What does a horseshoe tattoo mean? Horseshoe tattoo meaning. Cultural origins and important

Since ancient times, a horseshoe has been considered a symbol of prosperity, good luck, and prosperity. The custom of hanging such a talisman in front of the entrance doors has survived to this day. Horseshoe tattoos are popular among girls and men who want to decorate their bodies. There is an opinion that the owner of such a tattoo becomes a “magnet” for good luck and positive energy.

general information

The meaning of the horseshoe comes from times long past. The idea of ​​shoeing horses was first implemented in ancient Rome after the laying of asphalt roads. Due to the hardness of the asphalt, the horses quickly got tired and were unable to transport large amounts of cargo over long distances. Savvy animals began to cope with the task much better. With the advent of motor transport, horse transportation was no longer necessary, but the meaning of an iron object as a symbol of productivity and prosperity remained.

The meaning of a horseshoe tattoo

In modern understanding, such a tattoo means good luck, prosperity, and prosperity. When applying a design to the body, the horseshoe should be directed with its horns upward. In this position, the accumulated energy will accumulate and work for the owner. If you place it with its horns down, it seems as if all the contents are pouring out onto the ground. By placing the design with horns, for example, to the right, there will be a stagnation of energy, which will be difficult to get into and out of the talisman.

Tattoo for women

In the hope of a happy family life, a girl can apply a drawing of two such intertwined symbols to her body.

The main role of a woman is to create a family, maintain coziness and comfort, and give birth to children. A horseshoe tattoo is a symbol of good luck and wealth and, in addition, a source of harmony and stability. Every girl dreams of finding true love and getting married successfully. Often for this, ladies will have a design combined with themed attributes such as rings, hearts, etc. Two horseshoes intertwined together symbolize a long and happy life together.

Tattoo for men

By purpose, the representative of the stronger sex is a breadwinner. Luck in financial matters, work and business is important to him. Often men get a tattoo along with an image of a coin or a currency symbol. To receive the favor of Fortuna - the goddess of luck, a tattoo with a 4-petal clover is also applied.

Tattoo in prison

By putting such a sign on the body, the prisoner hopes to be amnestied.

In places of deprivation of liberty, an iron object has a similar meaning. It is usually applied to the back. It is believed that in this way the drawing “covers” its owner. The bearers of such a talisman believe in a successful ending to the matter, for example:

  • remaining in captivity with minimal harm;
  • understanding managers;
  • amnesty.

Often tattooed together with other symbols. For example, a tattoo depicting a horseshoe wrapped in barbed wire is popular. The number of skeins shows how many years of imprisonment the prisoner was given.

Horseshoe tattoos, like clover tattoos, are especially popular among fans of body art. The item is a generally accepted powerful amulet for bringing happiness and good luck into life. What does a horseshoe tattoo actually mean, and who would suit such a symbol?

The direct purpose of a horseshoe is to protect the horse’s hooves from damage. The prototype of the item first appeared in the 4th–3rd centuries. BC e. among the Gauls, and later it was improved by the ancient Romans. The horseshoe was an oval-shaped metal plate that was attached to the hoof using a belt, rope or hooks. The invention has become indispensable for animals and their owners, ensuring a long stay on bumpy roads. Similar “shoes” for horses were called hipposandals.

They began to nail a horseshoe with hooks, that is, nails, in medieval Europe. In Russia, the forging craft appeared only at the beginning of the 18th century with the official decree of Peter I, and a few years later a special institution was opened in Moscow that trained blacksmith masters. Since horses were the main mode of transport in those days, it was quite possible to find a horseshoe on the street. The item was brought home and hung over the front door as a talisman, bringing success in all matters and endeavors. At the same time, the placement of such a protective plate with the horns pointing down was considered a bad omen, so our ancestors made sure that the rounded part was at the bottom. This is where the expression “a house is a full cup” comes from.

Who would suit a horseshoe tattoo?

A horseshoe tattoo in modern body painting art signifies good luck, wealth and happiness. The drawings are equally suitable for girls and men. You can find out the most accurate interpretation based on the general nature of the composition.

  • A horseshoe tattoo, depicted in the shape of a bowl, symbolizes happiness and complete prosperity.
  • If the horns are directed to the left or to the right, then this means growing profits. This meaning appeared due to the external resemblance of the image to the moon.
  • The drawing of an object with downward ends is a powerful amulet. All troubles and troubles seem to “flow away” from life forever. Such horseshoe tattoos are best applied to the back, stomach, chest or shoulder. It is believed that they give the owner vigor, activity and good health.
  • Sketches with additional positive symbols enhance the effect of the picture. For example, a horseshoe and a clover will bring double luck and protection to the owner, especially if the clover is a four-leaf clover.
  • Dice or cards in combination with a horseshoe are usually chosen for their tattoo by people who love gambling. It is believed that with such a pattern, luck will not pass them by.

Sketches with clovers and playing attributes are often supplemented with inscriptions like Lucky. A horseshoe is also often depicted with a horse, then the design symbolizes freedom and speed. Photos of tattoos by the best artists can be found on the Internet and you can choose the appropriate option.

Execution techniques

The old-school style will appeal to both men and the fair sex. Wide contours and rich colors make the composition bright and attractive. A distinctive feature of the technique is its flat design, in contrast to new school, where the image is quite convex. Shoulder, shoulder blade, shin, arm or back are suitable for application.

The trash polka style is characterized by careless brush strokes and the use of two colors in the work - black and red. Such men's tattoos stand out for their expressiveness and originality. A clover tattoo with flowing bloody drops and a horseshoe is an extravagant design for those who are not afraid to shock others. For a laconic image, a small size and a square or round shape are suitable. A single object on a large scale will look inorganic.

It is better to compare photos of horseshoe tattoos in different styles in order to choose the direction that best suits your character and inner world. Realism, watercolor, engraving, graphics or sketch - each style is good in its own way. An experienced tattooist can help you select a technique and design. He will give practical advice not only on choosing a design, but also on applying a tattoo, taking into account your physiological characteristics.

Video about tattoos for good luck

Photos of tattoos

Selection of sketches

Until relatively recently, almost all people believed in omens and the supernatural nature of things. Some items, in their opinion, brought trouble to the house, so they had to get rid of them as soon as possible, while others, on the contrary, promised happiness and prosperity.
The horseshoe was considered one of the most powerful symbols of good luck, so it is not surprising that many people always want to have such a talisman with them. Today we will reveal the meaning of a horseshoe tattoo in full, we will recommend interesting styles and the most suitable places for a tattoo.

When luck accompanies everything

Everyone probably knows what a horseshoe tattoo means. This is a symbol of good luck in its purest form. It should accompany the lucky owner of such a tattoo in all his endeavors. Our ancestors believed that a horseshoe promised the acquisition of wealth, family well-being, success in important matters, in general, in everything that brings a person closer to happiness. But how did it happen that such a simple thing became such a powerful talisman?

There is a legend that tells about a certain very pious and skillful blacksmith. One day the devil himself came to him and asked him to shoe his hoof. The blacksmith stated that he would only agree to do the work if the client agreed to be chained to the wall. The master motivated his condition for blacksmithing by the fact that the procedure is very painful, so he fears that the devil might kick him with his hoof because of the pain. The devil agreed with amazing carelessness.
Before work, the blacksmith naturally prayed and then began to forge a horseshoe. When he tried to fit it to the devil’s hoof, he experienced such unbearable pain that he howled throughout the entire area. The reason for this was the blacksmith’s prayer, because the forces of evil do not tolerate anything sanctified by sincere prayer. The Prince of Darkness began to beg the blacksmith to let him go and not finish the work. Then the blacksmith put forward one more condition: he would release the devil only if he promised never to enter a house with a horseshoe hanging over the door. There was nothing to be done, and the devil had to agree.
Since then, it has been believed that a horseshoe protects a home from evil forces, because the devil does not enter there. And where there are no insidious machinations of the evil spirit, happiness, peace and good luck always reign.
Previously, finding a horseshoe on the road was considered one of the most favorable signs. They carried it home and hung it above the door. But since horses ceased to be the main means of transportation and were replaced by cars, it is simply unrealistic to find a horseshoe just lying on the road. Therefore, a horseshoe tattoo is a way to enlist the support of the forces of light.

Image of a horseshoe in tattoos

The horseshoe is depicted both by itself and with various additional elements. Horseshoe and clover tattoos are common. Clover, as you know, is also considered a symbol of good luck, so its image is intended to enhance the effect of the horseshoe. Working with playing cards or dice is also popular. Such tattoos are chosen by gamblers so that the card works.
Wandering around the Internet and looking through photos of horseshoe tattoos, you can see many realistic works depicting horses. This image gives the tattoo additional meaning: strength, freedom and speed. The image of a horseshoe is also often complemented by flowers or ribbons with inscriptions such as “Lucky me”.

If we talk about choosing a style, then it’s worth considering old school as an option. It originated in the century before last among sailors, and for them luck often turned out to be a decisive factor. The depths of the sea are fraught with many dangers; you never know exactly what may await you ahead, or whether you will return home safe and sound. Therefore, sailors often put horseshoes on their bodies as a talisman so that it would protect them from misfortunes that could happen on a long journey, grant good luck in sailing and, of course, profit.
Some people think that old school is too primitive, but it has a certain special appeal. Bright colors and clear contours make the image noticeable from afar. Often there are works in which the horseshoe is complemented by a ship, anchor or lighthouse. Such tattoos for sailors are still relevant today.
An interesting style choice would be trash polka. This style is also quite bright, although tattoos mainly use only two colors - black and red. The works look impressive due to high contrast and wide, careless strokes. Trash polka indicates a rebellious spirit, rejection of banality and social conventions.

More often than not, a horseshoe tattoo serves as a talisman for its owner, an additional source of good luck, and in some cases, wealth, which is similar to the meaning of clover in a tattoo; it is not surprising that clover and a horseshoe are often depicted on the same tattoo. But where did the belief come from that finding a horseshoe brings good luck? Let's figure it out.

They learned to shoe a horse a long time ago, even a very long time ago, as soon as horseshoes appeared, savvy people immediately noticed that they could use a horse more effectively by shod it with iron. This, in turn, brought considerable profit to those who used it, at the same time a sign appeared that if you find a horseshoe on the road it will bring good luck and wealth to the house.

There is another belief that if you hang a horseshoe over the front door, devilish forces will not be able to get into it. There are debates about whether the horns of a horseshoe should be directed up or down; there are arguments for both options, but the option with the horns up is still more common.

So in the form of a tattoo, a horseshoe is depicted with its horns facing upward, which vaguely resembles a vessel that can be filled. A horseshoe is capable of attracting not only good luck and wealth, but also happiness in family life, I have often seen cases where a family parade got horseshoe tattoos on their wrists, sometimes with wings sometimes in the form of doubles.

By the way, about where horseshoe tattoos are most often made: in addition to the usual forearms and shoulders, you can often find a horseshoe in the form of a tattoo on the neck, leg, back and even palm.

The meaning of a horseshoe tattoo on the zone

In prison, the meaning of tattoos with a horseshoe is no different from the generally accepted one, there you still want good luck, wealth, often a horseshoe is depicted with money, with a dollar sign or gold bars, with a star or a woman.

From time immemorial, finding a horseshoe on the road was considered a lucky omen. The find was taken home and hung above the door, thereby attracting good luck. Currently, you won’t find a horseshoe on the road, so there is another way to find a talisman - to depict it on yourself with a tattoo.

The meaning of a horseshoe tattoo is happiness, luck, wealth and success. Horseshoe tattoos are equally popular among both men and women.

The meaning of a horseshoe tattoo does not change depending on its image. Traditionally, a horseshoe is filled with the horns facing upward, resembling a bowl or a nascent moon. This tattoo represents happiness and abundance. A horseshoe depicted with its ends downward drives away misfortune from its owner. According to another interpretation, such an image symbolizes the cup from which all the troubles in the life of the owner of the tattoo spilled.

The horseshoe tattoo, made in the Old School style, deserves special attention. The drawing in this technique is pricked with black paint and attracts attention with its brightness and solidity.