Making folders, folding folders (for visual aids). Folder-slider for parents "How to make the adaptation period softer?" methodical development (junior group) on the topic Folder movement by hands step by step instructions

Dear colleagues! Today I will tell you how you can make a bright, colorful, and most importantly necessary for work folder-slider with your own hands. It will take a little time, I did it in 2 days at a quiet hour, in general I spent about 3 hours, excluding drying. The materials are quite affordable, special skills are not required. This material is presented step by step with a photo, you only need your desire. Well, the result will please you very much, so go ahead ...

We will need:

  • cardboard box need sheets without folds size 28cm * 36cm, 4 pieces, it can be smaller to fit A4 size, but then the background will not be visible
  • wallpaper size 25cm * 32cm, 4pcs, choose the color you like, I took neutral beige
  • fabric for pasting the edges, choose according to your taste, it is better if it is a thick cotton fabric
  • PVA glue
  • glue brush
  • files 4 pcs.
  • double sided tape for attaching files

From cardboard we cut out 4 blanks measuring 28cm * 36cm, from wallpaper cut out 4 parts (you can 8 if the folder is double-sided) 25cm*32cm. We cut the fabric into strips of 7 pcs. 36cm*5cm and 2 pcs. 115cm*5cm

First, we connect our sheets of cardboard, for this we glue the joints with a cloth, leaving a gap of about 1 cm between the sheets of cardboard so that our folder can fold.

Then we glue the sides and leave to dry for 1-2 hours so that the work does not stick to the table.

Next, turn the folder over and glue the connections on the other side, lastly glue the top and bottom sides. Carefully smooth the fabric over the cardboard so that there are no wrinkles or bumps. Let dry for 1-2 hours.

Dear Colleagues! Today I will tell you how you can make a bright, colorful, and most importantly necessary for work folder-slider with your own hands. It will take a little time, I did it in 2 days at a quiet hour, in general I spent about 3 hours, excluding drying. The materials are quite affordable, special skills are not required. This material is presented step by step with a photo, you only need your desire. Well, the result will please you very much, so go ahead ...

We will need:

  • cardboard box need sheets without folds size 28cm * 36cm, 4 pieces, it can be smaller to fit A4 size, but then the background will not be visible
  • wallpaper size 25cm * 32cm, 4pcs, choose the color you like, I took neutral beige
  • fabric for pasting the edges, choose according to your taste, it is better if it is a thick cotton fabric
  • PVA glue
  • glue brush
  • files 4 pcs.
  • double sided tape for attaching files

From cardboard we cut out 4 blanks measuring 28cm * 36cm, from wallpaper cut out 4 parts (you can 8 if the folder is double-sided) 25cm*32cm. We cut the fabric into strips of 7 pcs. 36cm*5cm and 2 pcs. 115cm*5cm

First, we connect our sheets of cardboard, for this we glue the joints with a cloth, leaving a gap of about 1 cm between the sheets of cardboard so that our folder can fold.

Then we glue the sides and leave to dry for 1-2 hours so that the work does not stick to the table.

Next, turn the folder over and glue the connections on the other side, lastly glue the top and bottom sides. Carefully smooth the fabric over the cardboard so that there are no wrinkles or bumps. Let dry for 1-2 hours.

Dear colleagues!

This article is intended primarily for kindergarten teachers.

On the Internet you can find a lot of sites with ready-made sliders. But one of my visitors, kindergarten teacher Lyubov Nikolaevna, told me about her problem with using ready-made folders.

From her I learned that:

Firstly, not all users are able to download for free from file sharing services, and all links to download ready-made folders lead exactly to file sharing services. Secondly, not everyone knows how to add text to an empty background template for a slider folder.

Today I will tell you how you can add text to a template for a slide folder and, most importantly, where to get beautiful and high-quality ready-made background templates for slide folders for free.

Now we will go to the site
So, we opened the page of the site. Here we scroll down the page, almost to the end.

Click on my screenshots with the left mouse button to enlarge.

Now we find the picture-link "Templates for design", click on it and go to the next page.

Here we have a selection of template backgrounds for slide folders on different topics. Link below each picture. Select the required template and move on (wait for the selected template to load).

Well, now we see in all its glory a complete set of template backgrounds on the chosen topic. All templates and the title page of the future sliding folder are made in the same style. Here you can download the template, and print it for free or immediately on a color printer blank template if you need it.

This site has another very useful feature. Right on this page, you can enter your text into the template, and then print or save the template already with the text.

Click on the title page. A typing window appears. We type the text and click "Finish".

Now you can download (save) the template already with the entered text or print it right away.

So, the result: fast, convenient, beautiful! There is only one minus - the text can only be typed in black.

I am completing this article for now, but a continuation will appear soon, in which I will tell you how to enter text into a template using Microsoft Word.

See you! I wish you creative success!

Folders-sliders- This is a visual information material for parents, educators and, of course, children. Educators have long asked us to develop such stands so that they themselves do not have to spend their time searching for information on the topic, printing, gluing.

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"Making a do-it-yourself folder-slider"

Making a do-it-yourself folder.

Making a do-it-yourself folder.

dense folders for papers, files, stapler, colored and transparent adhesive tape, information on sheets A-4, the one you want to put in folder.

Folders do not cut for papers, but fold in half along the fold. We wrap the edges of paper folders with colored tape (choose your own color)

Then we lay out the wrapped folders and connect them together with transparent tape (along the wholefolders on both sides )

Now we put our information in a transparent file, either cut off the white edge or fold it in. Fasten with a stapler to folder.

And so on until the end. I have folders and 5 sheets, and 6 sheets, and even 12.

It's up to you what information you want to post.

I will tell you another secret. On the second side, you can also post information. Thus making one folder, you get two.

IN folders- I post material related to one specific topic, and also constantly update information, in the reception room of my group, parents can find answers to many of their questions.

But you can make such a useful and beautiful thing and for your own home. In order for the same material not to get bored, it needs to be updated periodically. Thematic crafts of this type are very interesting, for example, the "Autumn" slider folder. How to make such a design for a kindergarten or your home? And what information should be in the autumn folder?

What is a slide folder?

Surely you saw such visual materials in your childhood, but never thought about what they are called. The most common folders consist of four pages. The base is made of hard material, and the book folds like an accordion into a regular cardboard folder. The most common format is A4, but if you wish, you can make a product of a non-standard size. What is located on the pages of the folder? This is a selection of text on a specific topic with pictures and diagrams, you can add some songs or poems. If desired, it is easy and do it yourself.

We select materials

Folder-slider "Autumn" may include detailed description each of the three months. Think of funny names for September, October and December. Next, describe for each period the ongoing rural work, you can add some signs, proverbs and sayings. The more illustrations, the more interesting the folder-slider will be. Months can be depicted as Do not forget to describe possible activities that can also be illustrated. For example, tell the kids that in September it’s good to pick mushrooms and harvest, in October you should dress warmly and don’t forget an umbrella, and in November it’s already quite cold, and you can start preparing for new year holidays. In what technique to make a folder, it's up to you, you can stick rhymes and pictures separately on the base with an appliqué or draw them all together. If you know how to use computer programs for working with graphics, it is not at all difficult to make entire pages and simply print them. Do not be afraid to involve the children themselves in the work. If the kids take part in the creation of new clothes for the interior of the kindergarten, they will surely like the "Autumn" slider folder even more. If you are making this homework guide, feel free to add your own photos.

Who Should Make Folders?

Such visual aids are appropriate in kindergarten, and at school. After all, on the pages of a hard book you can state any information. If your child's kindergarten or class does not have these materials, talk to the caregiver or teacher. Folder-slider "Autumn", made by parents, will be appropriate in any interior. Due to the design features, such books stand well on any horizontal surfaces. Often they are placed on shelves or on top of cabinets. You can also suggest doing open class slide folders. Autumn, pictures with which any child can probably draw, will be a good topic. And if desired, creative process not only teachers and children, but also visiting parents will participate.