends born in the year of the Chicken, who may have serious problems and misfortunes. Of course, they will need your help and participation.


The outgoing year of the Monkey was unfavorable for those born in the year of the Tiger, but the black streak for the “striped” ones is ending: in the year of the Chicken, good luck will finally come to you. Be optimistic and active! Not just luck in business awaits you, but also - with the appropriate attitude and diligence - serious success and great joy. Spend a year on the move, visit distant places, and for those who need an intensive course of treatment, do not put it off until later. Show cheerfulness in everything, do not refuse invitations to all kinds of celebrations and celebrations - from birthdays and anniversaries to riotous weddings. In order for the coming year to pass at such a good level, you should carefully think through and draw up a plan for your major affairs, without constraining yourself in your fantasies. If anything, during the year you can adjust your grandiose intentions and prepare new projects.


For those born in the year of the Hare, the coming twelve months will be very difficult. After all, you were born in the year opposite to the year of the Chicken (for “Chickens” their year is unfavorable). Therefore, the enemies and ill-wishers of the “Zaitsev” will be extremely dangerous for them in the coming year. In relationships with the most different people be polite, correct, helpful. Avoid conflicts, both in the family and in the external circle of communication. Talk less about your plans and intentions. Limit your consumption fatty foods, if possible, follow a diet. In the New Year, you should give up long trips, no matter how much you want to.

People born in the year of the Hare need to participate in the rituals “us uttulun” and “yasvr”, read the texts “Tsagan shukrta nom” (prayer of the White Umbrella Tara), “Deltsin tsemo puntin”.

The Dragon

For those born in the Year of the Dragon, the coming year promises to be very favorable. If you do everything carefully and correctly, without entering into conflicts and disputes, then you will have good luck in the material and financial sphere, and there will be opportunities for a variety of trips that will bring you joy and great impressions. In terms of health, everything should also be good in the new year: serious illnesses you will not be threatened, and patients will be treated calmly. But “Dragons,” although kind by nature, often give free rein to their hot-tempered nature, which can seriously hinder them in business and ruin relationships with the “right” people.

Rite: periodically throughout the year, and indeed throughout your life, try to recite the text “Drag Tsigpa,” which promotes a calm disposition.


For our “reptiles,” the Year of the Chicken is quite appetizing: it will be good and pleasant in many ways. Your astrological forecast, dear Snakes, largely corresponds to the forecast for those born in the year of the Cow (see above). Those born in the year of the Snake have one thing in common: extreme distrust. This is not the most best quality to live and work in friendly team. If you show snakelike suspicion all the time, this will in no way contribute to establishing your authority among your colleagues, but rather the opposite.

If during the year you have conflict situations with work colleagues, the “Har Kel Kerchln” ritual will help. Like the “Cows”, the “Serjm” ritual should also be performed.


Year of the Chicken - calm, good time for those born in the year of the Horse. No one will cause you death, but still be vigilant: monitor the state of your precious health. Take care of your back and keep your lower body warm. It is important to note that of all the signs of the eastern horoscope, the Horse is the best and most faithful friend. But devotion to someone should not come at the expense of oneself. Those born in the year of Horse usually pay more attention and time to others than to themselves. Take a break from the bustle of the world and spend a few days alone with yourself, with your thoughts. You need to establish moral and mental peace in yourself. With a certain patience and diligence in business, “Horses” are able to achieve success in material and financial terms.

Rite: on the corresponding lunar days (Father Manlan odr) read prayers dedicated to the Buddha of Medicine, text by Zundu.


Those born in the year of the Sheep will also have a favorable, positive year. You will be lucky in the material and financial field, harmony will be established in personal relationships with people you are interested in. It is important that you don’t have to worry about your health in the new year. During the year, you may receive good news for you. At the same time, we note that those born in the year of Sheep often go to extremes in their judgments and actions, so they should listen to the advice of their elders. Young people need to take into account what their parents, grandparents, and mentors advise them. Sheep students, as a rule, study either very well or very poorly (or rather, do not pay attention to their studies), so our criticism and request to seek advice from elders mainly relates to the latter. Careless “Sheep” are quite correctable, and everything can work out for them.


Since the outgoing year of the Monkey was unfavorable for its own, those born under this horoscope sign will greet the change of year with relief. In their year, the “Monkeys” could not make large purchases, make fateful decisions, and after New Year's holiday Zul they can finally begin to implement their huge plans, because over the past year they should have made good savings. But this is ideal. Despite the fact that people born in the year of the Monkey initially have the potential for prosperous and happy life, many of them are not responsible enough when making important decisions, and in this regard they are subject to the influence and opinions of others. Although “Monkeys” have a bright mind and good energy, they do not have enough will and patience to, for example, implement long-term projects that have already begun.


For those born in the Year of the Dog, their own personal year will begin with the beginning of 2018. Therefore, in the coming year of the Chicken, they need to prepare well for their native, but unfavorable for them, Year of the Dog. For this reason, the coming 2017 is expected to be very successful for you, those born under the sign of the Dog: you must manage to fulfill all your plans, mobilizing all your strength for this. For women, however, the year is not entirely good: there may be health problems, mood swings, and difficulties with childbirth. Be as calm as possible and avoid conflicts, do not fall into long-term depression. Although the Dog, of all 12 horoscope signs, is considered one of the most devoted, faithful image-symbols, and those born in the year of the Dog are good family men, nevertheless, in the year of the Chicken they will have a fairly high percentage of divorces. And the “Dogs” themselves will be to blame for these separations, who, to put it mildly, condemn their faithful (and perhaps not so faithful).


The Year of the Chicken is also considered quite prosperous for those born in the Year of the Pig. This is a good period for starting a family and building new relationships. You will not lack financially and only luck will await you along the way. There is also no threat to your wonderful life. In terms of health, you should be wary of all kinds of skin diseases. The main thing is not to be too nervous - this can cause a rash to appear on your body and, accordingly, you will get a disease such as psoriasis. Protect yourself from burns varying degrees which can lead to serious consequences. And, of course, to protect yourself from skin (and other) diseases, you need to maintain personal hygiene.


The first ones need to be careful in the new year, since traditionally one’s year is considered unfavorable. Those born in the year of the Chicken are not recommended to make many long trips in the coming year of the same name, actively visit bodies of water, climb mountains, or plan an intensive course of treatment or surgical operations. In material and financial terms, it is better for them not to make large purchases or enter into transactions, but it will be wiser to simply accumulate funds to use them when their year ends. You need to monitor your morale and mental state: stress for “Chickens” in their own year can be especially dangerous, so it is better for them to avoid conflicts and not succumb to provocations.

Usually “your” year goes less favorably than others. It is advisable to avoid long trips for fear of mountains and rivers. Avoid complex operations, carefully monitor your health. I advise you not to make large purchases, but rather save for the next, more successful year. There may be stress in the external and internal circle of communication, so it is better to avoid conflicts and not succumb to provocations.

To reduce the negative impact of the year, make offerings more often, recite mantras, and do charity work.

Ritual: people born in the year of the Chicken must participate in the “us uttulun” and “yasvr” rituals.

Now let’s look at what awaits representatives of the Year of the Hen of different ages.

12 years old. There may be metabolic disorders, so proper nutrition is important. It is worth reducing physical activity, be careful with active sports, bruises are possible.

24 years. The year is contrasting: sometimes a black stripe, sometimes a white one. It is undesirable to engage in construction; injuries associated with height are possible. Do not take financial risks, avoid dubious transactions.

Ritual: “Tsagan shukrta nom.”

36 years. Unfavorable year financially. Keep an eye on things on a long trip, don’t conflict at work. Beware of litigation during the year.

Ritual: “Tsagan shukrta nom.”

48 years old. The year is not as difficult as for others born in the years of the Chicken, but luck may forget about you. The “ki morn” flags will help you remind her of yourself.

Ritual: “Heart Sutra.”

60 years. It's also a pretty quiet year. Health and finances will remain calm. However, visit less places with heavy energy, as this can cause depression.

Rite: recite the text “Tashi Tsigpa”.

72 years old. The same as above for 12-year-olds: there may be metabolic disorders, so proper nutrition is important. It is worth reducing physical activity, be careful with active sports, bruises are possible.

Rite: attend a general service, especially a prayer service to the defenders of the Dharma (sakusn morgul).

This is a general forecast for all twelve years of the cycle. If you need a more detailed individual forecast, you can always contact the lamas of the Central Khurul of Kalmykia.