How to get rid of deep pores getting clogged? How to clean and tighten pores on your face. Milk mask with gelatin for deep cleansing of pores

The skin is covered with pores. They can quickly become clogged with fatty secretions, various cosmetics and dirt. The formation of dry and dead skin cells cannot be avoided. Due to excess white blood cells, the skin may become inflamed.

To avoid pimples and acne, pores need to be cleaned regularly and properly. The procedures must be done every day. It is important to choose the most effective care products. One of the most effective remedies is a scrub. With its help, you can get rid of unnecessary skin fat, makeup residues and dead cells.

Remedies you can make yourself will help get rid of clogged pores and make your skin perfect. Houses using the most common products.

Here are 7 of the best:

1. Steaming the skin

Steaming the skin is a budget-friendly and highly effective remedy - after just a few procedures, you can forget about blackheads. Steaming helps open pores so you can remove any type of dirt.

How to carry out the procedure?

  • First, pour clean water into the container.
  • Heat it until steam appears.
  • Place a thick towel over your head and lower your head over the container so that the steam warms the skin.
  • You need to stay in this position for 10 to 15 minutes. Again, consider how your skin reacts to such a procedure.
  • After the specified time has passed, dry your face thoroughly with a towel.
  • Now you can apply the cleansing mask to your face, as the skin is more amenable to cleaning.

To notice positive changes in your skin condition, perform the procedure a couple of times a week. Naturally, the frequency depends on the condition of the skin and how it reacts to cleansing. Attention: during steaming, make sure that no drops of water get on your skin. Otherwise you may get burned.

2. Cleanse your skin with sugar

Cosmetics option 1

It is also possible to cleanse your facial skin with sugar. The most common sugar, which is found in every kitchen, will even help get rid of scar tissue. Sugar, thanks to granules, exfoliates the skin well without damaging it. And its natural origin prevents the occurrence of allergic reactions. So products that contain sugar are completely safe for your skin.

Cosmetics option 2

To make a sugar-based cosmetic product at home, do the following:

  • Grind the granules into a fine powder. You will need about two to three spoons.
  • Squeeze the juice of half a lemon into a separate container. You should not use store-bought juice, as it may contain flavors, dyes and various fragrances.
  • To obtain a consistency that is easy to apply, use water. You should end up with a thick paste.

So apply it to the skin. The product does not need to be left on the skin; just massage for five minutes. In order to thoroughly cleanse the skin now of cosmetics, wash with warm water. In order to fix the result and prevent drying of the skin, use a cream with a light texture.

Repeat every week. More often it is not advisable. After all, this will already be enough to keep your skin clean and toned.

3. Honey for facial cleansing

Natural honey will also help prevent clogged pores. The substance also reduces the amount of sebum that is produced throughout the day. Regularly cleansing your skin with honey can also help make your pores appear less noticeable. Honey, among other things, also effectively moisturizes the skin.

How to cleanse pores with honey?

Here are a few simple rules that will help keep your skin in excellent condition:

  • Honey is applied and rubbed into the skin along massage lines.
  • The substance must be left on the skin for several minutes.
  • It must be washed off with warm water.
  • The procedure should be carried out several times a week. This way you can avoid clogging your pores.

The recipe is as follows:

You will need a few spoons of natural honey. To warm up and cleanse the skin well, you also need to add cinnamon. Take about two spoons of powder. Attention: the mask is applied only to those areas of the skin that cause discomfort.

The mixture you prepared should remain on the skin for about twenty minutes. To rinse thoroughly, use warm water and sponges.

The procedure can be repeated twice a week. This way you can thoroughly cleanse your pores of dirt and grease, and also prolong the youth of your skin.

The following recipe is no less effective.

  • Use natural yogurt without additives as a base.
  • Pour a spoonful of liquid honey into it.
  • Also add some olive oil.
  • Apply the resulting and well-beaten mixture to the skin.
  • Leave it for fifteen minutes.
  • Rinse off as in the recipe above, only with warm water.

This product helps to significantly improve the tone of the skin. It is necessary to repeat two to three times a week.

Lemon actively used in cosmetology to clean pores. Citric acid, which is found in lemons, exfoliates the skin, removes dirt and sebum.

To gently cleanse your skin of impurities, apply lemon juice to a separate area. Next, follow these steps:

  • Gently rub it into the surface of the skin for 5-10 minutes.
  • Rinse off any remaining juice with warm water.
  • Apply moisturizer.

This way you will prevent the possibility of irritation. In order to achieve positive changes in the skin, perform the procedure every other day.

Lemon juice can also be added to facial scrubs. To obtain a cosmetic product, add one spoon of juice to plain yogurt. Also add a spoonful of liquid honey and about five tablespoons of sugar.

It is necessary to scrub the skin for two to three minutes. Leave the mask on for ten minutes. Remove the product with warm water. The procedure must be done twice a week.

Lemon peel to clean pores

Lemon peel is also used as a cosmetic product. It is an effective skin cleanser. To make a good skin cleanser at home, you can simply grate the peel of a lemon and apply the resulting mixture to your face. Leave the product on for a few minutes. It must be washed off with warm water. It is better to do the procedure twice a week.

5. Cleaning your skin with baking soda

Using soda You can thoroughly cleanse your skin pores, get rid of dead skin cells, and remove other types of pollutants. Baking soda also helps balance the skin's pH. The skin will be silky and elastic.

The recipe for the product is quite simple:

  • Dilute baking soda with water. (The result will be a thick paste)
  • Rub the paste into the skin in circular motions.

Do the procedure for a couple of minutes.

The soda mass should be left on the skin for 5-7 minutes.

Remove with heated water. It should be used no more than once a week.

Second preparation option:

  • Take a few spoons of soda, add a spoon of cinnamon and the juice of half a lemon, a few spoons of liquid honey.
  • Whisk the ingredients well.
  • Leave the mixture for five minutes.

Apply in the same way as in the first case.

The procedure should be done once or twice a week.

6. Cleansing and moisturizing the skin with eggs

Fine helps get rid of blackheads egg white. The substance is good:

  • tones the skin;
  • improves its characteristics;
  • reduces pores;
  • prevents clogging of pores.

To prepare the product:

  • Beat the white of one egg.
  • Place the mixture in the refrigerator.
  • Cool for about five minutes.
  • Add the juice of half a lemon.
  • Apply the mixture to your skin.
  • Leave for 10 minutes, allowing to dry thoroughly.
  • The mask should be washed off with warm water.

As an alternative, you can apply a scrub to your skin, also prepared at home. For this:

  • Take chopped almonds, egg white and honey.
  • Mix all the ingredients until they turn into a thick paste.
  • Apply the scrub to your face, rub in with light pressing movements.
  • Leave on the skin until the product is completely dry. You can remove the scrub with a damp cloth.

The procedure should be done once or twice a week.

7. How to care for your skin using regular parsley

You can not only clean your pores, but also prevent them from getting dirty. Parsley is used for this. It removes toxins well, as well as other substances that can negatively affect the condition of your skin.

In order to carry out a healing procedure, you must:

  • Place parsley in a bowl.
  • Rinse it thoroughly with running water.
  • Pour boiling water over the greens.
  • Allow to cool and then filter the liquid.
  • Soak a clean cloth in the solution.
  • Later, place it on the skin, leaving it for 10-15 minutes.

In order to achieve the best results, repeat the procedure every day.

You can improve your skin condition more gradually. For example, drink more clean water, avoid eating fatty or too spicy foods. Yes, and makeup products should be selected more carefully. The least dangerous are water-based cosmetics. Also, don't forget to remove your makeup before going to bed.

Deep facial cleansing at home is a very effective procedure., which helps solve major skin problems.

Thanks to this manipulation, you can get rid of the accumulation of dead cells and cleanse pores that are clogged with sebum, dust and cosmetics.

So, how to do deep facial cleansing at home?


Cleansing facial skin at home carried out when comedones appear - blackheads. They appear as a result of clogging of the sebaceous glands with secretions that rise to the upper part of the epidermis and combine with the pigment, resulting in their oxidation.

Inflammation of blackheads is extremely rare. That is why cleaning allows you to completely deal with them.

The same cannot be said about white comedones., which can be removed even mechanically with great difficulty.

In order not to cause harm to the skin, facial cleansing for acne at home should be carried out in compliance with all hygiene rules. The basic rules for performing the procedure include the following:

  • First, the skin must be thoroughly cleansed;
  • It is recommended to use only sterile instruments to perform the procedure;
  • Before starting manipulations, hands should be washed thoroughly to prevent infection;
  • It is recommended to refuse the procedure if there are wounds or inflammations;
  • You should not carry out manipulations in the presence of skin pathologies;
  • After completing the session, you should use a moisturizer.

If there are rashes on the skin, it is better not to carry out deep cleaning. This will help prevent the subsequent spread of infection.

After the rash goes away, You need to cleanse your skin regularly– this will be a reliable prevention of acne formation.

  • normal skin should be cleansed every two weeks;
  • oily skin needs weekly cleansing;
  • Dry skin can only be treated once a month.

Facial cleansing is carried out in the following sequence:

  • first you need to steam the dermis over the bath;
  • exfoliate the top layer;
  • apply a moisturizing, cleansing or nourishing mask.

After cleansing the pores of the epithelium, you need to develop a comprehensive care that will help narrow enlarged pores.

To do a deep facial cleansing yourself, you should thoroughly steam the dermis. Thanks to the action of steam, it is possible to soften the dried layer of epithelium, remove dead particles and melt sebum.

To carry out this procedure, you need to do the following:

    1. Before you start steaming, you need to get rid of makeup.. To do this, it is recommended to wash your face with foam or gel.

  • Prepare a solution for a steam bath. For this purpose, a decoction is made from medicinal plants. Pour 1 liter of water into a wide saucepan and add a couple of tablespoons of herbs. Then the composition should be boiled for several minutes. For those with oily skin, you can take linden, mint, and nettle. For girls with dry skin, thyme and oregano are more suitable. If you are prone to inflammation, it is recommended to use calendula and celandine. Universal herbs include chamomile and lavender.
  • If you don't want to use herbs, You can add essential oil to boiling water in a proportion of 10 drops per 1 liter. For those with oily skin, you can choose tea tree and bergamot. For girls with dry skin, rose, jasmine and orange are suitable. For problematic epithelium, sage and patchouli are used.
  • The pan with the broth should be placed on the table and let cool slightly covered. Then the container should be opened and the face should be tilted over the liquid at a distance of 30 cm. Cover the top with a towel. A quarter of an hour will be enough to open the pores.

After completing the procedure, you can lie down for a while, covering your face with a towel. Then the skin can be rinsed with water. After steaming, you should not go outside for 2 hours.

Recipes for deep cleansing

After steaming the skin, you need to immediately move on to the next stage. It is recommended to choose suitable recipes based on your skin type. Otherwise, there is a risk of irritation and other unpleasant consequences.

This composition successfully copes with blackheads and enlarged pores, acne and pimples. This recipe is ideal for those with oily skin types.

This mask for cleaning your face at home involves doing the following:

  • put two small spoons of gelatin in a glass;
  • add 3 crushed charcoal tablets;
  • pour the composition with 100 ml of hot water;
  • leave to infuse until dissolved.

Sometimes discomfort may occur during the process of removing the mask. This is considered a variant of the norm.

Thanks to the use of this recipe, you can immediately see excellent results.

White clay effectively removes pigmentation, whitens the dermis and has a narrowing effect on pores. It is recommended to be used for the care of dry and sensitive skin.

Black clay helps eliminate deep impurities, blackheads and improve the functioning of the sebaceous glands. This product is ideal for oily skin that is prone to pimples and acne.

Traditionally, such recipes include clay powder and warm water. These ingredients are mixed until a thick mass is obtained.

To improve the result, you can use additional components:

  • for dry skin sour cream or vegetable oil is suitable;
  • for owners of fatty epithelium, it is better to use soda or salt;
  • Olive or macadamia oil is suitable for aging skin.

This product not only successfully cleanses the dermis, but also visibly hides wrinkles, eliminates pigmentation and improves metabolic processes. Thanks to its use, it is possible to improve the penetration of nutrients.

  • crush succinic acid tablets into powder;
  • mix them with water to obtain a paste consistency;
  • apply the composition to the face using a brush or cotton pad;
  • After 10 minutes, wash with warm water.

This substance perfectly cleanses the dermis. However, succinic acid can be used maximum once every 2-3 weeks.

You should not carry out the procedure if there is damage to the skin. It is not recommended to use acid for those with sensitive skin.

Mechanical facial cleansing at home is considered the most complex and responsible procedure.

Before it takes place Be sure to clean your hands with alcohol or hydrogen peroxide. After this, you can begin cleansing.

This method is suitable exclusively for girls with oily or normal dermis.. Those with dry skin can only perform cleansing in a salon setting. At home, it is permissible to use only masks.

After cleaning, be sure to tighten the pores. To do this, experts advise using a natural tonic. It should not contain alcohol or preservatives.


You should not carry out deep cleaning if you have chronic inflammatory damage to the sebaceous glands. This may manifest as acne vulgaris or pustular acne.

Besides, The main contraindications include the following:

  • any types of dermatitis;
  • fungal skin diseases;
  • rosacea;
  • rosacea;
  • demodicosis;
  • eczema;
  • psoriasis;
  • pustular or other skin rashes.

Typical mistakes that women often make include the following:

  • carrying out cleaning if there are contraindications;
  • attempts to squeeze out deep blackheads in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle;
  • rubbing cleansing products into the skin too intensely;
  • burning the dermis with excessively hot steam;
  • applying a scrub or applying a mask in the eye area;
  • applying cosmetics after deep cleansing.

Deep cleaning is considered an effective procedure, which allows you to cope with blackheads and acne. Thanks to the application of useful compounds, the condition of the dermis can be significantly improved.

Wherein it is important to strictly adhere to the rules for carrying out such manipulations.

Every woman's dream is healthy, well-groomed skin. One of the problems that becomes an obstacle to achieving your dreams is clogged pores. The easiest way to get rid of oily skin is a visit to a cosmetologist. It is not necessary to spend money and time on procedures - having figured out how to cleanse your facial skin of clogged pores at home, you can easily cope with an unpleasant defect and forget about the problem for a long time.

Causes of clogged pores

Before getting rid of clogged pores, it is recommended to determine the main factor that provoked this dermal defect. After eliminating it, cleaning will be much easier.

Cosmetologists call the most basic reasons for clogged pores:

  • active work of the glands that produce sebum (most often, owners of problematic or oily dermis suffer from this problem);
  • improper facial care(if you refuse to use scrubs or peels, then particles of dirt, dust, fat will accumulate in the pores, causing inflammation and acne);
  • use of low-quality or unsuitable drugs and cosmetics for their type;
  • applying too much makeup, preventing the access of oxygen to the epidermal tissue;
  • poor nutrition- foods that are saturated with fat, sweet additives, spicy dishes, fast food, alcohol or soda activate the production of fat by the glands.

Another reason for the appearance of an unpleasant defect is rare exposure to fresh air. Dermal cells do not receive the required amount of oxygen and become clogged much faster in dusty rooms.

Why you need to cleanse your skin of clogged pores

Pores are tiny openings through which sweat and oil produced by the glands are released. In small quantities, these secretions are useful - they soften, protect from external negative factors. If too much sebum is secreted, then sebaceous plugs are formed, consisting of fat, dirt, dust and keratinized particles of the dermis. The results will not be long in coming - inflammatory processes will begin to develop, acne and pimples will appear.

Regular cleaning, done at home or in a beauty salon, allows:

  • normalize metabolic processes;
  • cause the production of elastin, collagen, increase the protective forces of the dermis;
  • prevent pores from expanding;
  • remove blackheads;
  • improve complexion, activate blood circulation;
  • prevent the proliferation of bacteria and microorganisms on the surface of the skin.

Another advantage of the cleansing procedure is that the epidermal tissues are quickly saturated with moisture and nutrients.

How to clear clogged pores with salon treatments

The simplest, albeit rather expensive way to get rid of sebaceous plugs is considered to be a trip to a cosmetologist. There are many procedures to cleanse the skin. Salon techniques have virtually no contraindications and are recommended at any age, regardless of the type of dermis.

When you need to remove defects quickly and for a long time, then it is better to contact a specialist. An experienced cosmetologist will remove clogged pores in just one session, but in particularly advanced cases, several visits to the salon may be necessary.

Ultrasonic cleaning

It is recommended to use on facial skin with heavily clogged pores. Depending on the depth of the plug, the specialist adjusts the length of the waves that break down the accumulation of dirt, dust, oil, and sebum. Simultaneously with cleaning, the pores are narrowed, the relief is evened out, and the shade is improved..

Another bonus of ultrasonic treatment of the dermis is blood circulation is normalized, the epidermis takes on a healthy, blooming appearance.

Mechanical cleaning

An effective, but rather painful way to remove sebaceous plugs. It is carried out in several stages:

  1. The skin is steamed, which allows the pores to open as much as possible.
  2. Using a special spoon or strainer, the cosmetologist removes the contents of the pores.
  3. The dermis is covered with an even layer of a soothing mask, which reduces irritation and partially removes redness.

The rehabilitation period after manipulation is about 10 hours; during this time, red spots are observed in the area of ​​removal of formations, and unpleasant discomfort is felt.

Vacuum cleaning

It is carried out with a device that uses a special attachment using a vacuum to draw the contents out of the pores. The dermis is cleansed of dirt, particles of keratinized epidermis, fat, and lard. After the procedure, the skin is also cleared of scattered blackheads.

The advantages of the technique include painlessness and relatively inexpensive cost. There is one drawback - if the plugs are too large and deep, then cleaning will be ineffective.


Dry cleaning in salon is carried out with fruit acids(lactic, glycolic, pyruvic). Peeling allows you to remove even deep plugs. Simultaneously with the cleansing of the pores, the active production of collagen begins, which is responsible for the youth and elasticity of the dermis.

Manipulations occur in three stages:

  1. Superimposed thin layer of drug with low acid concentration.
  2. If there are no side effects, then the mask is reapplied, in which the concentration of the active component is much higher. It is at this stage that the epidermis warms up and fat breakdown begins.
  3. Acid is removed, the master uses sedatives to relieve discomfort and irritation.

Immediately after the procedure, intense peeling begins, which lasts for several days. What remains is clean skin, without plugs, blackheads, or keratinized top layer.

Treatment with modern drugs

When there is no time to visit a cosmetologist, then it is recommended to use store-bought preparations against clogged pores that cleanse the dermis, remove fat, dead skin particles, dirt, and blackheads.

Helpful advice! When using special masks for facial cleansing, you should not forget about other cleansing home procedures. If you do not regularly get rid of the stratum corneum of the epidermis, sebaceous film and dust, then the products will be ineffective.

Black mask

Most black masks contain natural ingredients to prevent side effects. The active element of the preparations is charcoal or black clay, due to which the mixture has a rich black color. The principle of using the funds is the same:

  1. Clean the skin with warm water using detergents (foam, gel), the main thing is that the composition should not contain aggressive components that can cause irritation.
  2. Apply the drug. For uniform distribution, it is recommended to use a special cosmetic spatula.
  3. Wait for the product to dry - it should turn into an elastic film.

Remove in one motion the black mask frozen on the face, which has absorbed the contents of the pores. If necessary, apply a soothing cream.

Adhesive mask

To cleanse your face, it is also recommended to use adhesives that successfully remove clogged pores, scattered blackheads, dirt and grease. The active components of the preparations loosen comedones, while simultaneously improving the structure of the epidermis, restoring silkiness and a healthy tone to the dermis.

When removing the product, the loosened contents of the pores are removed and the greasy film is removed. Do not overuse - just one procedure per week is enough.

Traditional methods for clearing clogged pores

Despite the huge range of pore cleaning products in stores and relatively inexpensive salon procedures, most women prefer to use home cosmetology products. Manipulations carried out at home allow you to get rid of unpleasant defects on the face, including acne, just as well. You can find out how to overcome acne.

The advantages of home cleaning include low cost (available products are used to prepare the product, which cost almost pennies) and efficiency. The results are not inferior to expensive salon peelings or hardware facial treatments.


One of the necessary stages of cleaning pores is steaming. Under the influence of heat treatment, it will be possible to remove only the upper part, while fat and dirt will remain in the depths, which will provoke inflammatory processes.

There are several ways to steam:

  • go to the bathhouse, because hot steam will not only provide access to the depths of the “crater”, but will also improve blood circulation and soften the sebaceous plug;
  • make a steam bath. You need to prepare a decoction of sage, chamomile, thyme or string (a liter of boiling water is enough for a handful of plant materials), and then cover with a towel, bend over and breathe in the steam for about 10 minutes;
  • use pharmaceutical drugs(kaolin and zinc ointment have warming properties).

Another way to prepare the skin to remove impurities is use cosmetic warming products.


  1. Cut from any natural fabric (cotton, flannel) mask.
  2. Soak it hot(not higher than 42 degrees) water.
  3. Squeeze excess moisture.
  4. Put the cloth onto the previously cleansed dermis.
  5. Leave for a quarter of an hour.

Home cosmetology suggests replacing water with a herbal decoction, which is more beneficial for the dermis. It is recommended to use plantain, linden flowers, eucalyptus, and mint as plant raw materials.


For problematic facial skin, which brings a lot of trouble with blackheads and clogged pores, it is recommended to use herbal tinctures for cleansing. They have cleansing, anti-inflammatory, soothing qualities. These will do a great job of cleaning the dermis plants:

  • calendula;
  • chamomile;
  • tricolor violet;
  • motherwort;
  • nettle;
  • mint;
  • strawberries

Dry or fresh plant materials are suitable for preparing the tincture - this will not affect the effectiveness of the effect. Brew the herbs (20 grams) chopped into a fine pulp with boiling water (150 ml), leave for about an hour. To increase the concentration of nutrients, you need to tightly close the container and then wrap it in a warm scarf. Use daily as a lotion. You should wipe your skin at least three times a day.


Another effective way to remove pore contents is to use a homemade scrub. The products usually contain soda and salt, which remove sebum, as well as dead skin cells of the epidermis.

Preparation, use:

  1. Mix equal parts baking soda and fine salt.
  2. Add warm boiled water in small portions, watch the consistency - the mass should resemble thick sour cream.
  3. Use a cotton pad to treat the dermis - rub the problem areas with massaging movements.

Advice! The manipulations must be completed by thoroughly rinsing the skin, as well as applying a soothing drug.

Home cosmetology suggests combining different formulations, as well as adding other components that, while cleansing, will saturate the epidermal tissue with useful elements and moisturize. Cottage cheese, sour cream and yogurt, as well as chopped vegetables or fruits, are perfect as additional ingredients.

What to do and how to carry out the procedure correctly without harm to the skin? There are several cleaning rules that are recommended to be strictly followed, otherwise it is easy to harm the skin and even provoke unwanted complications. Cosmetologists advise:

  • will useь in home procedures only fresh quality Components;
  • clean at least once a week;
  • do not try to remove the contents of the pores mechanically, especially without pre-warming or a warm compress;
  • carefully before manipulation wash your hands, use detergents, after all, you can easily introduce an infection into the epidermal tissue;
  • before home treatments go to a specialist, who will determine the depth of the sebaceous plugs and recommend a suitable cleaning option.

Helpful advice! Another rule is not to use decorative cosmetics immediately after cleansing the dermis. The pores, enlarged after manipulation, will readily accept a new portion of impurities, which will be much more difficult to get rid of.

What creams don't clog pores?

Before purchasing products that do not forget your pores, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the composition. The content of salicylic acid, sulfur, mineral oil, and plant components ensures that the epidermal tissues receive the required portion of the necessary elements without the formation of sebaceous plugs.

Sebaceous plugs are a defect that brings a lot of trouble. Therefore, it is better to begin the fight against formations immediately. Before you cleanse your facial skin of clogged pores at home, it is recommended to visit a cosmetologist. Only a specialist can individually determine which method will bring the greatest benefit to the skin of the face and will not provoke unwanted complications.

The presence of clogged pores on the face is a big problem, because they cause acne and redness, which significantly spoils the appearance of the skin and causes discomfort. To cleanse the skin, many people prefer to resort to salon procedures, forgetting about homemade cleaning recipes, which can be no less effective. To quickly eliminate a cosmetic defect, it is enough to familiarize yourself with the proven methods that girls have been using for several decades.


In teenagers, clogged pores on the face most often appear due to hormonal changes. Everything is much more complicated in adults - here several problems can contribute to the formation of blackheads:

  • Fat type. The sebaceous glands work hyperactively, as a result of which fat gets into the pores and clogs them. The problem can be solved with proper care and timely removal of shine. It is also worth considering that hyperactivity of the glands is often caused by poor nutrition;
  • Lack of care for the epidermis. The dermis needs to be cleansed daily, masks made several times a week, lotions used - this is the minimum set. If this is not done, over time the pores will become very clogged;
  • Using low-quality or inappropriate cosmetics. Foundations and powders must match your skin type. It is advisable to give preference to brands that use natural ingredients;
  • Abuse of decorative cosmetics. Creams, concealers, and powders form a dense layer on the skin, and the flow of oxygen slows down. This causes blockage;
  • Sedentary lifestyle, rare visits to the street;
  • The use of comedogenic oils that do not match the type.

The latter is common. Many people mistakenly believe that oils are equally beneficial for the skin, forgetting that each of them performs different functions and what has a beneficial effect on dry skin types can have a detrimental effect on oily skin types.


At first, the impurities are not very noticeable, but the girl can see them in the mirror when examining the skin in detail. Subsequently, the following changes occur:

  • The relief of the skin changes and becomes lumpy;
  • The pores become clogged with oil, resulting in the formation of pimples and blackheads;
  • Comedones appear on the chin and nose;
  • A healthy glow disappears, the complexion becomes reddish.

The most important symptom – wide pores – is visible to the naked eye. Deficiencies can be masked with foundation, but this will only aggravate the situation; after a while, even the best products will no longer help.

The best option is regular facial cleansing in a salon or at home.

Important! If the reason for closing the pores is the use of a cream, it is recommended to avoid it for a while to make sure that it is the negative factor.

Methods of cleansing

Those who do not know how to get rid of blackheads and open pores should familiarize themselves with effective methods that allow you to achieve good results in several sessions.

Salon facial cleansing

Those wishing to get rid of contaminants should pay attention to several types of procedures carried out in the salon:

Chemical peelingFruit acids are used. There are superficial, medium and deep cleaning. The result is breathable skin and rejuvenation
Manual cleaningThe doctor manually removes the rash from the steamed dermis. A painful and traumatic method. Rehabilitation takes 5-7 hours
LaserPainless and safe technique. Penetrating deep into the dermis, the laser destroys formations and stops inflammatory processes
UltrasonicThe principle is similar to laser, but ultrasound affects contaminants
MechanicalSpecial tools are used. Not suitable for sensitive dermis due to moderate pain
VacuumImpurities are pulled out of the dermis using special attachments. The procedure is painless, but the effect is only superficial

Homemade facial cleansing

The use of home recipes is effective in combination with compliance with several rules:

  • Removing decorative cosmetics at night and before procedures is mandatory;
  • It is recommended to use scrubs, peelings, peeling rollers 2-2 times a week - they remove impurities well. Rolling rays are best for sensitive skin;
  • Steam herbal baths make the dermis breathable and promote cleansing, so they should be done 1-2 times a week;
  • For sensitive epidermis, gommage is used.

Film masks clean the points well - you can buy them in a store or pharmacy. The rest of the products are prepared independently according to proven recipes.


If you want to remove impurities, narrow pores and make them clean, you just need to choose the most suitable recipe from those offered.

Soft scrub

Light oatmeal peeling allows you to achieve perfect cleanliness and smoothness:

  • Grind the oatmeal in a coffee grinder;
  • Fill the composition with water, stir, leave for 5 minutes;
  • Using gentle massaging movements, distribute over the dermis;
  • Massage for 3-5 minutes, then rinse.

Clay mask

For oily or combination types, blue, black or green clay is ideal:

  • Dilute a bag of clay powder with water, stir until it reaches a creamy consistency;
  • Apply to the skin with light circular movements;
  • After leaving for 20 minutes, rinse with room water.

Curd mask

The composition has a whitening, anti-inflammatory, moisturizing, rejuvenating effect:

  • Combine a large spoonful of low-fat cottage cheese with honey;
  • Apply over the face using massaging movements;
  • Remove after 15 minutes.

Gelatin mask

This composition is best suited for relieving inflammation and cleaning sensitive dermis:

  • Mix a tablespoon of gelatin powder with two crushed tablets of activated carbon, pour milk over everything;
  • Leave to swell for 7 minutes after stirring;
  • Distribute the mass in a dense layer;
  • Exposure time is up to 15 minutes.

Oils that don't clog pores

Using the wrong oils is bound to clog your pores, so it's important to know which ones are non-comedogenic.

Comedogenicity implies the risk of formation of comedones. Non-comedogenicity, accordingly, allows you to use oils without harm to the epidermis of oily or mixed type.


The following are considered the best oils that do not clog pores:

  • Shea, sunflower, safflower;
  • Argan, mango, hemp;
  • Black cumin, rose hips, margosa;
  • Sea buckthorn, sesame, castor, pomegranate seeds.

Moderately comedic

Moderate comedogenicity should be understood as an unpredictable effect on the fatty type. To understand whether the oil is suitable, you will have to observe the reaction for several weeks after starting use.

Which oils are considered moderately comedogenic:

  • Pumpkin, sandalwood, tamanu;
  • Almond, peanut, apricot;
  • Soy, olive, macadamia;
  • Grape, hazelnut, baobab seeds;
  • Camphor, jojoba, cotton;
  • Unrefined sesame, corn.

The video below talks about the comedogenicity of oils:


In cosmetology, comedogenic oils with a high risk of contamination include:

  • Coconut;
  • Wheat germ;
  • Linen;
  • Palm;
  • Cocoa.

It is also worth considering pharmaceutical preparations that contain fats and are highly comedogenic. These include petroleum jelly, ceresin, shark liver oil, lanolin, mink oil, beeswax or emulsion wax, candela wax. Their use is contraindicated for oily skin.

From the video presented you will learn what doctors advise:


Using recipes for cleaning pores at home allows you to achieve positive results from the first procedures. The following changes become noticeable:

  • Well-groomed skin;
  • Elimination of blackheads;
  • Relieving inflammation and redness.

Important! Cleaning should be done no more than 2-3 times a week. There should be at least 1 day between sessions.

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Clogged pores are one of the main causes of acne and other skin blemishes. When the sebaceous glands produce excess oil, it combines with dead skin cells to form plugs. Bacteria begin to multiply, leading to spots and inflammation.

Although the most prominent place for this is the face, clogged pores can occur in various places on the body, such as the back, neck, arms or chest. Taking care of your skin every day will help you prevent clogged pores.

What to do and what to avoid in the fight for clear skin

  1. Buy skin care products that are water-based or contain minimal oils. These products do not clog your pores and keep your skin clear.
  2. Wash your face twice a day using a special cleanser. Next, rinse all traces of cleanser from your skin with warm water or a facial toner. Gently pat your face dry with a soft towel. Ideally, you should also wash your face after exercise or prolonged exposure to pollutants such as cigarette smoke.
  3. Exfoliate your skin 1-2 times a week to remove dry, dead skin cells that clog your pores. Use a fruit facial peel or cream to prevent skin irritation.
  4. Don't apply makeup too thickly. Then you will not be able to completely remove it, which will cause clogged pores. And a thick layer of foundation and powder will not add beauty to you.
  5. Avoid sleeping with makeup on. Remove all traces of makeup before going to bed, otherwise the next morning you will be left with pimples, blackheads and terrible circles under your eyes.
  6. Keep your hands and other objects away from your face as much as possible. This will help prevent the transfer of oils and bacteria from your hands and objects to your skin.
  7. Do not squeeze the blackheads or they will become even larger. You risk getting an infection (use masks with aloe for acne, or a black mask).
  8. Limit the amount of time spent in areas where the skin is exposed to grease, oil or other pollutants such as smoke or dust. Avoid spending time in fast food restaurants and automotive stores if possible.
  9. Keep your hair away from your face to protect your skin from constant friction and reduce the risk of clogged pores. Choose hairstyles without bangs - they are a paradise for pimples and blackheads. It is better to collect your hair in a ponytail, braid or stylish bun.
  10. Reduce the amount of contact and friction between your skin and other materials such as clothing, hats and sports equipment.
  11. Less sweets. Everyone loves to enjoy chocolate, but you shouldn’t overeat, because your skin will immediately react to it and not in the best way.
  12. Hygiene. This applies to makeup brushes, towels and bed linen. They must always be clean.

Three main rules in skin care:

  • do not forget to drink your daily dose of clean water;
  • give up alcohol and cigarettes;
  • take proper care of your skin.

By following the simple tips in this article, you will never encounter the problem of clogged pores, and your skin will always be clean and healthy.