Entertainment in the preparatory group together with parents “Play outdoor games with us. An evening of entertainment with children from the preparatory group. Scenario Interesting unusual evenings of entertainment for the preparatory group

Galina Gavrilova
Evening of mathematical entertainment in the preparatory group “Sea Voyage”

Evening of entertainment« Cruise» V preparatory group.

Prepared and conducted by teacher Gavrilova Galina Mikhailovna

MBDOU kindergarten R. p. Issa

Target: In the process of working with entertaining tasks, games, puzzles develop children’s mental activity, ingenuity, qualities such as resourcefulness, independence, speed, dexterity, habit of labor effort - mental, physical. Create conditions for creativity.

Progress of entertainment:

Children enter the hall and sit on benches shaped like the bow of a ship. The presenter, dressed in a captain's uniform, enters to the music.

Captain: Hello guys! How big you have become and we are seeing you off on your big voyage - to school. I came today to see what you have become attentive, resourceful, smart. We will organize competitions on the deck of the ship.

"Choose the right course"

We need to steer the ship in the right direction. Take him past icebergs and high cliffs. I propose to choose two sailors who will show us the correct course.

So, our ship is on the high seas. The course was chosen correctly. And we continue our competition for attentive and smart children.

Held didactic game "Name the neighbors"

The children stand in a circle and the captain throws them a ball. The catcher must name the neighbors of the number named by the captain.

The tasks are a joke.

* Five apples grew on the pear, but only two on the tree.

How many apples have grown? (answer: none, Apples don’t grow on these trees.)

* What will happen to a white scarf if it is lowered into the Black Sea? (It will become wet.)

* How many nuts are there in an empty glass? (Not at all. The glass is empty.)

* In February, three daisies and two roses bloomed in our yard.

How many flowers are there in the yard? (Not at all. Flowers don’t grow in February.)

* There are three daisies and two tulips in the vase.

How many daisies are there in the vase? (Three daisies).

* What kind of dishes is it impossible to eat anything from? (From empty.)

* Eight dog paws are visible from under the gate. How many dogs are there outside the gate?

Two dogs.)

* What is heavier, a kilogram of cotton wool or a kilogram of stones?

(Weight is the same.)

Mom cut the chocolate bar into three parts.

How many cuts did she make? (Two cuts.)

* How to bring water in a sieve? (Freezing her.)

* The long-awaited January has arrived. First one apple tree bloomed, and then three more plum trees.

How many trees bloomed? (Trees don't bloom in winter)

* 9 steamships sailed at sea. Two ships landed at the pier.

How many ships are there at sea? (nine ships)

* The animal has two right legs and two left legs, two front and two back.

How many legs does an animal have? (Four)

Captain: Well, you completed the task. Now let's take a break and play an outdoor game.

Outdoor game:"Third wheel"

Preparation. Players in pairs sit behind each other's heads in a circle. The distance between pairs is 1-2 m. Two are appointed driving: one running away, another catching up.

Description of the game. At the sound of a sound signal, the runner tries to get as far away from the catcher as possible and then suddenly stands in front of one of the pairs, the back player, who is quickly running away. The game will be more interesting if this back player becomes catching up and can "salt" another until he stands in front of a couple.

Rules. 1. While running, players do not have the right to touch other players with their hands or other parts of the body. 2. The back of the pair cannot start before the runner gets up in front. 3. The runner must not run inside the circle, otherwise he becomes a catcher.

Captain: Well done! Now tell me, what geometric shapes do you know? All my figures are mixed up. Help me sort them out envelopes: each envelope has its own figure.

Didactic game "Choose a figure"

Captain: Well done! You know the names geometric shapes, you know how to disassemble them and, probably, you will help me and my ship designer solve another unusual problem. My assistant and I decided to come up with a new submarine. But we don’t know what to do.

Didactic game: "Find the missing figure"

Well done! I'm adding you all to my team!

(The captain looks through binoculars)

Our ship is approaching land. During this time, I became convinced that you are resourceful, smart, dexterous children. I am confident that you will do well in school. But it's time for us to say goodbye. To remember our meeting, I will give you souvenirs. (Gives the children shells)

Publications on the topic:

Summary of the integrated lesson “Sea voyage” in the preparatory group Abstract open class"Cruise" Senior group Goal: Development of creative imagination. Activation of children's vocabulary, expansion.

Objectives: 1. Summarize the knowledge acquired during the year: consolidate counting and order of numbers (up to 10 and back, consolidate the composition of numbers, consolidate.

Summary of educational activities for speech development “Sea voyage” in the preparatory speech therapy group Goal: Development of coherent speech in children. Objectives: Correctional and educational: 1. Activation and updating of the dictionary on the topic “Inhabitants of the seas.

Evening of entertainment for Mother's Day in the second junior group “My dear mother” Municipal budget preschool educational institution“Razdolnensky kindergarten No. 5 “Fairy Tale” Evening of entertainment “Dear Mom.

Competitions between intermediate groups preschool age, dedicated to the holiday February 23 “Young Defender of the Motherland” For secondary preschool groups.

Goal: To develop communicative, social and moral qualities in children. Formation of artistic skills in children through use.

Summary of an evening of fun with children preparatory group"Visiting the Master Pencil."

Description of work. I bring to your attention a summary of the evening of entertainment with the children of the preparatory group “Visiting the Master Pencil”. This material will be useful for teachers of the preparatory group.
Target. To support children's interest in fine arts.
- introduce the history of the creation of the pencil;
- consolidate knowledge about primary and derivative colors, warm and cold, the order of colors in the spectrum.
-develop fantasy and imagination.
- imagination and fantasy in children.
Integration of educational areas.
"Social and communicative development", " Cognitive development"," Artistic and aesthetic development ".

Material and equipment.

Master Pencil costume: pencil nose, beret, bow, cape, palette. Cardboard image of pencils. Colored cards for each child (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple). Image of a rainbow, screen.
For the game “Artists - Dreamers”: sheets of paper with images of geometric shapes (oval, square, triangle, circle, rectangle).
For the “Smart Pencil” scene: a silhouette of a pencil (any color), a mouse, an easel, a sheet of Whatman paper, charcoal or a marker. For the game “Merry Artists”: two dark blindfolds, two markers, two sheets of paper.
Gifts for children (paints, albums).
Musical recordings: to accompany games (rain music, music for the appearance of Master Pencil).
Decor. The group is decorated with images of colored pencils and bright butterflies.

Progress of entertainment.

magic wand
I have it, friends!
With this stick
I can build
Tower, house, and plane,
And a huge ship.
Master Pencil enters to the music and greets the children.
Master Pencil. My great-great-great-great-grandfather represented a silver or even gold stick. They used to draw with these sticks for a very long time. And then in England they made graphite rods (shows a pencil), and in another country, France, scientists came up with wooden “Clothing” for pencils. And so the factories started working, putting writing sticks in wooden shirts. Nowadays many different pencils are made in the world. There are pencils - giants up to three meters high and pencils - midgets a little more than one centimeter. There are pencils with erasers and pencils that can be sharpened without a knife. There are pencils for sleepyheads: at the end there is a bell, with its ringing it prevents you from dozing off while writing.
I have many friends. Want to know what color they are? Guess the riddles and the answers will appear. (Approaches the screen.)
Hello, hello pencil!
Our favorite pencil!
You start drawing strawberries.
It’s a pity that you can’t pick strawberries in your notebook.
So the cherries are filled with ripe juice,
Both viburnum and rowan are all...(red).
(A pencil appears on the screen - an image on cardboard.)
And this pencil
Loves the sun, loves the beach (yellow)
(A yellow pencil appears).
Where are you, where are you, pencil?
Why won't you give us an answer?
From a multi-colored box
Rolled away unnoticed.
How should I draw the sky?

Why should I disturb the sea? (Blue.)
(A blue pencil appears.)
Master Pencil. You guessed the riddles and saw the answers. And now the game begins. I would like to paint, but I don’t know where the paints are?
Children. We are here. (Take out colored cards).
Master Pencil.
I’ll take three basic colors,
These colors are not simple,
All others are made of them.
Where are these main colors? (Children with cards red, yellow, of blue color run up to Master Pencil.)
If red with yellow next to it -
The sun is shining, dear.
Children will draw oranges and tangerines!
(On the screen, between the red and yellow pencil, orange appears. Children compare the color they found with it.)
If yellow and blue become friends,
Will it be possible to get new paint? (children find the right color. A green pencil appears on the screen.)
Red and blue have become friends!
It turned out to be a different color -
Eggplants or plums.
Guess what color?
(Children show a card - the answer. A purple pencil appears on the screen.)
Warm colors joined hands together,
They bowed, smiled,
They circled and separated.
(Children perform the so-called movements to the music.)
Cold colors joined hands together,
They bowed, smiled,
They circled and separated.
(Children sit down.)
Do you want to hear a conversation between colored pencils? Then, listen. (Rain music sounds.)
Educator. Sometimes, to the sound of rain, it seems to us that things can talk. And our pencils too. Do you hear what the red pencil says?
Red. I am poppy, I am fire.
Educator. An orange voice follows him.
Orange. I'm an orange.
Educator. Yellow is not silent either.
Yellow. I am the sun.
Educator. And the green rustles.
Green. I forest.
Educator. The blue one hums quietly...
Blue. I am the sky, the sky. Sky.
Educator. Blue is ringing...
Blue. I'm a bell.
Educator. And the purple one whispers...
Violet. I'm a violet.
The rain stops.
And for a minute he grew into the ground
Multi-colored miracle bridge.
The miracle master made
The bridge is high without railings.
What kind of multi-colored bridge is this? (Rainbow.)
An image of a rainbow appears above the pencils.
And we hear the voices of colored pencils again.
Red. Look - the rainbow is me!
Orange. And I!
(The others say: “Me too”)
Educator. Everyone is happy! In the rainbow there is a poppy, an orange, the sun, a forest, a bell, and a violet. Admire and name the colors (children name the colors of the spectrum in order in chorus). Divide into two teams of seven people. Imagine that our group is the sky, and while the music is playing you are colorful droplets. As soon as the music ends, the droplets immediately turn into a rainbow. Whose team will line up the fastest in order of the colors of the rainbow? (Children line up to the music of rain, taking cards - paints.)
The colors are terribly tired today:
They painted a rainbow in the sky.
We worked for a long time on the rainbow of colors,
The rainbow came out as beautiful as in a fairy tale.
Master Pencil.
But if you took it in your hands
Pencil for boredom
He can hardly draw
A lopsided, boring house.
All the flowers will be yours
In this picture
Wither away from boredom
Smell like gray summer...
Don't pick it up
Pencil for boredom!
Educator. But our children, dear Master Pencil, love to draw and never
They don’t pick up a pencil out of boredom.
(Children sing the song “Children love to draw”)
Educator. While the music is playing, try to turn a circle, a square,
triangle, oval into any object. The first one to “disenchant” the figure will show his drawing to the Pencil Master. (The game “Artists – Dreamers” is played.)
Master Pencil(looks at the drawings). Absolutely right, this is all I wanted to draw: balloon, clown face, tomato, house, etc. Well done!
And now I want to see what kind of artists you are. Who can draw my portrait blindfolded while the music is playing?
Game "Merry Artists".
Children draw and then give portraits to Master Pencil.
Master Pencil.
...Flowers, cars, dancing, fairy tales -
Let's draw everything! If only there were colors
Yes, a sheet of paper is on the table,
Yes, peace in the family and on Earth!
As a farewell, he gives the children paints and albums, and as a token of gratitude they sing the song “In the World of Colors and Melodies.”

Marina Krasnova

Entertainment for children of the preparatory group"Talkers"

« Such interesting water»

"Entertaining experiments"

Target: create a joyful mood in children, show the enormous importance of water for all living beings, clarify children’s ideas about the different states of water, develop the ability to solve riddles. Stimulate children's desire to experiment. Promote a stable emotional and positive well-being and activity of the child within the framework of joint and independent activity on experimentation.

Previous work: games with water, conversations about water, about the states of water, about how water helps people, reading and looking at illustrations on the topic « Water» . Reading and looking at a book "Experiments and Discoveries".

Equipment and attributes: 2 buckets, 2 glasses(for each child, salt, noodles, spoons (for stirring, glass jar, sheets of paper, plasticine, soda, vinegar, gouache.

Move entertainment: (carried out at the kindergarten site)

Educator: Hello guys. Please guess mine riddle: I am needed in heaven and on earth, no one and nothing can do without me. I am needed by everyone, everyone, everyone.

One to swim

For others - to quench their thirst,

The third is to wash something,

And for housewives to cook different dishes!

Who am I? I am the Queen Water!

And you guys know who needs it and why water? Then try to answer mine questions:

Who can't live without water? (people, plants, animals, birds)

Why is it needed? water plants and animals? (to live and grow)

What do people do with water? (cook dinner, drink, bathe, wash, wash, water)

Where on earth is it found water? (in seas, rivers, lakes, oceans, streams, in puddles).

Whether there is a water in the sky? Where? (There is: in clouds, in clouds, in snowflakes, fogs)

V.: Well done, guys. Everything is correct they said: plants need to be watered, otherwise they will dry out, animals need to drink water, and, for example, fish, live in it. To people water is needed constantly: to drink, bathe, wash, wash, harden and relax near water. No living creature can survive without water. On earth, in seas, oceans, and rivers, and also underground in wells and springs. People know that spring the water is the cleanest, tasty and healthy, and when people come to the spring, they get clean water for themselves.

V.: But in the sky water happens too when clouds creep over it.

(reading poems about rain)

What are you pouring? There will be a loaf of bread,

Won't you let us go for a walk? Rain, rain, let it rain

I water rainwater Let the peas grow!

My land, mine, mine.

My street and yard,

My roof and fence,

I'm washing the gate

And trees and bushes,

To be there for May Day

Everyone is washed and clean!

Q: Do you like to solve riddles? Just remember that all my riddles are related to water

Without a path and without a road

The longest legged one walks

Hiding in the clouds, in the darkness,

Only feet on the ground (rain)

Without boards, without axes,

The bridge across the river is ready

Bridge like blue glass

Slippery, fun, light! (ice)

She grows upside down

It grows not in summer, but in winter,

But the sun will bake her, -

She will cry and die (icicle)

Stars are falling from the sky,

They will lie down in the fields,

Let him hide under them

Black earth.

Many, many stars

Thin as glass

The stars are cold,

And the earth is warm (snowflakes)

Fluffy cotton wool floats somewhere.

Here's the cotton wool below - and the rain is closer (clouds)

V.: Yes, guys, all these natural phenomena - snowflakes, icicles, ice, clouds - are also associated with water. Ice and icicles – frozen water, snowflakes are frozen rain, and clouds are droplets of water flying across the sky.

V.: And now, in order to get acquainted with the properties of water, we will conduct experiments. And our first experience with you is called "Transparent water» .

(Target: Bring children to a generalization "pure water is clear» , A “dirty – opaque”. Move: Prepare two glasses with water and a set of small sinking objects (pebbles, buttons, beads, coins). Give exercise: prove that water in the jar is also transparent (children put it in glass small items, and they will be visible).

V.: Guys, please answer if I lower it into a glass of some sand, will it the water is just as clear?

(Listen to the answers, then demonstrate on experience: V cup add a little sand with water and stir. The water has become dirty, cloudy).

V.: So you and I are convinced that it’s clean the water is clear, objects are visible through it; cloudy the water is opaque.

V.: Our next experience « Water as a solvent» . (Target: show that some substances dissolve in water and some do not. Move: each child has two glass of water. Put some noodles in one of them and try to stir it with a spoon. What happens? Did the noodles dissolve or not? Take another one glass and pour a spoonful of salt into it, stir it. What happened now?

Invite children to stir watercolor paint in glass of water. Why the water became colored? (The paint has dissolved in it).

V.: You and I are convinced that not all substances dissolve in water.

V.: Our next experiment is called "Fluidity of Water". (Target: Show what water has no shape, spills, flows). Move: take 2 glasses, filled with water. Set question: “Does water have a form?”. Invite children to find the answer on their own by pouring water from one container to another. (cup, saucer, bottle, etc.). Remember where and how puddles spill).

V.: So you and I are convinced that water has no shape, but takes the form of the vessel into which it is poured, that is water can easily change shape.

V.: Our next experience "Magic Leaf". (Target: show that due to air pressure, water does not flow out of the jar. Move: Fill the jar (plastic glass) to the brim with water and place a piece of paper on top. Hold the paper and quickly turn the jar over (glass) . Then remove your hand. Thanks to air pressure, the leaf is firmly pressed from below to the edges of the jar (glasses) And "overlaps" water. Air cannot penetrate inside the jar ( cup, A water flow out of it.

V.: You guys see how well our water festival went today! And at the end I have a surprise for you - "living volcano".

We will need material for the volcano: it can be plasticine, and a glass jar inserted into the plasticine accordingly. We sculpt a mountain with a crater around the jar on a tray, which will be the camouflaged neck of the jar. Next, pour 1 tablespoon of baking soda into the crater, the same amount of any dishwashing liquid, and a few drops of red gouache to give it the color of lava. (Dosage is given per jar with a capacity of 100-150 ml). If you now pour 40-50 ml of 3-9% table vinegar into the crater of a volcano, an eruption will begin, and seething foam will pour out of the crater. A chemical reaction occurs, releasing carbon dioxide, which bubbles, causing the mass to overflow over the edges of the crater. (Everything is completely harmless and safe. This experiment is completely harmless and guarantees the child complete safety from burns, poisoning and other troubles. The only negative is the smell of vinegar, which can be corrected by conducting the experiment on the street. And, of course, you need to explain to the child that "do" the volcano is possible only with you).

V.: Guys, I hope that today you received a charge of cheerfulness and Have a good mood and ours is with you entertainment and experiences, you will remember for a long time.


  • Develop visual-figurative thinking, constructive imagination, creative imagination.
  • Learn independently: analyze, generalize, build your own hypotheses, establish cause-and-effect relationships.
  • To foster in children independence, perseverance, cognitive activity, the need to develop self-esteem and communication skills.

Developmental environment:

  • Set of geometric shapes, numbers from 1 to 9, ball.
  • Labyrinth, 2 sets of figures for the game “Tangram”, flannelgraph, sample.
  • Counting sticks, “Magic chest” with origami toys.

Preliminary work:

During classes and in organizing children’s independent activities, various types of simple activities were offered. logical problems and exercises - this is for finding a missing number, a missing figure, continuation of a series of figures, searching for numbers, tasks for identifying differences, etc. They offered games “What's extra”, “Find the mistake”, games for composing figures - silhouettes from special sets: “Mongolian game”, “Tangram”.

Progress of entertainment

Guys, today we will take a trip to the country of “Zanimatika”. Where we will solve unusual problems, perform tasks for ingenuity and ingenuity. And the Queen of Mathematics will help us with this. She should come to us here, now.

/knock on the door/

And here she is.

/submit a letter/

Letter? Who is it from? Oh, guys, this is a letter from the queen herself. What happened? Why didn’t the queen come herself, but sent a letter? Let's read it.

/read the letter/

Dear guys, a disaster has happened in my country. The disgusting sorcerer Klyaksich took over the country and created chaos there, and imprisoned me in his fortress. I know how to defeat Klyaksich, but for this I need brave, resourceful and savvy assistants. If you solve all the tasks that I send you without errors, then you will be able to restore order and free me.

Queen of Mathematics.

Well, guys, let's help the queen? I hope that you will not be afraid of difficulties, will overcome all obstacles, and show ingenuity and resourcefulness.

But before we hit the road, let's do a warm-up. I'll start the sentence and you finish it.

1. If the table is higher than the chair, then the chair... (below the table)

2. If two are more than one, then one... (less than two)

3. If the sister older than brother, then brother... (younger than sister)

4. If right hand right, then left... (left)

Okay, now let’s solve some interesting problems:

1. How many ears do 3 mice have?

2. How many paws do 2 cubs have?

3. 7 brothers have one sister. How many sisters are there in total?

And now you can hit the road.

This is the first task that the queen sent.

/ reads the task /

1. Determine which windows in the last house Klyaksich painted over.

/use geometric shapes to make windows/

We have completed the first task, now let's move on to the second.

2. Klyaksich got into the numbers and mixed everything up.

a) Find what is superfluous?

b) What number is missing?

c) Which number is incorrect?

d) Game “Day and Night”.

D) Find and show all the numbers in order.

Well done guys, you did everything right, and since the numbers are in order, we need to check if everything is in order with the numbers. Let's play the game “Name the Number”.

/children stand in a small circle and throw the ball to each other. The one who catches him must name the numbers starting with 1 ><, названного; перед, за, после названного; между (задания детям даёт воспитатель).

Name the number before the number 7; before the number 9; after the number 5; after the number 3.

Name the number between 2 and 4; 6 and 8/.

We played, and now we will continue our path to the liberation of the queen.

3. Klyaksich has prepared a new test for you; to approach his fortress, you must find the right way out of the maze.

Here we come to the fortress where the queen is located.

4. To get into the fortress, you need to lay out exactly the same fortress using 2 sets from the game “Tangram”.

5. Guys, you are almost there, you have very little left, now you must complete the most difficult task. You have to find the key to my dungeon, which Klyaksich hid in this puzzle.

(In three squares you need to move four sticks to make a key)

6. Last task: The Terrible Klyaksich bewitched me and only in the magic mirror do I see my correct image. You can disenchant me if you find five differences.

/surprise moment/

Queen Mathematics appears with a “Magic Chest” containing origami toys for every child.

Queen of Mathematics: Thank you guys for freeing me from the evil Klyaksich, you showed your ingenuity, resourcefulness... I thank you.

  1. BEHIND. Mikhailov “Game entertaining tasks for preschoolers.”
  2. M.V. Kralina “Logic”.

Target: to form in children a positive acceptance of proper names, friendly relationships in the group, a reflexive component in assessing their own and the team’s success and failures.


  • consolidate children's knowledge about their full names;
  • develop the ability to work in a team;
  • create a friendly atmosphere in the group.

Equipment and materials: 4 sets of counting sticks, sheets of whatman paper with images of balls, colored pencils, balls, tape recorder, beans, sweet treats for all participants.

Progress of the event.

Psychologist: hello guys, before we start our entertainment, I invite you to guess the theme of the upcoming event. And so listen carefully:

We weren't there - it was
We won't be there - it will be,
No one has seen it from anyone,
And everyone has it.

Both mom has it and dad has it,
My daughter has it, my granddaughter has it,
To get to know him
You have to say it out loud.

Children: Name.

Psychologist: correct name. A name plays a big role in people's lives. There is not a single person who does not have a name. What are names? Names are special words. You can't do without a name. People value their names and carry the name throughout their lives. A person can be deprived of all wealth, all rights, but he cannot be deprived of his name.
Why do you think people came up with names?

Children: to know whether it is a boy or a girl, a man or a woman, to distinguish one person from another.

Psychologist: and now, dear teams, I ask you to take your places, and the captains will introduce you to us. Jury presentation.

And so, we begin.

1 task

Ball game "I know five names"

Psychologist: Dear captains, please name 4 players who will take part in the game “I Know Five Names”

The team that calls the most names gets a chip.

2 task

"Call yourself an adult

Psychologist: each team member must quickly state his/her full name. The team with fewer mistakes gets a chip.

3 task

"Who is faster"

Psychologist: Dear captains, to participate in the third task, please nominate four participants. In front of the children are 4 written names and a set of counting sticks; at a signal, the children begin to lay out these names from the sticks, the team that completes the task faster receives a chip.

4 task

Outdoor game “Collect beans”

Participants are divided into 2 teams. All the beans are poured out onto the floor, there are transparent jars on two chairs, one with a red ribbon, the other with a green ribbon, each team has its own jar. Children are asked to run to the beans one by one and use plastic cups to collect and pour them into a jar. Five minutes are allotted for this; the team that collects the largest volume of beans receives a chip.

Task 5

"Fold down your name"

In front of the children are written words from the first letters of these words, they need to make a name, the captains are asked to choose 4 team members to complete the task. The first team to complete the task correctly receives a chip.

Task 6

Game "Tenderness"

Teams take turns standing in a circle, holding hands and affectionately calling each other by name (Tanyusha, Olenka, Vanechka, etc.), the team that copes most successfully receives a chip.

Summing up, awarding the winners.


“Photography of names in color”

Balloons are depicted on a large format sheet. Children choose the color of their name and shade the image. Collective portraits of the celebration participants are hung in the group room.

List of used literature:

— Kashigina E.A. “Holidays in kindergarten, games and entertainment. Issue 1. Development Academy 2006

— Meremyanina O. R. “Development of social skills of children 5-7 years old: cognitive - play activities / author. - comp. O. R. Meremyanina.- Volgograd: Teacher, 2012.-142 p.

educational psychologist MBDOU No. 40,

Nizhny Novgorod, Russia.