GCD for familiarization with fiction. Reading the story by V. Oseeva “Cookies. Lesson summary on the topic “V.A. Oseeva "Cookies The Story of Oseeva Cookies

Technological map (outline plan)

literary reading lesson,

spent in 3 "B" class

MBOU secondary school No. 14

teacher primary classes

Vlasova Anastasia Alexandrovna

date17.02.2017 Teacher's nameVlasova A.A.

Class3 "B"

Technological lesson map

Item:literary reading

Target block

Lesson topic:

“He who honors his parents never perishes”

The purpose of the lesson:

Introducing children to the stories of V.A. Oseeva “Cookies” and “Medicine”

Planned results:

Subject UUD:

- familiarization with the work of V.A. Oseyeva “Cookies”

Familiarization with the work of V.A. Oseyev "Medicine"

Formation of skills in working with text

Formation of a system of reading and speech skills

Personal UUD:

Formation of a sense of aesthetic pleasure

Development of imagination, emotional sensitivity and thinking

Metasubject UUD:


1.Ability to characterize and analyze

2. Ability to compare

3.Determine and formulate the purpose of the activity in the lesson with the help of the teacher.
4.Learn to express your opinion

5.Self-regulation of your behavior


1. Willingness to receive information

2.Ability to participate in a collective discussion of a work

3.Use the text of the work for comparison, comparison and analysis
4.Read the work expressively


1. Establish cause-and-effect relationships

2. The ability to use previously acquired knowledge
3.Draw conclusions as a result collaboration whole class

Instrument block

Lesson type:

Lesson on studying a literary work

Forms, techniques and methods

Form: peer learning lesson

Teaching methods:

Verbal, visual, practical;


Means of education:




Educational Resources:


TSO (computer, projector, presentation developed by the teacher)

Board, chalk


Lesson plan.

1. Organization of the beginning of the lesson.

3. Statement of the problem.

4. Physical exercise

6. Lesson summary. Reflection.

During the classes

1. Organization of the beginning of the lesson.

1 slide

Today we have an unusual lesson, guests have come to us. Greet them, turn around and give them your most sincere smile.

They sat down quietly at their desks. Check your position: your back is straight, both feet are on the floor, nothing is bothering you. You are ready to work productively.

2 slide

Good afternoon - they told you.

Good afternoon - you answered.

How two strings are connected -

Warmth and kindness

Hello! -

You tell the person.

“Hello,” he will smile back.

And he probably won’t go to the pharmacy,

And you will be healthy for many years.

Tell me, the names of which words are hidden in this poem? (Polite)

Why do you need to tell people polite words? (Students' answers)

Of course, polite words needed to say hello, wish you a good day, a happy journey, and simply to show your kindness and good manners.

3 slide

Today, guys, it's celebrated all over the world.Kindness Day . On this day, people do good, selflessly help each other and animals. Remember that if a person expects something in return from his good deed, then this is no longer sincere kindness.

Tell me, is it only on this day that people should be kind? (students' answers)

That's right, every day you need to try to do a good deed, say pleasant words or just smile sincerely.

2. Updating knowledge by checking homework.

Tell me what good deed you did main character work that we studied in previous lessons? (he saved a girl from a burning house)

Remember the title of this work. (A story about an unknown hero)

4 slide

Can the main character's action be called courageous and courageous? (Yes)

Why? (The guy risked his life)

Did he expect a reward for his feat? (No)

What happened to the main character when he saved the girl? (He left by tram)

Find this fragment in the text.

Why couldn't anyone find him? Find a description of this person.

What does the GTO sign mean? (Ready for work and defense)

Do you think the guy justified his badge by his actions? (Yes, justified)

3. Statement of the problem.

Tell me, who should children treat with kindness and respect? (To elders, to parents, to animals, to each other)

5 slide

There are envelopes with proverbs on your desks. You need to put together a proverb in pairs.

What proverb did you come up with? (If you don’t respect your parents, then no one will respect you)

I think everyone put the proverb together correctly.

6 slide

Look at the blackboard. (If you don’t respect your parents, then no one will respect you.)

Think about what this proverb means? (students' answers)

Try to formulate the topic of our lesson. (Students' answers)

7 slide

We move on to the study of a new section entitled “He who honors his parents never perishes.”

8 slide

The work of Valentina Aleksandrovna Oseeva will help us dive into this topic. (Portrait demonstration)

Have you encountered the work of this children's writer before? (Students' answers)

Which of her works have you read before? ("Why?")

Stories by Valentina Oseeva about bad and good deeds of children. Her characters think about their own and others’ actions, learn to analyze and draw the right conclusions. These parable stories teach politeness, honesty, and respect for people.

4. Physical exercise

Let's take a little rest. Please stand up and leave your desk. Now we will conduct a speech physical exercise accompanied by movements. Repeat after me.

The king walked through the forest, through the forest, through the forest,

Found myself a princess, princess, princess.

Let's jump, jump, jump

And we kick our legs, we kick, we kick

Let's clap, clap, clap

And we stomp our feet, stomp, stomp.

Let's do it again, just try to make the movements faster and pronounce the words clearly.

5. “Discovery” of new knowledge by children.

Open your textbooks. Read the title of the work “Cookies”. Tell me, is the title somehow related to the topic of our lesson? (students' answers)

And now you will find out what deep meaning is contained in this work.

Now you will listen to the audio recording, get ready to answer the question “Is this work a fairy tale or a story?”

"Cookies" V.A. Oseeva

Mom poured cookies onto a plate. Grandma clinked her cups merrily. Vova and Misha sat down at the table.

“Divide one at a time,” Misha said sternly.

The boys scooped all the cookies onto the table and laid them out in two piles.

- Exactly? - Vova asked.

Misha looked at the group with his eyes.

- Exactly. Grandma, pour us some tea!

Grandmother served tea. It was quiet at the table. The piles of cookies were quickly shrinking.

- Crumbly! Sweet! - Misha said.

- Yes! - Vova responded with his mouth full.

Mom and grandmother were silent. When all the cookies were eaten, Vova took a deep breath, patted himself on the stomach and crawled out from behind the table.

Misha finished the last bite and looked at his mother - she was stirring the unstarted tea with a spoon. He looked at his grandmother - she was chewing a crust of bread...

Slide 9

Guys, is this a fairy tale or a story? (students' answers)

Prove that this is a story.

Could such events happen in real life? (Yes, we could)

Is there magic in this piece? (No)

Is there a struggle between good and evil in this work? (No)

Is there a triple repetition in this work? (No)

Well done! You have proven that this work is a story.

To prepare for reading, tell me how you understand the expression “measured with your eyes”? (compared)

- Do you think the story takes place during breakfast, lunch or dinner?
- How did the dinner start? Read it.
- Why is the story called that? (students' answers)

Who acts in the story? (Vova, Misha, mother and grandmother)

What do other characters say about the boys: mother and grandmother? (They were silent)

- Why were mom and grandma silent? What was on their minds? (students' answers)

- What do you think are the relationships in this family?
- How do boys grow up? (Selfish)

10 slide
-Who is an egoist?(An egoist is a selfish person who neglects the interests of others)

What qualities would you choose to characterize these boys?

kindness insensitivity deceit greed conscience selfishness love callousness

callousness respect

Do you think Vova and Misha have a chance to avoid becoming inveterate egoists, callous, inattentive, soulless? (students' answers)

I believe that you would never do this and would definitely share it with your family.

Tell me, is it only boys who can do this to older people? (students' answers)

Now you will learn about this by reading the following story by Valentina Oseeva. Does the title of this work tell us something about its content? (students' answers)

After reading me, get ready to answer the question: who are the main characters in this story?

11 slide

Who are the main characters of this story? (Mom, daughter and doctor)

- Which sentence contains the main idea, in your opinion? (Until the daughter loses the habit of being in command, the mother will not recover)

- Why did Oseeva call the story that? (students' answers)
- Think about it: should the doctor’s words be taken as a joke or seriously? (students' answers)

How do you think this story could end?

Let's read this story again in a low voice. (Buzzing reading)


The little girl's mother got sick. The doctor came and saw that mom was holding her head with one hand and tidying up her toys with the other. And the girl sits on her chair and commands:

- Bring me the cubes!

The mother picked up the cubes from the floor, put them in a box, and gave them to her daughter.

- And the doll? Where's my doll? - the girl screams again.

The doctor looked at this and said:

- Until my daughter learns to tidy up her toys herself, mom will not recover!

6. Lesson summary. Reflection.

Tell me, how are these two works similar? What advice could you give to help the guys? (students' answers)

- Let's return to our proverb: “He who honors his parents never perishes.”

You did a great job today, everyone answered actively and tried to read expressively. Thank you for the lesson!

Natalia Grinenko
GCD for familiarization with fiction. Reading the story “Cookies” by V. Oseeva

Program content:

Teach children to listen carefully and interestedly stories, understand and correctly evaluate the actions of the heroes;

Encourage tell about your perception of a specific action literary character;

Teach children to compose creative story(new ending story)

Strengthen the skill of making proposals on issues

Develop auditory attention and perception;

Cultivate in children a caring attitude towards loved ones.

Vocabulary work: sugar bowl, tea party, cups clinked, crumbly, equally

Progress of the lesson:

1 hour Motivation. The group has set a table for "tea parties": cups and saucers, “candy, « cookie» on plates.

The teacher invites the children to tea and treats them "sweets" one for everyone, but There aren't enough cookies for everyone. What to do? Children offer options on how to get out of the situation. So that there is enough for everyone to share biscuits in half.

During "tea parties" The teacher offers to play a r/game

"Say it the other way around", fixes the names of tea utensils.

V. - How fun it is for us all to drink tea and talk together. I suggest you listen story, about how tea drinking took place in one family.

2 hours Reading story B. Oseeva« Cookie» .

3h. Conversation on content.

Do you think mom and grandma liked it? cookie?

Why were mom and grandma sad?

What were the boys' names?

What did mom do? Grandmother?

What did Misha propose to do?

How to divide Vova cookies?

When I'm out of cookies what did mom do? And grandma?

4h. Fizminutka "KETTLE".

Here is a large glass teapot, Puff up your belly. One hand is on the belt, the other is bent,

Very important, like a boss. like the spout of a teapot

Here are the porcelain cups, sat down, one hand on the belt, the other lowered

Very fragile, poor things.

Here are porcelain saucers, spinning, drawing a circle with their hands

Just knock and they will break.

Here are the silver spoons, stretched, clasped their hands above their heads

The head is on a thin stalk.

Here is a plastic tray, lay down on the carpet, stretch out

He brought us the dishes.

5h. Creative storytelling

V. - Guys, what kind of character do you think? story« Cookie» ?

Let's come up with another end to this story so that he won't be sad (listens to the children's answers)

The teacher invites the children to play out a new situation.

The family gathered to have a tea party. Mom put cookies in the dish. Grandma happily helped set the table. Everyone sat down. Vova pushed the dish with cookies towards him.

Vova’s brother Misha told him to divide the cookies between two. They placed the cookies on the table and divided them into a couple of pieces. After making sure that the piles were equal, the boys asked their grandmother for tea. The old lady poured tea for her grandchildren.

There was silence at the table. The cookies gradually disappeared. The boys gobbled up the treat by the cheeks, praising its taste. The women were simply silent. When there was not a crumb left of the cookies, Vova, with a feeling of accomplishment, stroked his stomach and left the table.

Misha, chewing the last piece of the cookie, looked at his mother. The woman silently stirred the tea with a spoon, of which she had not yet taken a sip. The boy looked at his grandmother; she was crunching a crust of black bread.

This story is about bad well-mannered boys thinking only about themselves. They didn’t even realize that their relatives would also like cookies. This is the fault of the parents for not explaining to their children how to act and share with their neighbors. Now they see the result of their mistake.

This work teaches you to be attentive to others, conscientious and not greedy.

Picture or drawing of Cookies

Other retellings and reviews for the reader's diary

  • Summary of Chekhov's Three Years

    The work reflects some moments in the life of the Moscow businessman Laptev. At the very beginning, our main character appears before us, waiting in the garden on a bench for Yulia Sergeevna from a church service

  • Summary Without tongue Korolenko

    This work tells about the unusual adventures of immigrants in America. One man, named Osip, originally from the village of Lozishchi, which is located in the Volyn province, decides to go to America

  • Summary of Oster's bad advice

    The book, addressed to naughty children, gives in poetic form original advice how to behave in different situations. For example, for a birthday you need to come without a gift, try to sit at the table closer to the cake

  • Summary of Pushkin Little Tragedies

    Little tragedies consist of 4 stories: The Miserly Knight The plot of the dramatic work takes place in the Middle Ages. The main characters of the tragedy are an elderly knight and his son Albert

  • Summary of Kataev At the Dacha

    The story is based on a plot taken from wartime 1941. A Russian family with two small children, three-year-old Zhenya and five-year-old Pavlik, due to a surprise enemy attack air force I experienced real horror.

Municipal educational institution for orphans and children left without parental care “Orphanage-school No. 95”

"Childhood House"

City of Novokuznetsk

Notes speech therapy sessions for children preschool age


speech therapists

Shipitsyna Olga Ilyinichna,

Sheyanova Olga Viktorovna

Novokuznetsk 2010

Subject: “V.A. Oseyeva “Cookies”

Target: teaching creative storytelling.

Correctional educational task: learn to build a holistic statement; practice selecting synonymous words; learn to come up with your own ending to a story.

Corrective and developmental task: develop the ability to navigate the proposed text material, relying on initial data and essential details when composing your own story, fine motor skills.

Corrective educational task: to instill an interest in literature through one’s own creativity, to form moral qualities pupils.

Equipment: audio recording of the story “Cookies”, characters of the story, little people - smiling and sad, paint, napkins.

Progress of the lesson

    Organizing time.

    Topic message.

Speech therapist. Today you will listen to a story that has a delicious sweet name “Cookies”. The author of the story is V.A. Oseeva. (See Attachment)

Speech therapist. What did mom put on the plate?

Children. Cookie.

Speech therapist. Who was sitting at the table?

Children. Vitya and Misha were sitting at the table.

Speech therapist. How did the boys divide the cookies?

Children. The cookies were divided equally among each other.

Speech therapist. Did Vitya and Misha divide the cookies correctly?

Children. The cookies were divided incorrectly, the boys forgot about their mother and grandmother.

Speech therapist. How do you feel about the boys' actions?

The children's answers are heard.

Speech therapist. How would you divide the cookies?

    Didactic exercise “Divide the cookies.”

Children are given figurines of characters from the story and asked to share cookies between them.

Speech therapist. Guys, you managed to divide the cookies correctly, your mothers and grandmothers will not be ashamed of you.

    Physical exercise.

Drawing “cookies” (circle, square, oval) in the air with your palms alternately.

    Setting up to come up with your own ending to the story.

Speech therapist. Imagine that you are writers, you have the opportunity to continue the story, resolve this difficult situation, come up with an ending to the story.

    Children coming up with their own ending to the story “Cookies.”

Listening to children's answers.

1st child. I would go to the store and buy more cookies, give my mother and grandmother some tea.

2nd child. I would bake some pancakes and put some delicious sour cream on a saucer.

3rd child. I would bake delicious, crumbly cookies.

Speech therapist. Guys, I liked the endings of your stories. And you?

The children's answers are heard.

    Sketch of cookies.

The speech therapist suggests drawing “cookies”. Finger painting. "Cookies" of various geometric shape. After the end of the lesson, you will be asked to give “cookies” to the group employees.

    Game "Good Deeds".

Speech therapist. I will read out the sentence, and you decide what kind of action it is, if it is good, then place a smiling man to your right, if bad, put a sad man to your left.

The boy tears the book.

The girl washes the dishes.

Boy near a tree with a slingshot.

A girl walks with a dog.

A girl is reading a book.

A child teases a dog.

The boy feeds the cat.

Speech therapist. Which actions are listed more?

Children. There are more good positive actions listed.

Speech therapist. What good deeds have you done?

The children's answers are heard.

    Working on synonymous words. Game "Say it differently."

Speech therapist. People have many positive qualities, for example, honesty, courage. Which ones do you know?

Children. Hard work, honesty, kindness.

Speech therapist. What can you call kind person?

Children. Good, not greedy.

Speech therapist. What can you call a courageous person?

Children. Brave, bold.

Speech therapist. What about an honest person?

The children's answers are heard.

Since ancient times, the positive qualities of the Russian people have been glorified in fairy tales and epics.

Speech therapist. Which heroes would you call brave?

Children. Ivan Tsarevich and Ilya Muromets were brave.

Speech therapist. Who was the hard worker?

Children. Nastya from the fairy tale “Morozko”, Cinderella, Tiny Khovroshechka.

    Summary of the lesson, assessment of children's activities.

Summary of an individual lesson on the topic: “Sound Sh”

Stage automation of sound in words.

Target: formation of the sound side of speech.

Corrective educational task: teach to perform articulation exercises in full, automate sound Sh in words, improve the grammatical structure of speech (the use of nouns in the singular genitive case), and develop spatial orientation skills.

Corrective and developmental task: develop attention, memory, articulation, fine motor skills, voice power.

Correctional and educational task: bring up positive attitude to the lesson, diligence, control over one’s own speech.

Equipment: a gnome toy, jam, bagels, pancakes, a cup of tea, a paper “Invisible Man” hat, flat images of pieces of cheese, an illustration of a path with a mouse, a box with subject pictures with sound Sh, paints.

Progress of the lesson

Speech therapist. Today the gnome Chic came to your lesson.

Say hello to him.

The child greets the gnome.

    Report the topic of the lesson.

Speech therapist. Gnome Chic will learn to pronounce sounds with you Sh in words.

    Articulation of sound

Speech therapist. Let's remember what shape the lips take when pronouncing a sound. Sh, and what form does language take?

Let's make a sound Sh together with the gnome.

The child makes a sound Sh.

    Characteristics of sound.

Speech therapist. Tell the gnome everything you know about sound Sh.

Child. Sound Sh consonant, deaf, hard.

    Breathing exercises.

Speech therapist. When the gnome came to visit you along the street, he had a magic Invisibility hat on his head.

Show header.

Speech therapist. And at that time a strong wind was blowing outside.

The wind tore the gnome's hat from his head and it flew away. The gnome caught the hat and put it back on his head.

Let's show how the strong wind blew.

A child blows on a paper hat.

    Articulation gymnastics.

Speech therapist. Dwarf Chic did not come to visit empty-handed. Look what he brought: jam, bagels, pancakes, a cup.

Let's show what kind of bagels the gnome brought

The “Ring” exercise is performed.

Speech therapist. Look how delicious the pancakes are.

The “Spatula” exercise is performed.

Speech therapist. Let's show a beautiful cup of tea with our tongue, and make sure that the tea doesn't spill out of our cup.

The “Cup” exercise is performed.

Speech therapist. Look how beautiful the jam is.

The exercise “Delicious jam” is performed.

    Speech exercises.




    Development of phonemic hearing.

Didactic game“Raise it or hide it.”

Speech therapist. The gnome wants to play the game “Pick it up or hide it” with you.

I will now pronounce the words, and you listen to them carefully. If you hear the gnome’s favorite sound in a word, then raise his magic hat above your head, and if you don’t hear the sound in the word Sh, then hide your hat under the table.

Words: rosehip, galoshes, walrus, shop, cat, hat, cake, beetle.

    Exercise in the formation of forms of the genitive case.

There is a box on the table containing subject pictures for sound Sh.

Speech therapist. Look what an interesting box, probably Chic brought it too. Let's see what's in it.

The child takes out cards and names words with sounds. Sh.

Speech therapist. Our gnome is a big joker. He loves to hide things and play the game “What’s missing?”

Now I will cover the picture with an invisible cap, and you will name what is missing.

    Development of fine motor skills.

Speech therapist. The gnome told me that a mouse who loves cheese settled in his house.

Show illustration.

Look at the picture and use your finger to guide the mouse through the maze to the cheese. Then dip your finger in the paint and use your finger to draw a path from the mouse to the cheese.

The child, dipping his finger in the paint, draws a path from the mouse to the cheese, then paints the flowers with his finger.

Didactic game "Quiet - Loud."

Speech therapist. Look what I have, these are pieces of cheese! One is big and the other is small.

Showing planar images of two pieces of cheese.

The mouse gave them to you as a gift. She is grateful to you for taking her to the cheese.

Speech therapist. Let's play with magical pieces of cheese.

I will now pronounce words with sound Sh and show pieces of cheese. If I say a word and show a large piece of cheese, then you will repeat the word loudly, and if I say a word and show a small piece of cheese, then you will repeat the word in a quiet voice.

Words: cat, mouse, midge, fur coat, reed, hut.

    Summary of the lesson. Assessment of the child's activity.

Speech therapist. It's time for our gnome to return home. He really enjoyed visiting you.

What sound did you learn to pronounce beautifully in class?

Child. Sound Sh.


    Grizik T.I. Entertaining grammar. - M.: Education, 2008. -32 p.

    Speech development in children 4-5 years old: Toolkit for preschool teachers educational institutions/T.I. Grizik, L.E. Tymoshchuk. – M: Education, 2004. – P.156.

Internet resources

. yandex . ru ( Pictures)


Story by V.A. Oseeva "Cookies". Mom poured it onto the plate cookie. Grandma rang cups. Vova and Misha sat down at the table. “Divide one at a time,” Misha said sternly.The boys scooped up all the cookies onto the table and laid them out on two piles. - Exactly? – Vova asked. Misha looked at the group with his eyes. - Exactly! Grandma, pour us some tea!Grandma served tea to both of them. At the table there was quiet. Heaps of cookies fast decreased. - Crumbly! Sweet! - Misha said. - Yes! – Vova responded with his mouth full.Mom and grandma were silent. When all the cookies were eaten, Vova took a deep breath, patted himself on the stomach and crawled out from behind the table. Misha finished eating last piece and looked at mom - she was stirring with a spoon unbegun tea. He looked at his grandmother - she was chewing a crust of black bread.

Subject:“He who honors his parents never perishes.”

V. Oseeva “Cookies”.


    introducing children to universal human values ​​(kindness, love and respect for family, conscientiousness);

    improving the skills of conscious, fluent, expressive, correct reading;

    development of creative abilities and associative thinking.


1. Organizational moment.

My friends, I am very glad

Enter our friendly class

And for me it’s already a reward

Attention to your smart eyes

I know everyone in the class is a genius.

But talent is of no use without work,

We'll create a lesson together!

I'm sure you will help me. And for everything to work out, we need to work hard.

2. Preparatory exercises.

A) Breathing warm-up:

“Cool the tea” “Smell the flower” “Blow away a speck of dust.”

b) Sound warm-up:

Pump operation……f-f-f-

The noise of the forest...sh-sh-sh

Horse running...clack-clack-clack...

The roar of a tiger cub...rrrr

Flight of a bee...z-z-z

V) Literary warm-up.

(slide with antonyms)

Match the words with words that are opposite in meaning.

Teacher. Can a person be only good or only bad?

- Every person can have good and bad character traits. Every person has two halves: white and black. The only thing that matters is which person discovers more in himself.

Now let's work on proverbs. Connect the beginning with the end.

Students. These proverbs are about family.

– Family, what do you mean by this, what associations come to mind?

(These are loved ones, dearest people who respect each other and help. Family is love, friendship, warmth, comfort in the home, mutual assistance and understanding, joint work, common interests, etc.)

Lesson topic

Teacher. Guys, everything we just talked about is taught by the stories of Valentina Aleksandrovna Oseeva.

Story atreader about the biography of V.A. Oseeeva.

In 1902, writer V.A. was born in the city of Kyiv in Ukraine. Oseeva. Oseeva Valentina Aleksandrovna in her youth dreamed of becoming an actress, but once she came to a labor commune for street children, she realized that her real calling was to raise children. She devoted sixteen years to raising street children and juvenile delinquents. Working as a teacher in children's institutions, in her spare time Oseeva composed stories, fairy tales, poems for the children, wrote plays herself and staged them together with the children. In 1940, her first book, “The Red Cat,” was published. And here are some more famous works by V. Oseeva.

(show slide with books)

Now read the motto of our lesson (motto slide)

Do you know, Valentina Oseeva’s mother said this phrase! When Valya was little, she loved to read short stories without the help of adults. One day my mother asked: “Did you like the story?” Little Valya replied that she didn’t know, she hadn’t thought about it. Then my mother was upset: “It’s not enough to be able to read, you have to be able to think.” Valya remembered these mother’s words for the rest of her life. And V. Oseeva’s stories, although small, are very instructive. The story that we will read today will also make you think.

    Physical exercise.Before reading, let's relax a little.

Are you probably tired?
Well, then everyone stood up together.
They stomped their feet: one, two, three.
They clapped their hands: one, two, three.
Bend lower to the right.
Lean to the left too.
Twirled, twirled
And everyone sat down at their desks.
We close our eyes tightly,
We count to five together.
One two three four five.
Let's open it. Let's blink
And we begin to read.

5.Primary perception of the text (read by the teacher)

The piece you are about to hear is called “Cookies”.

(slide with picture)

Now you've listened to the story. Did you feel happy or sad? Show me why?

Who are the heroes of the story?

How can you call them in one word? (family)

Did you like this family? Show with signal cards.

I see that I didn't like it. Well, let's figure it out.

6. Working with text according to the textbook

Now let’s read it together and talk a little about each part. Be careful. As you read, you will encounter difficult words. Let's talk them through.

(slide from difficult words)

1) Repeated reading and analysis of what you read :

Part 1(1st paragraph)

Where does the action take place?

Why did the family gather? (tea party)

Who did mom bring cookies for?

Show what mood was in the family at the beginning of the story? (white)

2nd part (before the words “crumbly, sweet”)

What words did Misha address to Vova? (Divide one at a time, said strictly)

What words did Misha say to his grandmother?

Has your mother and grandmother's mood changed? (if at first the grandmother clinked her cups cheerfully, now the author writes “it became quiet at the table”)

Part 3 (to the end)

So, the main question is: did the boys divide the cookies correctly? (No, they shared the cookies only among themselves and did not think about other family members)

Are you doing the same?

So, let's compare how evening tea for the whole family began and ended?

(It started out fun, everyone gathered around the table, everyone good mood. And it ended with mom and grandma sitting and being silent, grandma got a piece of black bread, and mom didn’t even touch the tea. Of course, they are very offended and unpleasant that the children behaved this way)

The boys did wrong, behaved badly. How are Vova and Misha growing up? Choose words to describe the characters in the story.

Write on the board:

Polite Inattentive Egoist

Greedy Kind Unscrupulous

-Who is an egoist? (An egoist is a selfish person who neglects the interests of others, thinking only about himself)

Getting to know the meaning of the word egoist explanatory dictionary D.Ushakova

- Would you like to have such friends?

- Can this story be called instructive? What does she teach? (honor for elders, respect for parents)

Let's look at these proverbs again. Do they fit the story "Cookies"?

He who honors his parents never perishes.

(slide: respect, treat with love)

Dear Guys! Just recently we celebrated beautiful holiday International Women's Day March 8th. We congratulated our mothers, grandmothers, sisters. But you should love them not only on holidays. If you want to make your mother happy, act in such a way that she is happy every day and can proudly say: “You know what good children I have!” Don’t upset your mothers, don’t offend your grandmothers, always help and remember that your mother gave you life, fed you with her milk. Remember this especially when you become adults. And no matter how old a person is, 5 or 50, he always needs a mother.

(musical presentation about mom)

8. Shutdown

Let's go back to the story again. As I complete my work on the text, I would like to offer you interesting task. I divided the story into parts and glued each part onto a strip of colored paper. Don't they remind you of anything?

Yes, these are the colors of the rainbow. Assignment: arrange parts of the text to form a story. And if we assemble the parts correctly, we will get a rainbow. So, where does the rainbow start?

Children go to the board, read passages and use the stripes to make a rainbow.

A rainbow has appeared on the board now. Our souls became more cheerful.

Only the last strip is empty. Or maybe we should come up with a happy ending to this story? Do you think Vova and Misha have a chance to improve and not become completely callous, inattentive, and soulless? Think and write a good ending to this story. This will be yours homework.

Lesson summary

– Was there anything in the lesson that touched you?
– What do you leave this lesson with, what did you take into your head and soul?

Mom poured cookies onto a plate. Grandma clinked her cups merrily. Everyone sat down at the table. Vova pulled the plate towards him.

“Do it one at a time,” Misha said sternly.

The boys scooped all the cookies onto the table and laid them out in two piles.

- Exactly? - Vova asked.

Misha looked at the group with his eyes.

- Exactly. Grandma, pour us some tea!

Grandmother served tea. It was quiet at the table. The piles of cookies were quickly shrinking.

- Crumbly! Sweet! - said Misha.

-- Yes! - Vova responded with his mouth full.

Mom and grandmother were silent. When all the cookies were eaten, Vova took a deep breath, patted himself on the stomach and crawled out from behind the table.

Misha finished the last bite and looked at his mother - she was stirring the unstarted tea with a spoon. He looked at his grandmother - she was chewing a crustblack bread...